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Created November 4, 2017 10:36
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Post-process pkgdown version of Biocstyle vignette
#' Post-process pkgdown Version of Biocstyle Vignette
#' Takes HTML vignette rendered by [pkgdown::build_articles()] from R markdown
#' using [BiocStyle::html_document2()] and post-processes it to fix
#' features not supported by [rmarkdown::render()] (used by `build_articles`
#' under the hood).
#' In order to match the table and figure references to the correct table or
#' figure, the function requires both the HTML rendered by
#' [pkgdown::build_articles()] and the version rendered by
#' [devtools::build_vignettes()] (or an equivalent vignette rendered with
#' [BiocStyle::html_document2()]).
#' The following issues are fixed:
#' - References to tables and figures (original marked up using `\@ref()`) are
#' converted to HTML hyperlinks and corresponding anchors are put in the table
#' and figure captions.
#' - Prefixes (e.g. "Table 1:" or "Figure 1:") are added to table and figure
#' captions.
#' - The anchors are styled with an offset to allow for the navbar
#' - The figure captions are styled as the table captions to differentiate from
#' the body text.
#' - The abstract is styled so that it stands out from the body text.
#' The HTML file(s) created by [pkgdown::build_articles()] are over-written
#' with the new version(s). The only material differences between the
#' post-processed R markdown style vignette and the Biocstyle vignette
#' is that post-processed version does not have the date the file was generated
#' or the package version number.
#' @param pkg Path to the source package.
#' @param output Path to the HTML vignette rendered by
#' [pkgdown::build_articles()].
#' @param input Path to the HTML vignette rendered with
#' [BiocStyle::html_document2()], by default `inst/doc` as used by
#' [devtools::build_vignettes()].
#' @references This is a hack to fix the incompatibility between
#' [BiocStyle::html_document2()] and [pkgdown::build_articles()], check if a
#' better solution is now available
#' @return Nothing is returned, the function is called for its side-effect of
#' modifying the HTML file(s) produced by [pkgdown::build_articles()].
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # first build package vignette, e.g. as follows
#' library(devtools)
#' build_vignettes()
#' # second create version for pkgdown site, e.g.
#' library(pkgdown)
#' build_articles() # or build_site()
#' # post-process HTML vignettes created by pkgdown
#' fix_biocstyle_articles()
#' # (optional) remove vignette files in inst/doc
#' clean_vignettes()
#' }
fix_biocstyle_articles <- function(pkg = ".", output = "docs/articles",
input = "inst/doc") {
pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg)
path <- rel_path(output, pkg$path)
html <- pkg$vignettes$file_out
for (h in html){
# get information from biocstyle vignette
original <- readLines(file.path(pkg$path, input, h))
## get Table reference labels
id <- grep("^<span id=\"tab:", original)
tab_label <- sub("^<span id=\"(tab:[^\"]+)\".*",
"\\1", original[id])
## get Figure reference labels
id <- grep("^<div class=\"figure\"><span id=\"fig:", original)
fig_label <- sub("^<div class=\"figure\"><span id=\"(fig:[^\"]+)\".*",
"\\1", original[id])
# fix up pkgdown vignette
output <- readLines(file.path(path, h))
## fix up Table references
for (i in seq_along(tab_label)){
output <- gsub(paste0("@ref(", tab_label[i], ")"),
paste0("<a href=\"#", tab_label[i], "\">",
i, "</a>"),
x = output, fixed = TRUE)
## fix up Figure references
for (i in seq_along(fig_label)){
output <- gsub(paste0("@ref(", fig_label[i], ")"),
paste0("<a href=\"#", fig_label[i], "\">",
i, "</a>"),
x = output, fixed = TRUE)
## insert Table prefixes
tab_start <- grep("^<caption>", output) + 1
output[tab_start] <- paste0("<span class=\"offset\" id=\"", tab_label,
"\">Table ",
seq_along(tab_label), ": </span>",
## insert Figure anchors
fig_start <- grep("<div class=\"figure\">", output, fixed = TRUE)
output[fig_start] <- paste0(output[fig_start],
"<span class=\"offset\" id=\"", fig_label,
## insert Figure prefixes
cap_start <- grep("<p class=\"caption\">", output, fixed = TRUE) + 1
output[cap_start] <- paste0("Figure ", seq_along(fig_label), ": ",
## add in custom css
end_head <- grep("^</head>", output)
part1 <- output[seq_len(end_head - 1)]
part2 <- output[-seq_len(end_head - 1)]
new <- c(part1,
"<style type=\"text/css\">",
".offset {",
" padding-top: 60px;",
".caption {",
" padding-top: 8px;",
" padding-bottom: 8px;",
" color: #777;",
" text-align: left;",
" font-size: 24px;",
" font-family: inherit;",
" text-align: center;",
" font-weight: bold;",
" margin: auto;",
" width: 90%;",
" padding-bottom: 15px;",
" border-top: 1px solid #eee;",
" padding-top: 9px;",
writeLines(new, file.path(path, h))
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