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Last active February 28, 2019 02:52
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Organize your workflow in CCEMUX by setting this up in computer 0. Emu Corral gives you the ability to easily add and manage your projects, hopefully contained in individual computers.
os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw -- Lock down this computer, we don't really need direct access to it
local title = "Your Emus:" -- Replace this with whatever you want to have as the header of this menu
local emus = {"Project 1"} -- Your projects.
local open, selected, ctr = nil, 1, 0 -- emulator to open, is only set when a project is selected | the project that the cursor is hovering over | the position used to center the text. Half of the value of the largest string in your projects.
local x, y = term.getSize() -- Get the size of the terminal
for i = 1, #emus do -- For each of your projects
if (emus[i]):len() > ctr then -- If the length of this project string is larger than the current center value
ctr = (emus[i]):len() -- Set it to that value
local function write(txt, id) -- Function used to center align all text.
if id > 0 and id <= #emus then -- If the id being used is a project
txt = id..". "..txt -- Write the computer id number next to it
term.setCursorPos((x/2)-(ctr/2), (y/2)-(#emus/2)+id) -- Set the cursor position to the right area
term.setTextColor(colors.white) -- Set the text color properly
term.write(txt) -- Write the text inputted
local function menu() -- Function used to draw the menu
term.clear() -- Clear the screen
write(title, -2) -- Write the menu title
for i = 1, #emus do -- For each project
write(emus[i], i) -- Write it using the project ID as the id parameter
write("'c' for config", #emus+2) -- Write some more options available to you, away from your projects.
write("'d' for data", #emus+3)
write("'e' to edit this", #emus+4) -- You probably used this one to get here!
write("'l' to open lua REPL", #emus+5)
menu() -- Draw the menu for the first time
term.setCursorPos((x/2)-(ctr/2)-2, (y/2)-(#emus/2)+selected) -- Set the cursor position to the currently selected project
term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) -- Set the text color to yellow
term.write(">") -- Write the cursor
local k = ({os.pullEvent("key")})[2] -- Pull whatever key is being pressed
if k then
if k == keys.enter then -- If it's the enter key
open = selected -- Set open to selected
elseif k == keys.down then -- If it's the down arrow
if selected == #emus then -- If the selected value is the largest one
selected = 0 -- Wrap back around, and account for the addition out of this block
selected = selected+1 -- Move the cursor down by one
elseif k == keys.up then -- If it's the down arrow
if selected == 1 then -- If the selected value is the smallest one
selected = #emus+1 -- Wrap back around, and account for the subtraction out of this block
selected = selected-1 -- Move the cursor up by one
elseif k >= and k <= #emus+1 and k < then -- If the selected value is a valid number key
selected = k-1 -- Set the selected value to the right position
open = selected -- Automatically open it
elseif k == keys.c then -- If it's the 'c' key
ccemux.openConfig() -- Open the config
elseif k == keys.d then -- If it's the 'd' key
ccemux.openDataDir() -- Open the data directory
elseif k == keys.l then -- If it's the 'l' key
os.pullEvent("key_up") -- Wait for the key_up event, so that it doesn't get added in the REPL
term.clear() -- Clear the terminal
term.setCursorPos(1, 1) -- Set the cursor position to 1, 1"lua") -- Run the REPL
menu() -- Redraw the menu after exiting
elseif k == keys.e then -- If it's the 'e' key
os.pullEvent("key_up") -- Wait for the key_up event, so that it doesn't get added in the editor"edit startup.lua") -- Open this!
menu() -- Redraw the menu after exiting
if k ~= keys.e and k ~= keys.l then
term.setCursorPos(({term.getCursorPos()})[1]-1, ({term.getCursorPos()})[2]) -- Set the cursor position to where the yellow arrow is
term.write(" ") -- Remove it
if open then -- If open isn't nil
ccemux.openEmu(open) -- Open the project desired
open = nil -- Reset the open value
until true == false -- Loop forever and ever
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