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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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croutonwheel modification
#!/bin/sh -e
# Copyright (c) 2014 The crouton Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
. "`dirname "$0"`/../installer/functions"
# Default button numbers
# Do horizontal scrolling by default
# Set the default scaling and constant values
USAGE="${0##*/} [-x] [-r] [-a #.#] [-b #.#] [-c #.#] [-d #.#]
Runs the mousewheel daemon.
-r Reverse the direction of scrolling.
-x Disable horizontal scrolling.
-a Sets the X scrolling scaling factor (default: $xs).
-b Sets the X scrolling constant additive (default: $xc).
-c Sets the Y scrolling scaling factor (default: $ys).
-d Sets the Y scrolling constant additive (default: $yc)."
# Process options
while getopts 'a:b:c:d:rx' opt; do
case "$opt" in
a) xs="$OPTARG";;
b) xc="$OPTARG";;
c) ys="$OPTARG";;
d) yc="$OPTARG";;
r) z=$u; u=$d; d=$z; z=$l; l=$r; r=$z;;
x) x='0';;
\?) echo "$USAGE" 1>&2; exit 1;;
if [ $# -ge "$OPTIND" ]; then
echo "$USAGE" 1>&2
exit 1;
# Operate on the Chromium OS X11 server
eval "`host-x11`"
# Only let one instance *really* run at a time
mkdir -m 775 -p /tmp/crouton-lock
exec 3>/tmp/crouton-lock/wheel
flock 3
# Monitor xinput2 events, reacting only to scroll events (axes 2 and 3).
# Accumulate the x and y scrolls, but reduce the acceleration so it doesn't go
# crazy. After a threshold, simulate the wheel presses using xte.
# Use xev to detect window changes and disable mouse wheel events when aura is
# focused.
# The goal of this system is to avoid having to launch any processes on a
# per-event basis, both to improve latency and performance.
croutonxi2event &
aura="`xwininfo -name 'aura_root_0' | grep 'Window id' | grep -oP '\dx\d+'`"
xev -id "$aura"
trap "kill $! $xi 2>/dev/null || true" INT TERM HUP 0
} | unbuffered_awk '
# Test if x is a non-zero real number (i.e. not nan, inf, "", or 0)
function isnonzero(x) {
return (x != "") && (x != 0) && (x != "nan") && (x != "inf")
# Disable when aura is visible and enable when it is not
/^FocusIn/ {
w = 1
x = 0
y = 0
/^FocusOut/ {
w = 0
!w && /^EVENT type 17/ {
# Valuators start at $10; >=10 valuators implies a trackpad
if ($19 != "") {
dx = $14
dy = $15
tp = 1
} else {
dx = $12
dy = $13
tp = 0
if ('"$x"' && isnonzero(dx)) {
if (dx > 0) {
if (x < 0) x = 0
x += tp ? log(dx) * '"$xs"' + '"$xc"' : 1
} else {
if (x > 0) x = 0
x -= tp ? log(-dx) * '"$xs"' + '"$xc"' : 1
while (x >= 1) {
output("mouseclick '"$r"'")
x -= 1
while (x <= -1) {
output("mouseclick '"$l"'")
x += 1
if (isnonzero(dy)) {
if (dy > 0) {
if (y < 0) y = 0
y += tp ? log(dy) * '"$ys"' + '"$yc"' : 1
} else {
if (y > 0) y = 0
y -= tp ? log(-dy) * '"$ys"' + '"$yc"' : 1
while (y >= 1) {
output("mouseclick '"$u"'")
y -= 1
while (y <= -1) {
output("mouseclick '"$d"'")
y += 1
' | xte &
trap "pkill -P $$ 2>/dev/null || true" INT TERM HUP 0
exit 0
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