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Last active February 8, 2021 02:03
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Running Adafruit_Blinka with the blinka_displayio_pygamedisplay library on macOS



This gist is to create the smallest necessary contents to create a Python environment on macOS that can support running the Adafruit_Blinka library along with the blinka_displayio_pygamedisplay library. This primary purpose for this is to shorten the feedback look when developing and testing graphical elements for CircuitPython. This allows the developer to work locally on their computer, without the need to have a CircuitPython hardware environment on-hand to do tests.

While this was created specifically ON and FOR macOS, it should work on any other platform compatible with Python3. If it doesn't, I'm afraid I will be of no help to you. However, if you provide feedback what what doesn't work, or what change is needed, I'm happy to incorporate it.


The process to get this sample going is rather straightforward.

  1. Download the files from this gist
  1. Put these files together in a directory where you'll be working from
  2. [Optional] Set the "execute" bit on
  3. Execute
  • If you did step 3, all you should need to do is ./
  • If you did not, you will need to call with your prefered shell. Bash is assumed as a default.
  1. This will open the sample file in the system defined editor, from the $EDITOR environment variable, or its fallback.
  • Take this opportunity to review the file, but don't make any changes, to ensure the first run is succesful with the test script as-is).
  1. When you exit the editor, the script will run. You should see a window that is 320x200 pixels, with a pleasing blue colour to it. To exit the application, quit as you would any other application.

Key Notes

The key element here, particularly for macOS, are on lines #10, #25 and #28

  • Line #10: The value for the auto_refresh constructor parameter MUST be False.
  • Line #25: The "forever" loop MUST be the runtime of the display window.
  • Line #28: Calling display.refresh() is necessary to update the contents of the display window.

One more thing...

Since we've created a virtual environment ( line #12) and then unloaded it (line #28), it will no longer be active once the script is done running. To do more work in this environment, make sure you load (activate) the virtual environment using the command source ./.venv/bin/activate. When you're done, if you intend to keep your terminal open, use the command deactivate, which will unload (deactivate) the virtual environment.

You can find more information about virtual Python environments using virtualenv on the project's documentation page.


A few notes of thanks and grartitude go to Adafruit for making such a wonderful ecosystem and community, to @foamyguy for the inspiration and "blinka_displayio_pygamedisplay" library, and the CircuitPython Community for help getting me going!

That's it!

Just remember to take your time, have fun, and you've got this! I have faith you can do it!


#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Create and move into our working directory
mkdir DisplayTest
cp ./DisplayTest/
cd DisplayTest
# Create a virtual Python3 environment, to keep things sane
python3 -m virtualenv .venv
# Ensure we load our virtual environment
source ./.venv/bin/activate
# Required libraries to work with our sample
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install adafruit_blinka
pip3 install blinka_displayio_pygamedisplay
# "Let's rock" -Al Bundy
# "...and roll" -Me
# Then unload (deactivate) the virtual environment and keep things tidy.
# Follow instructions to load it anew
import displayio
import time
import random
from adafruit_blinka import board
from blinka_displayio_pygamedisplay import PyGameDisplay
# The key here is "auto_refresh=False". Failing to do so will create a new thread
# for the rendering, and macOS (or the Python implementation for it) can only be
# performed on the main (UI) thread.
display = PyGameDisplay(width=320, height=240, auto_refresh=False)
splash = displayio.Group(max_size=10)
# Create a bitmap for us to work with on the display
color_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(display.width, display.height, 1)
color_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
color_palette[0] = 0x2266DD
# Create outr sprite to display
bg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(color_bitmap, pixel_shader=color_palette, x=0, y=0)
# Must check display.running in the main loop, since this is a graphical application
while display.running:
# Repaint the display
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hugodahl commented Feb 8, 2021

Oh, right on. I totally forgot to load the virtual environment 🤦 So of course PIP saved all libraries into the global cache. I'll update my script here to fix that.

The pitfalls of automatically loading and unloading virtual environments from one's shell 🙁

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kmatch98 commented Feb 8, 2021

I added this to the top of my file to get it to add my current directory to the library. I suspect there is a better way to add some other location permanently so I don't have to put it in each file.

Another thing I noticed is that Blinka doesn't seem to work with .mpy files. I had to go to github and download the raw .py of the library files.

import sys

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