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Created January 13, 2023 21:46
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SQLite schema for Wordle solver
'use strict';
const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3');
const { open } = require('sqlite');
const _ = require('lodash');
const singleCharMapping = {
'gray': '-',
'green': 'g',
'yellow': 'y',
// Result is an encoding of the word as letter:color,letter:color,letter:color,letter:color,letter:color
// or: T:-,A:Y,R:Y,E:-,S:-
// It will return an appropriate where clause chunk to append
const result_to_filter = (result) => {
const colorDupes = _(result)
.split(/,/) // For each letter
.map(x => _(x).split(/:/).invokeMap(String.prototype.toLowerCase).value()) // Split into [letter, color]
.filter(x => _.includes(['green', 'yellow',, singleCharMapping.yellow], x[1])) // Only take non-grays
.map(x => _.head(x)) // Throw out color
.countBy() // Count how many times this letter appeared colored
// console.log({ colorDupes });
return _(result)
.split(/,/) // For each letter
.map((letter_group, i) => {
const [letter, color] = _(letter_group).split(/:/).invokeMap(String.prototype.toLowerCase).value(); // Get the letter and color, both converted to lower case
switch(color) {
case 'gray':
case 'grey':
case '-':
if(colorDupes[letter]) {
return `l${i + 1}<>'${letter}'`; // The letter is in the word (at another position) but it's not here
} else {
return `word not like '%${letter}%'`; // The letter is not in the word at all
case 'yellow':
case 'y':
return `word like '%${_.times(colorDupes[letter], _.constant(letter)).join('%')}%' and l${i + 1}<>'${letter}'`;
// The letter appears in the word at least as many times as it appears in color; it is NOT at this position though
case 'green':
case 'g':
return `l${i + 1} = '${letter}'`; // The letter is at this position. Wildcard 'like' here would add nothing
return undefined; // Should never reach here
.join(' and\n');
const view_prefix = 'create view words as select * from master where 1=1\n';
(async () => {
const db = await open({
filename: 'unigram5_freq.sqlite3',
driver: sqlite3.cached.Database,
await db.exec('drop view if exists words');
const query = [
// console.log({query});
await db.exec(query);
const result = await db.all('select * from next_guesses order by count desc');
console.log(, 'word'));
# This word list gets filtered for just 5-letter words, then imported into the SQLite schema above
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "master"(word TEST primary key,count integer not null, l1 char(1), l2 char(1), l3 char(1), l4 char(1), l5 char(1));
CREATE INDEX master_l1_idx on master(l1);
CREATE INDEX master_l2_idx on master(l2);
CREATE INDEX master_l3_idx on master(l3);
CREATE INDEX master_l4_idx on master(l4);
CREATE INDEX master_l5_idx on master(l5);
CREATE VIEW score1 as
select l1 letter,sum(count) count from words group by 1
/* score1(letter,count) */;
CREATE VIEW score2 as
select l2 letter,sum(count) count from words group by 1
/* score2(letter,count) */;
CREATE VIEW score3 as
select l3 letter,sum(count) count from words group by 1
/* score3(letter,count) */;
CREATE VIEW score4 as
select l4 letter,sum(count) count from words group by 1
/* score4(letter,count) */;
CREATE VIEW score5 as
select l5 letter,sum(count) count from words group by 1
/* score5(letter,count) */;
CREATE VIEW scores as
select letter,sum(count) count from (
select * from score1 union
select * from score2 union
select * from score3 union
select * from score4 union
select * from score5)
group by 1
/* scores(letter,count) */;
CREATE VIEW next_guesses as select word,sum(count) count from (select w.word,s.count/2 count from scores s, words w where s.letter = w.l1 union
select w.word,s.count/2 count from scores s, words w where s.letter = w.l2 union
select w.word,s.count/2 count from scores s, words w where s.letter = w.l3 union
select w.word,s.count/2 count from scores s, words w where s.letter = w.l4 union
select w.word,s.count/2 count from scores s, words w where s.letter = w.l5 union
select w.word,s.count count from score1 s, words w where s.letter = w.l1 union
select w.word,s.count count from score2 s, words w where s.letter = w.l2 union
select w.word,s.count count from score3 s, words w where s.letter = w.l3 union
select w.word,s.count count from score4 s, words w where s.letter = w.l4 union
select w.word,s.count count from score5 s, words w where s.letter = w.l5
) group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20
/* next_guesses(word,count) */;
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