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Last active April 29, 2022 19:09
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-- This has dependencies on other code so won't compile, but at least shows the logic.
-- Money "GBP" is just an Int counting the number of pence.
module Records.Tax where
import Money
import Schedule.Variable
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Serialize
import GHC.Stack
import Safe
newtype TaxYear = TY Int
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
deriving newtype NFData
deriving newtype Serialize
instance Variable TaxYear where
type ImplicitFor TaxYear = (?taxYear :: TaxYear)
getVariable = ?taxYear
data TaxYearInfo =
{ personalAllowance :: Money "GBP"
, higherRateThreshold :: Money "GBP" -- after taking off personal allowance
, additionalRateThreshold :: Money "GBP" -- after taking off personal allowance (non-existent anyway)
, niPrimaryThreshold :: Money "GBP"
, niUpperEarningsLimit :: Money "GBP"
, niEmployerThreshold :: Money "GBP"
taxYearInfos :: [(Int, TaxYearInfo)]
taxYearInfos =
[ (2011, TaxYearInfo (Money 747500) (Money 3500000) (Money 15000000) nierror nierror nierror)
, (2012, TaxYearInfo (Money 810500) (Money 3437000) (Money 15000000) nierror nierror nierror)
, (2013, TaxYearInfo (Money 944000) (Money 3201000) (Money 15000000) nierror nierror nierror)
, (2014, TaxYearInfo (Money 1000000) (Money 3186500) (Money 15000000) nierror nierror nierror)
, (2015, TaxYearInfo (Money 1060000) (Money 3178500) (Money 15000000) (Money 806000) (Money 4238000) nierror)
, (2016, TaxYearInfo (Money 1100000) (Money 3200000) (Money 15000000) (Money 806000) (Money 4300000) nierror)
, (2017, TaxYearInfo (Money 1150000) (Money 3350000) (Money 15000000) (Money 816400) (Money 4500000) nierror)
, (2018, TaxYearInfo (Money 1185000) (Money 3450000) (Money 15000000) (Money 842400) (Money 4635000) nierror)
, (2019, TaxYearInfo (Money 1250000) (Money 3750000) (Money 15000000) (Money 863200) (Money 5000000) nierror)
, (2020, TaxYearInfo (Money 1250000) (Money 3750000) (Money 15000000) (Money 950000) (Money 5000000) nierror)
, (2021, TaxYearInfo (Money 1257000) (Money 3770000) (Money 15000000) (Money 956800) (Money 5027000) (Money 884000))
, (2022, TaxYearInfo (Money 1257000) (Money 3770000) (Money 15000000) (Money 956800) (Money 5027000) (Money 884000))
, (2023, TaxYearInfo (Money 1257000) (Money 3770000) (Money 15000000) (Money 956800) (Money 5027000) (Money 884000))
, (2024, TaxYearInfo (Money 1257000) (Money 3770000) (Money 15000000) (Money 956800) (Money 5027000) (Money 884000))
, (2025, TaxYearInfo (Money 1257000) (Money 3770000) (Money 15000000) (Money 956800) (Money 5027000) (Money 884000))
-- TODO check this, in theory should start going up with CPI
, (2026, TaxYearInfo (Money 1257000) (Money 3770000) (Money 15000000) (Money 956800) (Money 5027000) (Money 884000))
where nierror = error "NI information ont filled in yet"
cumTax :: HasCallStack => Int -> Int -> String -> Money "GBP" -> Money "GBP"
cumTax taxYear taxMonth taxCode (Money cumPay) =
Money (slabIncomeTax [(20, higherSoFar), (40, additionalSoFar-higherSoFar)] 45 (roundToPound (cumPay + adjustment)))
TaxYearInfo _ (Money higher) (Money additional) _ _ _ =
fromJustNote ("No info for tax year " ++ show taxYear) (lookup taxYear taxYearInfos)
adjustment = unMoney (taxCodeToAdjustment taxCode taxMonth)
higherSoFar = higher * taxMonth `div` 12
additionalSoFar = additional * taxMonth `div` 12
-- calculate incurred tax "precisely", i.e. ignoring the HMRC rounding
-- this behaves better for calculating incremental tax impact
-- it also omits the tax code as the "correct" tax for a year is independent of that
-- returns results with *4* dp to allow for more stable rounding
-- TODO: actually handle the annual allowance+withdrawal at £100K
cumTaxPrecise :: HasCallStack => Int -> Int -> Money "GBP" -> Int
cumTaxPrecise taxYear taxMonth (Money cumPay) =
slabTaxEx id [(20, higherSoFar), (40, additionalSoFar-higherSoFar)] 45 cumPay
TaxYearInfo _ (Money higher) (Money additional) _ _ _ =
fromJustNote ("No info for tax year " ++ show taxYear) (lookup taxYear taxYearInfos)
higherSoFar = higher * taxMonth `div` 12
additionalSoFar = additional * taxMonth `div` 12
roundTo :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
roundTo k n = k * (n `div` k)
roundToPound :: Integral a => a -> a
roundToPound = roundTo 100
roundToPoundNearest :: Integral a => a -> a
roundToPoundNearest = roundToPound . (+50)
roundToPoundUp :: Integral a => a -> a
roundToPoundUp = roundToPound . (+99)
data IncomeTaxSlab =
{ slabRate :: Int
, slabThreshold :: Int
-- Thresholds are rounded up to the next £1, so tax is undercharged at the top of the slab.
-- So if we fill up the slab, this is the correct amount of tax for the whole slab.
, slabFullTax :: Int
-- This adjusts the "notionally correct" slabs to take account of the
-- rounded up variants HMRC uses: see e.g. this for the 2021-22 tax year:
mkIncomeTaxSlabs :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> [IncomeTaxSlab]
mkIncomeTaxSlabs [] _remainder = []
mkIncomeTaxSlabs ((rate, threshold):slabs) remainder =
theNextRate =
case slabs of
[] -> remainder
(nextRate, _):_ -> nextRate
-- Since we widen the current slab, we need to narrow the next slab.
-- Alternatively we could redefine slabs to have absolute thresholds rather than
-- be relative to the previous slab, but that would complicate other things.
fixedupNextSlabs =
case slabs of
[] -> []
(nextRate, nextThreshold):nextSlabs -> (nextRate, nextThreshold - thresholdAdjustment):nextSlabs
roundedThreshold = roundToPoundUp threshold
thresholdAdjustment = roundedThreshold - threshold
IncomeTaxSlab rate roundedThreshold ((threshold * rate + thresholdAdjustment * theNextRate) `div` 100):
mkIncomeTaxSlabs fixedupNextSlabs remainder
applyIncomeTaxSlab :: [IncomeTaxSlab] -> Int -> Int -> Int
applyIncomeTaxSlab [] remainder amount = amount * remainder `div` 100
applyIncomeTaxSlab (slab:slabs) remainder amount
| amount < slabThreshold slab = amount * slabRate slab `div` 100
| otherwise = slabFullTax slab + applyIncomeTaxSlab slabs remainder (amount - slabThreshold slab)
slabIncomeTax :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> Int
slabIncomeTax slabs remainder amount = applyIncomeTaxSlab (mkIncomeTaxSlabs slabs remainder) remainder amount
slabTax :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> Int
slabTax = slabTaxEx (`div` 100)
slabTaxEx :: (Int -> Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> Int
slabTaxEx scale [] remainder amount = scale (amount * remainder)
slabTaxEx scale ((rate, limit):slabs) remainder amount =
if amount <= limit then scale (amount * rate)
else scale (limit * rate) + slabTaxEx scale slabs remainder (amount - limit)
taxCodeToAdjustment :: String -> Int -> Money "GBP"
taxCodeToAdjustment (reverse -> 'T':rest) = (mempty `mminus`) . tablesAMonthlyAdjustment (read (reverse rest))
taxCodeToAdjustment (reverse -> 'L':rest) = (mempty `mminus`) . tablesAMonthlyAdjustment (read (reverse rest))
taxCodeToAdjustment ('K':rest) = tablesAMonthlyAdjustment (read rest)
taxCodeToAdjustment t = error $ "Couldn't parse tax code: " ++ t
taxForMonth :: (String, String) -> (Int, Int) -> (Money "GBP", Money "GBP") -> Money "GBP" -> Money "GBP"
taxForMonth (taxCode, "M1") (taxYear, _taxMonth) _ payThisMonth =
cumTax taxYear 1 taxCode payThisMonth
taxForMonth (taxCode, "") (taxYear, taxMonth) (Money previousTaxable, Money previousTax) (Money payThisMonth) =
Money (min (payThisMonth `div` 2) (newTax - previousTax))
newTaxable = previousTaxable + payThisMonth
Money newTax = cumTax taxYear taxMonth taxCode (Money newTaxable)
taxForMonth (_, taxBasis) _ _ _ = error $ "Couldn't parse tax basis: " ++ taxBasis
-- 4dp and no rounding, like with cumTaxPrecise
niForMonthPrecise :: Int -> Money "GBP" -> Int
niForMonthPrecise taxYear (Money n) =
[(0, primaryThresholdForMonth), (12, upperEarningsLimitForMonth - primaryThresholdForMonth)]
TaxYearInfo _ _ _ (Money primaryThreshold) (Money upperEarningsLimit) _ =
fromJustNote ("No info for tax year " ++ show taxYear) (lookup taxYear taxYearInfos)
primaryThresholdForMonth = roundToPoundNearest (primaryThreshold `div` 12)
upperEarningsLimitForMonth = roundToPoundNearest (upperEarningsLimit `div` 12)
employerNiForMonth :: Int -> Money "GBP" -> Money "GBP"
employerNiForMonth taxYear (Money n) =
-- the 'n+5' calculation is arbitrary to make a calculation work,
-- probably needs to be tweaked.
Money $ slabTaxEx (`div` 1000) [(0, employerThresholdForMonth)] 138 (n+5)
TaxYearInfo _ _ _ _ _ (Money employerThreshold) =
fromJustNote ("No info for tax year " ++ show taxYear) (lookup taxYear taxYearInfos)
employerThresholdForMonth = roundToPoundNearest (employerThreshold `div` 12)
niForMonth :: Int -> Money "GBP" -> Money "GBP"
niForMonth taxYear (Money n) =
Money $
[(0, primaryThresholdForMonth), (12, upperEarningsLimitForMonth - primaryThresholdForMonth)]
-- according to
-- we should just round down to a whole pound, but experimenting with
-- comes up with thresholds at 30p and 80p.
(roundTo 50 (n+20))
TaxYearInfo _ _ _ (Money primaryThreshold) (Money upperEarningsLimit) _ =
fromJustNote ("No info for tax year " ++ show taxYear) (lookup taxYear taxYearInfos)
primaryThresholdForMonth = roundToPoundNearest (primaryThreshold `div` 12)
upperEarningsLimitForMonth = roundToPoundNearest (upperEarningsLimit `div` 12)
:: Int -- ^tax code number
-> Int -- ^month number
-> Money "GBP"
tablesAMonthlyAdjustment 0 _ = Money 0 -- special case
tablesAMonthlyAdjustment code month =
let (q, r) = code `divMod` 3
in Money $ q * month * 250 + tablesARaw r month
tablesARaw :: Int -> Int -> Int
tablesARaw 0 month = 75 * month -- this is the figure for 3, projected back to 0
tablesARaw 1 month = (75+84) * month
tablesARaw 2 month = (75+84+83) * month
tablesARaw _ _ = error "internal error: tablesARaw called with remainder that wasn't 0,1,2"
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