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Finglish to Persian transliteration
class ConvertFinglishToFarsi
* Default Options
public $useFarsiNumbers = false; //Replace English numbers with Persian numbers
public $leaveBBCodesIntact = false; //Ignore BB Codes
* Constants
private $internetSubstrings;
private $knownWordsTable = array();
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::Constructor
* Description of function
public function __construct()
$this->internetSubstrings = array("www", "http", "ftp", ".edu", ".com", ".org",".net", ".tv", ".ws", "mailto:", ".us", ".ir", ".info", "؟", urldecode("%C2%A0"));
$this->knownWordsTable = array(
" " => " ",
" " => " ", // add space and double space to the table so it does not ask for it from the server
"" => "",
"." => ".",
"\\n" => "\\n",
"," => "،",
"ii" => "یی",
"nima" => "نیما",
"yushij" => "یوشیج",
"enshallah" => "انشا‌الله",
"enshaallah" => "انشا‌الله",
"canada" => "کانادا",
"4" => "4",
"+" => "+",
"<" => "<",
"&" => "&",
"s" => "س",
"x" => "خ",
";" => "؛",
"angeles" => "انجلس",
"january" => "ژانویه",
"february" => "فوریه",
"march" => "مارث",
"april" => "آوریل",
"may" => "می",
"june" => "ژوئن",
"july" => "ژولای",
"august" => "آگوست",
"september" => "سپتامبر",
"october" => "اکتبر",
"november" => "نوامبر",
"december" => "دسامبر",
"\\\\" => "\\\\",
"ahmadinejad" => "احمدی‌نژاد",
"ahmadinezhad" => "احمدی‌نژاد",
"ahmadinezhaad" => "احمدی‌نژاد",
"sakht" => "سخت",
"filter" => "فیلتر",
"zan" => "زن",
"maa" => "ما",
"haa" => "ها",
"enshalla" => "انشا‌الله",
"chetoreh" => "چطوره",
"khanoom" => "خانوم",
"aazma" => "آزما",
"dah" => "ده",
"book" => "بوک",
"tabestan" => "تابستان",
"shekaste" => "شکسته",
"kosh" => "کش",
"sharab" => "شراب",
"sharaab" => "شراب",
"shebh" => "شبه",
"joon" => "جون",
"farsi" => "فارسی",
"w" => "و",
"khamenei" => "خامنه‌ای",
"khaamenei" => "خامنه‌ای",
"khaameneii" => "خامنه‌ای",
"khameneii" => "خامنه‌ای",
"gir" => "گیر",
"koshte" => "کشته",
"behnevis" => "بهنویس",
"o" => "و",
"ebi" => "ابی",
"e" => urldecode('%D9%90') //define e as a separate Kasre (to be attached later with the word before)
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::Convert
* Description of function
* @param $finglishText string Finglish text to be converted to farsi
* @return string Farsi text
public function Convert($finglishText)
$finglishText = str_replace("'", "`", $finglishText);
$textWords = $this->separateLatinLetters($finglishText);
$wordShouldBeConvertedToFarsi = array();
$lowerCaseTextWord = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($textWords); $i++)
$lowerCaseTextWord = strtolower($textWords[$i]);
$wordShouldBeConvertedToFarsi[$i] = $this->shouldBeConvertedToFarsi($lowerCaseTextWord);
$farsiText = $this->assembleFarsiTextUsingTable($textWords, $wordShouldBeConvertedToFarsi);
return $farsiText;
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::separateLatinLetters
* Description of function
* @param $latinText string Blah blah blah
* @return string Blah blah blah
private function separateLatinLetters($latinText)
if ($this->leaveBBCodesIntact)
$latinTextParts = $this->separateTextBetweenSquareBrackets($latinText);
$textWords = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($latinTextParts); $i++)
if (strlen($latinTextParts[$i]) > 0 && $latinTextParts[$i][0] == '[') // if its starts with a bracket, do not split on space
$this->useFarsiNumbers = false; // in case there exist a bracket, do not change numbers to farsi so the bulletin board message numbers remain intact
$textWords = array_merge($textWords, $this->splitOnSpaces($latinTextParts[$i]) /* split on space but keep spaces */);
//$latinText = str_replace('[', ' /[', $latinText); // replace [ with space+/[ to flag it with / and prevent conversion to farsi
else // if do not consider leaving bb codes intact (default)
$textWords = $this->splitOnSpaces($latinText); // split on space but keep spaces
$newTextWords = array();
$counter = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($textWords); $i++)
if ($this->shouldBeConvertedToFarsi(strtolower($textWords[$i])))
$separatedWords = preg_split('/([^a-zA-Z`\'\/' . preg_quote('\\', '/') . '])/', $textWords[$i], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($separatedWords); $j++)
$newTextWords[$counter++] = strtolower($separatedWords[$j]);
$newTextWords[$counter] = $textWords[$i];
return $newTextWords;
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::splitOnSpaces
* Split on space but keep spaces
* @param $text string Blah blah blah
* @return array Blah blah blah
private function splitOnSpaces($text)
$temp = explode(' ', $text);
$result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < ((2 * count($temp)) - 1); $i++)
array_push($result, ($i % 2) ? ' ' : $temp[$i / 2]);
for ($i--; $i >= 0; $i--)
if (empty($result[$i])) unset($result[$i]);
return array_values($result);
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::shouldBeConvertedToFarsi
* Description of function
* @param $word string Blah blah blah
* @return bool Blah blah blah
private function shouldBeConvertedToFarsi($word)
if ($this->leaveBBCodesIntact && strlen($word) > 0 && $word[0] == '[') // when bbcodes are active, if it starst with '[', do not convert
return false;
if (array_search($word, $this->internetSubstrings) !== false) return false;
$temp = mb_convert_encoding($word, 'UCS-2LE', 'UTF-8');
for ($i = 1; $i < ((strlen($temp) * 2) - 1); $i+=2)
if ((ord(substr($temp, $i, 1)))) // non-latin letters should not be converted
return false;
if ($this->wordIsMarkedToNotConverted($word))
return false;
return true; // if it is not an internet address the control flow gets here
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::wordIsMarkedToNotConverted
* Description of function
* @param $word string Blah blah blah
* @return bool Blah blah blah
private function wordIsMarkedToNotConverted($word)
if (strlen($word) > 1 && ($word[0] == '/' | $word[0] == '\\'))
return true;
return false;
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::assembleFarsiTextUsingTable
* Description of function
* @param $textWords string Blah blah blah
* @param $wordShouldBeConvertedToFarsi string Blah blah blah
* @return bool Blah blah blah
private function assembleFarsiTextUsingTable($textWords, $wordShouldBeConvertedToFarsi)
$unknownWords = array();
$latinCaretPosition = array();
$farsiCaretPosition = array();
$accumulatedLatinCaretPosition = 0;
$accumulatedFarsiCaretPosition = 0;
array_push($latinCaretPosition, $accumulatedLatinCaretPosition);
array_push($farsiCaretPosition, $accumulatedFarsiCaretPosition);
$farsiText = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($textWords); $i++) // look words in the table, convert them and add all together.
$lowerCaseTextWord = strtolower($textWords[$i]);
if (array_key_exists($lowerCaseTextWord, $this->knownWordsTable) && $wordShouldBeConvertedToFarsi[$i])
$farsiText .= $this->knownWordsTable[$lowerCaseTextWord];
$latinFromFarsiWordsTable[$this->knownWordsTable[$lowerCaseTextWord]] = $lowerCaseTextWord;
// caret position mapping
$accumulatedLatinCaretPosition += strlen($lowerCaseTextWord);
$accumulatedFarsiCaretPosition += strlen($this->knownWordsTable[$lowerCaseTextWord]);
array_push($latinCaretPosition, $accumulatedLatinCaretPosition);
array_push($farsiCaretPosition, $accumulatedFarsiCaretPosition);
if ($this->wordIsMarkedToNotConverted($textWords[$i])) // words with / or \ in the beginning
$farsiText .= substr($textWords[$i], 1); // remove the first letter, which is \ or /
/// TODO : I'm not sure about this
if (false) // in case of single editor, make place the word with / in a table so it is not converted to farsi again, but make sure to remove / from its beginning
$this->knownWordsTable[substr($textWords[$i], 1)] = substr($textWords[$i], 1);
// caret position mapping
$accumulatedLatinCaretPosition += strlen($textWords[$i]);
$accumulatedFarsiCaretPosition += strlen(substr($textWords[$i], 1));
array_push($latinCaretPosition, $accumulatedLatinCaretPosition);
array_push($farsiCaretPosition, $accumulatedFarsiCaretPosition);
if ($this->shouldBeConvertedToFarsi($textWords[$i]))
array_push($unknownWords, $textWords[$i]);
$farsiText .= $textWords[$i];
// caret position mapping
$accumulatedLatinCaretPosition += strlen($textWords[$i]);
$accumulatedFarsiCaretPosition += strlen($textWords[$i]);
array_push($latinCaretPosition, $accumulatedLatinCaretPosition);
array_push($farsiCaretPosition, $accumulatedFarsiCaretPosition);
if (count($unknownWords)) $farsiText = $this->correctUnknownWordsInText($farsiText, $unknownWords);
$farsiText = $this->attachPasvands($farsiText);
$farsiText = $this->attachPishvands($farsiText);
$farsiText = $this->replaceHyphenWithVirtualSpace($farsiText);
$farsiText = $this->attachKasre($farsiText);
if ($this->useFarsiNumbers)
$farsiText = $this>replaceWithFarsiNumbers($farsiText);
return $farsiText;
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::correctUnknownWordsInText
* Description of function
* @param $farsiText string Farsi text containing english words
* @param $finglishWords array English Words
* @return string Blah Blah Blah
private function correctUnknownWordsInText($farsiText, $finglishWords)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, ' / Thank you Behnevis');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'farsi='.urlencode(implode(' ', $finglishWords)).'&responsetime=-1&resulttype=json');
$result = strstr(curl_exec($ch), '{');
$array = json_decode($result, true);
if ($array === NULL)
return $farsiText;
uasort($array, array($this, 'SizeSort'));
return str_replace(array_keys($array), array_values($array), $farsiText);
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::replaceWithFarsiNumbers
* Replaces english numbers with persian numbers
* @param $text string Text containing english numbers
* @return string Text with converted numbers
private function replaceWithFarsiNumbers($text)
$farsi_array = array("۰", "۱", "۲", "۳", "۴", "۵", "۶", "۷", "۸", "۹");
$english_array = array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9");
return str_replace($english_array, $farsi_array, $text);
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::attachKasre
* Replace kasre between two spaces to just kasrre, hence attaching it to the word before
* @param $farsiTtext string Blah Blah Blah
* @return string Blah Blah Blah
private function attachKasre($farsiText)
return str_replace(" " . urldecode('%D9%90'), urldecode('%D9%90') . " ", $farsiText); // needs to be more restriced so it does not replace all 'ha's
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::attachPasvands
* Replace space between some 'pasvand's and their word
* @param $farsiTtext string Blah Blah Blah
* @return string Blah Blah Blah
private function attachPasvands($farsiText)
$pasvands = array("ترین","ها","هایم","هایت","هایشان","یی‌","هایش","هایت","هایتان", "هایمان","ای","هاشون","هاتون", "هات", "های", "هایی‌","ام","شان","اش");
for ($p = 0; $p < count($pasvands); $p++)
$farsiText = str_replace(" " . $pasvands[$p] . " ", urldecode('%E2%80%8C') . $pasvands[$p] . " ", $farsiText); // needs to be more restriced so it does not replace all 'ha's
return $farsiText;
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::attachPishvands
* Replace space between some 'pishvand's and their word
* @param $farsiTtext string Blah Blah Blah
* @return string Blah Blah Blah
private function attachPishvands($farsiText)
$pishvands = array("می‌","نمی‌","بی");
$pishvandRegexp = array('/(\sمی‌\s)/', '/(\sنمی‌\s)/', '/(\sبی\s)/');
$farsiText = preg_replace(array('/(\sمی‌\s)/', '/(\sنمی‌\s)/', '/(\sبی\s)/'), array(" می‌" . urldecode('%E2%80%8C')," نمی‌" . urldecode('%E2%80%8C')," بی" . urldecode('%E2%80%8C')), $farsiText);
return $farsiText;
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::replaceHyphenWithVirtualSpace
* Replace Hyphen With Virtual Space
* @param $s string Blah Blah Blah
* @return string Blah Blah Blah
private function replaceHyphenWithVirtualSpace($s)
$characters = '[ابپتثجچحخدذرزژسشصضطظعغفقکگلمنوهیهٔآأ]';
// replace - with virtual space
$s = preg_replace('/(' . $characters . ')-(' . $characters . ')/', '$1' . urldecode('%E2%80%8C') . '$2', $s);
// replace -- with -
$s = preg_replace('/(' . $characters . ')--(' . $characters . ')/', '$1-$2', $s);
return $s;
* ConvertFinglishToFarsi::SizeSort
* Used for sorting arrays with it's value length
* @param $a string First value
* @param $a string Second value
* @return int 1 if a is bigger than b, else 0
private function SizeSort($a, $b)
return (strlen($a) < strlen($b));
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