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Created June 15, 2012 01:44
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CoffeeScript Parallax Scrolling
$.fn.translate = (x, y) ->
translate = "translate(#{x}px, #{y}px)"
this.css('-moz-transform', translate);
this.css('-o-transform', translate);
this.css('-ms-transform', translate);
this.css('-webkit-transform', translate);
this.css('transform', translate);
$.fn.translate3d = (x, y, z) ->
translate3d = "translate3d(#{x}px, #{y}px, #{z}px)"
this.css('-moz-transform', translate3d);
this.css('-o-transform', translate3d);
this.css('-ms-transform', translate3d);
this.css('-webkit-transform', translate3d);
this.css('transform', translate3d);
$.fn.parallax = (x, y) ->
this.translate x, y
class Slide
constructor: (slide) ->
@el = $(slide.selector)
@ratio = slide.ratio
@number = slide.number
@first = slide.first
elements = @el.children('.parallax')
@parallaxes = (new Pitch.Slide.Item(el) for el in elements)
resize: (width) ->
if width < 1024
width = 1024
@el.height(width * @ratio)
@el.find('.background').height(width * @ratio)
update: ->
# this is fucking bullshit....
if @first and @el.position().top isnt 0
window.compasateOffset = @el.position().top
@midpoint = @el.height() / 2
@top = @el.position().top - window.compasateOffset
@start = @top - @midpoint
@end = @el.height() + @top + @midpoint
@start = 0 if @first
transition: (position) ->
self = @
for parallax in @parallaxes
vspeed = parallax.vspeed()
hspeed = parallax.hspeed()
vcurrent = parallax.vcurrent()
hcurrent = parallax.hcurrent()
vgoto = vcurrent
hgoto = hcurrent
if position >= self.end
vgoto = self.midpoint * 3 * vspeed
hgoto = self.midpoint * 3 * hspeed
if position <= self.start
if self.first
vgoto = 0
hgoto = 0
vgoto = -self.midpoint * vspeed
hgoto = -self.midpoint * hspeed
if position < self.end and position > self.start
if self.insection(self.position)
vgoto += (position - self.position) * vspeed
hgoto += (position - self.position) * hspeed
if self.isbelow(position)
vgoto += (position - self.end) * vspeed
hgoto += (position - self.end) * hspeed
else if self.isabove(position)
vgoto += (position - self.start) * vspeed
hgoto += (position - self.start) * hspeed
if position is
vgoto = 0
hgoto = 0 'vcurrent', vgoto 'hcurrent', hgoto
parallax.move hgoto, vgoto
@position = position
insection: (position) ->
@start <= position and position <= @end
isbelow: (position) ->
@position > position
isabove: (position) ->
@position < position
class Parallax
constructor: (el) ->
@el = $(el)
move: (x, y) ->
@el.parallax x, y
vspeed: -> 'vspeed'
hspeed: -> 'hspeed'
hcurrent: -> 'hcurrent'
vcurrent: -> 'vcurrent'
class Slide.Item extends Parallax
constructor: (el) ->
super el
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