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Last active November 24, 2020 21:16
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2020.05.19 - Today I learned how initalize directories and push files to Github.
2020.05.20 - Today I learned how to condense the code in a Class instance with attribute readers, attribute writers, and attribute accessors.
2020.05.20 - Today I learned to simplify hash notation with JSON style.
2020.05.21 - Today I learned how to setup default values in the initialize method with the or operand.
2020.05.21 - I also learned that a block variable can be used in place to iterate through an array.
2020.05.21 - TIL that to pass methods results to other methods, the proper syntax is method_a(argument_for_result)
2020.05.22 - TIL how to parse data from APIs with Ruby
2020.05.25 - TIL how to setup a simple web response with Rails. Web Request, API Route, API Controller, API View, Web Response
2020.05.26 - TIL how to set up a model in Rails
2020.05.26 - TIL that the && operator will not move on if the first statement is false
2020.05.28 - TIL how to set up Rails to receive and display query parameters.
2020.06.01 - Today I learned how to setup a body request parameter in rails
2020.06.02 - Today I learned how to construct model methods to perform login a class in Rails.
2020.06.03 - Today I learned how to modify rails database migrations.
2020.06.04 - Today I learned how to add validations in the rails data creation and updating process.
2020.06.05 - Today I learned how to search data in basic SQL queries i.e. AND, OR, LIMIT, DESC, LIKE
2020.06.08 - Today I learned how to introduce associations between tables in a database.
2020.06.09 - TIL how to use associations methods to link tables in a rails database.
2020.06.10 - TIL how to add authorizations into a rails app
2020.06.11 - TIL how to add a "join table" that associates two different tables in a rails database
2020.06.13 - TIL in while active record associations, you must use selector methods through each newly associated table. For example: orders.last.product.images.last.url
2020.06.15 - TIL that brackets can replace a do method in a ruby loop.
2020.06.16 - TIL how to handle API key data in a discreet and encrypted manner.
2020.06.16 - TIL how to use embedded ruby tags in an html file.
2020.06.17 - TIL how to develop a fullstack application in rails using html views.
2020.06.22 - TIL the beginnings of using javascript.
2020.06.23 - TIL how to create Javascript functions translated from Ruby.
2020.06.26 - TIL the beginnings of wireframing and constructing an ERD for planning an application.
2020.06.29 - TIL how to start connecting HTML and Javascript using Vue.Js
2020.06.30 - TIL how to connect an app and its database to Heroku.
2020.07.01 - TIL how to use Vue.js to retrieve Rails database informations to display on the front end.
2020.07.02 - TIL how to set up RESTful actions on a single Vue.js page.
2020.07.06 - TIL how to set up RESTFUL actions on multiple pages using Vue.js.
2020.07.10 - TIL how to implement themes into Vue.js front end apps.
2020.07.13 - TIL that framework lifecycles matter in the order of how hooks are loaded on a page.
2020.07.15 - TIL how to test ruby methods with Rspec.
2020.07.16 - TIL how to test RESTful actions using Rspec.
2020.07.17 - TIL that a controller in rails will implicitly render a show page.
2020.07.20 - TIL... 2020.07.21 - TIL how to implement image uploading through the Cloudinary API.
2020.07.24 - TIL how to create and advanced partial to display associated data in Rails.
2020.07.29 - TIL you cannot delete objects delcared with var in javascript
2020.07.29 - TIL v-show can speed up loading in Vue.js
2020.07.31 - TIL how to parse a CSV file in Ruby.
2020.08.01 - TIL how to create and import components in the Vue.js CLI.
2020.08.02 - TIL how to add Oauth API's to my rails backend and Vue front end.
2020.08.03 - TIL that when calculating between two Javascript dates, one must convert the data from milliseconds first.
2020.08.14 - TIL that adding "fowards" to javascript animation property will have the object retain the final keyframe.
2020.08.15 - TIL that adding config.time_zone('Some Time Zone') will have rails create the proper time zones for the area. Will have to look into how it this works in global applications later.
2020.08.17 - TIL about the restrictions in html emails, and several workaorunds to deliver functional content.
2020.08.18 - TIL how to navigate through CSS restrictions in creating an HTML email.
2020.08.20 - TIL that repositioned text can leave mysterious padding in their container divs
2020.08.24 - TIL how to set up a PostgreSQL database by command line
& how to use the pg module to connect to PostgreSQL from Node
& how to run commands with 'curl' to create, update, or delete in the terminal
2020.09.03 - TIL how to send multiple PostgreSQL queries in one CRUD action in Express.js
2020.09.08 - TIL how to connect a Vue.js frontend application to a Express.js backend application.
2020.09.10 - TIL in Rails you can retrieve query parameters from a request using 'request.query_parameters' and turn an entire hash into a request query using "hash.to_query"
-I also learned how to make concurrent GET requests using Typhoeus Hydra in Rails
-I also learned how to use the Ruby method ".uniq" to eliminate any duplicates in an array, or array of hashes.
2020.09.14- TIL you can set alternating table rows in v-for loops using :class="{'evenrow': index % 2 !== 0 }">"
2020.09.15 - TIL you can alternate classes in a Vue.js v-for div when an index is define,d and teh child elemen has {'class' % 2!== 0}"
2020.09.16 - TIL the importance of using $nextTick to order a sequence of methods in asyncrhonus code.
2020.09.16 - TIL that you a forEach on an object requires a different method:
2020.09.17 - TIL how to use PostgreSQL to join a table and the average of an associated column from another table
2020.09.26 - TIL how to deploy an Express.js and Vue.js app on Heroku
2020.10.05 - TIL how to set up a local web server for html files with 'npm install -g http-server' and 'http-server'
2020.10.06 - TIL how to improve code efficiency when comparing two arrays, but using a hash.
2020.10.08 - TIL how to store and maniuplate date in cookies
2020.10.18 - TWIL -
-how to implement in a Vue.js application
-how to navigate a series of emitters and listeners to update multiple clients in sync.
-how to use rooms in to create multiple game lobbies
-how to make sockets usable my multiple components in a Vue App
-how to create a basic application layout with Nativescript
2020.10.23 - TIL how to run iOS and Android environments
2020.10.23 - TIL how to use ngrok ... and that NativeScript need more definition in CSS to get styles to display properly
2020.10.24 - TIL that css class selectors must be defined in a file that is in a higher component tree (app.css)
2020.10.24 - TIL how to implement in Nativescript (vue format) as well as send props to different components.
2020.10.25 - TIL that you trying to accept non-existent prompts in NativeScript/Vue may result in the DOM not updating

2020.11.24 - TIL you can look for hidden branches in github using 'git branch -a'

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