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Created October 17, 2010 21:24
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A somewhat cleaner version
(ns pallet.compute.jclouds-ssh-test
[clojure.contrib.logging :as logging])
[org.jclouds.ssh SshClient ExecResponse]
(defn instantiate [impl-class & args]
(let [constructor (first
(fn [c] (= (count args) (count (.getParameterTypes c))))
(.getDeclaredConstructors impl-class)))]
(.newInstance impl-class (object-array args))))
;; define an instance or implementation of the following interfaces:
(defn maybe-invoke [f & args]
(when f
(apply f args)))
(defn default-exec
"Default exec function - replies to ./runscript status by returning 1"
{:exit 0 :err "stderr" :out "stdout"}
(condp = cmd
"./bootstrap status" {:exit 1 :out "[]"}
(deftype NoOpClient
[socket username password]
(connect [this])
(disconnect [this])
(exec [this cmd]
(logging/info (format "ssh cmd: %s" cmd))
(let [response (default-exec cmd)]
(ExecResponse. (:out response) (:err response) (:exit response))))
(get [this path] )
(^void put [this ^String path ^String content])
(^void put [this ^String path ^ content])
(getUsername [this] username)
(getHostAddress [this] (.getAddress socket)) )
(defn no-op-ssh-client
[socket username password]
(NoOpClient. socket username password))
(deftype SshClientFactory
[_ ^IPSocket socket ^String username ^String password-or-key]
(factory-fn socket username password-or-key))
[_ ^IPSocket socket ^String username ^bytes password-or-key]
(factory-fn socket username password-or-key)))
(deftype Module
[factory binder]
[this abinder]
(reset! binder abinder)
(.. @binder (bind org.jclouds.ssh.SshClient$Factory)
(toInstance factory))))
(defn ssh-test-module
"Create a module that specifies the factory for creating a test service"
(let [binder (atom nil)]
(Module. factory binder)))
(defn ssh-test-client
"Create a module that can be passed to a compute-context, and which implements
an ssh client with the provided map of function implementations. Keys are
clojurefied versions of org.jclouds.ssh.SshClient's methods"
(ssh-test-module (SshClientFactory. factory-fn)))
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