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Created September 21, 2019 08:55
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type 'a e = I of int | X of string | L of 'a e list | V of 'a
let rec bind f v = match v with
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (f v)
let rec map2M f es gs = match es,gs with
| e::es,g::gs ->
begin match f e g with
| None -> None
| Some x ->
match map2M f es gs with
| None -> None
| Some xs -> Some (x::xs)
| [],[] -> Some []
| _,_ -> None
let showM = function
| None -> "None"
| Some v -> Printf.sprintf "Some(%s)" v
let rec f2 ls = L( (fun x -> V x) ls)
let addf f gs = (fun g-> g,f) gs
let rec existsM f = function
| [] -> None
| x::xs ->
match f x with
| None -> existsM f xs
| a -> a
let idM (V v) = v
let ck bnf e g =
let rec ck e g =
match e,g with
| L(o2::es),(L(o::gs),f) when o=o2 -> bind f (bind f2 (map2M ck es (addf idM gs)))
| I i,(X"i",f) -> Some(f (I i))
| _, (X g,f) when List.mem_assoc g bnf -> bind (fun x-> f (V x)) (existsM (ck e) (List.assoc g bnf))
| _,_ -> None
in ck e g
type m = Int of int | Add of m * m | Mul of m * m
let rec show = function
| Int i -> Printf.sprintf "Int(%d)" i
| Add(a,b) -> Printf.sprintf "Add(%s,%s)" (show a) (show b)
| Mul(a,b) -> Printf.sprintf "Mul(%s,%s)" (show a) (show b)
let bnf = [
X"i", (fun(I i)->Int i);
L[X"+";X"e";X"e"],(fun(L[V e1;V e2])->Add(e1,e2));
L[X"*";X"e";X"e"],(fun(L[V e1;V e2])->Mul(e1,e2));
let _ = Printf.printf "%s\n" (showM (bind show (ck bnf (L[X"*";L[X"+";I 1;I 2];L[X"+";I 3;I 4]]) (X"e",idM))))
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