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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Zeus Traffic Manager - Bandwidth Management and Rate Shaping (based on referer)
# Automatically limit all requests from any referer.
# Uses two rate classes, BusyReferer for those sites that send a large amount of traffic
# and StandardReferers for those that don't.
# Referer whitelist. These referers are never rate limited.
$whitelist = "localhost";
# Referers that are allowed to pass a higher number of clients.
$highTraffic = "google";
# How many queued requests are allowed before we track users.
$shapeQueue = 2;
# Retrieve the referer and strip out the domain name part.
$referer = http.getheader("Referer");
$referer = String.regexsub($referer, ".*?://(.*?)/.*", "$1", "i" );
# Check to see if this user has already been given an abuse cookie.
# If they have we'll force them into a bandwidth class
if ( $cookie = http.getCookie("AbusiveReferer") )
# If the referer is whitelisted then exit.
if ( String.contains( $whitelist, $referer ) )
# Put the incoming users through the busy or standard rate classes
# and check the queue length for their referer.
if ( String.contains( $highTraffic, $referer ) )
$backlog = rate.getbacklog("BusyReferer", $referer);
rate.use("BusyReferer", $referer);
} else {
$backlog = rate.getbacklog("StandardReferer", $referer);
rate.use("StandardReferer", $referer);
# If we have exceeded our backlog limit, then give them a cookie
# this will enforce bandwidth shaping for subsequent requests.
if ( $backlog > $shapeQueue )
http.setResponseCookie("AbusiveReferer", $referer);
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