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Last active December 16, 2020 09:03
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  • Save hrysd/d04d16434f9eab208edb587eb88ad7e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hrysd/d04d16434f9eab208edb587eb88ad7e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
=== TestAssociations_test_association_with_composite_primary_key_can_be_autosaved.json ===
["SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1000 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1000 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1001 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1000 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1000 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1001) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_association_with_composite_primary_key_can_be_autosaved.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_new_style_includes_with_conditions.json ===
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"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" AS t0_r0, \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" AS t0_r1, \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" AS t0_r2, \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" AS t1_r0, \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" AS t1_r1, \"tariffs\".\"amount\" AS t1_r2, \"tariffs\".\"created_at\" AS t1_r3, \"tariffs\".\"updated_at\" AS t1_r4 FROM \"product_tariffs\" LEFT OUTER JOIN \"tariffs\" ON \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" WHERE (tariffs.amount < 5) ORDER BY \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" ASC, \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" ASC, \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_new_style_includes_with_conditions.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestFind_test_find_last_suburb_with_order.json ===
["SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" ORDER BY suburbs.city_id ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" ORDER BY suburbs.city_id ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_last_suburb_with_order.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_has_one_with_composite.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_one_with_composite.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_joins_has_many_with_primary_key.json ===
["SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" INNER JOIN \"readings\" ON \"readings\".\"user_id\" = \"memberships\".\"user_id\" WHERE \"readings\".\"id\" = ? ORDER BY \"memberships\".\"user_id\" ASC, \"memberships\".\"group_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" INNER JOIN \"readings\" ON \"readings\".\"user_id\" = \"memberships\".\"user_id\" WHERE \"readings\".\"id\" = ? ORDER BY \"memberships\".\"user_id\" ASC, \"memberships\".\"group_id\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_joins_has_many_with_primary_key.json ===
=== TestIds_test_id.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"pk_called_ids\".* FROM \"pk_called_ids\" ORDER BY id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestIds_test_id.json ===
=== TestAttributes_test_brackets.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAttributes_test_brackets.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_product_tariffs.json ===
["SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = ? AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = ? AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_product_tariffs.json ===
=== TestCallbacks_test_update.json ===
["SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"suburbs\" SET \"name\" = ? WHERE \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = ? AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE (\"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"suburbs\" SET \"name\" = ? WHERE (\"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1)"]
=== /TestCallbacks_test_update.json ===
=== TestFind_test_find_in_batches.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" ORDER BY \"departments\".\"id\" ASC, \"departments\".\"location_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" ORDER BY \"departments\".department_id ASC,\"departments\".location_id ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_in_batches.json ===
=== TestTutorialExample_test_membership.json ===
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"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" WHERE (\"memberships\".\"user_id\" = 1 AND \"memberships\".\"group_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestTutorialExample_test_membership.json ===
=== TestValidations_test_uniqueness_validation_persisted.json ===
["SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? AND NOT (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? AND (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" != ?) AND (\"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" != ?) AND (\"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" != ?) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestValidations_test_uniqueness_validation_persisted.json ===
=== TestSantiago_test_normal_and_composite_associations.json ===
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"INSERT INTO \"suburbs\" (\"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 2, 'Second Suburb');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"suburbs\" (\"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 3, 'Third Suburb');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"streets\" (\"id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'First Street');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"streets\" (\"id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 2, 2, 'First Street');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"streets\" (\"id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (3, 2, 2, 'Second Street');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"users\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 'Santiago');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"users\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 'Dr Nic');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"users\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (3, 'cfis');\n" +
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"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"streets\".* FROM \"streets\" WHERE \"streets\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = ? AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"suburbs\"",
"INSERT INTO \"suburbs\" (\"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 1, 'First Suburb')",
"INSERT INTO \"suburbs\" (\"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 1, 'Second Suburb')",
"INSERT INTO \"suburbs\" (\"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 2, 'Third Suburb')",
"DELETE FROM \"streets\"",
"INSERT INTO \"streets\" (\"id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'First Street')",
"INSERT INTO \"streets\" (\"id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 2, 1, 'First Street')",
"INSERT INTO \"streets\" (\"id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\", \"name\") VALUES (3, 2, 1, 'Second Street')",
"DELETE FROM \"articles\"",
"INSERT INTO \"articles\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 'Article One')",
"INSERT INTO \"articles\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 'Article Two')",
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"INSERT INTO \"readings\" (\"id\", \"user_id\", \"article_id\", \"rating\") VALUES (2, 1, 2, 5)",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE (\"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"streets\".* FROM \"streets\" WHERE \"streets\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = ? AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestSantiago_test_normal_and_composite_associations.json ===
=== TestFind_test_find_one_with_params_id.json ===
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"INSERT INTO \"capitols\" (\"country\", \"city\") VALUES ('France', 'Paris');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"capitols\" (\"country\", \"city\") VALUES ('Canada', 'Ottawa');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"capitols\" (\"country\", \"city\") VALUES ('Mexico', 'Mexico City')",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 3 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 3) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_one_with_params_id.json ===
=== TestPolymorphic_test_has_many_through.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"comments\".* FROM \"comments\" WHERE \"comments\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
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"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"articles\".* FROM \"articles\" INNER JOIN \"readings\" ON \"articles\".\"id\" = \"readings\".\"article_id\" WHERE \"readings\".\"user_id\" = ?"]
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=== TestDumpable_test_marshal_with_comples_preload.json ===
["SELECT \"readings\".* FROM \"readings\" WHERE \"readings\".\"article_id\" = 1",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" IN (1)"]
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=== TestFind_test_in_batches_of_1.json ===
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"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 2",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 3 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 2",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1)",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 2)",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1)",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 3 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 2)"]
=== /TestFind_test_in_batches_of_1.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_composite_belongs_to_changes.json ===
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"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" WHERE \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = 2 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" WHERE (\"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = 2) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_composite_belongs_to_changes.json ===
=== TestHabtm_test_habtm_clear_cpk_association_side_only.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 2 LIMIT ?",
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"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 2) LIMIT ?",
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=== TestFind_test_find_each_with_scope.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (id <> 3) ORDER BY \"departments\".\"id\" ASC, \"departments\".\"location_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
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"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (department_id <> 3) ORDER BY \"departments\".department_id ASC,\"departments\".location_id ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (department_id <> 3) AND ((\"departments\".\"department_id\" > 1) OR (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" > 2)) ORDER BY \"departments\".department_id ASC,\"departments\".location_id ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_each_with_scope.json ===
=== TestMiscellaneous_test_composite_class.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestMiscellaneous_test_composite_class.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_limitable_reflections.json ===
["SELECT \"memberships\".\"user_id\" AS t0_r0, \"memberships\".\"group_id\" AS t0_r1, \"membership_statuses\".\"id\" AS t1_r0, \"membership_statuses\".\"user_id\" AS t1_r1, \"membership_statuses\".\"group_id\" AS t1_r2, \"membership_statuses\".\"status\" AS t1_r3 FROM \"memberships\" LEFT OUTER JOIN \"membership_statuses\" ON \"membership_statuses\".\"user_id\" = \"memberships\".\"user_id\" AND \"membership_statuses\".\"group_id\" = \"memberships\".\"group_id\" WHERE (membership_statuses.status = 'Active')",
"SELECT DISTINCT \"memberships\".\"user_id\", \"memberships\".\"group_id\" FROM \"memberships\" LEFT OUTER JOIN \"membership_statuses\" ON \"membership_statuses\".\"user_id\" = \"memberships\".\"user_id\" AND \"membership_statuses\".\"group_id\" = \"memberships\".\"group_id\" WHERE (membership_statuses.status = 'Active') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"memberships\".\"user_id\" AS t0_r0, \"memberships\".\"group_id\" AS t0_r1, \"membership_statuses\".\"id\" AS t1_r0, \"membership_statuses\".\"user_id\" AS t1_r1, \"membership_statuses\".\"group_id\" AS t1_r2, \"membership_statuses\".\"status\" AS t1_r3 FROM \"memberships\" LEFT OUTER JOIN \"membership_statuses\" ON \"membership_statuses\".\"user_id\" = \"memberships\".\"user_id\" AND \"membership_statuses\".\"group_id\" = \"memberships\".\"group_id\" WHERE (membership_statuses.status = 'Active') AND (\"memberships\".\"user_id\" = 1 AND \"memberships\".\"group_id\" = 1)"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_limitable_reflections.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestAttributeMethods_test_id_was.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAttributeMethods_test_id_was.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_delete_one.json ===
["DELETE FROM \"articles\";\n" +
"DELETE FROM \"departments\";\n" +
"DELETE FROM \"employees\";\n" +
"DELETE FROM \"product_tariffs\";\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"articles\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (309456473, 'Article One');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"articles\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (908005739, 'Article Two');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"articles\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (607264868, 'Article Three');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"departments\" (\"id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (1, 1);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"departments\" (\"id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (2, 1);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"departments\" (\"id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (3, 2);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"departments\" (\"id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (1, 2);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"id\", \"department_id\", \"location_id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'Steve');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"id\", \"department_id\", \"location_id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 1, 1, 'Jill');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"id\", \"department_id\", \"location_id\", \"name\") VALUES (3, 2, 1, 'Sarah');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"id\", \"department_id\", \"location_id\", \"name\") VALUES (4, 2, 1, 'Robert');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"id\", \"department_id\", \"location_id\", \"name\") VALUES (196050299, 3, 2, 'Mindy');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"product_tariffs\" (\"product_id\", \"tariff_id\", \"tariff_start_date\") VALUES (1, 1, '2020-12-16');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"product_tariffs\" (\"product_id\", \"tariff_id\", \"tariff_start_date\") VALUES (1, 2, '2020-12-16');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"product_tariffs\" (\"product_id\", \"tariff_id\", \"tariff_start_date\") VALUES (2, 2, '2020-12-16')",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" ASC, \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" ASC, \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1)"]
=== /TestDelete_test_delete_one.json ===
=== TestTutorialExample_test_status.json ===
["SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" WHERE \"memberships\".\"user_id\" = 1 AND \"memberships\".\"group_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
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"SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" WHERE \"memberships\".\"user_id\" = ? AND \"memberships\".\"group_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" WHERE (\"memberships\".\"user_id\" = 1 AND \"memberships\".\"group_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"membership_statuses\".* FROM \"membership_statuses\" WHERE \"membership_statuses\".\"user_id\" = ? AND \"membership_statuses\".\"group_id\" = ? ORDER BY \"membership_statuses\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" WHERE \"memberships\".\"user_id\" = ? AND \"memberships\".\"group_id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestTutorialExample_test_status.json ===
=== TestAttributes_test_brackets_foreign_key_assignment.json ===
["SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE (\"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16') LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAttributes_test_brackets_foreign_key_assignment.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestCreate_test_has_many_ids_1.json ===
["SELECT \"dorms\".* FROM \"dorms\" WHERE \"dorms\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"students\".* FROM \"students\" WHERE \"students\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
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"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 3 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 2 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 5",
"SELECT \"dorms\".* FROM \"dorms\" WHERE \"dorms\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"students\".* FROM \"students\" WHERE \"students\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"room_assignments\"",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 3 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 2 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 5)"]
=== /TestCreate_test_has_many_ids_1.json ===
=== TestUpdate_test_update_all_join.json ===
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"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"description\" = 'random value' WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM (SELECT reference_codes.reference_type_id, reference_codes.reference_code FROM \"reference_codes\" INNER JOIN \"reference_types\" ON \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\") \"cpk_inner\" WHERE \"cpk_inner\".\"reference_type_id\" = \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" AND \"cpk_inner\".\"reference_code\" = \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\")",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\""]
=== /TestUpdate_test_update_all_join.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_has_one_association_is_not_cached_to_where_it_returns_the_wrong_one.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_one_association_is_not_cached_to_where_it_returns_the_wrong_one.json ===
=== TestNestedAttributes_test_nested_atttribute_update_2.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ? LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"code_label\" = ?, \"abbreviation\" = ? WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1)",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND (\"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ?) LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"code_label\" = ?, \"abbreviation\" = ? WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1)"]
=== /TestNestedAttributes_test_nested_atttribute_update_2.json ===
=== TestHabtm_test_include_cpk_both_sides.json ===
["SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 3 LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"restaurants_suburbs\"",
"INSERT INTO \"restaurants_suburbs\" (\"franchise_id\", \"store_id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\") VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"restaurants_suburbs\" (\"franchise_id\", \"store_id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\") VALUES (1, 1, 2, 1)",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE (\"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 2) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestHabtm_test_include_cpk_both_sides.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_create_destroy_has_and_belongs_to_many_on_non_cpk.json ===
["INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"department_id\", \"location_id\", \"name\") VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
=== /TestDelete_test_create_destroy_has_and_belongs_to_many_on_non_cpk.json ===
=== TestHabtm_test_habtm_clear_cpk_owner_side_only.json ===
["SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"products_restaurants\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = ? AND \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" = ? AND \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" IN (?, ?) AND \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = ? AND \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"products_restaurants\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = ? AND \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" = ? AND \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" IN (1, 2)"]
=== /TestHabtm_test_habtm_clear_cpk_owner_side_only.json ===
=== TestUpdate_test_update_attributes.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"description\" = ? WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND (\"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ?) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"description\" = ? WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1)",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestUpdate_test_update_attributes.json ===
=== TestFind_test_not_found.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 999 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 999 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 999 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 999) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_not_found.json ===
=== TestSerialization_test_serializable_hash.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" ORDER BY \"departments\".\"id\" ASC, \"departments\".\"location_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" ORDER BY \"departments\".\"department_id\" ASC, \"departments\".\"location_id\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestSerialization_test_serializable_hash.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_destroy_one.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" ASC, \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" ASC, \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1"]
=== /TestDelete_test_destroy_one.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_destroy_has_one.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = ? AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"department_id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestDelete_test_destroy_has_one.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_find_eager_loading_none.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_find_eager_loading_none.json ===
=== TestUpdate_test_setup.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestUpdate_test_setup.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_find_includes_eager_loading.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16') LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_find_includes_eager_loading.json ===
=== TestCreate_test_create.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestCreate_test_create.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestNestedAttributes_test_nested_atttribute_create.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND (\"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ?) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestNestedAttributes_test_nested_atttribute_create.json ===
=== TestExists_test_id.json ===
["SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"dorms\" WHERE \"dorms\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"articles\" WHERE \"articles\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestExists_test_id.json ===
=== TestFind_test_find_last_suburb.json ===
["SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" ORDER BY \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" DESC, \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" DESC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" ORDER BY \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" DESC, \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" DESC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_last_suburb.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestCreate_test_create_no_id.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestCreate_test_create_no_id.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_destroy_has_many_delete_all.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\") IN (SELECT \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = ?)",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = ?"]
=== /TestDelete_test_destroy_has_many_delete_all.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_has_many_replace.json ===
["SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16' LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\") IN (SELECT \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = ? AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = ? AND \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16')",
"UPDATE \"product_tariffs\" SET \"tariff_id\" = ? WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = ? AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = ? AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = ?",
"SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE (\"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16') LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = ? AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = ? AND (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16')",
"UPDATE \"product_tariffs\" SET \"tariff_id\" = ? WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16')",
"UPDATE \"product_tariffs\" SET \"tariff_id\" = ? WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16')"]
=== /TestDelete_test_has_many_replace.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_build_simple_key.json ===
["SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_many_build_simple_key.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_association_is_not_cached_to_where_it_returns_the_wrong_ones.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 2 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_many_association_is_not_cached_to_where_it_returns_the_wrong_ones.json ===
=== TestIds_test_ids_to_s.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"pk_called_ids\".* FROM \"pk_called_ids\" ORDER BY id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"pk_called_ids\".* FROM \"pk_called_ids\" ORDER BY id,reference_code"]
=== /TestIds_test_ids_to_s.json ===
=== TestUpdate_test_update_attribute.json ===
["DELETE FROM \"room_assignments\";\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (1, 1, 1);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (2, 1, 1);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (3, 1, 2);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (4, 1, 2);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (5, 1, 3)",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND (\"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ?) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestUpdate_test_update_attribute.json ===
=== TestAttributeMethods_test_read_attribute_with_single_key.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAttributeMethods_test_read_attribute_with_single_key.json ===
=== TestAttributeMethods_test_to_key_with_single_key_destroyed.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 2",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 3"]
=== /TestAttributeMethods_test_to_key_with_single_key_destroyed.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestFind_test_find_one.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 3 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 3) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_one.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_has_one_association_primary_key_and_foreign_key_are_present.json ===
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"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"department_id\", \"location_id\", \"name\") VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
"DELETE FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = ? AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"INSERT INTO \"salaries\" (\"employee_id\", \"location_id\", \"year\", \"month\") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
"SELECT \"salaries\".* FROM \"salaries\" WHERE \"salaries\".\"employee_id\" = ? AND \"salaries\".\"location_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"salaries\".* FROM \"salaries\" WHERE \"salaries\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_one_association_primary_key_and_foreign_key_are_present.json ===
=== TestCreate_test_setup.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestCreate_test_setup.json ===
=== TestNestedAttributes_test_nested_atttribute_update_3.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ? LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"code_label\" = ?, \"abbreviation\" = ? WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1)",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND (\"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ?) LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"code_label\" = ?, \"abbreviation\" = ? WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1)"]
=== /TestNestedAttributes_test_nested_atttribute_update_3.json ===
=== TestCreate_test_create_on_association_when_belongs_to_is_single_key.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestCreate_test_create_on_association_when_belongs_to_is_single_key.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_through_on_custom_finder_when_through_association_is_composite_finder_when_through_association_is_not_composite.json ===
["SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" ORDER BY \"users\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" ORDER BY \"users\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_many_through_on_custom_finder_when_through_association_is_composite_finder_when_through_association_is_not_composite.json ===
=== TestCreate_test_has_many_ids_2.json ===
["SELECT \"dorms\".* FROM \"dorms\" WHERE \"dorms\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"students\".* FROM \"students\" WHERE \"students\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\", \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\", \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\") IN (SELECT \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\", \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\", \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" FROM \"room_assignments\")",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"dorms\".* FROM \"dorms\" WHERE \"dorms\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"students\".* FROM \"students\" WHERE \"students\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"room_assignments\"",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestCreate_test_has_many_ids_2.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_find_includes.json ===
["SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" IN (?, ?, ?)",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" IN (1, 2, 3)"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_find_includes.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_destroy_has_and_belongs_to_many_on_non_cpk.json ===
["SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestDelete_test_destroy_has_and_belongs_to_many_on_non_cpk.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestAssociations_test_find_includes_tariffs.json ===
["SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16' OR \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16' OR \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 3 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-17')",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16' OR \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16' OR \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-17')"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_find_includes_tariffs.json ===
=== TestFind_test_find_last.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id DESC, reference_code DESC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id DESC, reference_code DESC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_last.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_composite_belongs_to_composite.json ===
["SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" WHERE \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" WHERE \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = ? AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" WHERE (\"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" WHERE \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = ? AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_composite_belongs_to_composite.json ===
=== TestIds_test_primary_keys.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"pk_called_ids\".* FROM \"pk_called_ids\" ORDER BY id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestIds_test_primary_keys.json ===
=== TestAttributeMethods_test_read_attribute_with_composite_keys.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAttributeMethods_test_read_attribute_with_composite_keys.json ===
=== TestAttributes_test_brackets_assignment.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAttributes_test_brackets_assignment.json ===
=== TestIds_test_set_ids_string.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"pk_called_ids\".* FROM \"pk_called_ids\" ORDER BY id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestIds_test_set_ids_string.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_association_primary_key_and_foreign_key_are_present.json ===
["DELETE FROM \"restaurants\";\n" +
"DELETE FROM \"room_attributes\";\n" +
"DELETE FROM \"room_attribute_assignments\";\n" +
"DELETE FROM \"students\";\n" +
"DELETE FROM \"memberships\";\n" +
"DELETE FROM \"membership_statuses\";\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"restaurants\" (\"franchise_id\", \"store_id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 1, 'McDonalds');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"restaurants\" (\"franchise_id\", \"store_id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 1, 'Subway 1');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"restaurants\" (\"franchise_id\", \"store_id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 2, 'Subway 2');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"room_attributes\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 'type');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"room_attribute_assignments\" (\"dorm_id\", \"room_id\", \"room_attribute_id\") VALUES (1, 1, 1);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"students\" (\"id\") VALUES (1);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"students\" (\"id\") VALUES (2);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"students\" (\"id\") VALUES (3);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"students\" (\"id\") VALUES (4);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"students\" (\"id\") VALUES (5);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"memberships\" (\"user_id\", \"group_id\") VALUES (1, 1);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"memberships\" (\"user_id\", \"group_id\") VALUES (2, 1);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"memberships\" (\"user_id\", \"group_id\") VALUES (3, 2);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"membership_statuses\" (\"id\", \"user_id\", \"group_id\", \"status\") VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'Active');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"membership_statuses\" (\"id\", \"user_id\", \"group_id\", \"status\") VALUES (2, 2, 1, 'Owner');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"membership_statuses\" (\"id\", \"user_id\", \"group_id\", \"status\") VALUES (3, 3, 2, 'Active')",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ?",
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"department_id\", \"location_id\", \"name\") VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"INSERT INTO \"salaries\" (\"employee_id\", \"location_id\", \"year\", \"month\") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
"SELECT \"salaries\".* FROM \"salaries\" WHERE \"salaries\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_many_association_primary_key_and_foreign_key_are_present.json ===
=== TestPreload_test_preload_of_polymorphic_association.json ===
["DELETE FROM \"groups\";\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"groups\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 'Composite Primary Keys');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"groups\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 'Grupo Dos')",
"SELECT \"comments\".* FROM \"comments\" WHERE \"comments\".\"id\" IN (?, ?, ?)",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" IN (?, ?)",
"SELECT \"comments\".* FROM \"comments\" WHERE \"comments\".\"id\" IN (1, 2, 3)",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"hacks\".* FROM \"hacks\" WHERE \"hacks\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" IN (1)",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" IN (1)",
"SELECT \"hacks\".* FROM \"hacks\" WHERE \"hacks\".\"id\" IN (7)"]
=== /TestPreload_test_preload_of_polymorphic_association.json ===
=== TestIds_test_to_param.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"INSERT INTO \"capitols\" (\"country\", \"city\") VALUES (?, ?)",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"pk_called_ids\".* FROM \"pk_called_ids\" ORDER BY id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestIds_test_to_param.json ===
=== TestHabtm_test_no_cpk.json ===
["SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestHabtm_test_no_cpk.json ===
=== TestAttributeMethods_test_to_key_with_composite_key_destroyed.json ===
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"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1"]
=== /TestAttributeMethods_test_to_key_with_composite_key_destroyed.json ===
=== TestHabtm_test_include_cpk_association_side_only.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"restaurants\" INNER JOIN \"products_restaurants\" ON \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" = ? AND \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"restaurants\" INNER JOIN \"products_restaurants\" ON \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" = ? AND \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"restaurants\" INNER JOIN \"products_restaurants\" ON \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" = ? AND (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"restaurants\" INNER JOIN \"products_restaurants\" ON \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" = ? AND (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestHabtm_test_include_cpk_association_side_only.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_clear_association.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"employees\" SET \"department_id\" = ?, \"location_id\" = ? WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"employees\" SET \"department_id\" = NULL, \"location_id\" = NULL WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ?"]
=== /TestDelete_test_clear_association.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_delete_all.json ===
["SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_codes\" LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\", \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\") IN (SELECT \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\", \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" FROM \"reference_codes\")",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\""]
=== /TestDelete_test_delete_all.json ===
=== TestAttributeMethods_test_to_key_with_composite_keys.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAttributeMethods_test_to_key_with_composite_keys.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_delete_association.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"employees\" SET \"department_id\" = ?, \"location_id\" = ? WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"employees\" SET \"department_id\" = NULL, \"location_id\" = NULL WHERE \"employees\".\"department_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = ? AND \"employees\".\"id\" = 1"]
=== /TestDelete_test_delete_association.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestCalculations_test_count_not_distinct.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestCalculations_test_count_not_distinct.json ===
=== TestIds_test_set_ids_comp.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"pk_called_ids\".* FROM \"pk_called_ids\" ORDER BY id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestIds_test_set_ids_comp.json ===
=== TestEqual_test_same.json ===
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"SELECT \"capitols\".* FROM \"capitols\" WHERE (\"capitols\".\"country\" = 'Canada' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Ottawa') LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestEqual_test_same.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_delete_not_destroy_on_non_cpk.json ===
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=== /TestDelete_test_delete_not_destroy_on_non_cpk.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
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"INSERT INTO \"product_tariffs\" (\"product_id\", \"tariff_id\", \"tariff_start_date\") VALUES (1, 2, '2020-12-16')",
"INSERT INTO \"product_tariffs\" (\"product_id\", \"tariff_id\", \"tariff_start_date\") VALUES (2, 2, '2020-12-16')",
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"INSERT INTO \"restaurants\" (\"franchise_id\", \"store_id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 1, 'Subway 1')",
"INSERT INTO \"restaurants\" (\"franchise_id\", \"store_id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 2, 'Subway 2')",
"DELETE FROM \"dorms\"",
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"INSERT INTO \"dorms\" (\"id\") VALUES (2)",
"DELETE FROM \"rooms\"",
"INSERT INTO \"rooms\" (\"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (1, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"rooms\" (\"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (1, 2)",
"INSERT INTO \"rooms\" (\"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (1, 3)",
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"INSERT INTO \"room_attribute_assignments\" (\"dorm_id\", \"room_id\", \"room_attribute_id\") VALUES (1, 1, 1)",
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"INSERT INTO \"students\" (\"id\") VALUES (3)",
"INSERT INTO \"students\" (\"id\") VALUES (4)",
"INSERT INTO \"students\" (\"id\") VALUES (5)",
"DELETE FROM \"room_assignments\"",
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (1, 1, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (2, 1, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (3, 1, 2)",
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (4, 1, 2)",
"INSERT INTO \"room_assignments\" (\"student_id\", \"dorm_id\", \"room_id\") VALUES (5, 1, 3)",
"DELETE FROM \"memberships\"",
"INSERT INTO \"memberships\" (\"user_id\", \"group_id\") VALUES (1, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"memberships\" (\"user_id\", \"group_id\") VALUES (2, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"memberships\" (\"user_id\", \"group_id\") VALUES (3, 2)",
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"INSERT INTO \"membership_statuses\" (\"id\", \"user_id\", \"group_id\", \"status\") VALUES (2, 2, 1, 'Owner')",
"INSERT INTO \"membership_statuses\" (\"id\", \"user_id\", \"group_id\", \"status\") VALUES (3, 3, 2, 'Active')",
"SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" WHERE (\"memberships\".\"user_id\" = 1 AND \"memberships\".\"group_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
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"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" IN (?, ?) ORDER BY \"users\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?",
"SELECT \"comments\".* FROM \"comments\" WHERE \"comments\".\"person_type\" = ? AND (person_type = 'User') AND \"comments\".\"person_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"comments\".* FROM \"comments\" WHERE \"comments\".\"person_type\" = ? AND (person_type <> 'SomeType') AND \"comments\".\"person_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"INSERT INTO \"comments\" (\"person_id\", \"person_type\") VALUES (?, ?)",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" IN (1, 4) ORDER BY \"users\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" IN (1, 4) ORDER BY \"users\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?",
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"SELECT \"comments\".* FROM \"comments\" WHERE \"comments\".\"person_type\" = ? AND (person_type <> 'SomeType') AND \"comments\".\"person_id\" = 4"]
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=== TestOptimisitic_test_update_with_stale_error.json ===
["SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
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"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"restaurants\" SET \"name\" = 'McDonalds renamed', \"lock_version\" = 1 WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) AND \"restaurants\".\"lock_version\" = ?",
"UPDATE \"restaurants\" SET \"name\" = 'McDonalds renamed 2', \"lock_version\" = 1 WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) AND \"restaurants\".\"lock_version\" = ?"]
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["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
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"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1002",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"code_label\" = ?, \"abbreviation\" = ? WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"type_label\" = ? AND (\"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" != ?) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1002)",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"code_label\" = ?, \"abbreviation\" = ? WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1002)"]
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"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE (\"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 2 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"streets\".* FROM \"streets\" WHERE (\"streets\".\"city_id\" = 2 AND \"streets\".\"suburb_id\" = 1)",
"SELECT \"streets\".* FROM \"streets\" WHERE ( = 'First Street') AND (\"streets\".\"city_id\" = 2 AND \"streets\".\"suburb_id\" = 1)"]
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"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"restaurants_suburbs\" WHERE \"restaurants_suburbs\".\"franchise_id\" = ? AND \"restaurants_suburbs\".\"store_id\" = ? AND (\"restaurants_suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants_suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1 OR \"restaurants_suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants_suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1)"]
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"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" ASC, \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" ASC LIMIT ?",
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"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" ORDER BY \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" ASC, \"rooms\".\"room_id\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
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=== TestAttributeMethods_test_to_key_with_single_key.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
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/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestSantiago_test_single_keys.json ===
["SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
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"INSERT INTO \"reference_codes\" (\"reference_type_id\", \"reference_code\", \"code_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (2, 1, 'MALE', 'Male');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"reference_codes\" (\"reference_type_id\", \"reference_code\", \"code_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (2, 2, 'FEMALE', 'Female')"]
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"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" IN (1, 2, 3)"]
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=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_through_when_not_pre_loaded.json ===
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"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" INNER JOIN \"room_assignments\" ON \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? ORDER BY \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" ASC, \"rooms\".\"room_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"students\".* FROM \"students\" ORDER BY \"students\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" INNER JOIN \"room_assignments\" ON \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = ? ORDER BY \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" ASC, \"rooms\".\"room_id\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
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=== TestCalculations_test_count_distinct.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestCalculations_test_count_distinct.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_find_includes_product_tariffs_product.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" IN (?, ?)",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" IN (1, 2)"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_find_includes_product_tariffs_product.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_through_with_conditions_when_through_association_is_not_composite.json ===
["SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" ORDER BY \"users\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" ORDER BY \"users\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_many_through_with_conditions_when_through_association_is_not_composite.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_joins_has_one_with_primary_key.json ===
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"SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" INNER JOIN \"readings\" ON \"readings\".\"user_id\" = \"memberships\".\"user_id\" WHERE \"readings\".\"id\" = ? ORDER BY \"memberships\".\"user_id\" ASC, \"memberships\".\"group_id\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_joins_has_one_with_primary_key.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_through_on_custom_finder_when_through_association_is_composite.json ===
["SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" ORDER BY \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" ASC, \"rooms\".\"room_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" ORDER BY \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" ASC, \"rooms\".\"room_id\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_many_through_on_custom_finder_when_through_association_is_composite.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_delete_not_destroy_on_cpk.json ===
["SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = ? ORDER BY \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" ASC, \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = ? AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = ?",
"SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = ? ORDER BY \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" ASC, \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE (\"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 2 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16')"]
=== /TestDelete_test_delete_not_destroy_on_cpk.json ===
=== TestFind_test_find_first.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id, reference_code LIMIT ?",
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"INSERT INTO \"capitols\" (\"country\", \"city\") VALUES ('France', 'Paris')",
"INSERT INTO \"capitols\" (\"country\", \"city\") VALUES ('Canada', 'Ottawa')",
"INSERT INTO \"capitols\" (\"country\", \"city\") VALUES ('Mexico', 'Mexico City')",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_types\"",
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"INSERT INTO \"reference_types\" (\"reference_type_id\", \"type_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (2, 'GENDER', 'Gender')",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\"",
"INSERT INTO \"reference_codes\" (\"reference_type_id\", \"reference_code\", \"code_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (1, 1, 'MR', 'Mr')",
"INSERT INTO \"reference_codes\" (\"reference_type_id\", \"reference_code\", \"code_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (1, 2, 'MRS', 'Mrs')",
"INSERT INTO \"reference_codes\" (\"reference_type_id\", \"reference_code\", \"code_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (1, 3, 'MS', 'Ms')",
"INSERT INTO \"reference_codes\" (\"reference_type_id\", \"reference_code\", \"code_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (2, 1, 'MALE', 'Male')",
"INSERT INTO \"reference_codes\" (\"reference_type_id\", \"reference_code\", \"code_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (2, 2, 'FEMALE', 'Female')",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id, reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_first.json ===
=== TestFind_test_find_with_strings_as_composite_keys.json ===
["SELECT \"capitols\".* FROM \"capitols\" WHERE \"capitols\".\"country\" = 'The Netherlands' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Amsterdam' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"capitols\".* FROM \"capitols\" WHERE (\"capitols\".\"country\" = 'The Netherlands' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Amsterdam') LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_with_strings_as_composite_keys.json ===
=== TestExists_test_cpk_array_id.json ===
["SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = -1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = -1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestExists_test_cpk_array_id.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_through_when_through_association_is_composite.json ===
["SELECT \"dorms\".* FROM \"dorms\" ORDER BY \"dorms\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_attributes\".* FROM \"room_attributes\" WHERE \"room_attributes\".\"id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"dorms\".* FROM \"dorms\" ORDER BY \"dorms\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_attributes\".* FROM \"room_attributes\" WHERE \"room_attributes\".\"id\" IN (1)"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_many_through_when_through_association_is_composite.json ===
=== TestUpdate_test_update_all.json ===
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"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"description\" = 'random value'"]
=== /TestUpdate_test_update_all.json ===
=== TestExists_test_cpk_array_string_id.json ===
["SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"capitols\" WHERE \"capitols\".\"country\" = 'The Netherlands' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Amsterdam' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"capitols\" WHERE \"capitols\".\"country\" = 'The Netherlands' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Paris' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"capitols\" WHERE (\"capitols\".\"country\" = 'The Netherlands' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Amsterdam') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"capitols\" WHERE (\"capitols\".\"country\" = 'The Netherlands' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Paris') LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestExists_test_cpk_array_string_id.json ===
=== TestTutorialExample_test_count.json ===
["SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" WHERE \"memberships\".\"user_id\" = 1 AND \"memberships\".\"group_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"memberships\".* FROM \"memberships\" WHERE (\"memberships\".\"user_id\" = 1 AND \"memberships\".\"group_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestTutorialExample_test_count.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_tariffs.json ===
["SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE (\"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16') LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_tariffs.json ===
=== TestIds_test_set_ids_array.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
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"INSERT INTO \"pk_called_ids\" (\"id\", \"reference_code\", \"code_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (1, 1, 'MR', 'Mr')",
"INSERT INTO \"pk_called_ids\" (\"id\", \"reference_code\", \"code_label\", \"abbreviation\") VALUES (2, 1, 'MRS', 'Mrs')",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"pk_called_ids\".* FROM \"pk_called_ids\" ORDER BY id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestIds_test_set_ids_array.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_ids_equals_for_non_CPK_case.json ===
["SELECT \"readings\".* FROM \"readings\" WHERE \"readings\".\"id\" IN (?, ?)",
"SELECT \"readings\".* FROM \"readings\" WHERE \"readings\".\"id\" IN (1, 2)"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_ids_equals_for_non_CPK_case.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_through.json ===
["SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" IN (?, ?, ?)",
"SELECT \"product_tariffs\".* FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" IN (1, 2, 3)"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_many_through.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_delete_all_with_join.json ===
["SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"id\", \"departments\".\"location_id\") IN (SELECT \"departments\".\"id\", \"departments\".\"location_id\" FROM \"departments\" INNER JOIN \"employees\" ON \"employees\".\"department_id\" = \"departments\".\"id\" AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = \"departments\".\"location_id\" WHERE ( = 'Mindy'))",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"departments\" WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM (SELECT departments.department_id, departments.location_id FROM \"departments\" INNER JOIN \"employees\" ON \"employees\".\"department_id\" = \"departments\".\"department_id\" AND \"employees\".\"location_id\" = \"departments\".\"location_id\" WHERE (departments.department_id = 1) AND (departments.location_id = 1)) \"cpk_inner\" WHERE \"cpk_inner\".\"department_id\" = \"departments\".\"department_id\" AND \"cpk_inner\".\"location_id\" = \"departments\".\"location_id\")"]
=== /TestDelete_test_delete_all_with_join.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_delete_cpk_association.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\") IN (SELECT \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\", \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = ? AND \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16')",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"product_tariffs\" WHERE \"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = ? AND (\"product_tariffs\".\"product_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"product_tariffs\".\"tariff_start_date\" = '2020-12-16')"]
=== /TestDelete_test_delete_cpk_association.json ===
=== TestExists_test_hash.json ===
["SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"articles\" WHERE \"articles\".\"name\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"articles\" WHERE \"articles\".\"name\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestExists_test_hash.json ===
=== TestExists_test_array.json ===
["SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"articles\" WHERE (name = 'Article One') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"articles\" WHERE (name = 'Article -1') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"articles\" WHERE (name = 'Article One') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"articles\" WHERE (name = 'Article -1') LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestExists_test_array.json ===
=== TestHabtm_test_has_and_belongs_to_many.json ===
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"SELECT \"restaurants_suburbs\".* FROM \"restaurants_suburbs\" WHERE \"restaurants_suburbs\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants_suburbs\".\"store_id\" = 1",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE (\"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1 OR \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 2 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 2)",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants_suburbs\".* FROM \"restaurants_suburbs\" WHERE (\"restaurants_suburbs\".\"franchise_id\" = 1 AND \"restaurants_suburbs\".\"store_id\" = 1)",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" WHERE (\"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 1 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1 OR \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" = 2 AND \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" = 1)"]
=== /TestHabtm_test_has_and_belongs_to_many.json ===
=== TestMiscellaneous_test_composite_instance.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestMiscellaneous_test_composite_instance.json ===
=== TestDumpable_test_marshal_with_simple_preload.json ===
["SELECT \"readings\".* FROM \"readings\" WHERE \"readings\".\"article_id\" = 1"]
=== /TestDumpable_test_marshal_with_simple_preload.json ===
=== TestSerialization_test_json.json ===
["SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" ORDER BY \"departments\".\"id\" ASC, \"departments\".\"location_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"departments\"",
"INSERT INTO \"departments\" (\"department_id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (1, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"departments\" (\"department_id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (2, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"departments\" (\"department_id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (3, 2)",
"INSERT INTO \"departments\" (\"department_id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (1, 2)",
"SELECT \"departments\".* FROM \"departments\" ORDER BY \"departments\".\"department_id\" ASC, \"departments\".\"location_id\" ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestSerialization_test_json.json ===
=== TestFind_test_find_each.json ===
["SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" ORDER BY \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" ASC, \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" ASC, \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" ORDER BY \"room_assignments\".student_id ASC,\"room_assignments\".dorm_id ASC,\"room_assignments\".room_id ASC LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestFind_test_find_each.json ===
=== TestCreate_test_create_on_association.json ===
["SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" ORDER BY \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" ASC, \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"streets\".* FROM \"streets\" WHERE \"streets\".\"name\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"suburbs\".* FROM \"suburbs\" ORDER BY \"suburbs\".\"city_id\" ASC, \"suburbs\".\"suburb_id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"streets\".* FROM \"streets\" WHERE \"streets\".\"name\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestCreate_test_create_on_association.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestAssociations_test_products.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_products.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestEqual_test_different.json ===
["SELECT \"capitols\".* FROM \"capitols\" WHERE \"capitols\".\"country\" = 'Mexico' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Mexico City' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"capitols\".* FROM \"capitols\" WHERE \"capitols\".\"country\" = 'Canada' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Ottawa' LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"capitols\".* FROM \"capitols\" WHERE (\"capitols\".\"country\" = 'Mexico' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Mexico City') LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"capitols\".* FROM \"capitols\" WHERE (\"capitols\".\"country\" = 'Canada' AND \"capitols\".\"city\" = 'Ottawa') LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestEqual_test_different.json ===
=== TestHabtm_test_include_cpk_owner_side_only.json ===
["DELETE FROM \"restaurants_suburbs\";\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"restaurants_suburbs\" (\"franchise_id\", \"store_id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\") VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1);\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"restaurants_suburbs\" (\"franchise_id\", \"store_id\", \"city_id\", \"suburb_id\") VALUES (1, 1, 2, 2)",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"products\" INNER JOIN \"products_restaurants\" ON \"products\".\"id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = ? AND \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" = ? AND \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"products\" INNER JOIN \"products_restaurants\" ON \"products\".\"id\" = \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = ? AND \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" = ? AND \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestHabtm_test_include_cpk_owner_side_only.json ===
=== TestTouch_test_touching_a_record_updates_its_timestamp.json ===
["DELETE FROM \"products\";\n" +
"DELETE FROM \"tariffs\";\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"products\" (\"id\", \"name\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (1, 'Product One', '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103283', '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103283');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"products\" (\"id\", \"name\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (2, 'Product Two', '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103283', '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103283');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"products\" (\"id\", \"name\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (3, 'Product Three', '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103283', '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103283');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"tariffs\" (\"tariff_id\", \"start_date\", \"amount\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (1, '2020-12-16', 50, '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103916', '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103916');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"tariffs\" (\"tariff_id\", \"start_date\", \"amount\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (2, '2020-12-16', 0, '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103916', '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103916');\n" +
"INSERT INTO \"tariffs\" (\"tariff_id\", \"start_date\", \"amount\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (3, '2020-12-17', 100, '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103916', '2020-12-16 03:34:12.103916')",
"SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16' LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"tariffs\" SET \"updated_at\" = ? WHERE \"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = ? AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = ?",
"DELETE FROM \"products\"",
"INSERT INTO \"products\" (\"id\", \"name\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (1, 'Product One', '2020-12-16 03:38:54.973084', '2020-12-16 03:38:54.973084')",
"INSERT INTO \"products\" (\"id\", \"name\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (2, 'Product Two', '2020-12-16 03:38:54.973084', '2020-12-16 03:38:54.973084')",
"INSERT INTO \"products\" (\"id\", \"name\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (3, 'Product Three', '2020-12-16 03:38:54.973084', '2020-12-16 03:38:54.973084')",
"DELETE FROM \"tariffs\"",
"INSERT INTO \"tariffs\" (\"tariff_id\", \"start_date\", \"amount\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (1, '2020-12-16', 50, '2020-12-16 03:38:54.975143', '2020-12-16 03:38:54.975143')",
"INSERT INTO \"tariffs\" (\"tariff_id\", \"start_date\", \"amount\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (2, '2020-12-16', 0, '2020-12-16 03:38:54.975143', '2020-12-16 03:38:54.975143')",
"INSERT INTO \"tariffs\" (\"tariff_id\", \"start_date\", \"amount\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES (1, '2020-12-17', 100, '2020-12-16 03:38:54.975143', '2020-12-16 03:38:54.975143')",
"SELECT \"tariffs\".* FROM \"tariffs\" WHERE (\"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16') LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"tariffs\" SET \"updated_at\" = '2020-12-16 03:38:55.991092' WHERE (\"tariffs\".\"tariff_id\" = 1 AND \"tariffs\".\"start_date\" = '2020-12-16')"]
=== /TestTouch_test_touching_a_record_updates_its_timestamp.json ===
=== TestUpdate_test_update_primary_key.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"reference_type_id\" = ?, \"reference_code\" = ? WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 3 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"UPDATE \"reference_codes\" SET \"reference_type_id\" = ?, \"reference_code\" = ? WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1)",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 2 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 3) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestUpdate_test_update_primary_key.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestHabtm_test_habtm_clear_cpk_association_side_only_deletes_only_correct_records.json ===
["SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE \"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 2 LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"products_restaurants\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" = ? AND (\"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 OR \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 2) AND \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"products\".* FROM \"products\" WHERE \"products\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"restaurants\".* FROM \"restaurants\" WHERE (\"restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 2) LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"products_restaurants\" WHERE \"products_restaurants\".\"product_id\" = ? AND (\"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 1 OR \"products_restaurants\".\"franchise_id\" = 2 AND \"products_restaurants\".\"store_id\" = 2)"]
=== /TestHabtm_test_habtm_clear_cpk_association_side_only_deletes_only_correct_records.json ===
=== TestAttributes_test_brackets_primary_key.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAttributes_test_brackets_primary_key.json ===
=== TestExists_test_cpk_array_condition.json ===
["SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE (id = 1 and location_id = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE (id = 1 and location_id = -1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE (department_id = 1 and location_id = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE (department_id = 1 and location_id = -1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestExists_test_cpk_array_condition.json ===
=== TestPreload_test_preload_for_conditioned_habtm_association.json ===
["SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" IN (?, ?) ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" IN (?, ?) ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?",
"SELECT \"employees_groups\".* FROM \"employees_groups\" WHERE \"employees_groups\".\"employee_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" IN (?, ?)",
"DELETE FROM \"comments\"",
"INSERT INTO \"comments\" (\"id\", \"person_id\", \"person_type\") VALUES (1, 1, 'Employee')",
"INSERT INTO \"comments\" (\"id\", \"person_id\", \"person_type\", \"hack_id\") VALUES (2, 1, 'User', 7)",
"INSERT INTO \"comments\" (\"id\", \"person_id\", \"person_type\") VALUES (3, 7, 'Hack')",
"DELETE FROM \"users\"",
"INSERT INTO \"users\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 'Santiago')",
"INSERT INTO \"users\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 'Dr Nic')",
"INSERT INTO \"users\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (3, 'cfis')",
"DELETE FROM \"employees\"",
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"id\", \"department_id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (1, 1, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"id\", \"department_id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (2, 1, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"id\", \"department_id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (3, 2, 1)",
"INSERT INTO \"employees\" (\"id\", \"department_id\", \"location_id\") VALUES (4, 2, 1)",
"DELETE FROM \"groups\"",
"INSERT INTO \"groups\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (1, 'Composite Primary Keys')",
"INSERT INTO \"groups\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (2, 'Grupo Dos')",
"DELETE FROM \"hacks\"",
"INSERT INTO \"hacks\" (\"id\", \"name\") VALUES (7, 'andrew')",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" IN (1, 2) ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" IN (1, 2) ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?",
"SELECT \"employees_groups\".* FROM \"employees_groups\" WHERE \"employees_groups\".\"employee_id\" = 1",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" IN (1)",
"SELECT \"employees_groups\".* FROM \"employees_groups\" WHERE \"employees_groups\".\"employee_id\" = 2",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" IN (1, 2)"]
=== /TestPreload_test_preload_for_conditioned_habtm_association.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestAssociations_test_has_many_with_composite_key.json ===
["SELECT \"dorms\".* FROM \"dorms\" WHERE \"dorms\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_attributes\".* FROM \"room_attributes\" WHERE \"room_attributes\".\"id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"dorms\".* FROM \"dorms\" WHERE \"dorms\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_attributes\".* FROM \"room_attributes\" WHERE \"room_attributes\".\"id\" IN (1)"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_has_many_with_composite_key.json ===
=== TestHabtm_test_no_cpk_ids.json ===
["SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" DESC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" IN (?, ?)",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = ?",
"DELETE FROM \"employees_groups\" WHERE \"employees_groups\".\"employee_id\" = ? AND \"employees_groups\".\"group_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" DESC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" IN (1, 2)",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = 1",
"DELETE FROM \"employees_groups\" WHERE \"employees_groups\".\"employee_id\" = ? AND \"employees_groups\".\"group_id\" = 2",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestHabtm_test_no_cpk_ids.json ===
=== TestClone_test_dup.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" ORDER BY reference_type_id LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"reference_codes\".* FROM \"reference_codes\" ORDER BY reference_type_id,reference_code LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestClone_test_dup.json ===
=== TestAssociations_test_composite_has_many_composites.json ===
["SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" WHERE \"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE \"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 2 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"rooms\".* FROM \"rooms\" WHERE (\"rooms\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"rooms\".\"room_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"room_assignments\".* FROM \"room_assignments\" WHERE (\"room_assignments\".\"student_id\" = 2 AND \"room_assignments\".\"dorm_id\" = 1 AND \"room_assignments\".\"room_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestAssociations_test_composite_has_many_composites.json ===
=== TestDelete_test_delete_records_for_has_many_association_with_composite_primary_key.json ===
["SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = ?",
"SELECT \"reference_types\".* FROM \"reference_types\" WHERE \"reference_types\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 1)",
"DELETE FROM \"reference_codes\" WHERE \"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = ? AND (\"reference_codes\".\"reference_type_id\" = 1 AND \"reference_codes\".\"reference_code\" = 2)"]
=== /TestDelete_test_delete_records_for_has_many_association_with_composite_primary_key.json ===
/home/hrysd/src/ does not exist in ./master
=== TestPreload_test_preload_for_unconditioned_habtm_association.json ===
["SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" IN (?, ?) ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" IN (?, ?) ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?",
"SELECT \"employees_groups\".* FROM \"employees_groups\" WHERE \"employees_groups\".\"employee_id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" IN (?, ?)",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" = ? LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" IN (1, 2) ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ?",
"SELECT \"employees\".* FROM \"employees\" WHERE \"employees\".\"id\" IN (1, 2) ORDER BY \"employees\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?",
"SELECT \"employees_groups\".* FROM \"employees_groups\" WHERE \"employees_groups\".\"employee_id\" = 1",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" IN (1)",
"SELECT \"employees_groups\".* FROM \"employees_groups\" WHERE \"employees_groups\".\"employee_id\" = 2",
"SELECT \"groups\".* FROM \"groups\" WHERE \"groups\".\"id\" IN (1, 2)"]
=== /TestPreload_test_preload_for_unconditioned_habtm_association.json ===
=== TestExists_test_cpk_id.json ===
["SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE \"departments\".\"id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = -1 LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = 1) LIMIT ?",
"SELECT 1 AS one FROM \"departments\" WHERE (\"departments\".\"department_id\" = 1 AND \"departments\".\"location_id\" = -1) LIMIT ?"]
=== /TestExists_test_cpk_id.json ===
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