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Created April 5, 2022 09:03
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module List = struct
include Stdlib.List
let hd_opt xs = try Some (hd xs) with Failure _ -> None
let char_list_of_string string =
let rec aux acc idx =
if idx >= 0 then
aux (string.[idx] :: acc) (idx - 1)
aux [] (String.length string - 1)
let memory_size = 30000
let interplet code =
let user_memory = Array.make memory_size 0 in
let char_list = char_list_of_string code |> Array.of_list in
let rec impl ptr idx ps =
let next = idx + 1 in
match char_list.(idx) with
| '>' -> let ptr = ptr + 1 in (if ptr >= memory_size then impl 0 else impl ptr) next ps
| '<' -> let ptr = ptr - 1 in (if ptr < 0 then impl memory_size else impl ptr) next ps
| '+' -> user_memory.(ptr) <- user_memory.(ptr) + 1; impl ptr next ps
| '-' -> user_memory.(ptr) <- user_memory.(ptr) - 1; impl ptr next ps
| '.' -> output_binary_int stdout user_memory.(ptr); impl ptr next ps
| ',' -> user_memory.(ptr) <- input_binary_int stdin; impl ptr next ps
| '[' ->
if user_memory.(ptr) = 0 then
let rec get_next_index idx' depth =
match char_list.(idx') with
| '[' -> get_next_index (idx' + 1) (depth + 1)
| ']' ->
if depth > 0 then
get_next_index (idx' + 1) (depth - 1)
idx' + 1
| _ -> get_next_index (idx' + 1) depth
impl ptr (get_next_index next 0) ps
impl ptr next (idx :: ps)
| ']' ->
match ps with
| [] -> failwith "pair is not found: ']'"
| x :: xs -> impl ptr x xs
| _ -> impl ptr next ps
with Invalid_argument msg as e ->
if msg = "index out of bounds" then
match List.hd_opt ps with
| None -> ()
| Some idx -> Printf.eprintf "pair is not found: '[' %d\n" idx
raise e
impl 0 0 []
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