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Forked from benwtr/
Last active July 15, 2019 13:01
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Save huasome/b9a254888cc1dea10021 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Based on a gist by benwtr (
# Works with Slack -> Hubot -> Icinga
# Description:
# This script receives alerts in the format:
# /usr/bin/curl -X POST \
# "${HUBOT_URL}/${SLACKCHANNEL}@conference.${TEAM}" \
# -d "type=host" \
# -d "notificationtype=${NOTIFICATIONTYPE}" \
# -d "host=${HOSTDISPLAYNAME}" \
# -d "state=${HOSTSTATE}" \
# -d "output=${HOSTOUTPUT}" \
# -d "timestamp=${DATETIME}"
# /usr/bin/curl -X POST \
# "${HUBOT_URL}/${SLACKCHANNEL}@conference.${TEAM}" \
# -d "type=service" \
# -d "notificationtype=${NOTIFICATIONTYPE}" \
# -d "host=${HOSTDISPLAYNAME}" \
# -d "service=${SERVICEDISPLAYNAME}" \
# -d "state=${SERVICESTATE}" \
# -d "output=${SERVICEOUTPUT}" \
# -d "timestamp=${DATETIME}"
# Configuration:
# HUBOT_ICINGA_URL: https://$ICINGA_HOST/cgi-bin/icinga2-classicui/cmd.cgi
# HOBOT_ICINGA_USER: icingaadmin
# HUBOT_ICINGA_PASS: $icingaadmin_password
# Commands:
# icinga ack <host>:<service> <message>
# acknowledge icinga alert (:service is optional)
# icinga mute <host>:<service> <minutes>
# delay the next notification for x minutes
# icinga down <host>:<service> <hours>
# schedule immediate downtime for host or service for x hours
# icinga recheck <host>:<service>
# force the immediate recheck of a host or a service
# @hubot icinga all_alerts_off
# useful in emergencies. disable all alerts (email, pager, slack)
# @hubot icinga all_alerts_on
# useful in emergencies. enable all alerts (email, pager, slack)
# Note that the :<service> portion of any commands that uses <host>:<service>
# syntax is optional. If you do not specify :<service>, the bot assumes you
# are applying the command to the host. The downtime command should apply
# the downtime to a host and all of its services.
moment = require 'moment'
icinga_user = process.env.HUBOT_ICINGA_USER
icinga_pass = process.env.HUBOT_ICINGA_PASS
icinga_url = process.env.HUBOT_ICINGA_URL
module.exports = (robot) -> '/hubot/icinga/:room', (req, res) ->
room =
host =
output = req.body.output
state = req.body.state
timestamp = req.body.timestamp
notificationtype = req.body.notificationtype
switch state
when 'UP', 'OK' then emoji = ':white_check_mark:'
when 'DOWN', 'CRITICAL' then emoji = ':fire:'
when 'WARNING' then emoji = ':warning:'
when 'UNKNOWN' then emoji = ':confused:'
if req.body.type == 'host'
robot.messageRoom "#{room}", "[icinga #{emoji} #{timestamp}] #{notificationtype}: #{host} is #{state}: #{output}"
service = req.body.service
robot.messageRoom "#{room}", "[icinga #{emoji} #{timestamp}] #{notificationtype}: #{host}:#{service} is #{state}: #{output}"
res.writeHead 204, { 'Content-Length': 0 }
robot.hear /icinga\s+ack\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)?/i, (msg) ->
[ host, service ] = msg.match[1].replace(/^http\:\/\//, '').split(':')
message = encodeURIComponent(msg.match[2] || ' ')
if service
data = "cmd_typ=34&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&service=#{service}&sticky_ack=on&send_notification=on&com_author=#{}&com_data=#{message}}"
data = "cmd_typ=33&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&sticky_ack=on&send_notification=on&com_author=#{}&com_data=#{message}"
icinga_post robot, msg, data
robot.hear /icinga\s+mute\s+(\S+)\s*(\d+)?/i, (msg) ->
[ host, service ] = msg.match[1].replace(/^http\:\/\//, '').split(':')
minutes = msg.match[2] || 30
if service
data = "cmd_typ=9&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&service=#{service}&not_dly=#{minutes}"
data = "cmd_typ=10&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&not_dly=#{minutes}"
icinga_post robot, msg, data
robot.hear /icinga\s+down\s+(\S+)\s*(\d+)?\s*(.*)?/i, (msg) ->
[ host, service ] = msg.match[1].replace(/^http\:\/\//, '').split(':')
hours = msg.match[2] || 2
message = encodeURIComponent(msg.match[3] || ' ')
start = encodeURIComponent(moment().format('MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss'))
stop = encodeURIComponent(moment().add(hours, 'hours').format('MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss'))
if service
data = "cmd_typ=56&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&service=#{service}&trigger=0&fixed=on&start_time=#{start}&end_time=#{stop}&com_data=#{message}"
data = "cmd_typ=86&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&trigger=0&fixed=on&start_time=#{start}&end_time=#{stop}&com_data=#{message}"
icinga_post robot, msg, data
robot.hear /icinga\s+recheck\s+(\S+)/i, (msg) ->
[ host, service ] = msg.match[1].replace(/^http\:\/\//, '').split(':')
start = encodeURIComponent(moment().format('MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss'))
if service
data = "cmd_typ=7&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&service=#{service}&force_check=on&start_time=#{start}"
data = "cmd_typ=96&cmd_mod=2&host=#{host}&force_check=on&start_time=#{start}"
icinga_post robot, msg, data
robot.respond /icinga (all_alerts_off|stfu)/i, (msg) ->
data = "cmd_typ=11&cmd_mod=2"
icinga_post robot, msg, data
robot.respond /icinga all_alerts_on/i, (msg) ->
data = "cmd_typ=12&cmd_mod=2"
icinga_post robot, msg, data
icinga_post = (robot, msg, data) ->
robot.logger.debug "icinga_url = #{icinga_url}"
robot.logger.debug "data = #{data}"
auth = 'Basic ' + new Buffer(icinga_user + ':' + icinga_pass).toString('base64');
options =
rejectUnauthorized: false
msg.http("#{icinga_url}", options)
.header('Authorization', auth)
.header('Accept', '*/*')
.header('User-Agent', "Hubot/#{@version}")
.post(data) (err, res, body) ->
if err
msg.send "[icinga :thumbsdown:]: #{err}"
robot.logger.debug "#{err}"
robot.logger.debug "result = #{res}"
robot.logger.debug "body = #{body}"
if res.statusCode is 200 and body.match(/Your command requests? (was|were) successfully submitted to Icinga for processing/)
msg.send "[icinga: :thumbsup:] Command successfully submitted."
msg.send "[icinga: :thumbsdown:] Command not understood."
robot.logger.debug "#{res}"
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