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Created December 13, 2008 07:21
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<title>Hello World Applet</title>
<applet code="app" archive="app.jar" width=100 height=100>
import java.awt._
import java.applet._
case class HelloWorld()
class app extends Applet {
override def paint(g:Graphics) {
val hoge = HelloWorld()
g.drawString(""+hoge, 20, 20)
-injars app.jar;'c:/Program Files/Scala/lib/scala-library.jar'(!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF,!
-outjars app.jar
-libraryjars <java.home>/lib/rt.jar
-keep public class app
call scalac app.scala
jar cvfM app.jar *.class
java -jar proguard.jar @app.txt
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