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Created October 21, 2014 15:46
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Very simple logger to instrument objects and methods
logger =
_anonymousIndex: 0
guessMethodName: (method) ->
unless (res = (->)[^\(]*)/)[1].replace(/(^\s+|\s+)$/g, ''))
res = logger.autoNamespace()
autoNamespace: ->
"[anonymous##{ ++logger._anonymousIndex }]"
instrumentMethod: (method, name = logger.guessMethodName(method)) ->
name = name.replace /\.prototype\./g, '#'
console.log "[logger] instrumenting method #{ name }..."
newMethod = ->
isNew = @constructor is newMethod
arrow = if isNew then '== new ==' else '== ( ) =='
console.log "[logger] =#{ arrow }> entering #{ name }"
res = method.apply @, arguments
catch err
console.warn "[logger] !! #{ name } threw #{ err }"
throw err
console.log "[logger] <#{ arrow }= exiting #{ name }"
newMethod.prototype = method.prototype
for own k, v of method
newMethod[k] = v
instrumentObject: (object, namespace = logger.autoNamespace()) ->
for own k, v of object when typeof v is 'function'
object[k] = @instrumentMethod v, "#{ namespace }.#{ k }"
module.exports = logger
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huafu commented Oct 21, 2014

I was having hard time finding where was happening a silent error in some async workflow so I wrote this, maybe it could be useful for someone else so here it is.

The goal is to instrument existing classes, objects and methods so that it logs when it enter the method, exit it and when an error is triggered by it:

// require('coffee-script/register');
var logger = require('/path/to/logger');

logger.instrumentObject(PassportConnection.prototype, 'PassportConnection.prototype');

second argument is strongly recommended to have easy reading output.

then you get something like that in the console:

[logger] === ( ) ==> entering PassportConnection#parseQuery
[logger] <== ( ) === exiting PassportConnection#parseQuery
[logger] === ( ) ==> entering PassportConnection#lookupPassportRecord
[logger] <== ( ) === exiting PassportConnection#lookupPassportRecord
[logger] === ( ) ==> entering PassportConnection#createUserRecord
[logger] <== ( ) === exiting PassportConnection#createUserRecord

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