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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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- + Errors (1)
`-- tutorial.idr line 24 col 20:
When elaborating right hand side of vectormanip.reverse, reverseAcc:
Can't unify
Vect (m + S n) a
Vect (S (plus m n)) a
Can't unify
plus m (S n)
S (plus m n)
sPlusAssoc : (m, n: Nat) -> plus m (S n) = S (plus m n)
sPlusAssoc Z n = refl
sPlusAssoc (S m) n = rewrite sPlusAssoc m n in refl
total reverse : Vect n a -> Vect n a
reverse xs = reverseAcc Nil xs where
reverseAcc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
reverseAcc {n=n} {m=S m} acc (x :: xs) = reverseAcc (x :: acc) xs
reverseAcc acc Nil = acc
total reverse : Vect n a -> Vect n a
reverse xs = reverseAcc Nil xs where
reverseAcc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
reverseAcc {n=n} {m=S m} acc (x :: xs) =
rewrite sPlusAssoc m n in reverseAcc (x :: acc) xs
reverseAcc acc Nil = acc
-- - + Errors (1)
-- `-- tutorial.idr line 24 col 20:
-- When elaborating right hand side of vectormanip.reverse, reverseAcc:
-- rewrite did not change type Vect (S (plus m n)) a
total reverse : Vect n a -> Vect n a
reverse xs = reverseAcc Nil xs where
reverseAcc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
reverseAcc {n=n} {m=S m} acc (x :: xs) =
rewrite (sym sPlusAssoc m n) in reverseAcc (x :: acc) xs
reverseAcc acc Nil = acc
-- - + Errors (1)
-- `-- tutorial.idr line 25 col 28:
-- When elaborating right hand side of vectormanip.reverse, reverseAcc:
-- When elaborating an application of function sym:
-- Can't unify
-- r = l
-- with
-- argTy -> retTy
-- Specifically:
-- Can't unify
-- (=) r
-- with
-- \{uv0} => argTy -> uv
total reverse : Vect n a -> Vect n a
reverse xs = reverseAcc Nil xs where
reverseAcc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
reverseAcc {n=(S n)} {m=m} acc (x :: xs) =
rewrite (sym sPlusAssoc m n) in reverseAcc (x :: acc) xs
reverseAcc acc Nil = acc
-- - + Errors (1)
-- `-- tutorial.idr line 24 col 20:
-- When elaborating left hand side of vectormanip.reverse, reverseAcc:
-- When elaborating an application of vectormanip.reverse, reverseAcc:
-- Can't unify
-- Vect (S n) a
-- with
-- Vect m a
-- Specifically:
-- Can't unify
-- S n
-- with
-- m
total reverse : Vect n a -> Vect n a
reverse xs = reverseAcc Nil xs where
reverseAcc : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (m + n) a
reverseAcc {n=(S n)} {m=m} acc (x :: xs) =
rewrite sPlusAssoc m n in reverseAcc (x :: acc) xs
reverseAcc acc Nil = acc
-- - + Errors (1)
-- `-- tutorial.idr line 24 col 20:
-- When elaborating left hand side of vectormanip.reverse, reverseAcc:
-- When elaborating an application of vectormanip.reverse, reverseAcc:
-- Can't unify
-- Vect (S n) a
-- with
-- Vect m a
-- Specifically:
-- Can't unify
-- S n
-- with
-- m
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