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Last active July 26, 2021 07:53
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package com.seedfinding.neil;
import kaptainwutax.biomeutils.source.OverworldBiomeSource;
import kaptainwutax.featureutils.loot.ChestContent;
import kaptainwutax.featureutils.loot.item.Items;
import kaptainwutax.featureutils.structure.RuinedPortal;
import kaptainwutax.featureutils.structure.generator.structure.RuinedPortalGenerator;
import kaptainwutax.mcutils.rand.ChunkRand;
import kaptainwutax.mcutils.rand.seed.StructureSeed;
import kaptainwutax.mcutils.state.Dimension;
import kaptainwutax.mcutils.util.pos.BPos;
import kaptainwutax.mcutils.util.pos.CPos;
import kaptainwutax.mcutils.version.MCVersion;
import kaptainwutax.terrainutils.TerrainGenerator;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class Dean {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// optimization
ChunkRand chunkRand = new ChunkRand();
System.out.println("The program has started!");
MCVersion version = MCVersion.v1_16_5;
int validSeedCount = 0;
int testedWorldSeedCount = 0;
int testedStructureSeedCount = 0;
for (long structureSeed = 0L; structureSeed < 1L << 48; structureSeed++) {
if (++testedStructureSeedCount % 10000 == 0) {
System.out.printf("The program has checked %s structure seeds.\n", testedStructureSeedCount);
RuinedPortal ruinedPortal = new RuinedPortal(Dimension.OVERWORLD, version);
CPos ruinedPortalChunkPos = ruinedPortal.getInRegion(structureSeed, 0, 0, chunkRand);
RuinedPortalGenerator fastPortalGenerator = new RuinedPortalGenerator(version) {
private CPos cPos;
public boolean generateStructure(TerrainGenerator generator, int chunkX, int chunkZ, ChunkRand rand) {
this.cPos = new CPos(chunkX, chunkZ);
return true;
public List<Pair<ILootType, BPos>> getLootPos() {
if (cPos == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(LootType.RUINED_PORTAL, cPos.toBlockPos()));
if (!fastPortalGenerator.getPossibleLootItems().containsAll(Arrays.asList(Items.GOLD_BLOCK))) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Items are missing");
// fast check loot
boolean ignored = fastPortalGenerator.generate(null, ruinedPortalChunkPos, chunkRand);
if (ruinedPortal.getLoot(structureSeed, fastPortalGenerator, chunkRand, false).stream()
.noneMatch(chestContent -> chestContent.contains(Items.GOLD_BLOCK))) {
for (long biomeSeed = 0L; biomeSeed < 1L << 16; biomeSeed++) {
long worldSeed = StructureSeed.toWorldSeed(structureSeed, biomeSeed);
if (++testedWorldSeedCount % 10000 == 0) {
System.out.printf("The program has checked %s world seeds.\n", testedWorldSeedCount);
// check spawn
OverworldBiomeSource overworld = new OverworldBiomeSource(version, worldSeed);
if (!ruinedPortal.canSpawn(ruinedPortalChunkPos, overworld)) continue;
// check generate
RuinedPortalGenerator ruinedPortalGenerator = new RuinedPortalGenerator(version);
if (!ruinedPortalGenerator.generate(TerrainGenerator.of(Dimension.OVERWORLD, overworld), ruinedPortalChunkPos, chunkRand)) continue;
// check loot
List<ChestContent> chests = ruinedPortal.getLoot(structureSeed, ruinedPortalGenerator, chunkRand, false);
boolean isValid = false;
for (ChestContent chestContent : chests) {
if (chestContent.contains(Items.GOLD_BLOCK)) {
isValid = true;
if (!isValid) {
BPos bPos = ruinedPortalChunkPos.toBlockPos();
System.out.printf("Found : %d with ruined portal : /tp @p %d ~ %d\n", worldSeed, bPos.getX(), bPos.getZ());
if (validSeedCount >= 2) break;
System.out.println("The program has finished!");
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