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Created October 16, 2016 08:13
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* 아나그램이 되기 위해 필요한 최소한의 글자 수
* An anagram is a word that can be obtained by rearranging the letters of
* another word, using all the constituent letters exactly once.
* For example, words "admirer" and "married" are anagrams of one another.
* However, the words "rather" and "harder" are not anagrams, since "rather"
* does not contain the letter "d' and "harder" does not contain
* the letter 't'. Two identical words are anagrams, too.
* You may also notice that anagram of any word must be of same length as
* the word itself.
* Bob has written two words, A and B, consisting of N and M letters,
* respectively, He would like them to be anagrams of each other.
* Bob has decided to add some letters to these words to achieve his goal.
* For example, given the words "rather" and "harder", Bob can add the
* letter 'd' to the first word and the letter 't' to the second Word.
* Having done this, the words are now anagrams.
* Bob would like to add as few letters as possible In the example above,
* Bob added two letters, which is the minimum possible. Your task is to
* tell hlm the minimum number of letters that he needs to add to make the
* given words anagrams in this way.
* Write a function:
* class Solution { public int solution(String a, String b); }
* that, given two nonempty strings, A and B, consisting of N and M letters
* respectively, returns the minimum number of letters that Bob has to add
* to the words specified ln A and B to make them anagrams.
* For example, given the words "rather" and "harder" your function should
* return 2, as explained above.
* For example, given the words "apple" and "pear" your function should
* return 3, since you can add the letter 'r' to the first word and the
* letters 'p' and 'l' to the second word to form anagrams.
* And for the given words "lemon" and "melon", your function should
* return 0, since the given words are already anagrams.
* Assume that:
* - N and M are integers within the range [1 .. 100,000];
* - String ('A', 'B') consists only or lowercase letters (a-z),
* Complexity:
* - expected worst case time complexity is O(N+M);
* - expected worst case space complexity ls O(1) (not counting the
* storage required for input arguments).
class Solution {
public int solution(String A, String B) {
int[] ccA = charCount(A);
int[] ccB = charCount(B);
int addA = 0;
int addB = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < ccA.length ; i++) {
addA += Math.max(ccB[i] - ccA[i], 0);
addB += Math.max(ccA[i] - ccB[i], 0);
//System.out.println(Arrays.toString(ccA) + addA);
//System.out.println(Arrays.toString(ccB) + addB);
return addA + addB;
private int[] charCount(String s) {
int[] cc = new int['Z' - 'A' + 1]; // 26
for(int i = 0 ; i < s.length() ; i++) {
char ch = s.charAt(i);
if (!('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z')) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid char");
int ci = ch - 'a';
cc[ci] += 1;
return cc;
// main, test() 는 Codility에서 사용하지 않음
public static void main(String[] args) {
test("rather", "harder", 2);
test("apple", "pear", 3);
test("", "", 0);
test("", "harder", 6);
test("harder", "harder", 0);
test("a", "ab", 1);
test("coffee", "tuffee", 4);
private static void test(String A, String B, int expected) {
int actual = new Solution().solution(A, B);
if (expected == actual) {
System.out.print("[+] ");
} else {
System.out.print("[-] ");
System.out.printf("(%s, %s): expected=%d, actual=%d\n", A, B, expected, actual);
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