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Last active September 29, 2018 15:17
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boid example
//#define STD_HASHMAP
#include <unordered_map>
#elif defined FLAT_HASHMAP
#include <flat_hash_map.hpp>
#include <boids/ex_boids.h>
#include <toy/toy.h>
#include <boids/Api.h>
#include <meta/boids/Module.h>
#include <infra/JobLoop.h>
//#define TRACY_ENABLE
#include <Tracy.hpp>
namespace boids
//constexpr size_t c_num_threads = 1;
//constexpr size_t c_num_threads = 2;
constexpr size_t c_num_threads = 4;
struct GridHash
static inline int Hash(const vec3& vec, float cellSize) { return Hash(Quantize(vec, cellSize)); }
static inline ivec3 Quantize(const vec3& vec, float cellSize) { return ivec3(floor(vec / cellSize)); }
static inline int Hash(const vec2& vec, float cellSize) { return Hash(Quantize(vec, cellSize)); }
static inline ivec2 Quantize(const vec2& vec, float cellSize) { return ivec2(floor(vec / cellSize)); }
// Simple ivec3 hash based on a pseudo mix of :
// 1)
// 2)
static inline int Hash(const ivec3& grid)
int hash = grid.x;
hash = (hash * 397) ^ grid.y;
hash = (hash * 397) ^ grid.z;
hash += hash << 3;
hash ^= hash >> 11;
hash += hash << 15;
return hash;
static inline int Hash(const ivec2& grid)
int hash = grid.x;
hash = (hash * 397) ^ grid.y;
hash += hash << 3;
hash ^= hash >> 11;
hash += hash << 15;
return hash;
struct BoidSettings
float cell_radius = 1.f;
float separation_weight = 1.f;
float alignment_weight = 1.f;
float target_weight = 1.f;
float obstacle_aversion_distance = 1.f;
struct Cells
Cells() {}
Cells(size_t count)
: indices(count), hash(count), alignment(count), separation(count), obstacle(count), obstacle_distance(count), target(count), count(count), thread(count)
std::vector<int> indices;
std::vector<int> hash;
std::vector<int> thread;
std::vector<vec3> alignment;
std::vector<vec3> separation;
std::vector<int> obstacle;
std::vector<float> obstacle_distance;
std::vector<int> target;
std::vector<int> count;
void resize(size_t size)
indices.resize(size); hash.resize(size), alignment.resize(size); separation.resize(size);
obstacle.resize(size); obstacle_distance.resize(size); target.resize(size); count.resize(size);
using CellMap = std::unordered_map<int, uint32_t>;
#elif defined FLAT_HASHMAP
using CellMap = ska::flat_hash_map<int, uint32_t>;
struct BoidsData
BoidsData() {}
BoidsData(size_t num_cells, size_t num_targets, size_t num_obstacles) : cells(num_cells), targets(num_targets), obstacles(num_obstacles) {}
Cells cells;
CellMap cell_hashes[c_num_threads];
std::vector<Position> targets;
std::vector<Position> obstacles;
void resize(size_t num_cells, size_t num_targets, size_t num_obstacles)
cells.resize(num_cells); targets.resize(num_targets); obstacles.resize(num_obstacles);
for(size_t i = 0; i < c_num_threads; ++i)
cell_hashes[i].reserve(num_cells / c_num_threads);
struct HashPositions
const std::vector<Position>& positions;
std::vector<int>& hashes;
std::vector<int>& threads;
float cell_radius;
inline void operator()(JobSystem& js, Job* job, uint32_t index) const
UNUSED(js); UNUSED(job);
const int hash = GridHash::Hash(positions[index], cell_radius);
hashes[index] = hash;
threads[index] = hash % c_num_threads;
void init_cell(Cells& cells, const std::vector<Position>& targets, const std::vector<Position>& obstacles, int index)
struct Result { size_t index; float distance; };
auto nearest = [](const std::vector<Position>& targets, const vec3& position) -> Result
size_t index = 0;
float distance = length2(position - targets[0].m_value);
for(size_t i = 1; i < targets.size(); i++)
const float d = length2(position - targets[i].m_value);
const bool nearest = d < distance;
distance = nearest ? distance : d;
index = nearest ? index : i;
return { index, sqrt(distance) };
vec3 position = cells.separation[index] / vec3(float(cells.count[index]));
Result obstacle = nearest(obstacles, position);
cells.obstacle[index] = obstacle.index;
cells.obstacle_distance[index] = obstacle.distance;
Result target = nearest(targets, position);[index] = target.index;
cells.indices[index] = index;
void add_cell(Cells& cells, int first, int current)
cells.count[first] += 1;
cells.alignment[first] = cells.alignment[first] + cells.alignment[current];
cells.separation[first] = cells.separation[first] + cells.separation[current];
cells.indices[current] = first;
struct MergeCells
Cells& cells;
const std::vector<int>& hashes;
const std::vector<int>& threads;
CellMap* cell_hashes_mt;
const std::vector<Position>& targets;
const std::vector<Position>& obstacles;
inline void operator()(JobSystem& js, Job* job, uint32_t start, uint32_t count) const
const size_t thread = js.thread();
for(uint32_t index = start; index < start + count; ++index)
const size_t cell_thread = threads[index];
if(cell_thread == thread)
CellMap& cell_hashes = cell_hashes_mt[thread];
const auto& pair = cell_hashes.insert({ hashes[index], index });
if(pair.second == true)
init_cell(cells, targets, obstacles, index);
add_cell(cells, pair.first->second, index);
inline vec3 steer(const BoidSettings& settings, float delta, const vec3& forward, const vec3& position, int count, const vec3& alignment, const vec3& separation,
const vec3& obstacle_position, float obstacle_distance, const vec3& target_position)
vec3 target_heading = settings.target_weight * normalize_safe(target_position - position);
vec3 align = settings.alignment_weight * normalize_safe((alignment / vec3(float(count))) - forward);
vec3 separate = settings.separation_weight * normalize_safe(position - (separation / vec3(float(count))));
vec3 heading = normalize_safe(align + separate + target_heading);
vec3 avoid = position - obstacle_position;
vec3 avoid_heading = (obstacle_position + normalize_safe(avoid) * settings.obstacle_aversion_distance) - position;
float near_obstacle = obstacle_distance - settings.obstacle_aversion_distance;
vec3 desired = near_obstacle < 0.f ? heading : avoid_heading;
return normalize_safe(forward + delta * (desired - forward));
struct Steer
const BoidSettings settings;
const Cells& cells;
const std::vector<Position>& targets;
const std::vector<Position>& obstacles;
const std::vector<Position>& positions;
std::vector<Heading>& headings;
float dt;
size_t start;
size_t count;
inline void operator()(JobSystem& js, Job* job, uint32_t start, uint32_t count) const
UNUSED(js); UNUSED(job);
ZoneScopedNC("steer", tracy::Color::MediumOrchid);
for(uint32_t index = start; index < start + count; ++index)
const int cell = cells.indices[index];
const int obstacle = cells.obstacle[cell];
const int target =[cell];
headings[index] = steer(settings, dt, headings[index], positions[index], cells.count[cell], cells.alignment[cell], cells.separation[cell],
obstacles[obstacle], cells.obstacle_distance[cell], targets[target]);
inline void execute(JobSystem& js, Job* job)
(*this)(js, job, start, count);
class BoidSystem
//std::vector<BoidsData> m_data;
BoidsData m_data;
void update(JobSystem& job_system, float delta)
EntFlags prototype = (1ULL << TypedBuffer<Position>::index()) | (1ULL << TypedBuffer<Heading>::index()) | (1ULL << TypedBuffer<Boid>::index());
std::vector<ParallelBuffers*> matches = s_registry.Match(prototype);
for(ParallelBuffers* stream : matches)
ComponentArray<Position> obstacles = s_registry.Components<Position, BoidObstacle>();
ComponentArray<Position> targets = s_registry.Components<Position, BoidTarget>();
BoidSettings settings;
const ComponentBuffer<Position>& positions = stream->Buffer<Position>();
ComponentBuffer<Heading>& headings = stream->Buffer<Heading>();
size_t count = positions.m_data.size();
//m_data = { count, targets.size(), obstacles.size() };
m_data.resize(count, targets.size(), obstacles.size());
BoidsData& data = m_data;
Job* job_prepare = job_system.job();
ZoneScopedNC("hash positions", tracy::Color::Firebrick1);
HashPositions hash_positions = { positions.m_data, data.cells.hash, data.cells.thread, settings.cell_radius };
Job* hash_positions_job = parallel_jobs<64>(job_system, job_prepare, 0, count, hash_positions);
ZoneScopedNC("cells", tracy::Color::Firebrick1);
Job* job_cells = job_system.job(job_prepare);
parallel_copy<64>(job_system, job_cells, headings.m_data, data.cells.alignment, count);
parallel_copy<64>(job_system, job_cells, positions.m_data, data.cells.separation, count);
parallel_set<64>(job_system, job_cells, 1, data.cells.count, count);
ZoneScopedNC("copy", tracy::Color::Firebrick1);
Job* job_copy = job_system.job(job_prepare);
parallel_copy<64>(job_system, job_copy, targets, data.targets, targets.size());
parallel_copy<64>(job_system, job_copy, obstacles, data.obstacles, targets.size());
ZoneScopedNC("merge cells", tracy::Color::ForestGreen);
constexpr size_t hashmap_split = c_num_threads;
MergeCells merge_cells = { data.cells, data.cells.hash, data.cells.thread, data.cell_hashes, data.targets, data.obstacles };
Job* job_merge_cells = split_jobs<64>(job_system, nullptr, 0, count, merge_cells);
ZoneScopedNC("steer", tracy::Color::MediumOrchid);
Steer steer = { settings, data.cells, data.targets, data.obstacles, positions.m_data, headings.m_data, delta };
Job* job_steer = split_jobs<64>(job_system, nullptr, 0, count, steer);
class MoveForwardSystem
void update(JobSystem& job_system, float delta)
ZoneScopedNC("move forward", tracy::Color::Chocolate);
Job* job_move = job_system.job();
auto move_forward_rotation = [delta](uint32_t handle, Position& position, const Rotation& rotation, const MoveSpeed& move_speed)
position = position.m_value + (delta * move_speed.m_value * rotate(rotation.m_value, -Z3), 0.f);
Job* job_move_rotation = for_components<Position, Rotation, MoveSpeed>(job_system, job_move, move_forward_rotation);;
auto move_forward_heading = [delta](uint32_t handle, Position& position, const Heading& heading, const MoveSpeed& move_speed)
position = position.m_value + (delta * move_speed.m_value * heading.m_value);
Job* job_move_heading = for_components<Position, Heading, MoveSpeed>(job_system, job_move, move_forward_heading);;
class TransformSystem
void update(JobSystem& job_system, float delta)
ZoneScopedNC("transform", tracy::Color::SteelBlue);
auto transform_heading = [delta](uint32_t handle, const Position& position, const Heading& heading, Transform4& transform)
bxlookat(transform, position.m_value, position.m_value + heading.m_value, Y3);
//transform = bxlookat(position.m_value, position.m_value + heading.m_value, Y3);
Job* job_transform = for_components<Position, Heading, Transform4>(job_system, nullptr, transform_heading);
void ex_boids_scene(GameShell& app, GameScene& scene)
UNUSED(app); UNUSED(scene);
Player::Player(World& world)
: m_world(&world)
class ExBoids : public GameModule
ExBoids(Module& module) : GameModule(module) {}
virtual void init(GameShell& app, Game& game) final
s_registry.AddBuffers<Position, Heading, MoveForward, MoveSpeed, Transform4, Boid>();
s_registry.AddBuffers<Position, Rotation, Transform4, BoidObstacle>();
s_registry.AddBuffers<Position, Rotation, Transform4, BoidTarget>();
vec3 random_vec3(float ext)
return vec3(random_scalar(-ext, ext), random_scalar(-ext, ext), random_scalar(-ext, ext), 0.f);
virtual void start(GameShell& app, Game& game) final
DefaultWorld& world = global_pool<DefaultWorld>().construct("Arcadia");
game.m_world = &world.m_world;
static Player player = { *game.m_world };
game.m_player = Ref(&player);
uint32_t obstacle = s_registry.CreateEntity<Position, Rotation, Transform4, BoidObstacle>();
uint32_t target = s_registry.CreateEntity<Position, Rotation, Transform4, BoidTarget>();
float ext = 10.f;
//for(size_t i = 0; i < 2'500; ++i)
//for(size_t i = 0; i < 25'000; ++i)
//for(size_t i = 0; i < 125'000; ++i)
for(size_t i = 0; i < 250'000; ++i)
uint32_t entity = s_registry.CreateEntity<Position, Heading, MoveForward, MoveSpeed, Transform4, Boid>();
s_registry.SetComponent<Position>(entity, random_vec3(ext));
virtual void scene(GameShell& app, GameScene& scene) final
scene.painter("World", [&](size_t index, VisuScene& visu_scene, Gnode& parent) {
Gnode& self = parent.subi((void*)index);
parent.m_scene->m_environment.m_radiance.m_energy = 0.2f;
parent.m_scene->m_environment.m_radiance.m_ambient = 0.04f;
gfx::radiance(self, "radiance/tiber_1_1k.hdr", BackgroundMode::Radiance);
auto paint = [](size_t index, VisuScene& scene, Gnode& parent)
UNUSED(index); UNUSED(scene);
EntFlags prototype = (1ULL << TypedBuffer<Transform4>::index()) | (1ULL << TypedBuffer<Boid>::index());
Model& model = parent.m_scene->m_gfx_system.fetch_symbol({ Colour::White, Colour::White }, Sphere(0.01f), PLAIN);
Material& material = parent.m_scene->m_gfx_system.fetch_symbol_material(Symbol::plain(Colour::White), PLAIN);
//Material& material = gfx::pbr_material(parent.m_scene->m_gfx_system, "boid", Colour::White);
static bool instanced = true;
std::vector<ParallelBuffers*> matches = s_registry.Match(prototype);
for(ParallelBuffers* stream : matches)
const ComponentBuffer<Transform4>& components = stream->Buffer<Transform4>();
std::vector<mat4>& transforms = (std::vector<mat4>&) components.m_data;
const size_t size = std::min(size_t(4096U * 16), transforms.size());
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i += 4096)
const size_t count = std::min(size - i, size_t(4096U));
gfx::item(parent, model, ITEM_NO_UPDATE, &material, count, { + i, count });
//s_registry.Loop<Transform4, Boid>([&parent](uint32_t entity, Transform4& transform, Boid& boid)
s_registry.Loop<Position, Boid>([&parent, &model, &material](uint32_t entity, Position& position, Boid& boid)
UNUSED(entity); UNUSED(boid);
Gnode& node = gfx::node(parent, {}, position.m_value);
gfx::item(node, model, 0U, &material);
//gfx::shape(node, Sphere(0.01f), Symbol::plain(Colour::Pink));
//scene.m_painters.emplace_back(make_unique<VisuPainter>("boids", scene.m_painters.size(), paint));
virtual void pump(GameShell& app, Game& game, Widget& ui) final
this->start(app, game);
auto pump = [&](Widget& parent, Dockbar* dockbar = nullptr)
static GameScene& scene = app.add_scene();
Viewer& viewer = ui::viewer(parent, scene.m_scene);
static BoidSystem boid_system;
static MoveForwardSystem move_forward_system;
static TransformSystem transform_system;
static Clock clock;
float delta = float(clock.step());
boid_system.update(*app.m_job_system, delta);
move_forward_system.update(*app.m_job_system, delta);
transform_system.update(*app.m_job_system, delta);
#ifdef _EX_BOIDS_EXE
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
GameShell app(carray<cstring, 1>{ TOY_RESOURCE_PATH }, argc, argv);
boids::ExBoids module = { _boids::m() };
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