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Forked from xogeny/react-toolbox.d.ts
Last active July 19, 2016 10:37
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Save hsrobflavorus/925373f6224679302948 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
12/21/2015: Fix "import * as Input from 'react-toolbox/lib/input'" style imports
// Type definitions for react-toolbox 0.14.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: @xogeny (Michael M. Tiller), @hsrobflavorus (Robert Parker)
* 01/13/2016: Minor changes, add a few missing props, add IconButton to react-toolbox/lib/button
* 12/21/2015: Fix "import * as Input from 'react-toolbox/lib/input'" style imports, which now correctly import only the necessary component(s).
* NOTE that you must use "import * as {Component Name}" not just "import {Component Name}" for this to work.
* 12/20/2015: Should be compatible with 0.14.0. Refactor modules into 'react-toolbox/lib/*' format.
Unfortunately importing them directly in that manner doesn't seem to work
i.e. "import Input from 'react-toolbox/lib/input'" resolves to undefined, whereas "import { Input } from 'react-toolbox'" works fine!
... Any ideas welcome!
* 12/20/2015: Add AppBar, Avatar, and refactor Card and its child Components to match the documentation.
* 12/18/2015: Update to react-toolbox 0.13.1 (from 0.12.11)
* 12/18/2015: Use JSDoc-style comments to provide Intellisense where supported
MISSING COMPONENTS (Contributions welcome)
* Ripple HOC
///<reference path='../react/react.d.ts' />
declare namespace __RT {
import React = __React;
// Properties that all components have
export interface Props {
* Sets a CSS class on the component.
className?: string,
* A key used to uniquely identify the element within an Array
key?: string,
* Inline style
style?: any,
* Tooltip text
* @see
tooltip?: string,
* Amount of time in miliseconds spent before the tooltip is visible.
* @see
tooltipDelay?: number,
* If true, the Tooltip hides after a click in the host component.
* @default true
* @see
tooltipHideOnClick?: boolean,
* Properties of modal components (Drawer, Dialog)
export interface Modal {
* If true, the dialog will be active.
active: boolean,
* Callback to be invoked when the dialog overlay is clicked.
onOverlayClick?: Function,
// Interface for components with icons
export interface Iconic {
* Value of the icon (See icon component).
icon?: string | __React.ReactElement<any> | __React.ReactHTMLElement,
export interface Conditional {
* If true, component will be disabled
* @default false
disabled?: boolean
* Properties of components that have values that can be changed (T is the type of the value)
export interface Changeable<T> {
* Callback called when the picker value is changed.
* @param v Type of the value
onChange?: (v: T) => void
* Properties of components that can be clicked
export interface Clickable {
* Callback called when the button is clicked.
onClick?: Function
export interface Option<T> {
label: string,
value: T,
/// Component definitions
export interface AppBarProps extends Props {
* If true, the AppBar shows a shadow.
* @default false
flat?: boolean,
* Determine if the bar should have position fixed (true) or relative (false)
* @default false
fixed?: boolean,
* The app bar is a special kind of toolbar that’s used for branding, navigation, search, and actions.
* Usually it contains controls on the right and left side and a title with the current section or app name.
* You should give the content with children elements.
class AppBar extends React.Component<AppBarProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface AvatarProps extends Props, Iconic {
children?: any,
image?: string | __React.ReactElement<any> | __React.ReactHTMLElement | __React.ClassicComponent<any, any>,
title?: string | boolean,
* Avatars can be used to represent people.
* For personal avatars, offer personalization options.
* As users may choose not to personalize an avatar, provide delightful defaults.
* When used with a specific logo, avatars can also be used to represent brand.
class Avatar extends React.Component<AvatarProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface AutocompleteProps extends Props, Conditional, Changeable<string | Array<any>> {
* Sets the error string for the internal input element.
error?: string,
* The text string to use for the floating label element.
label?: string,
* If true, component can hold multiple values.
* @default true
multiple?: boolean,
* Object of key/values or array representing all items suggested.
source: Object | Array<any>,
* Type of the input element. It can be a valid HTML5 input type
* @default text
type?: string,
* Value or array of values currently selected component.Current value of the input element.
value?: string | Array<any>,
* An input field with a set of predeterminated labeled values. When it's focused it shows a list of hints that are filtered by label as the user types.
* They can be simple or multiple depending on the amount of values that can be selected.
* The opening direction is determined at opening time depending on the current position.
class Autocomplete extends React.Component<AutocompleteProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface ButtonProps extends Props, Clickable, Conditional, Iconic {
* Indicates if the button should have accent color.
* @default false
accent?: boolean,
* If true, the button will have a flat look.
* @default false
flat?: boolean,
* If true, the button will have a floating look.
* @default false
floating?: boolean,
* If specified, the button will be rendered as an <a>
href?: string,
* The text string to use for the name of the button.
label?: string,
* If true, component will be disabled and show a loading animation.
* @default false
loading?: boolean,
* To be used with floating button. If true the button will be smaller.
* @default false
mini?: boolean,
* Indicates if the button should have primary color.
* @default false
primary?: boolean,
* If true, the button will have a raised look.
* @default false
raised?: boolean,
* If true, component will have a ripple effect on click.
* @default true
ripple?: boolean,
* A button clearly communicates what action will occur when the user touches it.
* It consists of text, an image, or both, designed in accordance with your app’s color theme.
class Button extends React.Component<ButtonProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
class IconButton extends React.Component<ButtonProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface CardProps extends Props, Clickable {
* Child components, usually Card subcomponents.
children?: any,
* Increases the shadow depth to appear elevated.
raised?: boolean,
* Array of objects describing actions. These actions will be rendered as buttons and the object fields will be transferred to those.
* @default []
actions?: Array<ButtonProps>,
* Sets HEX or RGBA color to add a colored layer to the heading.
color?: string,
* URL to set as a background image in the heading.
image?: string,
* Type of the component to display general modifications. It can be 'wide' for a larger card, 'image' if it's an image card or 'event' which shows just a title on top.
type?: string,
* A Card is a piece of paper with unique related data that serves as an entry point to more detailed information.
* For example, a card could contain a photo, text, and a link about a single subject.
* Cards are composed of multiple subcomponents in React Toolbox.
* You can combine each of the subcomponents to create all different Material Design Cards given in the spec.
export class Card extends React.Component<CardProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface CardTitleProps extends Props {
avatar?: string | __React.ReactElement<any> | __React.ReactHTMLElement | __React.ClassicComponent<any, any>,
* Children to pass through the component.
children?: any,
* Sets a complementary smaller text under the title.
subtitle?: string,
* Sets the title of the card.
title?: string | boolean,
* A versatile title block that can be used in various places on the card, including the media area.
* This component can also display an avatar next to the title content.
export class CardTitle extends React.Component<CardTitleProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface CardMediaProps extends Props {
* Forces a ('wide' 16:9) or ('square' 1:1) aspect ratio respectively.
* Unset, the media area will have a flexible height.
* @default ''
aspectRatio?: string,
* Usually an image/video element or a <CardTitle> component.
children?: any,
* Sets the background color
color?: string,
* Creates a dark overlay underneath the child components.
contentOverlay?: boolean,
* Can be used instead of children. Accepts an element or a URL string.
image?: string | __React.ReactElement<any> | __React.ReactHTMLElement | __React.ClassicComponent<any, any>,
* Used for displaying media such as images or videos on a card.
* Can also be used with a solid background color instead of an image.
export class CardMedia extends React.Component<CardMediaProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface CardTextProps extends Props {
* Children to pass through the component.
children?: any,
* Basic card content container.
* Good for small descriptions or other supplementary text.
export class CardText extends React.Component<CardTextProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface CardActionsProps extends Props {
* Children to pass through the component.
children?: any,
* This component is used as a container for supplemental card actions.
* Supplemental actions within the card are explicitly called out using icons, text, and UI controls, typically placed at the bottom of the card.
export class CardActions extends React.Component<CardActionsProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface CheckboxProps extends Props, Changeable<boolean>, Conditional {
* Value for the checkbox, can be true or false.
* @default false
checked: boolean,
* Text label to attach next to the checkbox element.
label?: string,
* The name of the field to set in the input checkbox.
name?: string,
* Callback called when the checkbox is blurred.
onBlur?: Function,
* Callback called when the checkbox is focused
onFocus?: Function,
export class Checkbox extends React.Component<CheckboxProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface DatePickerProps extends Changeable<Date> {
* Date object with the maximum selectable date.
maxDate?: Date,
* Date object with the minimum selectable date.
minDate?: Date,
* The text string to use like a input placeholder.
placeholder?: string,
* Date object with the currently selected date.
value?: Date,
export class DatePicker extends React.Component<DatePickerProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface DialogProps extends Props, Modal {
* An array of objects representing the buttons for the dialog navigation area. The properties will be transferred to the buttons.
* @default []
actions?: Array<ButtonProps>,
* The text string to use as standar title of the dialog.
title?: string | boolean,
* Used to determine the size of the dialog. It can be small, normal or large.
* @default normal
type?: string,
export class Dialog extends React.Component<DialogProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface DrawerProps extends Props, Modal {
* Type of drawer. It can be 'left' or 'right' to display the drawer on the left or right side of the screen.
* @default left
type?: string
export class Drawer extends React.Component<DrawerProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface DropdownProps extends Props, Changeable<any>, Conditional {
* If true, the dropdown will open up or down depending on the position in the screen.
auto?: boolean,
* The text string to use for the floating label element.
label?: string,
* Array of data objects with the data to represent in the dropdown.
source: Array<Option<any>>,
* Callback function that returns a JSX template to represent the element.
template?: Function,
* Default value using JSON data.
value: string,
class Dropdown extends React.Component<DropdownProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface FontIconProps extends Props {
value: string
class FontIcon extends React.Component<FontIconProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface InputProps extends Props, Conditional, Changeable<string>, Iconic {
* Give an error string to display under the field.
error?: string,
* Indicates if the label is floating in the input field or not.
* @default true
floating?: boolean,
* The text string to use for the floating label element.
label?: string,
* Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the component.
maxLength?: number,
* If true, a textarea element will be rendered. The textarea also grows and shrinks according to the number of lines.
* @default false
multiline?: boolean,
* Callback function that is fired when components is blurred.
onBlur?: Function,
* Callback function that is fired when components is focused.
onFocus?: Function,
* Callback function that is fired when a key is pressed.
onKeyPress?: Function,
* If true, the html input has a required value.
* @default false
required?: boolean,
* Type of the input element. It can be a valid HTML5 input type
* @default text
type?: string,
* Current value of the input element.
value?: string,
class Input extends React.Component<InputProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface LinkProps extends React.Props<Link>, Iconic {
href: string,
* The text string used for the text content of the link.
label: string,
* Sets a count number useful to display in the page how many times was visited for example.
count?: number,
class Link extends React.Component<LinkProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface ListProps extends Props {
* If true, each element in the list will have a ripple effect on click
* @default false
ripple?: boolean,
* If true, the elements in the list will display a hover effect and a pointer cursor.
* @default false
selectable?: boolean,
class List extends React.Component<ListProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface ListItemProps extends Props, Conditional, Clickable {
* A string URL to specify an avatar in the left side of the item.
avatar?: string,
* Main text of the item. Required.
caption?: string,
* A string key of a font icon to display an icon in the left side of the item.
leftIcon?: string,
* Secondary text to display under the caption.
legend?: string,
* The same as the leftIcon but in this case the icon is displayed in the right side.
rightIcon?: string,
* If true, the item displays a ripple effect on click. By default it's inherited from the parent element.
* @default false
ripple?: boolean,
* If true, the elements in the list will display a hover effect and a pointer cursor. Inherited from the parent
* @default false
selectable?: boolean,
class ListItem extends React.Component<ListItemProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface ListCheckboxProps extends Props, Conditional, Changeable<boolean> {
* Main text of the item. Required.
caption?: string,
* If true the checkbox appears checked by default.
* @default false
checked: boolean,
* Secondary text to display under the caption.
legend?: string,
* Name for the checkbox input item.
name?: string,
* Callback called when the input element is blurred.
onBlur?: Function,
* Callback called when the input element is focused.
onFocus?: Function,
class ListCheckbox extends React.Component<ListCheckboxProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
export interface ListSubHeaderProps extends Props {
* List header caption.
caption: string;
class ListSubHeader extends React.Component<ListSubHeaderProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface ListDividerProps extends Props {
* Indicates if the divider should be full width or should leave a space on the left side.
inset: boolean;
class ListDivider extends React.Component<ListDividerProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface MenuProps extends Props {
* If true, the menu will be displayed as opened by default.
* @default false
active?: boolean,
* Callback that will be called when the menu is being hidden.
onHide?: Function,
* Callback that will be called when the menu is being shown.
onShow?: Function,
* If true the menu wrapper will show an outline with a soft shadow.
* @default true
outline?: boolean,
* Determine the position of the menu.
* With static value the menu will be always shown, auto means that the it will decide the opening direction based on the current position.
* To force a position use top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right.
* @default static
position?: string,
* If true, the menu items will show a ripple effect on click.
ripple?: boolean,
* If true, the menu will keep a value to highlight the active child item.
selectable?: boolean,
* Used for selectable menus and indicates the initial value so the child item with this value can be highlighted.
value?: boolean,
class Menu extends React.Component<MenuProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface IconMenuProps extends Props, Iconic {
* If true, the icon will show a ripple when is clicked.
iconRipple?: boolean,
* Transferred to the Menu component.
* @default true
menuRipple?: boolean,
* Callback that will be called when the icon is clicked.
onClick?: Function,
* Callback that will be called when the menu is being hidden.
onHide?: Function,
* Callback that will be called when the menu is being shown.
onShow?: Function,
* Callback that will be called when a menu item is selected.
onSelect?: Function,
* Determine the position of the menu. This property is transferred to the inner Menu component.
* @default auto
position?: string,
* If true, the menu will keep a value to highlight the active child item. Transferred to the Menu
selectable?: boolean,
class IconMenu extends React.Component<IconMenuProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface MenuItemProps extends Props, Conditional, Iconic {
* The text to include in the menu item.
caption?: string,
* If true, the item will show a ripple effect when it's clicked. Inherited from the parent.
ripple?: boolean,
* Transferred from the Menu component for selectable menus. Indicates if it's the current active option.
selected?: boolean,
class MenuItem extends React.Component<MenuItemProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
class MenuDivider extends React.Component<any, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface NavigationProps extends Props {
* Array of objects that represent buttons so the keys will be transferred as properties to those.
actions?: Array<ButtonProps>,
* Array of objects similar to actions but that will be rendered as <Link/> component definition.
routes?: Array<LinkProps>,
* Type of the navigation, it can be 'vertical' or 'horizontal'.
type?: string,
class Navigation extends React.Component<NavigationProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface ProgressBarProps extends Props {
* Value of a secondary progress bar useful for buffering.
buffer?: number,
* Maximum value permitted.
max?: number, //
* minimum value permitted.
min?: number, //
* Mode of the progress bar, it can be determinate or indeterminate.
mode?: string, //
* If true, the circular progress bar will be changing its color.
multicolor?: boolean, //
* Type of the progress bar, it can be circular or linear.
* @default linear
type?: string,
* Value of the current progress.
value?: number,
class ProgressBar extends React.Component<ProgressBarProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface RadioGroupProps extends Props, Conditional, Changeable<any> {
* Name for the input element group.
name?: string,
* Default value selected in the radio group.
value?: any,
class RadioGroup extends React.Component<RadioGroupProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface RadioButtonProps extends Props, Conditional {
* If true, the input element will be selected by default. Transferred from the parent.
checked: boolean,
* Name for the input element.
name?: string,
* Callback function that will be invoked when the input is blurred.
onBlur?: Function,
* Callback function that will be invoked when the value changes.
onChange?: Function,
* Callback function that will be invoked when the input is focused.
onFocus?: Function,
* Value for the radio button.
value: any,
class RadioButton extends React.Component<RadioButtonProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface SliderProps extends Props {
* If true, an input is shown and the user can set the slider from keyboard value.
editable?: boolean,
* Maximum value permitted.
max?: number,
* Minimum value permitted.
min?: number,
* Callback function that will be invoked when the slider value changes.
onChange?: Function,
* If true, a pin with numeric value label is shown when the slider thumb is pressed. Use for settings for which users need to know the exact value of the setting.
pinned?: boolean,
* If true, the slider thumb snaps to tick marks evenly spaced based on the step property value.
snaps?: boolean,
* Amount to vary the value when the knob is moved or increase/decrease is called.
step?: number,
* Current value of the slider.
value: number,
class Slider extends React.Component<SliderProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface SnackbarProps extends Props, Modal, Iconic {
* For the action component inside the Snackbar.
action?: string,
* Text to display in the content.
label?: string,
* Callback function that will be called when the button action is clicked.
onClick?: Function,
* Callback function when finish the set timeout.
onTimeout?: Function,
* amount of time after the Snackbar will be automatically hidden.
timeout?: number,
* Indicates the action type. Can be 'accept', 'warning' or 'cancel'
type?: string,
class Snackbar extends React.Component<SnackbarProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface SwitchProps extends Props, Conditional {
* If true, the switch will be enabled.
checked: boolean,
* If true, component will be disabled.
disabled: boolean,
* The text string to use for the floating label element.
label?: string,
* The text string used as name of the input.
name?: string,
* Callback function that is fired when when the switch is blurred.
onBlur?: Function,
* Callback function that is fired when the components's value changes.
onChange?: Function,
* Callback function fire when the switch is focused.
onFocus?: Function,
class Switch extends React.Component<SwitchProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface TableProps extends Props {
* If true, component will show a heading using model field names.
heading?: boolean,
* Object describing the data model that represents each object in the source.
model?: { [key: string]: string },
* Callback function that is fired when an item in a row changes. If set, rows are editable.
onChange?: Function,
* Callback function invoked when the row selection changes.
onSelect?: Function,
* Array of indexes of the items in the source that should appear as selected.
selected?: Array<number>,
* Array of objects representing each item to show.
source?: Array<{ [key: string]: any }>,
class Table extends React.Component<TableProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface TabsProps extends Props, Changeable<number> {
* Current
index: number,
class Tabs extends React.Component<TabsProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface TabProps extends Props, Conditional {
* If true, the current component is visible.
* @default false
active?: boolean,
* If true, the current component is not visible.
* @default false
hidden?: boolean,
* Label text for navigation header
label?: string,
* Callback function that is fired when the tab is activated.
onActive?: Function,
class Tab extends React.Component<TabProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
interface TimePickerProps extends Props {
* Format to display the clock. It can be 24hr or ampm.
* @default 24hr
format?: string,
* Callback called when the picker value is changed.
onChange?: Function,
* Datetime object with currrently selected time
value: Date,
class TimePicker extends React.Component<TimePickerProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
/*interface TooltipProps extends Props {
* The text string to use for the tooltip.
label: string,
class Tooltip extends React.Component<TooltipProps, {}> {
render(): React.DOMElement<any>;
class TooltipComponent<P, S> extends React.Component<P, S> {
getDecoratedComponentInstance(): React.Component<P, S>;
interface TooltipComponentClass<P> extends React.ComponentClass<P> {
new (props?: P, context?: any): TooltipComponent<P, any>;
function Tooltip<P> (componentClass: React.ComponentClass<P>): TooltipComponentClass<P>;
declare var AppBar: typeof __RT.AppBar;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/app_bar' {
export = AppBar;
declare var Autocomplete: typeof __RT.Autocomplete;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/autocomplete' {
export = Autocomplete;
declare var Avatar: typeof __RT.Avatar;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/avatar' {
export = Avatar;
declare var Button: typeof __RT.Button;
declare var IconButton: typeof __RT.IconButton;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/button' {
export { Button, IconButton };
declare var Card: typeof __RT.Card;
declare var CardActions: typeof __RT.CardActions;
declare var CardMedia: typeof __RT.CardMedia;
declare var CardText: typeof __RT.CardText;
declare var CardTitle: typeof __RT.CardTitle;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/card' {
export {
declare var Checkbox: typeof __RT.Checkbox;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/checkbox' {
export = Checkbox;
declare var DatePicker: typeof __RT.DatePicker;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/date_picker' {
export = DatePicker;
declare var Dialog: typeof __RT.Dialog;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/dialog' {
export = Dialog;
declare var Drawer: typeof __RT.Drawer;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/drawer' {
export = Drawer;
declare var Dropdown: typeof __RT.Dropdown;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/dropdown' {
export = Dropdown;
declare var FontIcon: typeof __RT.FontIcon;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/font_icon' {
export = FontIcon;
declare var Input: typeof __RT.Input;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/input' {
export = Input;
declare var Link: typeof __RT.Link;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/link' {
export = Link;
declare var List: typeof __RT.List;
declare var ListItem: typeof __RT.ListItem;
declare var ListCheckbox: typeof __RT.ListCheckbox;
declare var ListSubHeader: typeof __RT.ListSubHeader;
declare var ListDivider: typeof __RT.ListDivider;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/list' {
export {
declare var Menu: typeof __RT.Menu;
declare var IconMenu: typeof __RT.IconMenu;
declare var MenuItem: typeof __RT.MenuItem;
declare var MenuDivider: typeof __RT.MenuDivider;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/menu' {
export {
declare var Navigation: typeof __RT.Navigation;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/navigation' {
export = Navigation;
declare var ProgressBar: typeof __RT.ProgressBar;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/progress_bar' {
export = ProgressBar;
declare var RadioGroup: typeof __RT.RadioGroup;
declare var RadioButton: typeof __RT.RadioButton;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/radio' {
export {
declare var Slider: typeof __RT.Slider;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/slider' {
export = Slider;
declare var Snackbar: typeof __RT.Snackbar;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/snackbar' {
export = Snackbar;
declare var Switch: typeof __RT.Switch;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/switch' {
export = Switch;
declare var Table: typeof __RT.Table;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/table' {
export = Table;
declare var Tab: typeof __RT.Tab;
declare var Tabs: typeof __RT.Tabs;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/tabs' {
export { Tab, Tabs }
declare var TimePicker: typeof __RT.TimePicker;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/time_picker' {
export = TimePicker;
declare var Tooltip: typeof __RT.Tooltip;
declare module 'react-toolbox/lib/tooltip' {
export = Tooltip;
declare module 'react-toolbox' {
import * as AppBar from 'react-toolbox/lib/app_bar';
import * as Autocomplete from 'react-toolbox/lib/autocomplete';
import * as Avatar from 'react-toolbox/lib/avatar';
import { Button }from 'react-toolbox/lib/button';
import { Card, CardActions, CardMedia, CardText, CardTitle} from 'react-toolbox/lib/card';
import * as Checkbox from 'react-toolbox/lib/checkbox';
import * as DatePicker from 'react-toolbox/lib/date_picker';
import * as Dialog from 'react-toolbox/lib/dialog';
import * as Drawer from 'react-toolbox/lib/drawer';
import * as Dropdown from 'react-toolbox/lib/dropdown';
import * as FontIcon from 'react-toolbox/lib/font_icon';
import * as Input from 'react-toolbox/lib/input';
import * as Link from 'react-toolbox/lib/link';
import {List, ListItem, ListCheckbox, ListSubHeader, ListDivider} from 'react-toolbox/lib/list';
import {Menu, IconMenu, MenuItem, MenuDivider} from 'react-toolbox/lib/menu';
import * as Navigation from 'react-toolbox/lib/navigation';
import * as ProgressBar from 'react-toolbox/lib/progress_bar';
import {RadioGroup, RadioButton} from 'react-toolbox/lib/radio';
import * as Slider from 'react-toolbox/lib/slider';
import * as Snackbar from 'react-toolbox/lib/snackbar';
import * as Switch from 'react-toolbox/lib/switch';
import { Tab, Tabs } from 'react-toolbox/lib/tabs';
import * as TimePicker from 'react-toolbox/lib/time_picker';
import * as Tooltip from 'react-toolbox/lib/tooltip';
export {
Card, CardActions, CardMedia, CardText, CardTitle,
List, ListItem, ListCheckbox, ListSubHeader, ListDivider,
Menu, IconMenu, MenuItem, MenuDivider,
RadioGroup, RadioButton,
Tab, Tabs,
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I plan on using your typedef. Thanks for the work. Let me know if you need help to keep it up

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Would be nice to see it at at some point

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Thanks for this. I agree with @emmauelbuah. This would be great to have on the definitely typed repo

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