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Created May 1, 2013 19:47
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Save hugespoon/5497819 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
input {
redis {
host => ""
type => "redis-input"
# these settings should match the output of the agent
data_type => "list"
key => "logstash"
# We use json_event here since the sender is a logstash agent
format => "json_event"
filter {
# Check if syslog message has PRI using grep. If so then :
# strip the syslog PRI part and create facility and severity fields.
# the original syslog message is saved in field %{syslog_raw_message}.
# the extracted PRI is available in the %{syslog_pri} field.
# You get %{syslog_facility_code} and %{syslog_severity_code} fields.
# You also get %{syslog_facility} and %{syslog_severity} fields if the
# use_labels option is set True (the default) on syslog_pri filter.
grep {
type => "syslog"
match => ["@message","<\d+>"]
add_tag => "has_pri"
drop => false
grok {
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "has_pri" ]
pattern => [ "<%{POSINT:syslog_pri}>%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message_remainder}" ]
add_tag => "got_syslog_pri"
add_field => [ "syslog_raw_message", "%{@message}" ]
syslog_pri {
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_pri" ]
mutate {
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_pri" ]
replace => [ "@message", "%{message_remainder}" ]
mutate {
# XXX must not be combined with replacement which uses same field
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_pri" ]
remove => [ "message_remainder" ]
# strip the syslog timestamp and force event timestamp to be the same.
# the original string is saved in field %{syslog_timestamp}.
# the original logstash input timestamp is saved in field %{received_at}.
grok {
type => "syslog"
pattern => [ "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp}%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message_remainder}" ]
add_tag => "got_syslog_timestamp"
add_field => [ "received_at", "%{@timestamp}" ]
mutate {
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_timestamp" ]
replace => [ "@message", "%{message_remainder}" ]
mutate {
# XXX must not be combined with replacement which uses same field
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_timestamp" ]
remove => [ "message_remainder" ]
date {
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_timestamp" ]
# season to taste for your own syslog format(s)
syslog_timestamp => [ "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601" ]
# strip the host field from the syslog line.
# the extracted host field becomes the logstash %{@source_host} metadata
# and is also available in the filed %{syslog_hostname}.
# the original logstash source_host is saved in field %{logstash_source}.
grok {
type => "syslog"
pattern => [ "%{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname}%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message_remainder}" ]
add_tag => "got_syslog_host"
add_field => [ "logstash_source", "%{@source_host}" ]
mutate {
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_host" ]
replace => [ "@source_host", "%{syslog_hostname}" ]
replace => [ "@message", "%{message_remainder}" ]
mutate {
# message_remainder no longer needed.
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_host" ]
remove => [ "message_remainder" ]
# strip the program and optional pid field from the syslog line.
# available in the field %{syslog_program} and %{syslog_pid}.
grok {
type => "syslog"
pattern => [ "%{PROG:syslog_program}(?:\[%{POSINT:syslog_pid}\])?:%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message_remainder}" ]
add_tag => "got_syslog_program"
mutate {
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_program" ]
replace => [ "@message", "%{message_remainder}" ]
mutate {
# message_remainder no longer needed.
type => "syslog"
tags => [ "got_syslog_program" ]
remove => [ "message_remainder" ]
grok {
type => "syslog"
tag_on_failure => "_grokparsefailure"
pattern => [ "Failed password for( invalid user )?(%{SPACE})?%{USERNAME:user} from %{IPORHOST:host} port %{POSINT:port} %{WORD:protocol}" ]
add_tag => [ "ssh", "grokked", "auth_failure" ]
output {
#stdout { debug => true debug_format => "json"}
elasticsearch_http {
host => ""
flush_size => "100"
type => "syslog"
statsd {
increment => "event"
statsd {
tags => [ "auth_failure", "grokked", "ssh" ]
increment => "ssh.auth_failures"
count => [ "ssh.auth_failures.%{user}", "1" ]
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