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Created October 16, 2016 08:44
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import java.util.Stack;
* A word machine is a system that performs a sequence of simple operations
* on a stack of integers. Initially the stack is empty. The sequence of
* operations is given as a string. Operations are separated by single spaces.
* The following operations may be specified:
* - an integer X (between 0 and 2^20 - 1): the machine pushes X onto the stack;
* - "POP": the machine removes the topmost number from the stack;
* - "DUP": the machine pushes a duplicate of the topmost number onto the stack;
* - "+": the machine pops the topmost elements from the stack, adds them together
* and pushes the sum onto the stack;
* - "-": the machine pops the topmost elements from the stack, subtracts the second
* one from the first(topmost) one and pushes the difference onto the stack.
* After processing all the operations, the machine returns the topmost
* value from the stack.
* The machine processes 20-bit unsigned integers (numbers between 0 and 2^20-1).
* An overflow in addition or underflow in subtraction causes an error.
* The machine also reports an error when it tries to perform an operation
* that expects more numbers on the stack than the stack actually contains.
* Also, if, after performing all the operations, the stack is empty,
* the machine reports an error.
* For example, given a string "13 DUP 4 POP 5 DUP + DUP + -", the machine
* performs the following operations:
* operation | comment | stack
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | | [empty]
* "13" | push 13 |
* | | 13
* "DUP" | duplicate 13 |
* | | 13, 13
* "4" | push 4 |
* | | 13, 13, 4
* "POP" | pop 4 |
* | | 13, 13
* "5" | push 5 |
* | | 13, 13, 5
* "DUP" | duplicate 5 |
* | | 13, 13, 5, 5
* "+" | adds 5 and 5 |
* | | 13, 13, 10
* "DUP" | duplicate 10 |
* | | 13, 13, 10, 10
* "+" | add 10 and 10 |
* | | 13, 13, 20
* "-" | subtract 13 from 20 |
* | | 13, 7
* Finally, the machine will return 7.
* Given a string "5 6 + -", the machine reports an error, since an addition,
* there is only one number on stack, but the subtraction operation expects
* two.
* Given a string "3 DUP 5 - -", the machine reports an error, since the
* second subtraction yields a negative result.
* Write a function:
* class Solution { public int solution(String S); }
* that, given a string S containing a sequence of operations for the word
* machine, returns the result the machine would return after processing
* the operations. The function should return -1 if the machine would report
* an error while processing the operations.
* For example, given string S = "13 DUP 4 POP 5 DUP + DUP + -" the function
* should return 7, as explained in the example above. Given string
* S="5 6 + -" or S="3 DUP 5 - -" the function should return -1.
* Assume that:
* - the length of S is within the range [0 .. 2,000];
* - S is a valid sequence of word machine operations.
* In your solution, focus on correctness. The performance of your solution
* will not be focus of the assessment.
class Solution {
public int solution(String S) {
try {
return solutionInternal(S);
} catch(Exception e) {
return -1;
private static final int MAX_VALUE = (1<<20) - 1;
private int solutionInternal(String S) {
Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
String[] insns = S.split(" ");
for(String insn : insns) {
if (insn.matches("[0-9]+")) {
int value = Integer.parseInt(insn);
if (value < 0 || value > MAX_VALUE) { // over/underflow
return -1;
//System.out.print("push " + value);
} else if ("DUP".equals(insn)) {
int value = stack.peek();
//System.out.print("duplicate " + value);
} else if ("POP".equals(insn)) {
int value = stack.pop();
//System.out.print("pop " + value);
} else if ("+".equals(insn)) {
int a = stack.pop();
int b = stack.pop();
if (a + b > MAX_VALUE) { // overflow
return -1;
stack.push(a + b);
//System.out.print("add " + a + " and " + b);
} else if ("-".equals(insn)) {
int a = stack.pop();
int b = stack.pop();
if (a - b < 0) { // underflow
return -1;
stack.push(a - b);
//System.out.print("subtract " + b + " from " + a);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operation: " + insn);
return stack.pop();
// main, test() 는 Codility에서 사용하지 않음
public static void main(String[] args) {
test("13 DUP 4 POP 5 DUP + DUP + -", 7);
test("5 6 + -", -1);
test("3 DUP 5 - -", -1);
test("13", 13);
test("524288 524288 +", -1); // overflow test
test("524288 524287 +", 1048575);
test("524288 524288 0 - -", -1); // underflow test
private static void test(String S, int expected) {
int actual = new Solution().solution(S);
if (expected == actual) {
System.out.print("[+] ");
} else {
System.out.print("[-] ");
System.out.printf("%s: expected=%d, actual=%d\n", S, expected, actual);
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