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Last active November 16, 2021 06:25
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Script to convert Augur's node data JSON files to data frame format (TSV, CSV, etc.)

Convert Augur node data JSON to data frame format (TSV, CSV, etc.)

This script addresses a use case of how to parse values from Augur's node data JSON files into a data frame format that can be easily consumed by other tools.

The following example shows how to convert a discrete trait analysis output from augur traits in the Nextstrain ncov workflow to a TSV file.

python3 \
  --tree results/europe/tree.nwk \
  --jsons results/europe/traits.json \
  --include-internal-nodes \
  --annotations build=europe \
  --output traits.tsv

Install Augur to get access to the Augur Python library referenced in this script.

Convert one or more augur node data JSONs into a single table of values labelled by tip or internal node status in a tree.
import argparse
from augur.utils import read_node_data
import Bio.Phylo
import pandas as pd
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Convert node data JSONs to a data frame",
parser.add_argument("--tree", required=True, help="Newick file for the tree used to construct the given node data JSONs")
parser.add_argument("--jsons", nargs="+", required=True, help="node data JSON(s) from augur")
parser.add_argument("--annotations", nargs="+", help="additional annotations to add to the output table in the format of 'key=value' pairs")
parser.add_argument("--excluded-fields", nargs="+", help="names of columns to omit from output table")
parser.add_argument("--output", required=True, help="tab-delimited file collecting all given node data")
parser.add_argument("--include-internal-nodes", action="store_true", help="include data associated with internal nodes in the output table")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Load tree.
tree =, "newick")
# Load one or more node data JSONs into a single dictionary indexed by node name.
node_data = read_node_data(args.jsons)
# Convert node data into a data frame.
# Data are initially loaded with one column per node.
# Transposition converts the table to the expected one row per node format.
df = pd.DataFrame(node_data["nodes"]).T.rename_axis("strain").reset_index()
# Remove excluded fields if they are in the data frame.
if args.excluded_fields:
df = df.drop(columns=[field for field in args.excluded_fields if field in df.columns])
# Annotate the tip/internal status of each node using the tree.
node_terminal_status_by_name = { node.is_terminal() for node in tree.find_clades()}
df["is_terminal"] = df["strain"].map(node_terminal_status_by_name)
# Eliminate internal nodes if they have not been requested.
if not args.include_internal_nodes:
df = df[df["is_terminal"]].copy()
# Add any additional annotations requested by the user in the format of
# "key=value" pairs where each key becomes a new column with the given
# value.
if args.annotations:
for annotation in args.annotations:
key, value = annotation.split("=")
df[key] = value
# Save the table.
df.to_csv(args.output, sep="\t", index=False, header=True)
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