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Last active December 17, 2015 14:04
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  • Save httpdispatch/966b2c23b50e85b000e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save httpdispatch/966b2c23b50e85b000e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import rx.Observable;
import rx.Subscriber;
import rx.functions.Action1;
import rx.subscriptions.Subscriptions;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* To work on unit tests, switch the Test Artifact in the Build Variants view.
public class ExampleUnitTest {
public void addition_isCorrect() throws Exception {
assertEquals(4, 2 + 2);
@Test public void shareProblem() throws InterruptedException {
BindableObject<Integer> begin = new BindableObject<>(0);
BindableObject<Integer> rangeBegin = new BindableObject<>(0);
BindableObject<Integer> mSchedulerRangeBegin = new BindableObject<>(0);
BindableObject<String> beginTime = new BindableObject<>(null);
Observable<Integer> beginChanged = valueChanged(begin)
.doOnEach(value -> System.out.println("Begin value changed: " + value.getValue()))
.doOnUnsubscribe(() -> System.out.println("Unshared?!"))
.map(minutes -> Integer.toString(minutes))
.subscribe(beginTime.asAction(), t -> t.printStackTrace());
.map(minutes -> minutes / 5)
.subscribe(rangeBegin.asAction(), t -> t.printStackTrace());
.skip(1)// skip initial value emitted automatically right after the
// subsription
.debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)// such as range bar may change the
// value very quickly use the
// debounce function for the timeout
// based processing
.doOnEach(value -> System.out.println("Begin value changed 2: " + value.getValue()))
.subscribe(mSchedulerRangeBegin.asAction(), t -> t.printStackTrace());
assertEquals(beginTime.get(), "100");
assertTrue(rangeBegin.get() == 20);
assertTrue(mSchedulerRangeBegin.get() == 100);
public static <T> Observable<T> valueChanged(BindableObject<T> object) {
return Observable.create(new BindableObjectValueChangedOnSubscribe<T>(object));
public static class BindableObjectValueChangedOnSubscribe<T> implements Observable.OnSubscribe<T> {
private final BindableObject<T> mObject;
* Creates an BindableObjectValueChangedOnSubscribe for the given bindableObject
* @param bindableObject the bindable object to create
public BindableObjectValueChangedOnSubscribe(BindableObject<T> bindableObject) {
this.mObject = bindableObject;
@Override public void call(final Subscriber<? super T> subscriber) {
// create the property changed callback for the BindableObject which emits property value
// to the subscriber when it is changed
Observable2.OnPropertyChangedCallback callback = new Observable2.OnPropertyChangedCallback() {
@Override public void onPropertyChanged(Observable2 sender, int propertyId) {
if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
// when the subscription become unsubscribed remove added above property changed callback
() -> mObject.removeOnPropertyChangedCallback(callback)));
// Emit initial value.
public class BindableObject<T> extends BaseObservable {
T mValue;
* Creates an empty observable object
public BindableObject() {
* Wraps the given object and creates an observable object
* @param value The value to be wrapped as an observable.
public BindableObject(T value) {
mValue = value;
* Set the stored value.
public void set(T value) {
if (!equals(mValue, value)) {
mValue = value;
public T get() {
return mValue;
* Compare two objects of the same type. Supports null comparison as well as {@linkplain
* Object#equals(Object) Object.equals()} method.
* <p>
* Override this method if you need additional comparison logic, for example custom string
* comparison.
* @param o1
* @param o2
* @return true if objects are equal, false otherwise
public boolean equals(T o1, T o2) {
return (o1 == o2) || (o1 != null && o1.equals(o2));
* An action which stores a new value for this object.
public Action1<? super T> asAction() {
return new Action1<T>() {
@Override public void call(T value) {
public interface Observable2 {
* Adds a callback to listen for changes to the Observable.
* @param callback The callback to start listening.
void addOnPropertyChangedCallback(OnPropertyChangedCallback callback);
* Removes a callback from those listening for changes.
* @param callback The callback that should stop listening.
void removeOnPropertyChangedCallback(OnPropertyChangedCallback callback);
* The callback that is called by Observable when an observable property has changed.
abstract class OnPropertyChangedCallback {
* Called by an Observable whenever an observable property changes.
* @param sender The Observable that is changing.
* @param propertyId The BR identifier of the property that has changed. The getter
* for this property should be annotated with {Bindable}.
public abstract void onPropertyChanged(Observable2 sender, int propertyId);
public class BaseObservable implements Observable2 {
private transient PropertyChangeRegistry mCallbacks;
public BaseObservable() {
public synchronized void addOnPropertyChangedCallback(OnPropertyChangedCallback callback) {
if (mCallbacks == null) {
mCallbacks = new PropertyChangeRegistry();
public synchronized void removeOnPropertyChangedCallback(OnPropertyChangedCallback callback) {
if (mCallbacks != null) {
* Notifies listeners that all properties of this instance have changed.
public synchronized void notifyChange() {
if (mCallbacks != null) {
mCallbacks.notifyCallbacks(this, 0, null);
* Notifies listeners that a specific property has changed. The getter for the property
* that changes should be marked with Bindable to generate a field in
* <code>BR</code> to be used as <code>fieldId</code>.
* @param fieldId The generated BR id for the Bindable field.
public void notifyPropertyChanged(int fieldId) {
if (mCallbacks != null) {
mCallbacks.notifyCallbacks(this, fieldId, null);
public static class PropertyChangeRegistry extends
CallbackRegistry<Observable2.OnPropertyChangedCallback, Observable2, Void> {
private static final CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback<Observable2.OnPropertyChangedCallback, Observable2, Void> NOTIFIER_CALLBACK = new CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback<Observable2.OnPropertyChangedCallback, Observable2, Void>() {
public void onNotifyCallback(Observable2.OnPropertyChangedCallback callback, Observable2 sender,
int arg, Void notUsed) {
callback.onPropertyChanged(sender, arg);
public PropertyChangeRegistry() {
* Notifies registered callbacks that a specific property has changed.
* @param observable The Observable that has changed.
* @param propertyId The BR id of the property that has changed or BR._all if the entire
* Observable has changed.
public void notifyChange(Observable2 observable, int propertyId) {
notifyCallbacks(observable, propertyId, null);
public static class CallbackRegistry<C, T, A> implements Cloneable {
private static final String TAG = "CallbackRegistry";
/** An ordered collection of listeners waiting to be notified. */
private List<C> mCallbacks = new ArrayList<C>();
* A bit flag for the first 64 listeners that are removed during notification.
* The lowest significant bit corresponds to the 0th index into mCallbacks.
* For a small number of callbacks, no additional array of objects needs to
* be allocated.
private long mFirst64Removed = 0x0;
* Bit flags for the remaining callbacks that are removed during notification.
* When there are more than 64 callbacks and one is marked for removal, a dynamic
* array of bits are allocated for the callbacks.
private long[] mRemainderRemoved;
/** The recursion level of the notification */
private int mNotificationLevel;
/** The notification mechanism for notifying an event. */
private final NotifierCallback<C, T, A> mNotifier;
* Creates an EventRegistry that notifies the event with notifier.
* @param notifier The class to use to notify events.
public CallbackRegistry(NotifierCallback<C, T, A> notifier) {
mNotifier = notifier;
* Notify all callbacks.
* @param sender The originator. This is an opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg2 An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
public synchronized void notifyCallbacks(T sender, int arg, A arg2) {
notifyRecurse(sender, arg, arg2);
if (mNotificationLevel == 0) {
if (mRemainderRemoved != null) {
for (int i = mRemainderRemoved.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final long removedBits = mRemainderRemoved[i];
if (removedBits != 0) {
removeRemovedCallbacks((i + 1) * Long.SIZE, removedBits);
mRemainderRemoved[i] = 0;
if (mFirst64Removed != 0) {
removeRemovedCallbacks(0, mFirst64Removed);
mFirst64Removed = 0;
* Notify up to the first Long.SIZE callbacks that don't have a bit set in <code>removed</code>.
* @param sender The originator. This is an opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg2 An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
private void notifyFirst64(T sender, int arg, A arg2) {
final int maxNotified = Math.min(Long.SIZE, mCallbacks.size());
notifyCallbacks(sender, arg, arg2, 0, maxNotified, mFirst64Removed);
* Notify all callbacks using a recursive algorithm to avoid allocating on the heap.
* This part captures the callbacks beyond Long.SIZE that have no bits allocated for
* removal before it recurses into {@link #notifyRemainder(Object, int, A, int)}.
* <p>Recursion is used to avoid allocating temporary state on the heap.</p>
* @param sender The originator. This is an opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg2 An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
private void notifyRecurse(T sender, int arg, A arg2) {
final int callbackCount = mCallbacks.size();
final int remainderIndex = mRemainderRemoved == null ? -1 : mRemainderRemoved.length - 1;
// Now we've got all callbakcs that have no mRemainderRemoved value, so notify the
// others.
notifyRemainder(sender, arg, arg2, remainderIndex);
// notifyRemainder notifies all at maxIndex, so we'd normally start at maxIndex + 1
// However, we must also keep track of those in mFirst64Removed, so we add 2 instead:
final int startCallbackIndex = (remainderIndex + 2) * Long.SIZE;
// The remaining have no bit set
notifyCallbacks(sender, arg, arg2, startCallbackIndex, callbackCount, 0);
* Notify callbacks that have mRemainderRemoved bits set for remainderIndex. If
* remainderIndex is -1, the first 64 will be notified instead.
* @param sender The originator. This is an opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg2 An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param remainderIndex The index into mRemainderRemoved that should be notified.
private void notifyRemainder(T sender, int arg, A arg2, int remainderIndex) {
if (remainderIndex < 0) {
notifyFirst64(sender, arg, arg2);
} else {
final long bits = mRemainderRemoved[remainderIndex];
final int startIndex = (remainderIndex + 1) * Long.SIZE;
final int endIndex = Math.min(mCallbacks.size(), startIndex + Long.SIZE);
notifyRemainder(sender, arg, arg2, remainderIndex - 1);
notifyCallbacks(sender, arg, arg2, startIndex, endIndex, bits);
* Notify callbacks from startIndex to endIndex, using bits as the bit status
* for whether they have been removed or not. bits should be from mRemainderRemoved or
* mFirst64Removed. bits set to 0 indicates that all callbacks from startIndex to
* endIndex should be notified.
* @param sender The originator. This is an opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param arg2 An opaque parameter passed to
* {@link CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback#onNotifyCallback(Object, Object, int, Object)}
* @param startIndex The index into the mCallbacks to start notifying.
* @param endIndex One past the last index into mCallbacks to notify.
* @param bits A bit field indicating which callbacks have been removed and shouldn't
* be notified.
private void notifyCallbacks(T sender, int arg, A arg2, final int startIndex,
final int endIndex, final long bits) {
long bitMask = 1;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if ((bits & bitMask) == 0) {
mNotifier.onNotifyCallback(mCallbacks.get(i), sender, arg, arg2);
bitMask <<= 1;
* Add a callback to be notified. If the callback is already in the list, another won't
* be added. This does not affect current notifications.
* @param callback The callback to add.
public synchronized void add(C callback) {
int index = mCallbacks.lastIndexOf(callback);
if (index < 0 || isRemoved(index)) {
* Returns true if the callback at index has been marked for removal.
* @param index The index into mCallbacks to check.
* @return true if the callback at index has been marked for removal.
private boolean isRemoved(int index) {
if (index < Long.SIZE) {
// It is in the first 64 callbacks, just check the bit.
final long bitMask = 1L << index;
return (mFirst64Removed & bitMask) != 0;
} else if (mRemainderRemoved == null) {
// It is after the first 64 callbacks, but nothing else was marked for removal.
return false;
} else {
final int maskIndex = (index / Long.SIZE) - 1;
if (maskIndex >= mRemainderRemoved.length) {
// There are some items in mRemainderRemoved, but nothing at the given index.
return false;
} else {
// There is something marked for removal, so we have to check the bit.
final long bits = mRemainderRemoved[maskIndex];
final long bitMask = 1L << (index % Long.SIZE);
return (bits & bitMask) != 0;
* Removes callbacks from startIndex to startIndex + Long.SIZE, based
* on the bits set in removed.
* @param startIndex The index into the mCallbacks to start removing callbacks.
* @param removed The bits indicating removal, where each bit is set for one callback
* to be removed.
private void removeRemovedCallbacks(int startIndex, long removed) {
// The naive approach should be fine. There may be a better bit-twiddling approach.
final int endIndex = startIndex + Long.SIZE;
long bitMask = 1L << (Long.SIZE - 1);
for (int i = endIndex - 1; i >= startIndex; i--) {
if ((removed & bitMask) != 0) {
bitMask >>>= 1;
* Remove a callback. This callback won't be notified after this call completes.
* @param callback The callback to remove.
public synchronized void remove(C callback) {
if (mNotificationLevel == 0) {
} else {
int index = mCallbacks.lastIndexOf(callback);
if (index >= 0) {
private void setRemovalBit(int index) {
if (index < Long.SIZE) {
// It is in the first 64 callbacks, just check the bit.
final long bitMask = 1L << index;
mFirst64Removed |= bitMask;
} else {
final int remainderIndex = (index / Long.SIZE) - 1;
if (mRemainderRemoved == null) {
mRemainderRemoved = new long[mCallbacks.size() / Long.SIZE];
} else if (mRemainderRemoved.length < remainderIndex) {
// need to make it bigger
long[] newRemainders = new long[mCallbacks.size() / Long.SIZE];
System.arraycopy(mRemainderRemoved, 0, newRemainders, 0, mRemainderRemoved.length);
mRemainderRemoved = newRemainders;
final long bitMask = 1L << (index % Long.SIZE);
mRemainderRemoved[remainderIndex] |= bitMask;
* Makes a copy of the registered callbacks and returns it.
* @return a copy of the registered callbacks.
public synchronized ArrayList<C> copyCallbacks() {
ArrayList<C> callbacks = new ArrayList<C>(mCallbacks.size());
int numListeners = mCallbacks.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) {
if (!isRemoved(i)) {
return callbacks;
* Modifies <code>callbacks</code> to contain all callbacks in the CallbackRegistry.
* @param callbacks modified to contain all callbacks registered to receive events.
public synchronized void copyCallbacks(List<C> callbacks) {
int numListeners = mCallbacks.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) {
if (!isRemoved(i)) {
* Returns true if there are no registered callbacks or false otherwise.
* @return true if there are no registered callbacks or false otherwise.
public synchronized boolean isEmpty() {
if (mCallbacks.isEmpty()) {
return true;
} else if (mNotificationLevel == 0) {
return false;
} else {
int numListeners = mCallbacks.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) {
if (!isRemoved(i)) {
return false;
return true;
* Removes all callbacks from the list.
public synchronized void clear() {
if (mNotificationLevel == 0) {
} else if (!mCallbacks.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = mCallbacks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* @return A copy of the CallbackRegistry with all callbacks listening to both instances.
public synchronized CallbackRegistry<C, T, A> clone() {
CallbackRegistry<C, T, A> clone = null;
try {
clone = (CallbackRegistry<C, T, A>) super.clone();
clone.mFirst64Removed = 0;
clone.mRemainderRemoved = null;
clone.mNotificationLevel = 0;
clone.mCallbacks = new ArrayList<C>();
final int numListeners = mCallbacks.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) {
if (!isRemoved(i)) {
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return clone;
* Class used to notify events from CallbackRegistry.
* @param <C> The callback type.
* @param <T> The notification sender type. Typically this is the containing class.
* @param <A> An opaque argument to pass to the notifier
public abstract static class NotifierCallback<C, T, A> {
* Called by CallbackRegistry during
* {@link CallbackRegistry#notifyCallbacks(Object, int, Object)}} to notify the callback.
* @param callback The callback to notify.
* @param sender The opaque sender object.
* @param arg The opaque notification parameter.
* @param arg2 An opaque argument passed in
* {@link CallbackRegistry#notifyCallbacks}
* @see CallbackRegistry#CallbackRegistry(CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback)
public abstract void onNotifyCallback(C callback, T sender, int arg, A arg2);
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