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Created May 22, 2024 21:13
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Why the solution given by the FDP Institute for the first question in the 2023 exam is incorrect
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is a simulation of the results for the first problem given here:
# The expected answer given by the FDP Institute is 0.84. This is incorrect, as this simulation shows.
# The problem is that FDP has used the Bayesian formula incorrectly. Instead of using a weighted average
# of outcomes as the prior probability, FDP uses only the P(potted|~Simon) as the prior.
from collections import Counter
from random import random
# which table depends on a random variable exceeding this threshold
TABLE_THRESHOLD = (1 - 0.75)
# table[0] is the usual table, table[1] is Simon's table
SHOT_THRESHOLDS = (1 - 0.80, 1 - 0.90)
def main(reps=1000*1000):
results = Counter()
for _ in range(reps):
table = random()
shot = random()
which_table = int(table > TABLE_THRESHOLD)
# Whether the shot is "potted" or not depends on
# random value and which table it is done on.
potted = int(shot > SHOT_THRESHOLDS[which_table])
key = (which_table, potted)
results[key] += 1
print(f"table = SIMON, shot = POTTED: {results[(SIMON, POTTED)] / float(reps): .3f}")
print(f"table = SIMON, shot = NOT_POTTED: {results[(SIMON, NOT_POTTED)] / float(reps): .3f}")
print(f"table = NOT_SIMON, shot = POTTED: {results[(NOT_SIMON, POTTED)] / float(reps): .3f}")
print(f"table = NOT_SIMON, shot = NOT_POTTED: {results[(NOT_SIMON, NOT_POTTED)] / float(reps): .3f}")
simon_and_potted = results[(SIMON, POTTED)]
all_potted_shots = results[(SIMON, POTTED)] + results[(NOT_SIMON, POTTED)]
print(f"\nProbability table was Simon's given shot was potted: {simon_and_potted / all_potted_shots: .3f}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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