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Created July 1, 2012 01:40
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NotifyMixin and NotifyCreateView
#import stuff like NotifyCreateView and ProjectForm
class ProjectCreate(NotifyCreateView):
login_required = True
form_class = ProjectForm
from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView
from django.contrib import messages
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
if "notification" in getattr(settings, "INSTALLED_APPS"):
from notification import models as notification
notification = None
class NotifyMixin(object):
valid_type = messages.SUCCESS
valid_message = None
valid_flash = True
invalid_type = messages.ERROR
invalid_message = _("Some validation errors where found on the submitted form.")
invalid_flash = True
notify_list = None
notify_template = None
def show_invalid_flash(self):
if self.invalid_flash:
messages.add_message(self.request, self.invalid_type, self.invalid_message)
def show_valid_flash(self):
self.valid_message = _("The %s has been added successfully" % self.object._meta.verbose_name)
if self.valid_flash:
messages.add_message(self.request, self.valid_type, self.valid_message)
def send_notification(self):
if notification and self.notify_list and self.notify_template:
class NotifyCreateView(CreateView, NotifyMixin):
def form_valid(self, form):
ret = super(NotifyCreateView, self).form_valid(form)
return ret
def form_invalid(self, form, **kwargs):
return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form))
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