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Last active April 11, 2020 16:26
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import collections, itertools, sys
coordinate = collections.namedtuple('coordinate', ('r', 'c'))
class Subset:
def __init__(self, node, rank):
self.parent = node
self.rank = rank
class Graph:
def __init__(self):
self.V = 1
self.islands = collections.defaultdict(set)
class NumberOfIslandsII:
def _findParent(self, subsets, node):
if subsets[node].parent != node:
subsets[node].parent = self._findParent(subsets, subsets[node].parent)
return subsets[node].parent
def _union(self, head, p, subsets):
subsets[p].parent = head
if subsets[head].rank <= subsets[p].rank:
subsets[head].rank, subsets[p].rank = subsets[p].rank + 1, subsets[head].rank
return subsets
def numIslands22(self, m, n, positions):
if len(positions) <= 1:
return [len(positions)]
# Initialization
island_subsets = collections.defaultdict(Subset)
island_count = []
curr_island = 0
# Iterate thru the positions array
for pos in positions:
curr = coordinate(pos[0], pos[1])
# New node
if curr not in island_subsets.keys():
neighbors = set()
for neigh in [coordinate(curr.r, curr.c - 1), coordinate(curr.r, curr.c + 1),
coordinate(curr.r - 1, curr.c), coordinate(curr.r + 1, curr.c)]:
if neigh in island_subsets.keys():
# Find the node's parent and add it to neighbors set
neighbors.add(self._findParent(island_subsets, neigh))
# No neighbors -> new island
if len(neighbors) == 0:
curr_island += 1
head = curr
curr_island -= (len(neighbors) - 1)
# Set the largest tree as the parent
head = max(neighbors)
# Merge graph
for p in neighbors:
island_subsets = self._union(head, p, island_subsets)
# Add current node to the head and island subset
island_subsets[curr] = Subset(head, 0)
island_subsets = self._union(head, curr, island_subsets)
# Update island count
return island_count
# def _dfs(self, pos, islandsCoord, visited, idx):
# visited.add(pos)
# if coordinate(pos.r, pos.c - 1) in islandsCoord and coordinate(pos.r, pos.c - 1) not in visited:
# visited.update(self._dfs(coordinate(pos.r, pos.c - 1), islandsCoord, visited, idx))
# if coordinate(pos.r, pos.c + 1) in islandsCoord and coordinate(pos.r, pos.c + 1) not in visited:
# visited.update(self._dfs(coordinate(pos.r, pos.c + 1), islandsCoord, visited, idx))
# if coordinate(pos.r - 1, pos.c) in islandsCoord and coordinate(pos.r - 1, pos.c) not in visited:
# visited.update(self._dfs(coordinate(pos.r - 1, pos.c), islandsCoord, visited, idx))
# if coordinate(pos.r + 1, pos.c) in islandsCoord and coordinate(pos.r + 1, pos.c) not in visited:
# visited.update(self._dfs(coordinate(pos.r + 1, pos.c), islandsCoord, visited, idx))
# return visited
# def numIslands2(self, m, n, positions):
# if len(positions) <= 1:
# return [len(positions)]
# # 1. Initialize an empty array
# # and a set to keep track of islands' coordinates
# islands = []
# islandsCoord = set()
# positionsIter = iter(positions)
# for posArr in itertools.islice(positionsIter, 1):
# islands.append(1)
# islandsCoord.add(coordinate(posArr[0], posArr[1]))
# # 2. a for loop to iterate thru positions array
# for idx, posArr in enumerate(positionsIter):
# # 3. Add a new set of land coord to islandsCoord
# pos = coordinate(posArr[0], posArr[1])
# currIslands = islands[-1]
# if pos not in islandsCoord:
# # 4. Check its L, R, U, D
# neighbors = []
# coordinates = iter([coordinate(pos.r + 1, pos.c), coordinate(pos.r - 1, pos.c),
# coordinate(pos.r, pos.c + 1), coordinate(pos.r, pos.c - 1)])
# for neighborCoord in coordinates:
# if neighborCoord in islandsCoord:
# neighbors.append(self._dfs(neighborCoord, islandsCoord, set(), idx ))
# break
# found = False
# for neighborCoord in coordinates:
# if neighborCoord in islandsCoord:
# for n in neighbors:
# if neighborCoord in n:
# found = True
# if not found:
# neighbors.append(self._dfs(neighborCoord, islandsCoord, set(), idx ))
# found = False
# if len(neighbors) == 0: # no neighboring land -> new island
# currIslands += 1
# elif len(neighbors) > 1: # Combine multiple islands -> # of island decreases
# currIslands -= (len(neighbors) - 1)
# # 5. Update islands count amd island coordinate
# islandsCoord.add(pos)
# islands.append(currIslands)
# return islands
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