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Last active December 21, 2019 11:12
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import Vapor
/// Controls basic CRUD operations on `Post`s.
final class PostController {
/// Returns a list of all `Posts`s.
/// GET /posts
func index(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<[Post]> {
return Post.query(on: req).all() //1
/// Returns a `Posts` for given ID.
/// GET /posts/:id
func show(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<Post> {
return try //2
/// Saves a decoded `Post` to the database.
/// POST /posts
func create(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<Post> {
let post = try req.content.syncDecode(Post.self) //3
return req) //4
/// Deletes a parameterized `Post`.
/// DELETE /posts/:id
func delete(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
return try { post in //5
return post.delete(on: req) //6
}.transform(to: .noContent) //7
/// Updates an updatable `Post` model to it's new values.
/// PATCH /posts/:id
func update(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<Post> {
return try { post in //8
let newPostValues = try req.content.syncDecode(Post.UpdatablePost.self) //9
post.title = newPostValues.title ?? post.title
post.body = newPostValues.body ?? post.body
return post.update(on: req)
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