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Created October 23, 2013 04:59
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One controller of the Products application that displays a grid of products, updates those products via Ajax on a form submission, then attempts to lay out the refilled container of products using Masonry. The Masonry is working fine, but fires too soon on the Ajax calls.
<%= products.each do |p| %>
<div class="product">
<%= image_tag p.picture.url %>
<h3><%= p.title %></h3>
<% end %>
<!-- Div to hold grid of products fitted together with Masonry -->
<div id="products-grid">
<%= render partial: 'products_grid', locals: { products: @products } %> # @products is the list of products to render
<!-- Form to update products via Ajax -->
<%= form_tag products_path, remote: true do %>
<%= submit_tag %>
<% end %>
<!-- Script to call Masonry on initial product load -->
$container = $("#products-grid");
$container.imagesLoaded( function() {
$container = $("#products-grid");
/* Fill container div with products */
$container.html('<%= escape_javascript(render(partial: "products_grid", locals: {products: @products})) %>');
/* When images are loaded, layout with Masonry */
setTimeout( function () {
$container.imagesLoaded( function() {
}, 1); /* I forget where I saw this, but somewhere this said this setTimeout will make JS wait until UI renders on Ajax call */
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
def products
@products = Product.all
# Respond to html and js formats
respond_to do |format|
format.js # render products.js.erb when action called via ajax
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