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Created April 18, 2020 20:27
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Immunity PyCommand: list calls via registry
#!/usr/bin/env python
(c) hAsh, 2015 run via ImmunityDbg
__VERSION__ = '0.3.1'
__AUTHOR__ = 'hAsh'
import immlib
import pefile
import string
ProgAuthor = __AUTHOR__
ProgName = 'callRegTracer'
ProgVers = __VERSION__
DESC= "Lists all the functions called via register" #description used by PyCommands GUI
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# custom classes
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class PeInfo:
def __init__(self, imm):
self.imm = imm
self.module = imm.getModule(imm.getDebuggedName())
self.start = self.module.getBaseAddress()
self.end = self.start + self.module.getSize() = pefile.PE(name=self.module.getPath())
self.ep = + self.start
def logInfo(self):
self.imm.log("--------", highlight=2)
self.imm.log(" PeInfo ", highlight=2)
self.imm.log('[%08x - %08x]' % (self.start, self.end))
self.imm.log("EP = %08x" % self.ep)
self.imm.log("--------", highlight=2)
def isMyModule(self, address):
curr_name = self.imm.getDebuggedName()
module = self.imm.findModule(address)
if not module:
return False
if curr_name == module[0].lower():
return True
return False
def countMyAddresses(self, addresses):
count = 0
for addr in addresses:
if self.isMyModule(addr):
count += 1
return count
def fetchRegCalls(self):
calls_set = set()
regs32 = ["eax", "ebx", "ecx", "edx", "esp", "ebp", "esi", "edi"]
for reg in regs32:
data = "call "+ reg
asm = self.imm.assemble(data)
results =
count = self.countMyAddresses(results)
self.imm.log("Calls via %s: total: %d in current module: %d" % (reg.upper(), len(results), count), highlight=2)
for addr in results:
if self.isMyModule(addr):
return calls_set
def setBpOnList(self, addr_set, comment):
for addr in addr_set:
self.imm.setComment(addr, comment)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# custom functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def listModules(imm):
imm.log("Modules:", highlight=2)
curr_name = imm.getDebuggedName()
modules = imm.getAllModules()
for key in modules.keys():
mark = ""
if (key == curr_name):
imm.log("%s" % (key), highlight=1)
imm.log("%s" % (key))
def getRegValue(imm, reg_name):
reg_name = reg_name.upper()
regs = imm.getRegs()
if not regs:
return None
reg_value = regs[reg_name]
#imm.log("%s = 0x%08X " % (reg_name, reg_value))
return reg_value
def is_printable(my_string):
for c in my_string:
if ord(c) < 0x20 or ord(c) > 0x7e:
return False
return True
def printCallStack(imm, calledAt):
stacks = imm.callStack()
if len(stacks) == 0:
return getParams(imm, calledAt)
for st_arg in stacks:
arg_dump = st_arg.getProcedure()
if "Includes" in arg_dump:
imm.log("> %s" % arg_dump)
def getParams(imm, calledAt):
esp = getRegValue(imm, 'esp')
count = 0
while (count < 4):
dw_param = imm.readLong(esp)
str_param = imm.readString(dw_param)
if not str_param:
str_param = ""
if not is_printable(str_param):
str_param = ""
imm.log("%08x %s" % (dw_param, str_param), calledAt, highlight=1)
esp += 4
count += 1
def printFunction(imm, calledAt, address):
function = imm.getFunction(address)
if function:
imm.log("%s" % (function.getName()), calledAt, highlight=2)
printCallStack(imm, calledAt)
def banner(imm):
imm.log("--------------------", highlight=1)
imm.log("%s v%s By %s" % (ProgName, ProgVers, ProgAuthor), highlight=1)
imm.log("--------------------", highlight=1)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ImmunityDbg API
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main(args):
imm = immlib.Debugger()
if imm.isFinished():
imm.log("Restarting process...")
peInfo = PeInfo(imm)
call_set = peInfo.fetchRegCalls()
peInfo.setBpOnList(call_set, "Call via register")
while (True):
address = getRegValue(imm, 'eax')
if not address:
printFunction(imm, imm.getCurrentAddress(), address)
#ret is the string shown at status bar
return ".end"
if __name__=="__main__":
print "This module is for use within Immunity Debugger only"
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