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Last active November 11, 2022 08:32
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CSS and JS included with an email on Outlook iOS
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! function(e) {
function r(r) {
for (var n, a, i = r[0], l = r[1], f = r[2], p = 0, s = []; p < i.length; p++) a = i[p],, a) && o[a] && s.push(o[a][0]), o[a] = 0;
for (n in l), n) && (e[n] = l[n]);
for (c && c(r); s.length;) s.shift()();
return u.push.apply(u, f || []), t()
function t() {
for (var e, r = 0; r < u.length; r++) {
for (var t = u[r], n = !0, i = 1; i < t.length; i++) {
var l = t[i];
0 !== o[l] && (n = !1)
n && (u.splice(r--, 1), e = a(a.s = t[0]))
return e
var n = {},
o = {
1: 0
u = [];
function a(r) {
if (n[r]) return n[r].exports;
var t = n[r] = {
i: r,
l: !1,
exports: {}
return e[r].call(t.exports, t, t.exports, a), t.l = !0, t.exports
a.m = e, a.c = n, a.d = function(e, r, t) {
a.o(e, r) || Object.defineProperty(e, r, {
enumerable: !0,
get: t
}, a.r = function(e) {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: "Module"
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}, a.t = function(e, r) {
if (1 & r && (e = a(e)), 8 & r) return e;
if (4 & r && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
var t = Object.create(null);
if (a.r(t), Object.defineProperty(t, "default", {
enumerable: !0,
value: e
}), 2 & r && "string" != typeof e)
for (var n in e) a.d(t, n, function(r) {
return e[r]
}.bind(null, n));
return t
}, a.n = function(e) {
var r = e && e.__esModule ? function() {
return e.default
} : function() {
return e
return a.d(r, "a", r), r
}, a.o = function(e, r) {
return, r)
}, a.p = "./";
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[function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return r
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var r = t[n];
r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r)
function o(e, t, n) {
return t && r(e.prototype, t), n && r(e, n), e
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = n(107)
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return null == e
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function(e, r) {
n.d(t, "$mobx", (function() {
return Nn
})), n.d(t, "Reaction", (function() {
return sn
})), n.d(t, "untracked", (function() {
return tn
})), n.d(t, "IDerivationState", (function() {
return Ct
})), n.d(t, "createAtom", (function() {
return Qe
})), n.d(t, "spy", (function() {
return w
})), n.d(t, "comparer", (function() {
return z
})), n.d(t, "isObservableObject", (function() {
return se
})), n.d(t, "isBoxedObservable", (function() {
return ee
})), n.d(t, "isObservableArray", (function() {
return lt
})), n.d(t, "ObservableMap", (function() {
return Fe
})), n.d(t, "isObservableMap", (function() {
return We
})), n.d(t, "transaction", (function() {
return Ue
})), n.d(t, "observable", (function() {
return Pe
})), n.d(t, "computed", (function() {
return ye
})), n.d(t, "isObservable", (function() {
return fe
})), n.d(t, "isObservableProp", (function() {
return pe
})), n.d(t, "isComputed", (function() {
return de
})), n.d(t, "isComputedProp", (function() {
return me
})), n.d(t, "extendObservable", (function() {
return we
})), n.d(t, "extendShallowObservable", (function() {
return be
})), n.d(t, "observe", (function() {
return dn
})), n.d(t, "intercept", (function() {
return mn
})), n.d(t, "autorun", (function() {
return F
})), n.d(t, "reaction", (function() {
return W
})), n.d(t, "when", (function() {
return vn
})), n.d(t, "action", (function() {
return P
})), n.d(t, "isAction", (function() {
return R
})), n.d(t, "runInAction", (function() {
return M
})), n.d(t, "keys", (function() {
return bn
})), n.d(t, "values", (function() {
return wn
})), n.d(t, "entries", (function() {
return _n
})), n.d(t, "set", (function() {
return xn
})), n.d(t, "remove", (function() {
return En
})), n.d(t, "has", (function() {
return Tn
})), n.d(t, "get", (function() {
return Sn
})), n.d(t, "decorate", (function() {
return kn
})), n.d(t, "configure", (function() {
return On
})), n.d(t, "onBecomeObserved", (function() {
return Ge
})), n.d(t, "onBecomeUnobserved", (function() {
return Ye
})), n.d(t, "flow", (function() {
return An
})), n.d(t, "toJS", (function() {
return jn
})), n.d(t, "trace", (function() {
return an
})), n.d(t, "getDependencyTree", (function() {
return Dt
})), n.d(t, "getObserverTree", (function() {
return zt
})), n.d(t, "_resetGlobalState", (function() {
return Lt
})), n.d(t, "_getGlobalState", (function() {
return Nt
})), n.d(t, "getDebugName", (function() {
return qe
})), n.d(t, "getAtom", (function() {
return $e
})), n.d(t, "_getAdministration", (function() {
return He
})), n.d(t, "_allowStateChanges", (function() {
return E
})), n.d(t, "_allowStateChangesInsideComputed", (function() {
return k
})), n.d(t, "isArrayLike", (function() {
return Et
})), n.d(t, "_isComputingDerivation", (function() {
return Xt
})), n.d(t, "onReactionError", (function() {
return ln
})), n.d(t, "_interceptReads", (function() {
return In
var o = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
__proto__: []
instanceof Array && function(e, t) {
e.__proto__ = t
} || function(e, t) {
for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n])
function i(e, t) {
function n() {
this.constructor = e
o(e, t), e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : (n.prototype = t.prototype, new n)
var a = Object.assign || function(e) {
for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)
for (var o in t = arguments[n]), o) && (e[o] = t[o]);
return e
function u(e, t) {
var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator];
if (!n) return e;
var r, o, i =,
a = [];
try {
for (;
(void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(r =;) a.push(r.value)
} catch (e) {
o = {
error: e
} finally {
try {
r && !r.done && (n = i.return) &&
} finally {
if (o) throw o.error
return a
function s() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e = e.concat(u(arguments[t]));
return e
var l = {},
c = {};
function f(e, t) {
var n = t ? l : c;
return n[e] || (n[e] = {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: t,
get: function() {
return p(this), this[e]
set: function(t) {
p(this), this[e] = t
function p(e) {
if (!0 !== e.__mobxDidRunLazyInitializers) {
var t = e.__mobxDecorators;
if (t)
for (var n in wt(e, "__mobxDidRunLazyInitializers", !0), t) {
var r = t[n];
r.propertyCreator(e, r.prop, r.descriptor, r.decoratorTarget, r.decoratorArguments)
function h(e, t) {
return function() {
var n, r = function(r, o, i, u) {
if (!0 === u) return t(r, o, i, r, n), null;
if (!, "__mobxDecorators")) {
var s = r.__mobxDecorators;
wt(r, "__mobxDecorators", a({}, s))
return r.__mobxDecorators[o] = {
prop: o,
propertyCreator: t,
descriptor: i,
decoratorTarget: r,
decoratorArguments: n
}, f(o, e)
return d(arguments) ? (n = ct, r.apply(null, arguments)) : (n =, r)
function d(e) {
return (2 === e.length || 3 === e.length) && "string" == typeof e[1] || 4 === e.length && !0 === e[3]
function m() {
return !!It.spyListeners.length
function v(e) {
if (It.spyListeners.length)
for (var t = It.spyListeners, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) t[n](e)
function g(e) {
v(a({}, e, {
spyReportStart: !0
var y = {
spyReportEnd: !0
function b(e) {
v(e ? a({}, e, {
spyReportEnd: !0
}) : y)
function w(e) {
return It.spyListeners.push(e), vt((function() {
It.spyListeners = It.spyListeners.filter((function(t) {
return t !== e
function _(e, t) {
var n = function() {
return x(e, t, this, arguments)
return n.isMobxAction = !0, n
function x(e, t, n, r) {
var o = function(e, t, n, r) {
var o = m() && !!e,
i = 0;
if (o) {
i =;
var a = r && r.length || 0,
u = new Array(a);
if (a > 0)
for (var s = 0; s < a; s++) u[s] = r[s];
type: "action",
name: e,
object: n,
arguments: u
var l = nn();
return $t(), {
prevDerivation: l,
prevAllowStateChanges: T(!0),
notifySpy: o,
startTime: i
}(e, 0, n, r);
try {
return t.apply(n, r)
} finally {
! function(e) {
S(e.prevAllowStateChanges), Ht(), rn(e.prevDerivation), e.notifySpy && b({
time: - e.startTime
function E(e, t) {
var n, r = T(e);
try {
n = t()
} finally {
return n
function T(e) {
var t = It.allowStateChanges;
return It.allowStateChanges = e, t
function S(e) {
It.allowStateChanges = e
function k(e) {
var t, n = It.computationDepth;
It.computationDepth = 0;
try {
t = e()
} finally {
It.computationDepth = n
return t
function O() {
function C(e) {
return function(t, n, r) {
if (r) {
if (r.value) return {
value: _(e, r.value),
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
var o = r.initializer;
return {
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
initializer: function() {
return _(e,
return A(e).apply(this, arguments)
function A(e) {
return function(t, n, r) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {},
set: function(t) {
wt(this, n, P(e, t))
var P = function(e, t, n, r) {
return 1 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof e ? _( || "<unnamed action>", e) : 2 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof t ? _(e, t) : 1 === arguments.length && "string" == typeof e ? C(e) : !0 !== r ? C(t).apply(null, arguments) : void(e[t] = _( || t, n.value))
function M(e, t) {
return x("string" == typeof e ? e : || "<unnamed action>", "function" == typeof e ? e : t, this, void 0)
function R(e) {
return "function" == typeof e && !0 === e.isMobxAction
function j(e, t, n) {
wt(e, t, _(t, n.bind(e)))
P.bound = function(e, t, n, r) {
return !0 === r ? (j(e, t, n.value), null) : n ? {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return j(this, t, n.value ||, this[t]
set: O
} : {
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0,
set: function(e) {
j(this, t, e)
get: function() {}
var I = Object.prototype.toString;
function N(e, t) {
return function e(t, n, r, o) {
if (t === n) return 0 !== t || 1 / t == 1 / n;
if (null == t || null == n) return !1;
if (t != t) return n != n;
var i = typeof t;
return ("function" === i || "object" === i || "object" == typeof n) && function(t, n, r, o) {
t = L(t), n = L(n);
var i =;
if (i !== return !1;
switch (i) {
case "[object RegExp]":
case "[object String]":
return "" + t == "" + n;
case "[object Number]":
return +t != +t ? +n != +n : 0 == +t ? 1 / +t == 1 / n : +t == +n;
case "[object Date]":
case "[object Boolean]":
return +t == +n;
case "[object Symbol]":
return "undefined" != typeof Symbol && ===
var a = "[object Array]" === i;
if (!a) {
if ("object" != typeof t || "object" != typeof n) return !1;
var u = t.constructor,
s = n.constructor;
if (u !== s && !("function" == typeof u && u instanceof u && "function" == typeof s && s instanceof s) && "constructor" in t && "constructor" in n) return !1
o = o || [];
for (var l = (r = r || []).length; l--;)
if (r[l] === t) return o[l] === n;
if (r.push(t), o.push(n), a) {
if ((l = t.length) !== n.length) return !1;
for (; l--;)
if (!e(t[l], n[l], r, o)) return !1
} else {
var c, f = Object.keys(t);
if (l = f.length, Object.keys(n).length !== l) return !1;
for (; l--;)
if (!D(n, c = f[l]) || !e(t[c], n[c], r, o)) return !1
return r.pop(), o.pop(), !0
}(t, n, r, o)
}(e, t)
function L(e) {
return lt(e) ? e.peek() : Tt(e) || We(e) ? St(e.entries()) : e
function D(e, t) {
return, t)
function U(e, t) {
return e === t
var z = {
identity: U,
structural: function(e, t) {
return N(e, t)
default: function(e, t) {
return function(e, t) {
return "number" == typeof e && "number" == typeof t && isNaN(e) && isNaN(t)
}(e, t) || U(e, t)
function F(e, t) {
void 0 === t && (t = ft);
var n, r = t && || || "Autorun@" + ht();
if (t.scheduler || t.delay) {
var o = V(t),
i = !1;
n = new sn(r, (function() {
i || (i = !0, o((function() {
i = !1, n.isDisposed || n.track(a)
}), t.onError)
} else n = new sn(r, (function() {
}), t.onError);
function a() {
return n.schedule(), n.getDisposer()
var B = function(e) {
return e()
function V(e) {
return e.scheduler ? e.scheduler : e.delay ? function(t) {
return setTimeout(t, e.delay)
} : B
function W(e, t, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = ft), "boolean" == typeof n && (n = {
fireImmediately: n
var r, o, i, a = || "Reaction@" + ht(),
u = P(a, n.onError ? (r = n.onError, o = t, function() {
try {
return o.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (e) {, e)
}) : t),
s = !n.scheduler && !n.delay,
l = V(n),
c = !0,
f = !1,
p = n.compareStructural ? z.structural : n.equals || z.default,
h = new sn(a, (function() {
c || s ? d() : f || (f = !0, l(d))
}), n.onError);
function d() {
if (f = !1, !h.isDisposed) {
var t = !1;
h.track((function() {
var n = e(h);
t = c || !p(i, n), i = n
})), c && n.fireImmediately && u(i, h), c || !0 !== t || u(i, h), c && (c = !1)
return h.schedule(), h.getDisposer()
var $ = function() {
function e(e) {
this.dependenciesState = Ct.NOT_TRACKING, this.observing = [], this.newObserving = null, this.isBeingObserved = !1, this.isPendingUnobservation = !1, this.observers = [], this.observersIndexes = {}, this.diffValue = 0, this.runId = 0, this.lastAccessedBy = 0, this.lowestObserverState = Ct.UP_TO_DATE, this.unboundDepsCount = 0, this.__mapid = "#" + ht(), this.value = new Yt(null), this.isComputing = !1, this.isRunningSetter = !1, this.isTracing = At.NONE, this.firstGet = !0, this.derivation = e.get, = || "ComputedValue@" + ht(), e.set && (this.setter = _( + "-setter", e.set)), this.equals = e.equals || (e.compareStructural || e.struct ? z.structural : z.default), this.scope = e.context, this.requiresReaction = !!e.requiresReaction, this.keepAlive = !!e.keepAlive
return e.prototype.onBecomeStale = function() {
! function(e) {
if (e.lowestObserverState === Ct.UP_TO_DATE) {
e.lowestObserverState = Ct.POSSIBLY_STALE;
for (var t = e.observers, n = t.length; n--;) {
var r = t[n];
r.dependenciesState === Ct.UP_TO_DATE && (r.dependenciesState = Ct.POSSIBLY_STALE, r.isTracing !== At.NONE && Gt(r, e), r.onBecomeStale())
}, e.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved = function() {}, e.prototype.onBecomeObserved = function() {}, e.prototype.get = function() {
var e = this;
this.keepAlive && this.firstGet && (this.firstGet = !1, F((function() {
return e.get()
}))), this.isComputing && dt("Cycle detected in computation " + + ": " + this.derivation), 0 === It.inBatch && 0 === this.observers.length ? Qt(this) && (this.warnAboutUntrackedRead(), $t(), this.value = this.computeValue(!1), Ht()) : (qt(this), Qt(this) && this.trackAndCompute() && function(e) {
if (e.lowestObserverState !== Ct.STALE) {
e.lowestObserverState = Ct.STALE;
for (var t = e.observers, n = t.length; n--;) {
var r = t[n];
r.dependenciesState === Ct.POSSIBLY_STALE ? r.dependenciesState = Ct.STALE : r.dependenciesState === Ct.UP_TO_DATE && (e.lowestObserverState = Ct.UP_TO_DATE)
var t = this.value;
if (Kt(t)) throw t.cause;
return t
}, e.prototype.peek = function() {
var e = this.computeValue(!1);
if (Kt(e)) throw e.cause;
return e
}, e.prototype.set = function(e) {
if (this.setter) {
mt(!this.isRunningSetter, "The setter of computed value '" + + "' is trying to update itself. Did you intend to update an _observable_ value, instead of the computed property?"), this.isRunningSetter = !0;
try {, e)
} finally {
this.isRunningSetter = !1
} else mt(!1, !1)
}, e.prototype.trackAndCompute = function() {
m() && v({
object: this.scope,
type: "compute",
var e = this.value,
t = this.dependenciesState === Ct.NOT_TRACKING,
n = this.computeValue(!0),
r = t || Kt(e) || Kt(n) || !this.equals(e, n);
return r && (this.value = n), r
}, e.prototype.computeValue = function(e) {
var t;
if (this.isComputing = !0, It.computationDepth++, e) t = Zt(this, this.derivation, this.scope);
else if (!0 === It.disableErrorBoundaries) t =;
else try {
t =
} catch (e) {
t = new Yt(e)
return It.computationDepth--, this.isComputing = !1, t
}, e.prototype.suspend = function() {
en(this), this.value = void 0
}, e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
var n = this,
r = !0,
o = void 0;
return F((function() {
var i = n.get();
if (!r || t) {
var a = nn();
type: "update",
object: n,
newValue: i,
oldValue: o
}), rn(a)
r = !1, o = i
}, e.prototype.warnAboutUntrackedRead = function() {}, e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.get()
}, e.prototype.toString = function() {
return + "[" + this.derivation.toString() + "]"
}, e.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return Ot(this.get())
}, e
$.prototype[kt()] = $.prototype.valueOf;
var H = xt("ComputedValue", $);
function q(e) {
return void 0 !== e.interceptors && e.interceptors.length > 0
function G(e, t) {
var n = e.interceptors || (e.interceptors = []);
return n.push(t), vt((function() {
var e = n.indexOf(t); - 1 !== e && n.splice(e, 1)
function Y(e, t) {
var n = nn();
try {
var r = e.interceptors;
if (r)
for (var o = 0, i = r.length; o < i && (mt(!(t = r[o](t)) || t.type, "Intercept handlers should return nothing or a change object"), t); o++);
return t
} finally {
function K(e) {
return void 0 !== e.changeListeners && e.changeListeners.length > 0
function Q(e, t) {
var n = e.changeListeners || (e.changeListeners = []);
return n.push(t), vt((function() {
var e = n.indexOf(t); - 1 !== e && n.splice(e, 1)
function X(e, t) {
var n = nn(),
r = e.changeListeners;
if (r) {
for (var o = 0, i = (r = r.slice()).length; o < i; o++) r[o](t);
var J = {};
Be || (Be = function() {
function e(e) {
void 0 === e && (e = "Atom@" + ht()), = e, this.isPendingUnobservation = !1, this.isBeingObserved = !1, this.observers = [], this.observersIndexes = {}, this.diffValue = 0, this.lastAccessedBy = 0, this.lowestObserverState = Ct.NOT_TRACKING
return e.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved = function() {}, e.prototype.onBecomeObserved = function() {}, e.prototype.reportObserved = function() {
return qt(this)
}, e.prototype.reportChanged = function() {
function(e) {
if (e.lowestObserverState !== Ct.STALE) {
e.lowestObserverState = Ct.STALE;
for (var t = e.observers, n = t.length; n--;) {
var r = t[n];
r.dependenciesState === Ct.UP_TO_DATE && (r.isTracing !== At.NONE && Gt(r, e), r.onBecomeStale()), r.dependenciesState = Ct.STALE
}(this), Ht()
}, e.prototype.toString = function() {
}, e
}(), Ve = xt("Atom", Be));
var Z = function(e) {
function t(t, n, r, o) {
void 0 === r && (r = "ObservableValue@" + ht()), void 0 === o && (o = !0);
var i =, r) || this;
return i.enhancer = n, i.hasUnreportedChange = !1, i.value = n(t, void 0, r), o && m() && v({
type: "create",
newValue: "" + i.value
}), i
return i(t, e), t.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e
}, t.prototype.set = function(e) {
var t = this.value;
if ((e = this.prepareNewValue(e)) !== J) {
var n = m();
n && g({
type: "update",
newValue: e,
oldValue: t
}), this.setNewValue(e), n && b()
}, t.prototype.prepareNewValue = function(e) {
if (Jt(this), q(this)) {
var t = Y(this, {
object: this,
type: "update",
newValue: e
if (!t) return J;
e = t.newValue
return e = this.enhancer(e, this.value,, this.value !== e ? e : J
}, t.prototype.setNewValue = function(e) {
var t = this.value;
this.value = e, this.reportChanged(), K(this) && X(this, {
type: "update",
object: this,
newValue: e,
oldValue: t
}, t.prototype.get = function() {
return this.reportObserved(), this.dehanceValue(this.value)
}, t.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
return G(this, e)
}, t.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
return t && e({
object: this,
type: "update",
newValue: this.value,
oldValue: void 0
}), Q(this, e)
}, t.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.get()
}, t.prototype.toString = function() {
return + "[" + this.value + "]"
}, t.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return Ot(this.get())
}, t
Z.prototype[kt()] = Z.prototype.valueOf;
var ee = xt("ObservableValue", Z),
te = function() {
function e(e, t, n) { = e, = t, this.defaultEnhancer = n, this.values = {}
return = function(e, t) {
if ( === e || (this.illegalAccess(e, t), this.values[t])) return this.values[t].get()
}, e.prototype.write = function(e, t, n) {
var r =;
r !== e && this.illegalAccess(e, t);
var o = this.values[t];
if (o instanceof $) o.set(n);
else {
if (q(this)) {
if (!(s = Y(this, {
type: "update",
object: r,
name: t,
newValue: n
}))) return;
n = s.newValue
if ((n = o.prepareNewValue(n)) !== J) {
var i = K(this),
u = m(),
s = i || u ? {
type: "update",
object: r,
oldValue: o.value,
name: t,
newValue: n
} : null;
u && g(a({}, s, {
key: t
})), o.setNewValue(n), i && X(this, s), u && b()
}, e.prototype.remove = function(e) {
if (this.values[e]) {
var t =;
if (q(this) && !(i = Y(this, {
object: t,
name: e,
type: "remove"
}))) return;
try {
var n = K(this),
r = m(),
o = this.values[e].get();
this.keys && this.keys.remove(e), delete this.values[e], delete[e];
var i = n || r ? {
type: "remove",
object: t,
oldValue: o,
name: e
} : null;
r && g(a({}, i, {
key: e
})), n && X(this, i), r && b()
} finally {
}, e.prototype.illegalAccess = function(e, t) {
console.warn("Property '" + t + "' of '" + e + "' was accessed through the prototype chain. Use 'decorate' instead to declare the prop or access it statically through it's owner")
}, e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
return Q(this, e)
}, e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
return G(this, e)
}, e.prototype.getKeys = function() {
var e = this;
return void 0 === this.keys && (this.keys = new rt(Object.keys(this.values).filter((function(t) {
return e.values[t] instanceof Z
})), je, "keys(" + + ")", !0)), this.keys.slice()
}, e
function ne(e, t, n) {
void 0 === t && (t = ""), void 0 === n && (n = Re);
var r = e.$mobx;
return r || (bt(e) || (t = ( || "ObservableObject") + "@" + ht()), t || (t = "ObservableObject@" + ht()), _t(e, "$mobx", r = new te(e, t, n)), r)
function re(e, t, n, r) {
var o = ne(e);
if (q(o)) {
var i = Y(o, {
object: e,
name: t,
type: "add",
newValue: n
if (!i) return;
n = i.newValue
n = (o.values[t] = new Z(n, r, + "." + t, !1)).value, Object.defineProperty(e, t, function(e) {
return oe[e] || (oe[e] = {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return this.$, e)
set: function(t) {
this.$mobx.write(this, e, t)
}(t)), o.keys && o.keys.push(t),
function(e, t, n, r) {
var o = K(e),
i = m(),
u = o || i ? {
type: "add",
object: t,
name: n,
newValue: r
} : null;
i && g(a({}, u, {
key: n
})), o && X(e, u), i && b()
}(o, e, t, n)
var oe = Object.create(null),
ie = Object.create(null);
function ae(e) {
return e.$mobx || (p(e), e.$mobx)
var ue = xt("ObservableObjectAdministration", te);
function se(e) {
return !!yt(e) && (p(e), ue(e.$mobx))
function le(t) {
var n = h(!0, (function(e, n, r, o, i) {
re(e, n, r ? r.initializer ? : r.value : void 0, t)
r = (void 0 !== e && Object({
NODE_ENV: "production",
}), n);
return r.enhancer = t, r
function ce(e, t) {
if (null == e) return !1;
if (void 0 !== t) {
if (se(e)) {
var n = e.$mobx;
return n.values && !!n.values[t]
return !1
return se(e) || !!e.$mobx || Ve(e) || hn(e) || H(e)
function fe(e) {
return 1 !== arguments.length && dt(!1), ce(e)
function pe(e, t) {
return "string" != typeof t ? dt(!1) : ce(e, t)
function he(e, t) {
if (null == e) return !1;
if (void 0 !== t) {
if (!1 === se(e)) return !1;
if (!e.$mobx.values[t]) return !1;
var n = $e(e, t);
return H(n)
return H(e)
function de(e) {
return arguments.length > 1 ? dt(!1) : he(e)
function me(e, t) {
return "string" != typeof t ? dt(!1) : he(e, t)
var ve = h(!1, (function(e, t, n, r, o) {
var i = n.get,
u = n.set,
s = o[0] || {};
! function(e, t, n) {
var r = ne(e); = + "." + t, n.context = e, r.values[t] = new $(n), Object.defineProperty(e, t, function(e) {
return ie[e] || (ie[e] = {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return ae(this).read(this, e)
set: function(t) {
ae(this).write(this, e, t)
}(e, t, a({
get: i,
set: u
}, s))
ge = ve({
equals: z.structural
ye = function(e, t, n) {
if ("string" == typeof t) return ve.apply(null, arguments);
if (null !== e && "object" == typeof e && 1 === arguments.length) return ve.apply(null, arguments);
var r = "object" == typeof t ? t : {};
return r.get = e, r.set = "function" == typeof t ? t : r.set, = || || "", new $(r)
function be(e, t, n) {
return we(e, t, n, xe)
function we(e, t, n, r) {
var o = (r = Ee(r)).defaultDecorator || (!1 === r.deep ? Oe : Se);
p(e), ne(e,, o.enhancer), $t();
try {
for (var i in t) {
var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, i),
u = (n && i in n ? n[i] : a.get ? ve : o)(e, i, a, !0);
u && Object.defineProperty(e, i, u)
} finally {
return e
ye.struct = ge;
var _e = {
deep: !0,
name: void 0,
defaultDecorator: void 0
xe = {
deep: !1,
name: void 0,
defaultDecorator: void 0
function Ee(e) {
return null == e ? _e : "string" == typeof e ? {
name: e,
deep: !0
} : e
function Te(e) {
return e.defaultDecorator ? e.defaultDecorator.enhancer : !1 === e.deep ? je : Re
Object.freeze(_e), Object.freeze(xe);
var Se = le(Re),
ke = le((function(e, t, n) {
return null == e || se(e) || lt(e) || We(e) ? e : Array.isArray(e) ? Pe.array(e, {
name: n,
deep: !1
}) : bt(e) ? Pe.object(e, void 0, {
name: n,
deep: !1
}) : Tt(e) ?, {
name: n,
deep: !1
}) : dt(!1)
Oe = le(je),
Ce = le((function(e, t, n) {
return N(e, t) ? t : e
Ae = {
box: function(e, t) {
arguments.length > 2 && Me("box");
var n = Ee(t);
return new Z(e, Te(n),
shallowBox: function(e, t) {
return arguments.length > 2 && Me("shallowBox"),, {
name: t,
deep: !1
array: function(e, t) {
arguments.length > 2 && Me("array");
var n = Ee(t);
return new rt(e, Te(n),
shallowArray: function(e, t) {
return arguments.length > 2 && Me("shallowArray"), Pe.array(e, {
name: t,
deep: !1
map: function(e, t) {
arguments.length > 2 && Me("map");
var n = Ee(t);
return new Fe(e, Te(n),
shallowMap: function(e, t) {
return arguments.length > 2 && Me("shallowMap"),, {
name: t,
deep: !1
object: function(e, t, n) {
"string" == typeof arguments[1] && Me("object");
var r = Ee(n);
return we({}, e, t, r)
shallowObject: function(e, t) {
return "string" == typeof arguments[1] && Me("shallowObject"), Pe.object(e, {}, {
name: t,
deep: !1
ref: Oe,
shallow: ke,
deep: Se,
struct: Ce
Pe = function(e, t, n) {
if ("string" == typeof arguments[1]) return Se.apply(null, arguments);
if (fe(e)) return e;
var r = bt(e) ? Pe.object(e, t, n) : Array.isArray(e) ? Pe.array(e, t) : Tt(e) ?, t) : e;
if (r !== e) return r;
function Me(e) {
dt("Expected one or two arguments to observable." + e + ". Did you accidentally try to use observable." + e + " as decorator?")
function Re(e, t, n) {
return fe(e) ? e : Array.isArray(e) ? Pe.array(e, {
name: n
}) : bt(e) ? Pe.object(e, void 0, {
name: n
}) : Tt(e) ?, {
name: n
}) : e
function je(e) {
return e
function Ie() {
return "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator"
function Ne(e, t) {
_t(e, Ie(), t)
function Le(e) {
return e[Ie()] = De, e
function De() {
return this
function Ue(e, t) {
void 0 === t && (t = void 0), $t();
try {
return e.apply(t)
} finally {
Object.keys(Ae).forEach((function(e) {
return Pe[e] = Ae[e]
var ze = {},
Fe = function() {
function e(e, t, n) {
if (void 0 === t && (t = Re), void 0 === n && (n = "ObservableMap@" + ht()), this.enhancer = t, = n, this.$mobx = ze, this._keys = new rt(void 0, je, + ".keys()", !0), "function" != typeof Map) throw new Error(" requires Map polyfill for the current browser. Check babel-polyfill or core-js/es6/map.js");
this._data = new Map, this._hasMap = new Map, this.merge(e)
return e.prototype._has = function(e) {
return this._data.has(e)
}, e.prototype.has = function(e) {
return this._hasMap.has(e) ? this._hasMap.get(e).get() : this._updateHasMapEntry(e, !1).get()
}, e.prototype.set = function(e, t) {
var n = this._has(e);
if (q(this)) {
var r = Y(this, {
type: n ? "update" : "add",
object: this,
newValue: t,
name: e
if (!r) return this;
t = r.newValue
return n ? this._updateValue(e, t) : this._addValue(e, t), this
}, e.prototype.delete = function(e) {
var t = this;
if (q(this) && !(o = Y(this, {
type: "delete",
object: this,
name: e
}))) return !1;
if (this._has(e)) {
var n = m(),
r = K(this),
o = r || n ? {
type: "delete",
object: this,
oldValue: this._data.get(e).value,
name: e
} : null;
return n && g(a({}, o, {
key: e
})), Ue((function() {
t._keys.remove(e), t._updateHasMapEntry(e, !1), t._data.get(e).setNewValue(void 0), t._data.delete(e)
})), r && X(this, o), n && b(), !0
return !1
}, e.prototype._updateHasMapEntry = function(e, t) {
var n = this._hasMap.get(e);
return n ? n.setNewValue(t) : (n = new Z(t, je, + "." + e + "?", !1), this._hasMap.set(e, n)), n
}, e.prototype._updateValue = function(e, t) {
var n = this._data.get(e);
if ((t = n.prepareNewValue(t)) !== J) {
var r = m(),
o = K(this),
i = o || r ? {
type: "update",
object: this,
oldValue: n.value,
name: e,
newValue: t
} : null;
r && g(a({}, i, {
key: e
})), n.setNewValue(t), o && X(this, i), r && b()
}, e.prototype._addValue = function(e, t) {
var n = this;
Ue((function() {
var r = new Z(t, n.enhancer, + "." + e, !1);
n._data.set(e, r), t = r.value, n._updateHasMapEntry(e, !0), n._keys.push(e)
var r = m(),
o = K(this),
i = o || r ? {
type: "add",
object: this,
name: e,
newValue: t
} : null;
r && g(a({}, i, {
key: e
})), o && X(this, i), r && b()
}, e.prototype.get = function(e) {
return this.has(e) ? this.dehanceValue(this._data.get(e).get()) : this.dehanceValue(void 0)
}, e.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e
}, e.prototype.keys = function() {
return this._keys[Ie()]()
}, e.prototype.values = function() {
var e = this,
t = 0;
return Le({
next: function() {
return t < e._keys.length ? {
value: e.get(e._keys[t++]),
done: !1
} : {
value: void 0,
done: !0
}, e.prototype.entries = function() {
var e = this,
t = 0;
return Le({
next: function() {
if (t < e._keys.length) {
var n = e._keys[t++];
return {
value: [n, e.get(n)],
done: !1
return {
done: !0
}, e.prototype.forEach = function(e, t) {
var n = this;
this._keys.forEach((function(r) {
return, n.get(r), r, n)
}, e.prototype.merge = function(e) {
var t = this;
return We(e) && (e = e.toJS()), Ue((function() {
bt(e) ? Object.keys(e).forEach((function(n) {
return t.set(n, e[n])
})) : Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach((function(e) {
var n = u(e, 2),
r = n[0],
o = n[1];
return t.set(r, o)
})) : Tt(e) ? e.forEach((function(e, n) {
return t.set(n, e)
})) : null != e && dt("Cannot initialize map from " + e)
})), this
}, e.prototype.clear = function() {
var e = this;
Ue((function() {
tn((function() {
e._keys.slice().forEach((function(t) {
return e.delete(t)
}, e.prototype.replace = function(e) {
var t = this;
return Ue((function() {
var n, r = bt(n = e) ? Object.keys(n) : Array.isArray(n) ? {
return u(e, 1)[0]
})) : Tt(n) || We(n) ? St(n.keys()) : dt("Cannot get keys from '" + n + "'");
t._keys.filter((function(e) {
return -1 === r.indexOf(e)
})).forEach((function(e) {
return t.delete(e)
})), t.merge(e)
})), this
}, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "size", {
get: function() {
return this._keys.length
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.toPOJO = function() {
var e = this,
t = {};
return this._keys.forEach((function(n) {
return t["" + n] = e.get(n)
})), t
}, e.prototype.toJS = function() {
var e = this,
t = new Map;
return this._keys.forEach((function(n) {
return t.set(n, e.get(n))
})), t
}, e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.toPOJO()
}, e.prototype.toString = function() {
var e = this;
return + "[{ " + {
return t + ": " + e.get(t)
})).join(", ") + " }]"
}, e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
return Q(this, e)
}, e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
return G(this, e)
}, e
Ne(Fe.prototype, (function() {
return this.entries()
})), _t(Fe.prototype, "undefined" != typeof Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : "@@toStringTag", "Map");
var Be, Ve, We = xt("ObservableMap", Fe);
function $e(e, t) {
if ("object" == typeof e && null !== e) {
if (lt(e)) return void 0 !== t && dt(!1), e.$mobx.atom;
if (We(e)) {
var n = e;
return void 0 === t ? $e(n._keys) : ((r = n._data.get(t) || n._hasMap.get(t)) || dt(!1), r)
var r;
if (p(e), t && !e.$mobx && e[t], se(e)) return t ? ((r = e.$mobx.values[t]) || dt(!1), r) : dt(!1);
if (Ve(e) || H(e) || hn(e)) return e
} else if ("function" == typeof e && hn(e.$mobx)) return e.$mobx;
return dt(!1)
function He(e, t) {
return e || dt("Expecting some object"), void 0 !== t ? He($e(e, t)) : Ve(e) || H(e) || hn(e) || We(e) ? e : (p(e), e.$mobx ? e.$mobx : void dt(!1))
function qe(e, t) {
return (void 0 !== t ? $e(e, t) : se(e) || We(e) ? He(e) : $e(e)).name
function Ge(e, t, n) {
return Ke("onBecomeObserved", e, t, n)
function Ye(e, t, n) {
return Ke("onBecomeUnobserved", e, t, n)
function Ke(e, t, n, r) {
var o = "string" == typeof n ? $e(t, n) : $e(t),
i = "string" == typeof n ? r : n,
a = o[e];
return "function" != typeof a ? dt(!1) : (o[e] = function() {,
}, function() {
o[e] = a
function Qe(e, t, n) {
void 0 === t && (t = gt), void 0 === n && (n = gt);
var r = new Be(e);
return Ge(r, t), Ye(r, n), r
var Xe, Je, Ze = function() {
var e = !1,
t = {};
return Object.defineProperty(t, "0", {
set: function() {
e = !0
}), Object.create(t)[0] = 1, !1 === e
et = 0,
tt = function() {};
Xe = tt, Je = Array.prototype, void 0 !== Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(Xe.prototype, Je) : void 0 !== Xe.prototype.__proto__ ? Xe.prototype.__proto__ = Je : Xe.prototype = Je, Object.isFrozen(Array) && ["constructor", "push", "shift", "concat", "pop", "unshift", "replace", "find", "findIndex", "splice", "reverse", "sort"].forEach((function(e) {
Object.defineProperty(tt.prototype, e, {
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: Array.prototype[e]
var nt = function() {
function e(e, t, n, r) {
this.array = n, this.owned = r, this.values = [], this.lastKnownLength = 0, this.atom = new Be(e || "ObservableArray@" + ht()), this.enhancer = function(n, r) {
return t(n, r, e + "[..]")
return e.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e
}, e.prototype.dehanceValues = function(e) {
return void 0 !== this.dehancer && this.values.length > 0 ? : e
}, e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
return G(this, e)
}, e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = !1), t && e({
object: this.array,
type: "splice",
index: 0,
added: this.values.slice(),
addedCount: this.values.length,
removed: [],
removedCount: 0
}), Q(this, e)
}, e.prototype.getArrayLength = function() {
return this.atom.reportObserved(), this.values.length
}, e.prototype.setArrayLength = function(e) {
if ("number" != typeof e || e < 0) throw new Error("[mobx.array] Out of range: " + e);
var t = this.values.length;
if (e !== t)
if (e > t) {
for (var n = new Array(e - t), r = 0; r < e - t; r++) n[r] = void 0;
this.spliceWithArray(t, 0, n)
} else this.spliceWithArray(e, t - e)
}, e.prototype.updateArrayLength = function(e, t) {
if (e !== this.lastKnownLength) throw new Error("[mobx] Modification exception: the internal structure of an observable array was changed. Did you use peek() to change it?");
this.lastKnownLength += t, t > 0 && e + t + 1 > et && ut(e + t + 1)
}, e.prototype.spliceWithArray = function(e, t, n) {
var r = this;
var o = this.values.length;
if (void 0 === e ? e = 0 : e > o ? e = o : e < 0 && (e = Math.max(0, o + e)), t = 1 === arguments.length ? o - e : null == t ? 0 : Math.max(0, Math.min(t, o - e)), void 0 === n && (n = ct), q(this)) {
var i = Y(this, {
object: this.array,
type: "splice",
index: e,
removedCount: t,
added: n
if (!i) return ct;
t = i.removedCount, n = i.added
var a = (n = 0 === n.length ? n : {
return r.enhancer(e, void 0)
}))).length - t;
this.updateArrayLength(o, a);
var u = this.spliceItemsIntoValues(e, t, n);
return 0 === t && 0 === n.length || this.notifyArraySplice(e, n, u), this.dehanceValues(u)
}, e.prototype.spliceItemsIntoValues = function(e, t, n) {
if (n.length < 1e4) return (r = this.values).splice.apply(r, s([e, t], n));
var r, o = this.values.slice(e, e + t);
return this.values = this.values.slice(0, e).concat(n, this.values.slice(e + t)), o
}, e.prototype.notifyArrayChildUpdate = function(e, t, n) {
var r = !this.owned && m(),
o = K(this),
i = o || r ? {
object: this.array,
type: "update",
index: e,
newValue: t,
oldValue: n
} : null;
r && g(a({}, i, {
})), this.atom.reportChanged(), o && X(this, i), r && b()
}, e.prototype.notifyArraySplice = function(e, t, n) {
var r = !this.owned && m(),
o = K(this),
i = o || r ? {
object: this.array,
type: "splice",
index: e,
removed: n,
added: t,
removedCount: n.length,
addedCount: t.length
} : null;
r && g(a({}, i, {
})), this.atom.reportChanged(), o && X(this, i), r && b()
}, e
rt = function(e) {
function t(t, n, r, o) {
void 0 === r && (r = "ObservableArray@" + ht()), void 0 === o && (o = !1);
var i = || this,
a = new nt(r, n, i, o);
if (_t(i, "$mobx", a), t && t.length) {
var u = T(!0);
i.spliceWithArray(0, 0, t), S(u)
return Ze && Object.defineProperty(a.array, "0", ot), i
return i(t, e), t.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
return this.$mobx.intercept(e)
}, t.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = !1), this.$mobx.observe(e, t)
}, t.prototype.clear = function() {
return this.splice(0)
}, t.prototype.concat = function() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
return this.$mobx.atom.reportObserved(), Array.prototype.concat.apply(this.peek(), {
return lt(e) ? e.peek() : e
}, t.prototype.replace = function(e) {
return this.$mobx.spliceWithArray(0, this.$mobx.values.length, e)
}, t.prototype.toJS = function() {
return this.slice()
}, t.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.toJS()
}, t.prototype.peek = function() {
return this.$mobx.atom.reportObserved(), this.$mobx.dehanceValues(this.$mobx.values)
}, t.prototype.find = function(e, t, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = 0);
var r = this.findIndex.apply(this, arguments);
return -1 === r ? void 0 : this.get(r)
}, t.prototype.findIndex = function(e, t, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = 0);
for (var r = this.peek(), o = r.length, i = n; i < o; i++)
if (, r[i], i, this)) return i;
return -1
}, t.prototype.splice = function(e, t) {
for (var n = [], r = 2; r < arguments.length; r++) n[r - 2] = arguments[r];
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
return [];
case 1:
return this.$mobx.spliceWithArray(e);
case 2:
return this.$mobx.spliceWithArray(e, t)
return this.$mobx.spliceWithArray(e, t, n)
}, t.prototype.spliceWithArray = function(e, t, n) {
return this.$mobx.spliceWithArray(e, t, n)
}, t.prototype.push = function() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var n = this.$mobx;
return n.spliceWithArray(n.values.length, 0, e), n.values.length
}, t.prototype.pop = function() {
return this.splice(Math.max(this.$mobx.values.length - 1, 0), 1)[0]
}, t.prototype.shift = function() {
return this.splice(0, 1)[0]
}, t.prototype.unshift = function() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var n = this.$mobx;
return n.spliceWithArray(0, 0, e), n.values.length
}, t.prototype.reverse = function() {
var e = this.slice();
return e.reverse.apply(e, arguments)
}, t.prototype.sort = function(e) {
var t = this.slice();
return t.sort.apply(t, arguments)
}, t.prototype.remove = function(e) {
var t = this.$mobx.dehanceValues(this.$mobx.values).indexOf(e);
return t > -1 && (this.splice(t, 1), !0)
}, t.prototype.move = function(e, t) {
function n(e) {
if (e < 0) throw new Error("[mobx.array] Index out of bounds: " + e + " is negative");
var t = this.$mobx.values.length;
if (e >= t) throw new Error("[mobx.array] Index out of bounds: " + e + " is not smaller than " + t)
if (, e),, t), e !== t) {
var r, o = this.$mobx.values;
r = e < t ? s(o.slice(0, e), o.slice(e + 1, t + 1), [o[e]], o.slice(t + 1)) : s(o.slice(0, t), [o[e]], o.slice(t, e), o.slice(e + 1)), this.replace(r)
}, t.prototype.get = function(e) {
var t = this.$mobx;
if (t) {
if (e < t.values.length) return t.atom.reportObserved(), t.dehanceValue(t.values[e]);
console.warn("[mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (" + e + ") that is out of bounds (" + t.values.length + "). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX")
}, t.prototype.set = function(e, t) {
var n = this.$mobx,
r = n.values;
if (e < r.length) {
var o = r[e];
if (q(n)) {
var i = Y(n, {
type: "update",
object: this,
index: e,
newValue: t
if (!i) return;
t = i.newValue
}(t = n.enhancer(t, o)) !== o && (r[e] = t, n.notifyArrayChildUpdate(e, t, o))
} else {
if (e !== r.length) throw new Error("[mobx.array] Index out of bounds, " + e + " is larger than " + r.length);
n.spliceWithArray(e, 0, [t])
}, t
Ne(rt.prototype, (function() {
var e = this,
t = 0;
return Le({
next: function() {
return t < e.length ? {
value: e[t++],
done: !1
} : {
done: !0,
value: void 0
})), Object.defineProperty(rt.prototype, "length", {
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0,
get: function() {
return this.$mobx.getArrayLength()
set: function(e) {
}), "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && wt(rt.prototype, "undefined" != typeof Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : "@@toStringTag", "Array"), ["every", "filter", "forEach", "indexOf", "join", "lastIndexOf", "map", "reduce", "reduceRight", "slice", "some", "toString", "toLocaleString"].forEach((function(e) {
var t = Array.prototype[e];
mt("function" == typeof t, "Base function not defined on Array prototype: '" + e + "'"), wt(rt.prototype, e, (function() {
return t.apply(this.peek(), arguments)
function(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) wt(e, t[n], e[t[n]])
}(rt.prototype, ["constructor", "intercept", "observe", "clear", "concat", "get", "replace", "toJS", "toJSON", "peek", "find", "findIndex", "splice", "spliceWithArray", "push", "pop", "set", "shift", "unshift", "reverse", "sort", "remove", "move", "toString", "toLocaleString"]);
var ot = it(0);
function it(e) {
return {
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !1,
get: function() {
return this.get(e)
set: function(t) {
this.set(e, t)
function at(e) {
Object.defineProperty(rt.prototype, "" + e, it(e))
function ut(e) {
for (var t = et; t < e; t++) at(t);
et = e
var st = xt("ObservableArrayAdministration", nt);
function lt(e) {
return yt(e) && st(e.$mobx)
var ct = [];
var ft = {};
function pt() {
return "undefined" != typeof window ? window : r
function ht() {
return ++It.mobxGuid
function dt(e) {
throw mt(!1, e), "X"
function mt(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new Error("[mobx] " + (t || "An invariant failed, however the error is obfuscated because this is an production build."))
function vt(e) {
var t = !1;
return function() {
if (!t) return t = !0, e.apply(this, arguments)
var gt = function() {};
function yt(e) {
return null !== e && "object" == typeof e
function bt(e) {
if (null === e || "object" != typeof e) return !1;
var t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
return t === Object.prototype || null === t
function wt(e, t, n) {
Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0,
value: n
function _t(e, t, n) {
Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
enumerable: !1,
writable: !1,
configurable: !0,
value: n
function xt(e, t) {
var n = "isMobX" + e;
return t.prototype[n] = !0,
function(e) {
return yt(e) && !0 === e[n]
function Et(e) {
return Array.isArray(e) || lt(e)
function Tt(e) {
return void 0 !== pt().Map && e instanceof pt().Map
function St(e) {
for (var t = [];;) {
var n =;
if (n.done) break;
return t
function kt() {
return "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.toPrimitive || "@@toPrimitive"
function Ot(e) {
return null === e ? null : "object" == typeof e ? "" + e : e
var Ct, At, Pt = ["mobxGuid", "spyListeners", "enforceActions", "computedRequiresReaction", "disableErrorBoundaries", "runId"],
Mt = function() {
this.version = 5, this.trackingDerivation = null, this.computationDepth = 0, this.runId = 0, this.mobxGuid = 0, this.inBatch = 0, this.pendingUnobservations = [], this.pendingReactions = [], this.isRunningReactions = !1, this.allowStateChanges = !0, this.enforceActions = !1, this.spyListeners = [], this.globalReactionErrorHandlers = [], this.computedRequiresReaction = !1, this.disableErrorBoundaries = !1
Rt = !0,
jt = !1,
It = function() {
var e = pt();
return e.__mobxInstanceCount > 0 && !e.__mobxGlobals && (Rt = !1), e.__mobxGlobals && e.__mobxGlobals.version !== (new Mt).version && (Rt = !1), Rt ? e.__mobxGlobals ? (e.__mobxInstanceCount += 1, e.__mobxGlobals) : (e.__mobxInstanceCount = 1, e.__mobxGlobals = new Mt) : (setTimeout((function() {
jt || dt("There are multiple, different versions of MobX active. Make sure MobX is loaded only once or use `configure({ isolateGlobalState: true })`")
}), 1), new Mt)
function Nt() {
return It
function Lt() {
var e = new Mt;
for (var t in e) - 1 === Pt.indexOf(t) && (It[t] = e[t]);
It.allowStateChanges = !It.enforceActions
function Dt(e, t) {
return Ut($e(e, t))
function Ut(e) {
var t = {
return e.observing && e.observing.length > 0 && (t.dependencies = function(e) {
var t = [];
return e.forEach((function(e) {
-1 === t.indexOf(e) && t.push(e)
})), t
}(e.observing).map(Ut)), t
function zt(e, t) {
return Ft($e(e, t))
function Ft(e) {
var t = {
return function(e) {
return e.observers && e.observers.length > 0
}(e) && (t.observers = function(e) {
return e.observers
}(e).map(Ft)), t
function Bt(e, t) {
var n = e.observers.length;
n && (e.observersIndexes[t.__mapid] = n), e.observers[n] = t, e.lowestObserverState > t.dependenciesState && (e.lowestObserverState = t.dependenciesState)
function Vt(e, t) {
if (1 === e.observers.length) e.observers.length = 0, Wt(e);
else {
var n = e.observers,
r = e.observersIndexes,
o = n.pop();
if (o !== t) {
var i = r[t.__mapid] || 0;
i ? r[o.__mapid] = i : delete r[o.__mapid], n[i] = o
delete r[t.__mapid]
function Wt(e) {
!1 === e.isPendingUnobservation && (e.isPendingUnobservation = !0, It.pendingUnobservations.push(e))
function $t() {
function Ht() {
if (0 == --It.inBatch) {
for (var e = It.pendingUnobservations, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t];
n.isPendingUnobservation = !1, 0 === n.observers.length && (n.isBeingObserved && (n.isBeingObserved = !1, n.onBecomeUnobserved()), n instanceof $ && n.suspend())
It.pendingUnobservations = []
function qt(e) {
var t = It.trackingDerivation;
return null !== t ? (t.runId !== e.lastAccessedBy && (e.lastAccessedBy = t.runId, t.newObserving[t.unboundDepsCount++] = e, e.isBeingObserved || (e.isBeingObserved = !0, e.onBecomeObserved())), !0) : (0 === e.observers.length && It.inBatch > 0 && Wt(e), !1)
function Gt(e, t) {
if (console.log("[mobx.trace] '" + + "' is invalidated due to a change in: '" + + "'"), e.isTracing === At.BREAK) {
var n = [];
(function e(t, n, r) {
n.length >= 1e3 ? n.push("(and many more)") : (n.push("" + new Array(r).join("\t") +, t.dependencies && t.dependencies.forEach((function(t) {
return e(t, n, r + 1)
})(Dt(e), n, 1), new Function("debugger;\n/*\nTracing '" + + "'\n\nYou are entering this break point because derivation '" + + "' is being traced and '" + + "' is now forcing it to update.\nJust follow the stacktrace you should now see in the devtools to see precisely what piece of your code is causing this update\nThe stackframe you are looking for is at least ~6-8 stack-frames up.\n\n" + (e instanceof $ ? e.derivation.toString() : "") + "\n\nThe dependencies for this derivation are:\n\n" + n.join("\n") + "\n*/\n ")()
}! function(e) {
}(Ct || (Ct = {})),
function(e) {
e[e.NONE = 0] = "NONE", e[e.LOG = 1] = "LOG", e[e.BREAK = 2] = "BREAK"
}(At || (At = {}));
var Yt = function(e) {
this.cause = e
function Kt(e) {
return e instanceof Yt
function Qt(e) {
switch (e.dependenciesState) {
case Ct.UP_TO_DATE:
return !1;
case Ct.STALE:
return !0;
for (var t = nn(), n = e.observing, r = n.length, o = 0; o < r; o++) {
var i = n[o];
if (H(i)) {
if (It.disableErrorBoundaries) i.get();
else try {
} catch (e) {
return rn(t), !0
if (e.dependenciesState === Ct.STALE) return rn(t), !0
return on(e), rn(t), !1
function Xt() {
return null !== It.trackingDerivation
function Jt(e) {
var t = e.observers.length > 0;
It.computationDepth > 0 && t && dt(!1), It.allowStateChanges || !t && "strict" !== It.enforceActions || dt(!1)
function Zt(e, t, n) {
on(e), e.newObserving = new Array(e.observing.length + 100), e.unboundDepsCount = 0, e.runId = ++It.runId;
var r, o = It.trackingDerivation;
if (It.trackingDerivation = e, !0 === It.disableErrorBoundaries) r =;
else try {
r =
} catch (e) {
r = new Yt(e)
return It.trackingDerivation = o,
function(e) {
for (var t = e.observing, n = e.observing = e.newObserving, r = Ct.UP_TO_DATE, o = 0, i = e.unboundDepsCount, a = 0; a < i; a++) 0 === (u = n[a]).diffValue && (u.diffValue = 1, o !== a && (n[o] = u), o++), u.dependenciesState > r && (r = u.dependenciesState);
for (n.length = o, e.newObserving = null, i = t.length; i--;) 0 === (u = t[i]).diffValue && Vt(u, e), u.diffValue = 0;
for (; o--;) {
var u;
1 === (u = n[o]).diffValue && (u.diffValue = 0, Bt(u, e))
r !== Ct.UP_TO_DATE && (e.dependenciesState = r, e.onBecomeStale())
}(e), r
function en(e) {
var t = e.observing;
e.observing = [];
for (var n = t.length; n--;) Vt(t[n], e);
e.dependenciesState = Ct.NOT_TRACKING
function tn(e) {
var t = nn(),
n = e();
return rn(t), n
function nn() {
var e = It.trackingDerivation;
return It.trackingDerivation = null, e
function rn(e) {
It.trackingDerivation = e
function on(e) {
if (e.dependenciesState !== Ct.UP_TO_DATE) {
e.dependenciesState = Ct.UP_TO_DATE;
for (var t = e.observing, n = t.length; n--;) t[n].lowestObserverState = Ct.UP_TO_DATE
function an() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
var n = !1;
"boolean" == typeof e[e.length - 1] && (n = e.pop());
var r = un(e);
if (!r) return dt(!1);
r.isTracing === At.NONE && console.log("[mobx.trace] '" + + "' tracing enabled"), r.isTracing = n ? At.BREAK : At.LOG
function un(e) {
switch (e.length) {
case 0:
return It.trackingDerivation;
case 1:
return $e(e[0]);
case 2:
return $e(e[0], e[1])
var sn = function() {
function e(e, t, n) {
void 0 === e && (e = "Reaction@" + ht()), = e, this.onInvalidate = t, this.errorHandler = n, this.observing = [], this.newObserving = [], this.dependenciesState = Ct.NOT_TRACKING, this.diffValue = 0, this.runId = 0, this.unboundDepsCount = 0, this.__mapid = "#" + ht(), this.isDisposed = !1, this._isScheduled = !1, this._isTrackPending = !1, this._isRunning = !1, this.isTracing = At.NONE
return e.prototype.onBecomeStale = function() {
}, e.prototype.schedule = function() {
this._isScheduled || (this._isScheduled = !0, It.pendingReactions.push(this), fn())
}, e.prototype.isScheduled = function() {
return this._isScheduled
}, e.prototype.runReaction = function() {
if (!this.isDisposed) {
if ($t(), this._isScheduled = !1, Qt(this)) {
this._isTrackPending = !0;
try {
this.onInvalidate(), this._isTrackPending && m() && v({
type: "scheduled-reaction"
} catch (e) {
}, e.prototype.track = function(e) {
var t, n = m();
n && (t =, g({
type: "reaction"
})), this._isRunning = !0;
var r = Zt(this, e, void 0);
this._isRunning = !1, this._isTrackPending = !1, this.isDisposed && en(this), Kt(r) && this.reportExceptionInDerivation(r.cause), n && b({
time: - t
}), Ht()
}, e.prototype.reportExceptionInDerivation = function(e) {
var t = this;
if (this.errorHandler) this.errorHandler(e, this);
else {
if (It.disableErrorBoundaries) throw e;
var n = "[mobx] Encountered an uncaught exception that was thrown by a reaction or observer component, in: '" + this;
console.error(n, e), m() && v({
type: "error",
message: n,
error: "" + e
}), It.globalReactionErrorHandlers.forEach((function(n) {
return n(e, t)
}, e.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.isDisposed || (this.isDisposed = !0, this._isRunning || ($t(), en(this), Ht()))
}, e.prototype.getDisposer = function() {
var e = this.dispose.bind(this);
return e.$mobx = this, e
}, e.prototype.toString = function() {
return "Reaction[" + + "]"
}, e.prototype.trace = function(e) {
void 0 === e && (e = !1), an(this, e)
}, e
function ln(e) {
return It.globalReactionErrorHandlers.push(e),
function() {
var t = It.globalReactionErrorHandlers.indexOf(e);
t >= 0 && It.globalReactionErrorHandlers.splice(t, 1)
var cn = function(e) {
return e()
function fn() {
It.inBatch > 0 || It.isRunningReactions || cn(pn)
function pn() {
It.isRunningReactions = !0;
for (var e = It.pendingReactions, t = 0; e.length > 0;) {
100 == ++t && (console.error("Reaction doesn't converge to a stable state after 100 iterations. Probably there is a cycle in the reactive function: " + e[0]), e.splice(0));
for (var n = e.splice(0), r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; r++) n[r].runReaction()
It.isRunningReactions = !1
var hn = xt("Reaction", sn);
function dn(e, t, n, r) {
return "function" == typeof n ? function(e, t, n, r) {
return He(e, t).observe(n, r)
}(e, t, n, r) : function(e, t, n) {
return He(e).observe(t, n)
}(e, t, n)
function mn(e, t, n) {
return "function" == typeof n ? function(e, t, n) {
return He(e, t).intercept(n)
}(e, t, n) : function(e, t) {
return He(e).intercept(t)
}(e, t)
function vn(e, t, n) {
return 1 === arguments.length || t && "object" == typeof t ? yn(e, t) : gn(e, t, n || {})
function gn(e, t, n) {
var r;
"number" == typeof n.timeout && (r = setTimeout((function() {
if (!i.$mobx.isDisposed) {
var e = new Error("WHEN_TIMEOUT");
if (!n.onError) throw e;
}), n.timeout)), = || "When@" + ht();
var o = _( + "-effect", t),
i = F((function(t) {
e() && (t.dispose(), r && clearTimeout(r), o())
}), n);
return i
function yn(e, t) {
var n, r = new Promise((function(r, o) {
var i = gn(e, r, a({}, t, {
onError: o
n = function() {
return r.cancel = n, r
function bn(e) {
return se(e) ? e.$mobx.getKeys() : We(e) ? e._keys.slice() : lt(e) ?, t) {
return t
})) : dt(!1)
function wn(e) {
return se(e) ? bn(e).map((function(t) {
return e[t]
})) : We(e) ? bn(e).map((function(t) {
return e.get(t)
})) : lt(e) ? e.slice() : dt(!1)
function _n(e) {
return se(e) ? bn(e).map((function(t) {
return [t, e[t]]
})) : We(e) ? bn(e).map((function(t) {
return [t, e.get(t)]
})) : lt(e) ?, t) {
return [t, e]
})) : dt(!1)
function xn(e, t, n) {
if (2 !== arguments.length)
if (se(e)) {
var r = e.$mobx,
o = r.values[t];
o ? r.write(e, t, n) : re(e, t, n, r.defaultEnhancer)
} else if (We(e)) e.set(t, n);
else {
if (!lt(e)) return dt(!1);
"number" != typeof t && (t = parseInt(t, 10)), mt(t >= 0, "Not a valid index: '" + t + "'"), $t(), t >= e.length && (e.length = t + 1), e[t] = n, Ht()
} else {
var i = t;
try {
for (var a in i) xn(e, a, i[a])
} finally {
function En(e, t) {
if (se(e)) e.$mobx.remove(t);
else if (We(e)) e.delete(t);
else {
if (!lt(e)) return dt(!1);
"number" != typeof t && (t = parseInt(t, 10)), mt(t >= 0, "Not a valid index: '" + t + "'"), e.splice(t, 1)
function Tn(e, t) {
if (se(e)) {
var n = He(e);
return n.getKeys(), !!n.values[t]
return We(e) ? e.has(t) : lt(e) ? t >= 0 && t < e.length : dt(!1)
function Sn(e, t) {
if (Tn(e, t)) return se(e) ? e[t] : We(e) ? e.get(t) : lt(e) ? e[t] : dt(!1)
function kn(e, t) {
var n = "function" == typeof e ? e.prototype : e,
r = function(e) {
var r = t[e];
Array.isArray(r) || (r = [r]);
var o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e),
i = r.reduce((function(t, r) {
return r(n, e, t)
}), o);
i && Object.defineProperty(n, e, i)
for (var o in t) r(o);
return e
function On(e) {
var t = e.enforceActions,
n = e.computedRequiresReaction,
r = e.disableErrorBoundaries,
o = e.arrayBuffer,
i = e.reactionScheduler;
if (void 0 !== t) {
var a = void 0;
switch (t) {
case !0:
case "observed":
a = !0;
case !1:
case "never":
a = !1;
case "strict":
case "always":
a = "strict";
fail("Invalid value for 'enforceActions': '" + t + "', expected 'never', 'always' or 'observed'")
It.enforceActions = a, It.allowStateChanges = !0 !== a && "strict" !== a
void 0 !== n && (It.computedRequiresReaction = !!n), !0 === e.isolateGlobalState && ((It.pendingReactions.length || It.inBatch || It.isRunningReactions) && dt("isolateGlobalState should be called before MobX is running any reactions"), jt = !0, Rt && (0 == --pt().__mobxInstanceCount && (pt().__mobxGlobals = void 0), It = new Mt)), void 0 !== r && (!0 === r && console.warn("WARNING: Debug feature only. MobX will NOT recover from errors if this is on."), It.disableErrorBoundaries = !!r), "number" == typeof o && ut(o), i && function(e) {
var t = cn;
cn = function(n) {
return e((function() {
return t(n)
var Cn = 0;
function An(e) {
1 !== arguments.length && dt("Flow expects one 1 argument and cannot be used as decorator");
var t = || "<unnamed flow>";
return function() {
var n, r = this,
o = arguments,
i = ++Cn,
a = P(t + " - runid: " + i + " - init", e).apply(r, o),
u = void 0,
s = new Promise((function(e, r) {
var o = 0;
function s(e) {
var n;
u = void 0;
try {
n = P(t + " - runid: " + i + " - yield " + o++,, e)
} catch (e) {
return r(e)
function l(e) {
var n;
u = void 0;
try {
n = P(t + " - runid: " + i + " - yield " + o++, a.throw).call(a, e)
} catch (e) {
return r(e)
function c(t) {
if (!t || "function" != typeof t.then) return t.done ? e(t.value) : (u = Promise.resolve(t.value)).then(s, l);
t.then(c, r)
n = r, s(void 0)
return s.cancel = P(t + " - runid: " + i + " - cancel", (function() {
try {
u && Pn(u);
var e = a.return(),
t = Promise.resolve(e.value);
t.then(gt, gt), Pn(t), n(new Error("FLOW_CANCELLED"))
} catch (e) {
})), s
function Pn(e) {
"function" == typeof e.cancel && e.cancel()
var Mn = {
detectCycles: !0,
exportMapsAsObjects: !0,
recurseEverything: !1
function Rn(e, t, n, r) {
return r.detectCycles && e.set(t, n), n
function jn(e, t) {
var n;
return "boolean" == typeof t && (t = {
detectCycles: t
}), t || (t = Mn), t.detectCycles = void 0 === t.detectCycles ? !0 === t.recurseEverything : !0 === t.detectCycles, t.detectCycles && (n = new Map),
function e(t, n, r) {
if (!n.recurseEverything && !fe(t)) return t;
if ("object" != typeof t) return t;
if (null === t) return null;
if (t instanceof Date) return t;
if (ee(t)) return e(t.get(), n, r);
if (fe(t) && bn(t), !0 === n.detectCycles && null !== t && r.has(t)) return r.get(t);
if (lt(t) || Array.isArray(t)) {
var o = Rn(r, t, [], n),
i = {
return e(t, n, r)
o.length = i.length;
for (var a = 0, u = i.length; a < u; a++) o[a] = i[a];
return o
if (We(t) || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) === Map.prototype) {
if (!1 === n.exportMapsAsObjects) {
var s = Rn(r, t, new Map, n);
return t.forEach((function(t, o) {
s.set(o, e(t, n, r))
})), s
var l = Rn(r, t, {}, n);
return t.forEach((function(t, o) {
l[o] = e(t, n, r)
})), l
var c = Rn(r, t, {}, n);
for (var f in t) c[f] = e(t[f], n, r);
return c
}(e, t, n)
function In(e, t, n) {
var r;
if (We(e) || lt(e) || ee(e)) r = He(e);
else {
if (!se(e)) return dt(!1);
if ("string" != typeof t) return dt(!1);
r = He(e, t)
return void 0 !== r.dehancer ? dt(!1) : (r.dehancer = "function" == typeof t ? t : n, function() {
r.dehancer = void 0
"object" == typeof __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.injectMobx({
spy: w,
extras: {
getDebugName: qe
var Nn = "$mobx"
}.call(this, n(46), n(19))
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = n(106)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(141);
t.useStrict = r.default;
var o = n(28);
t.action = o.action, t.actionCreator = o.actionCreator;
var i = n(143);
t.applyMiddleware = i.default;
var a = n(144);
t.createStore = a.default;
var u = n(29);
t.dispatch = u.dispatch;
var s = n(73);
t.mutator = s.default;
var l = n(145);
t.orchestrator = l.default;
var c = n(72);
t.getRootStore = c.default;
var f = n(146);
t.mutatorAction = f.mutatorAction, t.flow = l.default, r.default(!0)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return i
var r = n(9);
function o(e, t) {
var n = Object.keys(e);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
t && (r = r.filter((function(t) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
}))), n.push.apply(n, r)
return n
function i(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
t % 2 ? o(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
Object(r.a)(e, t, n[t])
})) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : o(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
return e
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(157);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(e) && e != +e
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e, t, n) {
return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
value: n,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}) : e[t] = n, e
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(113),
o = n(47),
i = n(129),
a = n(11);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return (a(e) ? r : o)(e, i(t))
}, function(e, t) {
var n = Array.isArray;
e.exports = n
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(63),
o = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self,
i = r || o || Function("return this")();
e.exports = i
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(65),
o = n(75),
i = n(49),
a = n(11),
u = n(38),
s = n(50),
l = n(66),
c = n(51),
f = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e) {
if (null == e) return !0;
if (u(e) && (a(e) || "string" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e.splice || s(e) || c(e) || i(e))) return !e.length;
var t = o(e);
if ("[object Map]" == t || "[object Set]" == t) return !e.size;
if (l(e)) return !r(e).length;
for (var n in e)
if (, n)) return !1;
return !0
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e) {
return (r = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e)
function o(e) {
return (o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
return typeof e
} : function(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
function i(e, t) {
return !t || "object" !== o(t) && "function" != typeof t ? function(e) {
if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return e
}(e) : t
function a(e) {
var t = function() {
if ("undefined" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1;
if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
if ("function" == typeof Proxy) return !0;
try {
return, [], (function() {}))), !0
} catch (e) {
return !1
return function() {
var n, o = r(e);
if (t) {
var a = r(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, a)
} else n = o.apply(this, arguments);
return i(this, n)
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return a
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e, t) {
return (r = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(e, t) {
return e.__proto__ = t, e
})(e, t)
function o(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && r(e, t)
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
! function e() {
if ("undefined" != typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && "function" == typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE) try {
} catch (e) {
}(), e.exports = n(109)
}, function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n(140)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return ne
var r = n(4),
o = n(2),
i = n.n(o),
a = n(16),
u = {
childContextTypes: !0,
contextTypes: !0,
defaultProps: !0,
displayName: !0,
getDefaultProps: !0,
getDerivedStateFromProps: !0,
mixins: !0,
propTypes: !0,
type: !0
s = {
name: !0,
length: !0,
prototype: !0,
caller: !0,
callee: !0,
arguments: !0,
arity: !0
l = Object.defineProperty,
c = Object.getOwnPropertyNames,
f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,
p = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
h = Object.getPrototypeOf,
d = h && h(Object),
m = function e(t, n, r) {
if ("string" != typeof n) {
if (d) {
var o = h(n);
o && o !== d && e(t, o, r)
var i = c(n);
f && (i = i.concat(f(n)));
for (var a = 0; a < i.length; ++a) {
var m = i[a];
if (!(u[m] || s[m] || r && r[m])) {
var v = p(n, m);
try {
l(t, m, v)
} catch (e) {}
return t
return t
v = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
return typeof e
} : function(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
g = (function() {
function e(e) {
this.value = e
function t(t) {
var n, r;
function o(n, r) {
try {
var a = t[n](r),
u = a.value;
u instanceof e ? Promise.resolve(u.value).then((function(e) {
o("next", e)
}), (function(e) {
o("throw", e)
})) : i(a.done ? "return" : "normal", a.value)
} catch (e) {
i("throw", e)
function i(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case "return":
value: t,
done: !0
case "throw":
value: t,
done: !1
}(n = ? o(n.key, n.arg): r = null
this._invoke = function(e, t) {
return new Promise((function(i, a) {
var u = {
key: e,
arg: t,
resolve: i,
reject: a,
next: null
r ? r = = u : (n = r = u, o(e, t))
}, "function" != typeof t.return && (this.return = void 0)
"function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.asyncIterator && (t.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() {
return this
}), = function(e) {
return this._invoke("next", e)
}, t.prototype.throw = function(e) {
return this._invoke("throw", e)
}, t.prototype.return = function(e) {
return this._invoke("return", e)
}(), function(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
y = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var r = t[n];
r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r)
return function(t, n, r) {
return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t
b = function(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
w = function(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
_ = function() {
function e() {
g(this, e), this.listeners = []
return y(e, [{
key: "on",
value: function(e) {
var t = this;
return this.listeners.push(e),
function() {
var n = t.listeners.indexOf(e); - 1 !== n && t.listeners.splice(n, 1)
}, {
key: "emit",
value: function(e) {
this.listeners.forEach((function(t) {
return t(e)
}]), e
function x(e) {
function t(t, n, o, i, a, u) {
for (var s = arguments.length, l = Array(s > 6 ? s - 6 : 0), c = 6; c < s; c++) l[c - 6] = arguments[c];
return Object(r.untracked)((function() {
if (i = i || "<<anonymous>>", u = u || o, null == n[o]) {
if (t) {
var r = null === n[o] ? "null" : "undefined";
return new Error("The " + a + " `" + u + "` is marked as required in `" + i + "`, but its value is `" + r + "`.")
return null
return e.apply(void 0, [n, o, i, a, u].concat(l))
var n = t.bind(null, !1);
return n.isRequired = t.bind(null, !0), n
function E(e) {
var t = void 0 === e ? "undefined" : v(e);
return Array.isArray(e) ? "array" : e instanceof RegExp ? "object" : function(e, t) {
return "symbol" === e || "Symbol" === t["@@toStringTag"] || "function" == typeof Symbol && t instanceof Symbol
}(t, e) ? "symbol" : t
function T(e, t) {
return x((function(n, o, i, a, u) {
return Object(r.untracked)((function() {
if (e && E(n[o]) === t.toLowerCase()) return null;
var a = void 0;
switch (t) {
case "Array":
a = r.isObservableArray;
case "Object":
a = r.isObservableObject;
case "Map":
a = r.isObservableMap;
throw new Error("Unexpected mobxType: " + t)
var s = n[o];
if (!a(s)) {
var l = function(e) {
var t = E(e);
if ("object" === t) {
if (e instanceof Date) return "date";
if (e instanceof RegExp) return "regexp"
return t
c = e ? " or javascript `" + t.toLowerCase() + "`" : "";
return new Error("Invalid prop `" + u + "` of type `" + l + "` supplied to `" + i + "`, expected `mobx.Observable" + t + "`" + c + ".")
return null
function S(e, t) {
return x((function(n, o, i, a, u) {
for (var s = arguments.length, l = Array(s > 5 ? s - 5 : 0), c = 5; c < s; c++) l[c - 5] = arguments[c];
return Object(r.untracked)((function() {
if ("function" != typeof t) return new Error("Property `" + u + "` of component `" + i + "` has invalid PropType notation.");
var r = T(e, "Array")(n, o, i);
if (r instanceof Error) return r;
for (var s = n[o], c = 0; c < s.length; c++)
if ((r = t.apply(void 0, [s, c, i, a, u + "[" + c + "]"].concat(l))) instanceof Error) return r;
return null
var k = T(!1, "Array"),
O = S.bind(null, !1),
C = T(!1, "Map"),
A = T(!1, "Object"),
P = T(!0, "Array"),
M = S.bind(null, !0),
R = T(!0, "Object");
observableArray: k,
observableArrayOf: O,
observableMap: C,
observableObject: A,
arrayOrObservableArray: P,
arrayOrObservableArrayOf: M,
objectOrObservableObject: R
var j = {
mobxStores: R
var I = {
contextTypes: {
get: function() {
return j
set: function(e) {
console.warn("Mobx Injector: you are trying to attach `contextTypes` on an component decorated with `inject` (or `observer`) HOC. Please specify the contextTypes on the wrapped component instead. It is accessible through the `wrappedComponent`")
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1
isMobxInjector: {
value: !0,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
function N(e, t, n) {
var r, i, a = "inject-" + (t.displayName || || t.constructor && || "Unknown");
n && (a += "-with-" + n);
var u = (i = r = function(n) {
function r() {
var e, t, n;
g(this, r);
for (var o = arguments.length, i = Array(o), a = 0; a < o; a++) i[a] = arguments[a];
return t = n = w(this, (e = r.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(r)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(i))), n.storeRef = function(e) {
n.wrappedInstance = e
}, w(n, t)
return b(r, n), y(r, [{
key: "render",
value: function() {
var n = {};
for (var r in this.props) this.props.hasOwnProperty(r) && (n[r] = this.props[r]);
var i = e(this.context.mobxStores || {}, n, this.context) || {};
for (var a in i) n[a] = i[a];
return function(e) {
return !(e.prototype && e.prototype.render)
}(t) || (n.ref = this.storeRef), Object(o.createElement)(t, n)
}]), r
}(o.Component), r.displayName = a, i);
return m(u, t), u.wrappedComponent = t, Object.defineProperties(u, I), u
function L(e) {
return function(t, n) {
return e.forEach((function(e) {
if (!(e in n)) {
if (!(e in t)) throw new Error("MobX injector: Store '" + e + "' is not available! Make sure it is provided by some Provider");
n[e] = t[e]
})), n
function D() {
var e = void 0;
if ("function" == typeof arguments[0]) return e = arguments[0],
function(t) {
var n = N(e, t);
return n.isMobxInjector = !1, (n = ne(n)).isMobxInjector = !0, n
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n] = arguments[n];
return e = L(t),
function(n) {
return N(e, n, t.join("-"))
var U = r.$mobx || "$mobx",
z = !1,
F = !1,
B = "undefined" != typeof WeakMap ? new WeakMap : void 0,
V = new _,
W = {};
function $(e) {
return W[e] || (W[e] = function(e) {
return "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol(e) : "$mobxReactProp$" + e + Math.random()
}(e)), W[e]
var H = $("skipRender"),
q = $("isForcingUpdate");
function G(e, t, n) {, t) ? e[t] = n : Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: n
function Y(e) {
if (a.findDOMNode) try {
return Object(a.findDOMNode)(e)
} catch (e) {
return null
return null
function K(e) {
var t = Y(e);
t && B && B.set(t, e), V.emit({
event: "render",
renderTime: e.__$mobRenderEnd - e.__$mobRenderStart,
totalTime: - e.__$mobRenderStart,
component: e,
node: t
var Q = new _;
function X(e, t) {
if (J(e, t)) return !0;
if ("object" !== (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : v(e)) || null === e || "object" !== (void 0 === t ? "undefined" : v(t)) || null === t) return !1;
var n = Object.keys(e),
r = Object.keys(t);
if (n.length !== r.length) return !1;
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
if (!, n[o]) || !J(e[n[o]], t[n[o]])) return !1;
return !0
function J(e, t) {
return e === t ? 0 !== e || 1 / e == 1 / t : e != e && t != t
function Z(e) {
var t = this;
function n() {
var e = this;
s = !1;
var t = void 0,
n = void 0;
if (l.track((function() {
z && (e.__$mobRenderStart =;
try {
n = Object(r._allowStateChanges)(!1, u)
} catch (e) {
t = e
z && (e.__$mobRenderEnd =
})), t) throw Q.emit(t), t;
return n
var i = this.displayName || || this.constructor && (this.constructor.displayName || || "<component>",
a = this._reactInternalInstance && this._reactInternalInstance._rootNodeID || this._reactInternalInstance && this._reactInternalInstance._debugID || this._reactInternalFiber && this._reactInternalFiber._debugID;
G(this, H, !1), G(this, q, !1);
var u = e.bind(this),
s = !1,
l = new r.Reaction(i + "#" + a + ".render()", (function() {
if (!s && (s = !0, "function" == typeof t.componentWillReact && t.componentWillReact(), !0 !== t.__$mobxIsUnmounted)) {
var e = !0;
try {
G(t, q, !0), t[H] ||, e = !1
} finally {
G(t, q, !1), e && l.dispose()
return l.reactComponent = this, n[U] = l, this.render = n,
var ee = {
componentWillUnmount: function() {
if (this.render[U] && this.render[U].dispose(), this.__$mobxIsUnmounted = !0, z) {
var e = Y(this);
e && B && B.delete(e), V.emit({
event: "destroy",
component: this,
node: e
componentDidMount: function() {
z && K(this)
componentDidUpdate: function() {
z && K(this)
shouldComponentUpdate: function(e, t) {
return this.state !== t || !X(this.props, e)
function te(e, t) {
var n = $(t + " value holder"),
o = $(t + " atom holder");
function i() {
return this[o] || G(this, o, Object(r.createAtom)("reactive " + t)), this[o]
Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return, this[n]
set: function(e) {
this[q] || X(this[n], e) ? G(this, n, e) : (G(this, n, e), G(this, H, !0),, G(this, H, !1))
function ne(e, t) {
if ("string" == typeof e) throw new Error("Store names should be provided as array");
if (Array.isArray(e)) return F || (F = !0, console.warn('Mobx observer: Using observer to inject stores is deprecated since 4.0. Use `@inject("store1", "store2") @observer ComponentClass` or `inject("store1", "store2")(observer(componentClass))` instead of `@observer(["store1", "store2"]) ComponentClass`')), t ? D.apply(null, e)(ne(t)) : function(t) {
return ne(e, t)
var n = e;
if (!0 === n.isMobxInjector && console.warn("Mobx observer: You are trying to use 'observer' on a component that already has 'inject'. Please apply 'observer' before applying 'inject'"), n.__proto__ === o.PureComponent && console.warn("Mobx observer: You are using 'observer' on React.PureComponent. These two achieve two opposite goals and should not be used together"), !("function" != typeof n || n.prototype && n.prototype.render || n.isReactClass || o.Component.isPrototypeOf(n))) {
var r, i, a = ne((i = r = function(e) {
function t() {
return g(this, t), w(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).apply(this, arguments))
return b(t, e), y(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function() {
return, this.props, this.context)
}]), t
}(o.Component), r.displayName = n.displayName ||, r.contextTypes = n.contextTypes, r.propTypes = n.propTypes, r.defaultProps = n.defaultProps, i));
return m(a, n), a
if (!n) throw new Error("Please pass a valid component to 'observer'");
var u = n.prototype || n;
! function(e) {
["componentDidMount", "componentWillUnmount", "componentDidUpdate"].forEach((function(t) {
! function(e, t) {
var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2],
r = e[t],
o = ee[t],
i = r ? !0 === n ? function() {
o.apply(this, arguments), r.apply(this, arguments)
} : function() {
r.apply(this, arguments), o.apply(this, arguments)
} : o;
e[t] = i
}(e, t)
})), e.shouldComponentUpdate ? e.shouldComponentUpdate !== ee.shouldComponentUpdate && console.warn("Use `shouldComponentUpdate` in an `observer` based component breaks the behavior of `observer` and might lead to unexpected results. Manually implementing `sCU` should not be needed when using mobx-react.") : e.shouldComponentUpdate = ee.shouldComponentUpdate
}(u), n.isMobXReactObserver = !0, te(u, "props"), te(u, "state");
var s = u.render;
return u.render = function() {
return, s)
}, n
var re = ne((function(e) {
var t = e.children,
n = e.inject,
r = e.render,
o = t || r;
if (void 0 === o) return null;
if (!n) return o();
console.warn("<Observer inject=.../> is no longer supported. Please use inject on the enclosing component instead");
var a = D(n)(o);
return i.a.createElement(a, null)
re.displayName = "Observer";
var oe, ie, ae = function(e, t, n, r, o) {
var i = "children" === t ? "render" : "children";
return "function" == typeof e[t] && "function" == typeof e[i] ? new Error("Invalid prop,do not use children and render in the same time in`" + n) : "function" != typeof e[t] && "function" != typeof e[i] ? new Error("Invalid prop `" + o + "` of type `" + v(e[t]) + "` supplied to `" + n + "`, expected `function`.") : void 0
function ue() {
var e = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(this.props, this.state);
null != e && this.setState(e)
function se(e) {
this.setState(function(t) {
var n = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(e, t);
return null != n ? n : null
function le(e, t) {
try {
var n = this.props,
r = this.state;
this.props = e, this.state = t, this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag = !0, this.__reactInternalSnapshot = this.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(n, r)
} finally {
this.props = n, this.state = r
re.propTypes = {
render: ae,
children: ae
}, ue.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0, se.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0, le.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0;
var ce = {
children: !0,
key: !0,
ref: !0
function fe(e, t) {
if (e)
for (var n in e) pe(n) && (t[n] = e[n])
function pe(e) {
return !ce[e] && "suppressChangedStoreWarning" !== e
if (function(e) {
var t = e.prototype;
if (!t || !t.isReactComponent) throw new Error("Can only polyfill class components");
if ("function" != typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps && "function" != typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) return e;
var n = null,
r = null,
o = null;
if ("function" == typeof t.componentWillMount ? n = "componentWillMount" : "function" == typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && (n = "UNSAFE_componentWillMount"), "function" == typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps ? r = "componentWillReceiveProps" : "function" == typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && (r = "UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps"), "function" == typeof t.componentWillUpdate ? o = "componentWillUpdate" : "function" == typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && (o = "UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate"), null !== n || null !== r || null !== o) {
var i = e.displayName ||,
a = "function" == typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps ? "getDerivedStateFromProps()" : "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()";
throw Error("Unsafe legacy lifecycles will not be called for components using new component APIs.\n\n" + i + " uses " + a + " but also contains the following legacy lifecycles:" + (null !== n ? "\n " + n : "") + (null !== r ? "\n " + r : "") + (null !== o ? "\n " + o : "") + "\n\nThe above lifecycles should be removed. Learn more about this warning here:\n")
if ("function" == typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps && (t.componentWillMount = ue, t.componentWillReceiveProps = se), "function" == typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) {
if ("function" != typeof t.componentDidUpdate) throw new Error("Cannot polyfill getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() for components that do not define componentDidUpdate() on the prototype");
t.componentWillUpdate = le;
var u = t.componentDidUpdate;
t.componentDidUpdate = function(e, t, n) {
var r = this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag ? this.__reactInternalSnapshot : n;, e, t, r)
}((ie = oe = function(e) {
function t(e, n) {
g(this, t);
var r = w(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, n));
return r.state = {}, fe(e, r.state), r
return b(t, e), y(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function() {
return o.Children.only(this.props.children)
}, {
key: "getChildContext",
value: function() {
var e = {};
return fe(this.context.mobxStores, e), fe(this.props, e), {
mobxStores: e
}], [{
key: "getDerivedStateFromProps",
value: function(e, t) {
if (!e) return null;
if (!t) return e;
if (Object.keys(e).filter(pe).length !== Object.keys(t).filter(pe).length && console.warn("MobX Provider: The set of provided stores has changed. Please avoid changing stores as the change might not propagate to all children"), !e.suppressChangedStoreWarning)
for (var n in e) pe(n) && t[n] !== e[n] && console.warn("MobX Provider: Provided store '" + n + "' has changed. Please avoid replacing stores as the change might not propagate to all children");
return e
}]), t
}(o.Component), oe.contextTypes = {
mobxStores: R
}, oe.childContextTypes = {
mobxStores: R.isRequired
}, ie)), !o.Component) throw new Error("mobx-react requires React to be available");
if (!r.spy) throw new Error("mobx-react requires mobx to be available");
if ("function" == typeof a.unstable_batchedUpdates && Object(r.configure)({
reactionScheduler: a.unstable_batchedUpdates
}), "object" === ("undefined" == typeof __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ ? "undefined" : v(__MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__))) {
var he = {
spy: r.spy,
extras: {
getDebugName: r.getDebugName
de = {
renderReporter: V,
componentByNodeRegistry: B,
componentByNodeRegistery: B,
trackComponents: function() {
if ("undefined" == typeof WeakMap) throw new Error("[mobx-react] tracking components is not supported in this browser.");
z || (z = !0)
__MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.injectMobxReact(de, he)
}, function(e, t) {
var n;
n = function() {
return this
try {
n = n || new Function("return this")()
} catch (e) {
"object" == typeof window && (n = window)
e.exports = n
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(69),
o = n(53),
i = n(54),
a = n(25);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
return e = a(e), n = null == n ? 0 : r(i(n), 0, e.length), t = o(t), e.slice(n, n + t.length) == t
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(133),
o = n(137),
i = [].slice,
a = ["keyword", "gray", "hex"],
u = {};
Object.keys(o).forEach((function(e) {
u[[e].labels).sort().join("")] = e
var s = {};
function l(e, t) {
if (!(this instanceof l)) return new l(e, t);
if (t && t in a && (t = null), t && !(t in o)) throw new Error("Unknown model: " + t);
var n, c;
if (e)
if (e instanceof l) this.model = e.model, this.color = e.color.slice(), this.valpha = e.valpha;
else if ("string" == typeof e) {
var f = r.get(e);
if (null === f) throw new Error("Unable to parse color from string: " + e);
this.model = f.model, c = o[this.model].channels, this.color = f.value.slice(0, c), this.valpha = "number" == typeof f.value[c] ? f.value[c] : 1
} else if (e.length) {
this.model = t || "rgb", c = o[this.model].channels;
var p =, 0, c);
this.color = h(p, c), this.valpha = "number" == typeof e[c] ? e[c] : 1
} else if ("number" == typeof e) e &= 16777215, this.model = "rgb", this.color = [e >> 16 & 255, e >> 8 & 255, 255 & e], this.valpha = 1;
else {
this.valpha = 1;
var d = Object.keys(e);
"alpha" in e && (d.splice(d.indexOf("alpha"), 1), this.valpha = "number" == typeof e.alpha ? e.alpha : 0);
var m = d.sort().join("");
if (!(m in u)) throw new Error("Unable to parse color from object: " + JSON.stringify(e));
this.model = u[m];
var v = o[this.model].labels,
g = [];
for (n = 0; n < v.length; n++) g.push(e[v[n]]);
this.color = h(g)
} else this.model = "rgb", this.color = [0, 0, 0], this.valpha = 1;
if (s[this.model])
for (c = o[this.model].channels, n = 0; n < c; n++) {
var y = s[this.model][n];
y && (this.color[n] = y(this.color[n]))
this.valpha = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, this.valpha)), Object.freeze && Object.freeze(this)
function c(e, t, n) {
return (e = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]).forEach((function(e) {
(s[e] || (s[e] = []))[t] = n
})), e = e[0],
function(r) {
var o;
return arguments.length ? (n && (r = n(r)), (o = this[e]()).color[t] = r, o) : (o = this[e]().color[t], n && (o = n(o)), o)
function f(e) {
return function(t) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(e, t))
function p(e) {
return Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]
function h(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t; n++) "number" != typeof e[n] && (e[n] = 0);
return e
l.prototype = {
toString: function() {
return this.string()
toJSON: function() {
return this[this.model]()
string: function(e) {
var t = this.model in ? this : this.rgb(),
n = 1 === (t = t.round("number" == typeof e ? e : 1)).valpha ? t.color : t.color.concat(this.valpha);
percentString: function(e) {
var t = this.rgb().round("number" == typeof e ? e : 1),
n = 1 === t.valpha ? t.color : t.color.concat(this.valpha);
array: function() {
return 1 === this.valpha ? this.color.slice() : this.color.concat(this.valpha)
object: function() {
for (var e = {}, t = o[this.model].channels, n = o[this.model].labels, r = 0; r < t; r++) e[n[r]] = this.color[r];
return 1 !== this.valpha && (e.alpha = this.valpha), e
unitArray: function() {
var e = this.rgb().color;
return e[0] /= 255, e[1] /= 255, e[2] /= 255, 1 !== this.valpha && e.push(this.valpha), e
unitObject: function() {
var e = this.rgb().object();
return e.r /= 255, e.g /= 255, e.b /= 255, 1 !== this.valpha && (e.alpha = this.valpha), e
round: function(e) {
return e = Math.max(e || 0, 0), new l( {
return function(t) {
return function(e, t) {
return Number(e.toFixed(t))
}(t, e)
}(e)).concat(this.valpha), this.model)
alpha: function(e) {
return arguments.length ? new l(this.color.concat(Math.max(0, Math.min(1, e))), this.model) : this.valpha
red: c("rgb", 0, f(255)),
green: c("rgb", 1, f(255)),
blue: c("rgb", 2, f(255)),
hue: c(["hsl", "hsv", "hsl", "hwb", "hcg"], 0, (function(e) {
return (e % 360 + 360) % 360
saturationl: c("hsl", 1, f(100)),
lightness: c("hsl", 2, f(100)),
saturationv: c("hsv", 1, f(100)),
value: c("hsv", 2, f(100)),
chroma: c("hcg", 1, f(100)),
gray: c("hcg", 2, f(100)),
white: c("hwb", 1, f(100)),
wblack: c("hwb", 2, f(100)),
cyan: c("cmyk", 0, f(100)),
magenta: c("cmyk", 1, f(100)),
yellow: c("cmyk", 2, f(100)),
black: c("cmyk", 3, f(100)),
x: c("xyz", 0, f(100)),
y: c("xyz", 1, f(100)),
z: c("xyz", 2, f(100)),
l: c("lab", 0, f(100)),
a: c("lab", 1),
b: c("lab", 2),
keyword: function(e) {
return arguments.length ? new l(e) : o[this.model].keyword(this.color)
hex: function(e) {
return arguments.length ? new l(e) :
rgbNumber: function() {
var e = this.rgb().color;
return (255 & e[0]) << 16 | (255 & e[1]) << 8 | 255 & e[2]
luminosity: function() {
for (var e = this.rgb().color, t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var r = e[n] / 255;
t[n] = r <= .03928 ? r / 12.92 : Math.pow((r + .055) / 1.055, 2.4)
return .2126 * t[0] + .7152 * t[1] + .0722 * t[2]
contrast: function(e) {
var t = this.luminosity(),
n = e.luminosity();
return t > n ? (t + .05) / (n + .05) : (n + .05) / (t + .05)
level: function(e) {
var t = this.contrast(e);
return t >= 7.1 ? "AAA" : t >= 4.5 ? "AA" : ""
isDark: function() {
var e = this.rgb().color;
return (299 * e[0] + 587 * e[1] + 114 * e[2]) / 1e3 < 128
isLight: function() {
return !this.isDark()
negate: function() {
for (var e = this.rgb(), t = 0; t < 3; t++) e.color[t] = 255 - e.color[t];
return e
lighten: function(e) {
var t = this.hsl();
return t.color[2] += t.color[2] * e, t
darken: function(e) {
var t = this.hsl();
return t.color[2] -= t.color[2] * e, t
saturate: function(e) {
var t = this.hsl();
return t.color[1] += t.color[1] * e, t
desaturate: function(e) {
var t = this.hsl();
return t.color[1] -= t.color[1] * e, t
whiten: function(e) {
var t = this.hwb();
return t.color[1] += t.color[1] * e, t
blacken: function(e) {
var t = this.hwb();
return t.color[2] += t.color[2] * e, t
grayscale: function() {
var e = this.rgb().color,
t = .3 * e[0] + .59 * e[1] + .11 * e[2];
return l.rgb(t, t, t)
fade: function(e) {
return this.alpha(this.valpha - this.valpha * e)
opaquer: function(e) {
return this.alpha(this.valpha + this.valpha * e)
rotate: function(e) {
var t = this.hsl(),
n = t.color[0];
return n = (n = (n + e) % 360) < 0 ? 360 + n : n, t.color[0] = n, t
mix: function(e, t) {
var n = e.rgb(),
r = this.rgb(),
o = void 0 === t ? .5 : t,
i = 2 * o - 1,
a = n.alpha() - r.alpha(),
u = ((i * a == -1 ? i : (i + a) / (1 + i * a)) + 1) / 2,
s = 1 - u;
return l.rgb(u * + s *, u * + s *, u * + s *, n.alpha() * o + r.alpha() * (1 - o))
}, Object.keys(o).forEach((function(e) {
if (-1 === a.indexOf(e)) {
var t = o[e].channels;
l.prototype[e] = function() {
if (this.model === e) return new l(this);
if (arguments.length) return new l(arguments, e);
var n = "number" == typeof arguments[t] ? t : this.valpha;
return new l(p(o[this.model][e].raw(this.color)).concat(n), e)
}, l[e] = function(n) {
return "number" == typeof n && (n = h(, t)), new l(n, e)
})), e.exports = l
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(36),
o = n(120),
i = n(121),
a = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0;
e.exports = function(e) {
return null == e ? void 0 === e ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]" : a && a in Object(e) ? o(e) : i(e)
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return null != e && "object" == typeof e
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = typeof e;
return null != e && ("object" == t || "function" == t)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(53);
e.exports = function(e) {
return null == e ? "" : r(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(148),
o = n(151);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = o(e, t);
return r(n) ? n : void 0
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e, t, n, r, o, i, a) {
try {
var u = e[i](a),
s = u.value
} catch (e) {
return void n(e)
u.done ? t(s) : Promise.resolve(s).then(r, o)
function o(e) {
return function() {
var t = this,
n = arguments;
return new Promise((function(o, i) {
var a = e.apply(t, n);
function u(e) {
r(a, o, i, u, s, "next", e)
function s(e) {
r(a, o, i, u, s, "throw", e)
u(void 0)
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(29),
o = n(142);
function i(e, t, n) {
var i = o.default(),
u = function() {
for (var o = [], u = 0; u < arguments.length; u++) o[u] = arguments[u];
var s = t ? t.apply(null, o) : {};
if (s.type) throw new Error("Action creators should not include the type property.");
return s.type = e, a(s, i), n && r.dispatch(s), s
return a(u, i),
function(e, t) {
}(u, e), u
function a(e, t) {
t.actionCreator = function(e, t) {
return i(e, t, !1)
}, t.action = function(e, t) {
return i(e, t, !0)
}, t.getPrivateActionId = function(e) {
}, t.getPrivateActionType = function(e) {
return e.__SATCHELJS_ACTION_TYPE || "unknown action"
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(4),
o = n(28),
i = n(30);
function a(e) {
var t = o.getPrivateActionId(e),
n = i.getGlobalContext().subscriptions[t];
if (n) {
for (var r = [], a = 0, u = n; a < u.length; a++) {
var s = (0, u[a])(e);
s && r.push(s)
if (r.length) return 1 == r.length ? r[0] : Promise.all(r)
t.subscribe = function(e, t) {
var n = i.getGlobalContext().subscriptions;
n[e] || (n[e] = []), n[e].push(t)
}, t.dispatch = function(e) {
var t = i.getGlobalContext().currentMutator;
if (t) throw new Error("Mutator (" + t + ") may not dispatch action (" + e.type + ")");
var n = i.getGlobalContext().dispatchWithMiddleware || a;
r.transaction(n.bind(null, e))
}, t.finalDispatch = a
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e) {
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(4);
function o() {
e.__satchelGlobalContext = {
schemaVersion: 3,
nextActionId: 0,
subscriptions: {},
dispatchWithMiddleware: null,
currentMutator: null,
legacyInDispatch: 0,
legacyDispatchWithMiddleware: null,
legacyTestMode: !1
function i() {
if (3 != e.__satchelGlobalContext.schemaVersion) throw new Error("Detected incompatible SatchelJS versions loaded.")
t.__resetGlobalContext = o, t.ensureGlobalContextSchemaVersion = i, t.getGlobalContext = function() {
return e.__satchelGlobalContext
}, e.__satchelGlobalContext ? i() : o()
}).call(this, n(19))
}, function(e, t) {
t.getArg = function(e, t, n) {
if (t in e) return e[t];
if (3 === arguments.length) return n;
throw new Error('"' + t + '" is a required argument.')
var n = /^(?:([\w+\-.]+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.-]*)(?::(\d+))?(.*)$/,
r = /^data:.+\,.+$/;
function o(e) {
var t = e.match(n);
return t ? {
scheme: t[1],
auth: t[2],
host: t[3],
port: t[4],
path: t[5]
} : null
function i(e) {
var t = "";
return e.scheme && (t += e.scheme + ":"), t += "//", e.auth && (t += e.auth + "@"), && (t +=, e.port && (t += ":" + e.port), e.path && (t += e.path), t
function a(e) {
var n = e,
r = o(e);
if (r) {
if (!r.path) return e;
n = r.path
for (var a, u = t.isAbsolute(n), s = n.split(/\/+/), l = 0, c = s.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) "." === (a = s[c]) ? s.splice(c, 1) : ".." === a ? l++ : l > 0 && ("" === a ? (s.splice(c + 1, l), l = 0) : (s.splice(c, 2), l--));
return "" === (n = s.join("/")) && (n = u ? "/" : "."), r ? (r.path = n, i(r)) : n
function u(e, t) {
"" === e && (e = "."), "" === t && (t = ".");
var n = o(t),
u = o(e);
if (u && (e = u.path || "/"), n && !n.scheme) return u && (n.scheme = u.scheme), i(n);
if (n || t.match(r)) return t;
if (u && ! && !u.path) return = t, i(u);
var s = "/" === t.charAt(0) ? t : a(e.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/" + t);
return u ? (u.path = s, i(u)) : s
t.urlParse = o, t.urlGenerate = i, t.normalize = a, t.join = u, t.isAbsolute = function(e) {
return "/" === e.charAt(0) || n.test(e)
}, t.relative = function(e, t) {
"" === e && (e = "."), e = e.replace(/\/$/, "");
for (var n = 0; 0 !== t.indexOf(e + "/");) {
var r = e.lastIndexOf("/");
if (r < 0) return t;
if ((e = e.slice(0, r)).match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/)) return t;
return Array(n + 1).join("../") + t.substr(e.length + 1)
var s = !("__proto__" in Object.create(null));
function l(e) {
return e
function c(e) {
if (!e) return !1;
var t = e.length;
if (t < 9) return !1;
if (95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 1) || 95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 2) || 111 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 3) || 116 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 4) || 111 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 5) || 114 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 6) || 112 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 7) || 95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 8) || 95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 9)) return !1;
for (var n = t - 10; n >= 0; n--)
if (36 !== e.charCodeAt(n)) return !1;
return !0
function f(e, t) {
return e === t ? 0 : null === e ? 1 : null === t ? -1 : e > t ? 1 : -1
t.toSetString = s ? l : function(e) {
return c(e) ? "$" + e : e
}, t.fromSetString = s ? l : function(e) {
return c(e) ? e.slice(1) : e
}, t.compareByOriginalPositions = function(e, t, n) {
var r = f(e.source, t.source);
return 0 !== r || 0 != (r = e.originalLine - t.originalLine) || 0 != (r = e.originalColumn - t.originalColumn) || n || 0 != (r = e.generatedColumn - t.generatedColumn) || 0 != (r = e.generatedLine - t.generatedLine) ? r : f(,
}, t.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated = function(e, t, n) {
var r = e.generatedLine - t.generatedLine;
return 0 !== r || 0 != (r = e.generatedColumn - t.generatedColumn) || n || 0 !== (r = f(e.source, t.source)) || 0 != (r = e.originalLine - t.originalLine) || 0 != (r = e.originalColumn - t.originalColumn) ? r : f(,
}, t.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = function(e, t) {
var n = e.generatedLine - t.generatedLine;
return 0 !== n || 0 != (n = e.generatedColumn - t.generatedColumn) || 0 !== (n = f(e.source, t.source)) || 0 != (n = e.originalLine - t.originalLine) || 0 != (n = e.originalColumn - t.originalColumn) ? n : f(,
}, t.parseSourceMapInput = function(e) {
return JSON.parse(e.replace(/^\)]}'[^\n]*\n/, ""))
}, t.computeSourceURL = function(e, t, n) {
if (t = t || "", e && ("/" !== e[e.length - 1] && "/" !== t[0] && (e += "/"), t = e + t), n) {
var r = o(n);
if (!r) throw new Error("sourceMapURL could not be parsed");
if (r.path) {
var s = r.path.lastIndexOf("/");
s >= 0 && (r.path = r.path.substring(0, s + 1))
t = u(i(r), t)
return a(t)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(69),
o = n(53),
i = n(54),
a = n(25);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
e = a(e), t = o(t);
var u = e.length,
s = n = void 0 === n ? u : r(i(n), 0, u);
return (n -= t.length) >= 0 && e.slice(n, s) == t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(25);
e.exports = function() {
var e = arguments,
t = r(e[0]);
return e.length < 3 ? t : t.replace(e[1], e[2])
}, function(e, t) {
var n = Array.prototype.join;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return null == e ? "" :, t)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", (function() {
return d
})), n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return h
var r = n(21),
o = n.n(r),
i = "color",
a = "bgcolor",
u = "data-ogsc",
s = "data-ogac",
l = "data-ogsb",
c = "data-ogab";
function f(e, t) {
return e.contrast(t) >= 4.5
function p(e, t, n, r) {
var i, a = o()(r).lab().array()[0],
u = e.lab().array();
if (n) i = (100 - u[0]) * ((100 - a) / 100) + a;
else {
var s = t.lab().array()[0],
l = 50 + a,
c = (l + 50) / 2;
i = u[0] * ((100 - a) / 100) + a, i = s > c ? ((i = Math.min(i, 2 * c - i)) - a) * (50 - a) / (c - a) + a : 100 - (100 - (i = Math.max(i, 2 * c - i))) * (100 - l) / (100 - c)
return o.a.lab(i, u[1], u[2]).rgb().alpha(e.alpha())
var h = "darkModeHandler",
d = function(e, t) {
var n = this;
this.cssSelector = "*", this.keywords = null, this.handler = function(e, t) {
if (!n.isExcludedElement || !n.isExcludedElement(e)) {
var r = function(e, t, n) {
try {
var r = o()(t),
h = !1,
d = window.getComputedStyle(e),
m =,
v = o()(d.color || void 0),
g = e.getAttribute(i);
!f(v, r) && (v = p(v, r, !1, t),"color", v.rgb().string(), "important"), e.setAttribute(u, m || ""), g && (e.setAttribute(i, v.rgb().string()), e.setAttribute(s, g)), h = !0);
var y =,
b = d.backgroundColor ? o()(d.backgroundColor) : o()(y || void 0),
w = e.getAttribute(a);
if (!f(b, v) && (b = p(b, v, !1, t),"background-color", b.rgb().string(), "important"), e.setAttribute(l, y || ""), w && (e.setAttribute(a, b.rgb().string()), e.setAttribute(c, w)), h = !0), h) return {
element: e,
styleColor: m,
attrColor: g,
styleBGColor: y,
attrBGColor: w
} catch (e) {}
return null
}(e, n.getBaseColor());
r && n.alteredElements.push(r)
}, this.undoHandler = function(e) {
n.alteredElements.forEach((function(e) {
var t = e.element,
n = e.styleColor,
r = e.attrColor,
o = e.styleBGColor,
f = e.attrBGColor; = n || "", r && t.setAttribute(i, r), = o || "", f && t.setAttribute(a, f), t.removeAttribute(u), t.removeAttribute(s), t.removeAttribute(l), t.removeAttribute(c)
})), n.alteredElements = []
}, this.alteredElements = [], this.getBaseColor = e, this.isExcludedElement = t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(12).Symbol;
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return e.webpackPolyfill || (e.deprecate = function() {}, e.paths = [], e.children || (e.children = []), Object.defineProperty(e, "loaded", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return e.l
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "id", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return e.i
}), e.webpackPolyfill = 1), e
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(67),
o = n(52);
e.exports = function(e) {
return null != e && o(e.length) && !r(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(22),
o = n(23);
e.exports = function(e) {
return "symbol" == typeof e || o(e) && "[object Symbol]" == r(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(162),
o = n(163),
i = n(164),
a = n(165),
u = n(166);
function s(e) {
var t = -1,
n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
for (this.clear(); ++t < n;) {
var r = e[t];
this.set(r[0], r[1])
s.prototype.clear = r, s.prototype.delete = o, s.prototype.get = i, s.prototype.has = a, s.prototype.set = u, e.exports = s
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(80);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
for (var n = e.length; n--;)
if (r(e[n][0], t)) return n;
return -1
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(26)(Object, "create");
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(180);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = e.__data__;
return r(t) ? n["string" == typeof t ? "string" : "hash"] :
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(39);
e.exports = function(e) {
if ("string" == typeof e || r(e)) return e;
var t = e + "";
return "0" == t && 1 / e == -1 / 0 ? "-0" : t
}, , function(e, t) {
var n, r, o = e.exports = {};
function i() {
throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined")
function a() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined")
function u(e) {
if (n === setTimeout) return setTimeout(e, 0);
if ((n === i || !n) && setTimeout) return n = setTimeout, setTimeout(e, 0);
try {
return n(e, 0)
} catch (t) {
try {
return, e, 0)
} catch (t) {
return, e, 0)
}! function() {
try {
n = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : i
} catch (e) {
n = i
try {
r = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : a
} catch (e) {
r = a
var s, l = [],
c = !1,
f = -1;
function p() {
c && s && (c = !1, s.length ? l = s.concat(l) : f = -1, l.length && h())
function h() {
if (!c) {
var e = u(p);
c = !0;
for (var t = l.length; t;) {
for (s = l, l = []; ++f < t;) s && s[f].run();
f = -1, t = l.length
s = null, c = !1,
function(e) {
if (r === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(e);
if ((r === a || !r) && clearTimeout) return r = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(e);
try {
} catch (t) {
try {
return, e)
} catch (t) {
return, e)
function d(e, t) { = e, this.array = t
function m() {}
o.nextTick = function(e) {
var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1)
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n - 1] = arguments[n];
l.push(new d(e, t)), 1 !== l.length || c || u(h)
}, = function() {, this.array)
}, o.title = "browser", o.browser = !0, o.env = {}, o.argv = [], o.version = "", o.versions = {}, o.on = m, o.addListener = m, o.once = m, = m, o.removeListener = m, o.removeAllListeners = m, o.emit = m, o.prependListener = m, o.prependOnceListener = m, o.listeners = function(e) {
return []
}, o.binding = function(e) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")
}, o.cwd = function() {
return "/"
}, o.chdir = function(e) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported")
}, o.umask = function() {
return 0
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(114),
o = n(128)(r);
e.exports = o
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(117),
o = n(65),
i = n(38);
e.exports = function(e) {
return i(e) ? r(e) : o(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(119),
o = n(23),
i = Object.prototype,
a = i.hasOwnProperty,
u = i.propertyIsEnumerable,
s = r(function() {
return arguments
}()) ? r : function(e) {
return o(e) &&, "callee") && !, "callee")
e.exports = s
}, function(e, t, n) {
(function(e) {
var r = n(12),
o = n(122),
i = t && !t.nodeType && t,
a = i && "object" == typeof e && e && !e.nodeType && e,
u = a && a.exports === i ? r.Buffer : void 0,
s = (u ? u.isBuffer : void 0) || o;
e.exports = s
}).call(this, n(37)(e))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(123),
o = n(124),
i = n(125),
a = i && i.isTypedArray,
u = a ? o(a) : r;
e.exports = u
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return "number" == typeof e && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e <= 9007199254740991
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(36),
o = n(70),
i = n(11),
a = n(39),
u = r ? r.prototype : void 0,
s = u ? u.toString : void 0;
e.exports = function e(t) {
if ("string" == typeof t) return t;
if (i(t)) return o(t, e) + "";
if (a(t)) return s ? : "";
var n = t + "";
return "0" == n && 1 / t == -1 / 0 ? "-0" : n
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(130);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = r(e),
n = t % 1;
return t == t ? n ? t - n : t : 0
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(131),
o = n(24),
i = n(39),
a = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,
u = /^0b[01]+$/i,
s = /^0o[0-7]+$/i,
l = parseInt;
e.exports = function(e) {
if ("number" == typeof e) return e;
if (i(e)) return NaN;
if (o(e)) {
var t = "function" == typeof e.valueOf ? e.valueOf() : e;
e = o(t) ? t + "" : t
if ("string" != typeof e) return 0 === e ? e : +e;
e = r(e);
var n = u.test(e);
return n || s.test(e) ? l(e.slice(2), n ? 2 : 8) : a.test(e) ? NaN : +e
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(26)(n(12), "Map");
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(172),
o = n(179),
i = n(181),
a = n(182),
u = n(183);
function s(e) {
var t = -1,
n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
for (this.clear(); ++t < n;) {
var r = e[t];
this.set(r[0], r[1])
s.prototype.clear = r, s.prototype.delete = o, s.prototype.get = i, s.prototype.has = a, s.prototype.set = u, e.exports = s
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(11),
o = n(39),
i = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/,
a = /^\w*$/;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
if (r(e)) return !1;
var n = typeof e;
return !("number" != n && "symbol" != n && "boolean" != n && null != e && !o(e)) || a.test(e) || !i.test(e) || null != t && e in Object(t)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(74)("ceil");
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(74)("floor");
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t, n) {
t.parse = n(216), t.stringify = n(217)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,
o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
i = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
function a(e) {
if (null == e) throw new TypeError("Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined");
return Object(e)
e.exports = function() {
try {
if (!Object.assign) return !1;
var e = new String("abc");
if (e[5] = "de", "5" === Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)[0]) return !1;
for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < 10; n++) t["_" + String.fromCharCode(n)] = n;
if ("0123456789" !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).map((function(e) {
return t[e]
})).join("")) return !1;
var r = {};
return "abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach((function(e) {
r[e] = e
})), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" === Object.keys(Object.assign({}, r)).join("")
} catch (e) {
return !1
}() ? Object.assign : function(e, t) {
for (var n, u, s = a(e), l = 1; l < arguments.length; l++) {
for (var c in n = Object(arguments[l])), c) && (s[c] = n[c]);
if (r) {
u = r(n);
for (var f = 0; f < u.length; f++), u[f]) && (s[u[f]] = n[u[f]])
return s
}, function(e, t, n) {
(function(t) {
var n = "object" == typeof t && t && t.Object === Object && t;
e.exports = n
}).call(this, n(19))
}, function(e, t) {
var n = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var r = typeof e;
return !!(t = null == t ? 9007199254740991 : t) && ("number" == r || "symbol" != r && n.test(e)) && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e < t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(66),
o = n(126),
i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e) {
if (!r(e)) return o(e);
var t = [];
for (var n in Object(e)), n) && "constructor" != n && t.push(n);
return t
}, function(e, t) {
var n = Object.prototype;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = e && e.constructor;
return e === ("function" == typeof t && t.prototype || n)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(22),
o = n(24);
e.exports = function(e) {
if (!o(e)) return !1;
var t = r(e);
return "[object Function]" == t || "[object GeneratorFunction]" == t || "[object AsyncFunction]" == t || "[object Proxy]" == t
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return e
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
return e == e && (void 0 !== n && (e = e <= n ? e : n), void 0 !== t && (e = e >= t ? e : t)), e
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == e ? 0 : e.length, o = Array(r); ++n < r;) o[n] = t(e[n], n, e);
return o
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(138),
o = {};
for (var i in r) r.hasOwnProperty(i) && (o[r[i]] = i);
var a = e.exports = {
rgb: {
channels: 3,
labels: "rgb"
hsl: {
channels: 3,
labels: "hsl"
hsv: {
channels: 3,
labels: "hsv"
hwb: {
channels: 3,
labels: "hwb"
cmyk: {
channels: 4,
labels: "cmyk"
xyz: {
channels: 3,
labels: "xyz"
lab: {
channels: 3,
labels: "lab"
lch: {
channels: 3,
labels: "lch"
hex: {
channels: 1,
labels: ["hex"]
keyword: {
channels: 1,
labels: ["keyword"]
ansi16: {
channels: 1,
labels: ["ansi16"]
ansi256: {
channels: 1,
labels: ["ansi256"]
hcg: {
channels: 3,
labels: ["h", "c", "g"]
apple: {
channels: 3,
labels: ["r16", "g16", "b16"]
gray: {
channels: 1,
labels: ["gray"]
for (var u in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(u)) {
if (!("channels" in a[u])) throw new Error("missing channels property: " + u);
if (!("labels" in a[u])) throw new Error("missing channel labels property: " + u);
if (a[u].labels.length !== a[u].channels) throw new Error("channel and label counts mismatch: " + u);
var s = a[u].channels,
l = a[u].labels;
delete a[u].channels, delete a[u].labels, Object.defineProperty(a[u], "channels", {
value: s
}), Object.defineProperty(a[u], "labels", {
value: l
a.rgb.hsl = function(e) {
var t, n, r = e[0] / 255,
o = e[1] / 255,
i = e[2] / 255,
a = Math.min(r, o, i),
u = Math.max(r, o, i),
s = u - a;
return u === a ? t = 0 : r === u ? t = (o - i) / s : o === u ? t = 2 + (i - r) / s : i === u && (t = 4 + (r - o) / s), (t = Math.min(60 * t, 360)) < 0 && (t += 360), n = (a + u) / 2, [t, 100 * (u === a ? 0 : n <= .5 ? s / (u + a) : s / (2 - u - a)), 100 * n]
}, a.rgb.hsv = function(e) {
var t, n, r, o, i, a = e[0] / 255,
u = e[1] / 255,
s = e[2] / 255,
l = Math.max(a, u, s),
c = l - Math.min(a, u, s),
f = function(e) {
return (l - e) / 6 / c + .5
return 0 === c ? o = i = 0 : (i = c / l, t = f(a), n = f(u), r = f(s), a === l ? o = r - n : u === l ? o = 1 / 3 + t - r : s === l && (o = 2 / 3 + n - t), o < 0 ? o += 1 : o > 1 && (o -= 1)), [360 * o, 100 * i, 100 * l]
}, a.rgb.hwb = function(e) {
var t = e[0],
n = e[1],
r = e[2];
return [a.rgb.hsl(e)[0], 1 / 255 * Math.min(t, Math.min(n, r)) * 100, 100 * (r = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(t, Math.max(n, r)))]
}, a.rgb.cmyk = function(e) {
var t, n = e[0] / 255,
r = e[1] / 255,
o = e[2] / 255;
return [100 * ((1 - n - (t = Math.min(1 - n, 1 - r, 1 - o))) / (1 - t) || 0), 100 * ((1 - r - t) / (1 - t) || 0), 100 * ((1 - o - t) / (1 - t) || 0), 100 * t]
}, a.rgb.keyword = function(e) {
var t = o[e];
if (t) return t;
var n, i, a, u = 1 / 0;
for (var s in r)
if (r.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
var l = (i = e, a = r[s], Math.pow(i[0] - a[0], 2) + Math.pow(i[1] - a[1], 2) + Math.pow(i[2] - a[2], 2));
l < u && (u = l, n = s)
return n
}, a.keyword.rgb = function(e) {
return r[e]
}, = function(e) {
var t = e[0] / 255,
n = e[1] / 255,
r = e[2] / 255;
return [100 * (.4124 * (t = t > .04045 ? Math.pow((t + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) : t / 12.92) + .3576 * (n = n > .04045 ? Math.pow((n + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) : n / 12.92) + .1805 * (r = r > .04045 ? Math.pow((r + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) : r / 12.92)), 100 * (.2126 * t + .7152 * n + .0722 * r), 100 * (.0193 * t + .1192 * n + .9505 * r)]
}, a.rgb.lab = function(e) {
var t =,
n = t[0],
r = t[1],
o = t[2];
return r /= 100, o /= 108.883, n = (n /= 95.047) > .008856 ? Math.pow(n, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * n + 16 / 116, [116 * (r = r > .008856 ? Math.pow(r, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * r + 16 / 116) - 16, 500 * (n - r), 200 * (r - (o = o > .008856 ? Math.pow(o, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * o + 16 / 116))]
}, a.hsl.rgb = function(e) {
var t, n, r, o, i, a = e[0] / 360,
u = e[1] / 100,
s = e[2] / 100;
if (0 === u) return [i = 255 * s, i, i];
t = 2 * s - (n = s < .5 ? s * (1 + u) : s + u - s * u), o = [0, 0, 0];
for (var l = 0; l < 3; l++)(r = a + 1 / 3 * -(l - 1)) < 0 && r++, r > 1 && r--, i = 6 * r < 1 ? t + 6 * (n - t) * r : 2 * r < 1 ? n : 3 * r < 2 ? t + (n - t) * (2 / 3 - r) * 6 : t, o[l] = 255 * i;
return o
}, a.hsl.hsv = function(e) {
var t = e[0],
n = e[1] / 100,
r = e[2] / 100,
o = n,
i = Math.max(r, .01);
return n *= (r *= 2) <= 1 ? r : 2 - r, o *= i <= 1 ? i : 2 - i, [t, 100 * (0 === r ? 2 * o / (i + o) : 2 * n / (r + n)), (r + n) / 2 * 100]
}, a.hsv.rgb = function(e) {
var t = e[0] / 60,
n = e[1] / 100,
r = e[2] / 100,
o = Math.floor(t) % 6,
i = t - Math.floor(t),
a = 255 * r * (1 - n),
u = 255 * r * (1 - n * i),
s = 255 * r * (1 - n * (1 - i));
switch (r *= 255, o) {
case 0:
return [r, s, a];
case 1:
return [u, r, a];
case 2:
return [a, r, s];
case 3:
return [a, u, r];
case 4:
return [s, a, r];
case 5:
return [r, a, u]
}, a.hsv.hsl = function(e) {
var t, n, r, o = e[0],
i = e[1] / 100,
a = e[2] / 100,
u = Math.max(a, .01);
return r = (2 - i) * a, n = i * u, [o, 100 * (n = (n /= (t = (2 - i) * u) <= 1 ? t : 2 - t) || 0), 100 * (r /= 2)]
}, a.hwb.rgb = function(e) {
var t, n, r, o, i, a, u, s = e[0] / 360,
l = e[1] / 100,
c = e[2] / 100,
f = l + c;
switch (f > 1 && (l /= f, c /= f), r = 6 * s - (t = Math.floor(6 * s)), 0 != (1 & t) && (r = 1 - r), o = l + r * ((n = 1 - c) - l), t) {
case 6:
case 0:
i = n,
a = o,
u = l;
case 1:
i = o,
a = n,
u = l;
case 2:
i = l,
a = n,
u = o;
case 3:
i = l,
a = o,
u = n;
case 4:
i = o,
a = l,
u = n;
case 5:
i = n,
a = l,
u = o
return [255 * i, 255 * a, 255 * u]
}, a.cmyk.rgb = function(e) {
var t = e[0] / 100,
n = e[1] / 100,
r = e[2] / 100,
o = e[3] / 100;
return [255 * (1 - Math.min(1, t * (1 - o) + o)), 255 * (1 - Math.min(1, n * (1 - o) + o)), 255 * (1 - Math.min(1, r * (1 - o) + o))]
}, = function(e) {
var t, n, r, o = e[0] / 100,
i = e[1] / 100,
a = e[2] / 100;
return n = -.9689 * o + 1.8758 * i + .0415 * a, r = .0557 * o + -.204 * i + 1.057 * a, t = (t = 3.2406 * o + -1.5372 * i + -.4986 * a) > .0031308 ? 1.055 * Math.pow(t, 1 / 2.4) - .055 : 12.92 * t, n = n > .0031308 ? 1.055 * Math.pow(n, 1 / 2.4) - .055 : 12.92 * n, r = r > .0031308 ? 1.055 * Math.pow(r, 1 / 2.4) - .055 : 12.92 * r, [255 * (t = Math.min(Math.max(0, t), 1)), 255 * (n = Math.min(Math.max(0, n), 1)), 255 * (r = Math.min(Math.max(0, r), 1))]
}, = function(e) {
var t = e[0],
n = e[1],
r = e[2];
return n /= 100, r /= 108.883, t = (t /= 95.047) > .008856 ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * t + 16 / 116, [116 * (n = n > .008856 ? Math.pow(n, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * n + 16 / 116) - 16, 500 * (t - n), 200 * (n - (r = r > .008856 ? Math.pow(r, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * r + 16 / 116))]
}, = function(e) {
var t, n, r, o = e[0];
t = e[1] / 500 + (n = (o + 16) / 116), r = n - e[2] / 200;
var i = Math.pow(n, 3),
a = Math.pow(t, 3),
u = Math.pow(r, 3);
return n = i > .008856 ? i : (n - 16 / 116) / 7.787, t = a > .008856 ? a : (t - 16 / 116) / 7.787, r = u > .008856 ? u : (r - 16 / 116) / 7.787, [t *= 95.047, n *= 100, r *= 108.883]
}, a.lab.lch = function(e) {
var t, n = e[0],
r = e[1],
o = e[2];
return (t = 360 * Math.atan2(o, r) / 2 / Math.PI) < 0 && (t += 360), [n, Math.sqrt(r * r + o * o), t]
}, a.lch.lab = function(e) {
var t, n = e[0],
r = e[1];
return t = e[2] / 360 * 2 * Math.PI, [n, r * Math.cos(t), r * Math.sin(t)]
}, a.rgb.ansi16 = function(e) {
var t = e[0],
n = e[1],
r = e[2],
o = 1 in arguments ? arguments[1] : a.rgb.hsv(e)[2];
if (0 === (o = Math.round(o / 50))) return 30;
var i = 30 + (Math.round(r / 255) << 2 | Math.round(n / 255) << 1 | Math.round(t / 255));
return 2 === o && (i += 60), i
}, a.hsv.ansi16 = function(e) {
return a.rgb.ansi16(a.hsv.rgb(e), e[2])
}, a.rgb.ansi256 = function(e) {
var t = e[0],
n = e[1],
r = e[2];
return t === n && n === r ? t < 8 ? 16 : t > 248 ? 231 : Math.round((t - 8) / 247 * 24) + 232 : 16 + 36 * Math.round(t / 255 * 5) + 6 * Math.round(n / 255 * 5) + Math.round(r / 255 * 5)
}, a.ansi16.rgb = function(e) {
var t = e % 10;
if (0 === t || 7 === t) return e > 50 && (t += 3.5), [t = t / 10.5 * 255, t, t];
var n = .5 * (1 + ~~(e > 50));
return [(1 & t) * n * 255, (t >> 1 & 1) * n * 255, (t >> 2 & 1) * n * 255]
}, a.ansi256.rgb = function(e) {
if (e >= 232) {
var t = 10 * (e - 232) + 8;
return [t, t, t]
var n;
return e -= 16, [Math.floor(e / 36) / 5 * 255, Math.floor((n = e % 36) / 6) / 5 * 255, n % 6 / 5 * 255]
}, a.rgb.hex = function(e) {
var t = (((255 & Math.round(e[0])) << 16) + ((255 & Math.round(e[1])) << 8) + (255 & Math.round(e[2]))).toString(16).toUpperCase();
return "000000".substring(t.length) + t
}, a.hex.rgb = function(e) {
var t = e.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i);
if (!t) return [0, 0, 0];
var n = t[0];
3 === t[0].length && (n = n.split("").map((function(e) {
return e + e
var r = parseInt(n, 16);
return [r >> 16 & 255, r >> 8 & 255, 255 & r]
}, a.rgb.hcg = function(e) {
var t, n = e[0] / 255,
r = e[1] / 255,
o = e[2] / 255,
i = Math.max(Math.max(n, r), o),
a = Math.min(Math.min(n, r), o),
u = i - a;
return t = u <= 0 ? 0 : i === n ? (r - o) / u % 6 : i === r ? 2 + (o - n) / u : 4 + (n - r) / u + 4, t /= 6, [360 * (t %= 1), 100 * u, 100 * (u < 1 ? a / (1 - u) : 0)]
}, a.hsl.hcg = function(e) {
var t, n = e[1] / 100,
r = e[2] / 100,
o = 0;
return (t = r < .5 ? 2 * n * r : 2 * n * (1 - r)) < 1 && (o = (r - .5 * t) / (1 - t)), [e[0], 100 * t, 100 * o]
}, a.hsv.hcg = function(e) {
var t = e[1] / 100,
n = e[2] / 100,
r = t * n,
o = 0;
return r < 1 && (o = (n - r) / (1 - r)), [e[0], 100 * r, 100 * o]
}, a.hcg.rgb = function(e) {
var t = e[0] / 360,
n = e[1] / 100,
r = e[2] / 100;
if (0 === n) return [255 * r, 255 * r, 255 * r];
var o, i = [0, 0, 0],
a = t % 1 * 6,
u = a % 1,
s = 1 - u;
switch (Math.floor(a)) {
case 0:
i[0] = 1, i[1] = u, i[2] = 0;
case 1:
i[0] = s, i[1] = 1, i[2] = 0;
case 2:
i[0] = 0, i[1] = 1, i[2] = u;
case 3:
i[0] = 0, i[1] = s, i[2] = 1;
case 4:
i[0] = u, i[1] = 0, i[2] = 1;
i[0] = 1, i[1] = 0, i[2] = s
return o = (1 - n) * r, [255 * (n * i[0] + o), 255 * (n * i[1] + o), 255 * (n * i[2] + o)]
}, a.hcg.hsv = function(e) {
var t = e[1] / 100,
n = t + e[2] / 100 * (1 - t),
r = 0;
return n > 0 && (r = t / n), [e[0], 100 * r, 100 * n]
}, a.hcg.hsl = function(e) {
var t = e[1] / 100,
n = e[2] / 100 * (1 - t) + .5 * t,
r = 0;
return n > 0 && n < .5 ? r = t / (2 * n) : n >= .5 && n < 1 && (r = t / (2 * (1 - n))), [e[0], 100 * r, 100 * n]
}, a.hcg.hwb = function(e) {
var t = e[1] / 100,
n = t + e[2] / 100 * (1 - t);
return [e[0], 100 * (n - t), 100 * (1 - n)]
}, a.hwb.hcg = function(e) {
var t = e[1] / 100,
n = 1 - e[2] / 100,
r = n - t,
o = 0;
return r < 1 && (o = (n - r) / (1 - r)), [e[0], 100 * r, 100 * o]
}, = function(e) {
return [e[0] / 65535 * 255, e[1] / 65535 * 255, e[2] / 65535 * 255]
}, = function(e) {
return [e[0] / 255 * 65535, e[1] / 255 * 65535, e[2] / 255 * 65535]
}, a.gray.rgb = function(e) {
return [e[0] / 100 * 255, e[0] / 100 * 255, e[0] / 100 * 255]
}, a.gray.hsl = a.gray.hsv = function(e) {
return [0, 0, e[0]]
}, a.gray.hwb = function(e) {
return [0, 100, e[0]]
}, a.gray.cmyk = function(e) {
return [0, 0, 0, e[0]]
}, a.gray.lab = function(e) {
return [e[0], 0, 0]
}, a.gray.hex = function(e) {
var t = 255 & Math.round(e[0] / 100 * 255),
n = ((t << 16) + (t << 8) + t).toString(16).toUpperCase();
return "000000".substring(n.length) + n
}, a.rgb.gray = function(e) {
return [(e[0] + e[1] + e[2]) / 3 / 255 * 100]
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(30);
t.default = function() {
return r.getGlobalContext().rootStore
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(4),
o = n(28),
i = n(29),
a = n(30);
t.default = function(e, t) {
var n = o.getPrivateActionId(e);
if (!n) throw new Error("Mutators can only subscribe to action creators.");
var u = o.getPrivateActionType(e),
s = r.action(u, (function(e) {
try {
a.getGlobalContext().currentMutator = u, t(e)
} finally {
a.getGlobalContext().currentMutator = null
return i.subscribe(n, s), t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(12),
o = n(54),
i = n(55),
a = n(25),
u = r.isFinite,
s = Math.min;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = Math[e];
return function(e, n) {
if (e = i(e), (n = null == n ? 0 : s(o(n), 292)) && u(e)) {
var r = (a(e) + "e").split("e"),
l = t(r[0] + "e" + (+r[1] + n));
return +((r = (a(l) + "e").split("e"))[0] + "e" + (+r[1] - n))
return t(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(147),
o = n(56),
i = n(152),
a = n(153),
u = n(154),
s = n(22),
l = n(76),
c = "[object Map]",
f = "[object Promise]",
p = "[object Set]",
h = "[object WeakMap]",
d = "[object DataView]",
m = l(r),
v = l(o),
g = l(i),
y = l(a),
b = l(u),
w = s;
(r && w(new r(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != d || o && w(new o) != c || i && w(i.resolve()) != f || a && w(new a) != p || u && w(new u) != h) && (w = function(e) {
var t = s(e),
n = "[object Object]" == t ? e.constructor : void 0,
r = n ? l(n) : "";
if (r) switch (r) {
case m:
return d;
case v:
return c;
case g:
return f;
case y:
return p;
case b:
return h
return t
}), e.exports = w
}, function(e, t) {
var n = Function.prototype.toString;
e.exports = function(e) {
if (null != e) {
try {
} catch (e) {}
try {
return e + ""
} catch (e) {}
return ""
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == e ? 0 : e.length, o = 0, i = []; ++n < r;) {
var a = e[n];
t(a, n, e) && (i[o++] = a)
return i
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(160),
o = n(201),
i = n(68),
a = n(11),
u = n(209);
e.exports = function(e) {
return "function" == typeof e ? e : null == e ? i : "object" == typeof e ? a(e) ? o(e[0], e[1]) : r(e) : u(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(40),
o = n(167),
i = n(168),
a = n(169),
u = n(170),
s = n(171);
function l(e) {
var t = this.__data__ = new r(e);
this.size = t.size
l.prototype.clear = o, l.prototype.delete = i, l.prototype.get = a, l.prototype.has = u, l.prototype.set = s, e.exports = l
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return e === t || e != e && t != t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(184),
o = n(23);
e.exports = function e(t, n, i, a, u) {
return t === n || (null == t || null == n || !o(t) && !o(n) ? t != t && n != n : r(t, n, i, a, e, u))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(185),
o = n(188),
i = n(189);
e.exports = function(e, t, n, a, u, s) {
var l = 1 & n,
c = e.length,
f = t.length;
if (c != f && !(l && f > c)) return !1;
var p = s.get(e),
h = s.get(t);
if (p && h) return p == t && h == e;
var d = -1,
m = !0,
v = 2 & n ? new r : void 0;
for (s.set(e, t), s.set(t, e); ++d < c;) {
var g = e[d],
y = t[d];
if (a) var b = l ? a(y, g, d, t, e, s) : a(g, y, d, e, t, s);
if (void 0 !== b) {
if (b) continue;
m = !1;
if (v) {
if (!o(t, (function(e, t) {
if (!i(v, t) && (g === e || u(g, e, n, a, s))) return v.push(t)
}))) {
m = !1;
} else if (g !== y && !u(g, y, n, a, s)) {
m = !1;
return s.delete(e), s.delete(t), m
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(24);
e.exports = function(e) {
return e == e && !r(e)
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return function(n) {
return null != n && n[e] === t && (void 0 !== t || e in Object(n))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(86),
o = n(44);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
for (var n = 0, i = (t = r(t, e)).length; null != e && n < i;) e = e[o(t[n++])];
return n && n == i ? e : void 0
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(11),
o = n(58),
i = n(203),
a = n(25);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return r(e) ? e : o(e, t) ? [e] : i(a(e))
}, function(e, t) {
function n(e) {
this.options = e || {}
e.exports = n, n.prototype.emit = function(e) {
return e
}, n.prototype.visit = function(e) {
return this[e.type](e)
}, n.prototype.mapVisit = function(e, t) {
var n = "";
t = t || "";
for (var r = 0, o = e.length; r < o; r++) n += this.visit(e[r]), t && r < o - 1 && (n += this.emit(t));
return n
}, function(e, t) {
"function" == typeof Object.create ? e.exports = function(e, t) {
t && (e.super_ = t, e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
} : e.exports = function(e, t) {
if (t) {
e.super_ = t;
var n = function() {};
n.prototype = t.prototype, e.prototype = new n, e.prototype.constructor = e
}, function(e, t, n) {
t.SourceMapGenerator = n(90).SourceMapGenerator, t.SourceMapConsumer = n(223).SourceMapConsumer, t.SourceNode = n(226).SourceNode
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(91),
o = n(31),
i = n(92).ArraySet,
a = n(222).MappingList;
function u(e) {
e || (e = {}), this._file = o.getArg(e, "file", null), this._sourceRoot = o.getArg(e, "sourceRoot", null), this._skipValidation = o.getArg(e, "skipValidation", !1), this._sources = new i, this._names = new i, this._mappings = new a, this._sourcesContents = null
u.prototype._version = 3, u.fromSourceMap = function(e) {
var t = e.sourceRoot,
n = new u({
file: e.file,
sourceRoot: t
return e.eachMapping((function(e) {
var r = {
generated: {
line: e.generatedLine,
column: e.generatedColumn
null != e.source && (r.source = e.source, null != t && (r.source = o.relative(t, r.source)), r.original = {
line: e.originalLine,
column: e.originalColumn
}, null != && ( =, n.addMapping(r)
})), e.sources.forEach((function(r) {
var i = r;
null !== t && (i = o.relative(t, r)), n._sources.has(i) || n._sources.add(i);
var a = e.sourceContentFor(r);
null != a && n.setSourceContent(r, a)
})), n
}, u.prototype.addMapping = function(e) {
var t = o.getArg(e, "generated"),
n = o.getArg(e, "original", null),
r = o.getArg(e, "source", null),
i = o.getArg(e, "name", null);
this._skipValidation || this._validateMapping(t, n, r, i), null != r && (r = String(r), this._sources.has(r) || this._sources.add(r)), null != i && (i = String(i), this._names.has(i) || this._names.add(i)), this._mappings.add({
generatedLine: t.line,
generatedColumn: t.column,
originalLine: null != n && n.line,
originalColumn: null != n && n.column,
source: r,
name: i
}, u.prototype.setSourceContent = function(e, t) {
var n = e;
null != this._sourceRoot && (n = o.relative(this._sourceRoot, n)), null != t ? (this._sourcesContents || (this._sourcesContents = Object.create(null)), this._sourcesContents[o.toSetString(n)] = t) : this._sourcesContents && (delete this._sourcesContents[o.toSetString(n)], 0 === Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length && (this._sourcesContents = null))
}, u.prototype.applySourceMap = function(e, t, n) {
var r = t;
if (null == t) {
if (null == e.file) throw new Error('SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, or the source map\'s "file" property. Both were omitted.');
r = e.file
var a = this._sourceRoot;
null != a && (r = o.relative(a, r));
var u = new i,
s = new i;
this._mappings.unsortedForEach((function(t) {
if (t.source === r && null != t.originalLine) {
var i = e.originalPositionFor({
line: t.originalLine,
column: t.originalColumn
null != i.source && (t.source = i.source, null != n && (t.source = o.join(n, t.source)), null != a && (t.source = o.relative(a, t.source)), t.originalLine = i.line, t.originalColumn = i.column, null != && ( =
var l = t.source;
null == l || u.has(l) || u.add(l);
var c =;
null == c || s.has(c) || s.add(c)
}), this), this._sources = u, this._names = s, e.sources.forEach((function(t) {
var r = e.sourceContentFor(t);
null != r && (null != n && (t = o.join(n, t)), null != a && (t = o.relative(a, t)), this.setSourceContent(t, r))
}), this)
}, u.prototype._validateMapping = function(e, t, n, r) {
if (t && "number" != typeof t.line && "number" != typeof t.column) throw new Error("original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values.");
if ((!(e && "line" in e && "column" in e && e.line > 0 && e.column >= 0) || t || n || r) && !(e && "line" in e && "column" in e && t && "line" in t && "column" in t && e.line > 0 && e.column >= 0 && t.line > 0 && t.column >= 0 && n)) throw new Error("Invalid mapping: " + JSON.stringify({
generated: e,
source: n,
original: t,
name: r
}, u.prototype._serializeMappings = function() {
for (var e, t, n, i, a = 0, u = 1, s = 0, l = 0, c = 0, f = 0, p = "", h = this._mappings.toArray(), d = 0, m = h.length; d < m; d++) {
if (e = "", (t = h[d]).generatedLine !== u)
for (a = 0; t.generatedLine !== u;) e += ";", u++;
else if (d > 0) {
if (!o.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(t, h[d - 1])) continue;
e += ","
e += r.encode(t.generatedColumn - a), a = t.generatedColumn, null != t.source && (i = this._sources.indexOf(t.source), e += r.encode(i - f), f = i, e += r.encode(t.originalLine - 1 - l), l = t.originalLine - 1, e += r.encode(t.originalColumn - s), s = t.originalColumn, null != && (n = this._names.indexOf(, e += r.encode(n - c), c = n)), p += e
return p
}, u.prototype._generateSourcesContent = function(e, t) {
return {
if (!this._sourcesContents) return null;
null != t && (e = o.relative(t, e));
var n = o.toSetString(e);
return, n) ? this._sourcesContents[n] : null
}), this)
}, u.prototype.toJSON = function() {
var e = {
version: this._version,
sources: this._sources.toArray(),
names: this._names.toArray(),
mappings: this._serializeMappings()
return null != this._file && (e.file = this._file), null != this._sourceRoot && (e.sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot), this._sourcesContents && (e.sourcesContent = this._generateSourcesContent(e.sources, e.sourceRoot)), e
}, u.prototype.toString = function() {
return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON())
}, t.SourceMapGenerator = u
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(221);
t.encode = function(e) {
var t, n = "",
o = function(e) {
return e < 0 ? 1 + (-e << 1) : 0 + (e << 1)
do {
t = 31 & o, (o >>>= 5) > 0 && (t |= 32), n += r.encode(t)
} while (o > 0);
return n
}, t.decode = function(e, t, n) {
var o, i, a = e.length,
u = 0,
s = 0;
do {
if (t >= a) throw new Error("Expected more digits in base 64 VLQ value.");
if (-1 === (i = r.decode(e.charCodeAt(t++)))) throw new Error("Invalid base64 digit: " + e.charAt(t - 1));
o = !!(32 & i), u += (i &= 31) << s, s += 5
} while (o);
n.value = function(e) {
var t = e >> 1;
return 1 == (1 & e) ? -t : t
}(u), = t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(31),
o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
i = "undefined" != typeof Map;
function a() {
this._array = [], this._set = i ? new Map : Object.create(null)
a.fromArray = function(e, t) {
for (var n = new a, r = 0, o = e.length; r < o; r++) n.add(e[r], t);
return n
}, a.prototype.size = function() {
return i ? this._set.size : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this._set).length
}, a.prototype.add = function(e, t) {
var n = i ? e : r.toSetString(e),
a = i ? this.has(e) :, n),
u = this._array.length;
a && !t || this._array.push(e), a || (i ? this._set.set(e, u) : this._set[n] = u)
}, a.prototype.has = function(e) {
if (i) return this._set.has(e);
var t = r.toSetString(e);
return, t)
}, a.prototype.indexOf = function(e) {
if (i) {
var t = this._set.get(e);
if (t >= 0) return t
} else {
var n = r.toSetString(e);
if (, n)) return this._set[n]
throw new Error('"' + e + '" is not in the set.')
}, = function(e) {
if (e >= 0 && e < this._array.length) return this._array[e];
throw new Error("No element indexed by " + e)
}, a.prototype.toArray = function() {
return this._array.slice()
}, t.ArraySet = a
}, function(e, t, n) {
(function(e) {
function n(e, t) {
for (var n = 0, r = e.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
var o = e[r];
"." === o ? e.splice(r, 1) : ".." === o ? (e.splice(r, 1), n++) : n && (e.splice(r, 1), n--)
if (t)
for (; n--; n) e.unshift("..");
return e
function r(e, t) {
if (e.filter) return e.filter(t);
for (var n = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t(e[r], r, e) && n.push(e[r]);
return n
t.resolve = function() {
for (var t = "", o = !1, i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !o; i--) {
var a = i >= 0 ? arguments[i] : e.cwd();
if ("string" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings");
a && (t = a + "/" + t, o = "/" === a.charAt(0))
return (o ? "/" : "") + (t = n(r(t.split("/"), (function(e) {
return !!e
})), !o).join("/")) || "."
}, t.normalize = function(e) {
var i = t.isAbsolute(e),
a = "/" === o(e, -1);
return (e = n(r(e.split("/"), (function(e) {
return !!e
})), !i).join("/")) || i || (e = "."), e && a && (e += "/"), (i ? "/" : "") + e
}, t.isAbsolute = function(e) {
return "/" === e.charAt(0)
}, t.join = function() {
var e =, 0);
return t.normalize(r(e, (function(e, t) {
if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.join must be strings");
return e
}, t.relative = function(e, n) {
function r(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < e.length && "" === e[t]; t++);
for (var n = e.length - 1; n >= 0 && "" === e[n]; n--);
return t > n ? [] : e.slice(t, n - t + 1)
e = t.resolve(e).substr(1), n = t.resolve(n).substr(1);
for (var o = r(e.split("/")), i = r(n.split("/")), a = Math.min(o.length, i.length), u = a, s = 0; s < a; s++)
if (o[s] !== i[s]) {
u = s;
var l = [];
for (s = u; s < o.length; s++) l.push("..");
return (l = l.concat(i.slice(u))).join("/")
}, t.sep = "/", t.delimiter = ":", t.dirname = function(e) {
if ("string" != typeof e && (e += ""), 0 === e.length) return ".";
for (var t = e.charCodeAt(0), n = 47 === t, r = -1, o = !0, i = e.length - 1; i >= 1; --i)
if (47 === (t = e.charCodeAt(i))) {
if (!o) {
r = i;
} else o = !1;
return -1 === r ? n ? "/" : "." : n && 1 === r ? "/" : e.slice(0, r)
}, t.basename = function(e, t) {
var n = function(e) {
"string" != typeof e && (e += "");
var t, n = 0,
r = -1,
o = !0;
for (t = e.length - 1; t >= 0; --t)
if (47 === e.charCodeAt(t)) {
if (!o) {
n = t + 1;
} else -1 === r && (o = !1, r = t + 1);
return -1 === r ? "" : e.slice(n, r)
return t && n.substr(-1 * t.length) === t && (n = n.substr(0, n.length - t.length)), n
}, t.extname = function(e) {
"string" != typeof e && (e += "");
for (var t = -1, n = 0, r = -1, o = !0, i = 0, a = e.length - 1; a >= 0; --a) {
var u = e.charCodeAt(a);
if (47 !== u) - 1 === r && (o = !1, r = a + 1), 46 === u ? -1 === t ? t = a : 1 !== i && (i = 1) : -1 !== t && (i = -1);
else if (!o) {
n = a + 1;
return -1 === t || -1 === r || 0 === i || 1 === i && t === r - 1 && t === n + 1 ? "" : e.slice(t, r)
var o = "b" === "ab".substr(-1) ? function(e, t, n) {
return e.substr(t, n)
} : function(e, t, n) {
return t < 0 && (t = e.length + t), e.substr(t, n)
}).call(this, n(46))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(155),
o = n(24);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var i = !0,
a = !0;
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
return o(n) && (i = "leading" in n ? !!n.leading : i, a = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : a), r(e, t, {
leading: i,
maxWait: t,
trailing: a
}, function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n(158)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(77),
o = n(159),
i = n(78),
a = n(11);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return (a(e) ? r : o)(e, i(t, 3))
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(98),
o = n.n(r),
i = n(2),
a = n.n(i),
u = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var r = t[n];
r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r)
return function(t, n, r) {
return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t
function s(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function l(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
var c = "undefined" != typeof window ? n(214) : void 0,
f = {
children: !0,
direction: !0,
options: !0,
recognizeWith: !0,
vertical: !0
p = {
action: "tap press",
onDoubleTap: "doubletap",
onPan: "pan",
onPanCancel: "pancancel",
onPanEnd: "panend",
onPanStart: "panstart",
onPinch: "pinch",
onPinchCancel: "pinchcancel",
onPinchEnd: "pinchend",
onPinchIn: "pinchin",
onPinchOut: "pinchout",
onPinchStart: "pinchstart",
onPress: "press",
onPressUp: "pressup",
onRotate: "rotate",
onRotateCancel: "rotatecancel",
onRotateEnd: "rotateend",
onRotateMove: "rotatemove",
onRotateStart: "rotatestart",
onSwipe: "swipe",
onSwipeRight: "swiperight",
onSwipeLeft: "swipeleft",
onSwipeUp: "swipeup",
onSwipeDown: "swipedown",
onTap: "tap"
function h(e, t) {
t.hasOwnProperty("vertical") && console.warn("vertical is deprecated, please use `direction` instead");
var n = t.direction;
if (n || t.hasOwnProperty("vertical")) {
var r = n || (t.vertical ? "DIRECTION_ALL" : "DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL");
direction: c[r]
}), e.get("swipe").set({
direction: c[r]
t.options && Object.keys(t.options).forEach((function(n) {
if ("recognizers" === n) Object.keys(t.options.recognizers).forEach((function(n) {
var r = e.get(n);
r.set(t.options.recognizers[n]), t.options.recognizers[n].requireFailure && r.requireFailure(t.options.recognizers[n].requireFailure)
}), this);
else {
var r = {};
r[n] = t.options[n], e.set(r)
}), this), t.recognizeWith && Object.keys(t.recognizeWith).forEach((function(n) {
}), this), Object.keys(t).forEach((function(n) {
var r = p[n];
r && (, e.on(r, t[n]))
Object.keys(p).forEach((function(e) {
f[e] = !0
var d = function(e) {
function t() {
return s(this, t), l(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).apply(this, arguments))
return function(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
}(t, e), u(t, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function() {
this.hammer = new c(this.domElement), h(this.hammer, this.props)
}, {
key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function() {
this.hammer && h(this.hammer, this.props)
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function() {
this.hammer && (this.hammer.stop(), this.hammer.destroy()), this.hammer = null
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e = {};
Object.keys(this.props).forEach((function(t) {
f[t] || (e[t] = this.props[t])
}), this);
var t = this;
return e.ref = function(e) {
t.props.ref && t.props.ref(e), t.domElement = e
}, a.a.cloneElement(a.a.Children.only(this.props.children), e)
}]), t
d.displayName = "Hammer", d.propTypes = {
className: o.a.string
}, t.a = d
}, function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n(212)()
}, , function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(25);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(e).toLowerCase()
}, function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = function() {
"use strict";
var e = Object.hasOwnProperty,
t = Object.setPrototypeOf,
n = Object.isFrozen,
r = Object.getPrototypeOf,
o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
i = Object.freeze,
a = Object.seal,
u = Object.create,
s = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect,
l = s.apply,
c = s.construct;
l || (l = function(e, t, n) {
return e.apply(t, n)
}), i || (i = function(e) {
return e
}), a || (a = function(e) {
return e
}), c || (c = function(e, t) {
return new(Function.prototype.bind.apply(e, [null].concat(function(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
for (var t = 0, n = Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t];
return n
return Array.from(e)
var f = _(Array.prototype.forEach),
p = _(Array.prototype.pop),
h = _(Array.prototype.push),
d = _(String.prototype.toLowerCase),
m = _(String.prototype.match),
v = _(String.prototype.replace),
g = _(String.prototype.indexOf),
y = _(String.prototype.trim),
b = _(RegExp.prototype.test),
w = function(e) {
return function() {
for (var t = arguments.length, n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r];
return c(e, n)
function _(e) {
return function(t) {
for (var n = arguments.length, r = Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < n; o++) r[o - 1] = arguments[o];
return l(e, t, r)
function x(e, r) {
t && t(e, null);
for (var o = r.length; o--;) {
var i = r[o];
if ("string" == typeof i) {
var a = d(i);
a !== i && (n(r) || (r[o] = a), i = a)
e[i] = !0
return e
function E(t) {
var n = u(null),
r = void 0;
for (r in t) l(e, t, [r]) && (n[r] = t[r]);
return n
function T(e, t) {
for (; null !== e;) {
var n = o(e, t);
if (n) {
if (n.get) return _(n.get);
if ("function" == typeof n.value) return _(n.value)
e = r(e)
return function(e) {
return console.warn("fallback value for", e), null
var S = i(["a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "content", "data", "datalist", "dd", "decorator", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "element", "em", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "main", "map", "mark", "marquee", "menu", "menuitem", "meter", "nav", "nobr", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "section", "select", "shadow", "small", "source", "spacer", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr"]),
k = i(["svg", "a", "altglyph", "altglyphdef", "altglyphitem", "animatecolor", "animatemotion", "animatetransform", "circle", "clippath", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "filter", "font", "g", "glyph", "glyphref", "hkern", "image", "line", "lineargradient", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "mpath", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialgradient", "rect", "stop", "style", "switch", "symbol", "text", "textpath", "title", "tref", "tspan", "view", "vkern"]),
O = i(["feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix", "feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feDistantLight", "feFlood", "feFuncA", "feFuncB", "feFuncG", "feFuncR", "feGaussianBlur", "feMerge", "feMergeNode", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "fePointLight", "feSpecularLighting", "feSpotLight", "feTile", "feTurbulence"]),
C = i(["animate", "color-profile", "cursor", "discard", "fedropshadow", "feimage", "font-face", "font-face-format", "font-face-name", "font-face-src", "font-face-uri", "foreignobject", "hatch", "hatchpath", "mesh", "meshgradient", "meshpatch", "meshrow", "missing-glyph", "script", "set", "solidcolor", "unknown", "use"]),
A = i(["math", "menclose", "merror", "mfenced", "mfrac", "mglyph", "mi", "mlabeledtr", "mmultiscripts", "mn", "mo", "mover", "mpadded", "mphantom", "mroot", "mrow", "ms", "mspace", "msqrt", "mstyle", "msub", "msup", "msubsup", "mtable", "mtd", "mtext", "mtr", "munder", "munderover"]),
P = i(["maction", "maligngroup", "malignmark", "mlongdiv", "mscarries", "mscarry", "msgroup", "mstack", "msline", "msrow", "semantics", "annotation", "annotation-xml", "mprescripts", "none"]),
M = i(["#text"]),
R = i(["accept", "action", "align", "alt", "autocapitalize", "autocomplete", "autopictureinpicture", "autoplay", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "capture", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "checked", "cite", "class", "clear", "color", "cols", "colspan", "controls", "controlslist", "coords", "crossorigin", "datetime", "decoding", "default", "dir", "disabled", "disablepictureinpicture", "disableremoteplayback", "download", "draggable", "enctype", "enterkeyhint", "face", "for", "headers", "height", "hidden", "high", "href", "hreflang", "id", "inputmode", "integrity", "ismap", "kind", "label", "lang", "list", "loading", "loop", "low", "max", "maxlength", "media", "method", "min", "minlength", "multiple", "muted", "name", "noshade", "novalidate", "nowrap", "open", "optimum", "pattern", "placeholder", "playsinline", "poster", "preload", "pubdate", "radiogroup", "readonly", "rel", "required", "rev", "reversed", "role", "rows", "rowspan", "spellcheck", "scope", "selected", "shape", "size", "sizes", "span", "srclang", "start", "src", "srcset", "step", "style", "summary", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "type", "usemap", "valign", "value", "width", "xmlns"]),
j = i(["accent-height", "accumulate", "additive", "alignment-baseline", "ascent", "attributename", "attributetype", "azimuth", "basefrequency", "baseline-shift", "begin", "bias", "by", "class", "clip", "clippathunits", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "color", "color-interpolation", "color-interpolation-filters", "color-profile", "color-rendering", "cx", "cy", "d", "dx", "dy", "diffuseconstant", "direction", "display", "divisor", "dur", "edgemode", "elevation", "end", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "filterunits", "flood-color", "flood-opacity", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "fx", "fy", "g1", "g2", "glyph-name", "glyphref", "gradientunits", "gradienttransform", "height", "href", "id", "image-rendering", "in", "in2", "k", "k1", "k2", "k3", "k4", "kerning", "keypoints", "keysplines", "keytimes", "lang", "lengthadjust", "letter-spacing", "kernelmatrix", "kernelunitlength", "lighting-color", "local", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "markerheight", "markerunits", "markerwidth", "maskcontentunits", "maskunits", "max", "mask", "media", "method", "mode", "min", "name", "numoctaves", "offset", "operator", "opacity", "order", "orient", "orientation", "origin", "overflow", "paint-order", "path", "pathlength", "patterncontentunits", "patterntransform", "patternunits", "points", "preservealpha", "preserveaspectratio", "primitiveunits", "r", "rx", "ry", "radius", "refx", "refy", "repeatcount", "repeatdur", "restart", "result", "rotate", "scale", "seed", "shape-rendering", "specularconstant", "specularexponent", "spreadmethod", "startoffset", "stddeviation", "stitchtiles", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke", "stroke-width", "style", "surfacescale", "systemlanguage", "tabindex", "targetx", "targety", "transform", "text-anchor", "text-decoration", "text-rendering", "textlength", "type", "u1", "u2", "unicode", "values", "viewbox", "visibility", "version", "vert-adv-y", "vert-origin-x", "vert-origin-y", "width", "word-spacing", "wrap", "writing-mode", "xchannelselector", "ychannelselector", "x", "x1", "x2", "xmlns", "y", "y1", "y2", "z", "zoomandpan"]),
I = i(["accent", "accentunder", "align", "bevelled", "close", "columnsalign", "columnlines", "columnspan", "denomalign", "depth", "dir", "display", "displaystyle", "encoding", "fence", "frame", "height", "href", "id", "largeop", "length", "linethickness", "lspace", "lquote", "mathbackground", "mathcolor", "mathsize", "mathvariant", "maxsize", "minsize", "movablelimits", "notation", "numalign", "open", "rowalign", "rowlines", "rowspacing", "rowspan", "rspace", "rquote", "scriptlevel", "scriptminsize", "scriptsizemultiplier", "selection", "separator", "separators", "stretchy", "subscriptshift", "supscriptshift", "symmetric", "voffset", "width", "xmlns"]),
N = i(["xlink:href", "xml:id", "xlink:title", "xml:space", "xmlns:xlink"]),
L = a(/\{\{[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*\}\}/gm),
D = a(/<%[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*%>/gm),
U = a(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/),
z = a(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/),
F = a(/^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|cid|xmpp):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i),
B = a(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i),
V = a(/[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205F\u3000]/g),
W = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
return typeof e
} : function(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
function $(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
for (var t = 0, n = Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t];
return n
return Array.from(e)
var H = function() {
return "undefined" == typeof window ? null : window
q = function(e, t) {
if ("object" !== (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : W(e)) || "function" != typeof e.createPolicy) return null;
var n = null,
r = "data-tt-policy-suffix";
t.currentScript && t.currentScript.hasAttribute(r) && (n = t.currentScript.getAttribute(r));
var o = "dompurify" + (n ? "#" + n : "");
try {
return e.createPolicy(o, {
createHTML: function(e) {
return e
} catch (e) {
return console.warn("TrustedTypes policy " + o + " could not be created."), null
return function e() {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : H(),
n = function(t) {
return e(t)
if (n.version = "2.2.7", n.removed = [], !t || !t.document || 9 !== t.document.nodeType) return n.isSupported = !1, n;
var r = t.document,
o = t.document,
a = t.DocumentFragment,
u = t.HTMLTemplateElement,
s = t.Node,
l = t.Element,
c = t.NodeFilter,
_ = t.NamedNodeMap,
G = void 0 === _ ? t.NamedNodeMap || t.MozNamedAttrMap : _,
Y = t.Text,
K = t.Comment,
Q = t.DOMParser,
X = t.trustedTypes,
J = l.prototype,
Z = T(J, "cloneNode"),
ee = T(J, "nextSibling"),
te = T(J, "childNodes"),
ne = T(J, "parentNode");
if ("function" == typeof u) {
var re = o.createElement("template");
re.content && re.content.ownerDocument && (o = re.content.ownerDocument)
var oe = q(X, r),
ie = oe && De ? oe.createHTML("") : "",
ae = o,
ue = ae.implementation,
se = ae.createNodeIterator,
le = ae.getElementsByTagName,
ce = ae.createDocumentFragment,
fe = r.importNode,
pe = {};
try {
pe = E(o).documentMode ? o.documentMode : {}
} catch (e) {}
var he = {};
n.isSupported = "function" == typeof ne && ue && void 0 !== ue.createHTMLDocument && 9 !== pe;
var de = L,
me = D,
ve = U,
ge = z,
ye = B,
be = V,
we = F,
_e = null,
xe = x({}, [].concat($(S), $(k), $(O), $(A), $(M))),
Ee = null,
Te = x({}, [].concat($(R), $(j), $(I), $(N))),
Se = null,
ke = null,
Oe = !0,
Ce = !0,
Ae = !1,
Pe = !1,
Me = !1,
Re = !1,
je = !1,
Ie = !1,
Ne = !1,
Le = !0,
De = !1,
Ue = !0,
ze = !0,
Fe = !1,
Be = {},
Ve = x({}, ["annotation-xml", "audio", "colgroup", "desc", "foreignobject", "head", "iframe", "math", "mi", "mn", "mo", "ms", "mtext", "noembed", "noframes", "noscript", "plaintext", "script", "style", "svg", "template", "thead", "title", "video", "xmp"]),
We = null,
$e = x({}, ["audio", "video", "img", "source", "image", "track"]),
He = null,
qe = x({}, ["alt", "class", "for", "id", "label", "name", "pattern", "placeholder", "summary", "title", "value", "style", "xmlns"]),
Ge = null,
Ye = o.createElement("form"),
Ke = function(e) {
Ge && Ge === e || (e && "object" === (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : W(e)) || (e = {}), e = E(e), _e = "ALLOWED_TAGS" in e ? x({}, e.ALLOWED_TAGS) : xe, Ee = "ALLOWED_ATTR" in e ? x({}, e.ALLOWED_ATTR) : Te, He = "ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR" in e ? x(E(qe), e.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR) : qe, We = "ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS" in e ? x(E($e), e.ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS) : $e, Se = "FORBID_TAGS" in e ? x({}, e.FORBID_TAGS) : {}, ke = "FORBID_ATTR" in e ? x({}, e.FORBID_ATTR) : {}, Be = "USE_PROFILES" in e && e.USE_PROFILES, Oe = !1 !== e.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR, Ce = !1 !== e.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR, Ae = e.ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS || !1, Pe = e.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1, Me = e.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1, Ie = e.RETURN_DOM || !1, Ne = e.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1, Le = !1 !== e.RETURN_DOM_IMPORT, De = e.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1, je = e.FORCE_BODY || !1, Ue = !1 !== e.SANITIZE_DOM, ze = !1 !== e.KEEP_CONTENT, Fe = e.IN_PLACE || !1, we = e.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || we, Pe && (Ce = !1), Ne && (Ie = !0), Be && (_e = x({}, [].concat($(M))), Ee = [], !0 === Be.html && (x(_e, S), x(Ee, R)), !0 === Be.svg && (x(_e, k), x(Ee, j), x(Ee, N)), !0 === Be.svgFilters && (x(_e, O), x(Ee, j), x(Ee, N)), !0 === Be.mathMl && (x(_e, A), x(Ee, I), x(Ee, N))), e.ADD_TAGS && (_e === xe && (_e = E(_e)), x(_e, e.ADD_TAGS)), e.ADD_ATTR && (Ee === Te && (Ee = E(Ee)), x(Ee, e.ADD_ATTR)), e.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR && x(He, e.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR), ze && (_e["#text"] = !0), Me && x(_e, ["html", "head", "body"]), _e.table && (x(_e, ["tbody"]), delete Se.tbody), i && i(e), Ge = e)
Qe = x({}, ["mi", "mo", "mn", "ms", "mtext"]),
Xe = x({}, ["foreignobject", "desc", "title", "annotation-xml"]),
Je = x({}, k);
x(Je, O), x(Je, C);
var Ze = x({}, A);
x(Ze, P);
var et = "",
tt = "",
nt = "",
rt = function(e) {
var t = ne(e);
t && t.tagName || (t = {
namespaceURI: nt,
tagName: "template"
var n = d(e.tagName),
r = d(t.tagName);
if (e.namespaceURI === tt) return t.namespaceURI === nt ? "svg" === n : t.namespaceURI === et ? "svg" === n && ("annotation-xml" === r || Qe[r]) : Boolean(Je[n]);
if (e.namespaceURI === et) return t.namespaceURI === nt ? "math" === n : t.namespaceURI === tt ? "math" === n && Xe[r] : Boolean(Ze[n]);
if (e.namespaceURI === nt) {
if (t.namespaceURI === tt && !Xe[r]) return !1;
if (t.namespaceURI === et && !Qe[r]) return !1;
var o = x({}, ["title", "style", "font", "a", "script"]);
return !Ze[n] && (o[n] || !Je[n])
return !1
ot = function(e) {
h(n.removed, {
element: e
try {
} catch (t) {
try {
e.outerHTML = ie
} catch (t) {
it = function(e, t) {
try {
h(n.removed, {
attribute: t.getAttributeNode(e),
from: t
} catch (e) {
h(n.removed, {
attribute: null,
from: t
if (t.removeAttribute(e), "is" === e && !Ee[e])
if (Ie || Ne) try {
} catch (e) {} else try {
t.setAttribute(e, "")
} catch (e) {}
at = function(e) {
var t = void 0,
n = void 0;
if (je) e = "<remove></remove>" + e;
else {
var r = m(e, /^[\r\n\t ]+/);
n = r && r[0]
var i = oe ? oe.createHTML(e) : e;
try {
t = (new Q).parseFromString(i, "text/html")
} catch (e) {}
if (!t || !t.documentElement) {
var a = (t = ue.createHTMLDocument("")).body;
a.parentNode.removeChild(a.parentNode.firstElementChild), a.outerHTML = i
return e && n && t.body.insertBefore(o.createTextNode(n), t.body.childNodes[0] || null),, Me ? "html" : "body")[0]
ut = function(e) {
return || e, e, c.SHOW_ELEMENT | c.SHOW_COMMENT | c.SHOW_TEXT, (function() {
}), !1)
st = function(e) {
return !(e instanceof Y || e instanceof K || "string" == typeof e.nodeName && "string" == typeof e.textContent && "function" == typeof e.removeChild && e.attributes instanceof G && "function" == typeof e.removeAttribute && "function" == typeof e.setAttribute && "string" == typeof e.namespaceURI && "function" == typeof e.insertBefore)
lt = function(e) {
return "object" === (void 0 === s ? "undefined" : W(s)) ? e instanceof s : e && "object" === (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : W(e)) && "number" == typeof e.nodeType && "string" == typeof e.nodeName
ct = function(e, t, r) {
he[e] && f(he[e], (function(e) {, t, r, Ge)
ft = function(e) {
var t = void 0;
if (ct("beforeSanitizeElements", e, null), st(e)) return ot(e), !0;
if (m(e.nodeName, /[\u0080-\uFFFF]/)) return ot(e), !0;
var r = d(e.nodeName);
if (ct("uponSanitizeElement", e, {
tagName: r,
allowedTags: _e
}), !lt(e.firstElementChild) && (!lt(e.content) || !lt(e.content.firstElementChild)) && b(/<[/\w]/g, e.innerHTML) && b(/<[/\w]/g, e.textContent)) return ot(e), !0;
if (!_e[r] || Se[r]) {
if (ze && !Ve[r]) {
var o = ne(e),
i = te(e);
if (i && o)
for (var a = i.length - 1; a >= 0; --a) o.insertBefore(Z(i[a], !0), ee(e))
return ot(e), !0
return e instanceof l && !rt(e) ? (ot(e), !0) : "noscript" !== r && "noembed" !== r || !b(/<\/no(script|embed)/i, e.innerHTML) ? (Pe && 3 === e.nodeType && (t = e.textContent, t = v(t, de, " "), t = v(t, me, " "), e.textContent !== t && (h(n.removed, {
element: e.cloneNode()
}), e.textContent = t)), ct("afterSanitizeElements", e, null), !1) : (ot(e), !0)
pt = function(e, t, n) {
if (Ue && ("id" === t || "name" === t) && (n in o || n in Ye)) return !1;
if (Ce && b(ve, t));
else if (Oe && b(ge, t));
else {
if (!Ee[t] || ke[t]) return !1;
if (He[t]);
else if (b(we, v(n, be, "")));
else if ("src" !== t && "xlink:href" !== t && "href" !== t || "script" === e || 0 !== g(n, "data:") || !We[e])
if (Ae && !b(ye, v(n, be, "")));
else if (n) return !1
return !0
ht = function(e) {
var t = void 0,
r = void 0,
o = void 0,
i = void 0;
ct("beforeSanitizeAttributes", e, null);
var a = e.attributes;
if (a) {
var u = {
attrName: "",
attrValue: "",
keepAttr: !0,
allowedAttributes: Ee
for (i = a.length; i--;) {
var s = t = a[i],
l =,
c = s.namespaceURI;
if (r = y(t.value), o = d(l), u.attrName = o, u.attrValue = r, u.keepAttr = !0, u.forceKeepAttr = void 0, ct("uponSanitizeAttribute", e, u), r = u.attrValue, !u.forceKeepAttr && (it(l, e), u.keepAttr))
if (b(/\/>/i, r)) it(l, e);
else {
Pe && (r = v(r, de, " "), r = v(r, me, " "));
var f = e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (pt(f, o, r)) try {
c ? e.setAttributeNS(c, l, r) : e.setAttribute(l, r), p(n.removed)
} catch (e) {}
ct("afterSanitizeAttributes", e, null)
dt = function e(t) {
var n = void 0,
r = ut(t);
for (ct("beforeSanitizeShadowDOM", t, null); n = r.nextNode();) ct("uponSanitizeShadowNode", n, null), ft(n) || (n.content instanceof a && e(n.content), ht(n));
ct("afterSanitizeShadowDOM", t, null)
return n.sanitize = function(e, o) {
var i = void 0,
u = void 0,
l = void 0,
c = void 0,
f = void 0;
if (e || (e = "\x3c!--\x3e"), "string" != typeof e && !lt(e)) {
if ("function" != typeof e.toString) throw w("toString is not a function");
if ("string" != typeof(e = e.toString())) throw w("dirty is not a string, aborting")
if (!n.isSupported) {
if ("object" === W(t.toStaticHTML) || "function" == typeof t.toStaticHTML) {
if ("string" == typeof e) return t.toStaticHTML(e);
if (lt(e)) return t.toStaticHTML(e.outerHTML)
return e
if (Re || Ke(o), n.removed = [], "string" == typeof e && (Fe = !1), Fe);
else if (e instanceof s) 1 === (u = (i = at("\x3c!----\x3e")).ownerDocument.importNode(e, !0)).nodeType && "BODY" === u.nodeName || "HTML" === u.nodeName ? i = u : i.appendChild(u);
else {
if (!Ie && !Pe && !Me && -1 === e.indexOf("<")) return oe && De ? oe.createHTML(e) : e;
if (!(i = at(e))) return Ie ? null : ie
i && je && ot(i.firstChild);
for (var p = ut(Fe ? e : i); l = p.nextNode();) 3 === l.nodeType && l === c || ft(l) || (l.content instanceof a && dt(l.content), ht(l), c = l);
if (c = null, Fe) return e;
if (Ie) {
if (Ne)
for (f =; i.firstChild;) f.appendChild(i.firstChild);
else f = i;
return Le && (f =, f, !0)), f
var h = Me ? i.outerHTML : i.innerHTML;
return Pe && (h = v(h, de, " "), h = v(h, me, " ")), oe && De ? oe.createHTML(h) : h
}, n.setConfig = function(e) {
Ke(e), Re = !0
}, n.clearConfig = function() {
Ge = null, Re = !1
}, n.isValidAttribute = function(e, t, n) {
Ge || Ke({});
var r = d(e),
o = d(t);
return pt(r, o, n)
}, n.addHook = function(e, t) {
"function" == typeof t && (he[e] = he[e] || [], h(he[e], t))
}, n.removeHook = function(e) {
he[e] && p(he[e])
}, n.removeHooks = function(e) {
he[e] && (he[e] = [])
}, n.removeAllHooks = function() {
he = {}
}, n
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(70),
o = n(78),
i = n(215),
a = n(11);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return (a(e) ? r : i)(e, o(t, 3))
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e, t) {
(null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length);
for (var n = 0, r = new Array(t); n < t; n++) r[n] = e[n];
return r
function o(e, t) {
return function(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) return e
}(e) || function(e, t) {
if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) {
var n = [],
r = !0,
o = !1,
i = void 0;
try {
for (var a, u = e[Symbol.iterator](); !(r = (a = && (n.push(a.value), !t || n.length !== t); r = !0);
} catch (e) {
o = !0, i = e
} finally {
try {
r || null == u.return || u.return()
} finally {
if (o) throw i
return n
}(e, t) || function(e, t) {
if (e) {
if ("string" == typeof e) return r(e, t);
var n =, -1);
return "Object" === n && e.constructor && (n =, "Map" === n || "Set" === n ? Array.from(e) : "Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n) ? r(e, t) : void 0
}(e, t) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return o
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", (function() {
return l
var r = "data-loadstatus",
o = "min-scale";
function i(e, t, n, r, i) {
var a = e.offsetWidth;
if (t > 0 && a > 0) {
var s = (t -= function(e) {
var t = window.getComputedStyle(e, null),
n = parseInt(t.marginLeft) || 0,
r = parseInt(t.marginRight) || 0;
return (n = Math.max(n, 0)) + (r = Math.max(r, 0))
}(e)) / a,
l = void 0;
e.parentElement && e.parentElement.className.indexOf(r) >= 0 && (l = e.parentElement), s < 1 ? ( = "scale(" + s + ", " + s + ")", = n(e) ? "top right" : "top left", e.setAttribute(o, s.toString()), l || (l = u(e)), = Math.max(function(e, t) {
var n = e.offsetHeight;
return Math.ceil(n * t) + function(e) {
var t = window.getComputedStyle(e, null);
return (parseInt(t.marginTop) || 0) + (parseInt(t.marginBottom) || 0)
}(e, s), 40) + "px") : e.scrollWidth > t && (null != l || (l = u(e))), l && i && i(l, e, s)
function a(e, t, n) {
e.getAttribute(o) && ( = "", = "", e.removeAttribute(o));
var r = e.parentElement;
r.className.indexOf(t) >= 0 && (function(e) {
var t = e.parentNode,
n = t.parentNode;
n.insertBefore(e, t), n.removeChild(t)
}(e), n && n(r))
function u(e) {
var t = document.createElement("div");
return e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e), t.appendChild(e), t
var s = "table",
l = function(e, t, n, o, u, l, c, f, p) {
var h = this;
this.waitAllImagesLoaded = e, this.wideContentHostClassName = t, this.scaleElementContainerClassName = n, this.scaleElementsInterval = o, this.isRTL = u, this.onScaleElement = l, this.onUndoScaleElement = c, this.onAllElementsFinallyScaled = f, this.traceError = p, this.cssSelector = s, this.keywords = null, this.imagesInTables = [], this.tablesToProcess = [], this.availableWidth = 0, this.undoHandler = function(e) {
h.handlingContentTimer && clearTimeout(h.handlingContentTimer), h.waitAllImagesLoaded && (h.scaleElementIntervalId && clearInterval(h.scaleElementIntervalId), h.imagesInTables.forEach((function(e) {
e.removeEventListener("load", h.onImageComplete), e.removeEventListener("error", h.onImageComplete)
function(e, t, n, r) {
for (var o = e.length - 1; o >= 0; o--)(l = e[o].parentElement) && l.className.indexOf(t) < 0 && e.splice(o, 1);
if (e.length > 0) {
var i = function(e, t) {
for (var n = null; e;) {
if (e.className == t) {
n = e;
e = e.parentElement
return n
}(e[0], n);
if (i) {
var u = !0,
s = i.querySelectorAll("." + t);
for (o = 0; o < s.length; o++) {
var l, c = (l = s[o]).children[0];
e.indexOf(c) >= 0 ? a(c, t, r) : u = !1
u && function(e) { = "", = "0"
} else e.forEach((function(e) {
a(e, t, r)
}(e, h.scaleElementContainerClassName, h.wideContentHostClassName, h.onUndoScaleElement)
}, this.doneHandlingMatchedElements = function(e, t) {
e.length > 0 ? (h.handlingContentTimer && clearTimeout(h.handlingContentTimer), h.handlingContentTimer = setTimeout((function() {
h.handlingContentTimer = null, h.tablesToProcess = e, h.availableWidth = t ? t.clientWidth : 0, h.filterMatchedDescendants(e, s), h.imagesInTables = h.getImagesInTables(e), h.waitAllImagesLoaded ? (h.imagesInTables.forEach((function(e) {
e.addEventListener("load", h.onImageComplete), e.addEventListener("error", h.onImageComplete)
})), h.scaleElementIntervalId && clearInterval(h.scaleElementIntervalId), h.scaleElementIntervalId = setInterval((function() {
}), h.scaleElementsInterval), h.checkImageStatus(!0)) : h.imagesInTables.length > 0 ? h.processImages() : h.processTables()
}), 0)) : h.onAllElementsFinallyScaled()
}, this.processImages = function(e) {
try {
e || (e = (new Date).getTime());
for (var t = h.imagesInTables.length, n = 0; n < h.imagesInTables.length; n++) {
var o = h.imagesInTables[n];
o && o.src && (o.getAttribute(r) || !o.complete) || t--
0 == t || (new Date).getTime() - e >= 2e3 ? h.processTables() : window.requestAnimationFrame((function() {
} catch (e) {
h.traceError("Error processing images in wideContentHandler: " + e)
}, this.processTables = function() {
for (var e = 0; e < h.tablesToProcess.length; e++) i(h.tablesToProcess[e], h.availableWidth, h.isRTL, h.scaleElementContainerClassName, h.onScaleElement)
}, this.filterMatchedDescendants = function(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; e.length > 0 && n < e.length;) {
for (var r = e[n].querySelectorAll(t), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
var i = e.indexOf(r[o]);
i >= 0 && (e.splice(i, 1), i < n && n--)
}, this.getImagesInTables = function(e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
for (var r = e[n].querySelectorAll("img"), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) t.push(r[o]);
return t
}, this.onImageComplete = function() {
setTimeout((function() {
}), 0)
}, this.checkImageStatus = function(e) {
try {
for (var t = h.imagesInTables.length, n = 0; n < h.imagesInTables.length; n++) {
var o = h.imagesInTables[n];
o && o.src && (o.getAttribute(r) || !o.complete) || t--
0 === t ? (h.processTables(), h.scaleElementIntervalId && clearInterval(h.scaleElementIntervalId), h.onAllElementsFinallyScaled()) : e && h.processTables()
} catch (e) {
h.traceError("Error checkImageStatus in wideContentHandler: " + e)
}, , function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(2),
o = 60103;
if (t.Fragment = 60107, "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.for) {
var i = Symbol.for;
o = i("react.element"), t.Fragment = i("react.fragment")
u = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
s = {
key: !0,
ref: !0,
__self: !0,
__source: !0
function l(e, t, n) {
var r, i = {},
l = null,
c = null;
for (r in void 0 !== n && (l = "" + n), void 0 !== t.key && (l = "" + t.key), void 0 !== t.ref && (c = t.ref), t), r) && !s.hasOwnProperty(r) && (i[r] = t[r]);
if (e && e.defaultProps)
for (r in t = e.defaultProps) void 0 === i[r] && (i[r] = t[r]);
return {
$$typeof: o,
type: e,
key: l,
ref: c,
props: i,
_owner: a.current
t.jsx = l, t.jsxs = l
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(62),
o = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.for,
i = o ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103,
a = o ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106,
u = o ? Symbol.for("react.fragment") : 60107,
s = o ? Symbol.for("react.strict_mode") : 60108,
l = o ? Symbol.for("react.profiler") : 60114,
c = o ? Symbol.for("react.provider") : 60109,
f = o ? Symbol.for("react.context") : 60110,
p = o ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : 60112,
h = o ? Symbol.for("react.suspense") : 60113,
d = o ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : 60115,
m = o ? Symbol.for("react.lazy") : 60116,
v = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;
function g(e) {
for (var t = "" + e, n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[n]);
return "Minified React error #" + e + "; visit " + t + " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."
var y = {
isMounted: function() {
return !1
enqueueForceUpdate: function() {},
enqueueReplaceState: function() {},
enqueueSetState: function() {}
b = {};
function w(e, t, n) {
this.props = e, this.context = t, this.refs = b, this.updater = n || y
function _() {}
function x(e, t, n) {
this.props = e, this.context = t, this.refs = b, this.updater = n || y
w.prototype.isReactComponent = {}, w.prototype.setState = function(e, t) {
if ("object" != typeof e && "function" != typeof e && null != e) throw Error(g(85));
this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, e, t, "setState")
}, w.prototype.forceUpdate = function(e) {
this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, e, "forceUpdate")
}, _.prototype = w.prototype;
var E = x.prototype = new _;
E.constructor = x, r(E, w.prototype), E.isPureReactComponent = !0;
var T = {
current: null
S = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
k = {
key: !0,
ref: !0,
__self: !0,
__source: !0
function O(e, t, n) {
var r, o = {},
a = null,
u = null;
if (null != t)
for (r in void 0 !== t.ref && (u = t.ref), void 0 !== t.key && (a = "" + t.key), t), r) && !k.hasOwnProperty(r) && (o[r] = t[r]);
var s = arguments.length - 2;
if (1 === s) o.children = n;
else if (1 < s) {
for (var l = Array(s), c = 0; c < s; c++) l[c] = arguments[c + 2];
o.children = l
if (e && e.defaultProps)
for (r in s = e.defaultProps) void 0 === o[r] && (o[r] = s[r]);
return {
$$typeof: i,
type: e,
key: a,
ref: u,
props: o,
_owner: T.current
function C(e) {
return "object" == typeof e && null !== e && e.$$typeof === i
var A = /\/+/g,
P = [];
function M(e, t, n, r) {
if (P.length) {
var o = P.pop();
return o.result = e, o.keyPrefix = t, o.func = n, o.context = r, o.count = 0, o
return {
result: e,
keyPrefix: t,
func: n,
context: r,
count: 0
function R(e) {
e.result = null, e.keyPrefix = null, e.func = null, e.context = null, e.count = 0, 10 > P.length && P.push(e)
function j(e, t, n) {
return null == e ? 0 : function e(t, n, r, o) {
var u = typeof t;
"undefined" !== u && "boolean" !== u || (t = null);
var s = !1;
if (null === t) s = !0;
else switch (u) {
case "string":
case "number":
s = !0;
case "object":
switch (t.$$typeof) {
case i:
case a:
s = !0
if (s) return r(o, t, "" === n ? "." + I(t, 0) : n), 1;
if (s = 0, n = "" === n ? "." : n + ":", Array.isArray(t))
for (var l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
var c = n + I(u = t[l], l);
s += e(u, c, r, o)
} else if ("function" == typeof(c = null === t || "object" != typeof t ? null : "function" == typeof(c = v && t[v] || t["@@iterator"]) ? c : null))
for (t =, l = 0; !(u =;) s += e(u = u.value, c = n + I(u, l++), r, o);
else if ("object" === u) throw r = "" + t, Error(g(31, "[object Object]" === r ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(t).join(", ") + "}" : r, ""));
return s
}(e, "", t, n)
function I(e, t) {
return "object" == typeof e && null !== e && null != e.key ? function(e) {
var t = {
"=": "=0",
":": "=2"
return "$" + ("" + e).replace(/[=:]/g, (function(e) {
return t[e]
}(e.key) : t.toString(36)
function N(e, t) {, t, e.count++)
function L(e, t, n) {
var r = e.result,
o = e.keyPrefix;
e =, t, e.count++), Array.isArray(e) ? D(e, r, n, (function(e) {
return e
})) : null != e && (C(e) && (e = function(e, t) {
return {
$$typeof: i,
type: e.type,
key: t,
ref: e.ref,
props: e.props,
_owner: e._owner
}(e, o + (!e.key || t && t.key === e.key ? "" : ("" + e.key).replace(A, "$&/") + "/") + n)), r.push(e))
function D(e, t, n, r, o) {
var i = "";
null != n && (i = ("" + n).replace(A, "$&/") + "/"), j(e, L, t = M(t, i, r, o)), R(t)
var U = {
current: null
function z() {
var e = U.current;
if (null === e) throw Error(g(321));
return e
var F = {
ReactCurrentDispatcher: U,
ReactCurrentBatchConfig: {
suspense: null
ReactCurrentOwner: T,
IsSomeRendererActing: {
current: !1
assign: r
t.Children = {
map: function(e, t, n) {
if (null == e) return e;
var r = [];
return D(e, r, null, t, n), r
forEach: function(e, t, n) {
if (null == e) return e;
j(e, N, t = M(null, null, t, n)), R(t)
count: function(e) {
return j(e, (function() {
return null
}), null)
toArray: function(e) {
var t = [];
return D(e, t, null, (function(e) {
return e
})), t
only: function(e) {
if (!C(e)) throw Error(g(143));
return e
}, t.Component = w, t.Fragment = u, t.Profiler = l, t.PureComponent = x, t.StrictMode = s, t.Suspense = h, t.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = F, t.cloneElement = function(e, t, n) {
if (null == e) throw Error(g(267, e));
var o = r({}, e.props),
a = e.key,
u = e.ref,
s = e._owner;
if (null != t) {
if (void 0 !== t.ref && (u = t.ref, s = T.current), void 0 !== t.key && (a = "" + t.key), e.type && e.type.defaultProps) var l = e.type.defaultProps;
for (c in t), c) && !k.hasOwnProperty(c) && (o[c] = void 0 === t[c] && void 0 !== l ? l[c] : t[c])
var c = arguments.length - 2;
if (1 === c) o.children = n;
else if (1 < c) {
l = Array(c);
for (var f = 0; f < c; f++) l[f] = arguments[f + 2];
o.children = l
return {
$$typeof: i,
type: e.type,
key: a,
ref: u,
props: o,
_owner: s
}, t.createContext = function(e, t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = null), (e = {
$$typeof: f,
_calculateChangedBits: t,
_currentValue: e,
_currentValue2: e,
_threadCount: 0,
Provider: null,
Consumer: null
}).Provider = {
$$typeof: c,
_context: e
}, e.Consumer = e
}, t.createElement = O, t.createFactory = function(e) {
var t = O.bind(null, e);
return t.type = e, t
}, t.createRef = function() {
return {
current: null
}, t.forwardRef = function(e) {
return {
$$typeof: p,
render: e
}, t.isValidElement = C, t.lazy = function(e) {
return {
$$typeof: m,
_ctor: e,
_status: -1,
_result: null
}, t.memo = function(e, t) {
return {
$$typeof: d,
type: e,
compare: void 0 === t ? null : t
}, t.useCallback = function(e, t) {
return z().useCallback(e, t)
}, t.useContext = function(e, t) {
return z().useContext(e, t)
}, t.useDebugValue = function() {}, t.useEffect = function(e, t) {
return z().useEffect(e, t)
}, t.useImperativeHandle = function(e, t, n) {
return z().useImperativeHandle(e, t, n)
}, t.useLayoutEffect = function(e, t) {
return z().useLayoutEffect(e, t)
}, t.useMemo = function(e, t) {
return z().useMemo(e, t)
}, t.useReducer = function(e, t, n) {
return z().useReducer(e, t, n)
}, t.useRef = function(e) {
return z().useRef(e)
}, t.useState = function(e) {
return z().useState(e)
}, t.version = "16.14.0"
}, , function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(2),
o = n(62),
i = n(110);
function a(e) {
for (var t = "" + e, n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[n]);
return "Minified React error #" + e + "; visit " + t + " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."
if (!r) throw Error(a(227));
function u(e, t, n, r, o, i, a, u, s) {
var l =, 3);
try {
t.apply(n, l)
} catch (e) {
var s = !1,
l = null,
c = !1,
f = null,
p = {
onError: function(e) {
s = !0, l = e
function h(e, t, n, r, o, i, a, c, f) {
s = !1, l = null, u.apply(p, arguments)
var d = null,
m = null,
v = null;
function g(e, t, n) {
var r = e.type || "unknown-event";
e.currentTarget = v(n),
function(e, t, n, r, o, i, u, p, d) {
if (h.apply(this, arguments), s) {
if (!s) throw Error(a(198));
var m = l;
s = !1, l = null, c || (c = !0, f = m)
}(r, t, void 0, e), e.currentTarget = null
var y = null,
b = {};
function w() {
if (y)
for (var e in b) {
var t = b[e],
n = y.indexOf(e);
if (!(-1 < n)) throw Error(a(96, e));
if (!x[n]) {
if (!t.extractEvents) throw Error(a(97, e));
for (var r in x[n] = t, n = t.eventTypes) {
var o = void 0,
i = n[r],
u = t,
s = r;
if (E.hasOwnProperty(s)) throw Error(a(99, s));
E[s] = i;
var l = i.phasedRegistrationNames;
if (l) {
for (o in l) l.hasOwnProperty(o) && _(l[o], u, s);
o = !0
} else i.registrationName ? (_(i.registrationName, u, s), o = !0) : o = !1;
if (!o) throw Error(a(98, r, e))
function _(e, t, n) {
if (T[e]) throw Error(a(100, e));
T[e] = t, S[e] = t.eventTypes[n].dependencies
var x = [],
E = {},
T = {},
S = {};
function k(e) {
var t, n = !1;
for (t in e)
if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
var r = e[t];
if (!b.hasOwnProperty(t) || b[t] !== r) {
if (b[t]) throw Error(a(102, t));
b[t] = r, n = !0
n && w()
var O = !("undefined" == typeof window || void 0 === window.document || void 0 === window.document.createElement),
C = null,
A = null,
P = null;
function M(e) {
if (e = m(e)) {
if ("function" != typeof C) throw Error(a(280));
var t = e.stateNode;
t && (t = d(t), C(e.stateNode, e.type, t))
function R(e) {
A ? P ? P.push(e) : P = [e] : A = e
function j() {
if (A) {
var e = A,
t = P;
if (P = A = null, M(e), t)
for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) M(t[e])
function I(e, t) {
return e(t)
function N(e, t, n, r, o) {
return e(t, n, r, o)
function L() {}
var D = I,
U = !1,
z = !1;
function F() {
null === A && null === P || (L(), j())
function B(e, t, n) {
if (z) return e(t, n);
z = !0;
try {
return D(e, t, n)
} finally {
z = !1, F()
var V = /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/,
W = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
$ = {},
H = {};
function q(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
this.acceptsBooleans = 2 === t || 3 === t || 4 === t, this.attributeName = r, this.attributeNamespace = o, this.mustUseProperty = n, this.propertyName = e, this.type = t, this.sanitizeURL = i
var G = {};
"children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style".split(" ").forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 0, !1, e, null, !1)
})), [
["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"],
["className", "class"],
["htmlFor", "for"],
["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"]
].forEach((function(e) {
var t = e[0];
G[t] = new q(t, 1, !1, e[1], null, !1)
})), ["contentEditable", "draggable", "spellCheck", "value"].forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 2, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1)
})), ["autoReverse", "externalResourcesRequired", "focusable", "preserveAlpha"].forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 2, !1, e, null, !1)
})), "allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope".split(" ").forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 3, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1)
})), ["checked", "multiple", "muted", "selected"].forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 3, !0, e, null, !1)
})), ["capture", "download"].forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 4, !1, e, null, !1)
})), ["cols", "rows", "size", "span"].forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 6, !1, e, null, !1)
})), ["rowSpan", "start"].forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 5, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1)
var Y = /[\-:]([a-z])/g;
function K(e) {
return e[1].toUpperCase()
"accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height".split(" ").forEach((function(e) {
var t = e.replace(Y, K);
G[t] = new q(t, 1, !1, e, null, !1)
})), "xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type".split(" ").forEach((function(e) {
var t = e.replace(Y, K);
G[t] = new q(t, 1, !1, e, "", !1)
})), ["xml:base", "xml:lang", "xml:space"].forEach((function(e) {
var t = e.replace(Y, K);
G[t] = new q(t, 1, !1, e, "", !1)
})), ["tabIndex", "crossOrigin"].forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1)
})), G.xlinkHref = new q("xlinkHref", 1, !1, "xlink:href", "", !0), ["src", "href", "action", "formAction"].forEach((function(e) {
G[e] = new q(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !0)
function X(e, t, n, r) {
var o = G.hasOwnProperty(t) ? G[t] : null;
(null !== o ? 0 === o.type : !r && 2 < t.length && ("o" === t[0] || "O" === t[0]) && ("n" === t[1] || "N" === t[1])) || (function(e, t, n, r) {
if (null == t || function(e, t, n, r) {
if (null !== n && 0 === n.type) return !1;
switch (typeof t) {
case "function":
case "symbol":
return !0;
case "boolean":
return !r && (null !== n ? !n.acceptsBooleans : "data-" !== (e = e.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5)) && "aria-" !== e);
return !1
}(e, t, n, r)) return !0;
if (r) return !1;
if (null !== n) switch (n.type) {
case 3:
return !t;
case 4:
return !1 === t;
case 5:
return isNaN(t);
case 6:
return isNaN(t) || 1 > t
return !1
}(t, n, o, r) && (n = null), r || null === o ? function(e) {
return !!, e) || !$, e) && (V.test(e) ? H[e] = !0 : ($[e] = !0, !1))
}(t) && (null === n ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, "" + n)) : o.mustUseProperty ? e[o.propertyName] = null === n ? 3 !== o.type && "" : n : (t = o.attributeName, r = o.attributeNamespace, null === n ? e.removeAttribute(t) : (n = 3 === (o = o.type) || 4 === o && !0 === n ? "" : "" + n, r ? e.setAttributeNS(r, t, n) : e.setAttribute(t, n))))
Q.hasOwnProperty("ReactCurrentDispatcher") || (Q.ReactCurrentDispatcher = {
current: null
}), Q.hasOwnProperty("ReactCurrentBatchConfig") || (Q.ReactCurrentBatchConfig = {
suspense: null
var J = /^(.*)[\\\/]/,
Z = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.for,
ee = Z ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103,
te = Z ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106,
ne = Z ? Symbol.for("react.fragment") : 60107,
re = Z ? Symbol.for("react.strict_mode") : 60108,
oe = Z ? Symbol.for("react.profiler") : 60114,
ie = Z ? Symbol.for("react.provider") : 60109,
ae = Z ? Symbol.for("react.context") : 60110,
ue = Z ? Symbol.for("react.concurrent_mode") : 60111,
se = Z ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : 60112,
le = Z ? Symbol.for("react.suspense") : 60113,
ce = Z ? Symbol.for("react.suspense_list") : 60120,
fe = Z ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : 60115,
pe = Z ? Symbol.for("react.lazy") : 60116,
he = Z ? Symbol.for("react.block") : 60121,
de = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator;
function me(e) {
return null === e || "object" != typeof e ? null : "function" == typeof(e = de && e[de] || e["@@iterator"]) ? e : null
function ve(e) {
if (null == e) return null;
if ("function" == typeof e) return e.displayName || || null;
if ("string" == typeof e) return e;
switch (e) {
case ne:
return "Fragment";
case te:
return "Portal";
case oe:
return "Profiler";
case re:
return "StrictMode";
case le:
return "Suspense";
case ce:
return "SuspenseList"
if ("object" == typeof e) switch (e.$$typeof) {
case ae:
return "Context.Consumer";
case ie:
return "Context.Provider";
case se:
var t = e.render;
return t = t.displayName || || "", e.displayName || ("" !== t ? "ForwardRef(" + t + ")" : "ForwardRef");
case fe:
return ve(e.type);
case he:
return ve(e.render);
case pe:
if (e = 1 === e._status ? e._result : null) return ve(e)
return null
function ge(e) {
var t = "";
do {
e: switch (e.tag) {
case 3:
case 4:
case 6:
case 7:
case 10:
case 9:
var n = "";
break e;
var r = e._debugOwner,
o = e._debugSource,
i = ve(e.type);
n = null, r && (n = ve(r.type)), r = i, i = "", o ? i = " (at " + o.fileName.replace(J, "") + ":" + o.lineNumber + ")" : n && (i = " (created by " + n + ")"), n = "\n in " + (r || "Unknown") + i
t += n,
e = e.return
} while (e);
return t
function ye(e) {
switch (typeof e) {
case "boolean":
case "number":
case "object":
case "string":
case "undefined":
return e;
return ""
function be(e) {
var t = e.type;
return (e = e.nodeName) && "input" === e.toLowerCase() && ("checkbox" === t || "radio" === t)
function we(e) {
e._valueTracker || (e._valueTracker = function(e) {
var t = be(e) ? "checked" : "value",
n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.constructor.prototype, t),
r = "" + e[t];
if (!e.hasOwnProperty(t) && void 0 !== n && "function" == typeof n.get && "function" == typeof n.set) {
var o = n.get,
i = n.set;
return Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
configurable: !0,
get: function() {
set: function(e) {
r = "" + e,, e)
}), Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
enumerable: n.enumerable
}), {
getValue: function() {
return r
setValue: function(e) {
r = "" + e
stopTracking: function() {
e._valueTracker = null, delete e[t]
function _e(e) {
if (!e) return !1;
var t = e._valueTracker;
if (!t) return !0;
var n = t.getValue(),
r = "";
return e && (r = be(e) ? e.checked ? "true" : "false" : e.value), (e = r) !== n && (t.setValue(e), !0)
function xe(e, t) {
var n = t.checked;
return o({}, t, {
defaultChecked: void 0,
defaultValue: void 0,
value: void 0,
checked: null != n ? n : e._wrapperState.initialChecked
function Ee(e, t) {
var n = null == t.defaultValue ? "" : t.defaultValue,
r = null != t.checked ? t.checked : t.defaultChecked;
n = ye(null != t.value ? t.value : n), e._wrapperState = {
initialChecked: r,
initialValue: n,
controlled: "checkbox" === t.type || "radio" === t.type ? null != t.checked : null != t.value
function Te(e, t) {
null != (t = t.checked) && X(e, "checked", t, !1)
function Se(e, t) {
Te(e, t);
var n = ye(t.value),
r = t.type;
if (null != n) "number" === r ? (0 === n && "" === e.value || e.value != n) && (e.value = "" + n) : e.value !== "" + n && (e.value = "" + n);
else if ("submit" === r || "reset" === r) return void e.removeAttribute("value");
t.hasOwnProperty("value") ? Oe(e, t.type, n) : t.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue") && Oe(e, t.type, ye(t.defaultValue)), null == t.checked && null != t.defaultChecked && (e.defaultChecked = !!t.defaultChecked)
function ke(e, t, n) {
if (t.hasOwnProperty("value") || t.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) {
var r = t.type;
if (!("submit" !== r && "reset" !== r || void 0 !== t.value && null !== t.value)) return;
t = "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue, n || t === e.value || (e.value = t), e.defaultValue = t
"" !== (n = && ( = ""), e.defaultChecked = !!e._wrapperState.initialChecked, "" !== n && ( = n)
function Oe(e, t, n) {
"number" === t && e.ownerDocument.activeElement === e || (null == n ? e.defaultValue = "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue : e.defaultValue !== "" + n && (e.defaultValue = "" + n))
function Ce(e, t) {
return e = o({
children: void 0
}, t), (t = function(e) {
var t = "";
return r.Children.forEach(e, (function(e) {
null != e && (t += e)
})), t
}(t.children)) && (e.children = t), e
function Ae(e, t, n, r) {
if (e = e.options, t) {
t = {};
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) t["$" + n[o]] = !0;
for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) o = t.hasOwnProperty("$" + e[n].value), e[n].selected !== o && (e[n].selected = o), o && r && (e[n].defaultSelected = !0)
} else {
for (n = "" + ye(n), t = null, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
if (e[o].value === n) return e[o].selected = !0, void(r && (e[o].defaultSelected = !0));
null !== t || e[o].disabled || (t = e[o])
null !== t && (t.selected = !0)
function Pe(e, t) {
if (null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) throw Error(a(91));
return o({}, t, {
value: void 0,
defaultValue: void 0,
children: "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue
function Me(e, t) {
var n = t.value;
if (null == n) {
if (n = t.children, t = t.defaultValue, null != n) {
if (null != t) throw Error(a(92));
if (Array.isArray(n)) {
if (!(1 >= n.length)) throw Error(a(93));
n = n[0]
t = n
null == t && (t = ""), n = t
e._wrapperState = {
initialValue: ye(n)
function Re(e, t) {
var n = ye(t.value),
r = ye(t.defaultValue);
null != n && ((n = "" + n) !== e.value && (e.value = n), null == t.defaultValue && e.defaultValue !== n && (e.defaultValue = n)), null != r && (e.defaultValue = "" + r)
function je(e) {
var t = e.textContent;
t === e._wrapperState.initialValue && "" !== t && null !== t && (e.value = t)
function Ie(e) {
switch (e) {
case "svg":
return "";
case "math":
return "";
return ""
function Ne(e, t) {
return null == e || "" === e ? Ie(t) : "" === e && "foreignObject" === t ? "" : e
var Le, De, Ue = (De = function(e, t) {
if ("" !== e.namespaceURI || "innerHTML" in e) e.innerHTML = t;
else {
for ((Le = Le || document.createElement("div")).innerHTML = "<svg>" + t.valueOf().toString() + "</svg>", t = Le.firstChild; e.firstChild;) e.removeChild(e.firstChild);
for (; t.firstChild;) e.appendChild(t.firstChild)
}, "undefined" != typeof MSApp && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction ? function(e, t, n, r) {
MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction((function() {
return De(e, t)
} : De);
function ze(e, t) {
if (t) {
var n = e.firstChild;
if (n && n === e.lastChild && 3 === n.nodeType) return void(n.nodeValue = t)
e.textContent = t
function Fe(e, t) {
var n = {};
return n[e.toLowerCase()] = t.toLowerCase(), n["Webkit" + e] = "webkit" + t, n["Moz" + e] = "moz" + t, n
var Be = {
animationend: Fe("Animation", "AnimationEnd"),
animationiteration: Fe("Animation", "AnimationIteration"),
animationstart: Fe("Animation", "AnimationStart"),
transitionend: Fe("Transition", "TransitionEnd")
Ve = {},
We = {};
function $e(e) {
if (Ve[e]) return Ve[e];
if (!Be[e]) return e;
var t, n = Be[e];
for (t in n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(t) && t in We) return Ve[e] = n[t];
return e
O && (We = document.createElement("div").style, "AnimationEvent" in window || (delete Be.animationend.animation, delete Be.animationiteration.animation, delete Be.animationstart.animation), "TransitionEvent" in window || delete Be.transitionend.transition);
var He = $e("animationend"),
qe = $e("animationiteration"),
Ge = $e("animationstart"),
Ye = $e("transitionend"),
Ke = "abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting".split(" "),
Qe = new("function" == typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map);
function Xe(e) {
var t = Qe.get(e);
return void 0 === t && (t = new Map, Qe.set(e, t)), t
function Je(e) {
var t = e,
n = e;
if (e.alternate)
for (; t.return;) t = t.return;
else {
e = t;
do {
0 != (1026 & (t = e).effectTag) && (n = t.return), e = t.return
} while (e)
return 3 === t.tag ? n : null
function Ze(e) {
if (13 === e.tag) {
var t = e.memoizedState;
if (null === t && null !== (e = e.alternate) && (t = e.memoizedState), null !== t) return t.dehydrated
return null
function et(e) {
if (Je(e) !== e) throw Error(a(188))
function tt(e) {
if (!(e = function(e) {
var t = e.alternate;
if (!t) {
if (null === (t = Je(e))) throw Error(a(188));
return t !== e ? null : e
for (var n = e, r = t;;) {
var o = n.return;
if (null === o) break;
var i = o.alternate;
if (null === i) {
if (null !== (r = o.return)) {
n = r;
if (o.child === i.child) {
for (i = o.child; i;) {
if (i === n) return et(o), e;
if (i === r) return et(o), t;
i = i.sibling
throw Error(a(188))
if (n.return !== r.return) n = o, r = i;
else {
for (var u = !1, s = o.child; s;) {
if (s === n) {
u = !0, n = o, r = i;
if (s === r) {
u = !0, r = o, n = i;
s = s.sibling
if (!u) {
for (s = i.child; s;) {
if (s === n) {
u = !0, n = i, r = o;
if (s === r) {
u = !0, r = i, n = o;
s = s.sibling
if (!u) throw Error(a(189))
if (n.alternate !== r) throw Error(a(190))
if (3 !== n.tag) throw Error(a(188));
return n.stateNode.current === n ? e : t
}(e))) return null;
for (var t = e;;) {
if (5 === t.tag || 6 === t.tag) return t;
if (t.child) t.child.return = t, t = t.child;
else {
if (t === e) break;
for (; !t.sibling;) {
if (!t.return || t.return === e) return null;
t = t.return
t.sibling.return = t.return, t = t.sibling
return null
function nt(e, t) {
if (null == t) throw Error(a(30));
return null == e ? t : Array.isArray(e) ? Array.isArray(t) ? (e.push.apply(e, t), e) : (e.push(t), e) : Array.isArray(t) ? [e].concat(t) : [e, t]
function rt(e, t, n) {
Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(t, n) : e &&, e)
var ot = null;
function it(e) {
if (e) {
var t = e._dispatchListeners,
n = e._dispatchInstances;
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (var r = 0; r < t.length && !e.isPropagationStopped(); r++) g(e, t[r], n[r]);
else t && g(e, t, n);
e._dispatchListeners = null, e._dispatchInstances = null, e.isPersistent() || e.constructor.release(e)
function at(e) {
if (null !== e && (ot = nt(ot, e)), e = ot, ot = null, e) {
if (rt(e, it), ot) throw Error(a(95));
if (c) throw e = f, c = !1, f = null, e
function ut(e) {
return (e = || e.srcElement || window).correspondingUseElement && (e = e.correspondingUseElement), 3 === e.nodeType ? e.parentNode : e
function st(e) {
if (!O) return !1;
var t = (e = "on" + e) in document;
return t || ((t = document.createElement("div")).setAttribute(e, "return;"), t = "function" == typeof t[e]), t
var lt = [];
function ct(e) {
e.topLevelType = null, e.nativeEvent = null, e.targetInst = null, e.ancestors.length = 0, 10 > lt.length & < .push(e)
function ft(e, t, n, r) {
if (lt.length) {
var o = lt.pop();
return o.topLevelType = e, o.eventSystemFlags = r, o.nativeEvent = t, o.targetInst = n, o
return {
topLevelType: e,
eventSystemFlags: r,
nativeEvent: t,
targetInst: n,
ancestors: []
function pt(e) {
var t = e.targetInst,
n = t;
do {
if (!n) {
var r = n;
if (3 === r.tag) r = r.stateNode.containerInfo;
else {
for (; r.return;) r = r.return;
r = 3 !== r.tag ? null : r.stateNode.containerInfo
if (!r) break;
5 !== (t = n.tag) && 6 !== t || e.ancestors.push(n), n = kn(r)
} while (n);
for (n = 0; n < e.ancestors.length; n++) {
t = e.ancestors[n];
var o = ut(e.nativeEvent);
r = e.topLevelType;
var i = e.nativeEvent,
a = e.eventSystemFlags;
0 === n && (a |= 64);
for (var u = null, s = 0; s < x.length; s++) {
var l = x[s];
l && (l = l.extractEvents(r, t, i, o, a)) && (u = nt(u, l))
function ht(e, t, n) {
if (!n.has(e)) {
switch (e) {
case "scroll":
Gt(t, "scroll", !0);
case "focus":
case "blur":
Gt(t, "focus", !0), Gt(t, "blur", !0), n.set("blur", null), n.set("focus", null);
case "cancel":
case "close":
st(e) && Gt(t, e, !0);
case "invalid":
case "submit":
case "reset":
-1 === Ke.indexOf(e) && qt(e, t)
n.set(e, null)
var dt, mt, vt, gt = !1,
yt = [],
bt = null,
wt = null,
_t = null,
xt = new Map,
Et = new Map,
Tt = [],
St = "mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput close cancel copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset submit".split(" "),
kt = "focus blur dragenter dragleave mouseover mouseout pointerover pointerout gotpointercapture lostpointercapture".split(" ");
function Ot(e, t, n, r, o) {
return {
blockedOn: e,
topLevelType: t,
eventSystemFlags: 32 | n,
nativeEvent: o,
container: r
function Ct(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case "focus":
case "blur":
bt = null;
case "dragenter":
case "dragleave":
wt = null;
case "mouseover":
case "mouseout":
_t = null;
case "pointerover":
case "pointerout":
case "gotpointercapture":
case "lostpointercapture":
function At(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
return null === e || e.nativeEvent !== i ? (e = Ot(t, n, r, o, i), null !== t && null !== (t = On(t)) && mt(t), e) : (e.eventSystemFlags |= r, e)
function Pt(e) {
var t = kn(;
if (null !== t) {
var n = Je(t);
if (null !== n)
if (13 === (t = n.tag)) {
if (null !== (t = Ze(n))) return e.blockedOn = t, void i.unstable_runWithPriority(e.priority, (function() {
} else if (3 === t && n.stateNode.hydrate) return void(e.blockedOn = 3 === n.tag ? n.stateNode.containerInfo : null)
e.blockedOn = null
function Mt(e) {
if (null !== e.blockedOn) return !1;
var t = Xt(e.topLevelType, e.eventSystemFlags, e.container, e.nativeEvent);
if (null !== t) {
var n = On(t);
return null !== n && mt(n), e.blockedOn = t, !1
return !0
function Rt(e, t, n) {
Mt(e) && n.delete(t)
function jt() {
for (gt = !1; 0 < yt.length;) {
var e = yt[0];
if (null !== e.blockedOn) {
null !== (e = On(e.blockedOn)) && dt(e);
var t = Xt(e.topLevelType, e.eventSystemFlags, e.container, e.nativeEvent);
null !== t ? e.blockedOn = t : yt.shift()
null !== bt && Mt(bt) && (bt = null), null !== wt && Mt(wt) && (wt = null), null !== _t && Mt(_t) && (_t = null), xt.forEach(Rt), Et.forEach(Rt)
function It(e, t) {
e.blockedOn === t && (e.blockedOn = null, gt || (gt = !0, i.unstable_scheduleCallback(i.unstable_NormalPriority, jt)))
function Nt(e) {
function t(t) {
return It(t, e)
if (0 < yt.length) {
It(yt[0], e);
for (var n = 1; n < yt.length; n++) {
var r = yt[n];
r.blockedOn === e && (r.blockedOn = null)
for (null !== bt && It(bt, e), null !== wt && It(wt, e), null !== _t && It(_t, e), xt.forEach(t), Et.forEach(t), n = 0; n < Tt.length; n++)(r = Tt[n]).blockedOn === e && (r.blockedOn = null);
for (; 0 < Tt.length && null === (n = Tt[0]).blockedOn;) Pt(n), null === n.blockedOn && Tt.shift()
var Lt = {},
Dt = new Map,
Ut = new Map,
zt = ["abort", "abort", He, "animationEnd", qe, "animationIteration", Ge, "animationStart", "canplay", "canPlay", "canplaythrough", "canPlayThrough", "durationchange", "durationChange", "emptied", "emptied", "encrypted", "encrypted", "ended", "ended", "error", "error", "gotpointercapture", "gotPointerCapture", "load", "load", "loadeddata", "loadedData", "loadedmetadata", "loadedMetadata", "loadstart", "loadStart", "lostpointercapture", "lostPointerCapture", "playing", "playing", "progress", "progress", "seeking", "seeking", "stalled", "stalled", "suspend", "suspend", "timeupdate", "timeUpdate", Ye, "transitionEnd", "waiting", "waiting"];
function Ft(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n += 2) {
var r = e[n],
o = e[n + 1],
i = "on" + (o[0].toUpperCase() + o.slice(1));
i = {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: i,
captured: i + "Capture"
dependencies: [r],
eventPriority: t
}, Ut.set(r, t), Dt.set(r, i), Lt[o] = i
Ft("blur blur cancel cancel click click close close contextmenu contextMenu copy copy cut cut auxclick auxClick dblclick doubleClick dragend dragEnd dragstart dragStart drop drop focus focus input input invalid invalid keydown keyDown keypress keyPress keyup keyUp mousedown mouseDown mouseup mouseUp paste paste pause pause play play pointercancel pointerCancel pointerdown pointerDown pointerup pointerUp ratechange rateChange reset reset seeked seeked submit submit touchcancel touchCancel touchend touchEnd touchstart touchStart volumechange volumeChange".split(" "), 0), Ft("drag drag dragenter dragEnter dragexit dragExit dragleave dragLeave dragover dragOver mousemove mouseMove mouseout mouseOut mouseover mouseOver pointermove pointerMove pointerout pointerOut pointerover pointerOver scroll scroll toggle toggle touchmove touchMove wheel wheel".split(" "), 1), Ft(zt, 2);
for (var Bt = "change selectionchange textInput compositionstart compositionend compositionupdate".split(" "), Vt = 0; Vt < Bt.length; Vt++) Ut.set(Bt[Vt], 0);
var Wt = i.unstable_UserBlockingPriority,
$t = i.unstable_runWithPriority,
Ht = !0;
function qt(e, t) {
Gt(t, e, !1)
function Gt(e, t, n) {
var r = Ut.get(t);
switch (void 0 === r ? 2 : r) {
case 0:
r = Yt.bind(null, t, 1, e);
case 1:
r = Kt.bind(null, t, 1, e);
r = Qt.bind(null, t, 1, e)
n ? e.addEventListener(t, r, !0) : e.addEventListener(t, r, !1)
function Yt(e, t, n, r) {
U || L();
var o = Qt,
i = U;
U = !0;
try {
N(o, e, t, n, r)
} finally {
(U = i) || F()
function Kt(e, t, n, r) {
$t(Wt, Qt.bind(null, e, t, n, r))
function Qt(e, t, n, r) {
if (Ht)
if (0 < yt.length && -1 < St.indexOf(e)) e = Ot(null, e, t, n, r), yt.push(e);
else {
var o = Xt(e, t, n, r);
if (null === o) Ct(e, r);
else if (-1 < St.indexOf(e)) e = Ot(o, e, t, n, r), yt.push(e);
else if (! function(e, t, n, r, o) {
switch (t) {
case "focus":
return bt = At(bt, e, t, n, r, o), !0;
case "dragenter":
return wt = At(wt, e, t, n, r, o), !0;
case "mouseover":
return _t = At(_t, e, t, n, r, o), !0;
case "pointerover":
var i = o.pointerId;
return xt.set(i, At(xt.get(i) || null, e, t, n, r, o)), !0;
case "gotpointercapture":
return i = o.pointerId, Et.set(i, At(Et.get(i) || null, e, t, n, r, o)), !0
return !1
}(o, e, t, n, r)) {
Ct(e, r), e = ft(e, r, null, t);
try {
B(pt, e)
} finally {
function Xt(e, t, n, r) {
if (null !== (n = kn(n = ut(r)))) {
var o = Je(n);
if (null === o) n = null;
else {
var i = o.tag;
if (13 === i) {
if (null !== (n = Ze(o))) return n;
n = null
} else if (3 === i) {
if (o.stateNode.hydrate) return 3 === o.tag ? o.stateNode.containerInfo : null;
n = null
} else o !== n && (n = null)
e = ft(e, r, n, t);
try {
B(pt, e)
} finally {
return null
var Jt = {
animationIterationCount: !0,
borderImageOutset: !0,
borderImageSlice: !0,
borderImageWidth: !0,
boxFlex: !0,
boxFlexGroup: !0,
boxOrdinalGroup: !0,
columnCount: !0,
columns: !0,
flex: !0,
flexGrow: !0,
flexPositive: !0,
flexShrink: !0,
flexNegative: !0,
flexOrder: !0,
gridArea: !0,
gridRow: !0,
gridRowEnd: !0,
gridRowSpan: !0,
gridRowStart: !0,
gridColumn: !0,
gridColumnEnd: !0,
gridColumnSpan: !0,
gridColumnStart: !0,
fontWeight: !0,
lineClamp: !0,
lineHeight: !0,
opacity: !0,
order: !0,
orphans: !0,
tabSize: !0,
widows: !0,
zIndex: !0,
zoom: !0,
fillOpacity: !0,
floodOpacity: !0,
stopOpacity: !0,
strokeDasharray: !0,
strokeDashoffset: !0,
strokeMiterlimit: !0,
strokeOpacity: !0,
strokeWidth: !0
Zt = ["Webkit", "ms", "Moz", "O"];
function en(e, t, n) {
return null == t || "boolean" == typeof t || "" === t ? "" : n || "number" != typeof t || 0 === t || Jt.hasOwnProperty(e) && Jt[e] ? ("" + t).trim() : t + "px"
function tn(e, t) {
for (var n in e =, t)
if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
var r = 0 === n.indexOf("--"),
o = en(n, t[n], r);
"float" === n && (n = "cssFloat"), r ? e.setProperty(n, o) : e[n] = o
Object.keys(Jt).forEach((function(e) {
Zt.forEach((function(t) {
t = t + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substring(1), Jt[t] = Jt[e]
var nn = o({
menuitem: !0
}, {
area: !0,
base: !0,
br: !0,
col: !0,
embed: !0,
hr: !0,
img: !0,
input: !0,
keygen: !0,
link: !0,
meta: !0,
param: !0,
source: !0,
track: !0,
wbr: !0
function rn(e, t) {
if (t) {
if (nn[e] && (null != t.children || null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) throw Error(a(137, e, ""));
if (null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) {
if (null != t.children) throw Error(a(60));
if ("object" != typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML || !("__html" in t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) throw Error(a(61))
if (null != && "object" != typeof throw Error(a(62, ""))
function on(e, t) {
if (-1 === e.indexOf("-")) return "string" == typeof;
switch (e) {
case "annotation-xml":
case "color-profile":
case "font-face":
case "font-face-src":
case "font-face-uri":
case "font-face-format":
case "font-face-name":
case "missing-glyph":
return !1;
return !0
var an = "";
function un(e, t) {
var n = Xe(e = 9 === e.nodeType || 11 === e.nodeType ? e : e.ownerDocument);
t = S[t];
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) ht(t[r], e, n)
function sn() {}
function ln(e) {
if (void 0 === (e = e || ("undefined" != typeof document ? document : void 0))) return null;
try {
return e.activeElement || e.body
} catch (t) {
return e.body
function cn(e) {
for (; e && e.firstChild;) e = e.firstChild;
return e
function fn(e, t) {
var n, r = cn(e);
for (e = 0; r;) {
if (3 === r.nodeType) {
if (n = e + r.textContent.length, e <= t && n >= t) return {
node: r,
offset: t - e
e = n
e: {
for (; r;) {
if (r.nextSibling) {
r = r.nextSibling;
break e
r = r.parentNode
r = void 0
r = cn(r)
function pn() {
for (var e = window, t = ln(); t instanceof e.HTMLIFrameElement;) {
try {
var n = "string" == typeof t.contentWindow.location.href
} catch (e) {
n = !1
if (!n) break;
t = ln((e = t.contentWindow).document)
return t
function hn(e) {
var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return t && ("input" === t && ("text" === e.type || "search" === e.type || "tel" === e.type || "url" === e.type || "password" === e.type) || "textarea" === t || "true" === e.contentEditable)
var dn = null,
mn = null;
function vn(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case "button":
case "input":
case "select":
case "textarea":
return !!t.autoFocus
return !1
function gn(e, t) {
return "textarea" === e || "option" === e || "noscript" === e || "string" == typeof t.children || "number" == typeof t.children || "object" == typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null !== t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html
var yn = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : void 0,
bn = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : void 0;
function wn(e) {
for (; null != e; e = e.nextSibling) {
var t = e.nodeType;
if (1 === t || 3 === t) break
return e
function _n(e) {
e = e.previousSibling;
for (var t = 0; e;) {
if (8 === e.nodeType) {
var n =;
if ("$" === n || "$!" === n || "$?" === n) {
if (0 === t) return e;
} else "/$" === n && t++
e = e.previousSibling
return null
var xn = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),
En = "__reactInternalInstance$" + xn,
Tn = "__reactEventHandlers$" + xn,
Sn = "__reactContainere$" + xn;
function kn(e) {
var t = e[En];
if (t) return t;
for (var n = e.parentNode; n;) {
if (t = n[Sn] || n[En]) {
if (n = t.alternate, null !== t.child || null !== n && null !== n.child)
for (e = _n(e); null !== e;) {
if (n = e[En]) return n;
e = _n(e)
return t
n = (e = n).parentNode
return null
function On(e) {
return !(e = e[En] || e[Sn]) || 5 !== e.tag && 6 !== e.tag && 13 !== e.tag && 3 !== e.tag ? null : e
function Cn(e) {
if (5 === e.tag || 6 === e.tag) return e.stateNode;
throw Error(a(33))
function An(e) {
return e[Tn] || null
function Pn(e) {
do {
e = e.return
} while (e && 5 !== e.tag);
return e || null
function Mn(e, t) {
var n = e.stateNode;
if (!n) return null;
var r = d(n);
if (!r) return null;
n = r[t];
e: switch (t) {
case "onClick":
case "onClickCapture":
case "onDoubleClick":
case "onDoubleClickCapture":
case "onMouseDown":
case "onMouseDownCapture":
case "onMouseMove":
case "onMouseMoveCapture":
case "onMouseUp":
case "onMouseUpCapture":
case "onMouseEnter":
(r = !r.disabled) || (r = !("button" === (e = e.type) || "input" === e || "select" === e || "textarea" === e)), e = !r;
break e;
e = !1
if (e) return null;
if (n && "function" != typeof n) throw Error(a(231, t, typeof n));
return n
function Rn(e, t, n) {
(t = Mn(e, n.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[t])) && (n._dispatchListeners = nt(n._dispatchListeners, t), n._dispatchInstances = nt(n._dispatchInstances, e))
function jn(e) {
if (e && e.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) {
for (var t = e._targetInst, n = []; t;) n.push(t), t = Pn(t);
for (t = n.length; 0 < t--;) Rn(n[t], "captured", e);
for (t = 0; t < n.length; t++) Rn(n[t], "bubbled", e)
function In(e, t, n) {
e && n && n.dispatchConfig.registrationName && (t = Mn(e, n.dispatchConfig.registrationName)) && (n._dispatchListeners = nt(n._dispatchListeners, t), n._dispatchInstances = nt(n._dispatchInstances, e))
function Nn(e) {
e && e.dispatchConfig.registrationName && In(e._targetInst, null, e)
function Ln(e) {
rt(e, jn)
var Dn = null,
Un = null,
zn = null;
function Fn() {
if (zn) return zn;
var e, t, n = Un,
r = n.length,
o = "value" in Dn ? Dn.value : Dn.textContent,
i = o.length;
for (e = 0; e < r && n[e] === o[e]; e++);
var a = r - e;
for (t = 1; t <= a && n[r - t] === o[i - t]; t++);
return zn = o.slice(e, 1 < t ? 1 - t : void 0)
function Bn() {
return !0
function Vn() {
return !1
function Wn(e, t, n, r) {
for (var o in this.dispatchConfig = e, this._targetInst = t, this.nativeEvent = n, e = this.constructor.Interface) e.hasOwnProperty(o) && ((t = e[o]) ? this[o] = t(n) : "target" === o ? = r : this[o] = n[o]);
return this.isDefaultPrevented = (null != n.defaultPrevented ? n.defaultPrevented : !1 === n.returnValue) ? Bn : Vn, this.isPropagationStopped = Vn, this
function $n(e, t, n, r) {
if (this.eventPool.length) {
var o = this.eventPool.pop();
return, e, t, n, r), o
return new this(e, t, n, r)
function Hn(e) {
if (!(e instanceof this)) throw Error(a(279));
e.destructor(), 10 > this.eventPool.length && this.eventPool.push(e)
function qn(e) {
e.eventPool = [], e.getPooled = $n, e.release = Hn
o(Wn.prototype, {
preventDefault: function() {
this.defaultPrevented = !0;
var e = this.nativeEvent;
e && (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : "unknown" != typeof e.returnValue && (e.returnValue = !1), this.isDefaultPrevented = Bn)
stopPropagation: function() {
var e = this.nativeEvent;
e && (e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : "unknown" != typeof e.cancelBubble && (e.cancelBubble = !0), this.isPropagationStopped = Bn)
persist: function() {
this.isPersistent = Bn
isPersistent: Vn,
destructor: function() {
var e, t = this.constructor.Interface;
for (e in t) this[e] = null;
this.nativeEvent = this._targetInst = this.dispatchConfig = null, this.isPropagationStopped = this.isDefaultPrevented = Vn, this._dispatchInstances = this._dispatchListeners = null
}), Wn.Interface = {
type: null,
target: null,
currentTarget: function() {
return null
eventPhase: null,
bubbles: null,
cancelable: null,
timeStamp: function(e) {
return e.timeStamp ||
defaultPrevented: null,
isTrusted: null
}, Wn.extend = function(e) {
function t() {}
function n() {
return r.apply(this, arguments)
var r = this;
t.prototype = r.prototype;
var i = new t;
return o(i, n.prototype), n.prototype = i, n.prototype.constructor = n, n.Interface = o({}, r.Interface, e), n.extend = r.extend, qn(n), n
}, qn(Wn);
var Gn = Wn.extend({
data: null
Yn = Wn.extend({
data: null
Kn = [9, 13, 27, 32],
Qn = O && "CompositionEvent" in window,
Xn = null;
O && "documentMode" in document && (Xn = document.documentMode);
var Jn = O && "TextEvent" in window && !Xn,
Zn = O && (!Qn || Xn && 8 < Xn && 11 >= Xn),
er = String.fromCharCode(32),
tr = {
beforeInput: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: "onBeforeInput",
captured: "onBeforeInputCapture"
dependencies: ["compositionend", "keypress", "textInput", "paste"]
compositionEnd: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: "onCompositionEnd",
captured: "onCompositionEndCapture"
dependencies: "blur compositionend keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")
compositionStart: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: "onCompositionStart",
captured: "onCompositionStartCapture"
dependencies: "blur compositionstart keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")
compositionUpdate: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: "onCompositionUpdate",
captured: "onCompositionUpdateCapture"
dependencies: "blur compositionupdate keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")
nr = !1;
function rr(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case "keyup":
return -1 !== Kn.indexOf(t.keyCode);
case "keydown":
return 229 !== t.keyCode;
case "keypress":
case "mousedown":
case "blur":
return !0;
return !1
function or(e) {
return "object" == typeof(e = e.detail) && "data" in e ? : null
var ir = !1,
ar = {
eventTypes: tr,
extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) {
var o;
if (Qn) e: {
switch (e) {
case "compositionstart":
var i = tr.compositionStart;
break e;
case "compositionend":
i = tr.compositionEnd;
break e;
case "compositionupdate":
i = tr.compositionUpdate;
break e
i = void 0
else ir ? rr(e, n) && (i = tr.compositionEnd) : "keydown" === e && 229 === n.keyCode && (i = tr.compositionStart);
return i ? (Zn && "ko" !== n.locale && (ir || i !== tr.compositionStart ? i === tr.compositionEnd && ir && (o = Fn()) : (Un = "value" in (Dn = r) ? Dn.value : Dn.textContent, ir = !0)), i = Gn.getPooled(i, t, n, r), (o || null !== (o = or(n))) && ( = o), Ln(i), o = i) : o = null, (e = Jn ? function(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case "compositionend":
return or(t);
case "keypress":
return 32 !== t.which ? null : (nr = !0, er);
case "textInput":
return (e = === er && nr ? null : e;
return null
}(e, n) : function(e, t) {
if (ir) return "compositionend" === e || !Qn && rr(e, t) ? (e = Fn(), zn = Un = Dn = null, ir = !1, e) : null;
switch (e) {
case "paste":
return null;
case "keypress":
if (!(t.ctrlKey || t.altKey || t.metaKey) || t.ctrlKey && t.altKey) {
if (t.char && 1 < t.char.length) return t.char;
if (t.which) return String.fromCharCode(t.which)
return null;
case "compositionend":
return Zn && "ko" !== t.locale ? null :;
return null
}(e, n)) ? ((t = Yn.getPooled(tr.beforeInput, t, n, r)).data = e, Ln(t)) : t = null, null === o ? t : null === t ? o : [o, t]
ur = {
color: !0,
date: !0,
datetime: !0,
"datetime-local": !0,
email: !0,
month: !0,
number: !0,
password: !0,
range: !0,
search: !0,
tel: !0,
text: !0,
time: !0,
url: !0,
week: !0
function sr(e) {
var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return "input" === t ? !!ur[e.type] : "textarea" === t
var lr = {
change: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: "onChange",
captured: "onChangeCapture"
dependencies: "blur change click focus input keydown keyup selectionchange".split(" ")
function cr(e, t, n) {
return (e = Wn.getPooled(lr.change, e, t, n)).type = "change", R(n), Ln(e), e
var fr = null,
pr = null;
function hr(e) {
function dr(e) {
if (_e(Cn(e))) return e
function mr(e, t) {
if ("change" === e) return t
var vr = !1;
function gr() {
fr && (fr.detachEvent("onpropertychange", yr), pr = fr = null)
function yr(e) {
if ("value" === e.propertyName && dr(pr))
if (e = cr(pr, e, ut(e)), U) at(e);
else {
U = !0;
try {
I(hr, e)
} finally {
U = !1, F()
function br(e, t, n) {
"focus" === e ? (gr(), pr = n, (fr = t).attachEvent("onpropertychange", yr)) : "blur" === e && gr()
function wr(e) {
if ("selectionchange" === e || "keyup" === e || "keydown" === e) return dr(pr)
function _r(e, t) {
if ("click" === e) return dr(t)
function xr(e, t) {
if ("input" === e || "change" === e) return dr(t)
O && (vr = st("input") && (!document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode));
var Er = {
eventTypes: lr,
_isInputEventSupported: vr,
extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) {
var o = t ? Cn(t) : window,
i = o.nodeName && o.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if ("select" === i || "input" === i && "file" === o.type) var a = mr;
else if (sr(o))
if (vr) a = xr;
else {
a = wr;
var u = br
else(i = o.nodeName) && "input" === i.toLowerCase() && ("checkbox" === o.type || "radio" === o.type) && (a = _r);
if (a && (a = a(e, t))) return cr(a, n, r);
u && u(e, o, t), "blur" === e && (e = o._wrapperState) && e.controlled && "number" === o.type && Oe(o, "number", o.value)
Tr = Wn.extend({
view: null,
detail: null
Sr = {
Alt: "altKey",
Control: "ctrlKey",
Meta: "metaKey",
Shift: "shiftKey"
function kr(e) {
var t = this.nativeEvent;
return t.getModifierState ? t.getModifierState(e) : !!(e = Sr[e]) && !!t[e]
function Or() {
return kr
var Cr = 0,
Ar = 0,
Pr = !1,
Mr = !1,
Rr = Tr.extend({
screenX: null,
screenY: null,
clientX: null,
clientY: null,
pageX: null,
pageY: null,
ctrlKey: null,
shiftKey: null,
altKey: null,
metaKey: null,
getModifierState: Or,
button: null,
buttons: null,
relatedTarget: function(e) {
return e.relatedTarget || (e.fromElement === e.srcElement ? e.toElement : e.fromElement)
movementX: function(e) {
if ("movementX" in e) return e.movementX;
var t = Cr;
return Cr = e.screenX, Pr ? "mousemove" === e.type ? e.screenX - t : 0 : (Pr = !0, 0)
movementY: function(e) {
if ("movementY" in e) return e.movementY;
var t = Ar;
return Ar = e.screenY, Mr ? "mousemove" === e.type ? e.screenY - t : 0 : (Mr = !0, 0)
jr = Rr.extend({
pointerId: null,
width: null,
height: null,
pressure: null,
tangentialPressure: null,
tiltX: null,
tiltY: null,
twist: null,
pointerType: null,
isPrimary: null
Ir = {
mouseEnter: {
registrationName: "onMouseEnter",
dependencies: ["mouseout", "mouseover"]
mouseLeave: {
registrationName: "onMouseLeave",
dependencies: ["mouseout", "mouseover"]
pointerEnter: {
registrationName: "onPointerEnter",
dependencies: ["pointerout", "pointerover"]
pointerLeave: {
registrationName: "onPointerLeave",
dependencies: ["pointerout", "pointerover"]
Nr = {
eventTypes: Ir,
extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r, o) {
var i = "mouseover" === e || "pointerover" === e,
a = "mouseout" === e || "pointerout" === e;
if (i && 0 == (32 & o) && (n.relatedTarget || n.fromElement) || !a && !i) return null;
if (i = r.window === r ? r : (i = r.ownerDocument) ? i.defaultView || i.parentWindow : window, a ? (a = t, null !== (t = (t = n.relatedTarget || n.toElement) ? kn(t) : null) && (t !== Je(t) || 5 !== t.tag && 6 !== t.tag) && (t = null)) : a = null, a === t) return null;
if ("mouseout" === e || "mouseover" === e) var u = Rr,
s = Ir.mouseLeave,
l = Ir.mouseEnter,
c = "mouse";
else "pointerout" !== e && "pointerover" !== e || (u = jr, s = Ir.pointerLeave, l = Ir.pointerEnter, c = "pointer");
if (e = null == a ? i : Cn(a), i = null == t ? i : Cn(t), (s = u.getPooled(s, a, n, r)).type = c + "leave", = e, s.relatedTarget = i, (n = u.getPooled(l, t, n, r)).type = c + "enter", = i, n.relatedTarget = e, c = t, (r = a) && c) e: {
for (l = c, a = 0, e = u = r; e; e = Pn(e)) a++;
for (e = 0, t = l; t; t = Pn(t)) e++;
for (; 0 < a - e;) u = Pn(u),
for (; 0 < e - a;) l = Pn(l),
for (; a--;) {
if (u === l || u === l.alternate) break e;
u = Pn(u), l = Pn(l)
u = null
else u = null;
for (l = u, u = []; r && r !== l && (null === (a = r.alternate) || a !== l);) u.push(r), r = Pn(r);
for (r = []; c && c !== l && (null === (a = c.alternate) || a !== l);) r.push(c), c = Pn(c);
for (c = 0; c < u.length; c++) In(u[c], "bubbled", s);
for (c = r.length; 0 < c--;) In(r[c], "captured", n);
return 0 == (64 & o) ? [s] : [s, n]
Lr = "function" == typeof ? : function(e, t) {
return e === t && (0 !== e || 1 / e == 1 / t) || e != e && t != t
Dr = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function Ur(e, t) {
if (Lr(e, t)) return !0;
if ("object" != typeof e || null === e || "object" != typeof t || null === t) return !1;
var n = Object.keys(e),
r = Object.keys(t);
if (n.length !== r.length) return !1;
for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
if (!, n[r]) || !Lr(e[n[r]], t[n[r]])) return !1;
return !0
var zr = O && "documentMode" in document && 11 >= document.documentMode,
Fr = {
select: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: "onSelect",
captured: "onSelectCapture"
dependencies: "blur contextmenu dragend focus keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange".split(" ")
Br = null,
Vr = null,
Wr = null,
$r = !1;
function Hr(e, t) {
var n = t.window === t ? t.document : 9 === t.nodeType ? t : t.ownerDocument;
return $r || null == Br || Br !== ln(n) ? null : (n = "selectionStart" in (n = Br) && hn(n) ? {
start: n.selectionStart,
end: n.selectionEnd
} : {
anchorNode: (n = (n.ownerDocument && n.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getSelection()).anchorNode,
anchorOffset: n.anchorOffset,
focusNode: n.focusNode,
focusOffset: n.focusOffset
}, Wr && Ur(Wr, n) ? null : (Wr = n, (e = Wn.getPooled(, Vr, e, t)).type = "select", = Br, Ln(e), e))
var qr = {
eventTypes: Fr,
extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
if (!(i = !(o = i || (r.window === r ? r.document : 9 === r.nodeType ? r : r.ownerDocument)))) {
e: {
o = Xe(o),
i = S.onSelect;
for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++)
if (!o.has(i[a])) {
o = !1;
break e
o = !0
i = !o
if (i) return null;
switch (o = t ? Cn(t) : window, e) {
case "focus":
(sr(o) || "true" === o.contentEditable) && (Br = o, Vr = t, Wr = null);
case "blur":
Wr = Vr = Br = null;
case "mousedown":
$r = !0;
case "contextmenu":
case "mouseup":
case "dragend":
return $r = !1, Hr(n, r);
case "selectionchange":
if (zr) break;
case "keydown":
case "keyup":
return Hr(n, r)
return null
Gr = Wn.extend({
animationName: null,
elapsedTime: null,
pseudoElement: null
Yr = Wn.extend({
clipboardData: function(e) {
return "clipboardData" in e ? e.clipboardData : window.clipboardData
Kr = Tr.extend({
relatedTarget: null
function Qr(e) {
var t = e.keyCode;
return "charCode" in e ? 0 === (e = e.charCode) && 13 === t && (e = 13) : e = t, 10 === e && (e = 13), 32 <= e || 13 === e ? e : 0
var Xr = {
Esc: "Escape",
Spacebar: " ",
Left: "ArrowLeft",
Up: "ArrowUp",
Right: "ArrowRight",
Down: "ArrowDown",
Del: "Delete",
Win: "OS",
Menu: "ContextMenu",
Apps: "ContextMenu",
Scroll: "ScrollLock",
MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified"
Jr = {
8: "Backspace",
9: "Tab",
12: "Clear",
13: "Enter",
16: "Shift",
17: "Control",
18: "Alt",
19: "Pause",
20: "CapsLock",
27: "Escape",
32: " ",
33: "PageUp",
34: "PageDown",
35: "End",
36: "Home",
37: "ArrowLeft",
38: "ArrowUp",
39: "ArrowRight",
40: "ArrowDown",
45: "Insert",
46: "Delete",
112: "F1",
113: "F2",
114: "F3",
115: "F4",
116: "F5",
117: "F6",
118: "F7",
119: "F8",
120: "F9",
121: "F10",
122: "F11",
123: "F12",
144: "NumLock",
145: "ScrollLock",
224: "Meta"
Zr = Tr.extend({
key: function(e) {
if (e.key) {
var t = Xr[e.key] || e.key;
if ("Unidentified" !== t) return t
return "keypress" === e.type ? 13 === (e = Qr(e)) ? "Enter" : String.fromCharCode(e) : "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? Jr[e.keyCode] || "Unidentified" : ""
location: null,
ctrlKey: null,
shiftKey: null,
altKey: null,
metaKey: null,
repeat: null,
locale: null,
getModifierState: Or,
charCode: function(e) {
return "keypress" === e.type ? Qr(e) : 0
keyCode: function(e) {
return "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0
which: function(e) {
return "keypress" === e.type ? Qr(e) : "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0
eo = Rr.extend({
dataTransfer: null
to = Tr.extend({
touches: null,
targetTouches: null,
changedTouches: null,
altKey: null,
metaKey: null,
ctrlKey: null,
shiftKey: null,
getModifierState: Or
no = Wn.extend({
propertyName: null,
elapsedTime: null,
pseudoElement: null
ro = Rr.extend({
deltaX: function(e) {
return "deltaX" in e ? e.deltaX : "wheelDeltaX" in e ? -e.wheelDeltaX : 0
deltaY: function(e) {
return "deltaY" in e ? e.deltaY : "wheelDeltaY" in e ? -e.wheelDeltaY : "wheelDelta" in e ? -e.wheelDelta : 0
deltaZ: null,
deltaMode: null
oo = {
eventTypes: Lt,
extractEvents: function(e, t, n, r) {
var o = Dt.get(e);
if (!o) return null;
switch (e) {
case "keypress":
if (0 === Qr(n)) return null;
case "keydown":
case "keyup":
e = Zr;
case "blur":
case "focus":
e = Kr;
case "click":
if (2 === n.button) return null;
case "auxclick":
case "dblclick":
case "mousedown":
case "mousemove":
case "mouseup":
case "mouseout":
case "mouseover":
case "contextmenu":
e = Rr;
case "drag":
case "dragend":
case "dragenter":
case "dragexit":
case "dragleave":
case "dragover":
case "dragstart":
case "drop":
e = eo;
case "touchcancel":
case "touchend":
case "touchmove":
case "touchstart":
e = to;
case He:
case qe:
case Ge:
e = Gr;
case Ye:
e = no;
case "scroll":
e = Tr;
case "wheel":
e = ro;
case "copy":
case "cut":
case "paste":
e = Yr;
case "gotpointercapture":
case "lostpointercapture":
case "pointercancel":
case "pointerdown":
case "pointermove":
case "pointerout":
case "pointerover":
case "pointerup":
e = jr;
e = Wn
return Ln(t = e.getPooled(o, t, n, r)), t
if (y) throw Error(a(101));
y ="ResponderEventPlugin SimpleEventPlugin EnterLeaveEventPlugin ChangeEventPlugin SelectEventPlugin BeforeInputEventPlugin".split(" ")), w(), d = An, m = On, v = Cn, k({
SimpleEventPlugin: oo,
EnterLeaveEventPlugin: Nr,
ChangeEventPlugin: Er,
SelectEventPlugin: qr,
BeforeInputEventPlugin: ar
var io = [],
ao = -1;
function uo(e) {
0 > ao || (e.current = io[ao], io[ao] = null, ao--)
function so(e, t) {
ao++, io[ao] = e.current, e.current = t
var lo = {},
co = {
current: lo
fo = {
current: !1
po = lo;
function ho(e, t) {
var n = e.type.contextTypes;
if (!n) return lo;
var r = e.stateNode;
if (r && r.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === t) return r.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;
var o, i = {};
for (o in n) i[o] = t[o];
return r && ((e = e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = t, e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = i), i
function mo(e) {
return null !== (e = e.childContextTypes) && void 0 !== e
function vo() {
uo(fo), uo(co)
function go(e, t, n) {
if (co.current !== lo) throw Error(a(168));
so(co, t), so(fo, n)
function yo(e, t, n) {
var r = e.stateNode;
if (e = t.childContextTypes, "function" != typeof r.getChildContext) return n;
for (var i in r = r.getChildContext())
if (!(i in e)) throw Error(a(108, ve(t) || "Unknown", i));
return o({}, n, {}, r)
function bo(e) {
return e = (e = e.stateNode) && e.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext || lo, po = co.current, so(co, e), so(fo, fo.current), !0
function wo(e, t, n) {
var r = e.stateNode;
if (!r) throw Error(a(169));
n ? (e = yo(e, t, po), r.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = e, uo(fo), uo(co), so(co, e)) : uo(fo), so(fo, n)
var _o = i.unstable_runWithPriority,
xo = i.unstable_scheduleCallback,
Eo = i.unstable_cancelCallback,
To = i.unstable_requestPaint,
So = i.unstable_now,
ko = i.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel,
Oo = i.unstable_ImmediatePriority,
Co = i.unstable_UserBlockingPriority,
Ao = i.unstable_NormalPriority,
Po = i.unstable_LowPriority,
Mo = i.unstable_IdlePriority,
Ro = {},
jo = i.unstable_shouldYield,
Io = void 0 !== To ? To : function() {},
No = null,
Lo = null,
Do = !1,
Uo = So(),
zo = 1e4 > Uo ? So : function() {
return So() - Uo
function Fo() {
switch (ko()) {
case Oo:
return 99;
case Co:
return 98;
case Ao:
return 97;
case Po:
return 96;
case Mo:
return 95;
throw Error(a(332))
function Bo(e) {
switch (e) {
case 99:
return Oo;
case 98:
return Co;
case 97:
return Ao;
case 96:
return Po;
case 95:
return Mo;
throw Error(a(332))
function Vo(e, t) {
return e = Bo(e), _o(e, t)
function Wo(e, t, n) {
return e = Bo(e), xo(e, t, n)
function $o(e) {
return null === No ? (No = [e], Lo = xo(Oo, qo)) : No.push(e), Ro
function Ho() {
if (null !== Lo) {
var e = Lo;
Lo = null, Eo(e)
function qo() {
if (!Do && null !== No) {
Do = !0;
var e = 0;
try {
var t = No;
Vo(99, (function() {
for (; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
do {
n = n(!0)
} while (null !== n)
})), No = null
} catch (t) {
throw null !== No && (No = No.slice(e + 1)), xo(Oo, Ho), t
} finally {
Do = !1
function Go(e, t, n) {
return 1073741821 - (1 + ((1073741821 - e + t / 10) / (n /= 10) | 0)) * n
function Yo(e, t) {
if (e && e.defaultProps)
for (var n in t = o({}, t), e = e.defaultProps) void 0 === t[n] && (t[n] = e[n]);
return t
var Ko = {
current: null
Qo = null,
Xo = null,
Jo = null;
function Zo() {
Jo = Xo = Qo = null
function ei(e) {
var t = Ko.current;
uo(Ko), e.type._context._currentValue = t
function ti(e, t) {
for (; null !== e;) {
var n = e.alternate;
if (e.childExpirationTime < t) e.childExpirationTime = t, null !== n && n.childExpirationTime < t && (n.childExpirationTime = t);
else {
if (!(null !== n && n.childExpirationTime < t)) break;
n.childExpirationTime = t
e = e.return
function ni(e, t) {
Qo = e, Jo = Xo = null, null !== (e = e.dependencies) && null !== e.firstContext && (e.expirationTime >= t && (Aa = !0), e.firstContext = null)
function ri(e, t) {
if (Jo !== e && !1 !== t && 0 !== t)
if ("number" == typeof t && 1073741823 !== t || (Jo = e, t = 1073741823), t = {
context: e,
observedBits: t,
next: null
}, null === Xo) {
if (null === Qo) throw Error(a(308));
Xo = t, Qo.dependencies = {
expirationTime: 0,
firstContext: t,
responders: null
} else Xo = = t;
return e._currentValue
var oi = !1;
function ii(e) {
e.updateQueue = {
baseState: e.memoizedState,
baseQueue: null,
shared: {
pending: null
effects: null
function ai(e, t) {
e = e.updateQueue, t.updateQueue === e && (t.updateQueue = {
baseState: e.baseState,
baseQueue: e.baseQueue,
shared: e.shared,
effects: e.effects
function ui(e, t) {
return (e = {
expirationTime: e,
suspenseConfig: t,
tag: 0,
payload: null,
callback: null,
next: null
}).next = e
function si(e, t) {
if (null !== (e = e.updateQueue)) {
var n = (e = e.shared).pending;
null === n ? = t : ( =, = t), e.pending = t
function li(e, t) {
var n = e.alternate;
null !== n && ai(n, e), null === (n = (e = e.updateQueue).baseQueue) ? (e.baseQueue = = t, = t) : ( =, = t)
function ci(e, t, n, r) {
var i = e.updateQueue;
oi = !1;
var a = i.baseQueue,
u = i.shared.pending;
if (null !== u) {
if (null !== a) {
var s =; =, = s
a = u, i.shared.pending = null, null !== (s = e.alternate) && null !== (s = s.updateQueue) && (s.baseQueue = u)
if (null !== a) {
s =;
var l = i.baseState,
c = 0,
f = null,
p = null,
h = null;
if (null !== s)
for (var d = s;;) {
if ((u = d.expirationTime) < r) {
var m = {
expirationTime: d.expirationTime,
suspenseConfig: d.suspenseConfig,
tag: d.tag,
payload: d.payload,
callback: d.callback,
next: null
null === h ? (p = h = m, f = l) : h = = m, u > c && (c = u)
} else {
null !== h && (h = = {
expirationTime: 1073741823,
suspenseConfig: d.suspenseConfig,
tag: d.tag,
payload: d.payload,
callback: d.callback,
next: null
}), os(u, d.suspenseConfig);
e: {
var v = e,
g = d;
switch (u = t, m = n, g.tag) {
case 1:
if ("function" == typeof(v = g.payload)) {
l =, l, u);
break e
l = v;
break e;
case 3:
v.effectTag = -4097 & v.effectTag | 64;
case 0:
if (null === (u = "function" == typeof(v = g.payload) ?, l, u) : v) || void 0 === u) break e;
l = o({}, l, u);
break e;
case 2:
oi = !0
null !== d.callback && (e.effectTag |= 32, null === (u = i.effects) ? i.effects = [d] : u.push(d))
if (null === (d = || d === s) {
if (null === (u = i.shared.pending)) break;
d = =, = s, i.baseQueue = a = u, i.shared.pending = null
null === h ? f = l : = p, i.baseState = f, i.baseQueue = h, is(c), e.expirationTime = c, e.memoizedState = l
function fi(e, t, n) {
if (e = t.effects, t.effects = null, null !== e)
for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
var r = e[t],
o = r.callback;
if (null !== o) {
if (r.callback = null, r = o, o = n, "function" != typeof r) throw Error(a(191, r));
var pi = Q.ReactCurrentBatchConfig,
hi = (new r.Component).refs;
function di(e, t, n, r) {
n = null === (n = n(r, t = e.memoizedState)) || void 0 === n ? t : o({}, t, n), e.memoizedState = n, 0 === e.expirationTime && (e.updateQueue.baseState = n)
var mi = {
isMounted: function(e) {
return !!(e = e._reactInternalFiber) && Je(e) === e
enqueueSetState: function(e, t, n) {
e = e._reactInternalFiber;
var r = Hu(),
o = pi.suspense;
(o = ui(r = qu(r, e, o), o)).payload = t, null != n && (o.callback = n), si(e, o), Gu(e, r)
enqueueReplaceState: function(e, t, n) {
e = e._reactInternalFiber;
var r = Hu(),
o = pi.suspense;
(o = ui(r = qu(r, e, o), o)).tag = 1, o.payload = t, null != n && (o.callback = n), si(e, o), Gu(e, r)
enqueueForceUpdate: function(e, t) {
e = e._reactInternalFiber;
var n = Hu(),
r = pi.suspense;
(r = ui(n = qu(n, e, r), r)).tag = 2, null != t && (r.callback = t), si(e, r), Gu(e, n)
function vi(e, t, n, r, o, i, a) {
return "function" == typeof(e = e.stateNode).shouldComponentUpdate ? e.shouldComponentUpdate(r, i, a) : !(t.prototype && t.prototype.isPureReactComponent && Ur(n, r) && Ur(o, i))
function gi(e, t, n) {
var r = !1,
o = lo,
i = t.contextType;
return "object" == typeof i && null !== i ? i = ri(i) : (o = mo(t) ? po : co.current, i = (r = null !== (r = t.contextTypes) && void 0 !== r) ? ho(e, o) : lo), t = new t(n, i), e.memoizedState = null !== t.state && void 0 !== t.state ? t.state : null, t.updater = mi, e.stateNode = t, t._reactInternalFiber = e, r && ((e = e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = o, e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = i), t
function yi(e, t, n, r) {
e = t.state, "function" == typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps && t.componentWillReceiveProps(n, r), "function" == typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(n, r), t.state !== e && mi.enqueueReplaceState(t, t.state, null)
function bi(e, t, n, r) {
var o = e.stateNode;
o.props = n, o.state = e.memoizedState, o.refs = hi, ii(e);
var i = t.contextType;
"object" == typeof i && null !== i ? o.context = ri(i) : (i = mo(t) ? po : co.current, o.context = ho(e, i)), ci(e, n, o, r), o.state = e.memoizedState, "function" == typeof(i = t.getDerivedStateFromProps) && (di(e, t, i, n), o.state = e.memoizedState), "function" == typeof t.getDerivedStateFromProps || "function" == typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || "function" != typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && "function" != typeof o.componentWillMount || (t = o.state, "function" == typeof o.componentWillMount && o.componentWillMount(), "function" == typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(), t !== o.state && mi.enqueueReplaceState(o, o.state, null), ci(e, n, o, r), o.state = e.memoizedState), "function" == typeof o.componentDidMount && (e.effectTag |= 4)
var wi = Array.isArray;
function _i(e, t, n) {
if (null !== (e = n.ref) && "function" != typeof e && "object" != typeof e) {
if (n._owner) {
if (n = n._owner) {
if (1 !== n.tag) throw Error(a(309));
var r = n.stateNode
if (!r) throw Error(a(147, e));
var o = "" + e;
return null !== t && null !== t.ref && "function" == typeof t.ref && t.ref._stringRef === o ? t.ref : ((t = function(e) {
var t = r.refs;
t === hi && (t = r.refs = {}), null === e ? delete t[o] : t[o] = e
})._stringRef = o, t)
if ("string" != typeof e) throw Error(a(284));
if (!n._owner) throw Error(a(290, e))
return e
function xi(e, t) {
if ("textarea" !== e.type) throw Error(a(31, "[object Object]" === ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(t).join(", ") + "}" : t, ""))
function Ei(e) {
function t(t, n) {
if (e) {
var r = t.lastEffect;
null !== r ? (r.nextEffect = n, t.lastEffect = n) : t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = n, n.nextEffect = null, n.effectTag = 8
function n(n, r) {
if (!e) return null;
for (; null !== r;) t(n, r), r = r.sibling;
return null
function r(e, t) {
for (e = new Map; null !== t;) null !== t.key ? e.set(t.key, t) : e.set(t.index, t), t = t.sibling;
return e
function o(e, t) {
return (e = Ss(e, t)).index = 0, e.sibling = null, e
function i(t, n, r) {
return t.index = r, e ? null !== (r = t.alternate) ? (r = r.index) < n ? (t.effectTag = 2, n) : r : (t.effectTag = 2, n) : n
function u(t) {
return e && null === t.alternate && (t.effectTag = 2), t
function s(e, t, n, r) {
return null === t || 6 !== t.tag ? ((t = Cs(n, e.mode, r)).return = e, t) : ((t = o(t, n)).return = e, t)
function l(e, t, n, r) {
return null !== t && t.elementType === n.type ? ((r = o(t, n.props)).ref = _i(e, t, n), r.return = e, r) : ((r = ks(n.type, n.key, n.props, null, e.mode, r)).ref = _i(e, t, n), r.return = e, r)
function c(e, t, n, r) {
return null === t || 4 !== t.tag || t.stateNode.containerInfo !== n.containerInfo || t.stateNode.implementation !== n.implementation ? ((t = As(n, e.mode, r)).return = e, t) : ((t = o(t, n.children || [])).return = e, t)
function f(e, t, n, r, i) {
return null === t || 7 !== t.tag ? ((t = Os(n, e.mode, r, i)).return = e, t) : ((t = o(t, n)).return = e, t)
function p(e, t, n) {
if ("string" == typeof t || "number" == typeof t) return (t = Cs("" + t, e.mode, n)).return = e, t;
if ("object" == typeof t && null !== t) {
switch (t.$$typeof) {
case ee:
return (n = ks(t.type, t.key, t.props, null, e.mode, n)).ref = _i(e, null, t), n.return = e, n;
case te:
return (t = As(t, e.mode, n)).return = e, t
if (wi(t) || me(t)) return (t = Os(t, e.mode, n, null)).return = e, t;
xi(e, t)
return null
function h(e, t, n, r) {
var o = null !== t ? t.key : null;
if ("string" == typeof n || "number" == typeof n) return null !== o ? null : s(e, t, "" + n, r);
if ("object" == typeof n && null !== n) {
switch (n.$$typeof) {
case ee:
return n.key === o ? n.type === ne ? f(e, t, n.props.children, r, o) : l(e, t, n, r) : null;
case te:
return n.key === o ? c(e, t, n, r) : null
if (wi(n) || me(n)) return null !== o ? null : f(e, t, n, r, null);
xi(e, n)
return null
function d(e, t, n, r, o) {
if ("string" == typeof r || "number" == typeof r) return s(t, e = e.get(n) || null, "" + r, o);
if ("object" == typeof r && null !== r) {
switch (r.$$typeof) {
case ee:
return e = e.get(null === r.key ? n : r.key) || null, r.type === ne ? f(t, e, r.props.children, o, r.key) : l(t, e, r, o);
case te:
return c(t, e = e.get(null === r.key ? n : r.key) || null, r, o)
if (wi(r) || me(r)) return f(t, e = e.get(n) || null, r, o, null);
xi(t, r)
return null
function m(o, a, u, s) {
for (var l = null, c = null, f = a, m = a = 0, v = null; null !== f && m < u.length; m++) {
f.index > m ? (v = f, f = null) : v = f.sibling;
var g = h(o, f, u[m], s);
if (null === g) {
null === f && (f = v);
e && f && null === g.alternate && t(o, f), a = i(g, a, m), null === c ? l = g : c.sibling = g, c = g, f = v
if (m === u.length) return n(o, f), l;
if (null === f) {
for (; m < u.length; m++) null !== (f = p(o, u[m], s)) && (a = i(f, a, m), null === c ? l = f : c.sibling = f, c = f);
return l
for (f = r(o, f); m < u.length; m++) null !== (v = d(f, o, m, u[m], s)) && (e && null !== v.alternate && f.delete(null === v.key ? m : v.key), a = i(v, a, m), null === c ? l = v : c.sibling = v, c = v);
return e && f.forEach((function(e) {
return t(o, e)
})), l
function v(o, u, s, l) {
var c = me(s);
if ("function" != typeof c) throw Error(a(150));
if (null == (s = throw Error(a(151));
for (var f = c = null, m = u, v = u = 0, g = null, y =; null !== m && !y.done; v++, y = {
m.index > v ? (g = m, m = null) : g = m.sibling;
var b = h(o, m, y.value, l);
if (null === b) {
null === m && (m = g);
e && m && null === b.alternate && t(o, m), u = i(b, u, v), null === f ? c = b : f.sibling = b, f = b, m = g
if (y.done) return n(o, m), c;
if (null === m) {
for (; !y.done; v++, y = null !== (y = p(o, y.value, l)) && (u = i(y, u, v), null === f ? c = y : f.sibling = y, f = y);
return c
for (m = r(o, m); !y.done; v++, y = null !== (y = d(m, o, v, y.value, l)) && (e && null !== y.alternate && m.delete(null === y.key ? v : y.key), u = i(y, u, v), null === f ? c = y : f.sibling = y, f = y);
return e && m.forEach((function(e) {
return t(o, e)
})), c
return function(e, r, i, s) {
var l = "object" == typeof i && null !== i && i.type === ne && null === i.key;
l && (i = i.props.children);
var c = "object" == typeof i && null !== i;
if (c) switch (i.$$typeof) {
case ee:
e: {
for (c = i.key, l = r; null !== l;) {
if (l.key === c) {
switch (l.tag) {
case 7:
if (i.type === ne) {
n(e, l.sibling), (r = o(l, i.props.children)).return = e, e = r;
break e
if (l.elementType === i.type) {
n(e, l.sibling), (r = o(l, i.props)).ref = _i(e, l, i), r.return = e, e = r;
break e
n(e, l);
t(e, l), l = l.sibling
i.type === ne ? ((r = Os(i.props.children, e.mode, s, i.key)).return = e, e = r) : ((s = ks(i.type, i.key, i.props, null, e.mode, s)).ref = _i(e, r, i), s.return = e, e = s)
return u(e);
case te:
e: {
for (l = i.key; null !== r;) {
if (r.key === l) {
if (4 === r.tag && r.stateNode.containerInfo === i.containerInfo && r.stateNode.implementation === i.implementation) {
n(e, r.sibling), (r = o(r, i.children || [])).return = e, e = r;
break e
n(e, r);
t(e, r), r = r.sibling
}(r = As(i, e.mode, s)).return = e,
e = r
return u(e)
if ("string" == typeof i || "number" == typeof i) return i = "" + i, null !== r && 6 === r.tag ? (n(e, r.sibling), (r = o(r, i)).return = e, e = r) : (n(e, r), (r = Cs(i, e.mode, s)).return = e, e = r), u(e);
if (wi(i)) return m(e, r, i, s);
if (me(i)) return v(e, r, i, s);
if (c && xi(e, i), void 0 === i && !l) switch (e.tag) {
case 1:
case 0:
throw e = e.type, Error(a(152, e.displayName || || "Component"))
return n(e, r)
var Ti = Ei(!0),
Si = Ei(!1),
ki = {},
Oi = {
current: ki
Ci = {
current: ki
Ai = {
current: ki
function Pi(e) {
if (e === ki) throw Error(a(174));
return e
function Mi(e, t) {
switch (so(Ai, t), so(Ci, e), so(Oi, ki), e = t.nodeType) {
case 9:
case 11:
t = (t = t.documentElement) ? t.namespaceURI : Ne(null, "");
t = Ne(t = (e = 8 === e ? t.parentNode : t).namespaceURI || null, e = e.tagName)
uo(Oi), so(Oi, t)
function Ri() {
uo(Oi), uo(Ci), uo(Ai)
function ji(e) {
var t = Pi(Oi.current),
n = Ne(t, e.type);
t !== n && (so(Ci, e), so(Oi, n))
function Ii(e) {
Ci.current === e && (uo(Oi), uo(Ci))
var Ni = {
current: 0
function Li(e) {
for (var t = e; null !== t;) {
if (13 === t.tag) {
var n = t.memoizedState;
if (null !== n && (null === (n = n.dehydrated) || "$?" === || "$!" === return t
} else if (19 === t.tag && void 0 !== t.memoizedProps.revealOrder) {
if (0 != (64 & t.effectTag)) return t
} else if (null !== t.child) {
t.child.return = t, t = t.child;
if (t === e) break;
for (; null === t.sibling;) {
if (null === t.return || t.return === e) return null;
t = t.return
t.sibling.return = t.return, t = t.sibling
return null
function Di(e, t) {
return {
responder: e,
props: t
var Ui = Q.ReactCurrentDispatcher,
zi = Q.ReactCurrentBatchConfig,
Fi = 0,
Bi = null,
Vi = null,
Wi = null,
$i = !1;
function Hi() {
throw Error(a(321))
function qi(e, t) {
if (null === t) return !1;
for (var n = 0; n < t.length && n < e.length; n++)
if (!Lr(e[n], t[n])) return !1;
return !0
function Gi(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
if (Fi = i, Bi = t, t.memoizedState = null, t.updateQueue = null, t.expirationTime = 0, Ui.current = null === e || null === e.memoizedState ? va : ga, e = n(r, o), t.expirationTime === Fi) {
i = 0;
do {
if (t.expirationTime = 0, !(25 > i)) throw Error(a(301));
i += 1, Wi = Vi = null, t.updateQueue = null, Ui.current = ya, e = n(r, o)
} while (t.expirationTime === Fi)
if (Ui.current = ma, t = null !== Vi && null !==, Fi = 0, Wi = Vi = Bi = null, $i = !1, t) throw Error(a(300));
return e
function Yi() {
var e = {
memoizedState: null,
baseState: null,
baseQueue: null,
queue: null,
next: null
return null === Wi ? Bi.memoizedState = Wi = e : Wi = = e, Wi
function Ki() {
if (null === Vi) {
var e = Bi.alternate;
e = null !== e ? e.memoizedState : null
} else e =;
var t = null === Wi ? Bi.memoizedState :;
if (null !== t) Wi = t, Vi = e;
else {
if (null === e) throw Error(a(310));
e = {
memoizedState: (Vi = e).memoizedState,
baseState: Vi.baseState,
baseQueue: Vi.baseQueue,
queue: Vi.queue,
next: null
}, null === Wi ? Bi.memoizedState = Wi = e : Wi = = e
return Wi
function Qi(e, t) {
return "function" == typeof t ? t(e) : t
function Xi(e) {
var t = Ki(),
n = t.queue;
if (null === n) throw Error(a(311));
n.lastRenderedReducer = e;
var r = Vi,
o = r.baseQueue,
i = n.pending;
if (null !== i) {
if (null !== o) {
var u =; =, = u
r.baseQueue = o = i, n.pending = null
if (null !== o) {
o =, r = r.baseState;
var s = u = i = null,
l = o;
do {
var c = l.expirationTime;
if (c < Fi) {
var f = {
expirationTime: l.expirationTime,
suspenseConfig: l.suspenseConfig,
action: l.action,
eagerReducer: l.eagerReducer,
eagerState: l.eagerState,
next: null
null === s ? (u = s = f, i = r) : s = = f, c > Bi.expirationTime && (Bi.expirationTime = c, is(c))
} else null !== s && (s = = {
expirationTime: 1073741823,
suspenseConfig: l.suspenseConfig,
action: l.action,
eagerReducer: l.eagerReducer,
eagerState: l.eagerState,
next: null
}), os(c, l.suspenseConfig), r = l.eagerReducer === e ? l.eagerState : e(r, l.action);
l =
} while (null !== l && l !== o);
null === s ? i = r : = u, Lr(r, t.memoizedState) || (Aa = !0), t.memoizedState = r, t.baseState = i, t.baseQueue = s, n.lastRenderedState = r
return [t.memoizedState, n.dispatch]
function Ji(e) {
var t = Ki(),
n = t.queue;
if (null === n) throw Error(a(311));
n.lastRenderedReducer = e;
var r = n.dispatch,
o = n.pending,
i = t.memoizedState;
if (null !== o) {
n.pending = null;
var u = o =;
do {
i = e(i, u.action), u =
} while (u !== o);
Lr(i, t.memoizedState) || (Aa = !0), t.memoizedState = i, null === t.baseQueue && (t.baseState = i), n.lastRenderedState = i
return [i, r]
function Zi(e) {
var t = Yi();
return "function" == typeof e && (e = e()), t.memoizedState = t.baseState = e, e = (e = t.queue = {
pending: null,
dispatch: null,
lastRenderedReducer: Qi,
lastRenderedState: e
}).dispatch = da.bind(null, Bi, e), [t.memoizedState, e]
function ea(e, t, n, r) {
return e = {
tag: e,
create: t,
destroy: n,
deps: r,
next: null
}, null === (t = Bi.updateQueue) ? (t = {
lastEffect: null
}, Bi.updateQueue = t, t.lastEffect = = e) : null === (n = t.lastEffect) ? t.lastEffect = = e : (r =, = e, = r, t.lastEffect = e), e
function ta() {
return Ki().memoizedState
function na(e, t, n, r) {
var o = Yi();
Bi.effectTag |= e, o.memoizedState = ea(1 | t, n, void 0, void 0 === r ? null : r)
function ra(e, t, n, r) {
var o = Ki();
r = void 0 === r ? null : r;
var i = void 0;
if (null !== Vi) {
var a = Vi.memoizedState;
if (i = a.destroy, null !== r && qi(r, a.deps)) return void ea(t, n, i, r)
Bi.effectTag |= e, o.memoizedState = ea(1 | t, n, i, r)
function oa(e, t) {
return na(516, 4, e, t)
function ia(e, t) {
return ra(516, 4, e, t)
function aa(e, t) {
return ra(4, 2, e, t)
function ua(e, t) {
return "function" == typeof t ? (e = e(), t(e), function() {
}) : null != t ? (e = e(), t.current = e, function() {
t.current = null
}) : void 0
function sa(e, t, n) {
return n = null != n ? n.concat([e]) : null, ra(4, 2, ua.bind(null, t, e), n)
function la() {}
function ca(e, t) {
return Yi().memoizedState = [e, void 0 === t ? null : t], e
function fa(e, t) {
var n = Ki();
t = void 0 === t ? null : t;
var r = n.memoizedState;
return null !== r && null !== t && qi(t, r[1]) ? r[0] : (n.memoizedState = [e, t], e)
function pa(e, t) {
var n = Ki();
t = void 0 === t ? null : t;
var r = n.memoizedState;
return null !== r && null !== t && qi(t, r[1]) ? r[0] : (e = e(), n.memoizedState = [e, t], e)
function ha(e, t, n) {
var r = Fo();
Vo(98 > r ? 98 : r, (function() {
})), Vo(97 < r ? 97 : r, (function() {
var r = zi.suspense;
zi.suspense = void 0 === t ? null : t;
try {
e(!1), n()
} finally {
zi.suspense = r
function da(e, t, n) {
var r = Hu(),
o = pi.suspense;
o = {
expirationTime: r = qu(r, e, o),
suspenseConfig: o,
action: n,
eagerReducer: null,
eagerState: null,
next: null
var i = t.pending;
if (null === i ? = o : ( =, = o), t.pending = o, i = e.alternate, e === Bi || null !== i && i === Bi) $i = !0, o.expirationTime = Fi, Bi.expirationTime = Fi;
else {
if (0 === e.expirationTime && (null === i || 0 === i.expirationTime) && null !== (i = t.lastRenderedReducer)) try {
var a = t.lastRenderedState,
u = i(a, n);
if (o.eagerReducer = i, o.eagerState = u, Lr(u, a)) return
} catch (e) {}
Gu(e, r)
var ma = {
readContext: ri,
useCallback: Hi,
useContext: Hi,
useEffect: Hi,
useImperativeHandle: Hi,
useLayoutEffect: Hi,
useMemo: Hi,
useReducer: Hi,
useRef: Hi,
useState: Hi,
useDebugValue: Hi,
useResponder: Hi,
useDeferredValue: Hi,
useTransition: Hi
va = {
readContext: ri,
useCallback: ca,
useContext: ri,
useEffect: oa,
useImperativeHandle: function(e, t, n) {
return n = null != n ? n.concat([e]) : null, na(4, 2, ua.bind(null, t, e), n)
useLayoutEffect: function(e, t) {
return na(4, 2, e, t)
useMemo: function(e, t) {
var n = Yi();
return t = void 0 === t ? null : t, e = e(), n.memoizedState = [e, t], e
useReducer: function(e, t, n) {
var r = Yi();
return t = void 0 !== n ? n(t) : t, r.memoizedState = r.baseState = t, e = (e = r.queue = {
pending: null,
dispatch: null,
lastRenderedReducer: e,
lastRenderedState: t
}).dispatch = da.bind(null, Bi, e), [r.memoizedState, e]
useRef: function(e) {
return e = {
current: e
}, Yi().memoizedState = e
useState: Zi,
useDebugValue: la,
useResponder: Di,
useDeferredValue: function(e, t) {
var n = Zi(e),
r = n[0],
o = n[1];
return oa((function() {
var n = zi.suspense;
zi.suspense = void 0 === t ? null : t;
try {
} finally {
zi.suspense = n
}), [e, t]), r
useTransition: function(e) {
var t = Zi(!1),
n = t[0];
return t = t[1], [ca(ha.bind(null, t, e), [t, e]), n]
ga = {
readContext: ri,
useCallback: fa,
useContext: ri,
useEffect: ia,
useImperativeHandle: sa,
useLayoutEffect: aa,
useMemo: pa,
useReducer: Xi,
useRef: ta,
useState: function() {
return Xi(Qi)
useDebugValue: la,
useResponder: Di,
useDeferredValue: function(e, t) {
var n = Xi(Qi),
r = n[0],
o = n[1];
return ia((function() {
var n = zi.suspense;
zi.suspense = void 0 === t ? null : t;
try {
} finally {
zi.suspense = n
}), [e, t]), r
useTransition: function(e) {
var t = Xi(Qi),
n = t[0];
return t = t[1], [fa(ha.bind(null, t, e), [t, e]), n]
ya = {
readContext: ri,
useCallback: fa,
useContext: ri,
useEffect: ia,
useImperativeHandle: sa,
useLayoutEffect: aa,
useMemo: pa,
useReducer: Ji,
useRef: ta,
useState: function() {
return Ji(Qi)
useDebugValue: la,
useResponder: Di,
useDeferredValue: function(e, t) {
var n = Ji(Qi),
r = n[0],
o = n[1];
return ia((function() {
var n = zi.suspense;
zi.suspense = void 0 === t ? null : t;
try {
} finally {
zi.suspense = n
}), [e, t]), r
useTransition: function(e) {
var t = Ji(Qi),
n = t[0];
return t = t[1], [fa(ha.bind(null, t, e), [t, e]), n]
ba = null,
wa = null,
_a = !1;
function xa(e, t) {
var n = Es(5, null, null, 0);
n.elementType = "DELETED", n.type = "DELETED", n.stateNode = t, n.return = e, n.effectTag = 8, null !== e.lastEffect ? (e.lastEffect.nextEffect = n, e.lastEffect = n) : e.firstEffect = e.lastEffect = n
function Ea(e, t) {
switch (e.tag) {
case 5:
var n = e.type;
return null !== (t = 1 !== t.nodeType || n.toLowerCase() !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? null : t) && (e.stateNode = t, !0);
case 6:
return null !== (t = "" === e.pendingProps || 3 !== t.nodeType ? null : t) && (e.stateNode = t, !0);
case 13:
return !1
function Ta(e) {
if (_a) {
var t = wa;
if (t) {
var n = t;
if (!Ea(e, t)) {
if (!(t = wn(n.nextSibling)) || !Ea(e, t)) return e.effectTag = -1025 & e.effectTag | 2, _a = !1, void(ba = e);
xa(ba, n)
ba = e, wa = wn(t.firstChild)
} else e.effectTag = -1025 & e.effectTag | 2, _a = !1, ba = e
function Sa(e) {
for (e = e.return; null !== e && 5 !== e.tag && 3 !== e.tag && 13 !== e.tag;) e = e.return;
ba = e
function ka(e) {
if (e !== ba) return !1;
if (!_a) return Sa(e), _a = !0, !1;
var t = e.type;
if (5 !== e.tag || "head" !== t && "body" !== t && !gn(t, e.memoizedProps))
for (t = wa; t;) xa(e, t), t = wn(t.nextSibling);
if (Sa(e), 13 === e.tag) {
if (!(e = null !== (e = e.memoizedState) ? e.dehydrated : null)) throw Error(a(317));
e: {
for (e = e.nextSibling, t = 0; e;) {
if (8 === e.nodeType) {
var n =;
if ("/$" === n) {
if (0 === t) {
wa = wn(e.nextSibling);
break e
} else "$" !== n && "$!" !== n && "$?" !== n || t++
e = e.nextSibling
wa = null
} else wa = ba ? wn(e.stateNode.nextSibling) : null;
return !0
function Oa() {
wa = ba = null, _a = !1
var Ca = Q.ReactCurrentOwner,
Aa = !1;
function Pa(e, t, n, r) {
t.child = null === e ? Si(t, null, n, r) : Ti(t, e.child, n, r)
function Ma(e, t, n, r, o) {
n = n.render;
var i = t.ref;
return ni(t, o), r = Gi(e, t, n, r, i, o), null === e || Aa ? (t.effectTag |= 1, Pa(e, t, r, o), t.child) : (t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue, t.effectTag &= -517, e.expirationTime <= o && (e.expirationTime = 0), Ga(e, t, o))
function Ra(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
if (null === e) {
var a = n.type;
return "function" != typeof a || Ts(a) || void 0 !== a.defaultProps || null !== || void 0 !== n.defaultProps ? ((e = ks(n.type, null, r, null, t.mode, i)).ref = t.ref, e.return = t, t.child = e) : (t.tag = 15, t.type = a, ja(e, t, a, r, o, i))
return a = e.child, o < i && (o = a.memoizedProps, (n = null !== (n = ? n : Ur)(o, r) && e.ref === t.ref) ? Ga(e, t, i) : (t.effectTag |= 1, (e = Ss(a, r)).ref = t.ref, e.return = t, t.child = e)
function ja(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
return null !== e && Ur(e.memoizedProps, r) && e.ref === t.ref && (Aa = !1, o < i) ? (t.expirationTime = e.expirationTime, Ga(e, t, i)) : Na(e, t, n, r, i)
function Ia(e, t) {
var n = t.ref;
(null === e && null !== n || null !== e && e.ref !== n) && (t.effectTag |= 128)
function Na(e, t, n, r, o) {
var i = mo(n) ? po : co.current;
return i = ho(t, i), ni(t, o), n = Gi(e, t, n, r, i, o), null === e || Aa ? (t.effectTag |= 1, Pa(e, t, n, o), t.child) : (t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue, t.effectTag &= -517, e.expirationTime <= o && (e.expirationTime = 0), Ga(e, t, o))
function La(e, t, n, r, o) {
if (mo(n)) {
var i = !0;
} else i = !1;
if (ni(t, o), null === t.stateNode) null !== e && (e.alternate = null, t.alternate = null, t.effectTag |= 2), gi(t, n, r), bi(t, n, r, o), r = !0;
else if (null === e) {
var a = t.stateNode,
u = t.memoizedProps;
a.props = u;
var s = a.context,
l = n.contextType;
l = "object" == typeof l && null !== l ? ri(l) : ho(t, l = mo(n) ? po : co.current);
var c = n.getDerivedStateFromProps,
f = "function" == typeof c || "function" == typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate;
f || "function" != typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && "function" != typeof a.componentWillReceiveProps || (u !== r || s !== l) && yi(t, a, r, l), oi = !1;
var p = t.memoizedState;
a.state = p, ci(t, r, a, o), s = t.memoizedState, u !== r || p !== s || fo.current || oi ? ("function" == typeof c && (di(t, n, c, r), s = t.memoizedState), (u = oi || vi(t, n, u, r, p, s, l)) ? (f || "function" != typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && "function" != typeof a.componentWillMount || ("function" == typeof a.componentWillMount && a.componentWillMount(), "function" == typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()), "function" == typeof a.componentDidMount && (t.effectTag |= 4)) : ("function" == typeof a.componentDidMount && (t.effectTag |= 4), t.memoizedProps = r, t.memoizedState = s), a.props = r, a.state = s, a.context = l, r = u) : ("function" == typeof a.componentDidMount && (t.effectTag |= 4), r = !1)
} else a = t.stateNode, ai(e, t), u = t.memoizedProps, a.props = t.type === t.elementType ? u : Yo(t.type, u), s = a.context, l = "object" == typeof(l = n.contextType) && null !== l ? ri(l) : ho(t, l = mo(n) ? po : co.current), (f = "function" == typeof(c = n.getDerivedStateFromProps) || "function" == typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) || "function" != typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && "function" != typeof a.componentWillReceiveProps || (u !== r || s !== l) && yi(t, a, r, l), oi = !1, s = t.memoizedState, a.state = s, ci(t, r, a, o), p = t.memoizedState, u !== r || s !== p || fo.current || oi ? ("function" == typeof c && (di(t, n, c, r), p = t.memoizedState), (c = oi || vi(t, n, u, r, s, p, l)) ? (f || "function" != typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && "function" != typeof a.componentWillUpdate || ("function" == typeof a.componentWillUpdate && a.componentWillUpdate(r, p, l), "function" == typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && a.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(r, p, l)), "function" == typeof a.componentDidUpdate && (t.effectTag |= 4), "function" == typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate && (t.effectTag |= 256)) : ("function" != typeof a.componentDidUpdate || u === e.memoizedProps && s === e.memoizedState || (t.effectTag |= 4), "function" != typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || u === e.memoizedProps && s === e.memoizedState || (t.effectTag |= 256), t.memoizedProps = r, t.memoizedState = p), a.props = r, a.state = p, a.context = l, r = c) : ("function" != typeof a.componentDidUpdate || u === e.memoizedProps && s === e.memoizedState || (t.effectTag |= 4), "function" != typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || u === e.memoizedProps && s === e.memoizedState || (t.effectTag |= 256), r = !1);
return Da(e, t, n, r, i, o)
function Da(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
Ia(e, t);
var a = 0 != (64 & t.effectTag);
if (!r && !a) return o && wo(t, n, !1), Ga(e, t, i);
r = t.stateNode, Ca.current = t;
var u = a && "function" != typeof n.getDerivedStateFromError ? null : r.render();
return t.effectTag |= 1, null !== e && a ? (t.child = Ti(t, e.child, null, i), t.child = Ti(t, null, u, i)) : Pa(e, t, u, i), t.memoizedState = r.state, o && wo(t, n, !0), t.child
function Ua(e) {
var t = e.stateNode;
t.pendingContext ? go(0, t.pendingContext, t.pendingContext !== t.context) : t.context && go(0, t.context, !1), Mi(e, t.containerInfo)
var za, Fa, Ba, Va = {
dehydrated: null,
retryTime: 0
function Wa(e, t, n) {
var r, o = t.mode,
i = t.pendingProps,
a = Ni.current,
u = !1;
if ((r = 0 != (64 & t.effectTag)) || (r = 0 != (2 & a) && (null === e || null !== e.memoizedState)), r ? (u = !0, t.effectTag &= -65) : null !== e && null === e.memoizedState || void 0 === i.fallback || !0 === i.unstable_avoidThisFallback || (a |= 1), so(Ni, 1 & a), null === e) {
if (void 0 !== i.fallback && Ta(t), u) {
if (u = i.fallback, (i = Os(null, o, 0, null)).return = t, 0 == (2 & t.mode))
for (e = null !== t.memoizedState ? t.child.child : t.child, i.child = e; null !== e;) e.return = i, e = e.sibling;
return (n = Os(u, o, n, null)).return = t, i.sibling = n, t.memoizedState = Va, t.child = i, n
return o = i.children, t.memoizedState = null, t.child = Si(t, null, o, n)
if (null !== e.memoizedState) {
if (o = (e = e.child).sibling, u) {
if (i = i.fallback, (n = Ss(e, e.pendingProps)).return = t, 0 == (2 & t.mode) && (u = null !== t.memoizedState ? t.child.child : t.child) !== e.child)
for (n.child = u; null !== u;) u.return = n, u = u.sibling;
return (o = Ss(o, i)).return = t, n.sibling = o, n.childExpirationTime = 0, t.memoizedState = Va, t.child = n, o
return n = Ti(t, e.child, i.children, n), t.memoizedState = null, t.child = n
if (e = e.child, u) {
if (u = i.fallback, (i = Os(null, o, 0, null)).return = t, i.child = e, null !== e && (e.return = i), 0 == (2 & t.mode))
for (e = null !== t.memoizedState ? t.child.child : t.child, i.child = e; null !== e;) e.return = i, e = e.sibling;
return (n = Os(u, o, n, null)).return = t, i.sibling = n, n.effectTag |= 2, i.childExpirationTime = 0, t.memoizedState = Va, t.child = i, n
return t.memoizedState = null, t.child = Ti(t, e, i.children, n)
function $a(e, t) {
e.expirationTime < t && (e.expirationTime = t);
var n = e.alternate;
null !== n && n.expirationTime < t && (n.expirationTime = t), ti(e.return, t)
function Ha(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
var a = e.memoizedState;
null === a ? e.memoizedState = {
isBackwards: t,
rendering: null,
renderingStartTime: 0,
last: r,
tail: n,
tailExpiration: 0,
tailMode: o,
lastEffect: i
} : (a.isBackwards = t, a.rendering = null, a.renderingStartTime = 0, a.last = r, a.tail = n, a.tailExpiration = 0, a.tailMode = o, a.lastEffect = i)
function qa(e, t, n) {
var r = t.pendingProps,
o = r.revealOrder,
i = r.tail;
if (Pa(e, t, r.children, n), 0 != (2 & (r = Ni.current))) r = 1 & r | 2, t.effectTag |= 64;
else {
if (null !== e && 0 != (64 & e.effectTag)) e: for (e = t.child; null !== e;) {
if (13 === e.tag) null !== e.memoizedState && $a(e, n);
else if (19 === e.tag) $a(e, n);
else if (null !== e.child) {
e.child.return = e, e = e.child;
if (e === t) break e;
for (; null === e.sibling;) {
if (null === e.return || e.return === t) break e;
e = e.return
e.sibling.return = e.return, e = e.sibling
r &= 1
if (so(Ni, r), 0 == (2 & t.mode)) t.memoizedState = null;
else switch (o) {
case "forwards":
for (n = t.child, o = null; null !== n;) null !== (e = n.alternate) && null === Li(e) && (o = n), n = n.sibling;
null === (n = o) ? (o = t.child, t.child = null) : (o = n.sibling, n.sibling = null), Ha(t, !1, o, n, i, t.lastEffect);
case "backwards":
for (n = null, o = t.child, t.child = null; null !== o;) {
if (null !== (e = o.alternate) && null === Li(e)) {
t.child = o;
e = o.sibling, o.sibling = n, n = o, o = e
Ha(t, !0, n, null, i, t.lastEffect);
case "together":
Ha(t, !1, null, null, void 0, t.lastEffect);
t.memoizedState = null
return t.child
function Ga(e, t, n) {
null !== e && (t.dependencies = e.dependencies);
var r = t.expirationTime;
if (0 !== r && is(r), t.childExpirationTime < n) return null;
if (null !== e && t.child !== e.child) throw Error(a(153));
if (null !== t.child) {
for (n = Ss(e = t.child, e.pendingProps), t.child = n, n.return = t; null !== e.sibling;) e = e.sibling, (n = n.sibling = Ss(e, e.pendingProps)).return = t;
n.sibling = null
return t.child
function Ya(e, t) {
switch (e.tailMode) {
case "hidden":
t = e.tail;
for (var n = null; null !== t;) null !== t.alternate && (n = t), t = t.sibling;
null === n ? e.tail = null : n.sibling = null;
case "collapsed":
n = e.tail;
for (var r = null; null !== n;) null !== n.alternate && (r = n), n = n.sibling;
null === r ? t || null === e.tail ? e.tail = null : e.tail.sibling = null : r.sibling = null
function Ka(e, t, n) {
var r = t.pendingProps;
switch (t.tag) {
case 2:
case 16:
case 15:
case 0:
case 11:
case 7:
case 8:
case 12:
case 9:
case 14:
return null;
case 1:
return mo(t.type) && vo(), null;
case 3:
return Ri(), uo(fo), uo(co), (n = t.stateNode).pendingContext && (n.context = n.pendingContext, n.pendingContext = null), null !== e && null !== e.child || !ka(t) || (t.effectTag |= 4), null;
case 5:
Ii(t), n = Pi(Ai.current);
var i = t.type;
if (null !== e && null != t.stateNode) Fa(e, t, i, r, n), e.ref !== t.ref && (t.effectTag |= 128);
else {
if (!r) {
if (null === t.stateNode) throw Error(a(166));
return null
if (e = Pi(Oi.current), ka(t)) {
r = t.stateNode, i = t.type;
var u = t.memoizedProps;
switch (r[En] = t, r[Tn] = u, i) {
case "iframe":
case "object":
case "embed":
qt("load", r);
case "video":
case "audio":
for (e = 0; e < Ke.length; e++) qt(Ke[e], r);
case "source":
qt("error", r);
case "img":
case "image":
case "link":
qt("error", r), qt("load", r);
case "form":
qt("reset", r), qt("submit", r);
case "details":
qt("toggle", r);
case "input":
Ee(r, u), qt("invalid", r), un(n, "onChange");
case "select":
r._wrapperState = {
wasMultiple: !!u.multiple
}, qt("invalid", r), un(n, "onChange");
case "textarea":
Me(r, u), qt("invalid", r), un(n, "onChange")
for (var s in rn(i, u), e = null, u)
if (u.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
var l = u[s];
"children" === s ? "string" == typeof l ? r.textContent !== l && (e = ["children", l]) : "number" == typeof l && r.textContent !== "" + l && (e = ["children", "" + l]) : T.hasOwnProperty(s) && null != l && un(n, s)
switch (i) {
case "input":
we(r), ke(r, u, !0);
case "textarea":
we(r), je(r);
case "select":
case "option":
"function" == typeof u.onClick && (r.onclick = sn)
n = e, t.updateQueue = n, null !== n && (t.effectTag |= 4)
} else {
switch (s = 9 === n.nodeType ? n : n.ownerDocument, e === an && (e = Ie(i)), e === an ? "script" === i ? ((e = s.createElement("div")).innerHTML = "<script><\/script>", e = e.removeChild(e.firstChild)) : "string" == typeof ? e = s.createElement(i, {
}) : (e = s.createElement(i), "select" === i && (s = e, r.multiple ? s.multiple = !0 : r.size && (s.size = r.size))) : e = s.createElementNS(e, i), e[En] = t, e[Tn] = r, za(e, t), t.stateNode = e, s = on(i, r), i) {
case "iframe":
case "object":
case "embed":
qt("load", e), l = r;
case "video":
case "audio":
for (l = 0; l < Ke.length; l++) qt(Ke[l], e);
l = r;
case "source":
qt("error", e), l = r;
case "img":
case "image":
case "link":
qt("error", e), qt("load", e), l = r;
case "form":
qt("reset", e), qt("submit", e), l = r;
case "details":
qt("toggle", e), l = r;
case "input":
Ee(e, r), l = xe(e, r), qt("invalid", e), un(n, "onChange");
case "option":
l = Ce(e, r);
case "select":
e._wrapperState = {
wasMultiple: !!r.multiple
}, l = o({}, r, {
value: void 0
}), qt("invalid", e), un(n, "onChange");
case "textarea":
Me(e, r), l = Pe(e, r), qt("invalid", e), un(n, "onChange");
l = r
rn(i, l);
var c = l;
for (u in c)
if (c.hasOwnProperty(u)) {
var f = c[u];
"style" === u ? tn(e, f) : "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === u ? null != (f = f ? f.__html : void 0) && Ue(e, f) : "children" === u ? "string" == typeof f ? ("textarea" !== i || "" !== f) && ze(e, f) : "number" == typeof f && ze(e, "" + f) : "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== u && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== u && "autoFocus" !== u && (T.hasOwnProperty(u) ? null != f && un(n, u) : null != f && X(e, u, f, s))
switch (i) {
case "input":
we(e), ke(e, r, !1);
case "textarea":
we(e), je(e);
case "option":
null != r.value && e.setAttribute("value", "" + ye(r.value));
case "select":
e.multiple = !!r.multiple, null != (n = r.value) ? Ae(e, !!r.multiple, n, !1) : null != r.defaultValue && Ae(e, !!r.multiple, r.defaultValue, !0);
"function" == typeof l.onClick && (e.onclick = sn)
vn(i, r) && (t.effectTag |= 4)
null !== t.ref && (t.effectTag |= 128)
return null;
case 6:
if (e && null != t.stateNode) Ba(0, t, e.memoizedProps, r);
else {
if ("string" != typeof r && null === t.stateNode) throw Error(a(166));
n = Pi(Ai.current), Pi(Oi.current), ka(t) ? (n = t.stateNode, r = t.memoizedProps, n[En] = t, n.nodeValue !== r && (t.effectTag |= 4)) : ((n = (9 === n.nodeType ? n : n.ownerDocument).createTextNode(r))[En] = t, t.stateNode = n)
return null;
case 13:
return uo(Ni), r = t.memoizedState, 0 != (64 & t.effectTag) ? (t.expirationTime = n, t) : (n = null !== r, r = !1, null === e ? void 0 !== t.memoizedProps.fallback && ka(t) : (r = null !== (i = e.memoizedState), n || null === i || null !== (i = e.child.sibling) && (null !== (u = t.firstEffect) ? (t.firstEffect = i, i.nextEffect = u) : (t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = i, i.nextEffect = null), i.effectTag = 8)), n && !r && 0 != (2 & t.mode) && (null === e && !0 !== t.memoizedProps.unstable_avoidThisFallback || 0 != (1 & Ni.current) ? ku === bu && (ku = wu) : (ku !== bu && ku !== wu || (ku = _u), 0 !== Mu && null !== Eu && (Rs(Eu, Su), js(Eu, Mu)))), (n || r) && (t.effectTag |= 4), null);
case 4:
return Ri(), null;
case 10:
return ei(t), null;
case 17:
return mo(t.type) && vo(), null;
case 19:
if (uo(Ni), null === (r = t.memoizedState)) return null;
if (i = 0 != (64 & t.effectTag), null === (u = r.rendering)) {
if (i) Ya(r, !1);
else if (ku !== bu || null !== e && 0 != (64 & e.effectTag))
for (u = t.child; null !== u;) {
if (null !== (e = Li(u))) {
for (t.effectTag |= 64, Ya(r, !1), null !== (i = e.updateQueue) && (t.updateQueue = i, t.effectTag |= 4), null === r.lastEffect && (t.firstEffect = null), t.lastEffect = r.lastEffect, r = t.child; null !== r;) u = n, (i = r).effectTag &= 2, i.nextEffect = null, i.firstEffect = null, i.lastEffect = null, null === (e = i.alternate) ? (i.childExpirationTime = 0, i.expirationTime = u, i.child = null, i.memoizedProps = null, i.memoizedState = null, i.updateQueue = null, i.dependencies = null) : (i.childExpirationTime = e.childExpirationTime, i.expirationTime = e.expirationTime, i.child = e.child, i.memoizedProps = e.memoizedProps, i.memoizedState = e.memoizedState, i.updateQueue = e.updateQueue, u = e.dependencies, i.dependencies = null === u ? null : {
expirationTime: u.expirationTime,
firstContext: u.firstContext,
responders: u.responders
}), r = r.sibling;
return so(Ni, 1 & Ni.current | 2), t.child
u = u.sibling
} else {
if (!i)
if (null !== (e = Li(u))) {
if (t.effectTag |= 64, i = !0, null !== (n = e.updateQueue) && (t.updateQueue = n, t.effectTag |= 4), Ya(r, !0), null === r.tail && "hidden" === r.tailMode && !u.alternate) return null !== (t = t.lastEffect = r.lastEffect) && (t.nextEffect = null), null
} else 2 * zo() - r.renderingStartTime > r.tailExpiration && 1 < n && (t.effectTag |= 64, i = !0, Ya(r, !1), t.expirationTime = t.childExpirationTime = n - 1);
r.isBackwards ? (u.sibling = t.child, t.child = u) : (null !== (n = r.last) ? n.sibling = u : t.child = u, r.last = u)
return null !== r.tail ? (0 === r.tailExpiration && (r.tailExpiration = zo() + 500), n = r.tail, r.rendering = n, r.tail = n.sibling, r.lastEffect = t.lastEffect, r.renderingStartTime = zo(), n.sibling = null, t = Ni.current, so(Ni, i ? 1 & t | 2 : 1 & t), n) : null
throw Error(a(156, t.tag))
function Qa(e) {
switch (e.tag) {
case 1:
mo(e.type) && vo();
var t = e.effectTag;
return 4096 & t ? (e.effectTag = -4097 & t | 64, e) : null;
case 3:
if (Ri(), uo(fo), uo(co), 0 != (64 & (t = e.effectTag))) throw Error(a(285));
return e.effectTag = -4097 & t | 64, e;
case 5:
return Ii(e), null;
case 13:
return uo(Ni), 4096 & (t = e.effectTag) ? (e.effectTag = -4097 & t | 64, e) : null;
case 19:
return uo(Ni), null;
case 4:
return Ri(), null;
case 10:
return ei(e), null;
return null
function Xa(e, t) {
return {
value: e,
source: t,
stack: ge(t)
za = function(e, t) {
for (var n = t.child; null !== n;) {
if (5 === n.tag || 6 === n.tag) e.appendChild(n.stateNode);
else if (4 !== n.tag && null !== n.child) {
n.child.return = n, n = n.child;
if (n === t) break;
for (; null === n.sibling;) {
if (null === n.return || n.return === t) return;
n = n.return
n.sibling.return = n.return, n = n.sibling
}, Fa = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
var a = e.memoizedProps;
if (a !== r) {
var u, s, l = t.stateNode;
switch (Pi(Oi.current), e = null, n) {
case "input":
a = xe(l, a), r = xe(l, r), e = [];
case "option":
a = Ce(l, a), r = Ce(l, r), e = [];
case "select":
a = o({}, a, {
value: void 0
}), r = o({}, r, {
value: void 0
}), e = [];
case "textarea":
a = Pe(l, a), r = Pe(l, r), e = [];
"function" != typeof a.onClick && "function" == typeof r.onClick && (l.onclick = sn)
for (u in rn(n, r), n = null, a)
if (!r.hasOwnProperty(u) && a.hasOwnProperty(u) && null != a[u])
if ("style" === u)
for (s in l = a[u]) l.hasOwnProperty(s) && (n || (n = {}), n[s] = "");
else "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== u && "children" !== u && "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== u && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== u && "autoFocus" !== u && (T.hasOwnProperty(u) ? e || (e = []) : (e = e || []).push(u, null));
for (u in r) {
var c = r[u];
if (l = null != a ? a[u] : void 0, r.hasOwnProperty(u) && c !== l && (null != c || null != l))
if ("style" === u)
if (l) {
for (s in l) !l.hasOwnProperty(s) || c && c.hasOwnProperty(s) || (n || (n = {}), n[s] = "");
for (s in c) c.hasOwnProperty(s) && l[s] !== c[s] && (n || (n = {}), n[s] = c[s])
} else n || (e || (e = []), e.push(u, n)), n = c;
else "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === u ? (c = c ? c.__html : void 0, l = l ? l.__html : void 0, null != c && l !== c && (e = e || []).push(u, c)) : "children" === u ? l === c || "string" != typeof c && "number" != typeof c || (e = e || []).push(u, "" + c) : "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== u && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== u && (T.hasOwnProperty(u) ? (null != c && un(i, u), e || l === c || (e = [])) : (e = e || []).push(u, c))
n && (e = e || []).push("style", n), i = e, (t.updateQueue = i) && (t.effectTag |= 4)
}, Ba = function(e, t, n, r) {
n !== r && (t.effectTag |= 4)
var Ja = "function" == typeof WeakSet ? WeakSet : Set;
function Za(e, t) {
var n = t.source,
r = t.stack;
null === r && null !== n && (r = ge(n)), null !== n && ve(n.type), t = t.value, null !== e && 1 === e.tag && ve(e.type);
try {
} catch (e) {
setTimeout((function() {
throw e
function eu(e) {
var t = e.ref;
if (null !== t)
if ("function" == typeof t) try {
} catch (t) {
gs(e, t)
} else t.current = null
function tu(e, t) {
switch (t.tag) {
case 0:
case 11:
case 15:
case 22:
case 1:
if (256 & t.effectTag && null !== e) {
var n = e.memoizedProps,
r = e.memoizedState;
t = (e = t.stateNode).getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t.elementType === t.type ? n : Yo(t.type, n), r), e.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = t
case 3:
case 5:
case 6:
case 4:
case 17:
throw Error(a(163))
function nu(e, t) {
if (null !== (t = null !== (t = t.updateQueue) ? t.lastEffect : null)) {
var n = t =;
do {
if ((n.tag & e) === e) {
var r = n.destroy;
n.destroy = void 0, void 0 !== r && r()
n =
} while (n !== t)
function ru(e, t) {
if (null !== (t = null !== (t = t.updateQueue) ? t.lastEffect : null)) {
var n = t =;
do {
if ((n.tag & e) === e) {
var r = n.create;
n.destroy = r()
n =
} while (n !== t)
function ou(e, t, n) {
switch (n.tag) {
case 0:
case 11:
case 15:
case 22:
return void ru(3, n);
case 1:
if (e = n.stateNode, 4 & n.effectTag)
if (null === t) e.componentDidMount();
else {
var r = n.elementType === n.type ? t.memoizedProps : Yo(n.type, t.memoizedProps);
e.componentDidUpdate(r, t.memoizedState, e.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate)
return void(null !== (t = n.updateQueue) && fi(n, t, e));
case 3:
if (null !== (t = n.updateQueue)) {
if (e = null, null !== n.child) switch (n.child.tag) {
case 5:
e = n.child.stateNode;
case 1:
e = n.child.stateNode
fi(n, t, e)
case 5:
return e = n.stateNode, void(null === t && 4 & n.effectTag && vn(n.type, n.memoizedProps) && e.focus());
case 6:
case 4:
case 12:
case 13:
return void(null === n.memoizedState && (n = n.alternate, null !== n && (n = n.memoizedState, null !== n && (n = n.dehydrated, null !== n && Nt(n)))));
case 19:
case 17:
case 20:
case 21:
throw Error(a(163))
function iu(e, t, n) {
switch ("function" == typeof _s && _s(t), t.tag) {
case 0:
case 11:
case 14:
case 15:
case 22:
if (null !== (e = t.updateQueue) && null !== (e = e.lastEffect)) {
var r =;
Vo(97 < n ? 97 : n, (function() {
var e = r;
do {
var n = e.destroy;
if (void 0 !== n) {
var o = t;
try {
} catch (e) {
gs(o, e)
e =
} while (e !== r)
case 1:
eu(t), "function" == typeof(n = t.stateNode).componentWillUnmount && function(e, t) {
try {
t.props = e.memoizedProps, t.state = e.memoizedState, t.componentWillUnmount()
} catch (t) {
gs(e, t)
}(t, n);
case 5:
case 4:
lu(e, t, n)
function au(e) {
var t = e.alternate;
e.return = null, e.child = null, e.memoizedState = null, e.updateQueue = null, e.dependencies = null, e.alternate = null, e.firstEffect = null, e.lastEffect = null, e.pendingProps = null, e.memoizedProps = null, e.stateNode = null, null !== t && au(t)
function uu(e) {
return 5 === e.tag || 3 === e.tag || 4 === e.tag
function su(e) {
e: {
for (var t = e.return; null !== t;) {
if (uu(t)) {
var n = t;
break e
t = t.return
throw Error(a(160))
switch (t = n.stateNode, n.tag) {
case 5:
var r = !1;
case 3:
case 4:
t = t.containerInfo, r = !0;
throw Error(a(161))
16 & n.effectTag && (ze(t, ""), n.effectTag &= -17);e: t: for (n = e;;) {
for (; null === n.sibling;) {
if (null === n.return || uu(n.return)) {
n = null;
break e
n = n.return
for (n.sibling.return = n.return, n = n.sibling; 5 !== n.tag && 6 !== n.tag && 18 !== n.tag;) {
if (2 & n.effectTag) continue t;
if (null === n.child || 4 === n.tag) continue t;
n.child.return = n, n = n.child
if (!(2 & n.effectTag)) {
n = n.stateNode;
break e
r ? function e(t, n, r) {
var o = t.tag,
i = 5 === o || 6 === o;
if (i) t = i ? t.stateNode : t.stateNode.instance, n ? 8 === r.nodeType ? r.parentNode.insertBefore(t, n) : r.insertBefore(t, n) : (8 === r.nodeType ? (n = r.parentNode).insertBefore(t, r) : (n = r).appendChild(t), null !== (r = r._reactRootContainer) && void 0 !== r || null !== n.onclick || (n.onclick = sn));
else if (4 !== o && null !== (t = t.child))
for (e(t, n, r), t = t.sibling; null !== t;) e(t, n, r), t = t.sibling
}(e, n, t) : function e(t, n, r) {
var o = t.tag,
i = 5 === o || 6 === o;
if (i) t = i ? t.stateNode : t.stateNode.instance, n ? r.insertBefore(t, n) : r.appendChild(t);
else if (4 !== o && null !== (t = t.child))
for (e(t, n, r), t = t.sibling; null !== t;) e(t, n, r), t = t.sibling
}(e, n, t)
function lu(e, t, n) {
for (var r, o, i = t, u = !1;;) {
if (!u) {
u = i.return;
e: for (;;) {
if (null === u) throw Error(a(160));
switch (r = u.stateNode, u.tag) {
case 5:
o = !1;
break e;
case 3:
case 4:
r = r.containerInfo, o = !0;
break e
u = u.return
u = !0
if (5 === i.tag || 6 === i.tag) {
e: for (var s = e, l = i, c = n, f = l;;)
if (iu(s, f, c), null !== f.child && 4 !== f.tag) f.child.return = f, f = f.child;
else {
if (f === l) break e;
for (; null === f.sibling;) {
if (null === f.return || f.return === l) break e;
f = f.return
f.sibling.return = f.return, f = f.sibling
}o ? (s = r, l = i.stateNode, 8 === s.nodeType ? s.parentNode.removeChild(l) : s.removeChild(l)) : r.removeChild(i.stateNode)
else if (4 === i.tag) {
if (null !== i.child) {
r = i.stateNode.containerInfo, o = !0, i.child.return = i, i = i.child;
} else if (iu(e, i, n), null !== i.child) {
i.child.return = i, i = i.child;
if (i === t) break;
for (; null === i.sibling;) {
if (null === i.return || i.return === t) return;
4 === (i = i.return).tag && (u = !1)
i.sibling.return = i.return, i = i.sibling
function cu(e, t) {
switch (t.tag) {
case 0:
case 11:
case 14:
case 15:
case 22:
return void nu(3, t);
case 1:
case 5:
var n = t.stateNode;
if (null != n) {
var r = t.memoizedProps,
o = null !== e ? e.memoizedProps : r;
e = t.type;
var i = t.updateQueue;
if (t.updateQueue = null, null !== i) {
for (n[Tn] = r, "input" === e && "radio" === r.type && null != && Te(n, r), on(e, o), t = on(e, r), o = 0; o < i.length; o += 2) {
var u = i[o],
s = i[o + 1];
"style" === u ? tn(n, s) : "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === u ? Ue(n, s) : "children" === u ? ze(n, s) : X(n, u, s, t)
switch (e) {
case "input":
Se(n, r);
case "textarea":
Re(n, r);
case "select":
t = n._wrapperState.wasMultiple, n._wrapperState.wasMultiple = !!r.multiple, null != (e = r.value) ? Ae(n, !!r.multiple, e, !1) : t !== !!r.multiple && (null != r.defaultValue ? Ae(n, !!r.multiple, r.defaultValue, !0) : Ae(n, !!r.multiple, r.multiple ? [] : "", !1))
case 6:
if (null === t.stateNode) throw Error(a(162));
return void(t.stateNode.nodeValue = t.memoizedProps);
case 3:
return void((t = t.stateNode).hydrate && (t.hydrate = !1, Nt(t.containerInfo)));
case 12:
case 13:
if (n = t, null === t.memoizedState ? r = !1 : (r = !0, n = t.child, ju = zo()), null !== n) e: for (e = n;;) {
if (5 === e.tag) i = e.stateNode, r ? "function" == typeof(i = ? i.setProperty("display", "none", "important") : i.display = "none" : (i = e.stateNode, o = void 0 !== (o = && null !== o && o.hasOwnProperty("display") ? o.display : null, = en("display", o));
else if (6 === e.tag) e.stateNode.nodeValue = r ? "" : e.memoizedProps;
else {
if (13 === e.tag && null !== e.memoizedState && null === e.memoizedState.dehydrated) {
(i = e.child.sibling).return = e, e = i;
if (null !== e.child) {
e.child.return = e, e = e.child;
if (e === n) break;
for (; null === e.sibling;) {
if (null === e.return || e.return === n) break e;
e = e.return
e.sibling.return = e.return, e = e.sibling
return void fu(t);
case 19:
return void fu(t);
case 17:
throw Error(a(163))
function fu(e) {
var t = e.updateQueue;
if (null !== t) {
e.updateQueue = null;
var n = e.stateNode;
null === n && (n = e.stateNode = new Ja), t.forEach((function(t) {
var r = bs.bind(null, e, t);
n.has(t) || (n.add(t), t.then(r, r))
var pu = "function" == typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map;
function hu(e, t, n) {
(n = ui(n, null)).tag = 3, n.payload = {
element: null
var r = t.value;
return n.callback = function() {
Nu || (Nu = !0, Lu = r), Za(e, t)
}, n
function du(e, t, n) {
(n = ui(n, null)).tag = 3;
var r = e.type.getDerivedStateFromError;
if ("function" == typeof r) {
var o = t.value;
n.payload = function() {
return Za(e, t), r(o)
var i = e.stateNode;
return null !== i && "function" == typeof i.componentDidCatch && (n.callback = function() {
"function" != typeof r && (null === Du ? Du = new Set([this]) : Du.add(this), Za(e, t));
var n = t.stack;
this.componentDidCatch(t.value, {
componentStack: null !== n ? n : ""
}), n
var mu, vu = Math.ceil,
gu = Q.ReactCurrentDispatcher,
yu = Q.ReactCurrentOwner,
bu = 0,
wu = 3,
_u = 4,
xu = 0,
Eu = null,
Tu = null,
Su = 0,
ku = bu,
Ou = null,
Cu = 1073741823,
Au = 1073741823,
Pu = null,
Mu = 0,
Ru = !1,
ju = 0,
Iu = null,
Nu = !1,
Lu = null,
Du = null,
Uu = !1,
zu = null,
Fu = 90,
Bu = null,
Vu = 0,
Wu = null,
$u = 0;
function Hu() {
return 0 != (48 & xu) ? 1073741821 - (zo() / 10 | 0) : 0 !== $u ? $u : $u = 1073741821 - (zo() / 10 | 0)
function qu(e, t, n) {
if (0 == (2 & (t = t.mode))) return 1073741823;
var r = Fo();
if (0 == (4 & t)) return 99 === r ? 1073741823 : 1073741822;
if (0 != (16 & xu)) return Su;
if (null !== n) e = Go(e, 0 | n.timeoutMs || 5e3, 250);
else switch (r) {
case 99:
e = 1073741823;
case 98:
e = Go(e, 150, 100);
case 97:
case 96:
e = Go(e, 5e3, 250);
case 95:
e = 2;
throw Error(a(326))
return null !== Eu && e === Su && --e, e
function Gu(e, t) {
if (50 < Vu) throw Vu = 0, Wu = null, Error(a(185));
if (null !== (e = Yu(e, t))) {
var n = Fo();
1073741823 === t ? 0 != (8 & xu) && 0 == (48 & xu) ? Ju(e) : (Qu(e), 0 === xu && Ho()) : Qu(e), 0 == (4 & xu) || 98 !== n && 99 !== n || (null === Bu ? Bu = new Map([
[e, t]
]) : (void 0 === (n = Bu.get(e)) || n > t) && Bu.set(e, t))
function Yu(e, t) {
e.expirationTime < t && (e.expirationTime = t);
var n = e.alternate;
null !== n && n.expirationTime < t && (n.expirationTime = t);
var r = e.return,
o = null;
if (null === r && 3 === e.tag) o = e.stateNode;
for (; null !== r;) {
if (n = r.alternate, r.childExpirationTime < t && (r.childExpirationTime = t), null !== n && n.childExpirationTime < t && (n.childExpirationTime = t), null === r.return && 3 === r.tag) {
o = r.stateNode;
r = r.return
return null !== o && (Eu === o && (is(t), ku === _u && Rs(o, Su)), js(o, t)), o
function Ku(e) {
var t = e.lastExpiredTime;
if (0 !== t) return t;
if (!Ms(e, t = e.firstPendingTime)) return t;
var n = e.lastPingedTime;
return 2 >= (e = n > (e = e.nextKnownPendingLevel) ? n : e) && t !== e ? 0 : e
function Qu(e) {
if (0 !== e.lastExpiredTime) e.callbackExpirationTime = 1073741823, e.callbackPriority = 99, e.callbackNode = $o(Ju.bind(null, e));
else {
var t = Ku(e),
n = e.callbackNode;
if (0 === t) null !== n && (e.callbackNode = null, e.callbackExpirationTime = 0, e.callbackPriority = 90);
else {
var r = Hu();
if (r = 1073741823 === t ? 99 : 1 === t || 2 === t ? 95 : 0 >= (r = 10 * (1073741821 - t) - 10 * (1073741821 - r)) ? 99 : 250 >= r ? 98 : 5250 >= r ? 97 : 95, null !== n) {
var o = e.callbackPriority;
if (e.callbackExpirationTime === t && o >= r) return;
n !== Ro && Eo(n)
e.callbackExpirationTime = t, e.callbackPriority = r, t = 1073741823 === t ? $o(Ju.bind(null, e)) : Wo(r, Xu.bind(null, e), {
timeout: 10 * (1073741821 - t) - zo()
}), e.callbackNode = t
function Xu(e, t) {
if ($u = 0, t) return Is(e, t = Hu()), Qu(e), null;
var n = Ku(e);
if (0 !== n) {
if (t = e.callbackNode, 0 != (48 & xu)) throw Error(a(327));
if (ds(), e === Eu && n === Su || ts(e, n), null !== Tu) {
var r = xu;
xu |= 16;
for (var o = rs();;) try {
} catch (t) {
ns(e, t)
if (Zo(), xu = r, gu.current = o, 1 === ku) throw t = Ou, ts(e, n), Rs(e, n), Qu(e), t;
if (null === Tu) switch (o = e.finishedWork = e.current.alternate, e.finishedExpirationTime = n, r = ku, Eu = null, r) {
case bu:
case 1:
throw Error(a(345));
case 2:
Is(e, 2 < n ? 2 : n);
case wu:
if (Rs(e, n), n === (r = e.lastSuspendedTime) && (e.nextKnownPendingLevel = cs(o)), 1073741823 === Cu && 10 < (o = ju + 500 - zo())) {
if (Ru) {
var i = e.lastPingedTime;
if (0 === i || i >= n) {
e.lastPingedTime = n, ts(e, n);
if (0 !== (i = Ku(e)) && i !== n) break;
if (0 !== r && r !== n) {
e.lastPingedTime = r;
e.timeoutHandle = yn(fs.bind(null, e), o);
case _u:
if (Rs(e, n), n === (r = e.lastSuspendedTime) && (e.nextKnownPendingLevel = cs(o)), Ru && (0 === (o = e.lastPingedTime) || o >= n)) {
e.lastPingedTime = n, ts(e, n);
if (0 !== (o = Ku(e)) && o !== n) break;
if (0 !== r && r !== n) {
e.lastPingedTime = r;
if (1073741823 !== Au ? r = 10 * (1073741821 - Au) - zo() : 1073741823 === Cu ? r = 0 : (r = 10 * (1073741821 - Cu) - 5e3, 0 > (r = (o = zo()) - r) && (r = 0), (n = 10 * (1073741821 - n) - o) < (r = (120 > r ? 120 : 480 > r ? 480 : 1080 > r ? 1080 : 1920 > r ? 1920 : 3e3 > r ? 3e3 : 4320 > r ? 4320 : 1960 * vu(r / 1960)) - r) && (r = n)), 10 < r) {
e.timeoutHandle = yn(fs.bind(null, e), r);
case 5:
if (1073741823 !== Cu && null !== Pu) {
i = Cu;
var u = Pu;
if (0 >= (r = 0 | u.busyMinDurationMs) ? r = 0 : (o = 0 | u.busyDelayMs, r = (i = zo() - (10 * (1073741821 - i) - (0 | u.timeoutMs || 5e3))) <= o ? 0 : o + r - i), 10 < r) {
Rs(e, n), e.timeoutHandle = yn(fs.bind(null, e), r);
throw Error(a(329))
if (Qu(e), e.callbackNode === t) return Xu.bind(null, e)
return null
function Ju(e) {
var t = e.lastExpiredTime;
if (t = 0 !== t ? t : 1073741823, 0 != (48 & xu)) throw Error(a(327));
if (ds(), e === Eu && t === Su || ts(e, t), null !== Tu) {
var n = xu;
xu |= 16;
for (var r = rs();;) try {
} catch (t) {
ns(e, t)
if (Zo(), xu = n, gu.current = r, 1 === ku) throw n = Ou, ts(e, t), Rs(e, t), Qu(e), n;
if (null !== Tu) throw Error(a(261));
e.finishedWork = e.current.alternate, e.finishedExpirationTime = t, Eu = null, fs(e), Qu(e)
return null
function Zu(e, t) {
var n = xu;
xu |= 1;
try {
return e(t)
} finally {
0 === (xu = n) && Ho()
function es(e, t) {
var n = xu;
xu &= -2, xu |= 8;
try {
return e(t)
} finally {
0 === (xu = n) && Ho()
function ts(e, t) {
e.finishedWork = null, e.finishedExpirationTime = 0;
var n = e.timeoutHandle;
if (-1 !== n && (e.timeoutHandle = -1, bn(n)), null !== Tu)
for (n = Tu.return; null !== n;) {
var r = n;
switch (r.tag) {
case 1:
null !== (r = r.type.childContextTypes) && void 0 !== r && vo();
case 3:
Ri(), uo(fo), uo(co);
case 5:
case 4:
case 13:
case 19:
case 10:
n = n.return
Eu = e, Tu = Ss(e.current, null), Su = t, ku = bu, Ou = null, Au = Cu = 1073741823, Pu = null, Mu = 0, Ru = !1
function ns(e, t) {
for (;;) {
try {
if (Zo(), Ui.current = ma, $i)
for (var n = Bi.memoizedState; null !== n;) {
var r = n.queue;
null !== r && (r.pending = null), n =
if (Fi = 0, Wi = Vi = Bi = null, $i = !1, null === Tu || null === Tu.return) return ku = 1, Ou = t, Tu = null;
e: {
var o = e,
i = Tu.return,
a = Tu,
u = t;
if (t = Su, a.effectTag |= 2048, a.firstEffect = a.lastEffect = null, null !== u && "object" == typeof u && "function" == typeof u.then) {
var s = u;
if (0 == (2 & a.mode)) {
var l = a.alternate;
l ? (a.updateQueue = l.updateQueue, a.memoizedState = l.memoizedState, a.expirationTime = l.expirationTime) : (a.updateQueue = null, a.memoizedState = null)
var c = 0 != (1 & Ni.current),
f = i;
do {
var p;
if (p = 13 === f.tag) {
var h = f.memoizedState;
if (null !== h) p = null !== h.dehydrated;
else {
var d = f.memoizedProps;
p = void 0 !== d.fallback && (!0 !== d.unstable_avoidThisFallback || !c)
if (p) {
var m = f.updateQueue;
if (null === m) {
var v = new Set;
v.add(s), f.updateQueue = v
} else m.add(s);
if (0 == (2 & f.mode)) {
if (f.effectTag |= 64, a.effectTag &= -2981, 1 === a.tag)
if (null === a.alternate) a.tag = 17;
else {
var g = ui(1073741823, null);
g.tag = 2, si(a, g)
a.expirationTime = 1073741823;
break e
u = void 0, a = t;
var y = o.pingCache;
if (null === y ? (y = o.pingCache = new pu, u = new Set, y.set(s, u)) : void 0 === (u = y.get(s)) && (u = new Set, y.set(s, u)), !u.has(a)) {
var b = ys.bind(null, o, s, a);
s.then(b, b)
f.effectTag |= 4096, f.expirationTime = t;
break e
f = f.return
} while (null !== f);
u = Error((ve(a.type) || "A React component") + " suspended while rendering, but no fallback UI was specified.\n\nAdd a <Suspense fallback=...> component higher in the tree to provide a loading indicator or placeholder to display." + ge(a))
5 !== ku && (ku = 2),
u = Xa(u, a),
f = i;do {
switch (f.tag) {
case 3:
s = u, f.effectTag |= 4096, f.expirationTime = t, li(f, hu(f, s, t));
break e;
case 1:
s = u;
var w = f.type,
_ = f.stateNode;
if (0 == (64 & f.effectTag) && ("function" == typeof w.getDerivedStateFromError || null !== _ && "function" == typeof _.componentDidCatch && (null === Du || !Du.has(_)))) {
f.effectTag |= 4096, f.expirationTime = t, li(f, du(f, s, t));
break e
f = f.return
} while (null !== f)
Tu = ls(Tu)
} catch (e) {
t = e;
function rs() {
var e = gu.current;
return gu.current = ma, null === e ? ma : e
function os(e, t) {
e < Cu && 2 < e && (Cu = e), null !== t && e < Au && 2 < e && (Au = e, Pu = t)
function is(e) {
e > Mu && (Mu = e)
function as() {
for (; null !== Tu;) Tu = ss(Tu)
function us() {
for (; null !== Tu && !jo();) Tu = ss(Tu)
function ss(e) {
var t = mu(e.alternate, e, Su);
return e.memoizedProps = e.pendingProps, null === t && (t = ls(e)), yu.current = null, t
function ls(e) {
Tu = e;
do {
var t = Tu.alternate;
if (e = Tu.return, 0 == (2048 & Tu.effectTag)) {
if (t = Ka(t, Tu, Su), 1 === Su || 1 !== Tu.childExpirationTime) {
for (var n = 0, r = Tu.child; null !== r;) {
var o = r.expirationTime,
i = r.childExpirationTime;
o > n && (n = o), i > n && (n = i), r = r.sibling
Tu.childExpirationTime = n
if (null !== t) return t;
null !== e && 0 == (2048 & e.effectTag) && (null === e.firstEffect && (e.firstEffect = Tu.firstEffect), null !== Tu.lastEffect && (null !== e.lastEffect && (e.lastEffect.nextEffect = Tu.firstEffect), e.lastEffect = Tu.lastEffect), 1 < Tu.effectTag && (null !== e.lastEffect ? e.lastEffect.nextEffect = Tu : e.firstEffect = Tu, e.lastEffect = Tu))
} else {
if (null !== (t = Qa(Tu))) return t.effectTag &= 2047, t;
null !== e && (e.firstEffect = e.lastEffect = null, e.effectTag |= 2048)
if (null !== (t = Tu.sibling)) return t;
Tu = e
} while (null !== Tu);
return ku === bu && (ku = 5), null
function cs(e) {
var t = e.expirationTime;
return t > (e = e.childExpirationTime) ? t : e
function fs(e) {
var t = Fo();
return Vo(99, ps.bind(null, e, t)), null
function ps(e, t) {
do {
} while (null !== zu);
if (0 != (48 & xu)) throw Error(a(327));
var n = e.finishedWork,
r = e.finishedExpirationTime;
if (null === n) return null;
if (e.finishedWork = null, e.finishedExpirationTime = 0, n === e.current) throw Error(a(177));
e.callbackNode = null, e.callbackExpirationTime = 0, e.callbackPriority = 90, e.nextKnownPendingLevel = 0;
var o = cs(n);
if (e.firstPendingTime = o, r <= e.lastSuspendedTime ? e.firstSuspendedTime = e.lastSuspendedTime = e.nextKnownPendingLevel = 0 : r <= e.firstSuspendedTime && (e.firstSuspendedTime = r - 1), r <= e.lastPingedTime && (e.lastPingedTime = 0), r <= e.lastExpiredTime && (e.lastExpiredTime = 0), e === Eu && (Tu = Eu = null, Su = 0), 1 < n.effectTag ? null !== n.lastEffect ? (n.lastEffect.nextEffect = n, o = n.firstEffect) : o = n : o = n.firstEffect, null !== o) {
var i = xu;
xu |= 32, yu.current = null, dn = Ht;
var u = pn();
if (hn(u)) {
if ("selectionStart" in u) var s = {
start: u.selectionStart,
end: u.selectionEnd
else e: {
var l = (s = (s = u.ownerDocument) && s.defaultView || window).getSelection && s.getSelection();
if (l && 0 !== l.rangeCount) {
s = l.anchorNode;
var c = l.anchorOffset,
f = l.focusNode;
l = l.focusOffset;
try {
s.nodeType, f.nodeType
} catch (e) {
s = null;
break e
var p = 0,
h = -1,
d = -1,
m = 0,
v = 0,
g = u,
y = null;
t: for (;;) {
for (var b; g !== s || 0 !== c && 3 !== g.nodeType || (h = p + c), g !== f || 0 !== l && 3 !== g.nodeType || (d = p + l), 3 === g.nodeType && (p += g.nodeValue.length), null !== (b = g.firstChild);) y = g, g = b;
for (;;) {
if (g === u) break t;
if (y === s && ++m === c && (h = p), y === f && ++v === l && (d = p), null !== (b = g.nextSibling)) break;
y = (g = y).parentNode
g = b
s = -1 === h || -1 === d ? null : {
start: h,
end: d
} else s = null
s = s || {
start: 0,
end: 0
} else s = null;
mn = {
activeElementDetached: null,
focusedElem: u,
selectionRange: s
}, Ht = !1, Iu = o;
do {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (null === Iu) throw Error(a(330));
gs(Iu, e), Iu = Iu.nextEffect
} while (null !== Iu);
Iu = o;
do {
try {
for (u = e, s = t; null !== Iu;) {
var w = Iu.effectTag;
if (16 & w && ze(Iu.stateNode, ""), 128 & w) {
var _ = Iu.alternate;
if (null !== _) {
var x = _.ref;
null !== x && ("function" == typeof x ? x(null) : x.current = null)
switch (1038 & w) {
case 2:
su(Iu), Iu.effectTag &= -3;
case 6:
su(Iu), Iu.effectTag &= -3, cu(Iu.alternate, Iu);
case 1024:
Iu.effectTag &= -1025;
case 1028:
Iu.effectTag &= -1025, cu(Iu.alternate, Iu);
case 4:
cu(Iu.alternate, Iu);
case 8:
lu(u, c = Iu, s), au(c)
Iu = Iu.nextEffect
} catch (e) {
if (null === Iu) throw Error(a(330));
gs(Iu, e), Iu = Iu.nextEffect
} while (null !== Iu);
if (x = mn, _ = pn(), w = x.focusedElem, s = x.selectionRange, _ !== w && w && w.ownerDocument && function e(t, n) {
return !(!t || !n) && (t === n || (!t || 3 !== t.nodeType) && (n && 3 === n.nodeType ? e(t, n.parentNode) : "contains" in t ? t.contains(n) : !!t.compareDocumentPosition && !!(16 & t.compareDocumentPosition(n))))
}(w.ownerDocument.documentElement, w)) {
null !== s && hn(w) && (_ = s.start, void 0 === (x = s.end) && (x = _), "selectionStart" in w ? (w.selectionStart = _, w.selectionEnd = Math.min(x, w.value.length)) : (x = (_ = w.ownerDocument || document) && _.defaultView || window).getSelection && (x = x.getSelection(), c = w.textContent.length, u = Math.min(s.start, c), s = void 0 === s.end ? u : Math.min(s.end, c), !x.extend && u > s && (c = s, s = u, u = c), c = fn(w, u), f = fn(w, s), c && f && (1 !== x.rangeCount || x.anchorNode !== c.node || x.anchorOffset !== c.offset || x.focusNode !== f.node || x.focusOffset !== f.offset) && ((_ = _.createRange()).setStart(c.node, c.offset), x.removeAllRanges(), u > s ? (x.addRange(_), x.extend(f.node, f.offset)) : (_.setEnd(f.node, f.offset), x.addRange(_))))), _ = [];
for (x = w; x = x.parentNode;) 1 === x.nodeType && _.push({
element: x,
left: x.scrollLeft,
top: x.scrollTop
for ("function" == typeof w.focus && w.focus(), w = 0; w < _.length; w++)(x = _[w]).element.scrollLeft = x.left, x.element.scrollTop =
Ht = !!dn, mn = dn = null, e.current = n, Iu = o;
do {
try {
for (w = e; null !== Iu;) {
var E = Iu.effectTag;
if (36 & E && ou(w, Iu.alternate, Iu), 128 & E) {
_ = void 0;
var T = Iu.ref;
if (null !== T) {
var S = Iu.stateNode;
switch (Iu.tag) {
case 5:
_ = S;
_ = S
"function" == typeof T ? T(_) : T.current = _
Iu = Iu.nextEffect
} catch (e) {
if (null === Iu) throw Error(a(330));
gs(Iu, e), Iu = Iu.nextEffect
} while (null !== Iu);
Iu = null, Io(), xu = i
} else e.current = n;
if (Uu) Uu = !1, zu = e, Fu = t;
for (Iu = o; null !== Iu;) t = Iu.nextEffect, Iu.nextEffect = null, Iu = t;
if (0 === (t = e.firstPendingTime) && (Du = null), 1073741823 === t ? e === Wu ? Vu++ : (Vu = 0, Wu = e) : Vu = 0, "function" == typeof ws && ws(n.stateNode, r), Qu(e), Nu) throw Nu = !1, e = Lu, Lu = null, e;
return 0 != (8 & xu) || Ho(), null
function hs() {
for (; null !== Iu;) {
var e = Iu.effectTag;
0 != (256 & e) && tu(Iu.alternate, Iu), 0 == (512 & e) || Uu || (Uu = !0, Wo(97, (function() {
return ds(), null
}))), Iu = Iu.nextEffect
function ds() {
if (90 !== Fu) {
var e = 97 < Fu ? 97 : Fu;
return Fu = 90, Vo(e, ms)
function ms() {
if (null === zu) return !1;
var e = zu;
if (zu = null, 0 != (48 & xu)) throw Error(a(331));
var t = xu;
for (xu |= 32, e = e.current.firstEffect; null !== e;) {
try {
var n = e;
if (0 != (512 & n.effectTag)) switch (n.tag) {
case 0:
case 11:
case 15:
case 22:
nu(5, n), ru(5, n)
} catch (t) {
if (null === e) throw Error(a(330));
gs(e, t)
n = e.nextEffect, e.nextEffect = null, e = n
return xu = t, Ho(), !0
function vs(e, t, n) {
si(e, t = hu(e, t = Xa(n, t), 1073741823)), null !== (e = Yu(e, 1073741823)) && Qu(e)
function gs(e, t) {
if (3 === e.tag) vs(e, e, t);
for (var n = e.return; null !== n;) {
if (3 === n.tag) {
vs(n, e, t);
if (1 === n.tag) {
var r = n.stateNode;
if ("function" == typeof n.type.getDerivedStateFromError || "function" == typeof r.componentDidCatch && (null === Du || !Du.has(r))) {
si(n, e = du(n, e = Xa(t, e), 1073741823)), null !== (n = Yu(n, 1073741823)) && Qu(n);
n = n.return
function ys(e, t, n) {
var r = e.pingCache;
null !== r && r.delete(t), Eu === e && Su === n ? ku === _u || ku === wu && 1073741823 === Cu && zo() - ju < 500 ? ts(e, Su) : Ru = !0 : Ms(e, n) && (0 !== (t = e.lastPingedTime) && t < n || (e.lastPingedTime = n, Qu(e)))
function bs(e, t) {
var n = e.stateNode;
null !== n && n.delete(t), 0 == (t = 0) && (t = qu(t = Hu(), e, null)), null !== (e = Yu(e, t)) && Qu(e)
mu = function(e, t, n) {
var r = t.expirationTime;
if (null !== e) {
var o = t.pendingProps;
if (e.memoizedProps !== o || fo.current) Aa = !0;
else {
if (r < n) {
switch (Aa = !1, t.tag) {
case 3:
Ua(t), Oa();
case 5:
if (ji(t), 4 & t.mode && 1 !== n && o.hidden) return t.expirationTime = t.childExpirationTime = 1, null;
case 1:
mo(t.type) && bo(t);
case 4:
Mi(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo);
case 10:
r = t.memoizedProps.value, o = t.type._context, so(Ko, o._currentValue), o._currentValue = r;
case 13:
if (null !== t.memoizedState) return 0 !== (r = t.child.childExpirationTime) && r >= n ? Wa(e, t, n) : (so(Ni, 1 & Ni.current), null !== (t = Ga(e, t, n)) ? t.sibling : null);
so(Ni, 1 & Ni.current);
case 19:
if (r = t.childExpirationTime >= n, 0 != (64 & e.effectTag)) {
if (r) return qa(e, t, n);
t.effectTag |= 64
if (null !== (o = t.memoizedState) && (o.rendering = null, o.tail = null), so(Ni, Ni.current), !r) return null
return Ga(e, t, n)
Aa = !1
} else Aa = !1;
switch (t.expirationTime = 0, t.tag) {
case 2:
if (r = t.type, null !== e && (e.alternate = null, t.alternate = null, t.effectTag |= 2), e = t.pendingProps, o = ho(t, co.current), ni(t, n), o = Gi(null, t, r, e, o, n), t.effectTag |= 1, "object" == typeof o && null !== o && "function" == typeof o.render && void 0 === o.$$typeof) {
if (t.tag = 1, t.memoizedState = null, t.updateQueue = null, mo(r)) {
var i = !0;
} else i = !1;
t.memoizedState = null !== o.state && void 0 !== o.state ? o.state : null, ii(t);
var u = r.getDerivedStateFromProps;
"function" == typeof u && di(t, r, u, e), o.updater = mi, t.stateNode = o, o._reactInternalFiber = t, bi(t, r, e, n), t = Da(null, t, r, !0, i, n)
} else t.tag = 0, Pa(null, t, o, n), t = t.child;
return t;
case 16:
e: {
if (o = t.elementType, null !== e && (e.alternate = null, t.alternate = null, t.effectTag |= 2), e = t.pendingProps, function(e) {
if (-1 === e._status) {
e._status = 0;
var t = e._ctor;
t = t(), e._result = t, t.then((function(t) {
0 === e._status && (t = t.default, e._status = 1, e._result = t)
}), (function(t) {
0 === e._status && (e._status = 2, e._result = t)
}(o), 1 !== o._status) throw o._result;
switch (o = o._result, t.type = o, i = t.tag = function(e) {
if ("function" == typeof e) return Ts(e) ? 1 : 0;
if (null != e) {
if ((e = e.$$typeof) === se) return 11;
if (e === fe) return 14
return 2
}(o), e = Yo(o, e), i) {
case 0:
t = Na(null, t, o, e, n);
break e;
case 1:
t = La(null, t, o, e, n);
break e;
case 11:
t = Ma(null, t, o, e, n);
break e;
case 14:
t = Ra(null, t, o, Yo(o.type, e), r, n);
break e
throw Error(a(306, o, ""))
return t;
case 0:
return r = t.type, o = t.pendingProps, Na(e, t, r, o = t.elementType === r ? o : Yo(r, o), n);
case 1:
return r = t.type, o = t.pendingProps, La(e, t, r, o = t.elementType === r ? o : Yo(r, o), n);
case 3:
if (Ua(t), r = t.updateQueue, null === e || null === r) throw Error(a(282));
if (r = t.pendingProps, o = null !== (o = t.memoizedState) ? o.element : null, ai(e, t), ci(t, r, null, n), (r = t.memoizedState.element) === o) Oa(), t = Ga(e, t, n);
else {
if ((o = t.stateNode.hydrate) && (wa = wn(t.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild), ba = t, o = _a = !0), o)
for (n = Si(t, null, r, n), t.child = n; n;) n.effectTag = -3 & n.effectTag | 1024, n = n.sibling;
else Pa(e, t, r, n), Oa();
t = t.child
return t;
case 5:
return ji(t), null === e && Ta(t), r = t.type, o = t.pendingProps, i = null !== e ? e.memoizedProps : null, u = o.children, gn(r, o) ? u = null : null !== i && gn(r, i) && (t.effectTag |= 16), Ia(e, t), 4 & t.mode && 1 !== n && o.hidden ? (t.expirationTime = t.childExpirationTime = 1, t = null) : (Pa(e, t, u, n), t = t.child), t;
case 6:
return null === e && Ta(t), null;
case 13:
return Wa(e, t, n);
case 4:
return Mi(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo), r = t.pendingProps, null === e ? t.child = Ti(t, null, r, n) : Pa(e, t, r, n), t.child;
case 11:
return r = t.type, o = t.pendingProps, Ma(e, t, r, o = t.elementType === r ? o : Yo(r, o), n);
case 7:
return Pa(e, t, t.pendingProps, n), t.child;
case 8:
case 12:
return Pa(e, t, t.pendingProps.children, n), t.child;
case 10:
e: {
r = t.type._context,
o = t.pendingProps,
u = t.memoizedProps,
i = o.value;
var s = t.type._context;
if (so(Ko, s._currentValue), s._currentValue = i, null !== u)
if (s = u.value, 0 == (i = Lr(s, i) ? 0 : 0 | ("function" == typeof r._calculateChangedBits ? r._calculateChangedBits(s, i) : 1073741823))) {
if (u.children === o.children && !fo.current) {
t = Ga(e, t, n);
break e
} else
for (null !== (s = t.child) && (s.return = t); null !== s;) {
var l = s.dependencies;
if (null !== l) {
u = s.child;
for (var c = l.firstContext; null !== c;) {
if (c.context === r && 0 != (c.observedBits & i)) {
1 === s.tag && ((c = ui(n, null)).tag = 2, si(s, c)), s.expirationTime < n && (s.expirationTime = n), null !== (c = s.alternate) && c.expirationTime < n && (c.expirationTime = n), ti(s.return, n), l.expirationTime < n && (l.expirationTime = n);
c =
} else u = 10 === s.tag && s.type === t.type ? null : s.child;
if (null !== u) u.return = s;
for (u = s; null !== u;) {
if (u === t) {
u = null;
if (null !== (s = u.sibling)) {
s.return = u.return, u = s;
u = u.return
s = u
Pa(e, t, o.children, n),
t = t.child
return t;
case 9:
return o = t.type, r = (i = t.pendingProps).children, ni(t, n), r = r(o = ri(o, i.unstable_observedBits)), t.effectTag |= 1, Pa(e, t, r, n), t.child;
case 14:
return i = Yo(o = t.type, t.pendingProps), Ra(e, t, o, i = Yo(o.type, i), r, n);
case 15:
return ja(e, t, t.type, t.pendingProps, r, n);
case 17:
return r = t.type, o = t.pendingProps, o = t.elementType === r ? o : Yo(r, o), null !== e && (e.alternate = null, t.alternate = null, t.effectTag |= 2), t.tag = 1, mo(r) ? (e = !0, bo(t)) : e = !1, ni(t, n), gi(t, r, o), bi(t, r, o, n), Da(null, t, r, !0, e, n);
case 19:
return qa(e, t, n)
throw Error(a(156, t.tag))
var ws = null,
_s = null;
function xs(e, t, n, r) {
this.tag = e, this.key = n, this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null, this.index = 0, this.ref = null, this.pendingProps = t, this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null, this.mode = r, this.effectTag = 0, this.lastEffect = this.firstEffect = this.nextEffect = null, this.childExpirationTime = this.expirationTime = 0, this.alternate = null
function Es(e, t, n, r) {
return new xs(e, t, n, r)
function Ts(e) {
return !(!(e = e.prototype) || !e.isReactComponent)
function Ss(e, t) {
var n = e.alternate;
return null === n ? ((n = Es(e.tag, t, e.key, e.mode)).elementType = e.elementType, n.type = e.type, n.stateNode = e.stateNode, n.alternate = e, e.alternate = n) : (n.pendingProps = t, n.effectTag = 0, n.nextEffect = null, n.firstEffect = null, n.lastEffect = null), n.childExpirationTime = e.childExpirationTime, n.expirationTime = e.expirationTime, n.child = e.child, n.memoizedProps = e.memoizedProps, n.memoizedState = e.memoizedState, n.updateQueue = e.updateQueue, t = e.dependencies, n.dependencies = null === t ? null : {
expirationTime: t.expirationTime,
firstContext: t.firstContext,
responders: t.responders
}, n.sibling = e.sibling, n.index = e.index, n.ref = e.ref, n
function ks(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
var u = 2;
if (r = e, "function" == typeof e) Ts(e) && (u = 1);
else if ("string" == typeof e) u = 5;
else e: switch (e) {
case ne:
return Os(n.children, o, i, t);
case ue:
u = 8, o |= 7;
case re:
u = 8, o |= 1;
case oe:
return (e = Es(12, n, t, 8 | o)).elementType = oe, e.type = oe, e.expirationTime = i, e;
case le:
return (e = Es(13, n, t, o)).type = le, e.elementType = le, e.expirationTime = i, e;
case ce:
return (e = Es(19, n, t, o)).elementType = ce, e.expirationTime = i, e;
if ("object" == typeof e && null !== e) switch (e.$$typeof) {
case ie:
u = 10;
break e;
case ae:
u = 9;
break e;
case se:
u = 11;
break e;
case fe:
u = 14;
break e;
case pe:
u = 16, r = null;
break e;
case he:
u = 22;
break e
throw Error(a(130, null == e ? e : typeof e, ""))
return (t = Es(u, n, t, o)).elementType = e, t.type = r, t.expirationTime = i, t
function Os(e, t, n, r) {
return (e = Es(7, e, r, t)).expirationTime = n, e
function Cs(e, t, n) {
return (e = Es(6, e, null, t)).expirationTime = n, e
function As(e, t, n) {
return (t = Es(4, null !== e.children ? e.children : [], e.key, t)).expirationTime = n, t.stateNode = {
containerInfo: e.containerInfo,
pendingChildren: null,
implementation: e.implementation
}, t
function Ps(e, t, n) {
this.tag = t, this.current = null, this.containerInfo = e, this.pingCache = this.pendingChildren = null, this.finishedExpirationTime = 0, this.finishedWork = null, this.timeoutHandle = -1, this.pendingContext = this.context = null, this.hydrate = n, this.callbackNode = null, this.callbackPriority = 90, this.lastExpiredTime = this.lastPingedTime = this.nextKnownPendingLevel = this.lastSuspendedTime = this.firstSuspendedTime = this.firstPendingTime = 0
function Ms(e, t) {
var n = e.firstSuspendedTime;
return e = e.lastSuspendedTime, 0 !== n && n >= t && e <= t
function Rs(e, t) {
var n = e.firstSuspendedTime,
r = e.lastSuspendedTime;
n < t && (e.firstSuspendedTime = t), (r > t || 0 === n) && (e.lastSuspendedTime = t), t <= e.lastPingedTime && (e.lastPingedTime = 0), t <= e.lastExpiredTime && (e.lastExpiredTime = 0)
function js(e, t) {
t > e.firstPendingTime && (e.firstPendingTime = t);
var n = e.firstSuspendedTime;
0 !== n && (t >= n ? e.firstSuspendedTime = e.lastSuspendedTime = e.nextKnownPendingLevel = 0 : t >= e.lastSuspendedTime && (e.lastSuspendedTime = t + 1), t > e.nextKnownPendingLevel && (e.nextKnownPendingLevel = t))
function Is(e, t) {
var n = e.lastExpiredTime;
(0 === n || n > t) && (e.lastExpiredTime = t)
function Ns(e, t, n, r) {
var o = t.current,
i = Hu(),
u = pi.suspense;
i = qu(i, o, u);
e: if (n) {
t: {
if (Je(n = n._reactInternalFiber) !== n || 1 !== n.tag) throw Error(a(170));
var s = n;do {
switch (s.tag) {
case 3:
s = s.stateNode.context;
break t;
case 1:
if (mo(s.type)) {
s = s.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;
break t
s = s.return
} while (null !== s);
throw Error(a(171))
if (1 === n.tag) {
var l = n.type;
if (mo(l)) {
n = yo(n, l, s);
break e
n = s
else n = lo;
return null === t.context ? t.context = n : t.pendingContext = n, (t = ui(i, u)).payload = {
element: e
}, null !== (r = void 0 === r ? null : r) && (t.callback = r), si(o, t), Gu(o, i), i
function Ls(e) {
if (!(e = e.current).child) return null;
switch (e.child.tag) {
case 5:
return e.child.stateNode
function Ds(e, t) {
null !== (e = e.memoizedState) && null !== e.dehydrated && e.retryTime < t && (e.retryTime = t)
function Us(e, t) {
Ds(e, t), (e = e.alternate) && Ds(e, t)
function zs(e, t, n) {
var r = new Ps(e, t, n = null != n && !0 === n.hydrate),
o = Es(3, null, null, 2 === t ? 7 : 1 === t ? 3 : 0);
r.current = o, o.stateNode = r, ii(o), e[Sn] = r.current, n && 0 !== t && function(e, t) {
var n = Xe(t);
St.forEach((function(e) {
ht(e, t, n)
})), kt.forEach((function(e) {
ht(e, t, n)
}(0, 9 === e.nodeType ? e : e.ownerDocument), this._internalRoot = r
function Fs(e) {
return !(!e || 1 !== e.nodeType && 9 !== e.nodeType && 11 !== e.nodeType && (8 !== e.nodeType || " react-mount-point-unstable " !== e.nodeValue))
function Bs(e, t, n, r, o) {
var i = n._reactRootContainer;
if (i) {
var a = i._internalRoot;
if ("function" == typeof o) {
var u = o;
o = function() {
var e = Ls(a);
Ns(t, a, e, o)
} else {
if (i = n._reactRootContainer = function(e, t) {
if (t || (t = !(!(t = e ? 9 === e.nodeType ? e.documentElement : e.firstChild : null) || 1 !== t.nodeType || !t.hasAttribute("data-reactroot"))), !t)
for (var n; n = e.lastChild;) e.removeChild(n);
return new zs(e, 0, t ? {
hydrate: !0
} : void 0)
}(n, r), a = i._internalRoot, "function" == typeof o) {
var s = o;
o = function() {
var e = Ls(a);
es((function() {
Ns(t, a, e, o)
return Ls(a)
function Vs(e, t, n) {
var r = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null;
return {
$$typeof: te,
key: null == r ? null : "" + r,
children: e,
containerInfo: t,
implementation: n
function Ws(e, t) {
var n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null;
if (!Fs(t)) throw Error(a(200));
return Vs(e, t, null, n)
zs.prototype.render = function(e) {
Ns(e, this._internalRoot, null, null)
}, zs.prototype.unmount = function() {
var e = this._internalRoot,
t = e.containerInfo;
Ns(null, e, null, (function() {
t[Sn] = null
}, dt = function(e) {
if (13 === e.tag) {
var t = Go(Hu(), 150, 100);
Gu(e, t), Us(e, t)
}, mt = function(e) {
13 === e.tag && (Gu(e, 3), Us(e, 3))
}, vt = function(e) {
if (13 === e.tag) {
var t = Hu();
Gu(e, t = qu(t, e, null)), Us(e, t)
}, C = function(e, t, n) {
switch (t) {
case "input":
if (Se(e, n), t =, "radio" === n.type && null != t) {
for (n = e; n.parentNode;) n = n.parentNode;
for (n = n.querySelectorAll("input[name=" + JSON.stringify("" + t) + '][type="radio"]'), t = 0; t < n.length; t++) {
var r = n[t];
if (r !== e && r.form === e.form) {
var o = An(r);
if (!o) throw Error(a(90));
_e(r), Se(r, o)
case "textarea":
Re(e, n);
case "select":
null != (t = n.value) && Ae(e, !!n.multiple, t, !1)
}, I = Zu, N = function(e, t, n, r, o) {
var i = xu;
xu |= 4;
try {
return Vo(98, e.bind(null, t, n, r, o))
} finally {
0 === (xu = i) && Ho()
}, L = function() {
0 == (49 & xu) && (function() {
if (null !== Bu) {
var e = Bu;
Bu = null, e.forEach((function(e, t) {
Is(t, e), Qu(t)
})), Ho()
}(), ds())
}, D = function(e, t) {
var n = xu;
xu |= 2;
try {
return e(t)
} finally {
0 === (xu = n) && Ho()
var $s = {
Events: [On, Cn, An, k, E, Ln, function(e) {
rt(e, Nn)
}, R, j, Qt, at, ds, {
current: !1
! function(e) {
var t = e.findFiberByHostInstance;
! function(e) {
if ("undefined" == typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) return !1;
if (t.isDisabled || !t.supportsFiber) return !0;
try {
var n = t.inject(e);
ws = function(e) {
try {
t.onCommitFiberRoot(n, e, void 0, 64 == (64 & e.current.effectTag))
} catch (e) {}
}, _s = function(e) {
try {
t.onCommitFiberUnmount(n, e)
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {}
}(o({}, e, {
overrideHookState: null,
overrideProps: null,
setSuspenseHandler: null,
scheduleUpdate: null,
currentDispatcherRef: Q.ReactCurrentDispatcher,
findHostInstanceByFiber: function(e) {
return null === (e = tt(e)) ? null : e.stateNode
findFiberByHostInstance: function(e) {
return t ? t(e) : null
findHostInstancesForRefresh: null,
scheduleRefresh: null,
scheduleRoot: null,
setRefreshHandler: null,
getCurrentFiber: null
findFiberByHostInstance: kn,
bundleType: 0,
version: "16.14.0",
rendererPackageName: "react-dom"
}), t.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = $s, t.createPortal = Ws, t.findDOMNode = function(e) {
if (null == e) return null;
if (1 === e.nodeType) return e;
var t = e._reactInternalFiber;
if (void 0 === t) {
if ("function" == typeof e.render) throw Error(a(188));
throw Error(a(268, Object.keys(e)))
return null === (e = tt(t)) ? null : e.stateNode
}, t.flushSync = function(e, t) {
if (0 != (48 & xu)) throw Error(a(187));
var n = xu;
xu |= 1;
try {
return Vo(99, e.bind(null, t))
} finally {
xu = n, Ho()
}, t.hydrate = function(e, t, n) {
if (!Fs(t)) throw Error(a(200));
return Bs(null, e, t, !0, n)
}, t.render = function(e, t, n) {
if (!Fs(t)) throw Error(a(200));
return Bs(null, e, t, !1, n)
}, t.unmountComponentAtNode = function(e) {
if (!Fs(e)) throw Error(a(40));
return !!e._reactRootContainer && (es((function() {
Bs(null, null, e, !1, (function() {
e._reactRootContainer = null, e[Sn] = null
})), !0)
}, t.unstable_batchedUpdates = Zu, t.unstable_createPortal = function(e, t) {
return Ws(e, t, 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null)
}, t.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer = function(e, t, n, r) {
if (!Fs(n)) throw Error(a(200));
if (null == e || void 0 === e._reactInternalFiber) throw Error(a(38));
return Bs(e, t, n, !1, r)
}, t.version = "16.14.0"
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = n(111)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r, o, i, a, u;
if ("undefined" == typeof window || "function" != typeof MessageChannel) {
var s = null,
l = null,
c = function e() {
if (null !== s) try {
var n = t.unstable_now();
s(!0, n), s = null
} catch (t) {
throw setTimeout(e, 0), t
f =;
t.unstable_now = function() {
return - f
}, r = function(e) {
null !== s ? setTimeout(r, 0, e) : (s = e, setTimeout(c, 0))
}, o = function(e, t) {
l = setTimeout(e, t)
}, i = function() {
}, a = function() {
return !1
}, u = t.unstable_forceFrameRate = function() {}
} else {
var p = window.performance,
h = window.Date,
d = window.setTimeout,
m = window.clearTimeout;
if ("undefined" != typeof console) {
var v = window.cancelAnimationFrame;
"function" != typeof window.requestAnimationFrame && console.error("This browser doesn't support requestAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers."), "function" != typeof v && console.error("This browser doesn't support cancelAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers.")
if ("object" == typeof p && "function" == typeof t.unstable_now = function() {
else {
var g =;
t.unstable_now = function() {
return - g
var y = !1,
b = null,
w = -1,
_ = 5,
x = 0;
a = function() {
return t.unstable_now() >= x
}, u = function() {}, t.unstable_forceFrameRate = function(e) {
0 > e || 125 < e ? console.error("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing framerates higher than 125 fps is not unsupported") : _ = 0 < e ? Math.floor(1e3 / e) : 5
var E = new MessageChannel,
T = E.port2;
E.port1.onmessage = function() {
if (null !== b) {
var e = t.unstable_now();
x = e + _;
try {
b(!0, e) ? T.postMessage(null) : (y = !1, b = null)
} catch (e) {
throw T.postMessage(null), e
} else y = !1
}, r = function(e) {
b = e, y || (y = !0, T.postMessage(null))
}, o = function(e, n) {
w = d((function() {
}), n)
}, i = function() {
m(w), w = -1
function S(e, t) {
var n = e.length;
e: for (;;) {
var r = n - 1 >>> 1,
o = e[r];
if (!(void 0 !== o && 0 < C(o, t))) break e;
e[r] = t, e[n] = o, n = r
function k(e) {
return void 0 === (e = e[0]) ? null : e
function O(e) {
var t = e[0];
if (void 0 !== t) {
var n = e.pop();
if (n !== t) {
e[0] = n;
e: for (var r = 0, o = e.length; r < o;) {
var i = 2 * (r + 1) - 1,
a = e[i],
u = i + 1,
s = e[u];
if (void 0 !== a && 0 > C(a, n)) void 0 !== s && 0 > C(s, a) ? (e[r] = s, e[u] = n, r = u) : (e[r] = a, e[i] = n, r = i);
else {
if (!(void 0 !== s && 0 > C(s, n))) break e;
e[r] = s, e[u] = n, r = u
return t
return null
function C(e, t) {
var n = e.sortIndex - t.sortIndex;
return 0 !== n ? n : -
var A = [],
P = [],
M = 1,
R = null,
j = 3,
I = !1,
N = !1,
L = !1;
function D(e) {
for (var t = k(P); null !== t;) {
if (null === t.callback) O(P);
else {
if (!(t.startTime <= e)) break;
O(P), t.sortIndex = t.expirationTime, S(A, t)
t = k(P)
function U(e) {
if (L = !1, D(e), !N)
if (null !== k(A)) N = !0, r(z);
else {
var t = k(P);
null !== t && o(U, t.startTime - e)
function z(e, n) {
N = !1, L && (L = !1, i()), I = !0;
var r = j;
try {
for (D(n), R = k(A); null !== R && (!(R.expirationTime > n) || e && !a());) {
var u = R.callback;
if (null !== u) {
R.callback = null, j = R.priorityLevel;
var s = u(R.expirationTime <= n);
n = t.unstable_now(), "function" == typeof s ? R.callback = s : R === k(A) && O(A), D(n)
} else O(A);
R = k(A)
if (null !== R) var l = !0;
else {
var c = k(P);
null !== c && o(U, c.startTime - n), l = !1
return l
} finally {
R = null, j = r, I = !1
function F(e) {
switch (e) {
case 1:
return -1;
case 2:
return 250;
case 5:
return 1073741823;
case 4:
return 1e4;
return 5e3
var B = u;
t.unstable_IdlePriority = 5, t.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1, t.unstable_LowPriority = 4, t.unstable_NormalPriority = 3, t.unstable_Profiling = null, t.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2, t.unstable_cancelCallback = function(e) {
e.callback = null
}, t.unstable_continueExecution = function() {
N || I || (N = !0, r(z))
}, t.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function() {
return j
}, t.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function() {
return k(A)
}, t.unstable_next = function(e) {
switch (j) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
var t = 3;
t = j
var n = j;
j = t;
try {
return e()
} finally {
j = n
}, t.unstable_pauseExecution = function() {}, t.unstable_requestPaint = B, t.unstable_runWithPriority = function(e, t) {
switch (e) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
e = 3
var n = j;
j = e;
try {
return t()
} finally {
j = n
}, t.unstable_scheduleCallback = function(e, n, a) {
var u = t.unstable_now();
if ("object" == typeof a && null !== a) {
var s = a.delay;
s = "number" == typeof s && 0 < s ? u + s : u, a = "number" == typeof a.timeout ? a.timeout : F(e)
} else a = F(e), s = u;
return e = {
id: M++,
callback: n,
priorityLevel: e,
startTime: s,
expirationTime: a = s + a,
sortIndex: -1
}, s > u ? (e.sortIndex = s, S(P, e), null === k(A) && e === k(P) && (L ? i() : L = !0, o(U, s - u))) : (e.sortIndex = a, S(A, e), N || I || (N = !0, r(z))), e
}, t.unstable_shouldYield = function() {
var e = t.unstable_now();
var n = k(A);
return n !== R && null !== R && null !== n && null !== n.callback && n.startTime <= e && n.expirationTime < R.expirationTime || a()
}, t.unstable_wrapCallback = function(e) {
var t = j;
return function() {
var n = j;
j = t;
try {
return e.apply(this, arguments)
} finally {
j = n
}, , function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == e ? 0 : e.length; ++n < r && !1 !== t(e[n], n, e););
return e
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(115),
o = n(48);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return e && r(e, t, o)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(116)();
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return function(t, n, r) {
for (var o = -1, i = Object(t), a = r(t), u = a.length; u--;) {
var s = a[e ? u : ++o];
if (!1 === n(i[s], s, i)) break
return t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(118),
o = n(49),
i = n(11),
a = n(50),
u = n(64),
s = n(51),
l = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = i(e),
c = !n && o(e),
f = !n && !c && a(e),
p = !n && !c && !f && s(e),
h = n || c || f || p,
d = h ? r(e.length, String) : [],
m = d.length;
for (var v in e) !t && !, v) || h && ("length" == v || f && ("offset" == v || "parent" == v) || p && ("buffer" == v || "byteLength" == v || "byteOffset" == v) || u(v, m)) || d.push(v);
return d
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
for (var n = -1, r = Array(e); ++n < e;) r[n] = t(n);
return r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(22),
o = n(23);
e.exports = function(e) {
return o(e) && "[object Arguments]" == r(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(36),
o = Object.prototype,
i = o.hasOwnProperty,
a = o.toString,
u = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t =, u),
n = e[u];
try {
e[u] = void 0;
var r = !0
} catch (e) {}
var o =;
return r && (t ? e[u] = n : delete e[u]), o
}, function(e, t) {
var n = Object.prototype.toString;
e.exports = function(e) {
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function() {
return !1
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(22),
o = n(52),
i = n(23),
a = {};
a["[object Float32Array]"] = a["[object Float64Array]"] = a["[object Int8Array]"] = a["[object Int16Array]"] = a["[object Int32Array]"] = a["[object Uint8Array]"] = a["[object Uint8ClampedArray]"] = a["[object Uint16Array]"] = a["[object Uint32Array]"] = !0, a["[object Arguments]"] = a["[object Array]"] = a["[object ArrayBuffer]"] = a["[object Boolean]"] = a["[object DataView]"] = a["[object Date]"] = a["[object Error]"] = a["[object Function]"] = a["[object Map]"] = a["[object Number]"] = a["[object Object]"] = a["[object RegExp]"] = a["[object Set]"] = a["[object String]"] = a["[object WeakMap]"] = !1, e.exports = function(e) {
return i(e) && o(e.length) && !!a[r(e)]
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return function(t) {
return e(t)
}, function(e, t, n) {
(function(e) {
var r = n(63),
o = t && !t.nodeType && t,
i = o && "object" == typeof e && e && !e.nodeType && e,
a = i && i.exports === o && r.process,
u = function() {
try {
return i && i.require && i.require("util").types || a && a.binding && a.binding("util")
} catch (e) {}
e.exports = u
}).call(this, n(37)(e))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(127)(Object.keys, Object);
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return function(n) {
return e(t(n))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(38);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return function(n, o) {
if (null == n) return n;
if (!r(n)) return e(n, o);
for (var i = n.length, a = t ? i : -1, u = Object(n);
(t ? a-- : ++a < i) && !1 !== o(u[a], a, u););
return n
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(68);
e.exports = function(e) {
return "function" == typeof e ? e : r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(55);
e.exports = function(e) {
return e ? (e = r(e)) === 1 / 0 || e === -1 / 0 ? 17976931348623157e292 * (e < 0 ? -1 : 1) : e == e ? e : 0 : 0 === e ? e : 0
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(132),
o = /^\s+/;
e.exports = function(e) {
return e ? e.slice(0, r(e) + 1).replace(o, "") : e
}, function(e, t) {
var n = /\s/;
e.exports = function(e) {
for (var t = e.length; t-- && n.test(e.charAt(t)););
return t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(134),
o = n(135),
i = {};
for (var a in r) r.hasOwnProperty(a) && (i[r[a]] = a);
var u = e.exports = {
to: {},
get: {}
function s(e, t, n) {
return Math.min(Math.max(t, e), n)
function l(e) {
var t = e.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return t.length < 2 ? "0" + t : t
u.get = function(e) {
var t, n;
switch (e.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase()) {
case "hsl":
t = u.get.hsl(e), n = "hsl";
case "hwb":
t = u.get.hwb(e), n = "hwb";
t = u.get.rgb(e), n = "rgb"
return t ? {
model: n,
value: t
} : null
}, u.get.rgb = function(e) {
if (!e) return null;
var t, n, o, i = [0, 0, 0, 1];
if (t = e.match(/^#([a-f0-9]{6})([a-f0-9]{2})?$/i)) {
for (o = t[2], t = t[1], n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
var a = 2 * n;
i[n] = parseInt(t.slice(a, a + 2), 16)
o && (i[3] = parseInt(o, 16) / 255)
} else if (t = e.match(/^#([a-f0-9]{3,4})$/i)) {
for (o = (t = t[1])[3], n = 0; n < 3; n++) i[n] = parseInt(t[n] + t[n], 16);
o && (i[3] = parseInt(o + o, 16) / 255)
} else if (t = e.match(/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/)) {
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) i[n] = parseInt(t[n + 1], 0);
t[4] && (i[3] = parseFloat(t[4]))
} else {
if (!(t = e.match(/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/))) return (t = e.match(/(\D+)/)) ? "transparent" === t[1] ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : (i = r[t[1]]) ? (i[3] = 1, i) : null : null;
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) i[n] = Math.round(2.55 * parseFloat(t[n + 1]));
t[4] && (i[3] = parseFloat(t[4]))
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) i[n] = s(i[n], 0, 255);
return i[3] = s(i[3], 0, 1), i
}, u.get.hsl = function(e) {
if (!e) return null;
var t = e.match(/^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?(?:\d*\.)?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/);
if (t) {
var n = parseFloat(t[4]);
return [(parseFloat(t[1]) + 360) % 360, s(parseFloat(t[2]), 0, 100), s(parseFloat(t[3]), 0, 100), s(isNaN(n) ? 1 : n, 0, 1)]
return null
}, u.get.hwb = function(e) {
if (!e) return null;
var t = e.match(/^hwb\(\s*([+-]?\d*[\.]?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/);
if (t) {
var n = parseFloat(t[4]);
return [(parseFloat(t[1]) % 360 + 360) % 360, s(parseFloat(t[2]), 0, 100), s(parseFloat(t[3]), 0, 100), s(isNaN(n) ? 1 : n, 0, 1)]
return null
}, = function() {
var e = o(arguments);
return "#" + l(e[0]) + l(e[1]) + l(e[2]) + (e[3] < 1 ? l(Math.round(255 * e[3])) : "")
}, = function() {
var e = o(arguments);
return e.length < 4 || 1 === e[3] ? "rgb(" + Math.round(e[0]) + ", " + Math.round(e[1]) + ", " + Math.round(e[2]) + ")" : "rgba(" + Math.round(e[0]) + ", " + Math.round(e[1]) + ", " + Math.round(e[2]) + ", " + e[3] + ")"
}, = function() {
var e = o(arguments),
t = Math.round(e[0] / 255 * 100),
n = Math.round(e[1] / 255 * 100),
r = Math.round(e[2] / 255 * 100);
return e.length < 4 || 1 === e[3] ? "rgb(" + t + "%, " + n + "%, " + r + "%)" : "rgba(" + t + "%, " + n + "%, " + r + "%, " + e[3] + ")"
}, = function() {
var e = o(arguments);
return e.length < 4 || 1 === e[3] ? "hsl(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%)" : "hsla(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%, " + e[3] + ")"
}, = function() {
var e = o(arguments),
t = "";
return e.length >= 4 && 1 !== e[3] && (t = ", " + e[3]), "hwb(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%" + t + ")"
}, = function(e) {
return i[e.slice(0, 3)]
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = {
aliceblue: [240, 248, 255],
antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215],
aqua: [0, 255, 255],
aquamarine: [127, 255, 212],
azure: [240, 255, 255],
beige: [245, 245, 220],
bisque: [255, 228, 196],
black: [0, 0, 0],
blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205],
blue: [0, 0, 255],
blueviolet: [138, 43, 226],
brown: [165, 42, 42],
burlywood: [222, 184, 135],
cadetblue: [95, 158, 160],
chartreuse: [127, 255, 0],
chocolate: [210, 105, 30],
coral: [255, 127, 80],
cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237],
cornsilk: [255, 248, 220],
crimson: [220, 20, 60],
cyan: [0, 255, 255],
darkblue: [0, 0, 139],
darkcyan: [0, 139, 139],
darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11],
darkgray: [169, 169, 169],
darkgreen: [0, 100, 0],
darkgrey: [169, 169, 169],
darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107],
darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139],
darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47],
darkorange: [255, 140, 0],
darkorchid: [153, 50, 204],
darkred: [139, 0, 0],
darksalmon: [233, 150, 122],
darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143],
darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139],
darkslategray: [47, 79, 79],
darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79],
darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209],
darkviolet: [148, 0, 211],
deeppink: [255, 20, 147],
deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255],
dimgray: [105, 105, 105],
dimgrey: [105, 105, 105],
dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255],
firebrick: [178, 34, 34],
floralwhite: [255, 250, 240],
forestgreen: [34, 139, 34],
fuchsia: [255, 0, 255],
gainsboro: [220, 220, 220],
ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255],
gold: [255, 215, 0],
goldenrod: [218, 165, 32],
gray: [128, 128, 128],
green: [0, 128, 0],
greenyellow: [173, 255, 47],
grey: [128, 128, 128],
honeydew: [240, 255, 240],
hotpink: [255, 105, 180],
indianred: [205, 92, 92],
indigo: [75, 0, 130],
ivory: [255, 255, 240],
khaki: [240, 230, 140],
lavender: [230, 230, 250],
lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245],
lawngreen: [124, 252, 0],
lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205],
lightblue: [173, 216, 230],
lightcoral: [240, 128, 128],
lightcyan: [224, 255, 255],
lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210],
lightgray: [211, 211, 211],
lightgreen: [144, 238, 144],
lightgrey: [211, 211, 211],
lightpink: [255, 182, 193],
lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122],
lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170],
lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250],
lightslategray: [119, 136, 153],
lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153],
lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222],
lightyellow: [255, 255, 224],
lime: [0, 255, 0],
limegreen: [50, 205, 50],
linen: [250, 240, 230],
magenta: [255, 0, 255],
maroon: [128, 0, 0],
mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170],
mediumblue: [0, 0, 205],
mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211],
mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219],
mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113],
mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238],
mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154],
mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204],
mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133],
midnightblue: [25, 25, 112],
mintcream: [245, 255, 250],
mistyrose: [255, 228, 225],
moccasin: [255, 228, 181],
navajowhite: [255, 222, 173],
navy: [0, 0, 128],
oldlace: [253, 245, 230],
olive: [128, 128, 0],
olivedrab: [107, 142, 35],
orange: [255, 165, 0],
orangered: [255, 69, 0],
orchid: [218, 112, 214],
palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170],
palegreen: [152, 251, 152],
paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238],
palevioletred: [219, 112, 147],
papayawhip: [255, 239, 213],
peachpuff: [255, 218, 185],
peru: [205, 133, 63],
pink: [255, 192, 203],
plum: [221, 160, 221],
powderblue: [176, 224, 230],
purple: [128, 0, 128],
rebeccapurple: [102, 51, 153],
red: [255, 0, 0],
rosybrown: [188, 143, 143],
royalblue: [65, 105, 225],
saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19],
salmon: [250, 128, 114],
sandybrown: [244, 164, 96],
seagreen: [46, 139, 87],
seashell: [255, 245, 238],
sienna: [160, 82, 45],
silver: [192, 192, 192],
skyblue: [135, 206, 235],
slateblue: [106, 90, 205],
slategray: [112, 128, 144],
slategrey: [112, 128, 144],
snow: [255, 250, 250],
springgreen: [0, 255, 127],
steelblue: [70, 130, 180],
tan: [210, 180, 140],
teal: [0, 128, 128],
thistle: [216, 191, 216],
tomato: [255, 99, 71],
turquoise: [64, 224, 208],
violet: [238, 130, 238],
wheat: [245, 222, 179],
white: [255, 255, 255],
whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245],
yellow: [255, 255, 0],
yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50]
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(136),
o = Array.prototype.concat,
i = Array.prototype.slice,
a = e.exports = function(e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0, a = e.length; n < a; n++) {
var u = e[n];
r(u) ? t =, : t.push(u)
return t
a.wrap = function(e) {
return function() {
return e(a(arguments))
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return !(!e || "string" == typeof e) && (e instanceof Array || Array.isArray(e) || e.length >= 0 && (e.splice instanceof Function || Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, e.length - 1) && "String" !==
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(71),
o = n(139),
i = {};
Object.keys(r).forEach((function(e) {
i[e] = {}, Object.defineProperty(i[e], "channels", {
value: r[e].channels
}), Object.defineProperty(i[e], "labels", {
value: r[e].labels
var t = o(e);
Object.keys(t).forEach((function(n) {
var r = t[n];
i[e][n] = function(e) {
var t = function(t) {
if (null == t) return t;
arguments.length > 1 && (t =;
var n = e(t);
if ("object" == typeof n)
for (var r = n.length, o = 0; o < r; o++) n[o] = Math.round(n[o]);
return n
return "conversion" in e && (t.conversion = e.conversion), t
}(r), i[e][n].raw = function(e) {
var t = function(t) {
return null == t ? t : (arguments.length > 1 && (t =, e(t))
return "conversion" in e && (t.conversion = e.conversion), t
})), e.exports = i
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = {
aliceblue: [240, 248, 255],
antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215],
aqua: [0, 255, 255],
aquamarine: [127, 255, 212],
azure: [240, 255, 255],
beige: [245, 245, 220],
bisque: [255, 228, 196],
black: [0, 0, 0],
blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205],
blue: [0, 0, 255],
blueviolet: [138, 43, 226],
brown: [165, 42, 42],
burlywood: [222, 184, 135],
cadetblue: [95, 158, 160],
chartreuse: [127, 255, 0],
chocolate: [210, 105, 30],
coral: [255, 127, 80],
cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237],
cornsilk: [255, 248, 220],
crimson: [220, 20, 60],
cyan: [0, 255, 255],
darkblue: [0, 0, 139],
darkcyan: [0, 139, 139],
darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11],
darkgray: [169, 169, 169],
darkgreen: [0, 100, 0],
darkgrey: [169, 169, 169],
darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107],
darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139],
darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47],
darkorange: [255, 140, 0],
darkorchid: [153, 50, 204],
darkred: [139, 0, 0],
darksalmon: [233, 150, 122],
darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143],
darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139],
darkslategray: [47, 79, 79],
darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79],
darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209],
darkviolet: [148, 0, 211],
deeppink: [255, 20, 147],
deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255],
dimgray: [105, 105, 105],
dimgrey: [105, 105, 105],
dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255],
firebrick: [178, 34, 34],
floralwhite: [255, 250, 240],
forestgreen: [34, 139, 34],
fuchsia: [255, 0, 255],
gainsboro: [220, 220, 220],
ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255],
gold: [255, 215, 0],
goldenrod: [218, 165, 32],
gray: [128, 128, 128],
green: [0, 128, 0],
greenyellow: [173, 255, 47],
grey: [128, 128, 128],
honeydew: [240, 255, 240],
hotpink: [255, 105, 180],
indianred: [205, 92, 92],
indigo: [75, 0, 130],
ivory: [255, 255, 240],
khaki: [240, 230, 140],
lavender: [230, 230, 250],
lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245],
lawngreen: [124, 252, 0],
lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205],
lightblue: [173, 216, 230],
lightcoral: [240, 128, 128],
lightcyan: [224, 255, 255],
lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210],
lightgray: [211, 211, 211],
lightgreen: [144, 238, 144],
lightgrey: [211, 211, 211],
lightpink: [255, 182, 193],
lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122],
lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170],
lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250],
lightslategray: [119, 136, 153],
lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153],
lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222],
lightyellow: [255, 255, 224],
lime: [0, 255, 0],
limegreen: [50, 205, 50],
linen: [250, 240, 230],
magenta: [255, 0, 255],
maroon: [128, 0, 0],
mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170],
mediumblue: [0, 0, 205],
mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211],
mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219],
mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113],
mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238],
mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154],
mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204],
mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133],
midnightblue: [25, 25, 112],
mintcream: [245, 255, 250],
mistyrose: [255, 228, 225],
moccasin: [255, 228, 181],
navajowhite: [255, 222, 173],
navy: [0, 0, 128],
oldlace: [253, 245, 230],
olive: [128, 128, 0],
olivedrab: [107, 142, 35],
orange: [255, 165, 0],
orangered: [255, 69, 0],
orchid: [218, 112, 214],
palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170],
palegreen: [152, 251, 152],
paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238],
palevioletred: [219, 112, 147],
papayawhip: [255, 239, 213],
peachpuff: [255, 218, 185],
peru: [205, 133, 63],
pink: [255, 192, 203],
plum: [221, 160, 221],
powderblue: [176, 224, 230],
purple: [128, 0, 128],
rebeccapurple: [102, 51, 153],
red: [255, 0, 0],
rosybrown: [188, 143, 143],
royalblue: [65, 105, 225],
saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19],
salmon: [250, 128, 114],
sandybrown: [244, 164, 96],
seagreen: [46, 139, 87],
seashell: [255, 245, 238],
sienna: [160, 82, 45],
silver: [192, 192, 192],
skyblue: [135, 206, 235],
slateblue: [106, 90, 205],
slategray: [112, 128, 144],
slategrey: [112, 128, 144],
snow: [255, 250, 250],
springgreen: [0, 255, 127],
steelblue: [70, 130, 180],
tan: [210, 180, 140],
teal: [0, 128, 128],
thistle: [216, 191, 216],
tomato: [255, 99, 71],
turquoise: [64, 224, 208],
violet: [238, 130, 238],
wheat: [245, 222, 179],
white: [255, 255, 255],
whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245],
yellow: [255, 255, 0],
yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50]
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(71);
function o(e) {
var t = function() {
for (var e = {}, t = Object.keys(r), n = t.length, o = 0; o < n; o++) e[t[o]] = {
distance: -1,
parent: null
return e
n = [e];
for (t[e].distance = 0; n.length;)
for (var o = n.pop(), i = Object.keys(r[o]), a = i.length, u = 0; u < a; u++) {
var s = i[u],
l = t[s]; - 1 === l.distance && (l.distance = t[o].distance + 1, l.parent = o, n.unshift(s))
return t
function i(e, t) {
return function(n) {
return t(e(n))
function a(e, t) {
for (var n = [t[e].parent, e], o = r[t[e].parent][e], a = t[e].parent; t[a].parent;) n.unshift(t[a].parent), o = i(r[t[a].parent][a], o), a = t[a].parent;
return o.conversion = n, o
e.exports = function(e) {
for (var t = o(e), n = {}, r = Object.keys(t), i = r.length, u = 0; u < i; u++) {
var s = r[u];
null !== t[s].parent && (n[s] = a(s, t))
return n
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = function(e) {
"use strict";
var t, n = Object.prototype,
r = n.hasOwnProperty,
o = "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {},
i = o.iterator || "@@iterator",
a = o.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator",
u = o.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
function s(e, t, n) {
return Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
value: n,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}), e[t]
try {
s({}, "")
} catch (e) {
s = function(e, t, n) {
return e[t] = n
function l(e, t, n, r) {
var o = t && t.prototype instanceof v ? t : v,
i = Object.create(o.prototype),
a = new C(r || []);
return i._invoke = function(e, t, n) {
var r = f;
return function(o, i) {
if (r === h) throw new Error("Generator is already running");
if (r === d) {
if ("throw" === o) throw i;
return P()
for (n.method = o, n.arg = i;;) {
var a = n.delegate;
if (a) {
var u = S(a, n);
if (u) {
if (u === m) continue;
return u
if ("next" === n.method) n.sent = n._sent = n.arg;
else if ("throw" === n.method) {
if (r === f) throw r = d, n.arg;
} else "return" === n.method && n.abrupt("return", n.arg);
r = h;
var s = c(e, t, n);
if ("normal" === s.type) {
if (r = n.done ? d : p, s.arg === m) continue;
return {
value: s.arg,
done: n.done
"throw" === s.type && (r = d, n.method = "throw", n.arg = s.arg)
}(e, n, a), i
function c(e, t, n) {
try {
return {
type: "normal",
arg:, n)
} catch (e) {
return {
type: "throw",
arg: e
e.wrap = l;
var f = "suspendedStart",
p = "suspendedYield",
h = "executing",
d = "completed",
m = {};
function v() {}
function g() {}
function y() {}
var b = {};
b[i] = function() {
return this
var w = Object.getPrototypeOf,
_ = w && w(w(A([])));
_ && _ !== n &&, i) && (b = _);
var x = y.prototype = v.prototype = Object.create(b);
function E(e) {
["next", "throw", "return"].forEach((function(t) {
s(e, t, (function(e) {
return this._invoke(t, e)
function T(e, t) {
function n(o, i, a, u) {
var s = c(e[o], e, i);
if ("throw" !== s.type) {
var l = s.arg,
f = l.value;
return f && "object" == typeof f &&, "__await") ? t.resolve(f.__await).then((function(e) {
n("next", e, a, u)
}), (function(e) {
n("throw", e, a, u)
})) : t.resolve(f).then((function(e) {
l.value = e, a(l)
}), (function(e) {
return n("throw", e, a, u)
var o;
this._invoke = function(e, r) {
function i() {
return new t((function(t, o) {
n(e, r, t, o)
return o = o ? o.then(i, i) : i()
function S(e, n) {
var r = e.iterator[n.method];
if (r === t) {
if (n.delegate = null, "throw" === n.method) {
if (e.iterator.return && (n.method = "return", n.arg = t, S(e, n), "throw" === n.method)) return m;
n.method = "throw", n.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method")
return m
var o = c(r, e.iterator, n.arg);
if ("throw" === o.type) return n.method = "throw", n.arg = o.arg, n.delegate = null, m;
var i = o.arg;
return i ? i.done ? (n[e.resultName] = i.value, = e.nextLoc, "return" !== n.method && (n.method = "next", n.arg = t), n.delegate = null, m) : i : (n.method = "throw", n.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), n.delegate = null, m)
function k(e) {
var t = {
tryLoc: e[0]
1 in e && (t.catchLoc = e[1]), 2 in e && (t.finallyLoc = e[2], t.afterLoc = e[3]), this.tryEntries.push(t)
function O(e) {
var t = e.completion || {};
t.type = "normal", delete t.arg, e.completion = t
function C(e) {
this.tryEntries = [{
tryLoc: "root"
}], e.forEach(k, this), this.reset(!0)
function A(e) {
if (e) {
var n = e[i];
if (n) return;
if ("function" == typeof return e;
if (!isNaN(e.length)) {
var o = -1,
a = function n() {
for (; ++o < e.length;)
if (, o)) return n.value = e[o], n.done = !1, n;
return n.value = t, n.done = !0, n
return = a
return {
next: P
function P() {
return {
value: t,
done: !0
return g.prototype = x.constructor = y, y.constructor = g, g.displayName = s(y, u, "GeneratorFunction"), e.isGeneratorFunction = function(e) {
var t = "function" == typeof e && e.constructor;
return !!t && (t === g || "GeneratorFunction" === (t.displayName ||
}, e.mark = function(e) {
return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, y) : (e.__proto__ = y, s(e, u, "GeneratorFunction")), e.prototype = Object.create(x), e
}, e.awrap = function(e) {
return {
__await: e
}, E(T.prototype), T.prototype[a] = function() {
return this
}, e.AsyncIterator = T, e.async = function(t, n, r, o, i) {
void 0 === i && (i = Promise);
var a = new T(l(t, n, r, o), i);
return e.isGeneratorFunction(n) ? a : {
return e.done ? e.value :
}, E(x), s(x, u, "Generator"), x[i] = function() {
return this
}, x.toString = function() {
return "[object Generator]"
}, e.keys = function(e) {
var t = [];
for (var n in e) t.push(n);
return t.reverse(),
function n() {
for (; t.length;) {
var r = t.pop();
if (r in e) return n.value = r, n.done = !1, n
return n.done = !0, n
}, e.values = A, C.prototype = {
constructor: C,
reset: function(e) {
if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = t, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = t, this.tryEntries.forEach(O), !e)
for (var n in this) "t" === n.charAt(0) &&, n) && !isNaN(+n.slice(1)) && (this[n] = t)
stop: function() {
this.done = !0;
var e = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
if ("throw" === e.type) throw e.arg;
return this.rval
dispatchException: function(e) {
if (this.done) throw e;
var n = this;
function o(r, o) {
return u.type = "throw", u.arg = e, = r, o && (n.method = "next", n.arg = t), !!o
for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var a = this.tryEntries[i],
u = a.completion;
if ("root" === a.tryLoc) return o("end");
if (a.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var s =, "catchLoc"),
l =, "finallyLoc");
if (s && l) {
if (this.prev < a.catchLoc) return o(a.catchLoc, !0);
if (this.prev < a.finallyLoc) return o(a.finallyLoc)
} else if (s) {
if (this.prev < a.catchLoc) return o(a.catchLoc, !0)
} else {
if (!l) throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
if (this.prev < a.finallyLoc) return o(a.finallyLoc)
abrupt: function(e, t) {
for (var n = this.tryEntries.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
var o = this.tryEntries[n];
if (o.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < o.finallyLoc) {
var i = o;
i && ("break" === e || "continue" === e) && i.tryLoc <= t && t <= i.finallyLoc && (i = null);
var a = i ? i.completion : {};
return a.type = e, a.arg = t, i ? (this.method = "next", = i.finallyLoc, m) : this.complete(a)
complete: function(e, t) {
if ("throw" === e.type) throw e.arg;
return "break" === e.type || "continue" === e.type ? = e.arg : "return" === e.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = e.arg, this.method = "return", = "end") : "normal" === e.type && t && ( = t), m
finish: function(e) {
for (var t = this.tryEntries.length - 1; t >= 0; --t) {
var n = this.tryEntries[t];
if (n.finallyLoc === e) return this.complete(n.completion, n.afterLoc), O(n), m
catch: function(e) {
for (var t = this.tryEntries.length - 1; t >= 0; --t) {
var n = this.tryEntries[t];
if (n.tryLoc === e) {
var r = n.completion;
if ("throw" === r.type) {
var o = r.arg;
return o
throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")
delegateYield: function(e, n, r) {
return this.delegate = {
iterator: A(e),
resultName: n,
nextLoc: r
}, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = t), m
}, e
try {
regeneratorRuntime = r
} catch (e) {
Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(r)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(4);
t.default = function(e) {
enforceActions: e ? "observed" : "never"
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(30);
t.default = function() {
return (r.getGlobalContext().nextActionId++).toString()
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(29),
o = n(30);
function i(e, t) {
return e.bind(null, t)
t.default = function() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
for (var n = r.finalDispatch, a = e.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) n = i(e[a], n);
o.getGlobalContext().dispatchWithMiddleware = n
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(4),
o = n(72),
i = r.action("createStore", (function(e, t) {
if (o.default().get(e)) throw new Error("A store named " + e + " has already been created.");
o.default().set(e, t)
t.default = function(e, t) {
return i(e, t),
function() {
return o.default().get(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(28),
o = n(29);
t.default = function(e, t) {
var n = r.getPrivateActionId(e);
if (!n) throw new Error("Orchestrators can only subscribe to action creators.");
return o.subscribe(n, t), t
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(28),
o = n(73);
function i(e) {
return function(t, n) {
var o = r.action(t, (function() {
return {
args: arguments
return e(o, (function(e) {
return n.apply(null, e.args)
})), o
t.createSimpleSubscriber = i, t.mutatorAction = i(o.default)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(26)(n(12), "DataView");
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(67),
o = n(149),
i = n(24),
a = n(76),
u = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/,
s = Function.prototype,
l = Object.prototype,
c = s.toString,
f = l.hasOwnProperty,
p = RegExp("^" +[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$");
e.exports = function(e) {
return !(!i(e) || o(e)) && (r(e) ? p : u).test(a(e))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(150),
o = function() {
var e = /[^.]+$/.exec(r && r.keys && r.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
return e ? "Symbol(src)_1." + e : ""
e.exports = function(e) {
return !!o && o in e
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(12)["__core-js_shared__"];
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return null == e ? void 0 : e[t]
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(26)(n(12), "Promise");
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(26)(n(12), "Set");
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(26)(n(12), "WeakMap");
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(24),
o = n(156),
i = n(55),
a = Math.max,
u = Math.min;
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var s, l, c, f, p, h, d = 0,
m = !1,
v = !1,
g = !0;
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
function y(t) {
var n = s,
r = l;
return s = l = void 0, d = t, f = e.apply(r, n)
function b(e) {
return d = e, p = setTimeout(_, t), m ? y(e) : f
function w(e) {
var n = e - h;
return void 0 === h || n >= t || n < 0 || v && e - d >= c
function _() {
var e = o();
if (w(e)) return x(e);
p = setTimeout(_, function(e) {
var n = t - (e - h);
return v ? u(n, c - (e - d)) : n
function x(e) {
return p = void 0, g && s ? y(e) : (s = l = void 0, f)
function E() {
var e = o(),
n = w(e);
if (s = arguments, l = this, h = e, n) {
if (void 0 === p) return b(h);
if (v) return clearTimeout(p), p = setTimeout(_, t), y(h)
return void 0 === p && (p = setTimeout(_, t)), f
return t = i(t) || 0, r(n) && (m = !!n.leading, c = (v = "maxWait" in n) ? a(i(n.maxWait) || 0, t) : c, g = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : g), E.cancel = function() {
void 0 !== p && clearTimeout(p), d = 0, s = h = l = p = void 0
}, E.flush = function() {
return void 0 === p ? f : x(o())
}, E
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(12);
e.exports = function() {
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(22),
o = n(23);
e.exports = function(e) {
return "number" == typeof e || o(e) && "[object Number]" == r(e)
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return e && e.length ? e[0] : void 0
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(47);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = [];
return r(e, (function(e, r, o) {
t(e, r, o) && n.push(e)
})), n
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(161),
o = n(200),
i = n(84);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = o(e);
return 1 == t.length && t[0][2] ? i(t[0][0], t[0][1]) : function(n) {
return n === e || r(n, e, t)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(79),
o = n(81);
e.exports = function(e, t, n, i) {
var a = n.length,
u = a,
s = !i;
if (null == e) return !u;
for (e = Object(e); a--;) {
var l = n[a];
if (s && l[2] ? l[1] !== e[l[0]] : !(l[0] in e)) return !1
for (; ++a < u;) {
var c = (l = n[a])[0],
f = e[c],
p = l[1];
if (s && l[2]) {
if (void 0 === f && !(c in e)) return !1
} else {
var h = new r;
if (i) var d = i(f, p, c, e, t, h);
if (!(void 0 === d ? o(p, f, 3, i, h) : d)) return !1
return !0
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function() {
this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(41),
o = Array.prototype.splice;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = this.__data__,
n = r(t, e);
return !(n < 0 || (n == t.length - 1 ? t.pop() :, n, 1), --this.size, 0))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(41);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = this.__data__,
n = r(t, e);
return n < 0 ? void 0 : t[n][1]
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(41);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(this.__data__, e) > -1
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(41);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = this.__data__,
o = r(n, e);
return o < 0 ? (++this.size, n.push([e, t])) : n[o][1] = t, this
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(40);
e.exports = function() {
this.__data__ = new r, this.size = 0
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = this.__data__,
n = t.delete(e);
return this.size = t.size, n
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return this.__data__.get(e)
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return this.__data__.has(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(40),
o = n(56),
i = n(57);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = this.__data__;
if (n instanceof r) {
var a = n.__data__;
if (!o || a.length < 199) return a.push([e, t]), this.size = ++n.size, this;
n = this.__data__ = new i(a)
return n.set(e, t), this.size = n.size, this
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(173),
o = n(40),
i = n(56);
e.exports = function() {
this.size = 0, this.__data__ = {
hash: new r,
map: new(i || o),
string: new r
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(174),
o = n(175),
i = n(176),
a = n(177),
u = n(178);
function s(e) {
var t = -1,
n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
for (this.clear(); ++t < n;) {
var r = e[t];
this.set(r[0], r[1])
s.prototype.clear = r, s.prototype.delete = o, s.prototype.get = i, s.prototype.has = a, s.prototype.set = u, e.exports = s
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(42);
e.exports = function() {
this.__data__ = r ? r(null) : {}, this.size = 0
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = this.has(e) && delete this.__data__[e];
return this.size -= t ? 1 : 0, t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(42),
o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = this.__data__;
if (r) {
var n = t[e];
return "__lodash_hash_undefined__" === n ? void 0 : n
return, e) ? t[e] : void 0
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(42),
o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = this.__data__;
return r ? void 0 !== t[e] :, e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(42);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = this.__data__;
return this.size += this.has(e) ? 0 : 1, n[e] = r && void 0 === t ? "__lodash_hash_undefined__" : t, this
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(43);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = r(this, e).delete(e);
return this.size -= t ? 1 : 0, t
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = typeof e;
return "string" == t || "number" == t || "symbol" == t || "boolean" == t ? "__proto__" !== e : null === e
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(43);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(this, e).get(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(43);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(this, e).has(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(43);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = r(this, e),
o = n.size;
return n.set(e, t), this.size += n.size == o ? 0 : 1, this
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(79),
o = n(82),
i = n(190),
a = n(194),
u = n(75),
s = n(11),
l = n(50),
c = n(51),
f = "[object Arguments]",
p = "[object Array]",
h = "[object Object]",
d = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e, t, n, m, v, g) {
var y = s(e),
b = s(t),
w = y ? p : u(e),
_ = b ? p : u(t),
x = (w = w == f ? h : w) == h,
E = (_ = _ == f ? h : _) == h,
T = w == _;
if (T && l(e)) {
if (!l(t)) return !1;
y = !0, x = !1
if (T && !x) return g || (g = new r), y || c(e) ? o(e, t, n, m, v, g) : i(e, t, w, n, m, v, g);
if (!(1 & n)) {
var S = x &&, "__wrapped__"),
k = E &&, "__wrapped__");
if (S || k) {
var O = S ? e.value() : e,
C = k ? t.value() : t;
return g || (g = new r), v(O, C, n, m, g)
return !!T && (g || (g = new r), a(e, t, n, m, v, g))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(57),
o = n(186),
i = n(187);
function a(e) {
var t = -1,
n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
for (this.__data__ = new r; ++t < n;) this.add(e[t])
a.prototype.add = a.prototype.push = o, a.prototype.has = i, e.exports = a
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return this.__data__.set(e, "__lodash_hash_undefined__"), this
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return this.__data__.has(e)
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == e ? 0 : e.length; ++n < r;)
if (t(e[n], n, e)) return !0;
return !1
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return e.has(t)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(36),
o = n(191),
i = n(80),
a = n(82),
u = n(192),
s = n(193),
l = r ? r.prototype : void 0,
c = l ? l.valueOf : void 0;
e.exports = function(e, t, n, r, l, f, p) {
switch (n) {
case "[object DataView]":
if (e.byteLength != t.byteLength || e.byteOffset != t.byteOffset) return !1;
e = e.buffer, t = t.buffer;
case "[object ArrayBuffer]":
return !(e.byteLength != t.byteLength || !f(new o(e), new o(t)));
case "[object Boolean]":
case "[object Date]":
case "[object Number]":
return i(+e, +t);
case "[object Error]":
return == && e.message == t.message;
case "[object RegExp]":
case "[object String]":
return e == t + "";
case "[object Map]":
var h = u;
case "[object Set]":
var d = 1 & r;
if (h || (h = s), e.size != t.size && !d) return !1;
var m = p.get(e);
if (m) return m == t;
r |= 2, p.set(e, t);
var v = a(h(e), h(t), r, l, f, p);
return p.delete(e), v;
case "[object Symbol]":
if (c) return ==
return !1
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(12).Uint8Array;
e.exports = r
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = -1,
n = Array(e.size);
return e.forEach((function(e, r) {
n[++t] = [r, e]
})), n
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = -1,
n = Array(e.size);
return e.forEach((function(e) {
n[++t] = e
})), n
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(195),
o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e, t, n, i, a, u) {
var s = 1 & n,
l = r(e),
c = l.length;
if (c != r(t).length && !s) return !1;
for (var f = c; f--;) {
var p = l[f];
if (!(s ? p in t :, p))) return !1
var h = u.get(e),
d = u.get(t);
if (h && d) return h == t && d == e;
var m = !0;
u.set(e, t), u.set(t, e);
for (var v = s; ++f < c;) {
var g = e[p = l[f]],
y = t[p];
if (i) var b = s ? i(y, g, p, t, e, u) : i(g, y, p, e, t, u);
if (!(void 0 === b ? g === y || a(g, y, n, i, u) : b)) {
m = !1;
v || (v = "constructor" == p)
if (m && !v) {
var w = e.constructor,
_ = t.constructor;
w == _ || !("constructor" in e) || !("constructor" in t) || "function" == typeof w && w instanceof w && "function" == typeof _ && _ instanceof _ || (m = !1)
return u.delete(e), u.delete(t), m
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(196),
o = n(198),
i = n(48);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(e, i, o)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(197),
o = n(11);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var i = t(e);
return o(e) ? i : r(i, n(e))
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
for (var n = -1, r = t.length, o = e.length; ++n < r;) e[o + n] = t[n];
return e
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(77),
o = n(199),
i = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,
a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,
u = a ? function(e) {
return null == e ? [] : (e = Object(e), r(a(e), (function(t) {
return, t)
} : o;
e.exports = u
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function() {
return []
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(83),
o = n(48);
e.exports = function(e) {
for (var t = o(e), n = t.length; n--;) {
var i = t[n],
a = e[i];
t[n] = [i, a, r(a)]
return t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(81),
o = n(202),
i = n(206),
a = n(58),
u = n(83),
s = n(84),
l = n(44);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return a(e) && u(t) ? s(l(e), t) : function(n) {
var a = o(n, e);
return void 0 === a && a === t ? i(n, e) : r(t, a, 3)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(85);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var o = null == e ? void 0 : r(e, t);
return void 0 === o ? n : o
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(204),
o = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g,
i = /\\(\\)?/g,
a = r((function(e) {
var t = [];
return 46 === e.charCodeAt(0) && t.push(""), e.replace(o, (function(e, n, r, o) {
t.push(r ? o.replace(i, "$1") : n || e)
})), t
e.exports = a
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(205);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = r(e, (function(e) {
return 500 === n.size && n.clear(), e
n = t.cache;
return t
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(57);
function o(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e || null != t && "function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
var n = function n() {
var r = arguments,
o = t ? t.apply(this, r) : r[0],
i = n.cache;
if (i.has(o)) return i.get(o);
var a = e.apply(this, r);
return n.cache = i.set(o, a) || i, a
return n.cache = new(o.Cache || r), n
o.Cache = r, e.exports = o
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(207),
o = n(208);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return null != e && o(e, t, r)
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return null != e && t in Object(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(86),
o = n(49),
i = n(11),
a = n(64),
u = n(52),
s = n(44);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
for (var l = -1, c = (t = r(t, e)).length, f = !1; ++l < c;) {
var p = s(t[l]);
if (!(f = null != e && n(e, p))) break;
e = e[p]
return f || ++l != c ? f : !!(c = null == e ? 0 : e.length) && u(c) && a(p, c) && (i(e) || o(e))
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(210),
o = n(211),
i = n(58),
a = n(44);
e.exports = function(e) {
return i(e) ? r(a(e)) : o(e)
}, function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
return function(t) {
return null == t ? void 0 : t[e]
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(85);
e.exports = function(e) {
return function(t) {
return r(t, e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(213);
function o() {}
function i() {}
i.resetWarningCache = o, e.exports = function() {
function e(e, t, n, o, i, a) {
if (a !== r) {
var u = new Error("Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at");
throw = "Invariant Violation", u
function t() {
return e
e.isRequired = e;
var n = {
array: e,
bool: e,
func: e,
number: e,
object: e,
string: e,
symbol: e,
any: e,
arrayOf: t,
element: e,
elementType: e,
instanceOf: t,
node: e,
objectOf: t,
oneOf: t,
oneOfType: t,
shape: t,
exact: t,
checkPropTypes: i,
resetWarningCache: o
return n.PropTypes = n, n
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r;
! function(o, i, a, u) {
"use strict";
var s, l = ["", "webkit", "Moz", "MS", "ms", "o"],
c = i.createElement("div"),
f = Math.round,
p = Math.abs,
h =;
function d(e, t, n) {
return setTimeout(_(e, n), t)
function m(e, t, n) {
return !!Array.isArray(e) && (v(e, n[t], n), !0)
function v(e, t, n) {
var r;
if (e)
if (e.forEach) e.forEach(t, n);
else if (e.length !== u)
for (r = 0; r < e.length;), e[r], r, e), r++;
for (r in e) e.hasOwnProperty(r) &&, e[r], r, e)
function g(e, t, n) {
var r = "DEPRECATED METHOD: " + t + "\n" + n + " AT \n";
return function() {
var t = new Error("get-stack-trace"),
n = t && t.stack ? t.stack.replace(/^[^\(]+?[\n$]/gm, "").replace(/^\s+at\s+/gm, "").replace(/^Object.<anonymous>\s*\(/gm, "{anonymous}()@") : "Unknown Stack Trace",
i = o.console && (o.console.warn || o.console.log);
return i &&, r, n), e.apply(this, arguments)
s = "function" != typeof Object.assign ? function(e) {
if (e === u || null === e) throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");
for (var t = Object(e), n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var r = arguments[n];
if (r !== u && null !== r)
for (var o in r) r.hasOwnProperty(o) && (t[o] = r[o])
return t
} : Object.assign;
var y = g((function(e, t, n) {
for (var r = Object.keys(t), o = 0; o < r.length;)(!n || n && e[r[o]] === u) && (e[r[o]] = t[r[o]]), o++;
return e
}), "extend", "Use `assign`."),
b = g((function(e, t) {
return y(e, t, !0)
}), "merge", "Use `assign`.");
function w(e, t, n) {
var r, o = t.prototype;
(r = e.prototype = Object.create(o)).constructor = e, r._super = o, n && s(r, n)
function _(e, t) {
return function() {
return e.apply(t, arguments)
function x(e, t) {
return "function" == typeof e ? e.apply(t && t[0] || u, t) : e
function E(e, t) {
return e === u ? t : e
function T(e, t, n) {
v(C(t), (function(t) {
e.addEventListener(t, n, !1)
function S(e, t, n) {
v(C(t), (function(t) {
e.removeEventListener(t, n, !1)
function k(e, t) {
for (; e;) {
if (e == t) return !0;
e = e.parentNode
return !1
function O(e, t) {
return e.indexOf(t) > -1
function C(e) {
return e.trim().split(/\s+/g)
function A(e, t, n) {
if (e.indexOf && !n) return e.indexOf(t);
for (var r = 0; r < e.length;) {
if (n && e[r][n] == t || !n && e[r] === t) return r;
return -1
function P(e) {
return, 0)
function M(e, t, n) {
for (var r = [], o = [], i = 0; i < e.length;) {
var a = t ? e[i][t] : e[i];
A(o, a) < 0 && r.push(e[i]), o[i] = a, i++
return n && (r = t ? r.sort((function(e, n) {
return e[t] > n[t]
})) : r.sort()), r
function R(e, t) {
for (var n, r, o = t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), i = 0; i < l.length;) {
if ((r = (n = l[i]) ? n + o : t) in e) return r;
return u
var j = 1;
function I(e) {
var t = e.ownerDocument || e;
return t.defaultView || t.parentWindow || o
var N = "ontouchstart" in o,
L = R(o, "PointerEvent") !== u,
D = N && /mobile|tablet|ip(ad|hone|od)|android/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
U = "touch",
z = "mouse",
F = ["x", "y"],
B = ["clientX", "clientY"];
function V(e, t) {
var n = this;
this.manager = e, this.callback = t, this.element = e.element, = e.options.inputTarget, this.domHandler = function(t) {
x(e.options.enable, [e]) && n.handler(t)
}, this.init()
function W(e, t, n) {
var r = n.pointers.length,
o = n.changedPointers.length,
i = 1 & t && r - o == 0,
a = 12 & t && r - o == 0;
n.isFirst = !!i, n.isFinal = !!a, i && (e.session = {}), n.eventType = t,
function(e, t) {
var n = e.session,
r = t.pointers,
o = r.length;
n.firstInput || (n.firstInput = $(t)), o > 1 && !n.firstMultiple ? n.firstMultiple = $(t) : 1 === o && (n.firstMultiple = !1);
var i = n.firstInput,
a = n.firstMultiple,
s = a ? :,
l = = H(r);
t.timeStamp = h(), t.deltaTime = t.timeStamp - i.timeStamp, t.angle = K(s, l), t.distance = Y(s, l),
function(e, t) {
var n =,
r = e.offsetDelta || {},
o = e.prevDelta || {},
i = e.prevInput || {};
1 !== t.eventType && 4 !== i.eventType || (o = e.prevDelta = {
x: i.deltaX || 0,
y: i.deltaY || 0
}, r = e.offsetDelta = {
x: n.x,
y: n.y
}), t.deltaX = o.x + (n.x - r.x), t.deltaY = o.y + (n.y - r.y)
}(n, t), t.offsetDirection = G(t.deltaX, t.deltaY);
var c, f, d = q(t.deltaTime, t.deltaX, t.deltaY);
t.overallVelocityX = d.x, t.overallVelocityY = d.y, t.overallVelocity = p(d.x) > p(d.y) ? d.x : d.y, t.scale = a ? (c = a.pointers, Y((f = r)[0], f[1], B) / Y(c[0], c[1], B)) : 1, t.rotation = a ? function(e, t) {
return K(t[1], t[0], B) + K(e[1], e[0], B)
}(a.pointers, r) : 0, t.maxPointers = n.prevInput ? t.pointers.length > n.prevInput.maxPointers ? t.pointers.length : n.prevInput.maxPointers : t.pointers.length,
function(e, t) {
var n, r, o, i, a = e.lastInterval || t,
s = t.timeStamp - a.timeStamp;
if (8 != t.eventType && (s > 25 || a.velocity === u)) {
var l = t.deltaX - a.deltaX,
c = t.deltaY - a.deltaY,
f = q(s, l, c);
r = f.x, o = f.y, n = p(f.x) > p(f.y) ? f.x : f.y, i = G(l, c), e.lastInterval = t
} else n = a.velocity, r = a.velocityX, o = a.velocityY, i = a.direction;
t.velocity = n, t.velocityX = r, t.velocityY = o, t.direction = i
}(n, t);
var m = e.element;
k(, m) && (m =, = m
}(e, n), e.emit("hammer.input", n), e.recognize(n), e.session.prevInput = n
function $(e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.pointers.length;) t[n] = {
clientX: f(e.pointers[n].clientX),
clientY: f(e.pointers[n].clientY)
}, n++;
return {
timeStamp: h(),
pointers: t,
center: H(t),
deltaX: e.deltaX,
deltaY: e.deltaY
function H(e) {
var t = e.length;
if (1 === t) return {
x: f(e[0].clientX),
y: f(e[0].clientY)
for (var n = 0, r = 0, o = 0; o < t;) n += e[o].clientX, r += e[o].clientY, o++;
return {
x: f(n / t),
y: f(r / t)
function q(e, t, n) {
return {
x: t / e || 0,
y: n / e || 0
function G(e, t) {
return e === t ? 1 : p(e) >= p(t) ? e < 0 ? 2 : 4 : t < 0 ? 8 : 16
function Y(e, t, n) {
n || (n = F);
var r = t[n[0]] - e[n[0]],
o = t[n[1]] - e[n[1]];
return Math.sqrt(r * r + o * o)
function K(e, t, n) {
n || (n = F);
var r = t[n[0]] - e[n[0]],
o = t[n[1]] - e[n[1]];
return 180 * Math.atan2(o, r) / Math.PI
V.prototype = {
handler: function() {},
init: function() {
this.evEl && T(this.element, this.evEl, this.domHandler), this.evTarget && T(, this.evTarget, this.domHandler), this.evWin && T(I(this.element), this.evWin, this.domHandler)
destroy: function() {
this.evEl && S(this.element, this.evEl, this.domHandler), this.evTarget && S(, this.evTarget, this.domHandler), this.evWin && S(I(this.element), this.evWin, this.domHandler)
var Q = {
mousedown: 1,
mousemove: 2,
mouseup: 4
X = "mousedown",
J = "mousemove mouseup";
function Z() {
this.evEl = X, this.evWin = J, this.pressed = !1, V.apply(this, arguments)
w(Z, V, {
handler: function(e) {
var t = Q[e.type];
1 & t && 0 === e.button && (this.pressed = !0), 2 & t && 1 !== e.which && (t = 4), this.pressed && (4 & t && (this.pressed = !1), this.callback(this.manager, t, {
pointers: [e],
changedPointers: [e],
pointerType: z,
srcEvent: e
var ee = {
pointerdown: 1,
pointermove: 2,
pointerup: 4,
pointercancel: 8,
pointerout: 8
te = {
2: U,
3: "pen",
4: z,
5: "kinect"
ne = "pointerdown",
re = "pointermove pointerup pointercancel";
function oe() {
this.evEl = ne, this.evWin = re, V.apply(this, arguments), = this.manager.session.pointerEvents = []
o.MSPointerEvent && !o.PointerEvent && (ne = "MSPointerDown", re = "MSPointerMove MSPointerUp MSPointerCancel"), w(oe, V, {
handler: function(e) {
var t =,
n = !1,
r = e.type.toLowerCase().replace("ms", ""),
o = ee[r],
i = te[e.pointerType] || e.pointerType,
a = i == U,
u = A(t, e.pointerId, "pointerId");
1 & o && (0 === e.button || a) ? u < 0 && (t.push(e), u = t.length - 1) : 12 & o && (n = !0), u < 0 || (t[u] = e, this.callback(this.manager, o, {
pointers: t,
changedPointers: [e],
pointerType: i,
srcEvent: e
}), n && t.splice(u, 1))
var ie = {
touchstart: 1,
touchmove: 2,
touchend: 4,
touchcancel: 8
ae = "touchstart",
ue = "touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel";
function se() {
this.evTarget = ae, this.evWin = ue, this.started = !1, V.apply(this, arguments)
function le(e, t) {
var n = P(e.touches),
r = P(e.changedTouches);
return 12 & t && (n = M(n.concat(r), "identifier", !0)), [n, r]
w(se, V, {
handler: function(e) {
var t = ie[e.type];
if (1 === t && (this.started = !0), this.started) {
var n =, e, t);
12 & t && n[0].length - n[1].length == 0 && (this.started = !1), this.callback(this.manager, t, {
pointers: n[0],
changedPointers: n[1],
pointerType: U,
srcEvent: e
var ce = {
touchstart: 1,
touchmove: 2,
touchend: 4,
touchcancel: 8
fe = "touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel";
function pe() {
this.evTarget = fe, this.targetIds = {}, V.apply(this, arguments)
function he(e, t) {
var n = P(e.touches),
r = this.targetIds;
if (3 & t && 1 === n.length) return r[n[0].identifier] = !0, [n, n];
var o, i, a = P(e.changedTouches),
u = [],
s =;
if (i = n.filter((function(e) {
return k(, s)
})), 1 === t)
for (o = 0; o < i.length;) r[i[o].identifier] = !0, o++;
for (o = 0; o < a.length;) r[a[o].identifier] && u.push(a[o]), 12 & t && delete r[a[o].identifier], o++;
return u.length ? [M(i.concat(u), "identifier", !0), u] : void 0
function de() {
V.apply(this, arguments);
var e = _(this.handler, this);
this.touch = new pe(this.manager, e), this.mouse = new Z(this.manager, e), this.primaryTouch = null, this.lastTouches = []
function me(e, t) {
1 & e ? (this.primaryTouch = t.changedPointers[0].identifier,, t)) : 12 & e &&, t)
function ve(e) {
var t = e.changedPointers[0];
if (t.identifier === this.primaryTouch) {
var n = {
x: t.clientX,
y: t.clientY
var r = this.lastTouches;
setTimeout((function() {
var e = r.indexOf(n);
e > -1 && r.splice(e, 1)
}), 2500)
function ge(e) {
for (var t = e.srcEvent.clientX, n = e.srcEvent.clientY, r = 0; r < this.lastTouches.length; r++) {
var o = this.lastTouches[r],
i = Math.abs(t - o.x),
a = Math.abs(n - o.y);
if (i <= 25 && a <= 25) return !0
return !1
w(pe, V, {
handler: function(e) {
var t = ce[e.type],
n =, e, t);
n && this.callback(this.manager, t, {
pointers: n[0],
changedPointers: n[1],
pointerType: U,
srcEvent: e
}), w(de, V, {
handler: function(e, t, n) {
var r = n.pointerType == U,
o = n.pointerType == z;
if (!(o && n.sourceCapabilities && n.sourceCapabilities.firesTouchEvents)) {
if (r), t, n);
else if (o &&, n)) return;
this.callback(e, t, n)
destroy: function() {
this.touch.destroy(), this.mouse.destroy()
var ye = R(, "touchAction"),
be = ye !== u,
we = "compute",
_e = "manipulation",
xe = "none",
Ee = "pan-x",
Te = "pan-y",
Se = function() {
if (!be) return !1;
var e = {},
t = o.CSS && o.CSS.supports;
return ["auto", "manipulation", "pan-y", "pan-x", "pan-x pan-y", "none"].forEach((function(n) {
e[n] = !t || o.CSS.supports("touch-action", n)
})), e
function ke(e, t) {
this.manager = e, this.set(t)
ke.prototype = {
set: function(e) {
e == we && (e = this.compute()), be && && Se[e] && ([ye] = e), this.actions = e.toLowerCase().trim()
update: function() {
compute: function() {
var e = [];
return v(this.manager.recognizers, (function(t) {
x(t.options.enable, [t]) && (e = e.concat(t.getTouchAction()))
function(e) {
if (O(e, xe)) return xe;
var t = O(e, Ee),
n = O(e, Te);
return t && n ? xe : t || n ? t ? Ee : Te : O(e, _e) ? _e : "auto"
}(e.join(" "))
preventDefaults: function(e) {
var t = e.srcEvent,
n = e.offsetDirection;
if (this.manager.session.prevented) t.preventDefault();
else {
var r = this.actions,
o = O(r, xe) && !Se.none,
i = O(r, Te) && !Se["pan-y"],
a = O(r, Ee) && !Se["pan-x"];
if (o) {
var u = 1 === e.pointers.length,
s = e.distance < 2,
l = e.deltaTime < 250;
if (u && s && l) return
if (!a || !i) return o || i && 6 & n || a && 24 & n ? this.preventSrc(t) : void 0
preventSrc: function(e) {
this.manager.session.prevented = !0, e.preventDefault()
function Oe(e) {
this.options = s({}, this.defaults, e || {}), = j++, this.manager = null, this.options.enable = E(this.options.enable, !0), this.state = 1, this.simultaneous = {}, this.requireFail = []
function Ce(e) {
return 16 & e ? "cancel" : 8 & e ? "end" : 4 & e ? "move" : 2 & e ? "start" : ""
function Ae(e) {
return 16 == e ? "down" : 8 == e ? "up" : 2 == e ? "left" : 4 == e ? "right" : ""
function Pe(e, t) {
var n = t.manager;
return n ? n.get(e) : e
function Me() {
Oe.apply(this, arguments)
function Re() {
Me.apply(this, arguments), this.pX = null, this.pY = null
function je() {
Me.apply(this, arguments)
function Ie() {
Oe.apply(this, arguments), this._timer = null, this._input = null
function Ne() {
Me.apply(this, arguments)
function Le() {
Me.apply(this, arguments)
function De() {
Oe.apply(this, arguments), this.pTime = !1, this.pCenter = !1, this._timer = null, this._input = null, this.count = 0
function Ue(e, t) {
return (t = t || {}).recognizers = E(t.recognizers, Ue.defaults.preset), new ze(e, t)
function ze(e, t) {
var n;
this.options = s({}, Ue.defaults, t || {}), this.options.inputTarget = this.options.inputTarget || e, this.handlers = {}, this.session = {}, this.recognizers = [], this.oldCssProps = {}, this.element = e, this.input = new((n = this).options.inputClass || (L ? oe : D ? pe : N ? de : Z))(n, W), this.touchAction = new ke(this, this.options.touchAction), Fe(this, !0), v(this.options.recognizers, (function(e) {
var t = this.add(new e[0](e[1]));
e[2] && t.recognizeWith(e[2]), e[3] && t.requireFailure(e[3])
}), this)
function Fe(e, t) {
var n, r = e.element; && (v(e.options.cssProps, (function(o, i) {
n = R(, i), t ? (e.oldCssProps[n] =[n],[n] = o) :[n] = e.oldCssProps[n] || ""
})), t || (e.oldCssProps = {}))
Oe.prototype = {
defaults: {},
set: function(e) {
return s(this.options, e), this.manager && this.manager.touchAction.update(), this
recognizeWith: function(e) {
if (m(e, "recognizeWith", this)) return this;
var t = this.simultaneous;
return t[(e = Pe(e, this)).id] || (t[] = e, e.recognizeWith(this)), this
dropRecognizeWith: function(e) {
return m(e, "dropRecognizeWith", this) || (e = Pe(e, this), delete this.simultaneous[]), this
requireFailure: function(e) {
if (m(e, "requireFailure", this)) return this;
var t = this.requireFail;
return -1 === A(t, e = Pe(e, this)) && (t.push(e), e.requireFailure(this)), this
dropRequireFailure: function(e) {
if (m(e, "dropRequireFailure", this)) return this;
e = Pe(e, this);
var t = A(this.requireFail, e);
return t > -1 && this.requireFail.splice(t, 1), this
hasRequireFailures: function() {
return this.requireFail.length > 0
canRecognizeWith: function(e) {
return !!this.simultaneous[]
emit: function(e) {
var t = this,
n = this.state;
function r(n) {
t.manager.emit(n, e)
n < 8 && r(t.options.event + Ce(n)), r(t.options.event), e.additionalEvent && r(e.additionalEvent), n >= 8 && r(t.options.event + Ce(n))
tryEmit: function(e) {
if (this.canEmit()) return this.emit(e);
this.state = 32
canEmit: function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this.requireFail.length;) {
if (!(33 & this.requireFail[e].state)) return !1;
return !0
recognize: function(e) {
var t = s({}, e);
if (!x(this.options.enable, [this, t])) return this.reset(), void(this.state = 32);
56 & this.state && (this.state = 1), this.state = this.process(t), 30 & this.state && this.tryEmit(t)
process: function(e) {},
getTouchAction: function() {},
reset: function() {}
}, w(Me, Oe, {
defaults: {
pointers: 1
attrTest: function(e) {
var t = this.options.pointers;
return 0 === t || e.pointers.length === t
process: function(e) {
var t = this.state,
n = e.eventType,
r = 6 & t,
o = this.attrTest(e);
return r && (8 & n || !o) ? 16 | t : r || o ? 4 & n ? 8 | t : 2 & t ? 4 | t : 2 : 32
}), w(Re, Me, {
defaults: {
event: "pan",
threshold: 10,
pointers: 1,
direction: 30
getTouchAction: function() {
var e = this.options.direction,
t = [];
return 6 & e && t.push(Te), 24 & e && t.push(Ee), t
directionTest: function(e) {
var t = this.options,
n = !0,
r = e.distance,
o = e.direction,
i = e.deltaX,
a = e.deltaY;
return o & t.direction || (6 & t.direction ? (o = 0 === i ? 1 : i < 0 ? 2 : 4, n = i != this.pX, r = Math.abs(e.deltaX)) : (o = 0 === a ? 1 : a < 0 ? 8 : 16, n = a != this.pY, r = Math.abs(e.deltaY))), e.direction = o, n && r > t.threshold && o & t.direction
attrTest: function(e) {
return, e) && (2 & this.state || !(2 & this.state) && this.directionTest(e))
emit: function(e) {
this.pX = e.deltaX, this.pY = e.deltaY;
var t = Ae(e.direction);
t && (e.additionalEvent = this.options.event + t),, e)
}), w(je, Me, {
defaults: {
event: "pinch",
threshold: 0,
pointers: 2
getTouchAction: function() {
return [xe]
attrTest: function(e) {
return, e) && (Math.abs(e.scale - 1) > this.options.threshold || 2 & this.state)
emit: function(e) {
if (1 !== e.scale) {
var t = e.scale < 1 ? "in" : "out";
e.additionalEvent = this.options.event + t
}, e)
}), w(Ie, Oe, {
defaults: {
event: "press",
pointers: 1,
time: 251,
threshold: 9
getTouchAction: function() {
return ["auto"]
process: function(e) {
var t = this.options,
n = e.pointers.length === t.pointers,
r = e.distance < t.threshold,
o = e.deltaTime > t.time;
if (this._input = e, !r || !n || 12 & e.eventType && !o) this.reset();
else if (1 & e.eventType) this.reset(), this._timer = d((function() {
this.state = 8, this.tryEmit()
}), t.time, this);
else if (4 & e.eventType) return 8;
return 32
reset: function() {
emit: function(e) {
8 === this.state && (e && 4 & e.eventType ? this.manager.emit(this.options.event + "up", e) : (this._input.timeStamp = h(), this.manager.emit(this.options.event, this._input)))
}), w(Ne, Me, {
defaults: {
event: "rotate",
threshold: 0,
pointers: 2
getTouchAction: function() {
return [xe]
attrTest: function(e) {
return, e) && (Math.abs(e.rotation) > this.options.threshold || 2 & this.state)
}), w(Le, Me, {
defaults: {
event: "swipe",
threshold: 10,
velocity: .3,
direction: 30,
pointers: 1
getTouchAction: function() {
attrTest: function(e) {
var t, n = this.options.direction;
return 30 & n ? t = e.overallVelocity : 6 & n ? t = e.overallVelocityX : 24 & n && (t = e.overallVelocityY),, e) && n & e.offsetDirection && e.distance > this.options.threshold && e.maxPointers == this.options.pointers && p(t) > this.options.velocity && 4 & e.eventType
emit: function(e) {
var t = Ae(e.offsetDirection);
t && this.manager.emit(this.options.event + t, e), this.manager.emit(this.options.event, e)
}), w(De, Oe, {
defaults: {
event: "tap",
pointers: 1,
taps: 1,
interval: 300,
time: 250,
threshold: 9,
posThreshold: 10
getTouchAction: function() {
return [_e]
process: function(e) {
var t = this.options,
n = e.pointers.length === t.pointers,
r = e.distance < t.threshold,
o = e.deltaTime < t.time;
if (this.reset(), 1 & e.eventType && 0 === this.count) return this.failTimeout();
if (r && o && n) {
if (4 != e.eventType) return this.failTimeout();
var i = !this.pTime || e.timeStamp - this.pTime < t.interval,
a = !this.pCenter || Y(this.pCenter, < t.posThreshold;
if (this.pTime = e.timeStamp, this.pCenter =, a && i ? this.count += 1 : this.count = 1, this._input = e, 0 == this.count % t.taps) return this.hasRequireFailures() ? (this._timer = d((function() {
this.state = 8, this.tryEmit()
}), t.interval, this), 2) : 8
return 32
failTimeout: function() {
return this._timer = d((function() {
this.state = 32
}), this.options.interval, this), 32
reset: function() {
emit: function() {
8 == this.state && (this._input.tapCount = this.count, this.manager.emit(this.options.event, this._input))
}), Ue.VERSION = "2.0.7", Ue.defaults = {
domEvents: !1,
touchAction: we,
enable: !0,
inputTarget: null,
inputClass: null,
preset: [
[Ne, {
enable: !1
[je, {
enable: !1
[Le, {
direction: 6
[Re, {
direction: 6
[De, {
event: "doubletap",
taps: 2
cssProps: {
userSelect: "none",
touchSelect: "none",
touchCallout: "none",
contentZooming: "none",
userDrag: "none",
tapHighlightColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)"
}, ze.prototype = {
set: function(e) {
return s(this.options, e), e.touchAction && this.touchAction.update(), e.inputTarget && (this.input.destroy(), = e.inputTarget, this.input.init()), this
stop: function(e) {
this.session.stopped = e ? 2 : 1
recognize: function(e) {
var t = this.session;
if (!t.stopped) {
var n;
var r = this.recognizers,
o = t.curRecognizer;
(!o || o && 8 & o.state) && (o = t.curRecognizer = null);
for (var i = 0; i < r.length;) n = r[i], 2 === t.stopped || o && n != o && !n.canRecognizeWith(o) ? n.reset() : n.recognize(e), !o && 14 & n.state && (o = t.curRecognizer = n), i++
get: function(e) {
if (e instanceof Oe) return e;
for (var t = this.recognizers, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
if (t[n].options.event == e) return t[n];
return null
add: function(e) {
if (m(e, "add", this)) return this;
var t = this.get(e.options.event);
return t && this.remove(t), this.recognizers.push(e), e.manager = this, this.touchAction.update(), e
remove: function(e) {
if (m(e, "remove", this)) return this;
if (e = this.get(e)) {
var t = this.recognizers,
n = A(t, e); - 1 !== n && (t.splice(n, 1), this.touchAction.update())
return this
on: function(e, t) {
if (e !== u && t !== u) {
var n = this.handlers;
return v(C(e), (function(e) {
n[e] = n[e] || [], n[e].push(t)
})), this
off: function(e, t) {
if (e !== u) {
var n = this.handlers;
return v(C(e), (function(e) {
t ? n[e] && n[e].splice(A(n[e], t), 1) : delete n[e]
})), this
emit: function(e, t) {
this.options.domEvents && function(e, t) {
var n = i.createEvent("Event");
n.initEvent(e, !0, !0), n.gesture = t,
}(e, t);
var n = this.handlers[e] && this.handlers[e].slice();
if (n && n.length) {
t.type = e, t.preventDefault = function() {
for (var r = 0; r < n.length;) n[r](t), r++
destroy: function() {
this.element && Fe(this, !1), this.handlers = {}, this.session = {}, this.input.destroy(), this.element = null
}, s(Ue, {
Manager: ze,
Input: V,
TouchAction: ke,
TouchInput: pe,
MouseInput: Z,
PointerEventInput: oe,
TouchMouseInput: de,
SingleTouchInput: se,
Recognizer: Oe,
AttrRecognizer: Me,
Tap: De,
Pan: Re,
Swipe: Le,
Pinch: je,
Rotate: Ne,
Press: Ie,
on: T,
off: S,
each: v,
merge: b,
extend: y,
assign: s,
inherit: w,
bindFn: _,
prefixed: R
}), (void 0 !== o ? o : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {}).Hammer = Ue, (r = function() {
return Ue
}.call(t, n, t, e)) === u || (e.exports = r)
}(window, document)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(47),
o = n(38);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = -1,
i = o(e) ? Array(e.length) : [];
return r(e, (function(e, r, o) {
i[++n] = t(e, r, o)
})), i
}, function(e, t) {
var n = /\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*\//g;
function r(e) {
return e ? e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") : ""
e.exports = function(e, t) {
t = t || {};
var o = 1,
i = 1;
function a(e) {
var t = e.match(/\n/g);
t && (o += t.length);
var n = e.lastIndexOf("\n");
i = ~n ? e.length - n : i + e.length
function u() {
var e = {
line: o,
column: i
return function(t) {
return t.position = new s(e), m(), t
function s(e) {
this.start = e, this.end = {
line: o,
column: i
}, this.source = t.source
s.prototype.content = e;
var l = [];
function c(n) {
var r = new Error(t.source + ":" + o + ":" + i + ": " + n);
if (r.reason = n, r.filename = t.source, r.line = o, r.column = i, r.source = e, !t.silent) throw r;
function f() {
return d(/^{\s*/)
function p() {
return d(/^}/)
function h() {
var t, n = [];
for (m(), v(n); e.length && "}" != e.charAt(0) && (t = k() || O());) !1 !== t && (n.push(t), v(n));
return n
function d(t) {
var n = t.exec(e);
if (n) {
var r = n[0];
return a(r), e = e.slice(r.length), n
function m() {
function v(e) {
var t;
for (e = e || []; t = g();) !1 !== t && e.push(t);
return e
function g() {
var t = u();
if ("/" == e.charAt(0) && "*" == e.charAt(1)) {
for (var n = 2;
"" != e.charAt(n) && ("*" != e.charAt(n) || "/" != e.charAt(n + 1));) ++n;
if (n += 2, "" === e.charAt(n - 1)) return c("End of comment missing");
var r = e.slice(2, n - 2);
return i += 2, a(r), e = e.slice(n), i += 2, t({
type: "comment",
comment: r
function y() {
var e = d(/^([^{]+)/);
if (e) return r(e[0]).replace(/\/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*\/+/g, "").replace(/"(?:\\"|[^"])*"|'(?:\\'|[^'])*'/g, (function(e) {
return e.replace(/,/g, "‌")
})).split(/\s*(?![^(]*\)),\s*/).map((function(e) {
return e.replace(/\u200C/g, ",")
function b() {
var e = u(),
t = d(/^(\*?[-#\/\*\\\w]+(\[[0-9a-z_-]+\])?)\s*/);
if (t) {
if (t = r(t[0]), !d(/^:\s*/)) return c("property missing ':'");
var o = d(/^((?:'(?:\\'|.)*?'|"(?:\\"|.)*?"|\([^\)]*?\)|[^};])+)/),
i = e({
type: "declaration",
property: t.replace(n, ""),
value: o ? r(o[0]).replace(n, "") : ""
return d(/^[;\s]*/), i
function w() {
var e, t = [];
if (!f()) return c("missing '{'");
for (v(t); e = b();) !1 !== e && (t.push(e), v(t));
return p() ? t : c("missing '}'")
function _() {
for (var e, t = [], n = u(); e = d(/^((\d+\.\d+|\.\d+|\d+)%?|[a-z]+)\s*/);) t.push(e[1]), d(/^,\s*/);
if (t.length) return n({
type: "keyframe",
values: t,
declarations: w()
var x = S("import"),
E = S("charset"),
T = S("namespace");
function S(e) {
var t = new RegExp("^@" + e + "\\s*([^;]+);");
return function() {
var n = u(),
r = d(t);
if (r) {
var o = {
type: e
return o[e] = r[1].trim(), n(o)
function k() {
if ("@" == e[0]) return function() {
var e = u();
if (t = d(/^@([-\w]+)?keyframes\s*/)) {
var t, n = t[1];
if (!(t = d(/^([-\w]+)\s*/))) return c("@keyframes missing name");
var r, o = t[1];
if (!f()) return c("@keyframes missing '{'");
for (var i = v(); r = _();) i.push(r), i = i.concat(v());
return p() ? e({
type: "keyframes",
name: o,
vendor: n,
keyframes: i
}) : c("@keyframes missing '}'")
}() || function() {
var e = u(),
t = d(/^@media *([^{]+)/);
if (t) {
var n = r(t[1]);
if (!f()) return c("@media missing '{'");
var o = v().concat(h());
return p() ? e({
type: "media",
media: n,
rules: o
}) : c("@media missing '}'")
}() || function() {
var e = u(),
t = d(/^@custom-media\s+(--[^\s]+)\s*([^{;]+);/);
if (t) return e({
type: "custom-media",
name: r(t[1]),
media: r(t[2])
}() || function() {
var e = u(),
t = d(/^@supports *([^{]+)/);
if (t) {
var n = r(t[1]);
if (!f()) return c("@supports missing '{'");
var o = v().concat(h());
return p() ? e({
type: "supports",
supports: n,
rules: o
}) : c("@supports missing '}'")
}() || x() || E() || T() || function() {
var e = u(),
t = d(/^@([-\w]+)?document *([^{]+)/);
if (t) {
var n = r(t[1]),
o = r(t[2]);
if (!f()) return c("@document missing '{'");
var i = v().concat(h());
return p() ? e({
type: "document",
document: o,
vendor: n,
rules: i
}) : c("@document missing '}'")
}() || function() {
var e = u();
if (d(/^@page */)) {
var t = y() || [];
if (!f()) return c("@page missing '{'");
for (var n, r = v(); n = b();) r.push(n), r = r.concat(v());
return p() ? e({
type: "page",
selectors: t,
declarations: r
}) : c("@page missing '}'")
}() || function() {
var e = u();
if (d(/^@host\s*/)) {
if (!f()) return c("@host missing '{'");
var t = v().concat(h());
return p() ? e({
type: "host",
rules: t
}) : c("@host missing '}'")
}() || function() {
var e = u();
if (d(/^@font-face\s*/)) {
if (!f()) return c("@font-face missing '{'");
for (var t, n = v(); t = b();) n.push(t), n = n.concat(v());
return p() ? e({
type: "font-face",
declarations: n
}) : c("@font-face missing '}'")
function O() {
var e = u(),
t = y();
return t ? (v(), e({
type: "rule",
selectors: t,
declarations: w()
})) : c("selector missing")
return function e(t, n) {
var r = t && "string" == typeof t.type,
o = r ? t : n;
for (var i in t) {
var a = t[i];
Array.isArray(a) ? a.forEach((function(t) {
e(t, o)
})) : a && "object" == typeof a && e(a, o)
return r && Object.defineProperty(t, "parent", {
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
value: n || null
}), t
}(function() {
var e = h();
return {
type: "stylesheet",
stylesheet: {
source: t.source,
rules: e,
parsingErrors: l
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(218),
o = n(219);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var i = (t = t || {}).compress ? new r(t) : new o(t);
if (t.sourcemap) {
var a = i.compile(e);
return i.applySourceMaps(), {
code: a,
map: "generator" === t.sourcemap ? :
return i.compile(e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(87),
o = n(88);
function i(e) {, e)
e.exports = i, o(i, r), i.prototype.compile = function(e) {
return, this).join("")
}, i.prototype.comment = function(e) {
return this.emit("", e.position)
}, i.prototype.import = function(e) {
return this.emit("@import " + e.import+";", e.position)
}, = function(e) {
return this.emit("@media " +, e.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(e.rules) + this.emit("}")
}, i.prototype.document = function(e) {
var t = "@" + (e.vendor || "") + "document " + e.document;
return this.emit(t, e.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(e.rules) + this.emit("}")
}, i.prototype.charset = function(e) {
return this.emit("@charset " + e.charset + ";", e.position)
}, i.prototype.namespace = function(e) {
return this.emit("@namespace " + e.namespace + ";", e.position)
}, i.prototype.supports = function(e) {
return this.emit("@supports " + e.supports, e.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(e.rules) + this.emit("}")
}, i.prototype.keyframes = function(e) {
return this.emit("@" + (e.vendor || "") + "keyframes " +, e.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(e.keyframes) + this.emit("}")
}, i.prototype.keyframe = function(e) {
var t = e.declarations;
return this.emit(e.values.join(","), e.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(t) + this.emit("}")
}, = function(e) {
var t = e.selectors.length ? e.selectors.join(", ") : "";
return this.emit("@page " + t, e.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(e.declarations) + this.emit("}")
}, i.prototype["font-face"] = function(e) {
return this.emit("@font-face", e.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(e.declarations) + this.emit("}")
}, = function(e) {
return this.emit("@host", e.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(e.rules) + this.emit("}")
}, i.prototype["custom-media"] = function(e) {
return this.emit("@custom-media " + + " " + + ";", e.position)
}, i.prototype.rule = function(e) {
var t = e.declarations;
return t.length ? this.emit(e.selectors.join(","), e.position) + this.emit("{") + this.mapVisit(t) + this.emit("}") : ""
}, i.prototype.declaration = function(e) {
return this.emit( + ":" + e.value, e.position) + this.emit(";")
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(87),
o = n(88);
function i(e) {
e = e || {},, e), this.indentation = e.indent
e.exports = i, o(i, r), i.prototype.compile = function(e) {
return this.stylesheet(e)
}, i.prototype.stylesheet = function(e) {
return this.mapVisit(e.stylesheet.rules, "\n\n")
}, i.prototype.comment = function(e) {
return this.emit(this.indent() + "/*" + e.comment + "*/", e.position)
}, i.prototype.import = function(e) {
return this.emit("@import " + e.import+";", e.position)
}, = function(e) {
return this.emit("@media " +, e.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(e.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "\n}")
}, i.prototype.document = function(e) {
var t = "@" + (e.vendor || "") + "document " + e.document;
return this.emit(t, e.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(e.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "\n}")
}, i.prototype.charset = function(e) {
return this.emit("@charset " + e.charset + ";", e.position)
}, i.prototype.namespace = function(e) {
return this.emit("@namespace " + e.namespace + ";", e.position)
}, i.prototype.supports = function(e) {
return this.emit("@supports " + e.supports, e.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(e.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "\n}")
}, i.prototype.keyframes = function(e) {
return this.emit("@" + (e.vendor || "") + "keyframes " +, e.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(e.keyframes, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "}")
}, i.prototype.keyframe = function(e) {
var t = e.declarations;
return this.emit(this.indent()) + this.emit(e.values.join(", "), e.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(t, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "\n" + this.indent() + "}\n")
}, = function(e) {
var t = e.selectors.length ? e.selectors.join(", ") + " " : "";
return this.emit("@page " + t, e.position) + this.emit("{\n") + this.emit(this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(e.declarations, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1)) + this.emit("\n}")
}, i.prototype["font-face"] = function(e) {
return this.emit("@font-face ", e.position) + this.emit("{\n") + this.emit(this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(e.declarations, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1)) + this.emit("\n}")
}, = function(e) {
return this.emit("@host", e.position) + this.emit(" {\n" + this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(e.rules, "\n\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1) + "\n}")
}, i.prototype["custom-media"] = function(e) {
return this.emit("@custom-media " + + " " + + ";", e.position)
}, i.prototype.rule = function(e) {
var t = this.indent(),
n = e.declarations;
return n.length ? this.emit( {
return t + e
})).join(",\n"), e.position) + this.emit(" {\n") + this.emit(this.indent(1)) + this.mapVisit(n, "\n") + this.emit(this.indent(-1)) + this.emit("\n" + this.indent() + "}") : ""
}, i.prototype.declaration = function(e) {
return this.emit(this.indent()) + this.emit( + ": " + e.value, e.position) + this.emit(";")
}, i.prototype.indent = function(e) {
return this.level = this.level || 1, null != e ? (this.level += e, "") : Array(this.level).join(this.indentation || " ")
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(89).SourceMapGenerator,
o = n(89).SourceMapConsumer,
i = n(227),
a = n(242),
u = n(93);
e.exports = function(e) {
for (var n in e._comment = e.comment, = new r, e.position = {
line: 1,
column: 1
}, e.files = {}, t) e[n] = t[n]
var s = function(e) {
return "\\" === u.sep ? e.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/^[a-z]:\/?/i, "/") : e
t.updatePosition = function(e) {
var t = e.match(/\n/g);
t && (this.position.line += t.length);
var n = e.lastIndexOf("\n");
this.position.column = ~n ? e.length - n : this.position.column + e.length
}, t.emit = function(e, t) {
if (t) {
var n = s(t.source || "source.css");{
source: n,
generated: {
line: this.position.line,
column: Math.max(this.position.column - 1, 0)
original: {
line: t.start.line,
column: t.start.column - 1
}), this.addFile(n, t)
return this.updatePosition(e), e
}, t.addFile = function(e, t) {
"string" == typeof t.content && (, e) || (this.files[e] = t.content))
}, t.applySourceMaps = function() {
Object.keys(this.files).forEach((function(e) {
var t = this.files[e];
if (, t), !1 !== this.options.inputSourcemaps) {
var n = i.resolveSync(t, e, a.readFileSync);
if (n) {
var r = new o(,
l = n.sourcesRelativeTo;, e, s(u.dirname(l)))
}), this)
}, t.comment = function(e) {
return /^# sourceMappingURL=/.test(e.comment) ? this.emit("", e.position) : this._comment(e)
}, function(e, t) {
var n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".split("");
t.encode = function(e) {
if (0 <= e && e < n.length) return n[e];
throw new TypeError("Must be between 0 and 63: " + e)
}, t.decode = function(e) {
return 65 <= e && e <= 90 ? e - 65 : 97 <= e && e <= 122 ? e - 97 + 26 : 48 <= e && e <= 57 ? e - 48 + 52 : 43 == e ? 62 : 47 == e ? 63 : -1
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(31);
function o() {
this._array = [], this._sorted = !0, this._last = {
generatedLine: -1,
generatedColumn: 0
o.prototype.unsortedForEach = function(e, t) {
this._array.forEach(e, t)
}, o.prototype.add = function(e) {
! function(e, t) {
var n = e.generatedLine,
o = t.generatedLine,
i = e.generatedColumn,
a = t.generatedColumn;
return o > n || o == n && a >= i || r.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(e, t) <= 0
}(this._last, e) ? (this._sorted = !1, this._array.push(e)) : (this._last = e, this._array.push(e))
}, o.prototype.toArray = function() {
return this._sorted || (this._array.sort(r.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated), this._sorted = !0), this._array
}, t.MappingList = o
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(31),
o = n(224),
i = n(92).ArraySet,
a = n(91),
u = n(225).quickSort;
function s(e, t) {
var n = e;
return "string" == typeof e && (n = r.parseSourceMapInput(e)), null != n.sections ? new f(n, t) : new l(n, t)
function l(e, t) {
var n = e;
"string" == typeof e && (n = r.parseSourceMapInput(e));
var o = r.getArg(n, "version"),
a = r.getArg(n, "sources"),
u = r.getArg(n, "names", []),
s = r.getArg(n, "sourceRoot", null),
l = r.getArg(n, "sourcesContent", null),
c = r.getArg(n, "mappings"),
f = r.getArg(n, "file", null);
if (o != this._version) throw new Error("Unsupported version: " + o);
s && (s = r.normalize(s)), a = {
return s && r.isAbsolute(s) && r.isAbsolute(e) ? r.relative(s, e) : e
})), this._names = i.fromArray(, !0), this._sources = i.fromArray(a, !0), this._absoluteSources = this._sources.toArray().map((function(e) {
return r.computeSourceURL(s, e, t)
})), this.sourceRoot = s, this.sourcesContent = l, this._mappings = c, this._sourceMapURL = t, this.file = f
function c() {
this.generatedLine = 0, this.generatedColumn = 0, this.source = null, this.originalLine = null, this.originalColumn = null, = null
function f(e, t) {
var n = e;
"string" == typeof e && (n = r.parseSourceMapInput(e));
var o = r.getArg(n, "version"),
a = r.getArg(n, "sections");
if (o != this._version) throw new Error("Unsupported version: " + o);
this._sources = new i, this._names = new i;
var u = {
line: -1,
column: 0
this._sections = {
if (e.url) throw new Error("Support for url field in sections not implemented.");
var n = r.getArg(e, "offset"),
o = r.getArg(n, "line"),
i = r.getArg(n, "column");
if (o < u.line || o === u.line && i < u.column) throw new Error("Section offsets must be ordered and non-overlapping.");
return u = n, {
generatedOffset: {
generatedLine: o + 1,
generatedColumn: i + 1
consumer: new s(r.getArg(e, "map"), t)
s.fromSourceMap = function(e, t) {
return l.fromSourceMap(e, t)
}, s.prototype._version = 3, s.prototype.__generatedMappings = null, Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "_generatedMappings", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return this.__generatedMappings || this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot), this.__generatedMappings
}), s.prototype.__originalMappings = null, Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "_originalMappings", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return this.__originalMappings || this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot), this.__originalMappings
}), s.prototype._charIsMappingSeparator = function(e, t) {
var n = e.charAt(t);
return ";" === n || "," === n
}, s.prototype._parseMappings = function(e, t) {
throw new Error("Subclasses must implement _parseMappings")
}, s.GENERATED_ORDER = 1, s.ORIGINAL_ORDER = 2, s.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1, s.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2, s.prototype.eachMapping = function(e, t, n) {
var o, i = t || null;
switch (n || s.GENERATED_ORDER) {
o = this._generatedMappings;
o = this._originalMappings;
throw new Error("Unknown order of iteration.")
var a = this.sourceRoot; {
var t = null === e.source ? null :;
return {
source: t = r.computeSourceURL(a, t, this._sourceMapURL),
generatedLine: e.generatedLine,
generatedColumn: e.generatedColumn,
originalLine: e.originalLine,
originalColumn: e.originalColumn,
name: null === ? null :
}), this).forEach(e, i)
}, s.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor = function(e) {
var t = r.getArg(e, "line"),
n = {
source: r.getArg(e, "source"),
originalLine: t,
originalColumn: r.getArg(e, "column", 0)
if (n.source = this._findSourceIndex(n.source), n.source < 0) return [];
var i = [],
a = this._findMapping(n, this._originalMappings, "originalLine", "originalColumn", r.compareByOriginalPositions, o.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND);
if (a >= 0) {
var u = this._originalMappings[a];
if (void 0 === e.column)
for (var s = u.originalLine; u && u.originalLine === s;) i.push({
line: r.getArg(u, "generatedLine", null),
column: r.getArg(u, "generatedColumn", null),
lastColumn: r.getArg(u, "lastGeneratedColumn", null)
}), u = this._originalMappings[++a];
for (var l = u.originalColumn; u && u.originalLine === t && u.originalColumn == l;) i.push({
line: r.getArg(u, "generatedLine", null),
column: r.getArg(u, "generatedColumn", null),
lastColumn: r.getArg(u, "lastGeneratedColumn", null)
}), u = this._originalMappings[++a]
return i
}, t.SourceMapConsumer = s, l.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), l.prototype.consumer = s, l.prototype._findSourceIndex = function(e) {
var t, n = e;
if (null != this.sourceRoot && (n = r.relative(this.sourceRoot, n)), this._sources.has(n)) return this._sources.indexOf(n);
for (t = 0; t < this._absoluteSources.length; ++t)
if (this._absoluteSources[t] == e) return t;
return -1
}, l.fromSourceMap = function(e, t) {
var n = Object.create(l.prototype),
o = n._names = i.fromArray(e._names.toArray(), !0),
a = n._sources = i.fromArray(e._sources.toArray(), !0);
n.sourceRoot = e._sourceRoot, n.sourcesContent = e._generateSourcesContent(n._sources.toArray(), n.sourceRoot), n.file = e._file, n._sourceMapURL = t, n._absoluteSources = n._sources.toArray().map((function(e) {
return r.computeSourceURL(n.sourceRoot, e, t)
for (var s = e._mappings.toArray().slice(), f = n.__generatedMappings = [], p = n.__originalMappings = [], h = 0, d = s.length; h < d; h++) {
var m = s[h],
v = new c;
v.generatedLine = m.generatedLine, v.generatedColumn = m.generatedColumn, m.source && (v.source = a.indexOf(m.source), v.originalLine = m.originalLine, v.originalColumn = m.originalColumn, && ( = o.indexOf(, p.push(v)), f.push(v)
return u(n.__originalMappings, r.compareByOriginalPositions), n
}, l.prototype._version = 3, Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "sources", {
get: function() {
return this._absoluteSources.slice()
}), l.prototype._parseMappings = function(e, t) {
for (var n, o, i, s, l, f = 1, p = 0, h = 0, d = 0, m = 0, v = 0, g = e.length, y = 0, b = {}, w = {}, _ = [], x = []; y < g;)
if (";" === e.charAt(y)) f++, y++, p = 0;
else if ("," === e.charAt(y)) y++;
else {
for ((n = new c).generatedLine = f, s = y; s < g && !this._charIsMappingSeparator(e, s); s++);
if (i = b[o = e.slice(y, s)]) y += o.length;
else {
for (i = []; y < s;) a.decode(e, y, w), l = w.value, y =, i.push(l);
if (2 === i.length) throw new Error("Found a source, but no line and column");
if (3 === i.length) throw new Error("Found a source and line, but no column");
b[o] = i
n.generatedColumn = p + i[0], p = n.generatedColumn, i.length > 1 && (n.source = m + i[1], m += i[1], n.originalLine = h + i[2], h = n.originalLine, n.originalLine += 1, n.originalColumn = d + i[3], d = n.originalColumn, i.length > 4 && ( = v + i[4], v += i[4])), x.push(n), "number" == typeof n.originalLine && _.push(n)
u(x, r.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated), this.__generatedMappings = x, u(_, r.compareByOriginalPositions), this.__originalMappings = _
}, l.prototype._findMapping = function(e, t, n, r, i, a) {
if (e[n] <= 0) throw new TypeError("Line must be greater than or equal to 1, got " + e[n]);
if (e[r] < 0) throw new TypeError("Column must be greater than or equal to 0, got " + e[r]);
return, t, i, a)
}, l.prototype.computeColumnSpans = function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this._generatedMappings.length; ++e) {
var t = this._generatedMappings[e];
if (e + 1 < this._generatedMappings.length) {
var n = this._generatedMappings[e + 1];
if (t.generatedLine === n.generatedLine) {
t.lastGeneratedColumn = n.generatedColumn - 1;
t.lastGeneratedColumn = 1 / 0
}, l.prototype.originalPositionFor = function(e) {
var t = {
generatedLine: r.getArg(e, "line"),
generatedColumn: r.getArg(e, "column")
n = this._findMapping(t, this._generatedMappings, "generatedLine", "generatedColumn", r.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated, r.getArg(e, "bias", s.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND));
if (n >= 0) {
var o = this._generatedMappings[n];
if (o.generatedLine === t.generatedLine) {
var i = r.getArg(o, "source", null);
null !== i && (i =, i = r.computeSourceURL(this.sourceRoot, i, this._sourceMapURL));
var a = r.getArg(o, "name", null);
return null !== a && (a =, {
source: i,
line: r.getArg(o, "originalLine", null),
column: r.getArg(o, "originalColumn", null),
name: a
return {
source: null,
line: null,
column: null,
name: null
}, l.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources = function() {
return !!this.sourcesContent && this.sourcesContent.length >= this._sources.size() && !this.sourcesContent.some((function(e) {
return null == e
}, l.prototype.sourceContentFor = function(e, t) {
if (!this.sourcesContent) return null;
var n = this._findSourceIndex(e);
if (n >= 0) return this.sourcesContent[n];
var o, i = e;
if (null != this.sourceRoot && (i = r.relative(this.sourceRoot, i)), null != this.sourceRoot && (o = r.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))) {
var a = i.replace(/^file:\/\//, "");
if ("file" == o.scheme && this._sources.has(a)) return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(a)];
if ((!o.path || "/" == o.path) && this._sources.has("/" + i)) return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf("/" + i)]
if (t) return null;
throw new Error('"' + i + '" is not in the SourceMap.')
}, l.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function(e) {
var t = r.getArg(e, "source");
if ((t = this._findSourceIndex(t)) < 0) return {
line: null,
column: null,
lastColumn: null
var n = {
source: t,
originalLine: r.getArg(e, "line"),
originalColumn: r.getArg(e, "column")
o = this._findMapping(n, this._originalMappings, "originalLine", "originalColumn", r.compareByOriginalPositions, r.getArg(e, "bias", s.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND));
if (o >= 0) {
var i = this._originalMappings[o];
if (i.source === n.source) return {
line: r.getArg(i, "generatedLine", null),
column: r.getArg(i, "generatedColumn", null),
lastColumn: r.getArg(i, "lastGeneratedColumn", null)
return {
line: null,
column: null,
lastColumn: null
}, t.BasicSourceMapConsumer = l, f.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype), f.prototype.constructor = s, f.prototype._version = 3, Object.defineProperty(f.prototype, "sources", {
get: function() {
for (var e = [], t = 0; t < this._sections.length; t++)
for (var n = 0; n < this._sections[t].consumer.sources.length; n++) e.push(this._sections[t].consumer.sources[n]);
return e
}), f.prototype.originalPositionFor = function(e) {
var t = {
generatedLine: r.getArg(e, "line"),
generatedColumn: r.getArg(e, "column")
n =, this._sections, (function(e, t) {
return e.generatedLine - t.generatedOffset.generatedLine || e.generatedColumn - t.generatedOffset.generatedColumn
i = this._sections[n];
return i ? i.consumer.originalPositionFor({
line: t.generatedLine - (i.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1),
column: t.generatedColumn - (i.generatedOffset.generatedLine === t.generatedLine ? i.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0),
bias: e.bias
}) : {
source: null,
line: null,
column: null,
name: null
}, f.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources = function() {
return this._sections.every((function(e) {
return e.consumer.hasContentsOfAllSources()
}, f.prototype.sourceContentFor = function(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < this._sections.length; n++) {
var r = this._sections[n].consumer.sourceContentFor(e, !0);
if (r) return r
if (t) return null;
throw new Error('"' + e + '" is not in the SourceMap.')
}, f.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < this._sections.length; t++) {
var n = this._sections[t];
if (-1 !== n.consumer._findSourceIndex(r.getArg(e, "source"))) {
var o = n.consumer.generatedPositionFor(e);
if (o) return {
line: o.line + (n.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1),
column: o.column + (n.generatedOffset.generatedLine === o.line ? n.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0)
return {
line: null,
column: null
}, f.prototype._parseMappings = function(e, t) {
this.__generatedMappings = [], this.__originalMappings = [];
for (var n = 0; n < this._sections.length; n++)
for (var o = this._sections[n], i = o.consumer._generatedMappings, a = 0; a < i.length; a++) {
var s = i[a],
l =;
l = r.computeSourceURL(o.consumer.sourceRoot, l, this._sourceMapURL), this._sources.add(l), l = this._sources.indexOf(l);
var c = null; && (c =, this._names.add(c), c = this._names.indexOf(c));
var f = {
source: l,
generatedLine: s.generatedLine + (o.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1),
generatedColumn: s.generatedColumn + (o.generatedOffset.generatedLine === s.generatedLine ? o.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0),
originalLine: s.originalLine,
originalColumn: s.originalColumn,
name: c
this.__generatedMappings.push(f), "number" == typeof f.originalLine && this.__originalMappings.push(f)
u(this.__generatedMappings, r.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated), u(this.__originalMappings, r.compareByOriginalPositions)
}, t.IndexedSourceMapConsumer = f
}, function(e, t) {
t.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1, t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2, = function(e, n, r, o) {
if (0 === n.length) return -1;
var i = function e(n, r, o, i, a, u) {
var s = Math.floor((r - n) / 2) + n,
l = a(o, i[s], !0);
return 0 === l ? s : l > 0 ? r - s > 1 ? e(s, r, o, i, a, u) : u == t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND ? r < i.length ? r : -1 : s : s - n > 1 ? e(n, s, o, i, a, u) : u == t.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND ? s : n < 0 ? -1 : n
}(-1, n.length, e, n, r, o || t.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND);
if (i < 0) return -1;
for (; i - 1 >= 0 && 0 === r(n[i], n[i - 1], !0);) --i;
return i
}, function(e, t) {
function n(e, t, n) {
var r = e[t];
e[t] = e[n], e[n] = r
t.quickSort = function(e, t) {
! function e(t, r, o, i) {
if (o < i) {
var a = o - 1;
n(t, (c = o, f = i, Math.round(c + Math.random() * (f - c))), i);
for (var u = t[i], s = o; s < i; s++) r(t[s], u) <= 0 && n(t, a += 1, s);
n(t, a + 1, s);
var l = a + 1;
e(t, r, o, l - 1), e(t, r, l + 1, i)
var c, f
}(e, t, 0, e.length - 1)
}, function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(90).SourceMapGenerator,
o = n(31),
i = /(\r?\n)/,
a = "$$$isSourceNode$$$";
function u(e, t, n, r, o) {
this.children = [], this.sourceContents = {}, this.line = null == e ? null : e, this.column = null == t ? null : t, this.source = null == n ? null : n, = null == o ? null : o, this[a] = !0, null != r && this.add(r)
u.fromStringWithSourceMap = function(e, t, n) {
var r = new u,
a = e.split(i),
s = 0,
l = function() {
return e() + (e() || "");
function e() {
return s < a.length ? a[s++] : void 0
c = 1,
f = 0,
p = null;
return t.eachMapping((function(e) {
if (null !== p) {
if (!(c < e.generatedLine)) {
var t = (n = a[s] || "").substr(0, e.generatedColumn - f);
return a[s] = n.substr(e.generatedColumn - f), f = e.generatedColumn, h(p, t), void(p = e)
h(p, l()), c++, f = 0
for (; c < e.generatedLine;) r.add(l()), c++;
if (f < e.generatedColumn) {
var n = a[s] || "";
r.add(n.substr(0, e.generatedColumn)), a[s] = n.substr(e.generatedColumn), f = e.generatedColumn
p = e
}), this), s < a.length && (p && h(p, l()), r.add(a.splice(s).join(""))), t.sources.forEach((function(e) {
var i = t.sourceContentFor(e);
null != i && (null != n && (e = o.join(n, e)), r.setSourceContent(e, i))
})), r;
function h(e, t) {
if (null === e || void 0 === e.source) r.add(t);
else {
var i = n ? o.join(n, e.source) : e.source;
r.add(new u(e.originalLine, e.originalColumn, i, t,
}, u.prototype.add = function(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) e.forEach((function(e) {
}), this);
else {
if (!e[a] && "string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got " + e);
e && this.children.push(e)
return this
}, u.prototype.prepend = function(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e))
for (var t = e.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) this.prepend(e[t]);
else {
if (!e[a] && "string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got " + e);
return this
}, u.prototype.walk = function(e) {
for (var t, n = 0, r = this.children.length; n < r; n++)(t = this.children[n])[a] ? t.walk(e) : "" !== t && e(t, {
source: this.source,
line: this.line,
column: this.column,
}, u.prototype.join = function(e) {
var t, n, r = this.children.length;
if (r > 0) {
for (t = [], n = 0; n < r - 1; n++) t.push(this.children[n]), t.push(e);
t.push(this.children[n]), this.children = t
return this
}, u.prototype.replaceRight = function(e, t) {
var n = this.children[this.children.length - 1];
return n[a] ? n.replaceRight(e, t) : "string" == typeof n ? this.children[this.children.length - 1] = n.replace(e, t) : this.children.push("".replace(e, t)), this
}, u.prototype.setSourceContent = function(e, t) {
this.sourceContents[o.toSetString(e)] = t
}, u.prototype.walkSourceContents = function(e) {
for (var t = 0, n = this.children.length; t < n; t++) this.children[t][a] && this.children[t].walkSourceContents(e);
var r = Object.keys(this.sourceContents);
for (t = 0, n = r.length; t < n; t++) e(o.fromSetString(r[t]), this.sourceContents[r[t]])
}, u.prototype.toString = function() {
var e = "";
return this.walk((function(t) {
e += t
})), e
}, u.prototype.toStringWithSourceMap = function(e) {
var t = {
code: "",
line: 1,
column: 0
n = new r(e),
o = !1,
i = null,
a = null,
u = null,
s = null;
return this.walk((function(e, r) {
t.code += e, null !== r.source && null !== r.line && null !== r.column ? (i === r.source && a === r.line && u === r.column && s === || n.addMapping({
source: r.source,
original: {
line: r.line,
column: r.column
generated: {
line: t.line,
column: t.column
}), i = r.source, a = r.line, u = r.column, s =, o = !0) : o && (n.addMapping({
generated: {
line: t.line,
column: t.column
}), i = null, o = !1);
for (var l = 0, c = e.length; l < c; l++) 10 === e.charCodeAt(l) ? (t.line++, t.column = 0, l + 1 === c ? (i = null, o = !1) : o && n.addMapping({
source: r.source,
original: {
line: r.line,
column: r.column
generated: {
line: t.line,
column: t.column
})) : t.column++
})), this.walkSourceContents((function(e, t) {
n.setSourceContent(e, t)
})), {
code: t.code,
map: n
}, t.SourceNode = u
}, function(e, t, n) {
(function(t) {
var r = n(230),
o = n(235),
i = n(93),
a = n(241);
function u() {
return, (function(e, t) {
return o.resolve(e, t)
function s(e) {
return "\\" === i.sep ? e.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/^[a-z]:\/?/i, "/") : e
function l(e) {
return a(e.replace(/\+/g, "%2B"))
function c(e, n, r) {
t((function() {
e(n, r)
function f(e, t) {
try {
return JSON.parse(e.replace(/^\)\]\}'/, ""))
} catch (e) {
throw e.sourceMapData = t, e
function p(e, t, n) {
var r = l(t);
try {
return String(e(r))
} catch (e) {
throw e.sourceMapData = n, e
var h = /[#@] sourceMappingURL=([^\s'"]*)/,
d = RegExp("(?:/\\*(?:\\s*\r?\n(?://)?)?(?:" + h.source + ")\\s*\\*/|//(?:" + h.source + "))\\s*");
function m(e, t, n, r) {
var o;
try {
o = w(e, t)
} catch (e) {
return c(r, e)
if (!o || return c(r, null, o);
n(l(o.url), (function(e, t) {
if (e) return e.sourceMapData = o, r(e); = String(t);
try { = f(, o)
} catch (e) {
return r(e)
r(null, o)
function v(e, t, n) {
var r = w(e, t);
return !r || || ( = p(n, r.url, r), = f(, r)), r
var g = /^data:([^,;]*)(;[^,;]*)*(?:,(.*))?$/,
y = /^(?:application|text)\/json$/;
function b(e) {
if ("undefined" == typeof TextDecoder || "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array) return r(e);
var t = function(e) {
for (var t = r(e), n = t.length, o = new Uint8Array(n), i = 0; i < n; i++) o[i] = t.charCodeAt(i);
return o
return new TextDecoder("utf-8", {
fatal: !0
function w(e, t) {
t = s(t);
var n = function(e) {
var t = e.match(d);
return t ? t[1] || t[2] || "" : null
if (!n) return null;
var r = n.match(g);
if (r) {
var o = r[1] || "text/plain",
i = r[2] || "",
a = r[3] || "",
l = {
sourceMappingURL: n,
url: null,
sourcesRelativeTo: t,
map: a
if (!y.test(o)) {
var c = new Error("Unuseful data uri mime type: " + o);
throw c.sourceMapData = l, c
try { = f(";base64" === i ? b(a) : decodeURIComponent(a), l)
} catch (c) {
throw c.sourceMapData = l, c
return l
var p = u(t, n);
return {
sourceMappingURL: n,
url: p,
sourcesRelativeTo: p,
map: null
function _(e, t, n, r, o) {
"function" == typeof r && (o = r, r = {});
var i = e.sources ? e.sources.length : 0,
a = {
sourcesResolved: [],
sourcesContent: []
if (0 !== i) {
var u = function() {
0 == --i && o(null, a)
T(e, t, r, (function(e, t, r) {
if (a.sourcesResolved[r] = e, "string" == typeof t) a.sourcesContent[r] = t, c(u, null);
else {
var o = l(e);
n(o, (function(e, t) {
a.sourcesContent[r] = e || String(t), u()
} else c(o, null, a)
function x(e, t, n, r) {
var o = {
sourcesResolved: [],
sourcesContent: []
return e.sources && 0 !== e.sources.length ? (T(e, t, r, (function(e, t, r) {
if (o.sourcesResolved[r] = e, null !== n)
if ("string" == typeof t) o.sourcesContent[r] = t;
else {
var i = l(e);
try {
o.sourcesContent[r] = String(n(i))
} catch (e) {
o.sourcesContent[r] = e
})), o) : o
var E = /\/?$/;
function T(e, t, n, r) {
var o;
n = n || {}, t = s(t);
for (var i = 0, a = e.sources.length; i < a; i++) o = null, "string" == typeof n.sourceRoot ? o = n.sourceRoot : "string" == typeof e.sourceRoot && !1 !== n.sourceRoot && (o = e.sourceRoot), r(null === o || "" === o ? u(t, e.sources[i]) : u(t, o.replace(E, "/"), e.sources[i]), (e.sourcesContent || [])[i], i)
e.exports = {
resolveSourceMap: m,
resolveSourceMapSync: v,
resolveSources: _,
resolveSourcesSync: x,
resolve: function(e, t, n, r, o) {
if ("function" == typeof r && (o = r, r = {}), null === e) {
var i = {
sourceMappingURL: null,
url: t,
sourcesRelativeTo: t,
map: null
a = l(t);
n(a, (function(e, t) {
if (e) return e.sourceMapData = i, o(e); = String(t);
try { = f(, i)
} catch (e) {
return o(e)
} else m(e, t, n, (function(e, t) {
return e ? o(e) : t ? void u(t) : o(null, null)
function u(e) {
_(, e.sourcesRelativeTo, n, r, (function(t, n) {
if (t) return o(t);
e.sourcesResolved = n.sourcesResolved, e.sourcesContent = n.sourcesContent, o(null, e)
resolveSync: function(e, t, n, r) {
var o;
if (null === e)(o = {
sourceMappingURL: null,
url: t,
sourcesRelativeTo: t,
map: null
}).map = p(n, t, o), = f(, o);
else if (!(o = v(e, t, n))) return null;
var i = x(, o.sourcesRelativeTo, n, r);
return o.sourcesResolved = i.sourcesResolved, o.sourcesContent = i.sourcesContent, o
parseMapToJSON: f
}).call(this, n(228).setImmediate)
}, function(e, t, n) {
(function(e) {
var r = void 0 !== e && e || "undefined" != typeof self && self || window,
o = Function.prototype.apply;
function i(e, t) {
this._id = e, this._clearFn = t
t.setTimeout = function() {
return new i(, r, arguments), clearTimeout)
}, t.setInterval = function() {
return new i(, r, arguments), clearInterval)
}, t.clearTimeout = t.clearInterval = function(e) {
e && e.close()
}, i.prototype.unref = i.prototype.ref = function() {}, i.prototype.close = function() {, this._id)
}, t.enroll = function(e, t) {
clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), e._idleTimeout = t
}, t.unenroll = function(e) {
clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), e._idleTimeout = -1
}, t._unrefActive = = function(e) {
var t = e._idleTimeout;
t >= 0 && (e._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout((function() {
e._onTimeout && e._onTimeout()
}), t))
}, n(229), t.setImmediate = "undefined" != typeof self && self.setImmediate || void 0 !== e && e.setImmediate || this && this.setImmediate, t.clearImmediate = "undefined" != typeof self && self.clearImmediate || void 0 !== e && e.clearImmediate || this && this.clearImmediate
}).call(this, n(19))
}, function(e, t, n) {
(function(e, t) {
! function(e, n) {
"use strict";
if (!e.setImmediate) {
var r, o = 1,
i = {},
a = !1,
u = e.document,
s = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
s = s && s.setTimeout ? s : e, "[object process]" === {} ? r = function(e) {
t.nextTick((function() {
} : function() {
if (e.postMessage && !e.importScripts) {
var t = !0,
n = e.onmessage;
return e.onmessage = function() {
t = !1
}, e.postMessage("", "*"), e.onmessage = n, t
}() ? function() {
var t = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$",
n = function(n) {
n.source === e && "string" == typeof && 0 === && c(
e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener("message", n, !1) : e.attachEvent("onmessage", n), r = function(n) {
e.postMessage(t + n, "*")
}() : e.MessageChannel ? function() {
var e = new MessageChannel;
e.port1.onmessage = function(e) {
}, r = function(t) {
}() : u && "onreadystatechange" in u.createElement("script") ? function() {
var e = u.documentElement;
r = function(t) {
var n = u.createElement("script");
n.onreadystatechange = function() {
c(t), n.onreadystatechange = null, e.removeChild(n), n = null
}, e.appendChild(n)
}() : r = function(e) {
setTimeout(c, 0, e)
}, s.setImmediate = function(e) {
"function" != typeof e && (e = new Function("" + e));
for (var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n] = arguments[n + 1];
var a = {
callback: e,
args: t
return i[o] = a, r(o), o++
}, s.clearImmediate = l
function l(e) {
delete i[e]
function c(e) {
if (a) setTimeout(c, 0, e);
else {
var t = i[e];
if (t) {
a = !0;
try {
! function(e) {
var t = e.callback,
n = e.args;
switch (n.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
t(n[0], n[1]);
case 3:
t(n[0], n[1], n[2]);
t.apply(void 0, n)
} finally {
l(e), a = !1
}("undefined" == typeof self ? void 0 === e ? this : e : self)
}).call(this, n(19), n(46))
}, function(e, t, n) {
(function(e, t) {
! function(n) {
"use strict";
var r, o = "function" == typeof(r = n.atob) ? r : "function" == typeof e ? function(t) {
return new e(t, "base64").toString("binary")
} : "object" == typeof n.base64js ? function(e) {
var t = n.base64js.b64ToByteArray(e);
return, (function(e) {
return String.fromCharCode(e)
} : function() {
throw new Error("You're probably in an old browser or an iOS webworker. It might help to include beatgammit's base64-js.")
n.atob = o, t && t.exports && (t.exports = o)
}).call(this, n(231).Buffer, n(37)(e))
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
(function(e) {
var r = n(232),
o = n(233),
i = n(234);
function a() {
return s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? 2147483647 : 1073741823
function u(e, t) {
if (a() < t) throw new RangeError("Invalid typed array length");
return s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (e = new Uint8Array(t)).__proto__ = s.prototype : (null === e && (e = new s(t)), e.length = t), e
function s(e, t, n) {
if (!(s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || this instanceof s)) return new s(e, t, n);
if ("number" == typeof e) {
if ("string" == typeof t) throw new Error("If encoding is specified then the first argument must be a string");
return f(this, e)
return l(this, e, t, n)
function l(e, t, n, r) {
if ("number" == typeof t) throw new TypeError('"value" argument must not be a number');
return "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && t instanceof ArrayBuffer ? function(e, t, n, r) {
if (t.byteLength, n < 0 || t.byteLength < n) throw new RangeError("'offset' is out of bounds");
if (t.byteLength < n + (r || 0)) throw new RangeError("'length' is out of bounds");
return t = void 0 === n && void 0 === r ? new Uint8Array(t) : void 0 === r ? new Uint8Array(t, n) : new Uint8Array(t, n, r), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (e = t).__proto__ = s.prototype : e = p(e, t), e
}(e, t, n, r) : "string" == typeof t ? function(e, t, n) {
if ("string" == typeof n && "" !== n || (n = "utf8"), !s.isEncoding(n)) throw new TypeError('"encoding" must be a valid string encoding');
var r = 0 | d(t, n),
o = (e = u(e, r)).write(t, n);
return o !== r && (e = e.slice(0, o)), e
}(e, t, n) : function(e, t) {
if (s.isBuffer(t)) {
var n = 0 | h(t.length);
return 0 === (e = u(e, n)).length || t.copy(e, 0, 0, n), e
if (t) {
if ("undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && t.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer || "length" in t) return "number" != typeof t.length || (r = t.length) !== r ? u(e, 0) : p(e, t);
if ("Buffer" === t.type && i( return p(e,
var r;
throw new TypeError("First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.")
}(e, t)
function c(e) {
if ("number" != typeof e) throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be a number');
if (e < 0) throw new RangeError('"size" argument must not be negative')
function f(e, t) {
if (c(t), e = u(e, t < 0 ? 0 : 0 | h(t)), !s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)
for (var n = 0; n < t; ++n) e[n] = 0;
return e
function p(e, t) {
var n = t.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | h(t.length);
e = u(e, n);
for (var r = 0; r < n; r += 1) e[r] = 255 & t[r];
return e
function h(e) {
if (e >= a()) throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + a().toString(16) + " bytes");
return 0 | e
function d(e, t) {
if (s.isBuffer(e)) return e.length;
if ("undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && "function" == typeof ArrayBuffer.isView && (ArrayBuffer.isView(e) || e instanceof ArrayBuffer)) return e.byteLength;
"string" != typeof e && (e = "" + e);
var n = e.length;
if (0 === n) return 0;
for (var r = !1;;) switch (t) {
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return n;
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case void 0:
return B(e).length;
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return 2 * n;
case "hex":
return n >>> 1;
case "base64":
return V(e).length;
if (r) return B(e).length;
t = ("" + t).toLowerCase(), r = !0
function m(e, t, n) {
var r = !1;
if ((void 0 === t || t < 0) && (t = 0), t > this.length) return "";
if ((void 0 === n || n > this.length) && (n = this.length), n <= 0) return "";
if ((n >>>= 0) <= (t >>>= 0)) return "";
for (e || (e = "utf8");;) switch (e) {
case "hex":
return P(this, t, n);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return k(this, t, n);
case "ascii":
return C(this, t, n);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return A(this, t, n);
case "base64":
return S(this, t, n);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return M(this, t, n);
if (r) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + e);
e = (e + "").toLowerCase(), r = !0
function v(e, t, n) {
var r = e[t];
e[t] = e[n], e[n] = r
function g(e, t, n, r, o) {
if (0 === e.length) return -1;
if ("string" == typeof n ? (r = n, n = 0) : n > 2147483647 ? n = 2147483647 : n < -2147483648 && (n = -2147483648), n = +n, isNaN(n) && (n = o ? 0 : e.length - 1), n < 0 && (n = e.length + n), n >= e.length) {
if (o) return -1;
n = e.length - 1
} else if (n < 0) {
if (!o) return -1;
n = 0
if ("string" == typeof t && (t = s.from(t, r)), s.isBuffer(t)) return 0 === t.length ? -1 : y(e, t, n, r, o);
if ("number" == typeof t) return t &= 255, s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && "function" == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf ? o ?, t, n) :, t, n) : y(e, [t], n, r, o);
throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")
function y(e, t, n, r, o) {
var i, a = 1,
u = e.length,
s = t.length;
if (void 0 !== r && ("ucs2" === (r = String(r).toLowerCase()) || "ucs-2" === r || "utf16le" === r || "utf-16le" === r)) {
if (e.length < 2 || t.length < 2) return -1;
a = 2, u /= 2, s /= 2, n /= 2
function l(e, t) {
return 1 === a ? e[t] : e.readUInt16BE(t * a)
if (o) {
var c = -1;
for (i = n; i < u; i++)
if (l(e, i) === l(t, -1 === c ? 0 : i - c)) {
if (-1 === c && (c = i), i - c + 1 === s) return c * a
} else -1 !== c && (i -= i - c), c = -1
} else
for (n + s > u && (n = u - s), i = n; i >= 0; i--) {
for (var f = !0, p = 0; p < s; p++)
if (l(e, i + p) !== l(t, p)) {
f = !1;
if (f) return i
return -1
function b(e, t, n, r) {
n = Number(n) || 0;
var o = e.length - n;
r ? (r = Number(r)) > o && (r = o) : r = o;
var i = t.length;
if (i % 2 != 0) throw new TypeError("Invalid hex string");
r > i / 2 && (r = i / 2);
for (var a = 0; a < r; ++a) {
var u = parseInt(t.substr(2 * a, 2), 16);
if (isNaN(u)) return a;
e[n + a] = u
return a
function w(e, t, n, r) {
return W(B(t, e.length - n), e, n, r)
function _(e, t, n, r) {
return W(function(e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) t.push(255 & e.charCodeAt(n));
return t
}(t), e, n, r)
function x(e, t, n, r) {
return _(e, t, n, r)
function E(e, t, n, r) {
return W(V(t), e, n, r)
function T(e, t, n, r) {
return W(function(e, t) {
for (var n, r, o, i = [], a = 0; a < e.length && !((t -= 2) < 0); ++a) r = (n = e.charCodeAt(a)) >> 8, o = n % 256, i.push(o), i.push(r);
return i
}(t, e.length - n), e, n, r)
function S(e, t, n) {
return 0 === t && n === e.length ? r.fromByteArray(e) : r.fromByteArray(e.slice(t, n))
function k(e, t, n) {
n = Math.min(e.length, n);
for (var r = [], o = t; o < n;) {
var i, a, u, s, l = e[o],
c = null,
f = l > 239 ? 4 : l > 223 ? 3 : l > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (o + f <= n) switch (f) {
case 1:
l < 128 && (c = l);
case 2:
128 == (192 & (i = e[o + 1])) && (s = (31 & l) << 6 | 63 & i) > 127 && (c = s);
case 3:
i = e[o + 1], a = e[o + 2], 128 == (192 & i) && 128 == (192 & a) && (s = (15 & l) << 12 | (63 & i) << 6 | 63 & a) > 2047 && (s < 55296 || s > 57343) && (c = s);
case 4:
i = e[o + 1], a = e[o + 2], u = e[o + 3], 128 == (192 & i) && 128 == (192 & a) && 128 == (192 & u) && (s = (15 & l) << 18 | (63 & i) << 12 | (63 & a) << 6 | 63 & u) > 65535 && s < 1114112 && (c = s)
null === c ? (c = 65533, f = 1) : c > 65535 && (c -= 65536, r.push(c >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), c = 56320 | 1023 & c), r.push(c), o += f
return function(e) {
var t = e.length;
if (t <= O) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e);
for (var n = "", r = 0; r < t;) n += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e.slice(r, r += O));
return n
t.Buffer = s, t.SlowBuffer = function(e) {
return +e != e && (e = 0), s.alloc(+e)
try {
var e = new Uint8Array(1);
return e.__proto__ = {
__proto__: Uint8Array.prototype,
foo: function() {
return 42
}, 42 === && "function" == typeof e.subarray && 0 === e.subarray(1, 1).byteLength
} catch (e) {
return !1
}(), t.kMaxLength = a(), s.poolSize = 8192, s._augment = function(e) {
return e.__proto__ = s.prototype, e
}, s.from = function(e, t, n) {
return l(null, e, t, n)
}, s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && (s.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype, s.__proto__ = Uint8Array, "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.species && s[Symbol.species] === s && Object.defineProperty(s, Symbol.species, {
value: null,
configurable: !0
})), s.alloc = function(e, t, n) {
return function(e, t, n, r) {
return c(t), t <= 0 ? u(e, t) : void 0 !== n ? "string" == typeof r ? u(e, t).fill(n, r) : u(e, t).fill(n) : u(e, t)
}(null, e, t, n)
}, s.allocUnsafe = function(e) {
return f(null, e)
}, s.allocUnsafeSlow = function(e) {
return f(null, e)
}, s.isBuffer = function(e) {
return !(null == e || !e._isBuffer)
}, = function(e, t) {
if (!s.isBuffer(e) || !s.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError("Arguments must be Buffers");
if (e === t) return 0;
for (var n = e.length, r = t.length, o = 0, i = Math.min(n, r); o < i; ++o)
if (e[o] !== t[o]) {
n = e[o], r = t[o];
return n < r ? -1 : r < n ? 1 : 0
}, s.isEncoding = function(e) {
switch (String(e).toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return !0;
return !1
}, s.concat = function(e, t) {
if (!i(e)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
if (0 === e.length) return s.alloc(0);
var n;
if (void 0 === t)
for (t = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) t += e[n].length;
var r = s.allocUnsafe(t),
o = 0;
for (n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) {
var a = e[n];
if (!s.isBuffer(a)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
a.copy(r, o), o += a.length
return r
}, s.byteLength = d, s.prototype._isBuffer = !0, s.prototype.swap16 = function() {
var e = this.length;
if (e % 2 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 2) v(this, t, t + 1);
return this
}, s.prototype.swap32 = function() {
var e = this.length;
if (e % 4 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 4) v(this, t, t + 3), v(this, t + 1, t + 2);
return this
}, s.prototype.swap64 = function() {
var e = this.length;
if (e % 8 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 8) v(this, t, t + 7), v(this, t + 1, t + 6), v(this, t + 2, t + 5), v(this, t + 3, t + 4);
return this
}, s.prototype.toString = function() {
var e = 0 | this.length;
return 0 === e ? "" : 0 === arguments.length ? k(this, 0, e) : m.apply(this, arguments)
}, s.prototype.equals = function(e) {
if (!s.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
return this === e || 0 ===, e)
}, s.prototype.inspect = function() {
var e = "",
return this.length > 0 && (e = this.toString("hex", 0, n).match(/.{2}/g).join(" "), this.length > n && (e += " ... ")), "<Buffer " + e + ">"
}, = function(e, t, n, r, o) {
if (!s.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
if (void 0 === t && (t = 0), void 0 === n && (n = e ? e.length : 0), void 0 === r && (r = 0), void 0 === o && (o = this.length), t < 0 || n > e.length || r < 0 || o > this.length) throw new RangeError("out of range index");
if (r >= o && t >= n) return 0;
if (r >= o) return -1;
if (t >= n) return 1;
if (this === e) return 0;
for (var i = (o >>>= 0) - (r >>>= 0), a = (n >>>= 0) - (t >>>= 0), u = Math.min(i, a), l = this.slice(r, o), c = e.slice(t, n), f = 0; f < u; ++f)
if (l[f] !== c[f]) {
i = l[f], a = c[f];
return i < a ? -1 : a < i ? 1 : 0
}, s.prototype.includes = function(e, t, n) {
return -1 !== this.indexOf(e, t, n)
}, s.prototype.indexOf = function(e, t, n) {
return g(this, e, t, n, !0)
}, s.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(e, t, n) {
return g(this, e, t, n, !1)
}, s.prototype.write = function(e, t, n, r) {
if (void 0 === t) r = "utf8", n = this.length, t = 0;
else if (void 0 === n && "string" == typeof t) r = t, n = this.length, t = 0;
else {
if (!isFinite(t)) throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
t |= 0, isFinite(n) ? (n |= 0, void 0 === r && (r = "utf8")) : (r = n, n = void 0)
var o = this.length - t;
if ((void 0 === n || n > o) && (n = o), e.length > 0 && (n < 0 || t < 0) || t > this.length) throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
r || (r = "utf8");
for (var i = !1;;) switch (r) {
case "hex":
return b(this, e, t, n);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return w(this, e, t, n);
case "ascii":
return _(this, e, t, n);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return x(this, e, t, n);
case "base64":
return E(this, e, t, n);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return T(this, e, t, n);
if (i) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + r);
r = ("" + r).toLowerCase(), i = !0
}, s.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
type: "Buffer",
data: || this, 0)
var O = 4096;
function C(e, t, n) {
var r = "";
n = Math.min(e.length, n);
for (var o = t; o < n; ++o) r += String.fromCharCode(127 & e[o]);
return r
function A(e, t, n) {
var r = "";
n = Math.min(e.length, n);
for (var o = t; o < n; ++o) r += String.fromCharCode(e[o]);
return r
function P(e, t, n) {
var r = e.length;
(!t || t < 0) && (t = 0), (!n || n < 0 || n > r) && (n = r);
for (var o = "", i = t; i < n; ++i) o += F(e[i]);
return o
function M(e, t, n) {
for (var r = e.slice(t, n), o = "", i = 0; i < r.length; i += 2) o += String.fromCharCode(r[i] + 256 * r[i + 1]);
return o
function R(e, t, n) {
if (e % 1 != 0 || e < 0) throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
if (e + t > n) throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")
function j(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
if (!s.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
if (t > o || t < i) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
if (n + r > e.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range")
function I(e, t, n, r) {
t < 0 && (t = 65535 + t + 1);
for (var o = 0, i = Math.min(e.length - n, 2); o < i; ++o) e[n + o] = (t & 255 << 8 * (r ? o : 1 - o)) >>> 8 * (r ? o : 1 - o)
function N(e, t, n, r) {
t < 0 && (t = 4294967295 + t + 1);
for (var o = 0, i = Math.min(e.length - n, 4); o < i; ++o) e[n + o] = t >>> 8 * (r ? o : 3 - o) & 255
function L(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
if (n + r > e.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (n < 0) throw new RangeError("Index out of range")
function D(e, t, n, r, i) {
return i || L(e, 0, n, 4), o.write(e, t, n, r, 23, 4), n + 4
function U(e, t, n, r, i) {
return i || L(e, 0, n, 8), o.write(e, t, n, r, 52, 8), n + 8
s.prototype.slice = function(e, t) {
var n, r = this.length;
if ((e = ~~e) < 0 ? (e += r) < 0 && (e = 0) : e > r && (e = r), (t = void 0 === t ? r : ~~t) < 0 ? (t += r) < 0 && (t = 0) : t > r && (t = r), t < e && (t = e), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)(n = this.subarray(e, t)).__proto__ = s.prototype;
else {
var o = t - e;
n = new s(o, void 0);
for (var i = 0; i < o; ++i) n[i] = this[i + e]
return n
}, s.prototype.readUIntLE = function(e, t, n) {
e |= 0, t |= 0, n || R(e, t, this.length);
for (var r = this[e], o = 1, i = 0; ++i < t && (o *= 256);) r += this[e + i] * o;
return r
}, s.prototype.readUIntBE = function(e, t, n) {
e |= 0, t |= 0, n || R(e, t, this.length);
for (var r = this[e + --t], o = 1; t > 0 && (o *= 256);) r += this[e + --t] * o;
return r
}, s.prototype.readUInt8 = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 1, this.length), this[e]
}, s.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 2, this.length), this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8
}, s.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 2, this.length), this[e] << 8 | this[e + 1]
}, s.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 4, this.length), (this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[e + 3]
}, s.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[e] + (this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3])
}, s.prototype.readIntLE = function(e, t, n) {
e |= 0, t |= 0, n || R(e, t, this.length);
for (var r = this[e], o = 1, i = 0; ++i < t && (o *= 256);) r += this[e + i] * o;
return r >= (o *= 128) && (r -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), r
}, s.prototype.readIntBE = function(e, t, n) {
e |= 0, t |= 0, n || R(e, t, this.length);
for (var r = t, o = 1, i = this[e + --r]; r > 0 && (o *= 256);) i += this[e + --r] * o;
return i >= (o *= 128) && (i -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), i
}, s.prototype.readInt8 = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 1, this.length), 128 & this[e] ? -1 * (255 - this[e] + 1) : this[e]
}, s.prototype.readInt16LE = function(e, t) {
t || R(e, 2, this.length);
var n = this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8;
return 32768 & n ? 4294901760 | n : n
}, s.prototype.readInt16BE = function(e, t) {
t || R(e, 2, this.length);
var n = this[e + 1] | this[e] << 8;
return 32768 & n ? 4294901760 | n : n
}, s.prototype.readInt32LE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 4, this.length), this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16 | this[e + 3] << 24
}, s.prototype.readInt32BE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 4, this.length), this[e] << 24 | this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3]
}, s.prototype.readFloatLE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 4, this.length),, e, !0, 23, 4)
}, s.prototype.readFloatBE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 4, this.length),, e, !1, 23, 4)
}, s.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 8, this.length),, e, !0, 52, 8)
}, s.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(e, t) {
return t || R(e, 8, this.length),, e, !1, 52, 8)
}, s.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(e, t, n, r) {
e = +e, t |= 0, n |= 0, r || j(this, e, t, n, Math.pow(2, 8 * n) - 1, 0);
var o = 1,
i = 0;
for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++i < n && (o *= 256);) this[t + i] = e / o & 255;
return t + n
}, s.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(e, t, n, r) {
e = +e, t |= 0, n |= 0, r || j(this, e, t, n, Math.pow(2, 8 * n) - 1, 0);
var o = n - 1,
i = 1;
for (this[t + o] = 255 & e; --o >= 0 && (i *= 256);) this[t + o] = e / i & 255;
return t + n
}, s.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 1, 255, 0), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || (e = Math.floor(e)), this[t] = 255 & e, t + 1
}, s.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = 255 & e, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8) : I(this, e, t, !0), t + 2
}, s.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = e >>> 8, this[t + 1] = 255 & e) : I(this, e, t, !1), t + 2
}, s.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t + 3] = e >>> 24, this[t + 2] = e >>> 16, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, this[t] = 255 & e) : N(this, e, t, !0), t + 4
}, s.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = e >>> 24, this[t + 1] = e >>> 16, this[t + 2] = e >>> 8, this[t + 3] = 255 & e) : N(this, e, t, !1), t + 4
}, s.prototype.writeIntLE = function(e, t, n, r) {
if (e = +e, t |= 0, !r) {
var o = Math.pow(2, 8 * n - 1);
j(this, e, t, n, o - 1, -o)
var i = 0,
a = 1,
u = 0;
for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++i < n && (a *= 256);) e < 0 && 0 === u && 0 !== this[t + i - 1] && (u = 1), this[t + i] = (e / a >> 0) - u & 255;
return t + n
}, s.prototype.writeIntBE = function(e, t, n, r) {
if (e = +e, t |= 0, !r) {
var o = Math.pow(2, 8 * n - 1);
j(this, e, t, n, o - 1, -o)
var i = n - 1,
a = 1,
u = 0;
for (this[t + i] = 255 & e; --i >= 0 && (a *= 256);) e < 0 && 0 === u && 0 !== this[t + i + 1] && (u = 1), this[t + i] = (e / a >> 0) - u & 255;
return t + n
}, s.prototype.writeInt8 = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 1, 127, -128), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || (e = Math.floor(e)), e < 0 && (e = 255 + e + 1), this[t] = 255 & e, t + 1
}, s.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 2, 32767, -32768), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = 255 & e, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8) : I(this, e, t, !0), t + 2
}, s.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 2, 32767, -32768), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = e >>> 8, this[t + 1] = 255 & e) : I(this, e, t, !1), t + 2
}, s.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = 255 & e, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, this[t + 2] = e >>> 16, this[t + 3] = e >>> 24) : N(this, e, t, !0), t + 4
}, s.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(e, t, n) {
return e = +e, t |= 0, n || j(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), e < 0 && (e = 4294967295 + e + 1), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = e >>> 24, this[t + 1] = e >>> 16, this[t + 2] = e >>> 8, this[t + 3] = 255 & e) : N(this, e, t, !1), t + 4
}, s.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(e, t, n) {
return D(this, e, t, !0, n)
}, s.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(e, t, n) {
return D(this, e, t, !1, n)
}, s.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(e, t, n) {
return U(this, e, t, !0, n)
}, s.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(e, t, n) {
return U(this, e, t, !1, n)
}, s.prototype.copy = function(e, t, n, r) {
if (n || (n = 0), r || 0 === r || (r = this.length), t >= e.length && (t = e.length), t || (t = 0), r > 0 && r < n && (r = n), r === n) return 0;
if (0 === e.length || 0 === this.length) return 0;
if (t < 0) throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
if (n < 0 || n >= this.length) throw new RangeError("sourceStart out of bounds");
if (r < 0) throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
r > this.length && (r = this.length), e.length - t < r - n && (r = e.length - t + n);
var o, i = r - n;
if (this === e && n < t && t < r)
for (o = i - 1; o >= 0; --o) e[o + t] = this[o + n];
else if (i < 1e3 || !s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)
for (o = 0; o < i; ++o) e[o + t] = this[o + n];
else, this.subarray(n, n + i), t);
return i
}, s.prototype.fill = function(e, t, n, r) {
if ("string" == typeof e) {
if ("string" == typeof t ? (r = t, t = 0, n = this.length) : "string" == typeof n && (r = n, n = this.length), 1 === e.length) {
var o = e.charCodeAt(0);
o < 256 && (e = o)
if (void 0 !== r && "string" != typeof r) throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
if ("string" == typeof r && !s.isEncoding(r)) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + r)
} else "number" == typeof e && (e &= 255);
if (t < 0 || this.length < t || this.length < n) throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
if (n <= t) return this;
var i;
if (t >>>= 0, n = void 0 === n ? this.length : n >>> 0, e || (e = 0), "number" == typeof e)
for (i = t; i < n; ++i) this[i] = e;
else {
var a = s.isBuffer(e) ? e : B(new s(e, r).toString()),
u = a.length;
for (i = 0; i < n - t; ++i) this[i + t] = a[i % u]
return this
var z = /[^+\/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
function F(e) {
return e < 16 ? "0" + e.toString(16) : e.toString(16)
function B(e, t) {
var n;
t = t || 1 / 0;
for (var r = e.length, o = null, i = [], a = 0; a < r; ++a) {
if ((n = e.charCodeAt(a)) > 55295 && n < 57344) {
if (!o) {
if (n > 56319) {
(t -= 3) > -1 && i.push(239, 191, 189);
if (a + 1 === r) {
(t -= 3) > -1 && i.push(239, 191, 189);
o = n;
if (n < 56320) {
(t -= 3) > -1 && i.push(239, 191, 189), o = n;
n = 65536 + (o - 55296 << 10 | n - 56320)
} else o && (t -= 3) > -1 && i.push(239, 191, 189);
if (o = null, n < 128) {
if ((t -= 1) < 0) break;
} else if (n < 2048) {
if ((t -= 2) < 0) break;
i.push(n >> 6 | 192, 63 & n | 128)
} else if (n < 65536) {
if ((t -= 3) < 0) break;
i.push(n >> 12 | 224, n >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & n | 128)
} else {
if (!(n < 1114112)) throw new Error("Invalid code point");
if ((t -= 4) < 0) break;
i.push(n >> 18 | 240, n >> 12 & 63 | 128, n >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & n | 128)
return i
function V(e) {
return r.toByteArray(function(e) {
if ((e = function(e) {
return e.trim ? e.trim() : e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
}(e).replace(z, "")).length < 2) return "";
for (; e.length % 4 != 0;) e += "=";
return e
function W(e, t, n, r) {
for (var o = 0; o < r && !(o + n >= t.length || o >= e.length); ++o) t[o + n] = e[o];
return o
}).call(this, n(19))
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.byteLength = function(e) {
var t = l(e),
n = t[0],
r = t[1];
return 3 * (n + r) / 4 - r
}, t.toByteArray = function(e) {
var t, n, r = l(e),
a = r[0],
u = r[1],
s = new i(function(e, t, n) {
return 3 * (t + n) / 4 - n
}(0, a, u)),
c = 0,
f = u > 0 ? a - 4 : a;
for (n = 0; n < f; n += 4) t = o[e.charCodeAt(n)] << 18 | o[e.charCodeAt(n + 1)] << 12 | o[e.charCodeAt(n + 2)] << 6 | o[e.charCodeAt(n + 3)], s[c++] = t >> 16 & 255, s[c++] = t >> 8 & 255, s[c++] = 255 & t;
return 2 === u && (t = o[e.charCodeAt(n)] << 2 | o[e.charCodeAt(n + 1)] >> 4, s[c++] = 255 & t), 1 === u && (t = o[e.charCodeAt(n)] << 10 | o[e.charCodeAt(n + 1)] << 4 | o[e.charCodeAt(n + 2)] >> 2, s[c++] = t >> 8 & 255, s[c++] = 255 & t), s
}, t.fromByteArray = function(e) {
for (var t, n = e.length, o = n % 3, i = [], a = 16383, u = 0, s = n - o; u < s; u += a) i.push(c(e, u, u + a > s ? s : u + a));
return 1 === o ? (t = e[n - 1], i.push(r[t >> 2] + r[t << 4 & 63] + "==")) : 2 === o && (t = (e[n - 2] << 8) + e[n - 1], i.push(r[t >> 10] + r[t >> 4 & 63] + r[t << 2 & 63] + "=")), i.join("")
for (var r = [], o = [], i = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", u = 0, s = a.length; u < s; ++u) r[u] = a[u], o[a.charCodeAt(u)] = u;
function l(e) {
var t = e.length;
if (t % 4 > 0) throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
var n = e.indexOf("=");
return -1 === n && (n = t), [n, n === t ? 0 : 4 - n % 4]
function c(e, t, n) {
for (var o, i, a = [], u = t; u < n; u += 3) o = (e[u] << 16 & 16711680) + (e[u + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (255 & e[u + 2]), a.push(r[(i = o) >> 18 & 63] + r[i >> 12 & 63] + r[i >> 6 & 63] + r[63 & i]);
return a.join("")
o["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, o["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63
}, function(e, t) { = function(e, t, n, r, o) {
var i, a, u = 8 * o - r - 1,
s = (1 << u) - 1,
l = s >> 1,
c = -7,
f = n ? o - 1 : 0,
p = n ? -1 : 1,
h = e[t + f];
for (f += p, i = h & (1 << -c) - 1, h >>= -c, c += u; c > 0; i = 256 * i + e[t + f], f += p, c -= 8);
for (a = i & (1 << -c) - 1, i >>= -c, c += r; c > 0; a = 256 * a + e[t + f], f += p, c -= 8);
if (0 === i) i = 1 - l;
else {
if (i === s) return a ? NaN : 1 / 0 * (h ? -1 : 1);
a += Math.pow(2, r), i -= l
return (h ? -1 : 1) * a * Math.pow(2, i - r)
}, t.write = function(e, t, n, r, o, i) {
var a, u, s, l = 8 * i - o - 1,
c = (1 << l) - 1,
f = c >> 1,
p = 23 === o ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0,
h = r ? 0 : i - 1,
d = r ? 1 : -1,
m = t < 0 || 0 === t && 1 / t < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? (u = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0, a = c) : (a = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2), t * (s = Math.pow(2, -a)) < 1 && (a--, s *= 2), (t += a + f >= 1 ? p / s : p * Math.pow(2, 1 - f)) * s >= 2 && (a++, s /= 2), a + f >= c ? (u = 0, a = c) : a + f >= 1 ? (u = (t * s - 1) * Math.pow(2, o), a += f) : (u = t * Math.pow(2, f - 1) * Math.pow(2, o), a = 0)); o >= 8; e[n + h] = 255 & u, h += d, u /= 256, o -= 8);
for (a = a << o | u, l += o; l > 0; e[n + h] = 255 & a, h += d, a /= 256, l -= 8);
e[n + h - d] |= 128 * m
}, function(e, t) {
var n = {}.toString;
e.exports = Array.isArray || function(e) {
return "[object Array]" ==
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(236),
o = n(237);
function i() {
this.protocol = null, this.slashes = null, this.auth = null, = null, this.port = null, this.hostname = null, this.hash = null, = null, this.query = null, this.pathname = null, this.path = null, this.href = null
t.parse = b, t.resolve = function(e, t) {
return b(e, !1, !0).resolve(t)
}, t.resolveObject = function(e, t) {
return e ? b(e, !1, !0).resolveObject(t) : t
}, t.format = function(e) {
return o.isString(e) && (e = b(e)), e instanceof i ? e.format() :
}, t.Url = i;
var a = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i,
u = /:[0-9]*$/,
s = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^\?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/,
l = ["{", "}", "|", "\\", "^", "`"].concat(["<", ">", '"', "`", " ", "\r", "\n", "\t"]),
c = ["'"].concat(l),
f = ["%", "/", "?", ";", "#"].concat(c),
p = ["/", "?", "#"],
h = /^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/,
d = /^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/,
m = {
javascript: !0,
"javascript:": !0
v = {
javascript: !0,
"javascript:": !0
g = {
http: !0,
https: !0,
ftp: !0,
gopher: !0,
file: !0,
"http:": !0,
"https:": !0,
"ftp:": !0,
"gopher:": !0,
"file:": !0
y = n(238);
function b(e, t, n) {
if (e && o.isObject(e) && e instanceof i) return e;
var r = new i;
return r.parse(e, t, n), r
i.prototype.parse = function(e, t, n) {
if (!o.isString(e)) throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + typeof e);
var i = e.indexOf("?"),
u = -1 !== i && i < e.indexOf("#") ? "?" : "#",
l = e.split(u);
l[0] = l[0].replace(/\\/g, "/");
var b = e = l.join(u);
if (b = b.trim(), !n && 1 === e.split("#").length) {
var w = s.exec(b);
if (w) return this.path = b, this.href = b, this.pathname = w[1], w[2] ? ( = w[2], this.query = t ? y.parse( : : t && ( = "", this.query = {}), this
var _ = a.exec(b);
if (_) {
var x = (_ = _[0]).toLowerCase();
this.protocol = x, b = b.substr(_.length)
if (n || _ || b.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) {
var E = "//" === b.substr(0, 2);
!E || _ && v[_] || (b = b.substr(2), this.slashes = !0)
if (!v[_] && (E || _ && !g[_])) {
for (var T, S, k = -1, O = 0; O < p.length; O++) - 1 !== (C = b.indexOf(p[O])) && (-1 === k || C < k) && (k = C);
for (-1 !== (S = -1 === k ? b.lastIndexOf("@") : b.lastIndexOf("@", k)) && (T = b.slice(0, S), b = b.slice(S + 1), this.auth = decodeURIComponent(T)), k = -1, O = 0; O < f.length; O++) {
var C; - 1 !== (C = b.indexOf(f[O])) && (-1 === k || C < k) && (k = C)
} - 1 === k && (k = b.length), = b.slice(0, k), b = b.slice(k), this.parseHost(), this.hostname = this.hostname || "";
var A = "[" === this.hostname[0] && "]" === this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1];
if (!A)
for (var P = this.hostname.split(/\./), M = (O = 0, P.length); O < M; O++) {
var R = P[O];
if (R && !R.match(h)) {
for (var j = "", I = 0, N = R.length; I < N; I++) R.charCodeAt(I) > 127 ? j += "x" : j += R[I];
if (!j.match(h)) {
var L = P.slice(0, O),
D = P.slice(O + 1),
U = R.match(d);
U && (L.push(U[1]), D.unshift(U[2])), D.length && (b = "/" + D.join(".") + b), this.hostname = L.join(".");
this.hostname.length > 255 ? this.hostname = "" : this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase(), A || (this.hostname = r.toASCII(this.hostname));
var z = this.port ? ":" + this.port : "",
F = this.hostname || ""; = F + z, this.href +=, A && (this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2), "/" !== b[0] && (b = "/" + b))
if (!m[x])
for (O = 0, M = c.length; O < M; O++) {
var B = c[O];
if (-1 !== b.indexOf(B)) {
var V = encodeURIComponent(B);
V === B && (V = escape(B)), b = b.split(B).join(V)
var W = b.indexOf("#"); - 1 !== W && (this.hash = b.substr(W), b = b.slice(0, W));
var $ = b.indexOf("?");
if (-1 !== $ ? ( = b.substr($), this.query = b.substr($ + 1), t && (this.query = y.parse(this.query)), b = b.slice(0, $)) : t && ( = "", this.query = {}), b && (this.pathname = b), g[x] && this.hostname && !this.pathname && (this.pathname = "/"), this.pathname || {
z = this.pathname || "";
var H = || "";
this.path = z + H
return this.href = this.format(), this
}, i.prototype.format = function() {
var e = this.auth || "";
e && (e = (e = encodeURIComponent(e)).replace(/%3A/i, ":"), e += "@");
var t = this.protocol || "",
n = this.pathname || "",
r = this.hash || "",
i = !1,
a = ""; ? i = e + : this.hostname && (i = e + (-1 === this.hostname.indexOf(":") ? this.hostname : "[" + this.hostname + "]"), this.port && (i += ":" + this.port)), this.query && o.isObject(this.query) && Object.keys(this.query).length && (a = y.stringify(this.query));
var u = || a && "?" + a || "";
return t && ":" !== t.substr(-1) && (t += ":"), this.slashes || (!t || g[t]) && !1 !== i ? (i = "//" + (i || ""), n && "/" !== n.charAt(0) && (n = "/" + n)) : i || (i = ""), r && "#" !== r.charAt(0) && (r = "#" + r), u && "?" !== u.charAt(0) && (u = "?" + u), t + i + (n = n.replace(/[?#]/g, (function(e) {
return encodeURIComponent(e)
}))) + (u = u.replace("#", "%23")) + r
}, i.prototype.resolve = function(e) {
return this.resolveObject(b(e, !1, !0)).format()
}, i.prototype.resolveObject = function(e) {
if (o.isString(e)) {
var t = new i;
t.parse(e, !1, !0), e = t
for (var n = new i, r = Object.keys(this), a = 0; a < r.length; a++) {
var u = r[a];
n[u] = this[u]
if (n.hash = e.hash, "" === e.href) return n.href = n.format(), n;
if (e.slashes && !e.protocol) {
for (var s = Object.keys(e), l = 0; l < s.length; l++) {
var c = s[l];
"protocol" !== c && (n[c] = e[c])
return g[n.protocol] && n.hostname && !n.pathname && (n.path = n.pathname = "/"), n.href = n.format(), n
if (e.protocol && e.protocol !== n.protocol) {
if (!g[e.protocol]) {
for (var f = Object.keys(e), p = 0; p < f.length; p++) {
var h = f[p];
n[h] = e[h]
return n.href = n.format(), n
if (n.protocol = e.protocol, || v[e.protocol]) n.pathname = e.pathname;
else {
for (var d = (e.pathname || "").split("/"); d.length && !( = d.shift());); || ( = ""), e.hostname || (e.hostname = ""), "" !== d[0] && d.unshift(""), d.length < 2 && d.unshift(""), n.pathname = d.join("/")
if ( =, n.query = e.query, = || "", n.auth = e.auth, n.hostname = e.hostname ||, n.port = e.port, n.pathname || {
var m = n.pathname || "",
y = || "";
n.path = m + y
return n.slashes = n.slashes || e.slashes, n.href = n.format(), n
var b = n.pathname && "/" === n.pathname.charAt(0),
w = || e.pathname && "/" === e.pathname.charAt(0),
_ = w || b || && e.pathname,
x = _,
E = n.pathname && n.pathname.split("/") || [],
T = (d = e.pathname && e.pathname.split("/") || [], n.protocol && !g[n.protocol]);
if (T && (n.hostname = "", n.port = null, && ("" === E[0] ? E[0] = : E.unshift(, = "", e.protocol && (e.hostname = null, e.port = null, && ("" === d[0] ? d[0] = : d.unshift(, = null), _ = _ && ("" === d[0] || "" === E[0])), w) = || "" === ? :, n.hostname = e.hostname || "" === e.hostname ? e.hostname : n.hostname, =, n.query = e.query, E = d;
else if (d.length) E || (E = []), E.pop(), E = E.concat(d), =, n.query = e.query;
else if (!o.isNullOrUndefined( return T && (n.hostname = = E.shift(), (A = !!( &&"@") > 0) &&"@")) && (n.auth = A.shift(), = n.hostname = A.shift())), =, n.query = e.query, o.isNull(n.pathname) && o.isNull( || (n.path = (n.pathname ? n.pathname : "") + ( ? : "")), n.href = n.format(), n;
if (!E.length) return n.pathname = null, ? n.path = "/" + : n.path = null, n.href = n.format(), n;
for (var S = E.slice(-1)[0], k = ( || || E.length > 1) && ("." === S || ".." === S) || "" === S, O = 0, C = E.length; C >= 0; C--) "." === (S = E[C]) ? E.splice(C, 1) : ".." === S ? (E.splice(C, 1), O++) : O && (E.splice(C, 1), O--);
if (!_ && !x)
for (; O--; O) E.unshift("..");
!_ || "" === E[0] || E[0] && "/" === E[0].charAt(0) || E.unshift(""), k && "/" !== E.join("/").substr(-1) && E.push("");
var A, P = "" === E[0] || E[0] && "/" === E[0].charAt(0);
return T && (n.hostname = = P ? "" : E.length ? E.shift() : "", (A = !!( &&"@") > 0) &&"@")) && (n.auth = A.shift(), = n.hostname = A.shift())), (_ = _ || && E.length) && !P && E.unshift(""), E.length ? n.pathname = E.join("/") : (n.pathname = null, n.path = null), o.isNull(n.pathname) && o.isNull( || (n.path = (n.pathname ? n.pathname : "") + ( ? : "")), n.auth = e.auth || n.auth, n.slashes = n.slashes || e.slashes, n.href = n.format(), n
}, i.prototype.parseHost = function() {
var e =,
t = u.exec(e);
t && (":" !== (t = t[0]) && (this.port = t.substr(1)), e = e.substr(0, e.length - t.length)), e && (this.hostname = e)
}, function(e, t, n) {
(function(e, r) {
var o;
! function(i) {
t && t.nodeType, e && e.nodeType;
var a = "object" == typeof r && r; !== a && a.window !== a && a.self;
var u, s = 2147483647,
l = 36,
c = /^xn--/,
f = /[^\x20-\x7E]/,
p = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g,
h = {
overflow: "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process",
"not-basic": "Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)",
"invalid-input": "Invalid input"
d = Math.floor,
m = String.fromCharCode;
function v(e) {
throw new RangeError(h[e])
function g(e, t) {
for (var n = e.length, r = []; n--;) r[n] = t(e[n]);
return r
function y(e, t) {
var n = e.split("@"),
r = "";
return n.length > 1 && (r = n[0] + "@", e = n[1]), r + g((e = e.replace(p, ".")).split("."), t).join(".")
function b(e) {
for (var t, n, r = [], o = 0, i = e.length; o < i;)(t = e.charCodeAt(o++)) >= 55296 && t <= 56319 && o < i ? 56320 == (64512 & (n = e.charCodeAt(o++))) ? r.push(((1023 & t) << 10) + (1023 & n) + 65536) : (r.push(t), o--) : r.push(t);
return r
function w(e) {
return g(e, (function(e) {
var t = "";
return e > 65535 && (t += m((e -= 65536) >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), e = 56320 | 1023 & e), t + m(e)
function _(e, t) {
return e + 22 + 75 * (e < 26) - ((0 != t) << 5)
function x(e, t, n) {
var r = 0;
for (e = n ? d(e / 700) : e >> 1, e += d(e / t); e > 455; r += l) e = d(e / 35);
return d(r + 36 * e / (e + 38))
function E(e) {
var t, n, r, o, i, a, u, c, f, p, h, m = [],
g = e.length,
y = 0,
b = 128,
_ = 72;
for ((n = e.lastIndexOf("-")) < 0 && (n = 0), r = 0; r < n; ++r) e.charCodeAt(r) >= 128 && v("not-basic"), m.push(e.charCodeAt(r));
for (o = n > 0 ? n + 1 : 0; o < g;) {
for (i = y, a = 1, u = l; o >= g && v("invalid-input"), ((c = (h = e.charCodeAt(o++)) - 48 < 10 ? h - 22 : h - 65 < 26 ? h - 65 : h - 97 < 26 ? h - 97 : l) >= l || c > d((s - y) / a)) && v("overflow"), y += c * a, !(c < (f = u <= _ ? 1 : u >= _ + 26 ? 26 : u - _)); u += l) a > d(s / (p = l - f)) && v("overflow"), a *= p;
_ = x(y - i, t = m.length + 1, 0 == i), d(y / t) > s - b && v("overflow"), b += d(y / t), y %= t, m.splice(y++, 0, b)
return w(m)
function T(e) {
var t, n, r, o, i, a, u, c, f, p, h, g, y, w, E, T = [];
for (g = (e = b(e)).length, t = 128, n = 0, i = 72, a = 0; a < g; ++a)(h = e[a]) < 128 && T.push(m(h));
for (r = o = T.length, o && T.push("-"); r < g;) {
for (u = s, a = 0; a < g; ++a)(h = e[a]) >= t && h < u && (u = h);
for (u - t > d((s - n) / (y = r + 1)) && v("overflow"), n += (u - t) * y, t = u, a = 0; a < g; ++a)
if ((h = e[a]) < t && ++n > s && v("overflow"), h == t) {
for (c = n, f = l; !(c < (p = f <= i ? 1 : f >= i + 26 ? 26 : f - i)); f += l) E = c - p, w = l - p, T.push(m(_(p + E % w, 0))), c = d(E / w);
T.push(m(_(c, 0))), i = x(n, y, r == o), n = 0, ++r
}++n, ++t
return T.join("")
u = {
version: "1.4.1",
ucs2: {
decode: b,
encode: w
decode: E,
encode: T,
toASCII: function(e) {
return y(e, (function(e) {
return f.test(e) ? "xn--" + T(e) : e
toUnicode: function(e) {
return y(e, (function(e) {
return c.test(e) ? E(e.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : e
}, void 0 === (o = function() {
return u
}.call(t, n, t, e)) || (e.exports = o)
}).call(this, n(37)(e), n(19))
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = {
isString: function(e) {
return "string" == typeof e
isObject: function(e) {
return "object" == typeof e && null !== e
isNull: function(e) {
return null === e
isNullOrUndefined: function(e) {
return null == e
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.decode = t.parse = n(239), t.encode = t.stringify = n(240)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e, t) {
return, t)
e.exports = function(e, t, n, i) {
t = t || "&", n = n || "=";
var a = {};
if ("string" != typeof e || 0 === e.length) return a;
var u = /\+/g;
e = e.split(t);
var s = 1e3;
i && "number" == typeof i.maxKeys && (s = i.maxKeys);
var l = e.length;
s > 0 && l > s && (l = s);
for (var c = 0; c < l; ++c) {
var f, p, h, d, m = e[c].replace(u, "%20"),
v = m.indexOf(n);
v >= 0 ? (f = m.substr(0, v), p = m.substr(v + 1)) : (f = m, p = ""), h = decodeURIComponent(f), d = decodeURIComponent(p), r(a, h) ? o(a[h]) ? a[h].push(d) : a[h] = [a[h], d] : a[h] = d
return a
var o = Array.isArray || function(e) {
return "[object Array]" ===
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = function(e) {
switch (typeof e) {
case "string":
return e;
case "boolean":
return e ? "true" : "false";
case "number":
return isFinite(e) ? e : "";
return ""
e.exports = function(e, t, n, u) {
return t = t || "&", n = n || "=", null === e && (e = void 0), "object" == typeof e ? i(a(e), (function(a) {
var u = encodeURIComponent(r(a)) + n;
return o(e[a]) ? i(e[a], (function(e) {
return u + encodeURIComponent(r(e))
})).join(t) : u + encodeURIComponent(r(e[a]))
})).join(t) : u ? encodeURIComponent(r(u)) + n + encodeURIComponent(r(e)) : ""
var o = Array.isArray || function(e) {
return "[object Array]" ===
function i(e, t) {
if ( return;
for (var n = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) n.push(t(e[r], r));
return n
var a = Object.keys || function(e) {
var t = [];
for (var n in e), n) && t.push(n);
return t
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = "%[a-f0-9]{2}",
o = new RegExp(r, "gi"),
i = new RegExp("(" + r + ")+", "gi");
function a(e, t) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(e.join(""))
} catch (e) {}
if (1 === e.length) return e;
t = t || 1;
var n = e.slice(0, t),
r = e.slice(t);
return[], a(n), a(r))
function u(e) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(e)
} catch (r) {
for (var t = e.match(o), n = 1; n < t.length; n++) t = (e = a(t, n).join("")).match(o);
return e
e.exports = function(e) {
if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected `encodedURI` to be of type `string`, got `" + typeof e + "`");
try {
return e = e.replace(/\+/g, " "), decodeURIComponent(e)
} catch (t) {
return function(e) {
for (var t = {
"%FE%FF": "��",
"%FF%FE": "��"
}, n = i.exec(e); n;) {
try {
t[n[0]] = decodeURIComponent(n[0])
} catch (e) {
var r = u(n[0]);
r !== n[0] && (t[n[0]] = r)
n = i.exec(e)
t["%C2"] = "�";
for (var o = Object.keys(t), a = 0; a < o.length; a++) {
var s = o[a];
e = e.replace(new RegExp(s, "g"), t[s])
return e
}, function(e, t) {}, , function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r, o = new Uint8Array(16);
function i() {
if (!r && !(r = "undefined" != typeof crypto && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto) || "undefined" != typeof msCrypto && "function" == typeof msCrypto.getRandomValues && msCrypto.getRandomValues.bind(msCrypto))) throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See");
return r(o)
for (var a = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i, u = function(e) {
return "string" == typeof e && a.test(e)
}, s = [], l = 0; l < 256; ++l) s.push((l + 256).toString(16).substr(1));
t.a = function(e, t, n) {
var r = (e = e || {}).random || (e.rng || i)();
if (r[6] = 15 & r[6] | 64, r[8] = 63 & r[8] | 128, t) {
n = n || 0;
for (var o = 0; o < 16; ++o) t[n + o] = r[o];
return t
return function(e) {
var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0,
n = (s[e[t + 0]] + s[e[t + 1]] + s[e[t + 2]] + s[e[t + 3]] + "-" + s[e[t + 4]] + s[e[t + 5]] + "-" + s[e[t + 6]] + s[e[t + 7]] + "-" + s[e[t + 8]] + s[e[t + 9]] + "-" + s[e[t + 10]] + s[e[t + 11]] + s[e[t + 12]] + s[e[t + 13]] + s[e[t + 14]] + s[e[t + 15]]).toLowerCase();
if (!u(n)) throw TypeError("Stringified UUID is invalid");
return n
(this["webpackJsonpowa-code-sharing"] = this["webpackJsonpowa-code-sharing"] || []).push([
[0], {
108: function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach && (NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach)
112: function(e, t, n) {},
243: function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var o = n(5),
i = (n(108), n(2)),
a = n.n(i),
r = n(16),
c = n.n(r),
l = (n(112), n(0)),
s = n(1),
d = n(15),
u = n(14),
h = n(18),
m = n(10),
f = n.n(m),
g = n(20),
v = n.n(g),
p = n(32),
y = n.n(p),
b = "ms-outlook-bottom-anchor",
w = "ms-outlook-html-content-root",
C = "root",
O = "olm-fragment-custom",
H = "\x3c!--",
E = "content-blocker://",
A = function e() {
var t = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.blockContent = function(e) {
return t.getProcessedDocument(e)
}, this.parseQuery = function(e) {
var t = {};
return new URLSearchParams(e).forEach((function(e, n) {
t[n] = e
})), t
}, this.getProcessedDocument = function(e) {
var n = e.documentElement,
o = n.querySelectorAll("link");
f()(o, (function(e) {
var t;
null === (t = e.parentElement) || void 0 === t || t.removeChild(e)
var i = n.querySelectorAll("audio, embed, iframe, img, input, script, source, track, video, bgsound");
f()(i, (function(e) {
var n = e;
t.isInlineAttachment(e) || (n.src = E, n.srcset = E, = "0")
var a = new RegExp("(url\\()((?! *[\"']{0,1} *data:image).*)(\\))", "ig"),
r = "$1'".concat(E, "'$3"),
c = n.querySelectorAll("style");
f()(c, (function(e) {
e.innerHTML = e.innerHTML.replace(a, r)
var l = n.querySelectorAll("*");
f()(l, (function(e) {
var t = e,
n =; = n.replace(a, r)
var s = n.querySelectorAll("[background]");
return f()(s, (function(e) {
e.setAttribute("background", E)
})), e
}, this.isInlineAttachment = function(e) {
var n = e;
if (v()(n.src, "data:image")) return !0;
if (v()(n.src, "cid:")) return !0;
var o = document.createElement("a");
o.setAttribute("href", n.src);
var i = o.protocol,
a =;
if (i === "".concat("outlook-file", ":") || i === "".concat("outlook-ac", ":")) return !0;
if ("https:" === i) {
var r = "localhost" === a || y()(a, ""),
c = y()(o.pathname, "attach");
if (r && c) {
var l =;
if (l && l.length > 0) {
var s = t.parseQuery(l.substring(1));
if ( && s.aid && s.account_id) return !0
return i === "".concat("hx-core", ":") && "attachment" === a
L = n(7),
k = n(9),
S = n(35),
j = n(17),
T = n.n(j),
x = n(27),
I = n(244),
M = n(6),
D = "#0078D7",
N = "#212121",
R = {
textColor: N,
textLinkColor: D,
mentionTextColor: N,
mentionTextColorMe: D,
mentionBackgroundColor: "#F1F1F1",
mentionBackgroundColorMe: "#E9F3FB",
messageBodySurfaceColor: ""
P = n(59),
B = n.n(P),
G = n(60),
U = n.n(G);
function F(e) {
return Math.trunc ? Math.trunc(e) : e < 0 ? B()(e) : U()(e)
function W(e) {
return e < 0 ? U()(e) : B()(e)
var q = Object(M.createStore)("configState", {
theme: R,
config: {
screenWidth: 0,
paddingHorizontal: 0,
paddingVertical: 0,
textZoom: 0,
userScalable: !1,
interceptLinkLongTap: !0,
selectionEnabled: !0,
minimumScale: 1,
maximumScale: 5,
renderProcessID: void 0,
scheme: "ms-outlook",
isActionableMessage: !1,
amContainerDivId: "",
imageAltString: "Image",
userEmailAddresses: [],
hideHtmlBlob: !1,
canAcceptSharedCalendar: !1,
blockExternalContent: !1,
useSanitizer: !1,
resetDivSize: !1,
useUrlDetector: !1,
safelinksPageUrl: ""
flag: {
logToNative: !1,
removeMinHeight100Percent: !1,
dontScaleOutOfBoundsElements: !1,
dontWriteHeightOnScaler: !1,
insertBottomAnchor: !1,
replaceNbspOutsideHtmlTags: !1,
restrictScalingMultipleTimes: !1,
removeBackgroundAttribute: !1,
disableLayoutUnsizedImage: !1,
removeFixedTableLayout: !1,
convertBodyToDiv: !1,
handleAnchorLink: !1,
enableSafelinks: !1,
roundAwayFromZero: !1
rendererStatus: {
currentHtmlContentLength: 0,
hasAllHandlersExecuted: !1,
hasAllTablesScaled: !1,
unloadedImageCount: 0,
unmountedMentionElementCount: 0,
scaleTableCount: 0,
wideImageHandlingCompleted: !1,
dataDetectionFinish: !1
function z() {
return q().config
var V, _ = function e(t, n) {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.request = t, this.content = n
J = {},
K = function() {
function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), window.outlookCallback = {
ios: e.handleCallback
return Object(s.a)(e, [{
key: "fetch",
value: function() {
var e = Object(x.a)(T.a.mark((function e(t) {
var n = this;
return T.a.wrap((function(e) {
for (;;) switch (e.prev = {
case 0:
return e.abrupt("return", new Promise((function(e) {
var o = Object(I.a)();
J[o] = function(n) {
e(new _(t, n))
}, n.sendRequest(t, o)
case 1:
case "end":
return e.stop()
}), e)
return function(t) {
return e.apply(this, arguments)
}, {
key: "notify",
value: function(e) {
}, {
key: "log",
value: function(e) {
var t = {
content: JSON.stringify(e),
renderProcessID: z().renderProcessID
window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.log || console.log("no log endpoint in native, can't send log to native"), window.webkit.messageHandlers.log.postMessage(t)
}, {
key: "getFunctionName",
value: function(e) {
return e.endpoint
}, {
key: "sendRequest",
value: function(e, t) {
var n = this.getFunctionName(e),
o = {
renderProcessID: z().renderProcessID,
id: null,
content: e.content
t && ( = t), window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers[n] ? window.webkit.messageHandlers[n].postMessage(o) : this.log({
level: "error",
message: "[NativeApiIOS] Cannot find ".concat(n, " in native"),
timestamp: new Date,
protectedParameters: []
}]), e
K.handleCallback = function(e) {
var t = e.messageID,
n = e.content,
o = J[t];
o && (o(n), delete J[t])
function(e) {
e.NotifyRenderingPass = "notifyRenderingPass", e.NotifyRenderingEnded = "notifyRenderingEnded", e.NotifyInitComplete = "notifyInitComplete", e.NotifyRenderingResultReady = "notifyRenderingResultReady", e.NotifyMentionTapped = "notifyMentionTapped", e.NotifyImageTapped = "notifyImageTapped", e.NotifyMentionLongPress = "notifyMentionLongPress", e.NotifyAvailabilityTapped = "notifyAvailabilityTapped", e.NotifyCalendarEventTapped = "notifyCalendarEventTapped", e.NotifyDomLoaded = "notifyDomLoaded", e.NotifyDistanceToTargetElement = "notifyDistanceToTargetElement"
}(V || (V = {}));
var Z = function e(t, n) {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.endpoint = t, this.content = n
Q = n(13),
$ = n.n(Q);
function X() {
return q().theme
function Y() {
return q().flag
var ee = function() {
function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e)
return Object(s.a)(e, null, [{
key: "createApi",
value: function() {
return new K
}]), e
te = function() {
function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e)
return Object(s.a)(e, null, [{
key: "fetch",
value: function(t) {
return e.instance.fetch(t)
}, {
key: "notify",
value: function(t) {
return e.instance.notify(t)
}, {
key: "log",
value: function(t, n, o) {
level: t,
message: n,
protectedParameters: o,
timestamp: new Date
}]), e
te.instance = ee.createApi();
var ne = function() {
function e(t) {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.tag = t
return Object(s.a)(e, [{
key: "i",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < t; o++) n[o - 1] = arguments[o];
te.log("info", "[".concat(this.tag, "] ").concat(e), n)
}, {
key: "e",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < t; o++) n[o - 1] = arguments[o];
te.log("error", "[".concat(this.tag, "] ").concat(e), n)
}, {
key: "w",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < t; o++) n[o - 1] = arguments[o];
te.log("warning", "[".concat(this.tag, "] ").concat(e), n)
}, {
key: "d",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < t; o++) n[o - 1] = arguments[o];
te.log("debug", "[".concat(this.tag, "] ").concat(e), n)
}]), e
oe = (new ne("Global"), function() {
return q().rendererStatus
ie = function() {
return 0 !== oe().currentHtmlContentLength
ae = new ne("RenderingStore"),
re = Object(M.mutatorAction)("setRenderedContentLength", (function(e) {
ie() ? ae.e("setRenderedContentLength when rendering html content ") : oe().currentHtmlContentLength = e
ce = Object(M.mutatorAction)("setAllHandlersExecuted", (function() {
ie() && (oe().hasAllHandlersExecuted = !0)
le = Object(M.mutatorAction)("setAllTablesScaled", (function() {
ie() && (oe().hasAllTablesScaled = !0)
se = Object(M.mutatorAction)("increaseScaleTableCount", (function() {
ie() && (oe().scaleTableCount += 1)
de = Object(M.mutatorAction)("increaseUnloadedImageCount", (function() {
ie() && (oe().unloadedImageCount += 1)
ue = Object(M.mutatorAction)("decreaseUnloadedImageCount", (function() {
if (ie()) {
var e = oe();
e.unloadedImageCount > 0 ? oe().unloadedImageCount -= 1 : ae.e("decreaseUnloadedImageCount when unloadedImageCount is ".concat(e.unloadedImageCount, " "))
he = Object(M.mutatorAction)("increaseUnMountedMentionCount", (function() {
ie() && (oe().unmountedMentionElementCount += 1)
me = Object(M.mutatorAction)("decreaseUnMountedMentionCount", (function() {
if (ie()) {
var e = oe();
e.unmountedMentionElementCount > 0 ? oe().unmountedMentionElementCount -= 1 : ae.e("decreaseUnMountedMentionCount when unloadedMentionCount is ".concat(e.unmountedMentionElementCount, " "))
fe = Object(M.mutatorAction)("updateWideImageHandlingCompleted", (function(e) {
oe().wideImageHandlingCompleted = e
ge = Object(M.mutatorAction)("setDataDetectionFinished", (function() {
oe().dataDetectionFinish = !0
ve = n(94),
pe = n.n(ve),
ye = n(4),
be = n(3),
we = n.n(be),
Ce = n(8),
Oe = n.n(Ce),
He = Object(M.mutatorAction)("setTheme", (function(e) {
q().theme = e
Ee = (Object(M.mutatorAction)("updateTheme", (function(e, t) {
X()[e] = t
})), Object(M.mutatorAction)("updateScreenWidth", (function(e) {
z().screenWidth = e
Ae = function e() {
var t = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.getHeight = function() {
return document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.offsetHeight : document.body.offsetHeight
}, this.getHeightWithBottomAnchor = function() {
var n = Y(),
o = t.getHeight();
if (!n.insertBottomAnchor) return o;
var i = document.getElementById(b);
if (we()(i)) return e.LOG.e("Get height with bottom anchor: bottom anchor NOT inserted"), o;
var a = window.getComputedStyle(document.body),
r = parseFloat(a.paddingBottom);
r = Oe()(r) ? 0 : r;
var c = i.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + window.pageYOffset + r;
return Math.max(c, o)
}, this.getHTML = function() {
return document.documentElement.outerHTML
}, this.requestRenderingResult = function() {
var n = t.getHeightWithBottomAnchor(),
o = t.getHTML();
e.LOG.i("Reqeust Rendering result, height:".concat(n, ";"));
var i = {
DOMHeight: n,
html: o
te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyRenderingResultReady, i))
}, this.requestDistanceToTargetElement = function(n) {
e.LOG.i("requestDistanceToTargetElement: ".concat(n));
var o = {
distance: t.distanceToTargetElement(n)
te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyDistanceToTargetElement, o))
}, this.setTheme = function(t) {
e.LOG.i("setTheme"), He(t)
}, this.distanceToTargetElement = function(e) {
var t = 0,
n = document.getElementsByName(e),
o = null;
return (o = n && n.length > 0 ? n[0] : document.getElementById(e)) && (t = o.getBoundingClientRect().top), t
}, this.setScreenWidth = function(t) {
e.LOG.i("setScreenWidth: ".concat(t)), Ee(t)
Ae.LOG = new ne("HtmlApi");
var Le = new Ae,
ke = function e() {
var t = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.notifyLatestHeightToNativeIfNeeded = void 0, this.hasNotifiedNativeRenderEnd = !1, this.heightObserverDisposer = void 0, this.notifyRenderEndToNative = function() {
t.hasNotifiedNativeRenderEnd = !0, setTimeout((function() {
e.LOG.i("Got final email content height");
var t = {
DOMHeight: Le.getHeightWithBottomAnchor(),
html: Le.getHTML()
te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyRenderingEnded, t))
}), 0)
}, this.notifyLatestHeightToNative = function() {
setTimeout((function() {
e.LOG.i("Notify latest height to native");
var t = Le.getHeightWithBottomAnchor();
te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyRenderingPass, {
DOMHeight: t
}), 0)
}, this.stopObserve = function() {
}, this.onRenderStatusChange = function() {
e.LOG.i("Autorun onRenderStatusChange"), oe().hasAllHandlersExecuted && (! function() {
var e = oe();
return 0 !== e.currentHtmlContentLength && e.hasAllHandlersExecuted && e.hasAllTablesScaled && 0 === e.unloadedImageCount && 0 === e.unmountedMentionElementCount && e.wideImageHandlingCompleted
}() || t.hasNotifiedNativeRenderEnd ? t.notifyLatestHeightToNativeIfNeeded() : t.notifyRenderEndToNative())
var n, o = Y().restrictLayoutInterval;
n = o ? Math.max(2e3, o) : 3e3, this.notifyLatestHeightToNativeIfNeeded = pe()(this.notifyLatestHeightToNative, n), this.heightObserverDisposer = Object(ye.autorun)(this.onRenderStatusChange)
ke.LOG = new ne("HeightObserver");
var Se = new ke,
je = function(e) {
Object(d.a)(n, e);
var t = Object(u.a)(n);
function n() {
var e;
Object(l.a)(this, n);
for (var o = arguments.length, i = new Array(o), a = 0; a < o; a++) i[a] = arguments[a];
return (e =, [this].concat(i))).htmlContentRef = null, e.executedContentHandlers = [], e
return Object(s.a)(n, [{
key: "UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps",
value: function(e) {
var t = this;
this.props.html !== e.html && (n.LOG.i("Will receive props"), this.executedContentHandlers.forEach((function(e) {
})), this.executedContentHandlers = [])
}, {
key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function(e) {
var t = this.props.html;
e.html !== t ? (te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyDomLoaded, void 0)), re(t.length), this.execute(), n.LOG.i("All handlers executed"), Se.notifyLatestHeightToNative(), ce()) : this.execute()
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function() {
var e = this;
this.executedContentHandlers.forEach((function(t) {
})), Se.stopObserve()
}, {
key: "getExecutedContentHandlerIndex",
value: function(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.executedContentHandlers.length; t++)
if (this.executedContentHandlers[t].key === e) return t;
return -1
}, {
key: "execute",
value: function() {
var e = this,
t = this.props,
o = t.contentHandlerKeys,
i = t.contentHandlerDictionary,
a = t.isUndoModeDictionary;
this.updateRemovedHandlersIfNecessary(), o.forEach((function(t) {
var o = i[t];
if (o) {
var r = !(!a || !a[t]),
c = e.getExecutedContentHandlerIndex(t);
if (c < 0) {
var l = null;
r ? n.LOG.i("Do not call handleContent if handler is undo mode ".concat(t, " ")) : (l = e.handleContent(o), o.undoHandler || (l = null));
var s = {
key: t,
isUndoMode: r,
matchedElements: l,
undoHandler: o.undoHandler
} else {
var d = e.executedContentHandlers[c];
if (d.isUndoMode !== r) {
if (r) e.undoHandleContent(d), d.matchedElements = null;
else {
var u = e.handleContent(o);
d.matchedElements = u
d.isUndoMode = r
} else n.LOG.i("Can not find handler for ".concat(t))
}, {
key: "handleContent",
value: function(e) {
if (!this.htmlContentRef) throw new Error("handleContent: No valid htmlContentRef");
var t = [];
if (e.cssSelector)
for (var n = this.htmlContentRef.querySelectorAll(e.cssSelector), o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var i = n.item(o);
e.handler && e.handler(i), t.push(i)
return e.doneHandlingMatchedElements && e.doneHandlingMatchedElements(t, this.htmlContentRef), t
}, {
key: "undoHandleContent",
value: function(e) {
e.undoHandler && e.matchedElements && 0 !== e.matchedElements.length && e.undoHandler(e.matchedElements)
}, {
key: "updateRemovedHandlersIfNecessary",
value: function() {
for (var e = this.props.contentHandlerKeys, t = this.executedContentHandlers.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
var n = this.executedContentHandlers[t];
e.indexOf(n.key) < 0 && (this.undoHandleContent(n), this.executedContentHandlers.splice(t, 1))
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e = this,
t = this.props.html;
return Object(o.jsx)("div", {
ref: function(t) {
e.htmlContentRef = t
children: Object(o.jsx)("div", {
className: w,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
__html: t
}]), n
je.LOG = new ne("HtmlContent");
var Te, xe = n(33),
Ie = n.n(xe),
Me = "calendarEventHandler",
De = function e() {
var t = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.cssSelector = ".".concat(w), this.keywords = [], this.availabilityEventCssSelector = 'tr[itemtype=""]', this.calendarEventCssSelector = 'a[x-apple-data-detectors-type="calendar-event"]', this.availabilityAnchorSet = new Set, this.handler = function(e) {
var n = e.querySelectorAll(t.calendarEventCssSelector);
t.getAvailabilityDomPartAnchorNode(e), n.forEach((function(e) {
var n = e;
t.disableTouchCallOut(n), t.availabilityAnchorSet.has(n) || t.addTapListener(n)
}, this.handlerAnchorTapped = function(e) {
var t =,
n = t.textContent ? t.textContent : "";
te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyCalendarEventTapped, {
dateTime: n
}, this.getAvailabilityDomPartAnchorNode = function(e) {
e.querySelectorAll(t.availabilityEventCssSelector).forEach((function(e) {
e.querySelectorAll("a").forEach((function(e) {
}, this.disableTouchCallOut = function(e) {"-webkit-touch-callout", "none")
}, this.addTapListener = function(e) {
e.href = Ie()(e.href, /^.*?:/, "outlook-data-detector:"), e.addEventListener("click", t.handlerAnchorTapped)
Ne = n(95),
Re = n.n(Ne),
Pe = new ne("ElementHelper"),
Be = "data-outlook-id",
Ge = {};
function Ue(e, t) {
var n = t || window.getComputedStyle(e),
o = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
i = we()(e.parentNode) ? {
horizontalScale: 1,
verticalScale: 1
} : function e(t) {
var n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1,
o = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1,
i = n,
a = o,
r = window.getComputedStyle(t),
c = r.transform;
if (!we()(c)) {
var l = /(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/g;
if (v()(c, "matrix(")) {
var s = c.match(l);
s && 6 === s.length && (i *= parseFloat(s[0]), a *= parseFloat(s[3]))
if (!we()(t.parentNode) && t.parentNode instanceof Element) {
var d = e(t.parentNode, i, a);
i = d.horizontalScale, a = d.verticalScale
return {
horizontalScale: i,
verticalScale: a
a = function(e, t, n, o) {
var i = o || window.getComputedStyle(e),
a = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("border-top-width")),
r = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("border-right-width")),
c = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("border-bottom-width")),
l = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("border-left-width"));
return {
top: Oe()(a) ? 0 : a * n,
right: Oe()(r) ? 0 : r * t,
bottom: Oe()(c) ? 0 : c * n,
left: Oe()(l) ? 0 : l * t
}(e, i.horizontalScale, i.verticalScale, n),
r = function(e, t, n, o) {
var i = o || window.getComputedStyle(e),
a = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("padding-top")),
r = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("padding-right")),
c = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom")),
l = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("padding-left"));
return {
top: Oe()(a) ? 0 : a * n,
right: Oe()(r) ? 0 : r * t,
bottom: Oe()(c) ? 0 : c * n,
left: Oe()(l) ? 0 : l * t
}(e, i.horizontalScale, i.verticalScale, n),
c = Y().roundAwayFromZero ? W : F,
l = {
left: c(o.left + a.left + r.left),
right: c(o.right - a.right - r.right),
top: c( + +,
bottom: c(o.bottom - a.bottom - r.bottom),
width: 0,
height: 0
l.width = l.right - l.left, l.height = l.bottom -;
var s = {
left: c(o.left + a.left),
right: c(o.right - a.right),
top: c( +,
bottom: c(o.bottom - a.bottom),
width: 0,
height: 0
s.width = s.right - s.left, s.height = s.bottom -;
var d = {
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
Object.keys(o).forEach((function(e) {
d[e] = c(o[e])
var u = function(e, t, n, o) {
var i = o || window.getComputedStyle(e),
a = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("margin-top")),
r = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("margin-right")),
c = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("margin-bottom")),
l = parseFloat(i.getPropertyValue("margin-left"));
return {
top: Oe()(a) ? 0 : a * n,
right: Oe()(r) ? 0 : r * t,
bottom: Oe()(c) ? 0 : c * n,
left: Oe()(l) ? 0 : l * t
}(e, i.horizontalScale, i.verticalScale, n),
h = {
left: c(o.left - Math.max(u.left, 0)),
right: c(o.right + Math.max(u.right, 0)),
top: c( - Math.max(, 0)),
bottom: c(o.bottom + Math.max(u.bottom, 0)),
width: 0,
height: 0
return h.width = h.right - h.left, h.height = h.bottom -, {
content: l,
inner: s,
border: d,
outer: h
function Fe(e) {
var t = document.querySelectorAll("[".concat([Be, '"'.concat(e, '"')].join("="), "]"));
return $()(t) ? (Pe.e("Element with ID not found: ".concat(e)), null) : (t.length > 1 && Pe.e("More than one element found with ID: ".concat(e)), Re()(t))
function We(e) {
var t = e.getAttribute(Be);
return we()(t) && (t = Object(I.a)(), e.setAttribute(Be, t)), t
function qe(e) {
return function(e) {
var t = window.getComputedStyle(e).direction;
return "rtl" === t ? Te.RTL : "ltr" === t || we()(document.dir) || "ltr" === document.dir ? Te.LTR : Te.RTL
}(e) === Te.RTL
}! function(e) {
e.RTL = "rtl", e.LTR = "ltr"
}(Te || (Te = {}));
var ze = "availabilityHandler",
Ve = "datetime",
_e = function e(t) {
var n = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.handlerConfig = t, this.cssSelector = ".ms-outlook-mobile-availability-container", this.keywords = [], this.logger = void 0, this.handler = function(e) {
n.getTimeSpanElements(e).forEach((function(e) {
e.addEventListener("click", n._availabilityClick)
}, this.undoHandler = function(e) {
var t;
null === (t = n.logger) || void 0 === t || t.i("Called availability tap undo handler, availabilityElements count ".concat(e.length)), e.forEach((function(e) {
n.getTimeSpanElements(e).forEach((function(e) {
e.removeEventListener("click", n._availabilityClick)
}, this.getTimeSpanElements = function(e) {
var t = e.children,
n = [];
if (0 === t.length) return n;
for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
var i = t[o].querySelectorAll("tr[itemtype='']");
if (i.length > 0)
for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++) {
var r = i[a];
if (r.hasAttribute("itemscope")) {
var c = r.querySelector("td");
c && n.push(c)
return n
}, this._getCalendarEventQueryItems = function(e) {
var t = e.querySelector('[itemprop="startDate"]'),
n = t && t.getAttribute(Ve),
o = e.querySelector('[itemprop="endDate"]'),
i = o && o.getAttribute(Ve);
return n && i ? {
startDate: n,
endDate: i,
availabilityText: e && e.textContent ? e.textContent : ""
} : null
}, this._availabilityClick = function(e) {
var t, o = e.currentTarget,
i = n._getCalendarEventQueryItems(o);
i && (null === (t = n.handlerConfig) || void 0 === t || t.sendAvailabilityHandler(i))
}, this.logger = t.logger
Je = function() {
function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this._sendAvailability = function(e) {
te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyAvailabilityTapped, e))
return Object(s.a)(e, [{
key: "createAvailabilityHandler",
value: function() {
var e = {
sendAvailabilityHandler: this._sendAvailability,
logger: new ne("AvailabilityHandler")
return new _e(e)
}]), e
Ke = n(103),
Ze = n(34),
Qe = n.n(Ze),
$e = n(96),
Xe = n.n($e),
Ye = new ne("DomHelper");
function et(e, t) {
console.log("vieportWidth & userScalable ", e, t);
var n = "width=".concat(e),
o = "minimum-scale=".concat(z().minimumScale),
i = "maximum-scale=".concat(z().maximumScale),
a = we()(t) ? null : t ? "user-scalable=yes" : "user-scalable=no",
r = Qe()(Xe()([n, o, i, a], (function(e) {
return null !== e
})), ", "),
c = function(e) {
var t = e.getElementsByTagName("head");
if ($()(t)) {
var n = e.createElement("head");
return e.body.insertBefore(n, null), n
return t[0]
l = document.querySelector("meta[name=viewport]");
if (Ye.i("Set viewport to: ".concat(r)), console.log("Set viewport to: ".concat(r)), l) l.setAttribute("content", r);
else {
var s = document.createElement("meta");
s.setAttribute("name", "viewport"), s.setAttribute("content", r), c.appendChild(s)
var tt = "imageTapHandler",
nt = function e(t) {
var n = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.cssSelector = "img", this.keywords = [], this.handlerConfig = void 0, this.handler = function(e) {
var t = e;
t.complete || (de(), t.addEventListener("load", n.onImageLoaded), t.addEventListener("error", n.onImageLoadingError)), n.handlerConfig.shouldListenClick && ! function e(t, n) {
var o = t.parentElement;
return !we()(o) && (o.tagName.toLowerCase() === n.toLowerCase() || e(o, n))
}(t, "a") && t.addEventListener("click", n.onImageClicked)
}, this.undoHandler = function(e) {
e.forEach((function(e) {
var t = e;
n.handlerConfig.shouldListenClick && t.removeEventListener("click", n.onImageClicked), t.removeEventListener("load", n.onImageLoaded), t.removeEventListener("error", n.onImageLoadingError)
}, this.onImageClicked = function(e) {
var t =;
if (t.complete) {
var o = n.handlerConfig.getConfigID(t),
i = t.src;
te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyImageTapped, {
src: i,
imageID: o
}, this.onImageLoaded = function() {
}, this.onImageLoadingError = function(t) {
var n = function(e) {
var t = e.getAttribute("src"),
n = {
protocol: "unknown",
type: "unknown"
if (!t) return Ye.e("Image does not have src"), n;
var o = t.match(/([a-zA-Z]+)[:]([\w\W]+)[\.]([a-zA-Z]*)/);
if (o || (o = t.match(/(olm)[:]([\w\W]+)[\.]?([a-zA-Z]*)/)), o || (o = t.match(/(hx-core)[:]([\w\W]+)[\.]?([a-zA-Z]*)/)), o && o.length >= 4) {
var i = o,
a = Object(Ke.a)(i, 4);
n.protocol = a[1], n.type = a[3]
return n
e.LOG.e("Image loaded fails, ".concat(JSON.stringify(n))), ue()
}, this.handlerConfig = t
nt.LOG = new ne("ImageTapHandler");
var ot, it = "mentionHandler",
at = "mailto:",
rt = function e(t, n, o, i) {
var a = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.mentionCssClass = t, this.mentionMeCssClass = n, this.loggedInUserEmailsFetcher = o, this.mentionTransformer = i, this.cssSelector = "a[id^=OWAAM]", this.keywords = [], this.storeElements = void 0, this.handler = function(e) {
var t, n = e,
o = e.ownerDocument.createElement("span"),
i = n.href.replace(at, ""),
c = a.loggedInUserEmailsFetcher().map((function(e) {
return (at + e).toLowerCase()
})).indexOf(n.href.toLowerCase()) > -1;
e.className = c ? a.mentionMeCssClass : a.mentionCssClass;
var l = a.mentionTransformer({
emailAddress: i,
clientScenario: "clientScenario",
innerText: e.innerText,
className: e.className
}); =, null === (t = e.parentElement) || void 0 === t || t.replaceChild(o, e), r.render(l, o), a.storeElements.push({
originElement: e,
lpcElement: o
}, this.undoHandler = function() {
a.storeElements.forEach((function(e) {
var t, n, o = e.lpcElement,
i = e.originElement;
o && (r.unmountComponentAtNode(o), null === (t = o.parentNode) || void 0 === t || null === (n = t.replaceChild) || void 0 === n ||, i, o))
})), a.storeElements = []
}, this.storeElements = []
ct = n(97),
lt = Object(h.a)(ot = function(e) {
Object(d.a)(n, e);
var t = Object(u.a)(n);
function n(e) {
var o;
return Object(l.a)(this, n), (o =, e)).loggedInUsersSet = new Set, o.handlePress = function() {
var e =,
t = e.emailAddress,
n = e.innerText;
te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyMentionLongPress, {
email: t,
name: n
}, o.handleClick = function() {
var e =,
t = e.emailAddress,
n = e.innerText;
te.notify(new Z(V.NotifyMentionTapped, {
email: t,
name: n
}, z().userEmailAddresses.forEach((function(e) {
})), o
return Object(s.a)(n, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e = X(),
t =,
n = this.loggedInUsersSet.has(t.emailAddress.toLowerCase()),
i = {
color: n ? e.mentionTextColorMe : e.mentionTextColor,
backgroundColor: n ? e.mentionBackgroundColorMe : e.mentionBackgroundColor
return Object(o.jsx)(ct.a, {
onPress: this.handlePress,
options: {
touchAction: "compute",
recognizers: {
press: {
time: 500
onTap: this.handleClick,
children: Object(o.jsx)("span", {
className: t.className,
style: i,
children: t.innerText
}]), n
}(a.a.Component)) || ot,
st = n(99),
dt = n.n(st),
ut = function() {
function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.mentionTransformer = function(e) {
return he(), Object(o.jsx)(lt, {
info: e
return Object(s.a)(e, [{
key: "createMentionHandler",
value: function() {
return new rt(e.mentionElementClassName, e.mentionElementClassName, (function() {
return z().userEmailAddresses
}), this.mentionTransformer)
}]), e
ut.mentionElementClassName = dt.a.mention, ut.isMentionElement = function(e) {
return e.classList.contains(ut.mentionElementClassName)
var ht = new ne("LayoutHelper");
var mt = "styleLayoutHandler",
ft = ".".concat(w),
gt = function() {
function e() {
var t = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.cssSelector = ft, this.keywords = [], this.handler = function(e) {
! function(e, t) { = "1.5";
var n = e.querySelectorAll("[style*='font-size']:not([style*='line-height']), font:not([style*='line-height'])");
f()(n, (function(e) { = "1.5"
}(e), t.layout(e)
return Object(s.a)(e, [{
key: "layout",
value: function(e) {
! function(e) {
! function(e) {
var t = e.querySelector("#oafwindowsizediv");
we()(t) || we()(t.parentNode) || "hidden" !== && "100%" !== || t.parentNode.removeChild(t)
}(e), Y().removeMinHeight100Percent && (ht.i("Removing 100 percent min-height from all elements"), function() {
var e = 0,
t = document.querySelectorAll("*");
f()(t, (function(t) { && "100%" === && ("min-height"), e += 1)
})), ht.i("Removed 100 percent min-height from ".concat(e, " elements"))
}]), e
vt = function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.cssSelector = "table", this.keywords = [], this.handler = function(e) {
if ("fixed" === window.getComputedStyle(e).tableLayout) {
var t = "table-layout: auto !important;",
n = e.getAttribute("style");
we()(n) || $()(n) || (t = n.endsWith(";") ? n + t : "".concat(n, ";").concat(t)), e.setAttribute("style", t)
pt = "meetingLinkHandler",
yt = function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.cssSelector = 'a[itemtype="microsoft.graph.event"]', this.keywords = [], this.handler = function(t) {
var n = t.getAttribute("itemid");
n && (t.setAttribute("href", "".concat(z().scheme, "://events/?instanceID=").concat(encodeURIComponent(n))), e.LOG.d("Handling meeting link: <%p>", t.getAttribute("href")))
yt.LOG = new ne("MeetingLinkHandler");
var bt, wt, Ct, Ot = "imageAltHandler",
Ht = function e(t) {
var n = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.imageAltString = t, this.cssSelector = "img", this.keywords = [], this.handler = function(e) {
var t = e;
t.hasAttribute("alt") || (t.alt = n.imageAltString)
Et = "emptyHrefsHandler",
At = function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.cssSelector = '[href=""]', this.keywords = [], this.handler = function(e) {
e.removeAttribute("href"), = "none"
Lt = n(104),
kt = "wideContentHandler",
St = "outlook-overflow-scaling",
jt = function() {
function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.onUndoScaleElement = function() {}, this.onScaleElement = function(e) {
e.className = St, ie() && se()
}, this.onAllTablesScaled = function() {
ie() && (e.LOG.i("All tables scaled"), le())
}, this.traceError = function(t) {
return Object(s.a)(e, [{
key: "createWideContentHandler",
value: function() {
var e, t = Y().restrictLayoutInterval;
return e = t ? Math.max(2e3, t) : 3e3, new Lt.a(!0, w, St, e, qe, this.onScaleElement, this.onUndoScaleElement, this.onAllTablesScaled, this.traceError)
}]), e
jt.LOG = new ne("WideContentHandler");
var Tt = Object(h.a)((Ct = wt = function(e) {
Object(d.a)(n, e);
var t = Object(u.a)(n);
function n(e) {
var o;
return Object(l.a)(this, n), (o =, e)).state = {}, o
return Object(s.a)(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function() {
n.LOG.i("Update Style with theme and config");
var e = function(e, t) {
var n = {
padding: "".concat(t.paddingVertical, "px ").concat(t.paddingHorizontal, "px !important"),
"box-sizing": "border-box",
margin: "0",
color: "".concat(e.textColor, " !important"),
"font-family": "'-apple-system', 'HelveticaNeue'",
"font-size": "12pt",
"word-wrap": "break-word",
"-webkit-text-size-adjust": "".concat(t.textZoom, "%"),
"-webkit-touch-callout": t.selectionEnabled ? "default" : "none",
"-webkit-user-select": t.selectionEnabled ? "text" : "none"
o = {
color: e.textColor
$()(e.messageBodySurfaceColor) || (n["background-color"] = "".concat(e.messageBodySurfaceColor, " !important"), o["background-color"] = e.messageBodySurfaceColor);
var i = {
body: n,
div: {}
return t.resetDivSize && (i.div["max-width"] = "100% !important", i.div.height = "unset !important"), i[".".concat(w)] = o, i["#".concat(C, " pre")] = {
"white-space": "pre-wrap"
}, i[".ms-outlook-linkify, #".concat(C, " [x-apple-data-detectors=true]")] = {
color: "".concat(e.textLinkColor, " !important")
}, i["#".concat(C, ' [x-apple-data-detectors-type="calendar-event"]')] = {
color: "".concat(e.textLinkColor, " !important"),
"-webkit-text-decoration-color": "".concat(e.textLinkColor, " !important")
}, i["#".concat(C, " hr")] = {
width: "100% !important"
}, i["#".concat(C, " blockquote")] = {
margin: "0px 10px !important"
}, i["#".concat(C, " img")] = {
"max-width": "100% !important"
}, i["#".concat(C, " hr")] = {
"border-left": "none",
"border-right": "none"
}, null !== e.messageBodySurfaceColor ? i["#".concat(C, " a[href][data-ogsc=''], #").concat(C, " a[href][data-ogsc='']:active, #").concat(C, " a[href]:not([class]), #").concat(C, " a[href]:not([class]):active")] = {
color: e.textLinkColor
} : i["#".concat(C, " a[href]:not([class]), #").concat(C, " a[href]:not([class]):active")] = {
color: e.textLinkColor
}, t.hideHtmlBlob && (i["#OwaReferenceAttachments"] = {
display: "none"
}), t.canAcceptSharedCalendar && (i["#SharingAcceptButtonRow.OLK-Hidden"] = {
display: "none"
function(e) {
var t = [];
return Object.keys(e).forEach((function(n) {
e[n] && t.push(function(e, t) {
if ($()(t)) return "";
var n = [];
return Object.keys(t).forEach((function(e) {
t[e] && n.push("".concat(e, ": ").concat(t[e], ";"))
})), "".concat(e, " {\n").concat(Qe()(n, "\n"), "\n}")
}(n, e[n]))
})), Qe()(t, "\n\n")
}(X(), z());
return Object(o.jsx)("style", {
children: e
}]), n
}(i.Component), wt.LOG = new ne("StyleContainer"), bt = Ct)) || bt;
function xt(e) {
if (null == e) return null;
var t = e.match(/^([+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]*)?)([a-zA-Z%]+)?$/);
return t ? {
value: Number(t[1]),
unit: t[3]
} : null
function It(e, t) {
var n = xt(e);
if (!n) return null;
var o = n.value,
i = n.unit,
a = xt(t);
if (!a) return null;
var r = a.value,
c = a.unit;
return "%" === i || "%" === c || i !== c || 0 === o || 0 === r ? null : o / r
var Mt = "wideImageHandler",
Dt = "data-ogsw",
Nt = "data-ogswp",
Rt = "data-ogsh",
Pt = "data-ogshp",
Bt = function e(t) {
var n = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.onAllImagesHandled = t, this.cssSelector = "img", this.keywords = [], this.unloadedImageCount = 0, this.imagesToHandle = [], this.handler = function(e) {
var t = e;
t.complete ? n.imagesToHandle.push(t) : (n.unloadedImageCount += 1, t.addEventListener("load", n.onImageLoaded), t.addEventListener("error", n.onImageLoadingError))
}, this.undoHandler = function(e) {
n.imagesToHandle.forEach((function(e) {
var t = e.getAttribute(Dt),
n = e.getAttribute(Rt),
o = e.getAttribute(Nt),
i = e.getAttribute(Pt);
t ?"width", t, o || "") :"width"), n ?"height", n, i || "") :"height")
})), e.forEach((function(e) {
e.removeEventListener("load", n.onImageLoaded), e.removeEventListener("error", n.onImageLoadingError)
})), n.unloadedImageCount = 0, n.imagesToHandle = []
}, this.doneHandlingMatchedElements = function() {
}, this.onImageLoaded = function(e) {
var t =;
n.imagesToHandle.push(t), n.decreaseUnloadedImageCount()
}, this.onImageLoadingError = function() {
}, this.decreaseUnloadedImageCount = function() {
n.unloadedImageCount > 0 ? (n.unloadedImageCount -= 1, n.checkImageLoadingStatus()) : e.LOG.e("WideImageHandler decrease unloaded image count when the count is ".concat(n.unloadedImageCount))
}, this.checkImageLoadingStatus = function() {
0 === n.unloadedImageCount && (n.imagesToHandle.forEach(n.handleImage), n.onAllImagesHandled())
}, this.handleImage = function(e) {
var t ="width"),
n ="height"),
o ="width"),
i ="height"),
a = e.getAttribute("width"),
r = e.getAttribute("height"),
c = window.getComputedStyle(e).width,
l = "auto",
s = null,
d = !1;
if (t && n ? (d = !0, s = It(t, n)) : a && r && "auto" !== a && "auto" !== r && (d = !0, s = It(a, r)), d) {
if (null === s) return;
var u = xt(c);
if (!u) return;
l = "".concat(u.value / s, "px")
t && e.setAttribute(Dt, t), o && e.setAttribute(Nt, o), n && e.setAttribute(Rt, n), i && e.setAttribute(Pt, i), (n || i) &&"width", c, "important"),"height", l, "important")
Bt.LOG = new ne("WideImageHandler");
var Gt = function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.cssSelector = "[href^='#']", this.keywords = [], this.handler = function(e) {
e.addEventListener("click", (function(e) {
Gt.LOG = new ne("AnchorLinkHandler");
var Ut, Ft, Wt, qt = function e(t) {
var n = this;
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.reationDisposer = void 0, this.disposeObserver = function() {
}, this.updateViewport = function() {
et(z().screenWidth, z().userScalable)
}, this.reationDisposer = Object(ye.reaction)((function() {
return z().screenWidth
}), (function() {
n.updateViewport(), t()
zt = Object(h.a)((Wt = Ft = function(e) {
Object(d.a)(n, e);
var t = Object(u.a)(n);
function n(e) {
var o;
Object(l.a)(this, n), (o =, e)).contentHandlerDictionary = {}, o.widthObserver = void 0, o.getDarkModeBaseColor = function() {
return X().messageBodySurfaceColor || "#141414"
}, o.updateContentHandlers = function(e) {
var t, i = (t = {}, Object(k.a)(t, tt, new nt({
getConfigID: We,
shouldListenClick: o.shouldListenClick()
})), Object(k.a)(t, mt, new gt), Object(k.a)(t, kt, (new jt).createWideContentHandler()), Object(k.a)(t, ze, (new Je).createAvailabilityHandler()), Object(k.a)(t, Ot, new Ht(z().imageAltString)), Object(k.a)(t, pt, new yt), Object(k.a)(t, it, (new ut).createMentionHandler()), Object(k.a)(t, Et, new At), Object(k.a)(t, S.a, new S.b(o.getDarkModeBaseColor, ut.isMentionElement)), Object(k.a)(t, Mt, new Bt(o.onWideImageHandlerEnd)), t),
a = [tt, mt, kt, ze, pt, it, S.a, Et, Ot, Mt];
return Y().removeFixedTableLayout && (i.tableLayoutHandler = new vt, a.unshift("tableLayoutHandler")), Y().handleAnchorLink && (i.anchorLinkHandler = new Gt, a.unshift("anchorLinkHandler")), n.LOG.i("iOS only: add calendar event handler"), i.calendarEventHandler = new De, a.unshift(Me), o.contentHandlerDictionary = i, {
contentHandlerKeys: a,
internalIsUndoModeDictionary: e
}, o.onWideImageHandlerEnd = function() {
}, o.onResize = function() {
n.LOG.i("Received new screen width, will undo then redo related handlers"), o.toggleIsUndoModeForKeys([kt, Mt]), setTimeout((function() {
o.toggleIsUndoModeForKeys([kt, Mt])
}), 0)
return o.state = o.updateContentHandlers({
wideContentHandler: !1,
calendarEventHandler: !1,
wideImageHandler: !1
}), o
return Object(s.a)(n, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function() {
this.widthObserver = new qt(this.onResize)
}, {
key: "UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps",
value: function() {
var e = this;
this.setState((function(t) {
var n = t.internalIsUndoModeDictionary;
return e.updateContentHandlers(n)
}, {
key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function() {
var e;
null === (e = this.widthObserver) || void 0 === e || e.disposeObserver()
}, {
key: "toggleIsUndoModeForKeys",
value: function(e) {
var t = {},
n = this.state.internalIsUndoModeDictionary;
e.forEach((function(e) {
e in n && (t[e] = !n[e])
})), this.setState({
internalIsUndoModeDictionary: t
}, {
key: "shouldListenClick",
value: function() {
return !0
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e, t = this.props.messageBody,
n = this.state,
i = n.contentHandlerKeys,
a = n.internalIsUndoModeDictionary,
r = Object(L.a)(Object(L.a)({}, a), {}, (e = {}, Object(k.a)(e, S.a, ! function() {
var e = q();
return !$()(e.theme.messageBodySurfaceColor)
}()), Object(k.a)(e, Me, !oe().dataDetectionFinish || a.calendarEventHandler), Object(k.a)(e, kt, !oe().wideImageHandlingCompleted || a.wideContentHandler), Object(k.a)(e, "urlDetectorHandler", !z().useUrlDetector), e));
return Object(o.jsxs)(o.Fragment, {
children: [Object(o.jsx)(Tt, {}), Object(o.jsx)(je, {
html: t,
contentHandlerDictionary: this.contentHandlerDictionary,
contentHandlerKeys: i,
isUndoModeDictionary: r
}]), n
}(i.Component), Ft.LOG = new ne("MessageBody"), Ut = Wt)) || Ut,
Vt = n(100),
_t = n.n(Vt),
Jt = new function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.hideElementWithID = function(e) {
var t = Fe(e);
we()(t) || function(e) {
var t = window.getComputedStyle(e).visibility;
if ("hidden" !== t) {
var n = We(e);
Ge[n] = t, = "hidden"
}, this.restoreElementVisibilityWithID = function(e) {
var t = Fe(e);
we()(t) || function(e) {
var t = We(e);
we()(Ge[t]) || ( = Ge[t], delete Ge[t])
}, this.getSourceOfImageWithID = function(e) {
var t = Fe(e);
return we()(t) || "img" !== _t()(t.tagName) || we()(t.src) ? null : t.src
}, this.getImageDataList = function() {
var e = document.getElementsByTagName("img"),
t = [];
return f()(e, (function(e) {
var n = e.src,
o = We(e);
if (!we()(n) && !we()(o)) {
var i = {
id: o,
url: n
})), JSON.stringify(t)
}, this.getContentBoundsOfElementWithID = function(e) {
var t = Fe(e);
if (we()(t)) return null;
var n = Ue(t).content,
o = function() {
var e = z(),
t = e.screenWidth,
n = t / e.minimumScale,
o = t / e.maximumScale,
i = Math.max(o, Math.min(n, t)) / window.innerWidth;
return Oe()(i) ? 1 : i
}() * function() {
var e = z(),
t = e.screenWidth,
n = e.minimumScale,
o = e.maximumScale;
return 0 === t ? 1 : Math.max(n, Math.min(o, 1))
return Object.keys(n).forEach((function(e) {
n[e] *= o
})), JSON.stringify(n)
Kt = n(101),
Zt = n.n(Kt);
function Qt(e) {
var t = new RegExp("^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|cid|olm|hx-core|outlook-file|outlook-ac|xmpp):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.-]+(?:[^a-z+.-:]|$))", "i");
return Zt.a.sanitize(e, {
ADD_ATTR: ["itemid", "itemtype", "itemscope", "datetime", "itemprop", "x-apple-data-detectors", "x-apple-data-detectors-type", "x-apple-data-detectors-result", "hspace", "vspace"]
var $t = function() {
function e(t, n) {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.html = t, this.outputBody = n, this.document = null, this.completed = !1, this.documentProcessors = [], this.htmlProcessors = []
return Object(s.a)(e, [{
key: "addDocumentProcessor",
value: function() {
var e;
return (e = this.documentProcessors).push.apply(e, arguments), this
}, {
key: "addHtmlProcessor",
value: function() {
var e;
return (e = this.htmlProcessors).push.apply(e, arguments), this
}, {
key: "getHtmlAndEnd",
value: function() {
return this.completed ? (e.LOG.e("getHtmlAndEnd: The preprocessing has been completed"), "") : (this.processHtml(), this.loadHtml(), this.processDocument(), this.document ? (t = this.outputBody ? this.document.body.innerHTML : this.document.documentElement.outerHTML, this.completed = !0, t) : (e.LOG.e("getHtmlAndEnd: The document doesn't exist in preprocessor"), ""));
var t
}, {
key: "loadHtml",
value: function() {
this.document = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(this.html, "text/html")
}, {
key: "processHtml",
value: function() {
var e = this;
this.htmlProcessors.forEach((function(t) {
e.html = t(e.html)
}, {
key: "processDocument",
value: function() {
var t = this;
this.document ? this.documentProcessors.forEach((function(e) {
t.document = e(t.document)
})) : e.LOG.e("processDocument: The document doesn't exist in preprocessor")
}]), e
$t.LOG = new ne("Preprocessor");
var Xt = n(102),
Yt = n.n(Xt),
en = new ne("HtmlImprove");
function tn(e) {
var t = e.documentElement;
en.i("Preprocessor: improveHTML");
var n, o = null,
i = z(),
a = Y();
i.isActionableMessage && i.amContainerDivId && (o = t.querySelector("#".concat(i.amContainerDivId)), we()(o) || null === (n = o.parentNode) || void 0 === n || n.removeChild(o));
var r, c = t.cloneNode(!0),
l = Yt()(c.querySelectorAll("script"), (function(e) {
return e.innerHTML
return a.replaceNbspOutsideHtmlTags ? c.innerHTML = (r = c.innerHTML, Ie()(r, /( )(?![^<]*>|[^<>]*<\/)/g, " ")) : c.innerHTML = Ie()(c.innerHTML, /( )(?!\s*<\/)/g, " "), f()(c.querySelectorAll("script"), (function(e, t) {
e.innerHTML = l[t]
})), t.innerHTML !== c.innerHTML && (t.innerHTML = c.innerHTML), we()(o) || t.prepend(o), a.removeBackgroundAttribute && f()(t.querySelectorAll("body[background], div[background]"), (function(e) {
})), e
var nn = n(61),
on = n.n(nn),
an = new ne("BodyConverter");
function rn(e) {
var t = e.createElement("div"),
n = e.createElement("div");
return t.setAttribute("class", O),
function(e, t) {
e.childNodes.forEach((function(e) {
}(e.body, n),
function(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.attributes.length; n++) {
var o = e.attributes[n];
t.setAttribute(, o.value)
}(e.body, n),
function(e, t) {
var n = e.querySelectorAll("style");
f()(n, (function(e) {
var n = e.innerHTML;
n = n.trim(), v()(n, H) && y()(n, "--\x3e") && (n = n.slice(H.length, n.length - "--\x3e".length));
try {
var o = on.a.parse(n),
i = o.stylesheet,
a = i.parsingErrors,
r = i.rules;
if (0 === (null == a ? void 0 : a.length)) {
! function e(t) {
if (void 0 !== t)
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var o = t[n].rules;
o ? e(o) : function() {
var e = t[n].selectors;
null == e || e.forEach((function(t, n) {
e[n] = ".".concat(O, " ").concat("body" === t || "html" === t ? "" : t)
var c = on.a.stringify(o);
e.innerHTML = c
} else an.e("Css parser has parsing errors, wrong CSS Rules: ".concat(e.innerHTML))
} catch (t) {
an.e("Css parse Error with ".concat(t, ", wrong CSS Format: ").concat(e.innerHTML))
}(e.head, t), t.appendChild(n),
function(e) {
for (; e.firstChild;) e.removeChild(e.lastChild)
}(e.body), e.body.appendChild(t), e
var cn = Object(M.mutatorAction)("changeMessageConfig", (function(e, t, n) {
q().theme = Object(L.a)(Object(L.a)({}, q().theme), t), q().config = Object(L.a)(Object(L.a)({}, q().config), e), q().flag = Object(L.a)(Object(L.a)({}, q().flag), n)
ln = function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.setDataDetectionFinished = function() {
e.LOG.i("setDataDetectionFinished"), ge()
ln.LOG = new ne("DataDetectionApi");
var sn, dn, un, hn = new ln,
mn = new function e() {
Object(l.a)(this, e), this.setSafelinksStatus = function(e, t) {
useUrlDetector: !0,
safelinksPageUrl: t
}, {}, {
enableSafelinks: e
}, this.undoUrlDetectorHandler = function() {
useUrlDetector: !1
}, {}, {})
fn = Object(h.a)((un = dn = function(e) {
Object(d.a)(n, e);
var t = Object(u.a)(n);
function n(e) {
var o;
return Object(l.a)(this, n), (o =, e)).updateHtml = function(e) {
var t = Y(),
i = z(),
a = new $t(e, t.convertBodyToDiv);
if (t.convertBodyToDiv && (n.LOG.i("Convert body to div: true"), a.addDocumentProcessor(rn)), a.addDocumentProcessor(tn), i.blockExternalContent) {
var r = new A;
}!i.isActionableMessage && i.useSanitizer && a.addHtmlProcessor(Qt);
var c = a.getHtmlAndEnd();
n.LOG.i("updateHtml: Did receive html"), o.setState({
messageBody: c
}, o.state = {
messageBody: ""
}, o.exposeJSApi(), o
return Object(s.a)(n, [{
key: "componentDidMount",
value: function() {
var e = this;
n.LOG.i("componentDidMount: Call onInitComplete"), te.fetch(new Z(V.NotifyInitComplete, JSON.stringify({
ready: !0
}))).then((function(t) {
n.LOG.i("componentDidMount: Receive config from native");
var o = t.content,
i = t.content.html;
function() {
if (Y().insertBottomAnchor && we()(document.getElementById(b))) {
Ye.i("Insert bottom anchor");
var e = document.createElement("div");
e.setAttribute("id", b), = "hidden", = "0px", document.body.appendChild(e)
}(), et(z().screenWidth, z().userScalable), e.updateHtml(i)
}), (function(e) {
n.LOG.i("componentDidMount: Renderer failed to fetch MessageConfig with error: ".concat(function(e) {
return "string" == typeof e ? e : e.message && "string" == typeof e.message ? e.message : e.toString()
}, {
key: "updateFlagsAndConfig",
value: function(e) {
n.LOG.i("updateFlagsAndConfig: Update the feature flag with the values from native"), cn(e.config, e.theme, e.featureFlag)
}, {
key: "exposeJSApi",
value: function() {
window.htmlApi = Le, window.imageOptionApi = Jt, window.safelinksApi = mn, window.outlookRenderer = {
htmlApi: Le,
imageOptionApi: window.imageOptionApi,
dataDetectionApi: hn
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e = this.state.messageBody;
return Object(o.jsx)("div", {
className: "App",
children: Object(o.jsx)(zt, {
messageBody: e
}]), n
}(a.a.Component), dn.LOG = new ne("App"), sn = un)) || sn;
c.a.render(Object(o.jsx)(a.a.StrictMode, {
children: Object(o.jsx)(fn, {})
}), window.document.getElementById("root"))
45: function(e, t) {
e.exports = ""
99: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = {
mention: "MentionStyle_mention__3mCJ-"
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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EthisDF commented Aug 11, 2021


Le fichier javascript contient des erreurs qui le rend inutilisable, est-ce que vous savez ce qui ne va pas ?

Merci !

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@EthisDF Bonjour. Ce fichier n'est pas prévu pour fonctionner tel quel. Il est utilisé au sein de l'application Outlook dans iOS.

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EthisDF commented Aug 11, 2021

D'accord, merci pour cette réponse ! J'étais intéressé par ce script car j'affiche actuellement des mails dans une WKWebview (sur iOS) et beaucoup de mails ne sont pas bien formatés pour le Dark Mode. Je pensais donc essayer ce code pour comprendre le mécanisme d'Outlook pour afficher correctement les mails en Dark Mode. Est-ce que vous connaissez une solution pour cela ?

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@EthisDF Le site Proofjump propose un Dark Mode for Email Simulator, mais il est basé sur Gmail et non Outlook. À ma connaissance, le rendu en dark mode d'Outlook iOS est le même que celui du webmail desktop (qui est donc plus facile d'accès pour tester et inspecter le code transformé). J'avais également extrait ce code (transformElementForDarkMode.ts) qui peut donner une idée du fonctionnement du dark mode d'Outlook.

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