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Created May 31, 2012 00:41
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OAuth with friend and oauthentic
(ns myapp.authenticate.oauth
"OAuth authentication"
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clj-http.client :as http]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as logging])
[oauthentic.core :only [build-authorization-url fetch-token]]
[ring.util.response :only [redirect]]
[myapp.user :only [add-user update-user user-from-token]]
[slingshot.slingshot :only [throw+]]))
(def github-endpoint "")
(defn github-user-lookup
(let [resp (http/get (str github-endpoint "/user")
{:headers {"Authorization" (str "token " token)}})
parser #(json/parse-string % true)
data (-> resp :body parser)]
(select-keys data [:email :company])
{:username (:login data)
:fullname (:name data)})))
(defn github-auth
"GitHub authentication endpoint.
: The client ID you received from GitHub when you registered your application
: A sequence of scope strings (scopes are described here:"
[client-id client-secret scopes]
{:type :oauth
:authority "github"
:params {:authorization-url ""
:authorization-params (fn [redirect-url]
{:client_id client-id
:scope (string/join "," scopes)
:redirect-uri redirect-url})
:access-token-url ""
:access-token-params (fn [code]
{:client-id client-id
:client-secret client-secret
:code code})}
:user-lookup github-user-lookup})
(defn authentication-url
"Authenticate via OAuth"
[{:keys [params] :as auth-option} redirect-uri]
(let [{:keys [authorization-url authorization-params]} params]
authorization-url (authorization-params redirect-uri))))
(defn authentication-token
[{:keys [params] :as auth-option} redirect-uri {:as request}]
(logging/debugf "authentication-token params %s" (:params request))
(let [{:keys [access-token-url access-token-params access-token-url]} params
code (-> request :params (get "code"))
error (-> request :params (get "error"))]
(if error
{:reason :oauth-failed
:error error}
"OAuth failed %s" error)
"authentication-token %s %s"
(access-token-params code))
(let [{:keys [access-token token-type]} (fetch-token
(access-token-params code))]
(defn login
"Returns a function that redirects a user for authentication."
[params redirect-url]
(fn [request]
(let [url (authentication-url params redirect-url)]
(logging/debugf "Redirect to %s for OAuth login" url)
(redirect url))))
(defn update-user-from-authority
[user user-data]
(let [empty-fields (map key (filter (comp nil? val) user))
new-data (into {} (filter val (select-keys user-data empty-fields)))]
(if (seq new-data)
(update-user (merge user new-data))
(defn authenticate
"Returns a function that returns an authenticated user."
[{:keys [authority user-lookup] :as auth-option} redirect-url]
(fn [request]
(let [token (authentication-token auth-option redirect-url request)]
(let [user (user-from-token token authority)
user-data (user-lookup token)]
(logging/debugf "authenticate %s %s" user user-data)
(if user
(update-user-from-authority user user-data)
(let [user (add-user user-data authority token)]
(catch Exception e
(logging/warnf e "Couldn't get token for user")))))
(defn oauth-workflow
"OAuth workflow for friend"
[& {:keys [oauth-params login-url redirect-url]}]
(let [login (login oauth-params redirect-url)
authenticate (authenticate oauth-params redirect-url)]
(fn [{:keys [uri] :as request}]
(logging/debugf "oauth-workflow %s" uri)
(= uri (.getPath login-url))
(login request)
(= uri (.getPath redirect-url))
(let [user (authenticate request)]
(if user
{:identity (:id user) :roles #{:user}}
{:cemerick.friend/workflow :oauth
:type :cemerick.friend/auth})
(logging/warn "AUTH FAIL - should never happen")))))))
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ebaxt commented Aug 26, 2013

In case anyone else tries this, use [org.clojars.deadprogram/oauthentic "1.0.4"] not [oauthentic "1.0.1"]

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