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Last active March 4, 2019 07:20
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REST/HTTP simplifying API
--[[ nap by hugeblank
Nap is designed for use as a REST API parser, but works remarkably great with HTTP in general.
It uses metatables to detect indexing, and when called GETs/POSTs/ETC. the given data depending on the table passed in.
nap = require("nap")
github = nap("")
handle = github.repos['username']['repo'].git.trees.master({
method = "GET",
query = {["recursive"] = 1}
This demo recursively gets the contents of the branch master from 'username'/'repo'.
Documentation on this operation can be found on github's API wiki.
--[[ Main function:
- str: (string) base URL [Ex: "", or ""]
--[[ Request function
- data: (table) table of information to send Ex:
1. { -- A generic post request
method = "POST",
body = "this=is&a=test",
headers = {
["User-Agent"] = "Something"
2. { -- A generic get request
method = "GET",
query = { -- query string for a youtube video
v = "4A03ZAwhHt0",
t = "0s"
return function(str) -- function that takes a base URL to start from
if type(str) ~= "string" then -- Type checking
error("Invalid argument #1 (string expected, got "..type(str)..")", 2)
elseif not http.checkURL(str) then -- Existence checking
error("Could not verify URL "..str, 2)
if str:sub(-1,-1) ~= "/" then -- Appending a slash if there isn't already one
str = str.."/"
local mt = {prefix = str, url = ""} -- Defining the metatable
mt.__index = function(t, key) -- When the table get indexed, append the key to the URL string
if mt.url == "" then
mt.url = mt.prefix
mt.url = mt.url..key.."/"
return t
mt.__call = function(_, data) -- When the key gets called, performs request
if type(data) ~= "table" then
error("Invalid argument #1 (table expected, got "..type(data)..")", 2)
elseif type(data.method) ~= "string" then
error("Invalid argument #1 (key 'method' as a string expected, got "..type(data.method)..")", 2)
data.url = mt.url
mt.url = "" -- clear the URL for next use
if data.method:lower() == "get" then
if type(data.query) == "table" then -- Convert the get query to a string if it's a table
temp = ""
for k, v in pairs(data.query) do
if type(v) == "string" or type(v) == "number" then
temp = temp..k.."="..v.."&"
data.query = temp:sub(1, -2)
if data.query then
data.url = data.url:sub(1, -2).."?" -- Append data like it's a query string
data.query = nil
return http.get(data)
data.url = data.url:sub(1, -2) -- remove excess slash
return setmetatable({}, mt) -- Set the metatable on a blank table
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