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Created August 3, 2010 01:12
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# Ruby on Rails truncate_html HTML截断并保持HTML标签不出错
# HTML截断并保持HTML标签不出错
# 可以放入 application_helper.rb 里面
# 前台调用 truncate_html(html_text,:length => 1000)
def truncate_html(html, options={})
# Does not behave identical to current Rails truncate method i.e. you must pass options as a hash not just values
# Sample usage: <%= html_truncate(category.description, :length => 120, :omission => "(continued...)" ) -%>...
previous_tag = ""
text, result = [], []
# get all text (including punctuation) and tags and stick them in a hash
html.scan(/<\/?[^>]*>|[A-Za-z.,;!"'?]+/).each { |t| text << t }
text.each do |str|
if options[:length] > 0
if str =~ /<\/?[^>]*>/
previous_tag = str
result << str
result << str
options[:length] -= str.length
# now stick the next tag with a </> that matches the previous open tag on the end of the result
if str =~ /<\/([#{previous_tag}]*)>/
result << str
return result.join(" ") + options[:omission].to_s
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