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Created July 5, 2021 13:14
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Handy gentoo auto update cron script
# eix depended handy gentoo update cron script.
# * Prioritize portage upgrade if available.
# * Runs perl-cleaner for perl upgrade process.
# * Warns for reboot if pam upgraded.
# * Sends upgrade summary via mail.
# send mail configuration:
# If you want to recieve script output as a mail please set 'send_mail' to 1. Default 0.
# You need to have properly configured mail server with 'mail' command.
# If you use 'sendmail' you have to edit script otherwise script cannot send mail.
# Adjust mail options:
mail_from="From: Gentoo System <root@domain.tld>"
mail_subject="Gentoo Update Informations"
# depclean configuration:
# Set depclean for excluding packages. In default gentoo-sources excluded.
exclude="--exclude gentoo-sources"
# etc-update configuration:
# If you want to update config files after update please set to -3.
# If you want to keep config files same and discard all updates set to -7.
# If you want to exit without doing anything set to -1. Default -1
# Execution start time
ext_s=`date +%s`
converter() {
h=$(bc <<< "${1}/3600")
m=$(bc <<< "(${1}%3600)/60")
s=$(bc <<< "${1}%60")
printf "%02d:%02d:%05.2f\n" $h $m $s
# Check 'eix' is installed
if ! command -v eix > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo -e "You need to install necessary package first!"
echo -e "emerge -a app-portage/eix"
exit 1
# Check is system able to send mail with 'mail' command
if ! command -v mail > /dev/null 2>&1; then
elif [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
# Sync packages and update db
echo "Syncing.."
eix-sync -q && updatedb
if eix --installed --upgrade | grep -q "[U]"; then
echo "Updating gentoo.."
if [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
# Get the list of upgradeable packages & send output to file
echo "The following packages updated:" > "$tfile"
echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> "$tfile"
eix --installed --upgrade | grep -w "[U]" &>> "$tfile"
echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> "$tfile"
# Check portage needs to be upgraded first
if eix --installed --upgrade | grep -q "sys-apps/portage"; then
emerge --ask=n -u1 --quiet --quiet-build sys-apps/portage
if [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "Portage Updated = Yes" >> "$tfile"
elif [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "Portage Updated = No" >> "$tfile"
# Check perl will be upgraded too
if eix --installed --upgrade | grep -q "dev-lang/perl"; then
if [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "Perl Updated = Yes" >> "$tfile"
elif [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "Perl Updated = No" >> "$tfile"
# Check pam will be upgraded too, it needs reboot
if eix --installed --upgrade | grep -q "sys-libs/pam"; then
if [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "Pam Updated = Yes --> REBOOT REQUIRED" >> "$tfile"
elif [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "Pam Updated = No" >> "$tfile"
# Start the upgrade process
emerge --ask=n --update --deep --changed-use --quiet --quiet-build --quiet-fail @world &&
eselect news read > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
emerge @preserved-rebuild --quiet &&
revdep-rebuild -q &&
# Start cleaning process
emerge --depclean $exclude --quiet &&
eclean -d distfiles > /dev/null 2>&1
# Complete perl related processes
if [[ -n "$perl_cleaner" ]]; then
emerge --ask=n -uDN --complete-graph=y --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=100 --autounmask-keep-masks=y --quiet --quiet-build --quiet-fail @world &&
perl-cleaner --all -q &&
emerge @preserved-rebuild --quiet &&
revdep-rebuild -q &&
# Start cleaning process
emerge --depclean $exclude --quiet &&
eclean -d distfiles > /dev/null 2>&1
# Finish the update process, set configs & env
echo "$keep_config" | etc-update &&
updatedb &&
env-update > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
source /etc/profile &&
echo "Gentoo updated.."
# Execution end time
ext_f=`date +%s`
# Calculate execution runtime
# Send mail
if [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> "$tfile"
echo "The update process took $(converter $runtime)." >> "$tfile"
cat "$tfile" | mail -s "$mail_subject" -a "$mail_from" "$mail_to"
trap "{ rm -f $tfile; }" EXIT
echo "There is no update currently.."
if [[ "$send_mail" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "There is no update currently.." | mail -s "$mail_subject" -a "$mail_from" "$mail_to"
trap "{ rm -f $tfile; }" EXIT
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