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Created December 30, 2019 03:04
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csv = <<-CSV
595,fiber,Fiber ignores ensure clause
4040,core,SystemStackError with Hash[*a] for Large _a_
4173,test,TestProcess#test_wait_and_sigchild が、たまに失敗する
4352,ruby3 core,"[patch] Fix eval(s, b) backtrace; make eval(s, b) consistent with eval(s)"
4405,win thread ext,WIN32OLE &amp; Threads incompatible
4434,thread maybenotbug,make test-all &quot;-j10000&quot; のように大きな並列数を与えると異常終了
4436,ruby3 lib,FileUtils verbose mode prints output to stderr
4443,core,odd evaluation order in a multiple assignment
5179,patch core,Complex#rationalize and to_r with approximate zeros
5317,core maybenotbug,rubyのヘッダファイルを使った拡張を行う際にoff_tの宣言回避をする事が出来ない。
5334,ext maybenotbug,Segmentation fault in InternetExplorer IServiceProvider interface
5418,lib,Some properties of WEBrick::HTTPRequest could be malformed
5771,ext maybenotbug,WIN32OLERuntimeError using 1.9.2
6087,core ruby3,How should inherited methods deal with return values of their own subclass?
6117,fiber notbug,Transfers allowed into Fibers that have resumed into other fibers
6120,core ext,Float and BigDecimal bug in remainder in corner cases
6124,build,remove the &quot;spec-only gems&quot; in Ruby 1.9.3 (was What is the purpose of &quot;fake&quot; gems in Ruby)
6351,encoding,transcode table generator does not support multi characters of Unicode
6360,win build,Debug information build even without requesting it
6391,win build,Segment Fault while execute make_encmake.rb for Ruby 1.9.3 P194 ( MinGW64)
6407,win ext,"Most Test Failure for BigDecimal on 64bit Windows, any GCC parameter needed?"
7676,core,Comparison of Float::NAN in array behaves unexpectedly
7742,encoding,System encoding (Windows-1258) is not recognized by Ruby to convert back to UTF-8
7758,win encoding,Ruby on Windows crashes when active codepage is codepage 65001 and outputting unicode character
7840,build,-Wdeclaration-after-statement is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
7844,patch core,include/prepend satisfiable module dependencies are not satisfied
7859,ext,Readline: Incorrect arrow key behavior in vi_editing_mode insert mode with Readline 6.2
7892,ext,MIME encoding bug of NKF.nkf
7964,encoding ext,Writing an ASCII-8BIT String to a StringIO created from a UTF-8 String
7968,ext perf,Poor UDPSocket#send performance in ruby 2.0.0 on windows
7976,tracepoint notbug,"TracePoint call is at call point, not call site"
8185,thread unfixable, Thread/fork issue
8203,lib,Rinda: recycled object
8299,core,Minor error in float parsing
8444,core,Regexp vars $~ and friends are not thread local
8445,patch core, and IO#set_enconding does not support :fallback option
8446,ext,sdbm fails to fetch existing key if many elements in it
8484,core,Restoring conditions through the ruby method call during VM processing
8677,patch core maybenotbug,$LOAD_PATH did not encoded into the &quot;internal encoding&quot;
8782,ext,Don&#39;t set rl_getc_function on editline
8810,ext unfixable,GDBM.open内で処理がブロックしたらTimeout.timeout が効かない
8826,ext,BigDecimal#div and #quo different behavior and inconsistencies
8836,lib maybenotbug,[BUG] Bus Error with bundler on large Gemfile when resolving dependencies
8841,doc notbug,Module#included_modules and prepended modules
8973,patch build,Allow to configure archlibdir for multiarch
9009,core,Wrong binding when tracing c-calls
9010,build,./configure --prefix= cannot handle directories with spaces
9016,win encoding,String#encoding is lying?
9045,lib uriencoding,URIに含まれるエンコードされたID/パスワードがデコードされない
9115,patch lib,Logger traps all exceptions; breaks Timeout
9121,patch lib notbug,[PATCH] Remove rbtree implementation of SortedSet due to performance regression
9189,win encoding,Build failure on Windows in case of nonascii TEMP environment.
9208,patch win core,Win32 ANSI color no longer works since revision 43331
9242,patch lib,Rdoc detection of aliases
9245,win encoding,Kernel::system gives wrong output for utf-8 characters on windows under utf-8 console
9246,ext,NoMemoryError is occurred by simple addition of BigDecimal
9274,win core,A lot of SystemStackError on Windows 8.1 with MSVC 2013
9287,build notbug,&#39;rb_obj_write&#39; discards qualifiers from pointer target type
9366,test,&quot;make -j32 check TESTS=-j32&quot; occasionally fails on rubygems/specification
9409,cygwin encoding,Cygwin で &quot;filesystem&quot; の encoding が正しくないケース
9414,win encoding maybenotbug,strftime returns incorrectly encoded string
9431,win core maybenotbug,In windows ruby IO.write returns count of bytes without count of CR character
9435,win core,Kernel.system problem
9459,patch lib,Net::HTTP initializes openssl library after TCP connection is established
9504,patch ext,X509 certificate incorrectly loaded (because of try-pem-first-else-asn1)
9507,core arm,Ruby 2.1.0 is broken on ARMv5: tried to create Proc object without a block
9542,lib unfixable,Delegator does not delegate protected methods
9573,core maybenotbug,"descendants of a module don&#39;t gain its future ancestors, but descendants of a class, do"
9580,refine maybenotbug,Refinements regression in IRB
9595,ext,Float#to_d inconsistent between 2.0.0 and 2.1.1
9659,ext,crash in FIPS mode after unchecked algo-&gt;init_func failure
9713,win encoding,__FILE__ return unexpected encoding - breaks Dir.glob
9715,win encoding,ENV data yield ASCII-8BIT encoded strings under Windows with unicode username
9737,wip-patch encoding,Non-ASCII characters in the path to ruby executable break require paths
9760,build,mkmf does not allow for linking against custom libraries when a system library is present
9790,ext,Zlib::GzipReader only decompressed the first of concatenated files
9806,lib maybenotbug,URI#encode doesn&#39;t encode characters &#39;[&#39; and &#39;]&#39;. They should be encoded as %5B and %5D respectively.
9815,core notbug,attr_reader doesn&#39;t warn on a uninitialized instance variable
9877,lib maybenotbug,"IRB::OutputMethod defines &quot;pp&quot;, but it&#39;s actually &quot;p&quot;"
9921,build maybenotbug,"gmtime_r, win32.h, and &lt;string&gt;"
9930,win encoding,unicode filenames somehow don&#39;t work
9931,lib,irb: Really weird behavior for x = &quot;&quot; (ex: irb(main:009:-4))
9944,win maybenotbug,in ruby for windows in &quot;system&quot; a redirection to append a file works incorrectly
9955,win build,"issue building dll on mingw, library not found"
10009,thread perf,IO operation is 10x slower in multi-thread environment
10128,win core,"Quoting problem for arguments of Kernel.system, Kernel.exec on Windows"
10167,patch lib,Prime#include?(mod) hangs up
10203,ext, has strange behaviour when EADDRINUSE without specifying hostname
10213,build notbug,bundled gems ignored by make install
10248,core,Possible missing test or bug for Module#include and Module#prepend
10388,parser unfixable,Operator precedence problem in multiple assignment (massign)
10416,build,Create mechanism for updating of Unicode data files downstreams when we want
10417,encoding,IO#set_encoding without int_enc doesn&#39;t keep current internal encoding
10436,patch ext,ruby -c and ripper inconsistency: m(&amp;nil) {}
10470,tracepoint,TracePoint cannot trace attr_accessor/reader/writer method
10475,core notbug,Array#flatten should not accept a nil argument
10484,ext,http response throw error with broken gzip compressed block(but can decompress)
10534,core notbug,Enumerator methods other than &quot;next&quot; do not always respect &quot;peek&quot;
10542,build,out-of-place build from repository builds enc/trans/*.c in the source directory and the build directory
10561,core maybenotbug,Improve function of Thread::Backtrace::Location #path and #absolute_path
10580,test arm,TestProcess#test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking fails on ARM
10584,encoding maybenotbug,"String.valid_encoding?, String.ascii_only? fails to account for BOM."
10613,lib notbug,SNI is not optional when using TLS
10637,lib,Puppet orchestration on vagrant fails with Error: Non-HTTP proxy URI
10684,core maybenotbug,Block arity changes through Enumerable methods
10749,core,Possible overflow in GC::Profiler report on 2.2.0
10845,core maybenotbug,Subclassing String
10855,patch lib,[PATCH] Matrix#inverse returns matrix of integers whenever possible
10902,core,require(&quot;enumerator&quot;) scans LOAD_PATH 2x on every invocation
10919,lib,[gem install] installs multipe platforms
10929,patch core maybenotbug,NilClass#to_proc and &amp; don&#39;t mix?
10959,core,rb_iseq_load: problems with hash containing symbolic keys
11014,core maybenotbug,String#partition doesn&#39;t return correct result on zero-width match
11022,core notbug,opening an eigenclass does not change the class variable definition context
11063,patch core maybenotbug,Special singleton class should return true for singleton_class? test
11064,core maybenotbug,#singleton_methods for objects with special singleton_class returns an empty array
11142,win core,Command line argument parser on windows handles double quotes inconsistently.
11164,core,Garbage collector in Ruby 2.2 provokes unexpected CoW
11174,thread linux,threads memory leak
11177,win core,DATAでEOF文字以降が読めない
11180,ext,Missing lines with Zlib::GzipReader
11182,refine,Refinement with alias causes strange behavior
11183,core,Cumulative error on Complex::I ** 100000000000000000000000000000000
11188,patch core,Method#inspect for chaining alias methods
11189,core,alias prepended module
11194,lib,Refactor env-sourced proxy logic for uri/generic
11202,core maybenotbug,No warning when a link to an original method body was removed
11213,core maybenotbug,defined?(super) ignores respond_to_missing?
11230,core,Should rb_struct_s_members() be public API?
11269,core,ruby_init_setproctitle() should be called before require_libraries()
11304,core maybenotbug,[PATCH] Kernel.global_variables should observe $~.
11335,lib,`ruby -r debug` catchpoint problem
11410,win ext encoding,Win32 Registry enumeration performs unnecessary string re-encoding which cause UndefinedConversionError exceptions
11438,win thread,"native_thread_init_stack() get machine.stack_start unequal to thread&#39;s stack start address, x86 win32"
11450,patch lib,HTTPHeader.content_range throws error on non-byte units
11480,test,killed by SIGIOT (signal 6) on fork
11514,core aix,AIX6.1 - Ruby 2.2.3 - Segmentation fault in :byteslice
11523,patch maybenotbug,optparse short options will match complete options
11526,patch lib,Streaming HTTP requests are not idempotent and should not be retried
11531,lib maybenotbug,IPAddr#== implements wrong logic
11533,lib aix,AIX6.1 - Ruby 2.2.3 - TestMkmf::TestConvertible#test_typeof_builtin fails
11579,patch ext,Fiddle.win32_last_error after calling Fiddle::Function#call isn&#39;t GetLastError()
11582,core solaris maybenotbug,"On Solaris, Rational#** returns -Infinity for Rational(0) when passed a negative Float"
11669,refine,inconsitent behavior of refining frozen class
11704,refine maybenotbug,Refinements only get &quot;used&quot; once in loop
11706,encoding notbug,"Clean up files etc/unicode/name2ctype.{h.blt,kwd,src}"
11778,core,recv_io with mode breaks when klass arg is kind of BasicSocket
11779,refine notbug,Module#using does not make sense as a method
11808,core,Different behavior between Enumerable#grep and Array#grep
11840,cygwin test,Error with &quot;make check&quot; on Cygwin
11878,core maybenotbug,Comparison of prepended modules
12040,win core,[Win32] File.stat fails on a mounted volume
12052,encoding,String#encode with xml option returns wrong result
12055,patch lib,`NET::HTTPResponse` is not deflating responses with custom `Content-Range` header
12136,lib notbug, :bar).send :format # =&gt; too few arguments
12159,core maybenotbug,Thread::Backtrace::Location#path returns absolute path for files loaded by require_relative
12179,build,Build failure due to VPATH expansion
12235,lib maybenotbug,URI.encode issue with square brackets
12251,lib notbug,DelegateClass(OpenStruct) behavior in 2.3.0 different from 2.2
12258,lib,RDoc bug when handling comments in C code examples
12261,win maybenotbug,Windows: File.dirname with 2+ / or 2+ \\ will return // or \\\\
12280,win core,"IO.copy_stream(IO, IO) fails with &quot;pread() not implemented&quot;"
12368,core notbug,default encoding of Integer#chr
12392,build,configure --with-sitedir=no --with-sitearchdir=no --with-vendordir=no --with-vendorarchdir=no が機能しない
12416,core maybenotbug,struct rb_id_table lacks mark function
12436,win core,newline argument of seems not respected on Windows
12440,cygwin core,make test-all is not working on cygwin
12442,cygwin core,TestArgf#test_textmode fails on cygwin
12444,cygwin core,Segmentation fault when running TestException#test_machine_stackoverflow on cygwin
12445,cygwin thread,Testing TestIO#test_open_fifo_does_not_block_other_threads results in deadlock on cygwin
12468,cygwin lib,Logger: Can not rotate (log shifting failed. closed stream)
12473,test,Test failure on fedora with TestTimeExtension#test_huge_precision
12485,patch core maybenotbug,Kernel.Rational raises TypeError though given denominator returns 1 by to_int
12500,test mips,TestProcess#test_aspawn_too_long_path fails on mips with &quot;argument too big&quot;
12506,cygwin,"On cygwin, Feature #5994 does not work"
12540,core,test failures when SHARABLE_MIDDLE_SUBSTRING=1
12547,core,"Remove ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION_... in enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h"
12548,core maybenotbug,Rounding modes inconsistency between round versus sprintf
12551,win core,Exception accessing file with long path on windows
12564,core,Sometimes test_settracefunc.rb segfaults in exec_hooks_body (vm_trace.c)
12582,openssl,OpenSSL Authenticated Encryption should check for tag length
12590,cygwin build,Error compiling parse.c on cygwin
12594,core notbug,The class does not inherit from a module the modules that were included after the inclusion
12597,encoding test,Produce test failure if some tests cannot be executed due to lacking data
12599,patch perf,"For CLang, increase inline-threshold to get 7%-10% speedup of optcarrot"
12666,ext,Fatal error: glibc detected an invalid stdio handle
12671,core maybenotbug,"Hash#to_proc result is not a lambda, but enforces arity"
12689,core,Thread isolation of $~ and $_
12706,core maybenotbug,Hash#each yields inconsistent number of args
12708,lib,Net::IMAP : Mail To address is not correct when uid_fetch is called.
12725,cygwin build,Trying to use ./miniruby before it exists
12780,ext,BigDecimal#round returns different types depending on argument
12834,core maybenotbug,`prepend` getting prepended even if it already exists in the ancestors chain
12838,lib,Duplication of UDP packets for DNS responses causing &quot;no address&quot; results for valid hostnames
12852,lib notbug,URI.parse can&#39;t handle non-ascii URIs
12919,lib notbug,Net::FTP does not have a default open_timeout
12987,ext win notbug,Win32 API.rb can not call function without argument.
13000,lib notbug,Implement Set#include? with Hash#include?
13094,ext,Zlib::GzipReader eof?がfalseなのにgetsでnilが返ってくる
13125,build,MRI has too much Qtrue : Qfalse;
13151,win core,File.writable? doesn&#39;t report correctly if a directory is writable on Windows.
13153,core,Inconsistent sprintf formatting for 0 value
13164,core,A second `SystemStackError` exception results in `Segmentation fault (core dumped)`
13220,encoding,Enhance support of Unicode strings manipulation
13257,core notbug,Symbol#singleton_class should be undef
13269,win test,test/readline/test_readline.rb and mingw
13298,win core,mingw SEGV TestEnumerable#test_callcc
13331,ext,Inconsistent conversion of Float into Decimal
13392,tracepoint,TracePoint doesn&#39;t work correct with monkey patches / aliased methods
13397,patch core,#object_id should not be signed
13485,win test,MinGW TestEnumerable#test_callcc SEGV info
13500,win test,MinGW TestArity#test_proc_err_mess stops testing
13513,lib,Resolv::DNS::Message.decode hangs after detecting truncation in UDP messages
13542,win test,MinGW trunk Builds - Summary of Issues
13571,win encoding,"Script arguments, encoding, windows / MinGW"
13644,win test,Windows - Setting
13654,lib,irb save-history extension is not concurrency-safe
13663,core notbug,`String#upto` doesn&#39;t work as expected
13670,arm core,[BUG] Bus Error at 0xefce7b (armv7l) (ruby 2.3.4p301)
13671,regexp notbug,Regexp with lookbehind and case-insensitivity raises RegexpError only on strings with certain characters
13675,patch ext,Should Zlib::GzipReader#ungetc accept nil?
13708,core,catastrophic slow compilation of defined-defined sequence has no chance to ^C
13754,ext,bigdecimal with lower precision that Float
13758,core,TestRubyOptions#test_segv_setproctitle segfaults on AARCH64
13768,core,SIGCHLD and Thread dead-lock problem
13864,test,Rinda multicast test failures due to missing default route
13876,core,Tempfile&#39;s finalizer can be interrupted by a Timeout exception which can cause the process to hang
13882,core,Exception in `ensure` stops threads from exiting
13891,win build,Rake - no files in bin folder - 59839
13918,win build,Appveyor failure - svn 59961 Use https instead of ftp for libffi downloading
13930,wip-patch core,Exception is caught in rescue above ensure
13932,core,[PATCH] Extension libraries take precedence in checks of later Kernel.#require calls for features without file extensions
13962,build,Change to https
13999,cygwin ext,Cygwin 環境で ripper_state_lex.rb がコアダンプする
14004,lib,ri confused by method aliases and by Queue versus Thread::Queue
14012,refine,NameError is raised when use class variables in Refinements
14015,core,Enumerable &amp; Hash yielding arity
14046,ext,Ripper loses DATA
14049,win core,SEGV svn 60401 require_relative
14064,test,test-all with and without -j - incorrect assertions and missing test methods
14083,refine,Refinement in block calling incorrect method
14090,core,`TestGc#test_interrupt_in_finalizer` fails very rarely
14094,lib,IRB does not obey frame-level visibility modifiers
14096,ext,Psych allows invalid single quote escape character
14103,regexp,Regexp absense operator has no chance to ^C
14119,patch lib,IPAddr#include? does not seem to support the subnet mask
14137,win regexp,Windows / MinGW - Regexp - Character Properties - General Category
14160,patch ext,JSON#generate documentation wrong/misleading
14175,test,TestResolvMDNS#test_mdns_each_address fails
14266,patch lib,Set#clone(freeze: false) makes frozen internal hash
14267,core notbug,Lazy proc allocation introduced in #14045 creates regression
14271,test,Random TestIO_Console#test_oflush failure
14275,patch core,GC not aggressive enough
14327,arm build,Segmentation fault while compiling ruby 2.5 on alpine armhf
14364,core,Regexp last match variable in procs
14367,regexp,Wrong interpretation of backslash C in regexp literals
14378,win notbug,"On windows, RUBY_FIXNUM_MAX of 64 bits ruby is 32 bits"
14387,core linux,Ruby 2.5 を Alpine Linux で実行すると比較的浅めで SystemStackError 例外になる
14391,patch ext perf,Integer#digitsが遅い
14400,core,IO#ungetc and IO#ungetbyte documentation is inconsistent with the behavior
14408,patch doc,Add hash argument description for GC.stat and GC.latest_gc_info document
14413,patch core,`-n` and `-p` flags break when stdout is closed
14418,regexp perf,ruby 2.5 slow regexp execution
14422,build,Ruby configuration options should not be reused for gem builds
14434,patch core,IO#reopen fails after EPIPE
14437,core notbug,Integer == doesn&#39;t work with coerce since 2.4 (and != since 1.9). Should it?
14456,encoding,Dir.glob with FNM_CASEFOLD gives ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
14474,test,skip &quot;TestException#test_thread_signal_location&quot; as known bug
14479,tracepoint,Exceptions raised from a :call tracepoint can sometimes be &quot;rescued&quot; inside the method
14480,arm build,miniruby crashing when compiled with -O2 or -O1 on aarch64
14541,core notbug,"Class variables have broken semantics, let&#39;s fix them"
14543,build,`make commit` show error of `common-srcs`
14558,core notbug,&quot;Backtrace in reverse order&quot; always upsets my brain!
14563,lib,irb in irb raises a FATAL error
14570,win core,Wired behavior of File.expand_path() on Windows
14582,tracepoint,Unable to use `method__entry` and `method_return` tracing probes since 2.5
14591,encoding maybenotbug,Files with invalid multi-byte characters will cause Find::find() to raise EINVAL exception
14607,core,Fix use of the rb_profile_frames start parameter
14635,patch core,Float#round(n) returns a wrong result when n is big
14640,win core,[win32] File.realpath treats a relative path with a drive letter as an absolute path.
14671,refine,Refining Module#refine itself introduces strange state
14679,lib,StdLib gems should properly specify their dependencies
14681,core,`syswrite&#39;: stream closed in another thread (IOError)
14704,core,Module#ancestors looks wrong when a module is both included and prepended in the same class.
14716,ext,SecureRandom throwing an error in Ruby 2.5.1
14726,patch core,wrong message when superclass is not a Class
14727,win thread,TestQueue#test_queue_with_trap always timeout on Windows10
14732,ext,CGI.unescape returns different instance between Ruby 2.3 and 2.4
14737,build,Split default gems into separate directory structure
14743,doc notbug,Some links broken in README
14744,refine,Refinements modules have a superclass
14755,arm,Aborted (core dumped)
14761,solaris thread,TestThread#test_join_limits hangs up on Solaris 10 with gcc
14804,ext,GzipReader cannot read Freebase dump (but gzcat/zless can)
14817,tracepoint,TracePoint#parameters for bmethod&#39;s return event should return the same value as its Method#parameters
14823,core maybenotbug,Endless Range Excluding End
14824,lib,Endless Range Support in irb
14826,solaris build,make: *** [.ext/include/sparc-solaris2.10/rb_mjit_min_header-2.6.0.h] Error 1 on Solaris 10 with very old gcc3
14835,tracepoint,Impossible to know whether an exception was rescued or not using TracePoint
14838,regexp notbug,RegexpError with double &quot;s&quot; in look-behind assertion in case-insensitive unicode regexp
14843,ext,[BUG] Illegal instruction at 0x000000010c7acc0a
14870,tracepoint,Both TracePoint&#39;s :call and :c_call filters seem to skip a lot of builtin methods
14874,cygwin,Segmentation fault under Cygwin
14884,win,msys2 mingw32 &#39;rake&#39; has unexpected text at top of file
14889,tracepoint,TracePoint for :line never seems to trigger on argument list. Maybe by design?
14891,ext notbug,Pathname#join has different behaviour to File.join
14895,core,Inconsistent constant names when using const_set on a singleton class
14900,core perf ,Extra allocation in String#byteslice
14906,win core,MinGW failure - TestIO#test_copy_stream_no_busy_wait
14957,win thread,"MinGW, gcc 8.2.0, bootstraptest test_thread.rb - failure ?"
14963,solaris thread,"Since r64107, on Solaris, spec test of rb_io_wait_readable hangs up"
14971,cygwin build,error: implicit declaration of function ‘rb_vm_call0
14972,lib,Net::HTTP inconsistently raises EOFError when peer closes the connection
14997,ext,Socket connect timeout exceeds the timeout value for
15027,core,When Struct#each method is overriden Struct#select and Struct#to_a use wrong collections
15038,win build,Appveyor MinGW - bundled gems missing?
15072,cygwin build,thread.c:4356:5: error: implicit declaration of function ‘ubf_list_atfork’
15097,cygwin lib,Gem install fails on Ruby 2.5.1 with Cygwin (get_dns_server_list undefined)
15178,patch build,Wrong paramaters passing to pthread_setname_np(3)
15204,patch win ,globbing should be prevented when wildcard is surrounded by double quotes in the ruby&#39;s command line
15209,test,r64925 order-only-prerequisites - make targets - breaking change
15244,patch core,Method #extname return empty string if filename is dot (&#39;.&#39;)
15247,win test,"Windows - TEMP folder, non 8.3 &amp; drive, fails &amp; errors in test-all (ruby &amp; rdoc)"
15262,ext,WeakRef::RefError for object that is still in use
15263,patch core,[PATCH] vm_trace.c (postponed_job_register): only hit main thread
15276,lib notbug,URI.join behaviour is unintuitive
15310,patch thread,[PATCH] thread_pthread.c: close race from UBF_TIMER and non-GVL-releasing thread
15313,patch tracepoint,[PATCH] Let debuggers know when a tail call happens
15315,patch core,ec_switch can still lose interrupts
15334,test,child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by &#39;; on cygwin
15359,lib build,Bundler help is not properly integrated
15367,core, is not resumed when io-object gets closed
15386,patch core,[PATCH] io.c (rb_io_check_char_readable): do not io_fflush buffered sockets
15404,patch parser,Endless range has inconsistent chaining behaviour
15409,ext,OpenStruct error when attribute is called &#39;method&#39;
15417,ext,Pathname case insensitive comparison
15423,thread,fork leapfrog leaks memory on FreeBSD 11.2
15425,build,Store MJIT header into Ruby versioned directory.
15428,core notbug,Refactor Proc#&gt;&gt; and #&lt;&lt;
15433,test,OpenStruct NameError vs NoMethodError spec fails for method_missing
15438,win thread,Threads can&#39;t switch faster than TIME_QUANTUM_(NSEC|USEC|MSEC)
15465,cygwin test,Tests failed on i386-cygwin
15507,thread,Thread#raise is delivered to GC context
15517,lib encoding,Net::HTTP not recognizing valid UTF-8
15550,win,Windows - gem bin files - can&#39;t run from bash shell
15569,win thread,TestResolvDNS#test_no_server always fails on usa&#39;s mswin environment
15570,core,rb_int2big signature change #14036 breaks VIM on 32b arches
15576,core notbug,Wrong error message from some class methods of `Dir`
15579,aix build,make step when building ruby 2.4.5 on AIX 7.1 results in a Segmentation fault : ruby-2.4.5/lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb:325
15587,win thread,Thread tests failing
15589,perf,`Numeric#zero?` is much slower than `== 0`
15598,core autoload,Deadlock on mutual reference of autoloaded constants
15599,core autoload,Mixing autoload and require causes deadlock and incomplete definition.
15608,patch core,What should be the correct output for Method#inspect with singleton methods?
15621,win encoding,"system({}, ...) breaks nonascii ENV[&quot;PATH&quot;] on Windows"
15634,tracepoint,TracePoint seems to be skipping some methods.
15644,patch ext,ThreadsWait problems with Thread#report_on_exception
15655,win encoding,Unable to handle Russian dirname on Windows
15661,core,Disallow concurrent Dir.chdir with block
15674,core,"Regression: ObjectSpace.allocation_sourceline produces the wrong location for allocations, it shows the end of the method instead of the line where the object was created"
15712,ext,DateTime#=== should be defined and compare date and time instead of just the date
15718,ext encoding,YAML raises error when dumping strings with UTF32 encoding
15729,core thread openssl,OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#connect randomly hangs
15735,core thread,Thread#handle_interrupt does not prevent Thread#kill from interrupting
15737,core thread,Queue#pop randomly hangs forever
15764,parser,Whitespace and control characters should not be permitted in tokens
15779,patch core,"After NoMemoryError, ruby freezes and takes 100% CPU"
15787,haiku lib maybenotbug,LoadError by EPERM on read-only volume
15790,core autoload,Strange interaction between autoload and $LOADED_FEATURES
15795,haiku ext,Some test fails on Haiku
15819,lib,cannot read document of File::NULL with &quot;ri File::NULL&quot;
15834,patch lib,"Mutating the result of SortedSet.to_a mutates the original set, potentially violating the set&#39;s guarantees"
15856,core perf ,Idempotent performance of Kernel.require with many activated gems is slow
15928,core,Constant declaration does not conform to JIS 3017:2013
15993,win encoding,&#39;require&#39; doesn&#39;t work if there are Cyrillic chars in the path to Ruby dir
16004,core maybenotbug,Kernel#lambda captured with Kernel#method doesn&#39;t create lambdas
16031,core ext maybenotbug,Inconsistency between Date::strptime and Time::strptime at the end of a month
16044,ruby3,Float::ROUNDS (FLT_ROUNDS) should not be a constant.
16110,win core thread,Doesn&#39;t detect deadlock on Ruby 2.4 and 2.5 on Windows
16116,win ext,"ruby2.6.3(x86/x64) use win32ole could not new Object, return 0x80070057"
16138,backport,Backport empty option hash fix to 2.5 and 2.6
16143,patch core,BOM UTF-8 is not removed after rewind
16145,regexp,"regexp match error if mixing /i, character classes, and utf8"
16158,regexp notbug,&quot;st&quot; Character Sequence In Regex Look-Behind Causes Illegal Pattern Error When Combined With POSIX Bracket Expressions And Case Insensitivity Flag
16173,patch core,ENV.delete returns nil when name does not exist and block given
16179,aix notbug,ruby binaries generate &quot;already initialized constant&quot; warnings on AIX 6.1
16185,aix notbug,basictest failure on AIX 6.1 for 64bit build
16186,patch core,Calling Net::HTTP from within an #inspect implementation hang when invoked from p
16195,other,Invalid certificate on
16233,patch win encoding,winruby UTF8 Fallback for no CodePage
16243,core perf ,case/when is slower than if on MRI
16265,win thread,"Test (spec) failure using current MSYS2 tools, related to -fstack-protector and possibly D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
16266,lib notbug,Additional empty folders created in lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems by make install
16277,win ext maybenotbug,UNIXServer#listen fails with Errno::EADDRINUSE error under Windows 10 / WSL Ubuntu 18.04
16288,core,"Segmentation fault with finalizers, threads"
16334,backport core,Wrong line numbers for multiline method chains
16338,build,gemspec stub EOF separators throw warning
16344,core,Can be assigned to numbered parameter when after used _1
16350,core,ArithmeticSequence#member? can result in infinite loop
16352,core,Marshal limit of &gt;= 2 GiB
16357,backport,`Segmentation fault (core dumped)` or `[BUG] object allocation during garbage collection phase`
16361,maybenotbug test,TestEnv#test_fetch failure
16367,win encoding,stdin not support ibm866 encoding for windows
16368,ext,Error in `YAML.load(symbolize_names: true)` with null column YAML
16369,thread,Segfault : crashed on child side of fork pre-exec thread_pool.rb
16371,backport,Inconsistent usage of Double splat operator
16373,lib,RDoc for some of the Kernel methods cannot be found in Kernel module
16376,core,Stack-buffer-overflow in renumber_by_map in regcomp.c
16383,patch tracepoint,TracePoint does not report calls to attribute reader methods
16398,ext,Active Support unit test error since caac5f777ae288b5982708b8690e712e1cae0cf6
16406,core,`(lambda_proc &lt;&lt; normal_proc).lambda?` should return false
16410,test,Spec failure - &quot;File.utime allows Time instances in the far future to set mtime and atime&quot;
16416,build,Suspicious include directories.
16423,core notbug,Ruby Crash
16439,lib,Resolv::DNS: timeouts if multiple IPv6 name servers are given and address contains leading zero
16448,core,regex global variables are working differently depending on scope
16453,lib,irb crashes when using array literal and heredoc
16455,patch fiber,"coroutine ucontext uses deprecated POSIX getcontext/swapcontext/makecontext, absent in musl"
16459,patch tracepoint,&lt;internal:trace_point&gt;:346: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x0000000000000008
16462,core notbug,Ruby 2.7 autoload not working with $RUBYLIB (maybe circular dependency error)
16465,patch core,False keyword warning against Struct#initialize
16466,patch core,`*args -&gt; *args` delegation should be warned when the last hash has a `ruby2_keywords` flag
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