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Last active April 25, 2024 14:25
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Python script to convert .srt file to .txt file containing just the text as a data blob.
Looks in the given directory for any .srt (transcript) files to convert to a simple,
single line of text with timestamps and numbered lines removed.
Command line execution:
python <source_directory> <file_encoding>
@:param <source_directory> is the location of the .srt file(s)
@:param <file_encoding> defaults to 'utf-8'
The result is that any file of type .srt in the directory is converted to a .txt file
of the same name, placed in a (dedicated) nested directory created to store such files.
- lines beginning with lowercase letters or commas are part of the previous line
- lines beginning with any other character are new lines
Tested with Python 3.7
import os
import re
import sys
def is_timestamp(l):
return True if l[:2].isnumeric() and l[2] == ':' else False
def is_text_content(line):
return True if'[a-zA-Z]', line) else False
def has_no_text(line):
if not len(line):
return True
if line.isnumeric():
return True
if is_timestamp(line):
return True
if line[0] == '(' and line[-1] == ')':
return True
if not is_text_content(line):
return True
return False
def filter_lines(lines):
""" Remove timestamps, any lines without text, and line breaks """
new_lines = []
for line in lines[1:]:
line = line.strip()
if has_no_text(line):
# Strip the line of text before adding it to the list
# Combine the lines into a single data string
return ' '.join(new_lines)
def file_srt_to_txt(file_name, cur_dir, new_dir, encoding):
with open(os.path.join(cur_dir, file_name), 'r', encoding=encoding, errors='replace') as f:
data = filter_lines(f.readlines())
new_file_name = os.path.join(cur_dir, new_dir, file_name[:-4]) + '.txt'
with open(new_file_name, 'w') as f:
def main(args):
# Get the source directory name
dir_path = args[1]
if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
print('Enter a valid directory path')
# NOTE: If a lot of [?]s appear in the output, try setting file_encoding to 'cp1252'
encoding = 'utf-8' if len(args) < 3 else args[2]
# Create a dedicated directory for the converted files
new_dir = 'srt_to_txt'
os.makedirs(os.path.join(dir_path, new_dir))
except FileExistsError:
# Directory already exists
with os.scandir(dir_path) as dir_it:
for file_entry in dir_it:
if".srt") and file_entry.is_file():
file_srt_to_txt(, dir_path, new_dir, encoding)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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