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Created June 4, 2020 09:58
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"fromXianzhe": [{
"id": "0000",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "我也是!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0003"]
}, {
"content": "我很怀疑这点……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0001"]
}, {
"content": "真的吗?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0002"]
}, {
"id": "0001",
"details": [
["……", "好吧"]
"nextXianzhe": ["0003"]
}, {
"id": "0002",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0003"]
}, {
"id": "0003",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "你是谁?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0004"]
}, {
"content": "羡辙是什么意思?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0005"]
}, {
"content": "问什么都可以吗?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0006"]
}, {
"id": "0004",
"details": [
["唔……", "这是个哲学问题……", "在我想出这个问题的答案前,我想,你还是先叫我羡辙吧!"]
"nextXianzhe": ["0005"]
}, {
"id": "0005",
"details": [
["羡辙是我在阿里实习时候起的花名,具体参见这篇文章", "<a href=''></a>"]
"responses": [{
"content": "你的职业是?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0023"]
}, {
"content": "真有意思~",
"nextXianzhe": ["0026"]
}, {
"id": "0006",
"details": [
["话是没错啦……", "不过,反正你也不能输入文字哈哈~"]
"responses": [{
"content": "……"
}, {
"content": "算你狠"
}, {
"id": "0007",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0013"]
}, {
"id": "0008",
"details": [
["喜欢啊!", "最喜欢的书是《红楼梦》,是全世界最棒的书!"]
"responses": [{
"content": "哇!我也这么觉得呢~",
"nextXianzhe": ["0010"]
}, {
"content": "好吧……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0010"]
}, {
"id": "0009",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "羡辙这么可爱,一定是男孩纸吧!所以…应该有女朋友!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0015"]
}, {
"content": "就算你有,也千万别告诉我!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0018"]
}, {
"content": "哈哈哈,你才不会有呢!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0017"]
}, {
"id": "0010",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "好啊!羡辙推荐的书一定很棒~",
"nextXianzhe": ["0011"]
}, {
"content": "算了,我不是很感兴趣……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0012"]
}, {
"id": "0011",
"details": [
["这是<a href=''>我最近读过的好书</a>,希望你也喜欢~"]
"nextXianzhe": ["0013"]
}, {
"id": "0012",
"details": [
}, {
"id": "0013",
"details": [
["想看看我画的画吗?", "虽然……", "没啥天赋……"]
"responses": [{
"content": "好啊好啊!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0014"]
}, {
"content": "唔,算了吧……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0012"]
}, {
"id": "0014",
"details": [
["<img src=''>", "<img src=''>", "<img src=''>"]
}, {
"id": "0015",
"details": [
["哈哈,你猜对了!", "这是我女朋友", "<img src=''>"]
"responses": [{
"content": "……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0016"]
}, {
"id": "0016",
"details": [
"好吧,我还是说明确一点(那种讲个笑话没人 get 到梗,还信以为真的事真是尴尬啊~)",
"responses": [{
"content": "你真逗……"
}, {
"content": "这一点都不好笑……"
}, {
"id": "0017",
"details": [
["你……", "我就当你是在恭维我吧……"]
"nextXianzhe": ["0018"]
}, {
"id": "0018",
"details": [
["嘘……", "<img src=''>"]
"responses": [{
"content": "唉,很好奇怎样的人能俘获羡辙的芳心啊~~",
"nextXianzhe": ["0020"]
}, {
"content": "哦,那我们也没什么好说的了。再见。:)"
}, {
"id": "0019",
"details": [
}, {
"id": "0020",
"details": [
["唔……我想想……", "有了!", "既可以悟言一室之内,又可以放浪形骸之外的人"]
"responses": [{
"content": "啥意思?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0021"]
}, {
"id": "0021",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "……"
}, {
"id": "0022",
"details": [
"<img src=''>",
"<img src=''>",
"<img src=''>",
}, {
"id": "0023",
"details": [
["唔,我是一个程序媛", "准确地说,是在百度工作的前端工程师"]
"responses": [{
"content": "嗯哼~ 百度?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0024"]
}, {
"content": "你想跳槽吗?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0033"]
}, {
"id": "0024",
"details": [
["是的", "我在百度 ECharts 团队做可视化相关的工作"]
"responses": [{
"content": "听起来很有意思~ 可以具体跟我说说你做了什么吗?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0025"]
}, {
"content": "我们在做一件很酷的事,愿不愿意加入我们?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0033"]
}, {
"content": "哦"
}, {
"id": "0025",
"details": [
"<a href=''>ECharts 主题编辑器</a>",
"<img src=''>",
"<a href=''>水球图</a>",
"<img src=''>",
"<img src=''>",
}, {
"id": "0026",
"details": [
}, {
"id": "0027",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "赞!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0034"]
}, {
"content": "嗯嗯",
"nextXianzhe": ["0034"]
}, {
"content": "……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0034"]
}, {
"id": "0028",
"details": [
["<img src=''>", "交大闵行校区的图书馆楼梯"]
"responses": [{
"content": "这是你最满意的作品吗?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0029"]
}, {
"id": "0029",
"details": [
["不,最满意的是这张", "<img src=''>"]
"responses": [{
"content": "……"
}, {
"content": "不就是狗粮费么?!拿去就是!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0037"]
}, {
"id": "0030",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "还没看呢",
"nextXianzhe": ["0031"]
}, {
"content": "羡辙当然最美啦!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0032"]
}, {
"id": "0031",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "……"
}, {
"id": "0032",
"details": [
["嘻嘻,哪里哪里~", "<img src=''>"]
}, {
"id": "0033",
"details": [
"我的简历可以在 <a href=''>LinkedIn</a> 查看",
"如果能在意我的想法,发挥我的脑洞和技术特长,欢迎邮件至 <a href=''></a> 勾搭~",
"responses": [{
"content": "哈哈好的,等我当了老板,就来请你",
"nextXianzhe": ["0026"]
}, {
"content": "好,我看看"
}, {
"id": "0034",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0035"]
}, {
"id": "0035",
"details": [
["对了,本站的动画效果都是<del>男朋友</del><ins>老公</ins>帮我写的", "<a href=''>GitHub</a> 和<a href=''>微博</a> ID 都是 devyumao"]
"responses": [{
"content": "这恩爱秀得……行行行,狗粮费拿去就是!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0037"]
}, {
"content": "我要围观代码!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0036"]
}, {
"id": "0036",
"details": [
["代码在 GitHub 上开源", "<a href=''></a>", "欢迎围观点赞"]
}, {
"id": "0037",
"details": [
"<a href=''></a>",
"<img src=''>"
"responses": [{
"content": "有啥好处?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0038"]
}, {
"content": "已打赏,快谢恩!",
"nextXianzhe": ["0039"]
}, {
"content": "哎,我很穷啊……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0040"]
}, {
"id": "0038",
"details": [
["比如……", "会让你意外遇到的这个小姑娘变得更有趣?", "嘿嘿,圣诞节我会寄来自制明信片,打赏后可以发邮件告诉我你的收信地址"]
"responses": [{
"content": "好哒!"
}, {
"content": "算啦~"
}, {
"id": "0039",
"details": [
["谢主隆恩!!!", "嘿嘿,圣诞节我会寄来自制明信片,打赏后可以发邮件告诉我你的收信地址", "<a href=''></a>"]
"responses": [{
"content": "好哒!"
}, {
"id": "0040",
"details": [
"responses": [{
"content": "O(∩_∩)O哈哈~"
}, {
"id": "0041",
"details": [
"我最近做了一个名叫“牙哈哈心情日记”的 iOS 应用,可以用来记录每天的心情~",
"<img src=''>",
"responses": [{
"content": "哇,有意思!哪里可以下载?",
"nextXianzhe": ["0042"]
}, {
"content": "没有安卓?差评啊~",
"nextXianzhe": ["0043"]
}, {
"content": "……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0003"]
}, {
"id": "0042",
"details": [
"<img src=''>"
"nextXianzhe": ["0003"]
}, {
"id": "0043",
"details": [
"如果 iOS 下载量达到我付的年费的话,我也会出安卓版的。暂时打算先把 iOS 版做好!",
"responses": [{
"content": "好哇!我最喜欢爱读书的女孩子了~",
"nextXianzhe": ["0037"]
}, {
"content": "……",
"nextXianzhe": ["0003"]
"fromUser": [{
"id": "1000",
"brief": "爱好",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0007"]
}, {
"id": "1002",
"brief": "读书",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0008"]
}, {
"id": "1003",
"brief": "恋爱",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0009"]
}, {
"id": "1004",
"brief": "性格",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0019"]
}, {
"id": "1005",
"brief": "设计",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0022"]
}, {
"id": "1014",
"brief": "送书",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0037"]
}, {
"id": "1005",
"brief": "摄影",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0028"]
}, {
"id": "1008",
"brief": "职业",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0023"]
}, {
"id": "1007",
"brief": "真相",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0030"]
}, {
"id": "1006",
"brief": "关于",
"details": [
"nextXianzhe": ["0026", "0027"]
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