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Created December 20, 2022 18:32
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Lifecycle of Supervisors and Processes - Livebook Notebook - free sample from Elixir Patterns book

Lifecycle of Supervisors and Processes

  {:kino, "~> 0.6.2"}

This is a free sample from the Elixir Patterns book

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In this Livebook document, we will be looking at the lifecycle of supervision trees to better understand how processes are started, restarted, and stopped. Before jumping into the implementation, let's see a visual diagram of what we will be building (later we'll compare this diagram with what Kino.Process.sup_tree/1 reports):

graph TD;
  classDef root fill:#c4b5fd, stroke:#374151, stroke-width:4px;
  classDef supervisor fill:#c4b5fd, stroke:#374151, stroke-width:1px;
  classDef worker fill:#93c5fd, stroke:#374151, stroke-width:1px;
  classDef notstarted color:#777, fill:#d9d9d9, stroke:#777, stroke-width:1px;

  a(GenServer 1):::worker
  c(GenServer 4):::worker
  d(GenServer 2):::worker
  e(GenServer 3):::worker

  x --> a
  x --> y
  x --> c
  y --> d
  y --> e

As you can see, we have a top-level supervisor that starts two processes as well as another supervisor. The child supervisor also has two children which brings the total number of worker processes for this supervision tree to four. In addition, our supervision tree will start in the order specified in the diagram to show how the order in which we define the components of our supervision tree has an impact on how things are started.

Let's start the implementation of the GenServer processes and then move on to our supervisor implementations.

GenServer Process Implementation

Our GenServer for this example will be minimalistic, implementing only the init/1 and terminate/2 callbacks and logging its name when it starts/terminates. By logging the name of the GenServer instance you will be able to see when processes are started relative to their position in the supervision tree definition.

One important thing to note here is the addition of the child_spec/1 function. You may not have seen this function before as the use GenServer macro automatically generates this function for you taking into account the options that you pass to the macro (Elixir source code). The child_spec/1 function is used to configure how a process runs under a supervisor and is required to instruct the supervisor how to treat that process in the case of a restart or shutdown. The reason that we override this default child_spec/1 function, is that if we attempt to add a GenServer to the same Supervisor and the processes have the same :id value in their child specifications, we will get an error along the lines of Evaluation process terminated - bad child specification, more than one child specification has the id: SimpleGenServer since the default GenServer macro uses the module name as the :id.

defmodule SimpleGenServer do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(name) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, name, name: name)

  def child_spec(init_arg) do
        id: init_arg,
        start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [init_arg]}

  @impl true
  def init(name) do
    Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
    IO.puts("Starting GenServer: #{inspect(name)}")

    {:ok, name}

  @impl true
  def terminate(_reason, name) do
    IO.puts("Shutting down GenServer: #{inspect(name)}")


With our minimalist GenServer implementation in place, we can now get started on the implementation of our top-level supervisor module.

Top Level Supervisor

Our top-level supervisor module (ParentSupervisor in the diagram) will start two instances of our GenServer process as well as another supervision tree (ChildSupervisor in the diagram). Let's see what this looks like and then break down what is happening:

defmodule ParentSupervisor do
  use Supervisor

  def start_link(init_arg) do
    Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arg, name: __MODULE__)

  @impl true
  def init(_init_arg) do
    IO.puts("Starting Supervisor: #{inspect(__MODULE__)}")

    children = [
      {SimpleGenServer, :gen_server_one},
      {ChildSupervisor, []},
      {SimpleGenServer, :gen_server_four}

    Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Our parent supervisor starts by calling use Supervisor which automatically defines the child_spec/1 function for our supervisor. It also ensures that the module conforms to the Supervisor behaviour by injecting @behaviour Supervisor into the module. We then go on to implement a start_link/1 similarly to how we do in our GenServer modules. Given that supervisors are also processes, this provides us with a nice function so that we can start the supervision process.

Lastly, we implement the init/1 callback (similarly to how we do in our GenServer modules) and instruct the supervisor what child processes it needs to start. This callback, just like the GenServer init/1 callback will block until all of the child processes have been started and have gone through their own init/1 callbacks.

In this particular Supervisor module, we start SimpleGenServer and give it the name of :gen_server_one, then we start our child supervisor (we'll implement this in the next section), and lastly, we start another instance of SimpleGenServer with the name :gen_server_four as we laid out in our initial diagram. The ParentSupervisor Supervision tree will finish initialization once all of the aforementioned processes have started up. If any of the children fail to initialize properly, the entire supervision tree will be killed.

The last thing to note is that the restart policy, or :strategy, used for the supervisor is :one_for_one. When the strategy is :one_for_one, only a failed process is restarted by the supervisor and the remaining child processes are left to run as they were. Our ChildSupervisor will instead leverage the :one_for_all strategy so we can see how that differs

With the ParentSupervisor in place, let's take a look at the ChildSupervisor and see what that looks like.

Child Supervisor

Our ChildSupervisor module is very similar to our ParentSupervisor module in that it is responsible for starting a couple of processes and then rolling them up under its supervision tree. The major difference in this supervisor module is that the restart strategy for the child processes is :one_for_all. With this strategy, whenever a process encounters an error and is terminated, all of the processes under the supervision tree are terminated, and the whole tree is brought up from scratch. Aside from that subtle difference, the two supervisors or more or less the same:

defmodule ChildSupervisor do
  use Supervisor

  def start_link(init_arg) do
    Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arg, name: __MODULE__)

  @impl true
  def init(_init_arg) do
    IO.puts("Starting Supervisor: #{inspect(__MODULE__)}")

    children = [
      {SimpleGenServer, :gen_server_two},
      {SimpleGenServer, :gen_server_three}

    Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_all)

With our child supervisor all set, it is time to start up the entire supervision tree and experiment with it to see how how it starts up and how it reacts to various simulated errors.

Starting the Supervision Tree

With all of the necessary components in place, we are ready to fire up our supervision tree! You'll notice that when the ParentSupervisor starts, the log statements are printed in a depth-first traversal order as the ParentSupervisor starts up all of the processes and the ChildSupervisor. Also note that no matter how many times you run the following snippet, the order of the print statements remains the same (the start order is deterministic). To reinforce that the supervision tree that we created mirrors the structure that we initially described at the top of this document, we can lean on Kino.Process module to render the supervision tree for us (the order of the processes in this diagram may differ as the tools in Kino.Process do not take into account start order for processes in the tree).

# Kill the supervision tree if it is already running so that you don't encounter
# any errors starting the tree.
if is_pid(Process.whereis(ParentSupervisor)) do

# Start the supervision tree

# Output the supervision tree

Simulating Errors

With our supervision tree up and running, it's time to experiment with it a little and see what happens under different failure scenarios. If you recall, our supervisors had different restart strategies for when the processes fail. With the ParentSupervisor, only the processes that crash are restarted. Whereas with the ChildSupervisor, all of the processes under the supervisor are restarted if any of them crash. Let's artificially induce some failures and see this in action.

GenServer.stop(:gen_server_two, :brutal_kill)

As you can see, both :gen_server_two and :gen_server_three are restarted and their print statements are invoked (also note that their start order is just as we expect). Now, let's try restarting one of the GenServers under the ParentSupervisor and see what happens:

GenServer.stop(:gen_server_one, :brutal_kill)

As you can see the only process that is restarted is the :gen_server_one process as the restart strategy for the ParentSupervisor supervisor is :one_for_one. Let's also brutally kill the ChildSupervisor to see that the ParentSupervisor is able to bring it back up without any issues:

GenServer.stop(ChildSupervisor, :brutal_kill)
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