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Last active August 25, 2017 16:01
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COD running light for Dave Windsor - FastLED
# video here
#include <FastLED.h>
#if FASTLED_VERSION < 3001000
#error "Requires FastLED 3.1 or later; check github for latest code."
#define DATA_PIN 6
#define LED_TYPE WS2811
#define NUM_LEDS 32
#define BRIGHTNESS 96
// an array of leds to light, in sequence order
int gRunningOrder[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,9,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,11,32,21};
// determine how many leds to light
int gNumLeds = sizeof(gRunningOrder)/sizeof(int);
void setup() {
delay(3000); // 3 second delay for recovery
// tell FastLED about the LED strip configuration
FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE,DATA_PIN,COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
void loop()
// Move a single dot along a strip
for(uint8_t ledNumber = 0; ledNumber < gNumLeds; ledNumber++)
// Turn our current led ON, then show the leds
leds[gRunningOrder[ledNumber]] = CRGB::Red;
// Show the leds (only one of which is has a color set, from above
// Show turns actually turns on the LEDs;
// Wait a little bit - this will dictate speed
// this will leave a tail
fadeToBlackBy( leds, NUM_LEDS, 64);
//or un comment this to turn the leds off quickly, not leaving tail
//leds[gRunningOrder[ledNumber]] = CRGB::Black;
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