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Created April 14, 2017 22:43
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<_that> looks like the envsetup step is missing on
<_that> needs to be done before lunch, details on
* cagedwisdom ( has joined
<anonymousey> _that: shall i file an "issue" (bug) on github?
<anonymousey> actually, i'll let you do that. since i don't know what you're talking about. (Coz I'm a big noob. ) :)
<_that> well, i know how to build android :)
<anonymousey> _that: you do?
<anonymousey> are you a dev?
<anonymousey> do you develop apps?
<anonymousey> or are you on the AOSP team?
<anonymousey> i think we have a celebrity in our midst. lol
<_that> i am a dev, but not android-related
<_that> i contributed to twrp though
<anonymousey> _that: thanks. i used twrp. :)
<anonymousey> _that: every who wants to run anbox must run "repo sync", yes?
<anonymousey> *everyone
<_that> no
<anonymousey> just me? lol
<_that> only if you want to rebuild the android image
<anonymousey> and do i want to rebuild the android image? must i?
<_that> users just download the prebuilt one :)
<anonymousey> why didn't i download the prebuilt one? I'm guessing it would be much faster?
<anonymousey> or is prebuilt one incompatible with me?
<_that> yes, it would be much faster and 100% less hassle
<anonymousey> _that: so why'd you suggest "repo sync"? :)
<_that> because you started with repo init
<anonymousey> i think someone here suggested i do that
<anonymousey> _that: i did it because that's what says i shoudl do
<anonymousey> oh boy, i'm such a noob that I followed instructions without knowing what i'm doing
<anonymousey> so can I just quit/cancel the "repo sync" antd use the prebuilt one"?
<_that> sure, if you want to do that
<anonymousey> _that: okay.
<anonymousey> what should i do now?
<anonymousey> i've just aborted the "sync repo" command
<_that> hmm, maybe actually read the installation instructions? :)
<anonymousey> maybe i should start of my deleting the gigabytes of stuff that "sync repo" downloaded huh?
<anonymousey> _that: that's what i was doing
<anonymousey> atondwal: remember how i ended up downloading image?
<anonymousey> i think Menzador suggested i do that
* Menzador (~Menzador@unaffiliated/menzador) has joined
<anonymousey> Menzador: i was talking about you. :) :)
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