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Last active March 16, 2023 04:20
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# ~ Trees ~
# This Gist focuses on the Tree datastructure,
# generation of random trees by encoded distribution,
# verbose printing and visual display of tree,
# and the ability to check the deepest-rightmost node.
import random
seed = random.randint(0, 1000000)
setSeed = 0
if setSeed != 0:
seed = setSeed
print("\nSeed: " + str(seed) + "\n")
class Node:
def __init__(self, value, label="", children=[]):
self.value = value
self.label = label
self.children = children
def __repr__(self):
return "[" + str(self.label) + ":" + str(self.value) + "]"
def printTree(root, indent=0):
if (indent != 0):
print(" " * (indent - 5) + "|")
print(" " * (indent - 5) + "+ -- " + str(root))
for c in reversed(root.children):
printTree(c, indent + 5)
def printTreeFull(root, indent=0):
order = []
def compute(root, indent=0):
if (indent != 0):
string1 = " " * (indent - 5) + "|"
string2 = " " * (indent - 5) + "+ -- " + str(root)
for c in reversed(root.children):
compute(c, indent + 5)
compute(root, indent)
order = order[::-1]
def find(s, ch):
return [i for i, ltr in enumerate(s) if ltr == ch]
for r in range(len(order) - 1):
row = order[r]
if ('|' in row):
inx = find(row, '|')
string = ""
l = 0
for i in inx:
if (i < len(order[r + 1])):
if (order[r + 1][i] == " "):
string += order[r + 1][l:i] + "|"
l = i + 1
string += order[r + 1][l:]
order[r + 1] = string
order = order[::-1]
for o in order:
L = []
maxDepth = -1
def bottomRightMost(root=None, depth=0):
global maxDepth
if len(root.children) == 0:
return True
for c in root.children:
Valid = bottomRightMost(c, depth + 1)
if depth >= maxDepth:
maxDepth = depth
if Valid:
return False
def random3Letters():
return "".join(
[random.choice([chr(i).upper() for i in range(65, 91)]) for i in range(3)])
structure = [2, 2, 2] + [random.choice([0, 1, 2]) for _ in range(20)]
index = 0
def nextChildCount():
global index
if (index >= len(structure)):
return 0
index += 1
return structure[index - 1]
def buildRandomTree(threshold=20):
root = Node(0, random3Letters())
Q = [root]
while (index < threshold):
if (len(Q) == 0):
current = Q.pop(0)
childCount = nextChildCount()
current.children = [Node(0, random3Letters()) for _ in range(childCount)]
def assign(root):
if (len(root.children) == 0):
return root, 1
C = 0
for child in root.children:
_, c = assign(child)
C += c
root.value = C
return root, root.value + 1
root, _ = assign(root)
return root
Root = buildRandomTree()
print("Bottom Right-Most Node:", L[-1])
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