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Last active October 11, 2022 09:22
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Multiprocess rsync (多线程的rsync) for data copy
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Define source, target, maxdepth and cd to source
cd "${source}"
# Set the maximum number of concurrent rsync threads
# How long to wait before checking the number of rsync threads again
# Find all folders in the source directory within the maxdepth level
find . -maxdepth ${depth} -type d | while read dir; do
# Make sure to ignore the parent folder
if [ $(echo "${dir}" | awk -F'/' '{print NF}') -gt ${depth} ]; then
# Strip leading dot slash
subfolder=$(echo "${dir}" | sed 's@^\./@@g')
if [ ! -d "${target}/${subfolder}" ]; then
# Create destination folder
mkdir -p "${target}/${subfolder}"
# Make sure the number of rsync threads running is below the threshold
while [ $(ps -ef | grep -w [r]sync | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -nr | uniq | wc -l) -ge ${maxthreads} ]; do
echo "Sleeping ${sleeptime} seconds"
sleep ${sleeptime}
echo "rsync ${source}/${subfolder}/ to ${target}/${subfolder}/"
# Run rsync in background for the current subfolder and move one to the next one
nohup rsync -avPh "${source}/${subfolder}/" "${target}/${subfolder}/" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
while [ $(ps -ef | grep -w [r]sync | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -nr | uniq | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; do
echo "Waiting ..."
ps -ef | grep -w [r]sync | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -nr | uniq | awk '{print $0}'
echo "Sleeping 5 seconds"
echo ""
sleep 5
# Find all files above the maxdepth level and rsync them as well
find . -maxdepth ${depth} -type f -print0 | rsync -avPh --files-from=- --from0 ./ "${target}/"
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