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Last active August 29, 2016 08:59
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// This may or may not help you understand what's going
// on in week one of the Stanford Machine Learning course
// particulary if you're coming from Javascript programming.
// The lecture deals with linear regression. You may remember
// a concept called "line of best fit" from middle school.
// A refresher: you have a set of points with x and y co-ordinates
// and you have to draw a straight line through them. It doesn't
// have to intersect all (or any) of the points, but it does need
// to represent the general layout of your dataset. The idea is
// that this will let you make guesses for the y position of a
// new point when you only know the x or vice versa. It often
// won't be 100% accurate, but it'll give you a good idea, and a
// good understanding of the range of possible error it could have
// made.
// A linear regression algorithm is just a way to make a computer
// figure out what the line of best fit for a given dataset is.
// The linear regression algorithm I describe below comes from
// the Stanford Machine Learning course on Coursera. I found it
// to be a bit too mathsy, so I'm writing it out in code, which
// may help some people understand.
// Linear regression algorithms return a function that takes an
// x and returns a guess for the corresponding y value, based on
// the *specific* dataset you trained against. This function is
// called a "model". There are many other kinds of models for
// various other kinds of machine learning algorithms, but because
// we're focusing on linear regression, this model will be the
// function of a line. You may remember this as `y=mx+c` where
// `m` is the slope of the line, and c is the horizontal offset of
// the line, which you can think about as 'the value of the equation
// when x is 0'. In the course, this is written as hθ1=θ1+θ2*x.
// You'll need to make lots of linear functions, so
// lets make that easy.
function prepareLinearFunction (theta1, theta2) {
return x => theta1 + theta2 * x;
// We're assuming in this example that your dataset contains
// two columns, and therefore we have two thetas. You could
// generalise the above function to take more columns into
// account, but for now, lets focus on just two columns.
// Lets define a dataset to learn from. It is possible to
// accurately model this dataset with a line, so we should
// end up without any errors.
const dataset = [
// You'll notice that the 0th element of each inner array is
// the index of that element. I could just use the index,
// but I wanted to make it more obvious.
// Next you'll need a "cost function", which is just a
// fancy name for a function that measures how well a
// model is performing at it's task. To calculate this,
// the function needs both of the current thetas, and
// the dataset it's training against
function costFunction(theta1, theta2, dataset) {
// Here we generate our model using the function we
// wrote earlier, giving it our current theta values.
const model = prepareLinearFunction(theta1,theta2);
// We apply a procedure to our model for each row
// in the dataset.
// First we get the difference between what the
// data row says about the mapping and what our
// model says.
const difference = model(x[0])-x[1];
// We then return the square of that difference.
return Math.pow(difference,2);
}) // Now we have an array of the square of the difference
// between each of the examples and what we predicted for
// their x value. The following line sums that array, which
// we divide by the length of the dataset, and return.
.reduce((x,y)=>{return x+y},0)/dataset.length*2;
// Ok, now we have a cost function. Next up, we implement
// "gradient descent", which is just a prodedure for modifying
// our theta values in a way that will decrease the overall "cost"
// (otherwise known as "error") of our model.
function gradientDescent(learningRate, thetaOne, thetaTwo, dataset) {
// First, we calculate the error of the model that our current
// values of theta creates
const error = costFunction(thetaOne, thetaTwo, dataset);
// Then we use the error, the learning rate to update each theta
// thetas must be updated simultaneously - don't get into a
// situation where you update one and you use that new theta
// to update your next theta. It would probably work, but it's
// not proper gradient descent.
// The gradient descent formula works roughly as follows:
// θj = θj - learningRate * derivitave * error
// The thetas need to be changed simultaneously - that is to say
// that you shouldn't update one theta before updating another,
// because updating one theta will affect the calculation of the
// next.
// In the lecture, we don't learn how to calculate the derivative
// of the error function. We are given the merged derivative and
// cost functions. You can see that the following functions that
// update the next thetas look a little bit like the error function
// with some subtle differences - that's because they are what
// you get when you merge the derivative and error functions.
const model = prepareLinearFunction(thetaOne,thetaTwo);
// Calculate the new theta1
const a = => {
return model(x[0])-x[1];
}).reduce((x,y) => {return x + y}, 0)/dataset.length;
// Calculate the new theta2
const b = => {
return (model(x[0])-x[1])*x[0];
}).reduce((x,y) => {return x + y}, 0)/dataset.length;
const newThetas = [
thetaOne - learningRate * a,
thetaTwo - learningRate * b
// Return the error as well as the new thetas so that we can
// keep all our logging in the same main function.
return { newThetas, error };
// Lets run through the whole training process
(function linearRegress(dataset){
// Initialize thetas to zero. It's not important that
// they're zero, they could start out as any number,
// but zero works just fine.
const initialThetaOne = 0;
const initialThetaTwo = 0;
const learningRate = 0.2;
// Create a named function so that you can recurse
// through the values of theta that gradient descent gives
// you until you converge.
(function reg(learningRate, thetaOne, thetaTwo, dataset) {
console.log(`Current thetas: ${thetaOne}, ${thetaTwo}`);
// Run gradient descent
const {error,newThetas} = gradientDescent(learningRate, thetaOne, thetaTwo, dataset);
console.log(`Those thetas gave us an error of ${error}.`);
if (error < 0.01) {
// Our error is acceptably small! That means our thetas have
// "converged", or "settled" on values that make sense
// for the dataset. Note that because our dataset fits
// perfectly on a line, we can check that our thetas
// match exactly. However, we accept a little bit of error,
// because when the numbers are this small we're going to have
// some floating point rounding error - and we won't be able
// to settle on the correct thetas.
console.log(`Convergeance! Line of best fit is: y = ${thetaOne} + ${thetaTwo}x.`);
// Recursively call this function with updated thetas until
// convergeance happens and the condition above is met
console.log("Running gradient descent again to reduce the error.")
reg(learningRate, newThetas[0], newThetas[1], dataset);
})(learningRate, initialThetaOne, initialThetaTwo, dataset);
// Example output:
// Current thetas: 0, 0
// Those thetas gave us an error of 42.
// Running gradient descent again to reduce the error.
// Current thetas: 0.8, 1.7000000000000002
// Those thetas gave us an error of 1.0699999999999994.
// Running gradient descent again to reduce the error.
// Current thetas: 0.93, 1.9700000000000002
// Those thetas gave us an error of 0.02869999999999997.
// Running gradient descent again to reduce the error.
// Current thetas: 0.9530000000000001, 2.012
// Those thetas gave us an error of 0.002041999999999996.
// Convergeance! Line of best fit is: y = 0.9530000000000001 + 2.012x.
// You can pretty clearly see how close that line is to y = 1 + 2x, which
// is the equation I used to generate the dataset.
// Hopefully you now understand linear regression a little better than
// you did previously. If you enjoyed this post, please let me know, and
// I'll consider continuing to write up more for the rest of the course.
// The course includes things like multi-variate linear and non-linear
// regression, including polynomial regression and neural networks, so
// there should be fun stuff for all. I'm @hughrawlinson on twitter,
// let me know if you'd like me to write those posts.
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