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Created June 19, 2019 01:20
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  • Save htr3n/b342a77f4bb5b4a380a611af9908daf5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save htr3n/b342a77f4bb5b4a380a611af9908daf5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
  • Windows PowerShell was built upon .NET and only worked on Windows
  • PowerShell Core is open sourced and built on .NET Core 2.x, work on Windows, Linux, macOS, ARM
choco install -y powershell-core

When installing PowerShell with choco, remember to do it outside of a PowerShell because replacing a running app will be unpredictable in Windows.

Natural Mouse Scrolling (like macOS)

  • Device Manager --> Mice and other pointing devices --> Choose the device --> Properties --> Details --> Device instance path --> Note the VID ID value
  • Windows + R or Search --> regedit / Registry Editor --> "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HID" --> Find the VID ID --> Device Parameters --> FlipFlopWheel --> Change 0 to 1




With cmd.exe

@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

With PowerShell

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco upgrade chocolatey

In order to install apps with Chocolatey, it must be executed with "Administrator" privilege.

Some useful Chocolatey's commands and options

# debug
choco -d
# info
choco info package_name
choco install -y package_name
choco search name | title 
choco search --by-id-only | --by-tag-only | --id-starts-with package_name
choco list --local-only
choco list -li


choco install -y 7zip


choco install -y Firefox

Google Chrome

choco install -y GoogleChrome


choco install -y chromium




choco install -y vlc


choco install -y mpv


choco install -y picotorrent

Apple iTunes

choco install -y iTunes

Clouds and Sharing


choco install -y dropbox

Google Drive

choco install -y google-backup-and-sync


choco install -y f.lux


choco install -y adobereader
choco install -y FoxitReader

Team Viewer

choco install -y teamviewer


choco install -y notepadplusplus


choco install -y miktex
choco install -y texstudio
choco install -y texmaker
choco install -y winedt


choco install -y FiraCode
choco install -y SourceCodePro
choco install -y hackfont
choco install -y EnvyCodeR
choco install -y DroidSansMono
choco install -y RobotoFonts

Development Tools

choco install -y git --params "/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath /NoGuiHereIntegration /NoGitLfs"


choco install -y filezilla


choco install -y winscp
Visual Studio Code or VSCodium (no MS stuffs)
choco install -y vscode
choco install -y vscodium
choco install -y SublimeText3
choco install -y SublimeText2
choco install -y typora

Visual Studio

# 2015
choco install -y VisualStudio2015Community
choco install -y VisualStudio2015Professional
choco install -y VisualStudio2015Enterprise
# 2017
choco install -y VisualStudio2017Community
choco install -y VisualStudio2017Professional
choco install -y visualstudio2017enterprise
# 2019
choco install -y visualstudio2019community
choco install -y visualstudio2019professional
choco install -y visualstudio2019enterprise

Java JDK

  • OpenJDK
choco install -y openjdk
choco install -y openjdk11
choco install -y corretto8jdk
choco install -y corretto11jdk
choco install -y jdk8
choco install -y jdk11
choco install -y adoptopenjdk8 adoptopenjdk11 adoptopenjdk
choco install -y adoptopenjdkopenj9jdk

Eclipse 4.10

choco install -y eclipse --params "'/InstallationPath=C:\eclipse'"

Can also be installed with Chocolatey

choco install -y jetbraintoolbox
choco install -y intellijidea-ultimate
choco instlal -y RubyMine
choco install -y Pycharm
choco install -y phpstorm
choco install -y resharper
choco install -y resharper-ultimate-all
choco install -y datagrip

R Studio Desktop

choco install -y R.Studio

Android Studio

choco install -y AndroidStudio


choco install -y python
choco install -y python2


choco install -y ruby
choco install -y jruby


choco install -y php

Hardware Tools

AIDA64 (formerly Lavalys EVEREST Ultimate)

choco install -y aida64-extreme

Hard Disk Sentinel

choco install -y hdsentinel


choco install -y speccy

Samsung Tools

  • Samsung Magician for Consumer SSD --> Rapid Mode
  • Samsung Data Migration for Consumer SSD --> Cloning / Migrating
choco install -y samsung-magician


choco install -y cpu-z


choco install -y avastfreeantivirus
choco install -y avgantivirusfree
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