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Created March 16, 2011 18:15
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(ns pallet.action-plan
"An action plan contains actions for execution.
The action plan is built by executing a phase function. Each phase function
calls actions which insert themselves into the action plan.
The action plan is transformed to provide aggregated operations, and to
resolve precedence relations between actions.
A translated plan is executed by passing an executor, which is a map
from action type to function. The executor functions are called with the
result of evaluating the action with it's arguments."
{:author "Hugo Duncan"}
[pallet.argument :as argument]
[pallet.request-map :as request-map]
[pallet.script :as script]
[clojure.contrib.condition :as condition]
[clojure.contrib.logging :as logging]
[clojure.contrib.monads :as monad]
[clojure.string :as string])
[clojure.contrib.def :only [defunbound defvar defvar- name-with-attributes]]
;; The action plan is a stack of actions, where the action could itself
;; be a stack of actions (ie a tree of stacks)
(defn push-block
"Push a block onto the action-plan"
(conj (or action-plan '(nil nil)) nil))
(defn pop-block
"Take the last block and add it to the scope below it in the stack.
The block is reversed to put it into the order in which elements
were added. Once pop'd, nothing should be added to the block."
(let [block (peek action-plan)
stack (pop action-plan)]
(if-let [stem (next stack)]
(conj stem (conj (first stack) (reverse block)))
(if-let [stem (seq (first stack))]
(conj stem (reverse block))
(reverse block)))))
(defn add-action
"Add an action to the plan"
[action-plan action]
(let [action-plan (or action-plan '(nil nil))
block (peek action-plan)
stack (pop action-plan)]
(conj stack (conj block action))))
;; pallet specific action
(defn action-map
"Return an action map for the given args. The action plan is a tree of
action maps.
- :f the action function
- :args the arguments to pass to the action function
- :location where to execute the action - :orgin or :target
- :type the type of action - :script/bash, :fn/clojure, etc
- :execution the execution type - :in-sequence, :aggregated, :collected
- :value the result of calling the action function, :f, with :args
- :request the request map after calling the action function."
[action-fn args execution resource-type location]
{:f action-fn
:args args
:location location
:type resource-type
:execution execution})
;;; utilities
(defn- script-join
"Concatenate multiple scripts, removing blank lines"
(map #(when % (string/trim %)))
(filter (complement string/blank?))
(string/join \newline))
;;; transform functions for working with an action-plan containing action-maps
;;; with :nested-scope types
(defn- walk-action-plan
"Traverses an action-plan structure. leaf-fn is applied to leaf
action, list-fn to sequences of actions, and nested-fn to
a nested scope. nested-fn takes the existin nested scope and a transformed
arg list"
[leaf-fn list-fn nested-fn action-plan]
(sequential? action-plan) (list-fn
#(walk-action-plan leaf-fn list-fn nested-fn %)
(= :nested-scope (:type action-plan)) (nested-fn
leaf-fn list-fn nested-fn
(:args action-plan)))
:else (leaf-fn action-plan)))
;;; transform input nested scopes into action maps with :type :nested-scope
(defn- scope-action
"A scope combining action."
[request & args]
(script-join (map #((:f %) request) args)))
(defn- nested-scope-transform
"Transform a nested scope into an action-map with :type :nested-scope"
{:pre [(sequential? x)]}
{:f scope-action
:args x
:type :nested-scope
:execution :in-sequence
:location :target})
(defn transform-nested-scopes
"Traverses an action-plan structure. Converting nested scopes into
(sequential? action-plan) (nested-scope-transform
(vec (map transform-nested-scopes action-plan)))
:else action-plan))
(defn- transform-scopes
"Transforms nexted scopes into an action map."
(map transform-nested-scopes action-plan))
;;; transform executions
(defn- group-by-function
"Transforms a seq of actions, generally some with identical :f values into a
sequence of actions where the :args are the concatenation of all of the :args
of associated with each :f in the original seq. Sequence order from the
original seq is retained. Keys over than :f and :args are assumed identical
for a given :f value.
e.g. (group-by-function
[{:f :a :args [1 2]}
{:f :b :args [3 4]}
{:f :a :args [5 6]}
{:f :c :args [7 8]]])
=> ({:f :a :args ([1 2] [5 6])}
{:f :c :args ([7 8])}
{:f :b :args ([3 4])})"
(group-by :f)
(map (fn [[_ action-calls]]
#(update-in %1 [:args] conj (:args %2))
(assoc (first action-calls) :args [])
(def ^{:doc "Execution specifc transforms" :private true}
{:aggregated [group-by-function]
:collected [group-by-function]})
(defvar- execution-ordering [:aggregated :in-sequence :collected])
(defn- transform-execution
"Transform an execution by applying execution-transforms."
[execution action-plan]
(if-let [transforms (execution-transforms execution)]
(reduce #(%2 %1) action-plan transforms)
(defn- transform-scope-executions
"Sort an action plan scope into different executions, applying execution
specific transforms."
(let [executions (group-by :execution action-plan)]
#(transform-execution % (% executions))
(defn- transform-executions
"Sort an action plan into different executions, applying execution specific
#(assoc %1 :args %2)
;;; enforce declared precedence rules
(defn- action-precedence-comparator
"A comparator for precedence between actions."
[x y]
(let [before-fn (fn [f]
(let [before (:always-before (meta f))
before (if (or (set? before) (nil? before))
before (seq
(filter identity (map find-var before)))]
(into #{} (map
(comp :pallet.action/action-fn meta var-get)
fx (:f x)
fy (:f y)]
((before-fn fx) fy) -1
((before-fn fy) fx) 1
:else 0)))
(defn- enforce-scope-precedence
"Enforce precedence relations between actions in a scope."
(sort action-precedence-comparator action-plan)) ; sort is order preserving
(defn- enforce-precedence
"Enforce precedence relations between actions."
#(assoc %1 :args %2)
;;; convert nested-scopes to script functions
(defn- script-type-scope
"Convert a scope to a single script function"
(if (= :nested-scope (:type action-map))
(assoc action-map :type :script/bash :target)
(defn- script-type-scopes-in-scope
"Reduce a nested scopes of a single scope to a compound action"
(map script-type-scope action-plan))
(defn- script-type-scopes
"Reduce nested scopes to a compound action"
(fn [action _] action)
;;; Bind arguments
(defn- evaluate-args
"Evaluate an argument sequence"
[request args]
(map (fn [arg] (when arg (argument/evaluate arg request))) args))
(defn- apply-action
"Returns a function that applies args to the function f,
evaluating the arguments."
[f args]
(fn [request]
(apply f request (evaluate-args request args))))
(defn- apply-aggregated-action
"Apply args-seq to the function f, evaluating each argument list in args-seq."
[f args-seq]
(fn [request]
(f request (map #(evaluate-args request %) args-seq))))
(defmulti bind-action-arguments
"Bind an action's arguments."
(fn [{:keys [execution]}] execution))
(defmethod bind-action-arguments :in-sequence
[{:keys [f args] :as action-map}]
(update-in [:f] apply-action args)
(dissoc :args)))
(defmethod bind-action-arguments :aggregated
[{:keys [f args] :as action-map}]
(update-in [:f] apply-aggregated-action args)
(dissoc :args)))
(defmethod bind-action-arguments :collected
[{:keys [f args] :as action-map}]
(update-in [:f] apply-aggregated-action args)
(dissoc :args)))
(defn- bind-scope-arguments
"Takes an action plan scope and binds each actions arguments"
(map bind-action-arguments action-plan))
(defn- bind-arguments
"Takes an action plan and binds each actions arguments"
#(assoc %1 :args %2)
;;; combine by location and type
(defmulti combine-actions
"Combine actions by type"
(fn [actions] (:type (first actions))))
(defmethod combine-actions :default
(fn combine-actions-compose [combined action]
(update-in combined [:f] #(comp (:f action) %)))
(defmethod combine-actions :script/bash
(assoc (first actions)
:f (fn [request] (script-join (map #((:f %) request) actions)))))
(defmethod combine-actions :transfer/to-local
(assoc (first actions)
:f (fn [request] (map #((:f %) request) actions))))
(defmethod combine-actions :transfer/from-local
(assoc (first actions)
:f (fn [request] (map #((:f %) request) actions))))
(defn- combine-scope-by-location-and-type
"Combines the bound actions of a scope by location and type, producing
compound actions"
(partition-by (juxt :location :type))
(map combine-actions)))
(defn- combine-by-location-and-type
"Combines bound actions by location and type, producing compound actions"
#(assoc %1 :args %2)
;;; augment return
(defmulti augment-return
"Change the return type of an action, to be an action map with
:value and :request keys that are the value of the action, and the updated
request map for the next action. This creates a consistent return value for
all action types (effectively creating a monadic value which is a map)."
(fn [{:keys [type] :as action}] type))
(defmethod augment-return :default
[{:keys [f] :as action}]
(assoc action
:f (fn [request]
(assoc action
:request request
:value (f request)))))
(defmethod augment-return :fn/clojure
[{:keys [f] :as action}]
(assoc action
:f (fn [request]
(let [request (f request)]
(assoc action
:request request
:value request)))))
(defn- augment-scope-return-values
"Augment the return values of each action in a scope."
(map augment-return action-plan))
(defn- augment-return-values
"Augment the return values of each action."
#(assoc %1 :args %2)
;;; translate action plan
(defn translate
"Process the action-plan, applying groupings and precedence, producing
an action plan with fully bound functions, ready for execution.
This is equivalent to using an identity monad with a monadic value
that is a tree of action maps."
pop-block ;; pop the default block
;;; execute action plan
(defn execute-action
"Execut a single action"
[executor [result request] {:keys [f type] :as action}]
(let [executor-f (executor type)
{:keys [request value]} (f request)]
(format "action-plan/execute-action :type %s :value %s" type value))
[(conj result (executor-f value)) request]))
(defn execute
"Execute actions by passing the evaluated actions to the function of the
correct type in `executor` (a map of functions keyed by action type)."
[action-plan request executor]
(format "action-plan/execute with %s actions" (count action-plan)))
(reduce #(execute-action executor %1 %2) [[] request] action-plan))
;;; Target specific functions
(defn target-path
"Return the vector path of the action plan for the current request target"
{:pre [(keyword? (request-map/phase request))
(keyword? (request-map/target-id request))]}
[:action-plan (request-map/phase request) (request-map/target-id request)])
(defn- script-template-for-node-spec
"Return the script template for the specified node spec."
(let [family (-> node-spec :image :os-family)]
(filter identity
(:packager node-spec)
(when-let [version (-> node-spec :image :os-version)]
(keyword (format "%s-%s" (name family) version)))])))
(defn script-template
"Return the script template for the current group node."
(assoc (-> request :node-type) :packager (:target-packager request))))
;;; action plan functions based on request
(defn build-for-target
"Create the action plan by calling the current phase for the target group."
{:pre [(:phase request)]}
(let [phase (:phase request)]
(if-let [f (or
(phase (:phases (:node-type request)))
(phase (:phases request)))]
(script/with-template (script-template request)
(f request))
(defn get-for-target
"Get the action plan for the current phase and target node."
(get-in request (target-path request)))
(defn translate-for-target
"Build the action plan and translate for the current phase and target node."
{:pre [(:phase request)]}
(update-in request (target-path request) translate))
(defn execute-for-target
"Execute the translated action plan for the current target."
[request executor]
{:pre [(:phase request)]}
(script/with-template (script-template request)
(get-in request (target-path request)) request executor)))
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