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Created October 18, 2021 10:48
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Convert Roland midi (sysex) firmware update(for Roland sp-808) to binary.
' This program extracts the firmware binary from Roland's SP-808EX update
#include ""
Dim infil As String
Dim outfil As String
' Dim f1 As Long
Common Shared f1 As Long
Dim f2 As Long
Dim i As UShort
Dim j As UShort
Dim str4var As String * 4
Dim MThd As Const String = "MThd"
Dim RmanfID As UByte = &H41
Dim MdevID As UByte = &H10
Dim RmodID As UByte = &H2B
Dim Mdataset1 As UByte = &H12
Dim bytvar As UByte
Dim wdvar As UShort
Dim dwvar As ULong
Dim uintvar As UInteger
Dim filsiz As UInteger
Dim MTrk As Const String = "MTrk"
Dim UARTclk As ULong
Dim deltaT As UByte
Dim event As UByte
Dim eventtyp As UByte
' Dim reclen As UShort
Common Shared reclen As UShort
Dim filofst As ULong
Dim eventadd( 1 To 3 ) As UByte
Dim memadd As ULong
Dim memstart As ULong
Dim cksm As UByte
Dim datapos As ULong
Dim datalen As UShort
Dim f7pos As ULong
Dim filnum As UByte
Dim totalfiles As UByte
Dim fileflag As UByte
Dim dwvar1 As ULong
Dim dwvar2 As ULong
Dim memsize As ULong
Dim octet( 1 To 7 ) As Ubyte
Dim maskbyt As UByte
' subroutine to calculate length of sysex records -- assumes max length of 0x3FFF (two bytes)
Declare Sub Sreclen()
Sub Sreclen()
Dim bytvar As UByte
reclen = 0
Get #f1,, bytvar
If bytvar < &H80 Then
reclen = bytvar
Exit Sub
End If
reclen = reclen + (bytvar And &H7F) shl 7
Get #f1,, bytvar
If bytvar > &H7F Then
Print "Unexpected record length (> 0x3FFF)"
reclen = &H4000
Exit Sub
End If
reclen = reclen + bytvar
End Sub
If Command( 3 ) <> "" Then
Print "Too many arguments"
Goto usage
End If
infil = Command( 1 )
If Left( infil, 6 ) <> "infil=" Then
Print "Input file not specified"
Goto usage
End If
infil = Mid( infil, 7 )
If infil ="" Then Goto usage End If
If Not FileExists( infil ) Then
Print "File not found: "; infil
End If
outfil = Command( 2 )
If Left( outfil, 7 ) <> "outfil=" Then
Print "Output file not specified"
Goto usage
End If
outfil = Mid( outfil, 8 )
If outfil ="" Then Goto usage End If
' If FileExists( outfil ) Then
' Print "Output file already exists: "; outfil
' End
' End If
f1 = FreeFile
Open infil For Binary As #f1
f2 = FreeFile
Open outfil For Binary As #f2
Print "Extracting binary firmware data from "; infil; " and writing to "; outfil; " ..."
' Check for MIDI marker "MThd"
Get #f1,, str4var
If str4var <> MThd Then
Print "Unrecognised marker in header chunk -- should be """; MThd; """."
Goto aborted
End If
' Check for header length = 00 00 00 06
Get #f1,, uintvar
If uintvar <> &H06000000 Then
Print "Unexpected data length in header chunk (0x"; Hex( uintvar, 8 ); " -- should be 00 00 00 06"
Goto aborted
End If
' Check for SMF type = 0x0000
Get #f1,, wdvar
If wdvar <> 0 Then
Print "Unexpected SMF type in header chunk (0x"; Hex( wdvar, 4 ); " -- should be 0x0000"
Goto aborted
End If
' Check for Number of Tracks = 0x0001
Get #f1,, wdvar
If wdvar <> &H0100 Then
Print "Unexpected Number of Tracks in header chunk (0x"; Hex( wdvar, 4 ); " -- should be 0x0001"
Goto aborted
End If
' Skip past PPQ and ignore it
Get #f1,, wdvar
' Check for Track marker "MTrk"
Get #f1,, str4var
If str4var <> MTrk Then
Print "Unrecognised marker in track chunk -- should be """; MTrk; """."
Goto aborted
End If
' Check for correct file size -- big-endian
filsiz = 0
For i = 1 To 4
Get #f1,, bytvar
filsiz = (filsiz Shl 8) + bytvar
Next i
uintvar = Lof( f1 )
If filsiz <> ( uintvar - &H16 ) Then
Print "Length of MIDI file (0x"; Hex( uintvar ); ") is inconsistent with track chunk (0x"; Hex( filsiz, 8 ); ") + 0x16"
Goto aborted
End If
' Parse <delta_time> <event> records
' 00 FF 03 <len> <firmware model/version/date>
' 00 FF 02 <len> <copyright notice>
' 00 FF 51 <len> <UART clock rate>
' 10 F0 <len> 41 10 00 2B 12 <01 02 00> 00 00 00 00 00 <00 07 00> <cksm> F7 - start of file 1 of 8
' 10 F0 <len> 41 10 00 2B 12 <01 02 00> 00 00 00 00 00 <07 07 00> <cksm> F7 - start of file 8 of 8
' 10 F0 <len> 41 10 00 2B 12 <01 03 00> 00 00 00 00 00 <firmware model/version/date> <cksm> F7
' 10 F0 <len> 41 10 00 2B 12 <01 00 00> 00 00 00 00 00 ...
' ... <00 00 01> <00 00 00 00 00> <00 00 01> <0C 00 00 00 00> <cksm> F7
' <-- memstart --> <---memsize --->
' (nibble mode) (nibble mode)
' 10 F0 <len> 41 10 00 2B 12 <00 00 01> <5-byte mem addr (nibble mode)> <firmware payload> <cksm> F7
' 10 F0 <len> 41 10 00 2B 12 <01 01 00> 00 00 00 00 00 <4E> <cksm> F7 - only at end of file8
' 10 F0 <len> 41 10 00 2B 12 <01 02 00> 00 00 00 00 00 <00 07 7F> <cksm> F7 - end of file 1 of 8
' 10 F0 <len> 41 10 00 2B 12 <01 02 00> 00 00 00 00 00 <07 07 7F> <cksm> F7 - end of file 8 of 8
' 00 FF 2F 00 - end of track
Do Until EOF( f1 )
Get #f1,, deltaT
' Expecting delta_time of 0x00 or 0x10
Select Case As Const deltaT
Case &H10
' Delta_time = 0x10 (16 UART clock ticks) -- now expecting Roland 0xF0 sysex Event
Get #f1,, event
If event <> &HF0 Then
Print "Unrecognised Sysex Event value (0x"; Hex( event, 2 ); ") -- was expecting 0xF0"
Goto aborted
' Get length of sysex data
If reclen > &H3FFF Then Goto aborted End If
' Now expecting Roland's manufacturer ID (0x41)
Get #f1,, bytvar
If bytvar <> RmanfID Then
Print "Unrecognised manufacturer ID (0x"; Hex( bytvar, 2 ); ") -- was expecting 0x"; Hex( RmanfID, 2)
Goto aborted
End If
' Now expecting default MIDI Device_ID (0x10)
Get #f1,, bytvar
If bytvar <> MdevID Then
Print "Unrecognised Device ID (0x"; Hex( bytvar, 2 ); ") -- was expecting 0x"; Hex( MdevID, 2)
Goto aborted
End If
' Now expecting 0x00
Get #f1,, bytvar
If bytvar <> 0 Then
Print "Unrecognised sysex event format"
Goto aborted
End If
' Now expecting Model ID (0x2B)
Get #f1,, bytvar
If bytvar <> RmodID Then
Print "Unrecognised Model ID (0x"; Hex( bytvar, 2 ); ") -- was expecting 0x"; Hex( RmodID, 2)
Goto aborted
End If
' Now expecting "Data Set 1" command ID (0x12)
Get #f1,, bytvar
If bytvar <> Mdataset1 Then
Print "Unrecognised command code -- (0x"; Hex( bytvar, 2 ); ") was expecting 0x12 (Data Set 1)"
Goto aborted
End If
' Checksum is computed from this point until 0xF7
cksm = 0
' Get 3 event address bytes
For i = 1 To 3
Get #f1,, eventadd( i )
cksm = cksm + eventadd( i )
Next i
' Get 5-byte memory address in nibble mode
memadd = 0
For i = 1 To 5
Get #f1,, bytvar
cksm = cksm + bytvar
memadd = (memadd Shl 4) + bytvar
Next i
' Save current file position
datapos = Seek( f1 )
' Now check for 0xF7 at end of packet
f7pos = datapos + (reclen - &H0E)
Get #f1, f7pos, bytvar
If bytvar <> &HF7 Then
Print "Unrecognised end-of-packet byte (0x"; Hex( bytvar, 2 ); ") -- was expecting 0xF7"
Goto aborted
End If
' Confirm that 7-bit checksum = 0x00 (from start of address bytes to checksum byte, inclusive)
Seek f1, datapos
datalen = reclen - &HF
For i = 1 To datalen + 1
Get #f1,, bytvar
cksm = cksm + bytvar
Next i
cksm = cksm And &H7F
If cksm <> 0 Then
Print "Non-zero checksum for sysex data."
Goto aborted
End If
' Assume this model has 3 sysex event address bytes
' Now parse the address bytes and decode Roland's sysex commands
' eventadd( 1 ) = 0x00 -> data
' eventadd( 1 ) = 0x01 -> metadata
Select Case As Const eventadd( 1 )
Case &H00
' Check for firmware binary data
' sysex event address = 00 00 01, otherwise abort
If (eventadd( 2 ) <> 0) Or (eventadd( 3 ) <> 1) Then
Print "Unrecognised sysex event address"
Goto aborted
End If
' Example showing how 7-bit octet encodes seven 8-bit bytes
' 00 16 5E 0A 4E 53 20 18 -- 7 data bytes + 1 mask byte
' 00/00 16/16 5E/DE 0A/8A 4E/4E 53/53 20/20 -- 7-bit / 8-bit
' 0000000 0010110 1011110 0001010 1001110 1010011 0100000 -- 7-bit data bytes
' 00000000 00010110 11011110 10001010 01001110 01010011 00100000 -- 8-bit data bytes
' : : : : : : :
' : .------' : : : : :
' : : .-------------' : : : :
' : : : .--------------------' : : :
' : : : : .---------------------------' : :
' : : : : : .----------------------------------' :
' : : : : : : .-----------------------------------------'
' : : : : : : :
' 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -- 7-bit mask byte
' 18
Seek f1, datapos
' Check for integral number of octets
' seven 8-bit bytes are encoded as eight 7-bit bytes
If (datalen Mod 8) <> 0 Then
Print "Firmware packet size is not a multiple of 8"
Goto aborted
End If
' Set file pointer in output file to target memory address
Seek #f2, (memadd + 1)
For i = 1 To datalen Step 8
For j = 1 To 7
Get #f1,, octet( j )
Next j
Get #f1,, maskbyt
For j = 1 To 7
maskbyt = maskbyt Shl 1
bytvar = octet( j ) Or ( maskbyt And &H80 )
Put #f2,, bytvar
Next j
Next i
Case &H01
' Check for metadata
If eventadd( 3 ) <> 0 Then
Print "Unrecognised sysex event address3"
Goto aborted
End If
If memadd <> 0 Then
Print "Unrecognised sysex event format"
Goto aborted
End If
Select Case As Const eventadd( 2 )
Case &H00
' sysex event address = 01 00 00 -- <00 00 01> <-- memstart --> <00 00 01> <---memsize --->
' Specifies memory start address and memory size -- 5-byte (nibble mode)
Seek f1, datapos
dwvar1 = 0
For i = 1 To 3
Get #f1,, bytvar
dwvar1 = (dwvar1 Shl 8) + bytvar
Next i
memstart = 0
For i = 1 To 5
Get #f1,, bytvar
memstart = (memstart Shl 4) + bytvar
Next i
dwvar2 = 0
For i = 1 To 3
Get #f1,, bytvar
dwvar2 = (dwvar2 Shl 8) + bytvar
Next i
memsize = 0
For i = 1 To 5
Get #f1,, bytvar
memsize = (memsize Shl 4) + bytvar
Next i
If (dwvar1 <> 1) Or (dwvar2 <> 1) Or (memsize = 0) Then
Print "Unrecognised sysex memory parameters"
Goto aborted
End If
Print "Memory start address = 0x"; Hex( memstart )
Print "Memory size = 0x"; Hex( memsize )
Case &H01
' sysex event address = 01 01 00 -- single byte of data at end of last file ???
' don't know how to handle this, so do nothing
Seek f1, (datapos + datalen)
Case &H02
' sysex event address = 01 02 00 -- <current file number - 1> <total files - 1> <start/end of file>
Seek f1, datapos
Get #f1,, filnum
Get #f1,, totalfiles
Get #f1,, fileflag
If fileflag = &H00 Then
Print "Begin ";
ElseIf fileflag = &H7F Then
Print "Finished ";
Print "Unrecognised sysex event format"
Goto aborted
End If
Print "converting file #"; filnum + 1; " of"; totalfiles + 1
Case &H03
' sysex event address = 01 03 00 -- firmware model/version/date sysex metadata
Seek f1, datapos
For i = 1 To datalen
Get #f1,, bytvar
Print Chr( bytvar );
Next i
Case Else
Print "Unrecognised sysex event address2"
Goto aborted
End Select
Case Else
Print "Unrecognised sysex event address1"
Goto aborted
End Select
' skip over the checksum and 0xF7 bytes
Seek #f1, (Seek( f1 ) + 2)
End If
Case &H00
' Delta_time = 0x00 -- now expecting 0xFF Meta Event
Get #f1,, event
If event <> &HFF Then
Print "Unrecognised Meta Event value (0x"; Hex( event, 2 ); ") -- was expecting 0xFF"
Goto aborted
Get #f1,, eventtyp
If reclen > &H3FFF Then Goto aborted End If
Select Case As Const eventtyp
Case &H03, &H02
' 0x03 = Firmware model/version/date
' 0x02 = Copyright notice
For i = 1 To reclen
Get #f1,, bytvar
Print Chr( bytvar );
Next i
Case &H51
' 0x51 = UART clock rate (3 bytes)
If reclen <> 3 Then
Print "Unrecognised UART clock rate."
Goto aborted
UARTclk = 0
For i = 1 To 3
Get #f1,, bytvar
UARTclk = (UARTclk Shl 8) + bytvar
Next i
Print "UART clock rate = "; UARTclk; " ticks per second"
End If
Case &H2F
' 0x2F = End of Track
If reclen = 0 Then
Print "End of Track"
Print "Unrecognised Meta Event type."
Goto aborted
End If
Case Else
Print "Unrecognised Meta Event type."
Goto aborted
End Select
End If
Case Else
Print "Unrecognised delta_time value (0x"; Hex( deltaT, 2 ); ") -- was expecting 0x00 or 0x10"
Goto aborted
End Select
Print "Conversion completed."
Print "Convert Roland SP-808EX MIDI firmware files to binary format."
Print "Usage: RMID2BIN infil=[""input filename""] outfil=[""output filename""]"
Print "Example: RMID2BIN infil=SP8EX#1.mid outfil=SP8EXall.bin"
Print "To extract firmware from all MIDI files into a single binary file ..."
Print "for %i in (SP8EX#?.mid) do Rmid2bin.exe infil=%i outfil=SP8EXall.bin"
filofst = Loc( f1 ) - 1
Print "Offset = 0x"; Hex( filofst )
Print "Conversion aborted."
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