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Created June 16, 2020 09:16
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Fetch, extract, parse, expand, frame and compact JSON-LD
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom')
const { compact, expand, frame } = require('jsonld')
const url = ''
// fetch and parse HTML
const { window: { document } } = await JSDOM.fromURL(url)
// select the script elements containing JSON-LD
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="application/ld+json"]')
for (const element of elements) {
// parse the JSON
const doc = JSON.parse(element.textContent)
console.log({ doc })
// expand the doc to use full URIs for property names
// const expanded = await expand(doc)
// console.log({ expanded })
// frame the doc to filter and pick certain properties
const framed = await frame(doc, {
'@context': '',
'@type': 'TVEpisode',
'@explicit': true,
identifier: {},
description: {},
name: {},
published: {},
image: {},
partOfSeries: {
'@type': 'TVSeries',
'@explicit': true,
'@default': [],
identifier: {},
name: {},
partOfSeason: {
'@type': 'TVSeason',
'@explicit': true,
'@default': [],
identifier: {},
name: {},
position: {},
console.log({ framed })
// compact the framed doc to use own property names
const compacted = await compact(framed, {
'@context': {
identifier: '',
description: '',
name: '',
series: '',
season: '',
position: '',
image: {
'@type': '@id',
'@id': '',
published: {
'@type': '',
'@id': '',
console.log({ compacted })
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thanks for this. was struggling with NodeList manipulation this gave me a direction.

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